Vlog Ep.504 - Become a Brownie! - ✩ Twitter - ✩ SNAPCHAT! mr.benbrown ✩ Instagram - ✩ Blog/Website - ✩ FaceBook - ✩ Tumblr - Check Jack - Check Pumba - Check - Dan SnapChat - DanTheDirector Check Nicole - Snapchat - NicoleEddy1 Check Matt (SP) - SnapChat - sliceofmatt Check Louis - Check Nick - SnapChat - nickmillerza __ Music ’Good Vibrations’ Akouo Flip SoundCloud - YouTube - FaceBook - Twitter - Instagram - __ Shot on Canon G7 X, Canon 5D mk3, GoPro Hero 3+ __ FAQs - for those of you bright enough to read the description before commenting with the same boring questions ... :) - How old are you? - 28 - Where do you live? - Surrey, UK - What hair product do you use? - VO5 Re-Work - What do you ask for at the hairdresser? - The 'Ben Brown' - What breed of dog is Alfie? - Tibetan Terrier - When did you start kayaking? - When I was 8 years old. - What size penny board do you ride? - I have both the Penny & the Nickel. - What do your tattoos mean? My star was just because I thought it looked good. My skull was my reward for winning the marathon world championships in 2010, my triangle on my hand reminds me to keep moving forward and make progress, and my turtle/Pura Vida tattoo on my leg is a reminder of my amazing time in Costa Rica :) - How do you make money? - YouTube/Freelance film/photo & my clothing brand - Do you ship Work In Progress clothing world wide? - We ship to most countries. - What editing program do you use? - Premier Pro CC on Mac - Did you go to university? - Nope - Will you be going to the Olympics? - Hopefully if they introduce Marathon Kayaking into the Olympic program! - Can you tell me where you get your t-shirts printed? - The answer is in one of my vlogs... - What steady cam do you use? - A really cheap one from ebay. - Why aren't you training for kayaking anymore? - I see new opportunities everyday, I'm just grabbing them as they appear and keep working hard, right now that's YouTube & Film. I'm happy I made the change! - How long do your vlogs take to edit? - They vary massively, sometimes 1 hour sometimes 6+ Still got questions? Check my 'Ask Ben' Video! - __ P.s. I love my subscribers :) xx

SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 489

Surf 10 years ago 655,817 views

Vlog Ep.504 - Become a Brownie! - ✩ Twitter - ✩ SNAPCHAT! mr.benbrown ✩ Instagram - ✩ Blog/Website - ✩ FaceBook - ✩ Tumblr - Check Jack - Check Pumba - Check - Dan SnapChat - DanTheDirector Check Nicole - Snapchat - NicoleEddy1 Check Matt (SP) - SnapChat - sliceofmatt Check Louis - Check Nick - SnapChat - nickmillerza __ Music ’Good Vibrations’ Akouo Flip SoundCloud - YouTube - FaceBook - Twitter - Instagram - __ Shot on Canon G7 X, Canon 5D mk3, GoPro Hero 3+ __ FAQs - for those of you bright enough to read the description before commenting with the same boring questions ... :) - How old are you? - 28 - Where do you live? - Surrey, UK - What hair product do you use? - VO5 Re-Work - What do you ask for at the hairdresser? - The 'Ben Brown' - What breed of dog is Alfie? - Tibetan Terrier - When did you start kayaking? - When I was 8 years old. - What size penny board do you ride? - I have both the Penny & the Nickel. - What do your tattoos mean? My star was just because I thought it looked good. My skull was my reward for winning the marathon world championships in 2010, my triangle on my hand reminds me to keep moving forward and make progress, and my turtle/Pura Vida tattoo on my leg is a reminder of my amazing time in Costa Rica :) - How do you make money? - YouTube/Freelance film/photo & my clothing brand - Do you ship Work In Progress clothing world wide? - We ship to most countries. - What editing program do you use? - Premier Pro CC on Mac - Did you go to university? - Nope - Will you be going to the Olympics? - Hopefully if they introduce Marathon Kayaking into the Olympic program! - Can you tell me where you get your t-shirts printed? - The answer is in one of my vlogs... - What steady cam do you use? - A really cheap one from ebay. - Why aren't you training for kayaking anymore? - I see new opportunities everyday, I'm just grabbing them as they appear and keep working hard, right now that's YouTube & Film. I'm happy I made the change! - How long do your vlogs take to edit? - They vary massively, sometimes 1 hour sometimes 6+ Still got questions? Check my 'Ask Ben' Video! - __ P.s. I love my subscribers :) xx

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Most popular comments

Johnson Phan
Johnson Phan - 6 years ago
The first video i ever saw! still one of my favourites to this day!.
eblalgen - 6 years ago
Probably the 10th time I’ve watched this particular vlog. It’s just so good, Ben. I miss the squad.
Gabby Flying Chef
Gabby Flying Chef - 6 years ago
How much did they pay those boys, 20 cents?
Dustin Sharber
Dustin Sharber - 6 years ago
That was so epically Gay that it made me cringe. I don't know if you can call that surfing. Last time I saw someone get stoked about riding straight on tiny waves, was when we were all 6. Keep charging dudes.
Chris Gibbons
Chris Gibbons - 6 years ago
Isn't there another break like this somewhere?
Cobus Els
Cobus Els - 6 years ago
Fuck a land rover.Die pap loop duk.
Eliott Hall
Eliott Hall - 6 years ago
5:43 what camera is that?
L - 6 years ago
Too many kooks doing surf blogs these days.
Niamh & Billy
Niamh & Billy - 7 years ago
Still come back and watch these vlogs so sick

10. comment for SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL!

chris large
chris large - 7 years ago
This is my favourite blog of all time ! So cool
AVN - ALL VIEWS News - 7 years ago
YaY!!! Go Strait!! Woot Woot....OhHHhHhHHhh woooooohhhh!!! Cut my foot; GNARLy DuDe!! U see me go over the falls...InSaNe bro!!! lol Would be a cool "Novelty" Wave if it actually had a wave. Does this place actually ever get anything actually SURFABLE!??!
Grace Dua rte
Grace Dua rte - 7 years ago
Porter Fairbourne
Porter Fairbourne - 7 years ago
Where is this?
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild - 7 years ago
very unique surf set up .wave quality unfortunately is very low. Don't know or care about these people enough for video to redeem itself
Jonathan Smith
Jonathan Smith - 7 years ago
thats in blue crush 2
wildvibes - 7 years ago
What is the camera he has at 5:43. He said it was good for film making
welsh mx
welsh mx - 7 years ago
I wonder how he surfs such a small board
Zebulon B
Zebulon B - 7 years ago
I don't get it . . . that's a shitty wave. Is this some kind of life style Vlog channel or some shit?
Surf Editing Media
Surf Editing Media - 7 years ago
Where is this?

20. comment for SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL!

chanctonbury63 - 7 years ago
Nice idea, but a bit inconsequential to be honest!
sami moring
sami moring - 7 years ago
what a unique wave
T Macca
T Macca - 8 years ago
Is that a Clayton board
Rohan Ramachandran
Rohan Ramachandran - 8 years ago
When did Ben start surfing?
M8cell - 8 years ago
Such a shitty wave. But I guess still kind of cool if you're close by.
Hungry Hungarian
Hungry Hungarian - 8 years ago
Shark Alley!!!
Christopher Harley
Christopher Harley - 8 years ago
Why the hell do he not have 10 million subs like if u agree
Alvin Sandstrom
Alvin Sandstrom - 8 years ago
recently assumption hero fool recovery ingredient.
Sophie Di Betta
Sophie Di Betta - 8 years ago
Where is this place?? It's definitely going on my must visit list!
XX XX - 8 years ago
Hi random person scrolling through the comments

30. comment for SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL!

EL CAPITAN - 8 years ago
Thats not even a ridable wave. smh
XxDesertMonkey47xX - 8 years ago
Wow nice video thats cool lol i dont evan have sandals lol
Shake AU
Shake AU - 8 years ago
what an average wave
rick meister
rick meister - 8 years ago
Absolutely "BORING.
I've seen better episodes of the Brady Bunch.
Keryn - 8 years ago
rick meister Don't come here with your negative vibes
wessel breunissen
wessel breunissen - 8 years ago
Come to Bellville And CY
Simon Isenberg
Simon Isenberg - 8 years ago
Too much people filming people photographing people but that instrumental loop was great and I digged the muffling while under water :)
Awesome spot that hole in the wall!
James Cassidy
James Cassidy - 8 years ago
i never understand why people dislike things like this! haters gunna hate! fuck em!
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
is that the same spot in Blue Crush 2 ??
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
Abby smith
Abby smith - 8 years ago
Cozzy Internet
Slade Rose
Slade Rose - 8 years ago
Grace wilson
Grace wilson - 8 years ago
can anyone tell what brand of board hes riding
Mitch Modin
Mitch Modin - 8 years ago
Ben, how come Nicole is wearing a USATF sweatshirt? Did you guys ever go to a meet or did she ever run?
Toby Lean
Toby Lean - 8 years ago
You were better when u did videos like this
Matthew Brannen
Matthew Brannen - 8 years ago
this is one of my fav vlogs ever. Always a good one to come back and watch!
Legalize Miami
Legalize Miami - 8 years ago
any advice on ignoring the thought of sharks while surfing like if you are scared or something???
roflmows - 8 years ago
you think these guys are fun and cool? well, i'm 36, i'm on my 4th month of unemployment, my marriage is rocky to say the least, i live the middle of the Midwest, i'm up to my ass in student loan debt, i pretty much live on mountain dew, oreos, and pre-packaged salami, and i haven't taken a vacation in over 6 years....beat THAT!

yep, i'm pretty much the leading candidate for either committing myself to a mental institution or saying fuck it all and taking a year-long trip around the world. maybe i'll vlog it in either case :P
Abby smith
Abby smith - 8 years ago
roflmows nn b
Robi Furtos
Robi Furtos - 8 years ago
the water its salted?
Crazy Dane Gaming
Crazy Dane Gaming - 8 years ago
What kinda camera body frame is Jack using at 1:00 ?
Finn - 8 years ago
I was wondering that too :)
Life Of Sandy
Life Of Sandy - 8 years ago
I want this kind of adventure in my life!
Ellis Cox
Ellis Cox - 8 years ago
Ahh revisiting some of the old vlogs, the Transkei ones are up there with my favourites
Nils Bachmann
Nils Bachmann - 8 years ago
What GoPro mount did you use?
Aidan Platler
Aidan Platler - 8 years ago
+Nils Bachmann the cool one
Dan Beal
Dan Beal - 8 years ago
Ben brown you are from Surrey I am from Chichester so relatively close, a quick question for you mate, what's your view on the cannon g7x any good for vlogging? Cheers bru!
Dan Beal
Dan Beal - 8 years ago
+Mr Ben Brown okay thanks Ben, in the process of starting up my channel you have inspired me to do what you do, although I know it's hard graft and we only see your good bits. But you do a Stirling job old boy! Cornwall is awaiting a sick edit from you too bru!
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 8 years ago
+daniel beal we're practically neighbours! G7x is a great camera, but the mk2 version is out soon, which will be better :)

50. comment for SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL!

miravoxi2 - 8 years ago
well done! dont ever watch the poor kids, or they may distract you! pretty boys..
miravoxi2 - 8 years ago
im being ironic
Warren Brandt
Warren Brandt - 8 years ago
Coffee Bay!!!.....aaaaaaaaaaaah the memories!!!
Road Surfer
Road Surfer - 8 years ago
go on our channel (road surfer)
Bailey makarovich Twins
Bailey makarovich Twins - 8 years ago
i think there at jeffy bey
Liam Dunigan
Liam Dunigan - 8 years ago
what was the water temp. that day?
Melissa Lynn
Melissa Lynn - 8 years ago
I need friends like this :/
tallaganda83 - 8 years ago
I think she means adventurous people mate.
Tobias Nikolai Haugland
Tobias Nikolai Haugland - 8 years ago
+Melissa Garcia Me
Thomas Stokes
Thomas Stokes - 8 years ago
What middle class people?
Tyler Sundelius
Tyler Sundelius - 8 years ago
This was the first vlog I watched over a year ago. Who knew casually looking for a surf video would lead to watching every vlog consistently for over a year? Definitely a huge inspiration of mine. Thanks Ben!
Stevie Griffin
Stevie Griffin - 9 years ago
"It's like when a stranger rubs your arm"
Doctor -"Very descriptive!" haha love it!
Ben! Get a frickin first aid kit for Pumba :D
Chicken Joe
Chicken Joe - 9 years ago
noelgeessink - 9 years ago
What are those brown units on top of the car?
Le Chat
Le Chat - 9 years ago
you guys are so perfect !! i love surffff !!!!
mpfilgueiras - 9 years ago
more waves, less crazy camera please
Prakhar Narang
Prakhar Narang - 9 years ago
i love these vloggers
louis, casey, ben
Carlos Collares Meirelles
Carlos Collares Meirelles - 9 years ago
great video
Subject Unknown
Subject Unknown - 9 years ago
man i got some music to send u buddy for ur videos mostly hip hop stuff with that older 90s vibe love your vids subed
Tom Ballet
Tom Ballet - 9 years ago
Where is it ?
gowerfisher - 9 years ago
kooks on a "gap ya" with dreads calling eachother bros hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
the Wild Coast, I grew up here really miss home great video guys
Connelly Molnar
Connelly Molnar - 9 years ago
awesome video! love it!
Abbie Lea
Abbie Lea - 9 years ago
"There are no sharks here". Yeah that's why I have seen Zambezi sharks swimming in the river. Take it from someone who has a family cottage at Hole in The Wall, there are quite a few sharks that have been caught there.
JJ MONTAGES - 9 years ago
Theres no handers, haha, not very good surf.
Annkathrin Pflug
Annkathrin Pflug - 9 years ago
This is the Video how i got to your channel :)!
Angelica Magaoay
Angelica Magaoay - 9 years ago
Blue crush 2
Jack Seffer
Jack Seffer - 9 years ago
I'm a real picky surfer I would not surf in a place like that ever
Alexis Sanchez
Alexis Sanchez - 9 years ago
SB looks so different!!!
Krizzia R
Krizzia R - 9 years ago
This is still such a sick vlog. One of my faves. (y)
Fritz F
Fritz F - 9 years ago
This is Crazy! I Spend like two weeks last year in Coffee Bay and would have never thought i might see some of it on youtube, just like that. Thank you for taking me back to that wonderful place...
Hugo Clark
Hugo Clark - 9 years ago
Wow that place could actually be a lot of fun on some big days even when conditions aren't perfect.
michaelmeel - 9 years ago
food for louis!!!
Jay NZ
Jay NZ - 9 years ago
That was a weta not a grasshopper
bilal meziane
bilal meziane - 9 years ago
theyare poor and living better than a lot of rich ppl
Taylor M
Taylor M - 9 years ago
You should be on go pros YouTube channel
surfaholic808 - 9 years ago
Dennis Nakashima
Dennis Nakashima - 9 years ago
Where is this place?
Ryan Watts
Ryan Watts - 9 years ago
Is it compulsory to be white and wear a backwards cap?

Just jks but cool video
Tom Black
Tom Black - 9 years ago
Hay man, Looked sick how you oaks were surfing there, pretty narly drop, what board you got?
Kate O
Kate O - 9 years ago
dans best quote 'whats life without adrenaline"
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
I must be missing something, if your having fun..fine, i just dont get all the comments on surfing slop being inspirational:/ Thats one hell of a grasshopper though, lol
Cohey - 9 years ago
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 9 years ago
My grandmother could surf better than these guys. Man what a waste of time. Even Ponce Inlet or New Smryna beach have better waves an d surf. Go back to Btritian you spoiled fucks
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 9 years ago
One more thing you know you are a true surfer if your skin is whiter than your board. Also, you know if you are a new if every time you catch a wave you raise your arms to your friend and are just so happy you are standing up and just riding white wash. Pathetic wannabe fucks.
Dom Lahiff
Dom Lahiff - 9 years ago
the waves weren't even fat!!  jks
Neil Harlaar
Neil Harlaar - 9 years ago
That looks amazing man!! 
When we were there I had the same cuts.. those rocks up there are super sharp! Your blood is so red like you have never seen before!
Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 9 years ago
Minutes of my life i'll never get back.
Hugomk7 - 9 years ago
Amazing men! Just wondering, do you have a side job that is not including youtube? If you don't want to answer I understand.
johnsonphan2 - 9 years ago
Hey Ben if you don't mind me asking what board do you have and what the retail for one of those?
Ryan Docherty
Ryan Docherty - 9 years ago
0:49 man I really wish I had a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes
xkitterrificx - 9 years ago
Good god,Gary is EVERYWHERE. XD; 
Knew he was going to say that hahaha 
Big Bass Republic
Big Bass Republic - 9 years ago
Rad vibes! This inspires me and for that i thank you...keep on doing what you love bru, nobody can take that away from you
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 9 years ago
+Ryan Vogel Thanks Ryan :)
danisnotbono - 9 years ago
Awesome Vid Ben!! :)
If you don't mind me asking what are your settings for your GoPro when you make your surfing footage?! Cheers!
lucas t
lucas t - 9 years ago
i dont see any surfing, the girl I liked

100. comment for SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL!

Ryan Mattock
Ryan Mattock - 9 years ago
I dig the surfing geography!
John Dignam
John Dignam - 9 years ago
looks fun
Hollywood101283 - 9 years ago
Super fun looking spot,you guys looked like your were enjoying yourselves.  That giant hopper was awesome. That gash was a doozie, Dan you're the man!
Michael Knowlton
Michael Knowlton - 9 years ago
just incredible. every minute of this film was gripping and essential to the whole. 1/3 a million have lost 19 minutes of our lives...Thanks!!
Taylor Banks
Taylor Banks - 9 years ago
Epic but i wouldn't mess with this shit, too dangerous
LovesQHX Forever
LovesQHX Forever - 9 years ago
they should not surf here, too many rocks around, it's just the way too dangers, when the shit goes real, these "brave young men" will lost their fking life 
Rob - 9 years ago
you catching Gay waves
Rob - 9 years ago
sharks are GAY
Rob - 9 years ago
the waves are GAY
Rob - 9 years ago
Erik Forsyth
Erik Forsyth - 9 years ago
my mom's dad used to go fishing at the hole in the wall and by the way I lived in south Africa now I live in new zealand and I love waching your videos I also surf  and im 8 years old.
Liam pphh
Liam pphh - 9 years ago
What city in nz
SuperGospelGangsta - 9 years ago
This video could be cut down to 3 minutes
Kevins Knives
Kevins Knives - 10 years ago
Mushy, but any surf is better than nothing. I'd love to surf it just for the uniqueness of the break's setting. There're no breaks here in Florida that I'd say are unique in that sense; at least nowhere I've surfed. So, yeah, that looked fun.
Joe Cardamuro
Joe Cardamuro - 10 years ago
watching these older vlogs in preparation for my trip to hawaii next week..can't wait to surf for the first time! hopefully i at least stand up a couple times :/
tim250exc - 10 years ago
Totally naff. This is not surfing.
elpoint00 - 10 years ago
men are always obsessed with holes
jack land
jack land - 10 years ago
great Video where in the world were you guys ??
Bradley Andrews
Bradley Andrews - 10 years ago
Since being back to Bulungula, this vlog is even better than before!
Kim Thacker
Kim Thacker - 10 years ago
short wave
Molly Carsboult
Molly Carsboult - 10 years ago
Those kids are really talented
B O N N I E - 10 years ago
how is it that this many good looking people are friends? 
Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 7 years ago
its called elitism. lol jk
LongShot Jacob
LongShot Jacob - 10 years ago
where is that surf spot at 
Siddhant Pandit
Siddhant Pandit - 10 years ago
Weird song... what's it called? Deep fried Joe lol.
MarieSueMax - 10 years ago
thank god there's pizza in africa!
aerlial360 - 10 years ago
Man this sucks, I mean really sucks. Most of the video is sans surfing and the surfing itself sucks so bad. Why did you guys waste this much time? The concept is really cool which is why I came here bet what a let down. I expected to see a decent wave breaking in an unusual place. not saying you guys suck at all. I'm saying this was a major letdown.
Daniel Taylor
Daniel Taylor - 7 years ago
aerlial360 just stop bitching, go find something else to moan about
Annkathrin Pflug
Annkathrin Pflug - 9 years ago
I found his channel through this Video - so thats a good reason.
Zach Garbutt
Zach Garbutt - 9 years ago
+Bob Smith I think he knows hes not Kelly Slater, I don't have to tell him that. I'm not a queer, hes a good dude living a good life and gives me inspiration to travel. your comment was very immature and un-called for.
onfire4000 - 9 years ago
+Mr Ben Brown Oh and thanks for showing us this place. I think I saw it in a movie a few days ago and I remembered this vlog! (The movie was horrible though).
onfire4000 - 9 years ago
+Mr Ben Brown I think he was not criticizing your surfing, but the waves that originated from that hole. I got a little disappointed with that as well. The energy and dimension of the waves dissipated to the sides once they passed through the hole. I guess not all can be perfect, since the setting was so exotic and amazing and you still had fun, which is what matters when surfing.
Straya92 - 9 years ago
+Corey Scrubb Its pretty just go up to the search bar in youtube (The top of the page) and type in "surfing"...then if you scroll down a little bit a big page of surfing videos should come up that have heaps and heaps and heaps of surfing in them. You can watch surfing all day if you want to. By doing this we don't have to see your shitty, fucking, dumbass comments! 
Zach Garbutt
Zach Garbutt - 9 years ago
+Corey Scrubb You realize that Ben Brown creates daily vlogs. Which means that he documents his entire day. If you watch him enough you would know that there is a trend in his video titles, were the title identify's his stand out or favorite part of the day. So he is catering to his audience (subscribers) because they understand his vlogs. Its not a short film, its a vlog with a cinematic aspect to it. That documents his entire day with the title being his ''stand out'' part of the vlog.
Corey B
Corey B - 9 years ago
+Mr Ben Brown  "catering to the audience" Im guessing youre catering to an audience who enjoys watching surfers surf. What I saw was 2-3 minutes of barely surfing in an 18 minute video. Catering to what? People watching you go about your daily lives lol? Get to the surfing hence the title "SURFING HOLE IN THE WALL" not "surfing for 2 minutes and 16 minutes of pointless film. Im expecting normal surfers. Not pros mate.
Ernesto Piovesan
Ernesto Piovesan - 9 years ago
I was expecting pro surfers :(
Straya92 - 10 years ago
Wow if this video let you down that much and made you that upset that you had to write a comment letting everyone know how much you thought it sucked, you should probably look at yourself in the mirror and re think your life.... Cool vid by the way!
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
I didn't want to call this video 'we didn't get many waves but we had a really good day out' and after 290,000 views i think i picked the right title. Sorry if you were expecting pro surfers but I'm catering for my current audience here.
Dean Pilchowski
Dean Pilchowski - 10 years ago
looks like a cool spot but not much of a wave
darkprince040495 - 10 years ago
What kind of mount does Ben use for his GoPro? Some kind of mouth mount?
Pete Pompies
Pete Pompies - 10 years ago
Ag yissis man, that was just a scratch and they make a hole flim about it hey! Kak man! This iz more a flim about people making a flim about surfing the hole in the wall. I was at Coffee Bay in '11 and was no way surfing that. Crazy shark feed leftovers washing up all over the place, so fuck thet hey!
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
Surf not big enough and cut not deep enough! I'm just over here making a video everyday about whatever I get up to, sometimes you got to just pick a title... I think with 290,000 views I picked the right one! Thanks for watching.
Bruce Mccormick
Bruce Mccormick - 10 years ago
How do u get music rights for songs liek that?
Ben Bailey
Ben Bailey - 10 years ago
important question...
I'm currently in school right now and am 19 years old. how do you guys manage to get out to these places? i'm seriously considering taking a gap year and holding off on my second year of college.
No Thanks
No Thanks - 10 years ago
Lol. Slow motion YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C Bracken
C Bracken - 10 years ago
sick song, i think it's sampling beach boys good vibes
Chris Ashby
Chris Ashby - 10 years ago
11:35 I was like aahhhhdsfsdajfjpewif
Lina glz
Lina glz - 10 years ago
Came for jack. Stayed for Jack 
ragedmaximus - 10 years ago
wear booties
IKANJUI3 - 10 years ago
love this video so much. hope will see u in jogja - indonesia
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 10 years ago
looks like fun!
lestliness - 10 years ago
What wold one call a break like this? It's sort of point break I guess.
Richard Soltis
Richard Soltis - 10 years ago to this channel. What's all of the ' changed my life ' thing about?
Antonio Martinez
Antonio Martinez - 10 years ago
Carlo Grotti Trevisan
Carlo Grotti Trevisan - 10 years ago
cool video, in my opinion i just think that is too could be around 7 or 8 minutes to tell the same story.
but is nice, i like it
Chris Wessels
Chris Wessels - 10 years ago
This short film truly show the adventure side of surfing in the Transkei...
Just spent a week at the Hole in the wall resort from the 17th to the 24th of January. Had my 9'6" longboard and the hole in the wall was firing most of the days.
pamundson9 - 10 years ago
Cool views but a turd of a wave.
james bower
james bower - 10 years ago
"There won't be any sharks because its pretty shallow each side"  - Looked deep enough for most sharks to swim through and bite your ass.
zigsinclair - 10 years ago
puddle didnt see that shit comin
ART AUD VISU Ben Hur - 10 years ago
Leo B
Leo B - 10 years ago
Nice vid! Crappy wave XD sorry is so fucking bad XD Cheers! Nice place!
gin A
gin A - 10 years ago
<3 <3 <3
Eric Llanos
Eric Llanos - 10 years ago
Silversurfer Herald of Galactus
Silversurfer Herald of Galactus - 10 years ago
I guess it would be fun to jump on some foamy swells when there were no real waves to surf, but this video has no waves in it.
Stewf85 - 10 years ago
hahaha for sure, not sitting out the back either & catching em when they've just past through the gap, guess considering the amount of times ive been smashed on rocks i don't blame em
Alien Raid
Alien Raid - 10 years ago
Always wanted to surf, but i live in Oklahoma. 
TheBeofox - 10 years ago
Discovering you guys is like finding Gold, this is just probably the most inpiring adventure vlog I have seen, and since I am from africa, it made me very nostalgic
Theo Last
Theo Last - 10 years ago
What go pro mount is that?
WildmanBorneo - 10 years ago
Posh twats with too much of mummy and daddy's money, just saying!
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
Self made sunshine ;) just saying!
Riaan Alkema
Riaan Alkema - 10 years ago
why choose the spot with the smallest waves in the Kei?
Riaan Alkema
Riaan Alkema - 10 years ago
These ous sound gay, next time take some real surfers!
Rodney Fox
Rodney Fox - 10 years ago
lekka video guys.
Graham Harrop
Graham Harrop - 10 years ago
Hey, what's the mix of "Keep the crowd jumping"? Love it! G x
BaronRojoAlemania Villarrubia
BaronRojoAlemania Villarrubia - 10 years ago
Gringos pendejos, Mi papa tiene dinero y me lleva a serfiar a la Luna si es necesario!!! My Dad has a lot of money and he sent me surf to the moon if necessary... Hippies that parents provide you a jeep... Wow interesting! Great for you guys!!! some of us has to work! :- /
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
shame man, don't you enjoy your job? I'm self made, thanks. you know it's not too late to do something you enjoy... don't be upset when you see me loving my job & life :) thanks for watching.
Leslie Horwinkle
Leslie Horwinkle - 10 years ago
And that's why I like to wear booties when around rocks.
And they make better ones now than they did in my day, youngsters.
David L
David L - 10 years ago
"Graduation" ? How old is she?? How old are you??
uh nah
uh nah - 10 years ago
Brah i see you in louies vlogs all the time, never had a clue you had a channel, or more importantly that you shred! Right on dude. new sub for you my man
Angus Murray
Angus Murray - 10 years ago
British people trying to surf?
Angus Murray
Angus Murray - 9 years ago
hahahahh lol 
TripTopia - 9 years ago
+Angus Murray what a dick aha
Angus Murray
Angus Murray - 10 years ago
Yes! , how did you know!?
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
Mr observant...
Felipe Gustavo
Felipe Gustavo - 10 years ago
is where the film , dream wave 2 was filmed !??
tdrum21 - 10 years ago
Where is this?
Shack Heal
Shack Heal - 10 years ago
sick, but was it really worth the trek PLUS the injury? just seems like a drop in and not much else.
Jason Brusavich
Jason Brusavich - 10 years ago
thats not surfing
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
I'm no surfer, I make videos... I think the 290,000 views means I did my job right!
stencilwashington - 10 years ago
Was there anyone on this trip who is not a filmmaker/photographer? ^^
Man of Water
Man of Water - 10 years ago
cool little spot to have a beer, fish or dive, them 2 second waves tho =/, wonder if it ever holds shape for any longer
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
Wasn't the session we were hoping for but we're not the type to sit on the side when it's not perfect, I hear it does get good though!
PAJhudson - 10 years ago
Shit that was bulungula, I was one point down. 
Jason Klapproth
Jason Klapproth - 10 years ago
nice duck diving there m8
Louis du Toit
Louis du Toit - 10 years ago
Saadiya Nandhla
Saadiya Nandhla - 10 years ago
Couldn't stop laughing when Dan said "hi mom and dad"
Mac Dubh
Mac Dubh - 10 years ago
How do they fund these trips?
adventuresinbelieving - 10 years ago
all good bro, enjoy yourself, Fear God.
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
+adventuresinbelieving haha you'd throw up a bit if you knew how self made I am ;) 
adventuresinbelieving - 10 years ago
Rich Mummies and Daddies.
ProcrastinatingTV - 10 years ago
Gonna miss them guys so much!! It's been great watching all of you!
ProcrastinatingTV - 10 years ago
That was insane!! Surfing there must have been so fun! Poor Dan tho that looked so painful luckily that's all it was when I saw him falling I was worried he would hit his head or something!
TheTravelCrush - 10 years ago
Absolutely love this Ben!! You're inspired me- I quit my job and im travelling the world at the moment. And vlogging all of my little adventures- so if you're into travel, please hop over to my channel of around the world vlogs <3 and thank you for the inspiration xxx
larryjohnny - 10 years ago
ouch, what was the point of all this?  all that trouble to get to this spot for what?  cool adventure but just making a movie at your home break, interview the hot girls, and kill it on the waves..  that's entertaining enough.  hope the foot heals!
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago
Could any of you recommend a camera that takes cameras and video. I want one so that my mom or friends could get video from the beach while I surf. Something under 700$.
Joe Cardamuro
Joe Cardamuro - 10 years ago
+Joe Cardamuro 18*-55 my bad
Joe Cardamuro
Joe Cardamuro - 10 years ago
id go with the t5i kit that comes with the 19-55 and then buy a 55-250 lens..check out b&h my sister got that from there and it cost her in total $750 usd
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago
+HDFilms2 someone else reccomended a t5i canon you think its worth the extra 100 dollars? Ill check out what you mentioned thanks!!!
HDFilms2 - 10 years ago
canon t3i's are pretty good for the price. but you'd also need a decent zoom lens to get the surfing shots (approx 200-300mm). check out online or even try to get second hand cameras/lenses for the cheapest option
Kherun Hafeji
Kherun Hafeji - 10 years ago
will never get bored of hearing Dan's SP's and Nicole's accents, they are just lovely :)
Eli Sutton
Eli Sutton - 10 years ago
What camera does jack use
Yung Solo
Yung Solo - 10 years ago
Who would want to surf there?
Yung Solo
Yung Solo - 10 years ago
Go to 6:30 for the surfing
Nico Welgemoed
Nico Welgemoed - 10 years ago
Ben you inspire me so much and started my own channel, I did a film about my holiday in the western cape, South Africa. Go check it out. will appreciate it.
Fanny Yakubeiz
Fanny Yakubeiz - 10 years ago
buenisimo, hermosa experiencia, gracias x compartir, q océano alucinante agua cristalina, adore el video
Bea b
Bea b - 10 years ago
What is the camera that jack is using?
lp diddly
lp diddly - 10 years ago
He is using a special third party mount that you put in your mouth and bite to hold it haha
Mtbslow Warrior
Mtbslow Warrior - 10 years ago
Amazing i dont have more words :) really nice
Aurimas Maldzius
Aurimas Maldzius - 10 years ago
11:40 thats nothing lol :D 
makes sense to patch it up if youre in a dirty environment but otherwise its nothing...
Joe Doherty
Joe Doherty - 10 years ago
So sick!!
birdman bl
birdman bl - 10 years ago
Where is this location? I didn't see it in description but very entertaining dude so cool.
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister - 10 years ago
I wonder how he does the underwater shots, I assume he lowers the volume, treble and bass and leaves the audio from the gopro for that bubble water sound.
Jacob Mcdonald
Jacob Mcdonald - 10 years ago
Ben, i have been watching ur vlogs for about a year and a bit almost 2, after watching your vlogs daily it has became apart of my daily life / routine. although im only watching a small part of your life, i have found role models and people that just inspire me ( Ben, Jack, Louis, Dan, Nick and even nicole )  in whatever they do, i have found passions such as photography because of these vlogs, films, and yourself. thankyou mrbenbrown, your a massive inspiration. 
Liam pphh
Liam pphh - 10 years ago
You deserve more subscribers man good work
Sam Bland
Sam Bland - 10 years ago
Lol I got a cut the exact same depth in the other heel, though I was walking through the girlfriends garden and stood on some buried pottery.  Bitch hurts but doesn't need stitches, bled like a mo fo though.  Try and keep sand out of it is the best advice I can give. 
Mounia Rhanem
Mounia Rhanem - 10 years ago
It's crazy how guys can touch those things with their hands hhhh . Loved this vlog and u should deffenetly come to Morocco
Noam Sela
Noam Sela - 10 years ago
looks cool, but the wave is pretty small :P
Elisha Mataiti
Elisha Mataiti - 10 years ago
My favourite vlog ever!!!
Jazz Guise-Ellis
Jazz Guise-Ellis - 10 years ago
What camera did jack say to get if you wanted to start film making?
AV - 10 years ago
I'm playing catch up on the last few vlogs. This road trip series is so good. Can't wait for the visual vibes, Ben! It's gonna be a great one.
Bam lim
Bam lim - 10 years ago
no!!!!! I'm gonna miss sp.
TooLoud - 10 years ago
Dan stop jumping with the surfboard xD
daylightttttt - 10 years ago
I just love listening to you guys talk lmaoooo. you guys use the coolest terms, etc. 
meli malavasi
meli malavasi - 10 years ago
What a great video!, shows us that we should never me afraid of anything we encounter :) Thanks Ben! Hope to see you soon in LA or Costa Rica again! 
Emily Petersen
Emily Petersen - 10 years ago
Does anyone know the camera Jack was using at 5:39?
Also, amazing footage today Ben, as always!
MrWilliamo - 10 years ago
I need to go surfing soon, looks like so much fun! :)
Devil Dogs Skating
Devil Dogs Skating - 10 years ago
Wow I don't want stiches
Juan Castillo Rodríguez
Juan Castillo Rodríguez - 10 years ago
did louis eat that giant grasshopper?
shayma. - 10 years ago
their film missions seems so fun, that's what i wanna do for a living. I just make little films for now check them out if you'd like :)
S. -
S. - - 10 years ago
This is so cool
Crea Tyler
Crea Tyler - 10 years ago
Anyone know where this is?
Riaan Alkema
Riaan Alkema - 10 years ago
you right on dude, im from the area.
Man of Water
Man of Water - 10 years ago
+Ana Modiano yeah it is they have some other videos out there on it
Ana Modiano
Ana Modiano - 10 years ago
I think it's coffee bay hole in the wall South Africa
Pia xo
Pia xo - 10 years ago
I feel like Nicole gets more and more comfortable with filming/being filmed :) x
Robbie Brown
Robbie Brown - 10 years ago
This was more hole in Dans foot than hole in the wall
Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith - 10 years ago
You should do one of these road trips with Top Gear, show them how it's done
DerekKauf - 10 years ago
Congrats on graduating Nicole!  I just graduated from my university yesterday!  On to bigger and better things with our pieces of paper haha
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
Haha, thanks :) Congrats to you too! x
sel!mkookman - 10 years ago
Jesus Primo
Jesus Primo - 10 years ago
WOW WOW WOW AMAZING!!!! The editing was ON POINT!!!!
Gary Robertson
Gary Robertson - 10 years ago
These are some next level vlogs Ben! Some of the little editing things you are doing like muffling the audio when you go under water and some of the shot set ups are next level! Seriously so impressed.

ps- say hi to Gary for me!
Alejo Storni
Alejo Storni - 10 years ago
What's Jack's YouTube?
SpeckoGirl - 10 years ago
The name of the channel is JacksGap ..
Lilly Alexander
Lilly Alexander - 10 years ago
11:44 Dan forgot to say and Jack, Louis and Nick
Seb Chapman
Seb Chapman - 10 years ago
to everyone criticising the relationship of ben and Nicole, They like privacy! I doubt any of you would start kissing and hugging on a camera for the world to see!
Sophie Chapman
Sophie Chapman - 10 years ago
Aww that poor little puppy on it's own!
Robyn Durnford Durnford
Robyn Durnford Durnford - 10 years ago
Where is SP's 'Howl' snap back from?? The one he is wearing in the last shot of everyone saying goodbye! So rad 
Sebastian Dietl
Sebastian Dietl - 10 years ago
Anybody knows what kind of camera Jack is using?
Dana Twist
Dana Twist - 10 years ago
This was such a good video! Loved it! So cool.
TheRpgar - 10 years ago
What was the camera Jack said to get if you are into filming?
Mirthful2008 - 10 years ago
Loves to everybody!!!
Alba güell
Alba güell - 10 years ago
I'm NEVER walking on rocks again! OMG.
Hazeeyyy - 10 years ago
Ben is such an inspiration
brittneeweiland - 10 years ago
I totally need stitches, but first let's get a pizza and try to rescue a puppy! hahah. so great. 
Maria Grace
Maria Grace - 10 years ago
Ben your attention to detail in your vlogs is amazing... I love how you make the music muffled when you're underwater, it feels like I'm there with you!
TJ Jack
TJ Jack - 10 years ago
Never heard of this place until now, awesome ! :)
J.J. Palma
J.J. Palma - 10 years ago
I think Nick and Jack need to eat more - they are super skinny! And I'm worried about Dan!!! I hope his foot is OK and didn't get infected!
mahussein66 - 10 years ago
leavin lightz/
radio ón -
Sellysal - 10 years ago
Dan is so cool! Tell him to start vlogging Ben :) 
mattster4546 - 10 years ago
What Polaroid do you have
ted bishop
ted bishop - 10 years ago
You are lucky in regards to the sharks! They can smell 1 part blood in 1 million parts water :O And Dan bled a lot!
Hazem - 10 years ago
You use 'lekker' way too much dude! It means 'delicious', not 'good'. You're misusing & overusing it! 
Cindy Goodwin
Cindy Goodwin - 10 years ago
Hole in the wall, amazing place
Cameron McGeekie
Cameron McGeekie - 10 years ago
Thar was so sick at 8:44 
A.P - 10 years ago
dan seems like such a rad guy
Lucas Pelizaro
Lucas Pelizaro - 10 years ago
what the name of the camera Jack it's using?
JK nick
JK nick - 10 years ago
can someone say whats that for a surfboard ?
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 10 years ago
should be going to cape town around jan/feb, hope we can go for a surf sometime broo!
Justin Martin
Justin Martin - 10 years ago
What video camera is Dan using? Anyone know?
Duarte Fernandes
Duarte Fernandes - 10 years ago
You make surfing look so fun! xD
Chantal Lamberts
Chantal Lamberts - 10 years ago
You edit your vlogs sooo well! Love how they are put together. Nice Ben ;)
Emma Marie
Emma Marie - 10 years ago
thank you so much for inspiring me to travel more, Ben :)
Can anyone tell me which Nikon Prime Lens Jack uses? Would be so nice! :)
Dounia - 10 years ago
Your lifestyle is truly inspiring Ben ! Thank you for sharing it with us :)
Kayla Slattery
Kayla Slattery - 10 years ago
Aww i miss SP already
Selene 188
Selene 188 - 10 years ago
where is your dad?!?!!
Bojan Kocev
Bojan Kocev - 10 years ago
I love this small group of inspiring filmmakers and youtubers and good people and idk what else to say...
I mean just look at them doing incredible stuff and shooting some epic videos,just so we can see the real Africa or the real Canada or any other place.

Lets take a moment to apreciate that....
Bojan Kocev
Bojan Kocev - 10 years ago
+TheTravelCrush ohhh i am going to subscribe to you right now
TheTravelCrush - 10 years ago
+Bojan Kocev And that's exactly what im starting out doing- I quit my job and im travelling the world and vlogging it- all inspired by this guy xx 
Bojan Kocev
Bojan Kocev - 10 years ago
+Martin B of course....
Jacks Uterhark
Jacks Uterhark - 10 years ago
nice go pro edit. i like how you filtered out the high frequencies when you went under water
Jane Fulton
Jane Fulton - 10 years ago
Really looking forward to seeing the films you guys are making! :)
Josh Nesbitt
Josh Nesbitt - 10 years ago
you're videos are just insanely good. You really should be proud
Rachel Mcadam
Rachel Mcadam - 10 years ago
Amazing ! I can hardly believe the quality of the content we get to watch for free
Ps : bring back Nicole :( xxx
April Stewart
April Stewart - 10 years ago
Seriously beautiful footage in this one, love when you take the gopro out in the ocean :)
Joris Hilhorst
Joris Hilhorst - 10 years ago
Jack is so hot.
ankit parmar
ankit parmar - 10 years ago
love it !
Finn Garrett Jowsey
Finn Garrett Jowsey - 10 years ago
So upset that Nicole and sp are leaving the road trip:( but love this video so much. You risk yourselves when filming and vlogging so much but its true passion. Love all of yous especially Dan, Ben and Nicole. True inspiration +DanTheDirector +Nicole Eddy +Mr Ben Brown
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 10 years ago
Thumbs up if you have surfed before...
Fabricyeh Yeh
Fabricyeh Yeh - 10 years ago
really liked the video,the surfing part was mesmerizing,good shoots!
HeyDerek - 10 years ago
All you guys are truly inspiring!
Markish86 - 10 years ago
Nooooo Sp, come back.
Antone Townsend
Antone Townsend - 10 years ago
I love waking up every morning, and watching you and Louis vlogs.... they are everything....!
Soraia Luloah
Soraia Luloah - 10 years ago
I remember when I discoverd your channel Ben. I searched "penny boards" on youtube and then Louis channel showed up! And you were in the video! And then I met Steve as well! And after all this I created my own channel! All because of a penny board! And I don't even do penny boarding lmao
cubedonut stauffacher
cubedonut stauffacher - 10 years ago
fyi: sharks hate human flesh and blood so they won't get attracted by it.
Erin McNeill
Erin McNeill - 10 years ago
Dan is a rad surfer! Shame about his foot though hope it heals quickly.
ThreeeAngles - 10 years ago
Absolutely love these longer vlogs Ben!
MochaAndMoccasins - 10 years ago
11:10 Food For Louis moment. 
Jack Leahy
Jack Leahy - 10 years ago
One of my favourite vlogs yet! Congrats on a awesome time in Africa bro. 
Aya Takla
Aya Takla - 10 years ago
Man, loved this vlog!! Your videos have been on point, keep it up xx
SpaceofJake - 10 years ago
Its a shame Nicole had to leave :/
Federica - 10 years ago
Great vlog as usual, and I'm loving the different surf shoots! 
Erika - 10 years ago
JACK is handsome
Angelo Kyriacou
Angelo Kyriacou - 10 years ago
Vlogs keep getting better, you deserve way more views!
Morgan Hvidt
Morgan Hvidt - 10 years ago
Nice video, Which mount did you use for the surfing? :)
lp diddly
lp diddly - 10 years ago
A third party mouth mount that you bite to hold it in your mouth
Antoine Truchet
Antoine Truchet - 10 years ago
Hahaha "Louis you know what to do, such good proteins in that". Absolutely loved this vlog Ben, for sure one of my favorites, love long vlogs like this one :)
Joery de Vries
Joery de Vries - 10 years ago
its my birthday today and this vlog is such a nice present :D it makes me so happy!
ultimateredstone - 10 years ago
Literally the only criticism I have about your vlogs are the all-caps titles and that's just a personal thing of mine. I just don't feel it fits your style/content somehow.. I know some youtube experts probably said it's best to do all-caps titles and tons of bigger youtubers are doing it now, but imo it would maybe just fit channels where the person screams into the mic and is hyper all the time.. but yeah of course it's not important at all, just something I personally don't really like and I bet nobody else cares about haha ^^ Another amazing Vlog!
Jake Rich
Jake Rich - 10 years ago
This is one of the sickest vlogs i've watched of yours ben all year dude!!! So much life in this #freshtodeath  homie
itchban - 10 years ago
Epic vlog!
ssspiegelei - 10 years ago
Hi Brownies!

Is someone having a guess about how was Ben holding the GoPro while surfing? I'm terribly curious! I also wanted to make a special mention of Dan, who was very brave managing the cut situation. Cheers!
TheMiiney - 10 years ago
Get well soon Dan!
MrFuddruckerz - 10 years ago
Dan the director looks like Andrew Garfield from the Amazing Spider man!
Eric Draycott
Eric Draycott - 10 years ago
19 minutes!! Better get settled,

Love long vlogs
Anna L.
Anna L. - 10 years ago
I'm gonna miss Sp and Nicole!!
JYE HINDER - 10 years ago
So keen for visual vibes !!!!
I Am Jay
I Am Jay - 10 years ago
Ben, Sharks actually hate the taste of our blood and will actively avoid it because of the taste. Its a common misconception that they like to eat us, when in reality they don't and on average only kill 5 people per year when we humans kill 100million of them!
I Am Jay
I Am Jay - 10 years ago
+Lachlan Chang Well there are about 220 shark attacks per year on the whole of earth however only 5 on average are fatal.  
yesyesmk - 10 years ago
Ben brown is hands down one of the best high quality vloggers out there on youtube.
Lionel Junior
Lionel Junior - 10 years ago
Very nice spot!! But Ben, eating a penis as a snack... come on...
Damn_I_love_yahh 03
Damn_I_love_yahh 03 - 10 years ago
Ben, u inspire me alot and i just wanna say thank you and you're videos are just damn amazing like fr and thank you again, you have changed and inspired a lot of people
Kara Fielding
Kara Fielding - 10 years ago
The amount of different cameras used in filming this vlog alone. Love it. All you filmmakers together. Also love that south African accent with Dan saying pressure when you fell off the back of the truck. Sad that SP and Nicole had to leave the road trip.
Oliver Bricker
Oliver Bricker - 10 years ago
is the audio off a little?
Oliver Bricker
Oliver Bricker - 10 years ago
Oliver Bricker
Oliver Bricker - 10 years ago
nope it's my mac
myrandompersonality - 10 years ago
I laugh every time you name an animal Gary. Never gets old to me, haha.
Kam H
Kam H - 9 years ago
i agree that was dope
Bantana Audio
Bantana Audio - 9 years ago
+KevDaPhilMan Low pass filter, filters out high frequencies.
Chinchillupa Guy
Chinchillupa Guy - 10 years ago
+REPCLONE What's predominial?
Chinchillupa Guy
Chinchillupa Guy - 10 years ago
+REPCLONE actually kevdaphilman asked him
S. -
S. - - 10 years ago
+FPS Jazza I don't know, I've never edited video professionally but I'm sure there is an effect for that!
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister - 10 years ago
+Stijn Peters-Sengers I thought he just lowers the volume, treble and bass and leaves the audio from the gopro for that bubbly water sound.
S. -
S. - - 10 years ago
I think they just do it in Sony Vegas or maybe Adobe Premier or After Effects. It's just adding a muffled effect on the audio. You can YouTube a tutorial, i'm sure it's on here somewhere. "Underwater soundeffect tutorial"
S. -
S. - - 10 years ago
It's not hard man! But it just shows that Ben still puts so much effort into his vlogs. :)
Chinchillupa Guy
Chinchillupa Guy - 10 years ago
louis does it too, and it still get to me every time, so cool
The Highlight Real
The Highlight Real - 10 years ago
I know right!
Lydia Gustafsson
Lydia Gustafsson - 10 years ago
I think I'm in love with Nicole 
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
Shhh...don't tell Ben :)
Ben - 10 years ago
you were soooooo lucky with the sharks oh my god that would've been scary good that you're ok though
Joe Cardamuro
Joe Cardamuro - 10 years ago
I don't understand some of the comments about Ben and we see barley a small fraction of their relationship why do people over analyze every single thing and assume so much...what do you expect..obviously they are gonna say goodbye more affectionately off camera..They put enough of their lives out there cut them some slack
Kayla Perkins
Kayla Perkins - 10 years ago
just wanted to say i love your videos so much and you inspire me everyday an put me in a better mood always. ben watching since day one:)
Mandie93 - 10 years ago
I think I would be disappointed if you named animals/insects anything BUT Gary.
Tyler Olthuizen
Tyler Olthuizen - 10 years ago
Hey ben was jack shooting on a lumix gh4 when he was filming the kids drumming?
Tyler Olthuizen
Tyler Olthuizen - 10 years ago
thanks man :)
Ben - 10 years ago
yeah with a adaptor for a Nikon prime lens hope that helps
Johanna Sobotta
Johanna Sobotta - 10 years ago
ThaFacialHair - 10 years ago
You could always cauterize his heel.
Jason Leong
Jason Leong - 10 years ago
Dan is leaving too? So sad
Kieron - 10 years ago
I see so many comments about Ben and Nicole not being as fun/romantic as other YouTubers.  Everyone is different, maybe Nicole doesn't feel 100% comfortable with the whole vlogging situation.  But this video was amazing, probably one I've enjoyed the most.  Ben and Nicole was so emotional towards the end man, gave me goose bumps.  Mr Ben Brown, I love you man.  Such inspiration! 
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
+Lucy Davis Thanks man :) x
Lucy Davis
Lucy Davis - 10 years ago
true though!! x
Hausay - 10 years ago
Man, Ben's vlogs are so amazing. Truly inspirational for newer youtubers like myself. I hope one day I can have a successful channel and form a friend group of youtubers like Ben's to do adventures and such with.. Oh well I guess until then I will just have to work hard, be nice to people and try not to get lost or killed :) Thanks again for everything Ben :)
Harry Oemering
Harry Oemering - 10 years ago
Loving the longer uploads, although there is so much content to capture shorter uploads wouldn't do it justice!
Meghan May
Meghan May - 10 years ago
Haha, you guys crack me up! Dan cuts his foot, wrap that guy up, slap some tape over it and go get pizza. Charge the landy, save a puppy and then "we're taking Dan to the hospital now". Funniest and most awesome group of people :)
Maxine De Robillard
Maxine De Robillard - 10 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the song playing on the radio at 14:16??
micksydney - 10 years ago
Will you guys please give Jack something to eat!
He's looking soo skinny :-(
crzyq - 10 years ago
Another fantastic vlog!  I love these South African travel vlogs Ben!  You guys are brilliant :-)
Pennystudio99 - 10 years ago
Ben is it possible to see the sharks of South Africa?  Maybe later ?  Love sharks !!  Do they do boat trips to see sharks ?  Have you ever seen some ?
GeeronGlobal - 10 years ago
This was epic!
B B - 10 years ago
Great vlog
Jessica C
Jessica C - 10 years ago
Did the grasshopper remind anyone of Hopper from Bugs Life ?
Jeshika Gopal
Jeshika Gopal - 10 years ago
It feels so good to know that more and more people are getting to see and appreciate the beauty of Africa :)
MehdiNPartDeux - 10 years ago
Between the whole group, there is probably like $100,000 worth of camera equipment and accessories.... :0
Joy Doerksen
Joy Doerksen - 10 years ago
its no fun getting stitches. i split my knee open once and i had to get stitches. 
Erin Griffis
Erin Griffis - 10 years ago
Ben: I name this giant grasshopper...
Ben: ... Gary.
Me: Yep. Got it.
Jacob Carlson
Jacob Carlson - 10 years ago
That surfing spot, although relatively tame in terms of wave size, was epic! I'm sure just swimming out there would be a blast.
lonesheep27 - 10 years ago
This vlog is beautiful. The way that it is shot and especially the scenes in the water are visually gratifying. It was also enjoyable to see how much effort Louis puts into his vlog. He's such a cool guy. Your dedication and talent is encouraging also, Ben. I was sad to see you put Nicole on a bus and that you weren't going to the graduation, but I hope there is a more positive side to it that you're just not showing. Thank you so much for this vlog. I truly enjoyed it!
itsgreer - 10 years ago
i understand how you feel dan! injection in a cut is the worst thing ever 
Alex Ramirez
Alex Ramirez - 10 years ago
I just wanna see Ben do visual Vibes for every where in the world. He really knows how to capture places beautifully. 
rudebeats907 - 10 years ago
What camera was louis using? I thought he had a gh4 but what he was using looked like sony?!
Toni MacTavish
Toni MacTavish - 10 years ago
A wonderful thing for an old lady to watch...I just love you kids!!!
Bella Nielson
Bella Nielson - 10 years ago
also going to miss Nicole and SP a lot
Asia Cooley
Asia Cooley - 10 years ago
They go to places where the landscapes are the pictures of nature posts on Tumblr. So beautiful. 
Bella Nielson
Bella Nielson - 10 years ago
watching you surf through hole in the wall was amazing and horrifying at the same time
Raymond Morrison
Raymond Morrison - 10 years ago
How much I want to come traveling with you is crazy!! Amazing vlogs!!!
TheBowcat - 10 years ago
first one i've watched all the way through for a while, great stuff
TreyPrankz - 10 years ago
Ben, you have totally shaped my life and how I look at life. I was here since 50k and you and the people you associate with has made me a more open-minded and loving person. Just living life to the fullest, comfortably, and loving. Seriously, bless your little cotton socks m8
WeGottaSituation - 10 years ago
It sucks when everyone is having fun and you're the one to get hurt... :P But another great vlog :D
Jessica C
Jessica C - 10 years ago
Love the vlogging from Nicole :)
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
MagesticSSS - 10 years ago
Anybody know how Dan and Ben know each other? Just curious :)
KP - 7 years ago
Matt Makhoul
Matt Makhoul - 10 years ago
Definitely one of the best vlogs on the internet! Soooo awesome.
Christina Nguyen
Christina Nguyen - 10 years ago
the way that the music changes when he goes underwater is so mad!
KhoalityTV - 10 years ago
Awesome vlogs! Wow that's so beautiful and thanking for thanks us with you on this beautiful journey of yours.
Deb Noble
Deb Noble - 10 years ago
Such an epic vlog! I found myself holding my breath right before a wave hit. I loved the first-person surfing too, it brought back a lot of fun memories of learning to surf.
Also huge thank you for warning us before Dan got his foot stitched up, I hate that kind of stuff. 
Bandar That Arab Guy
Bandar That Arab Guy - 10 years ago
Ben if you have the time i would love to see a video on how you edit and what you add to your videos. Amazing Vlogs Keep it up
Darian Nguyen
Darian Nguyen - 10 years ago
One of my favorite vlogs yet.
Rachel Valenzuela
Rachel Valenzuela - 10 years ago
ya'll need a roadtrip groupname! perhaps, "the africana cruisers"
Breanna Weller
Breanna Weller - 10 years ago
This video is siiiick, you should have so many more subscribers than you do! Thanks for putting 100% into your videos everyday, they're awesome and make me so jealous of your lifestyle! Hahah
Mason Cantrell
Mason Cantrell - 10 years ago
You'r videos are so cool!
Ashely Parker
Ashely Parker - 10 years ago
Emily 111222333
Emily 111222333 - 10 years ago
thumbs up if you watched the whole video!
mil301 - 10 years ago
i can't express how much i am enjoying this vlogs!!
The Blue Table
The Blue Table - 10 years ago
amazing editing skilllzzz 
gks6161 - 10 years ago
Ben, you deserve way much more credit for your work. I can see the passion and the effort you put in your adventures/videos! I get excited to see every vlog..and believe me they are my favorite..

You are truly an amazing film maker and you give me motivation, to work for my dreams!

Thank you!
David Schueller
David Schueller - 10 years ago
Now i really want to go to south africa....without splitting my heel open
Jacob James
Jacob James - 10 years ago
I cut my foot open last week hahah whilst swimming i stood on a sharp rock! Got 5 stiches in the heel lol that needle they use to num it is the worst pain like omg
majmune4 - 10 years ago
Are Nicole and SP the same age? Graduation together...just curious, always thought Nicole was the youngest!
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
Same age :) 
Brooks Templeton
Brooks Templeton - 10 years ago
You may have mentioned this earlier, but what is that little black dot that sometimes shows up on the screen in the bottom middle of the screen?
Miguel Riveros
Miguel Riveros - 10 years ago
Ok i think this is awesome, road trip, surf, hospital, pumba the landy, I just can't stop watching this is so interesting and fun and I don't know how explain, I just can say this is "rad", Mr Ben Brown I love u work, and please don't stop doing that soon make stay up for a few years
Lewis Seddon
Lewis Seddon - 10 years ago
your attention to detail is insane how your music turns down under water
ChakraW - 10 years ago
I just knew that Dan was going to be the first one damaged. After that, probably Louis.
Curlee Sammy
Curlee Sammy - 10 years ago
fr0sty - 10 years ago
WTH, I knew nicole was 22ish but ESPY? did not know that
Manda Louise
Manda Louise - 10 years ago
Loving the Beach boys sound track vibes :D
James Hernandez
James Hernandez - 10 years ago
Finally caught up with the vlogs haha. But these videos are amazing and just so motivational. Hopefully see you all one day.
yoyo - 10 years ago
Hey dude you are so professional. I loved that music effect when you were underwater the music faded. And also I love how you select music in general. It's not easy to make videos everyday with quality, I love your work.
theacanuto - 10 years ago
Having friends who all have a passion and love for photography and film making is awesome, can't wait to see all the end products! :)
Kyle B
Kyle B - 10 years ago
My foot hurts now
alwaysuseless - 10 years ago
Btw, was the medic a Brownie? ㋡ That was very accommodating of him to let you film his sewing Dan up. I think a lot of hospitals or clinics wouldn't allow it. I'm glad you were able to record it, even though it made me squirm. It made the story complete. Love you guys! Take care.
alwaysuseless - 10 years ago
+itsgreer  Either you're from South Africa and you're teasing me, or you're not from South Africa and you're teasing me. I think you're right, though, that they have a different attitude in SA, and perhaps the fact that it's a relatively rural clinic is relevant, too.
itsgreer - 10 years ago
its south africa you can do anything in south africa haha 
myrto lefk
myrto lefk - 10 years ago
awww I'm soo sad that nocole and SP are leaving :( it was an awesome roadtrip ben and thank you for sharing it with us! I love you and I love the vibes and I'm just so excited to see the things you do in the future :) And I hope Dan's leg gets well soon :) I'm gonna miss seeing you four together :)
Callum Smart
Callum Smart - 10 years ago
I love the passion, effort and time you put into your vlogs EVERYDAY no matter what's going on. So many youtubers chuck a few clips of their day together, which is fair enough if that's what their viewers want to see but the effort and passion to get good content to your views is something that needs credited!
alwaysuseless - 10 years ago
33½ minutes of vlogs today! We need to pay you overtime! Amazing footage of you & Dan surfing at the Hole in the Wall. Really beautiful shots from the side! I hope Dan's heel heals nicely. No permanent damage if it does! He is something of a daredevil, but it's awful seeing our daredevil get hurt.
Entropy - 10 years ago
Really appreciated the submerged tone change of the music once you dipped into the water
Pennyface1 - 10 years ago
Kenzie-Anne Grant
Kenzie-Anne Grant - 10 years ago
I really Hope Dans foot heals ok.. foots such a tuff heal (no pun intended) because we are always on them, so sending positive thoughts :)
Victor F
Victor F - 10 years ago
can't get enough of your vlogs lately...
Victor F
Victor F - 10 years ago
Mandatory Ebola comment
Kenzie-Anne Grant
Kenzie-Anne Grant - 10 years ago
Dan looked sooo sad.. "Ive always wanted a puppy"
earthandemily - 10 years ago
The editing and shots in this are amazing! Puttin the art in daily vlogging 
LILProdigy Navarro
LILProdigy Navarro - 10 years ago
 Bromance going on lol Matt at 17:17 aha 
lifeofluke - 10 years ago
I'm wondering why someone would surf at hole in the wall, when the wave dies right after it comes through? 
I guess it looks cool in the footage? It is a beautiful place, I'll admit.
lifeofluke - 10 years ago
+Fabian M I assumed as much. It does look like a great spot, even to free swim through the hole in the wall!
Fabian M
Fabian M - 10 years ago
It's probably just for the experience and because it looks amazing on film :)
Alex Ratcliff
Alex Ratcliff - 10 years ago
Awesome man! One of the best yet
TheSupermaxim - 10 years ago
I can't wait for the Visual vibes with Ben's and with the almighty man crush Dan the Director! so stoked on this road trip man!
kbj57 - 10 years ago
Question: Was that a light or mic on Jack's camera....Can you share make/model if possible?
Vinícius Rodrigues
Vinícius Rodrigues - 10 years ago
How can your vlogs get only better and better?
And btw, the amount of talented people in this vlog is just simply awesome, Dan, Jack, Louis, Sp, Nichole, Nick and YOU!
Great Vlog Be, stay safe!
Anthony Taylor
Anthony Taylor - 10 years ago
Noon the road trip gang is breaking up. The last week or so has been epic Ben, Love this group of people :)
Kara Murati
Kara Murati - 10 years ago
I just wonder who the f. dislikes the videos , and why 
Kenzie-Anne Grant
Kenzie-Anne Grant - 10 years ago
seriously wonder the same thing.. probably just really angry troll people who dont like anything..and feel the need to spread their negative vibes..
Toby Lock
Toby Lock - 10 years ago
all of your videos are soo cool man, makes me want to do what you do but would never know how to get into it! Also because you surf, have you heard of boardmasters festival in cornwall? check it out!
Lerissa - 10 years ago
I absolutely love the fact that you oaks are here in my beautiful country. Such a bummer I never got to meet you. Even though you're super busy, you should find out if people would like a small meetup... Wherever you are. I'd love that.
neversayneverjc - 10 years ago
Ben, this was astounding! AMAZING!
Laura Puntaier
Laura Puntaier - 10 years ago
Awww Sam Smith, fuck yes. (: x
Dame International
Dame International - 10 years ago
Nicole: "minus 10 points :(" awwwww 
xenayb - 10 years ago
get well soon DAN !
Lea von lotterleben
Lea von lotterleben - 10 years ago
NO SP stay !
Paola ulysse
Paola ulysse - 10 years ago
Ben looked so sad at the end due to the fact that Nicole was leaving.... #relationship goal my friends, like nicole would say xx 
JosefinsView - 10 years ago
loved the video, well except the blood part. But i looked away so i survived. But awsome vlog, like always!
Giulia Motta
Giulia Motta - 10 years ago
SP is such good looking
Alex - 10 years ago
Probably my favourite vlog this
Imaan Shahrum
Imaan Shahrum - 10 years ago
I puke like seriously
tailwip97 - 10 years ago
Best vlog ever
Dame International
Dame International - 10 years ago
OMG no I am so squeamish thank you for the heads up I was squirming like fuck, ugh no, sorry Dan!
Smiley Adventures
Smiley Adventures - 10 years ago
I started to tear up at 0:35 with the little boy because ever since watching your vlogs here in SA I can't wait to get my hands on those children and hug and squeeze them with love! Volunteering to dedicate my heart in South Africa in February all the way from Boston, MA ! Xoxo so awesome!
Smiley Adventures
Smiley Adventures - 10 years ago
Thanks I am sure it will be life changing x
Dame International
Dame International - 10 years ago
Its the best thing youll do :) 
Kieran Wilson
Kieran Wilson - 10 years ago
Dude you're just the most genuine guy, and you've done so well and I love watching the vlogs, you've become a part of my daily routine! Work hard,try not to get lost or killed! Bye!<3
Zyaine Bell
Zyaine Bell - 10 years ago
Who else knew Ben was gonna call the grasshopper Gary lol
ChakraW - 10 years ago
He calls everything Gary. Pumba was almost Gary.
xAnouk - 10 years ago
Same here haha ;)
_islandgurl7 - 10 years ago
+bel250 same! :)
ChakraW - 10 years ago
+bel250 same here.
bel250 - 10 years ago
I was laughing because I said "gary" before he said it ;-)
SpeckoGirl - 10 years ago
Who needs television when we have these vlogs? Seriously... a dose of Ben and Louis is all need.
Gary Swanson
Gary Swanson - 10 years ago
FunWithAJ - 10 years ago
Wow! Dan is a trooper! Not sure why he needed stitches though, could you see the bone? I've had cuts that deep on the foot and luckily they've all healed fine.
DjTak3On3 - 10 years ago
he definitely needed stitches!
frigid - 10 years ago
well, they're on the road and doing tons of activities so... :P
Dame International
Dame International - 10 years ago
Nice touch with the underwater music effect Ben! Also hope you locked Pumba tight with all your gear in her out there, shit Id be worried man. 
James Wood
James Wood - 10 years ago
Do you see the intensity of Pumba's lights increase and decrease as you vary the revs of the engine?  The interior lights?  
Really amazing video.
Does it seem to you Ben that this battery issue began following any of the modifications?  Maybe you have a grounded short.
Safe travels.
N M - 10 years ago
Most of the modifications were cosmetic
Tashie - 10 years ago
Ben, if u do decide to come back to Durban, come to aquafest..its on the 20th of Dec...its epic! :D werent joking when you said that u and punba are gonna be taking us on some hectic adventures! Love it!
Tashie - 10 years ago
Pumba* my bad
Key Lenny
Key Lenny - 10 years ago
Is healthcare free in south africa? 
Can everyone speak afrikaans in SA or only in some town they can speak it?
Brendan Sharp
Brendan Sharp - 9 years ago
No healthcare is not free anywhere in South Africa and it is compulsory to learn Afrikaans or Zulu in school but not everyone speaks it, the province I live it/ state I live in is a full on English
speaking state but some other provinces/states are stronger in Afrikaans than English
David H
David H - 10 years ago
+Filippo Masoni Same as in Australia. At the end of the day it's better that everyone can receive healthcare rather than only those who can afford it.
Filippo Masoni
Filippo Masoni - 10 years ago
+Aggiesgigem In Italy it is. But it's kind of included in taxes since they're so high, so in the end you're right.
Key Lenny
Key Lenny - 10 years ago
Healthcare isn´t free and you must have your own insurance, or you have to pay like a ticket every time you go in the hospital?

So how do you speak each other, nearly every body can speak english i guess, so it´s the first language to go for?

I really interested in South Africa after Ben and Louie vlogs, even if i hate warm weathe ahah

Thanks for the answers guys
Tashie - 10 years ago
No, sadly healthcare isnt free..and not everyone can speak afrikaans..its just one of the many options we have to choose from at school..South Africa has 11 official languages so thats why not everyone knows how to speak or is as fluent in afrikaans..depends on which school and what province/town you live in. Hope that helps.
commenter Frank
commenter Frank - 10 years ago
I felt sad when ben tried to kiss nichol at the end but she hugged him only.
Paul Franzen
Paul Franzen - 10 years ago
I felt sad that he got stitches for that flesh wound
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
+brianindc Thanks so much! x
brianindc - 10 years ago
+Nicole Eddy Thank goodness someone said this ... I'm sorry it had to be you ... But these stupid (negative) relationship comments drive me bats.  I "thumbs down" every one of them I see ... Congrats on your graduation!!
Michael S
Michael S - 10 years ago
+Nicole Eddy With youtube comments you have to focus on the positive, because there will be some negative as well. Dont stress about it. You've been really amazing on this trip, Ben's a lucky guy, and its clear to most people you have a great relationship to be having all these adventures with him and the guys and be so chilled and fit in so well. 
ultimateredstone - 10 years ago
+Nicole Eddy exactly, we only see what Ben vlogs. We don't know or see enough to judge anything, and this is youtube after all, so just only even consider criticisms or comments that you think are justified :)
Pennystudio99 - 10 years ago
+Nicole Eddy Nice comment.. subscribed !! :)
LuFi - 10 years ago
+Nicole Eddy you're the best nicole! Congratulations on graduating!
Nicole Eddy
Nicole Eddy - 10 years ago
I'm not having a go at you & I can understand why you say this but I feel like everybody analyses our relationship way too intensely, it's tiring! Reading comments like this all the time makes me feel like such a horrible person. I prefer to reserve my affections for Ben, who I love very much, off camera. It's the little privacy that we have left!
myrto lefk
myrto lefk - 10 years ago
I didn't notice that but perhaps she didn't want to do it in front of the camera :)
Dame International
Dame International - 10 years ago
We don't see everything hey :)
maggie Higginbotham
maggie Higginbotham - 10 years ago
Thank you for the double upload today Ben! Thank you for all the time, thought and energy you put into your content. I watch them every day and they are currently the perfect study break during finals!! Have fun on your road trip and stay safe!!
josh - 10 years ago
The area they are surfing in doesn't look very African or atleast what I thought Africa looked like
Kyle Bennett
Kyle Bennett - 7 years ago
Cairo is smelly and is always clouded in dust. I would recommend Morocco over Egypt.
josh - 10 years ago
i thought i would have seen atleast one simba in this video 
xenayb - 10 years ago
+Fabian M
 adding on if you visit northern Africa, it's a bunch of high rise buildings and skyscrapers(EGYPT)
Fabian M
Fabian M - 10 years ago
Africa is a continent. I've been on savannas with only dry grass and sand, in the "rainforest" and mountains with snow. Africa is big. If you want to go to countries that may remind you of what you see in The Lion King, I would recommend Kenya or Tanzania :)
Tashie - 10 years ago
Why? What did u think Africa looked like?
Mr Joshua Hargis
Mr Joshua Hargis - 10 years ago
The really cool thing about traveling to those rural areas is that the kids are getting world exposure!  Maybe some day, they'll also be traveling and meeting/inspiring rural kids.
MG360 - 10 years ago
Love a vlog before bed
Giulia Motta
Giulia Motta - 10 years ago
Why Jacks only staying for such an little time? :(
Giulia Motta
Giulia Motta - 10 years ago
Yeah.. Thats sad! And im pretty sure he wouldnt be able to stay on Cape Town..
FunWithAJ - 10 years ago
I was wondering the same, literally like 2-3 days...
ItsHolyJeVo - 10 years ago
What camera was jack using? & what lens?
Ben - 10 years ago
a lumix g4 with a Nikon prime lens
Alex Tapply
Alex Tapply - 10 years ago
He did a blog post about his camera equipment on here
the camera is a Panasonic Lumix GH4, he has "two old-school Nikon lenses a 35mm f/2.8 and a 135mm f/2.8." Also "a simple Metabones Speed adapter which allows them to fit on the GH4 and also increases the aperture by one stop." 
Dame International
Dame International - 10 years ago
Lumix with a Nikon prime lens I think he said?
Alberto Criado
Alberto Criado - 10 years ago
Just wanna say that even though you, Ben have not changed my life at all I've being inspired by you since the very beginning. Now I read loads of comments of people thanking you their life changes and in my opinion that is REMARKABLE. You are such an inspiration an I got to tell you I have actually watched ALL your videos of the channel. This was by far one of the bests. Finally I am just looking forward to go to the Shark Center you went for the 100K and do what you promised about coming back because that video has marked me.
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
Thanks so much dude! Such nice words :) 
A Day In The Life of ALAN
A Day In The Life of ALAN - 10 years ago
+Mr Ben Brown can i get the name of the song at 14:13 pleaseeee 
Harry S. Nugraha
Harry S. Nugraha - 10 years ago
ben and dan are good collaboration, im so entertained watching them together, radical
Anjel Atup
Anjel Atup - 10 years ago
You guys have been talking about pizza for days! It's about time! Much love from the U.S.!
yomamacold - 10 years ago
WOO. long vlog!
sensationbeatsxe - 10 years ago
U should have taken the puppy and saved him, love ur vlogs btw
McKayla P
McKayla P - 10 years ago
The EFF happened to Dans foot at 7:56?! I nearly hurled! xxx
SullysWrap - 10 years ago
That spot is amazing, beyond jealous right now!
Garry Butterworth-Hayes
Garry Butterworth-Hayes - 10 years ago
Great name for a grasshopper Ben ;)
Abby Gonzalez McCloskey
Abby Gonzalez McCloskey - 10 years ago
Dan is beautiful
brownflyboy - 10 years ago
At 11.43 Dan's quote is so legit on their amazing adventure!
Dixit - 10 years ago
"you're my fav roadtrip buddy, don't tell the others" hahaha that was cute :)
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee - 10 years ago
ben, this was so dope. and did anyone make out what jack recommended for film makers at 5:46 ?
Key Lenny
Key Lenny - 10 years ago
He said that the Nikon Prime is the best, "prime" in photography means a lens that you can´t change focal lenght to so like 50mm, 85mm, 20mm and not like 16-35mm.
I suppose that lens is a Nikon 14mm 2.8 f or a 24mm 1.4 (or something on that since he shot hand helded, try to stop the video and check it.
I personaly think that there´s better option but it depends on what stuff you want to do and other things. 
Sorry for the introduction on lenses if you already knew it, maybe can help someone else.
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee - 10 years ago
+Darian Nguyen +FunWithAJ cool thanks Darian. Do prime lens make that much of a difference compared to other lens?
Darian Nguyen
Darian Nguyen - 10 years ago
Nikon prime lens.
FunWithAJ - 10 years ago
Nope but let  me know when you find out!
Aydan Jane
Aydan Jane - 10 years ago
The hole in the wall was in a surfing movie! (my favorite one) And what camera was Jack using when filming their walk down to the beach?
Elliott Norvill
Elliott Norvill - 10 years ago
How does he make enough money to do all of these things?
Alberto Criado
Alberto Criado - 10 years ago
By doing this things mate
Luis Castro
Luis Castro - 10 years ago
Because of Ben Brown, I decided to start doing photography as a new hobby. Mr. Brown is a huge inspiration in my life and I would like to thank him. Everyone please check out my IG: @mrluiscastro Thank you guys!
Hannah Oelker
Hannah Oelker - 10 years ago
Oh god, poor Dan! I really admire how brave you were to go surfing there
ArguedMan W.
ArguedMan W. - 10 years ago
HEY BEN... it's me again ;)
Sufyan Sazalan
Sufyan Sazalan - 10 years ago
Its funny how it get so emotional at the end
Shreya Mathur
Shreya Mathur - 10 years ago
Awesome video, great shots and the music goes really well with it especially that go pro angle on the surfing scenes x
Humanoid Lifeform
Humanoid Lifeform - 10 years ago
WOW, those stitches were deep. Cool vlog though :)
alexandravg18 - 10 years ago
Is Ben not joining Nicole on her graduation? I guess every girl wants her boyfriend beeing with her on such an important day
alexandravg18 - 10 years ago
Oh no that is anoying +Mr Ben Brown​! But you will have a great time with the boys instead :-D! Enjoy it! I love your Videos! Greetings from Germany!
FunWithAJ - 10 years ago
+Mr Ben Brown yikes man that stinks. You must be gutted. I hope the family records it for you.
Mr Ben Brown
Mr Ben Brown - 10 years ago
Even if I was back in Cape Town I can't go, you only get tickets for family :(
FunWithAJ - 10 years ago
I was wondering the same.
Varsha Verghese
Varsha Verghese - 10 years ago
"Don't get lost or killed! But work hard!"

HAHA, love nicole.
fitetothefinish - 10 years ago
I can't wait to go on a road trip like this one day. If only I had a Pumba to take along with me!
Pixel - 10 years ago
What camera does Jack have? Nikon something he said? 
ConnorMcGill - 10 years ago
ConnorMcGill - 10 years ago
+TheMacTown rode stereo videomic x :)
Nick Capone
Nick Capone - 10 years ago
+Chinchillupa Guy Looks similar to a viewfactor contineo or something
Chinchillupa Guy
Chinchillupa Guy - 10 years ago
+Nick Capone looks like a small DSLR mount cage, but not too sure
Nick Capone
Nick Capone - 10 years ago
+ConnorMcGill happen to know what the metal attachment he's got on the lumix to put multiple items on top is called?
ConnorMcGill - 10 years ago
Panasonic GH4, old nikon prime lens with adapter, rode stereo videomic x (i think)
theacanuto - 10 years ago
I think he mentioned that he was using a Nikon Prime lens :)
Liam Filtness
Liam Filtness - 10 years ago
Looked like Panasonic Lumix g4 with an adapter for Nikon lenses.
Javi Davi
Javi Davi - 10 years ago
Jack with that Poler hat!!!
Suther98 - 10 years ago
Top quality mate, loving the longer vlogs. Keep up the good work as you are by far my favourite youtuber!
Taylor Murphy
Taylor Murphy - 10 years ago
Absolutely loving these vlogs! I think i need a cool adventure like this asap
Martis4all - 10 years ago
that wound dan had would healed by itself much nicely rather then sewing it had it on my nose p.s. anyways probably doesnt really matters since its on his foot
Fabian M
Fabian M - 10 years ago
In Africa it is common to walk around without shoes like you see them doing all the time. With so much sand and other things that are not good to get in a wound it's okay to get it stitched.
Maddy B
Maddy B - 10 years ago
Ben I love your vlogs! They're filled with so much adventure, smiles, and perfect music. You're a big inspiration to me with everything you do and especially your attitude about it. Keep up the amazing work.
Cole Steven
Cole Steven - 10 years ago
how come their is no hd option???
GG Spikey
GG Spikey - 10 years ago
Jim Holland
Jim Holland - 10 years ago
Can anyone tell me what Jack has on his panosonic??
jason christyjc
jason christyjc - 10 years ago
Yes 1st 100 comment
TheMissoflaughing - 10 years ago
If you have trouble wiht blood or stitches better get ready to skip some parts :D That was intense ben! :D 
LKLB - 10 years ago
Sick video as always Ben!! Feel free to check out our couple, travel videos guys! Recently travelled across Thailand and now doing the same in Australia! Thanks!! :D
Sufyan Sazalan
Sufyan Sazalan - 10 years ago
Both of you are such perfection
Nat Morgan
Nat Morgan - 10 years ago
hey ben can how good ur vlogs are u inspire me and many other brownies to live life to the max.... Like u I kayak and penny board. But the point is please never stop making vlogs.
Big MEMBER - 10 years ago
Why is the highest quality 360p?
FunWithAJ - 10 years ago
When youtube video's are first uploaded they stay at that quality and then later more options are available. Should be good to go 1080p now.
Adam Haynes
Adam Haynes - 10 years ago
I'm so stoked for the visual vibes of this!
Gunnar Oden
Gunnar Oden - 10 years ago
Why is Jack only there for 2 days? Is he off to another film project?
mm - 10 years ago
Why did jack come for 4 days?
Heyitsalisa - 10 years ago
Probably to be back at home for Christmas i think.
Dan Smith, BYU
Dan Smith, BYU - 10 years ago
Ben I just want to say that you have truly affected my entire life and how I plan to live it. Thanks for all of the vlogs!
DownTheRoad - 9 years ago
+Bob Smith fuck bob and his generic ass name.  come up with a better name and maybe I'll respect you.
Alex P
Alex P - 9 years ago
+Bob Smith You've done pretty well to define how to be pathetic. What's the saying about not having anything better to do? If you had something better to do, you'd most likely be doing it rather than putting nice people down. Think on that, Bob.
Altlo _
Altlo _ - 9 years ago
Says the internet troll ^
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 9 years ago
Must be a pathetic existence. Go make your own vlogs, then I might respect u. But u are just a dork right now
Jak_0_Lantern - 9 years ago
Jak_0_Lantern - 10 years ago
+Luke vanna
33 dat stufffffffff
Luke vanna
Luke vanna - 10 years ago
well me i 32th dat shiiiit
Turtorials - 10 years ago
I quess its my job to 31th that
anya kiana
anya kiana - 10 years ago
I feel like its my duty to 30th that :)
jiwonxsh - 10 years ago
I 29th that! :) thank you Ben <3 xD
lp diddly
lp diddly - 10 years ago
28th that solid info bruf
Syphh - 10 years ago
27th dat shiz breh.
Hunter W
Hunter W - 10 years ago
It may be a little late, but I'm going to have to 26th that! Thank you Ben for sharing your amazing life with us. I aspire to be like you one day.
You & A.I.
You & A.I. - 10 years ago
+Stijn Peters-Sengers Thank you, I will use this information.
S. -
S. - - 10 years ago
+Fitzger00 Simple. I'll explain for myself: This guy reminds me that there is more to this world than just the flat lands of my country, the Netherlands. Two years ago I was afraid of everything that wasn't western culture and I hated everything that was different from what I am used to. I've been watching Ben's vlogs for a long time now and he has showed me that there is nothing to be afraid of. I now definately plan on travelling the world in a years from now. And I often take Ben as an example is social situations as well. Ben is so nice to everyone and even though I wasn't rude to anyone before, Ben reminds me that the little things matter. I can't even explain actually. He just motivates me to work hard so someday I can do the same thing as he's doing right now. 
You & A.I.
You & A.I. - 10 years ago
I'm going to have to ask...why?
Andrew Yok
Andrew Yok - 10 years ago
I 25th that, all da way!!! :D
Elliot Govier
Elliot Govier - 10 years ago
24th ^_^
Dionne Faint
Dionne Faint - 10 years ago
23rd That! Thank you Ben!
James Blogs
James Blogs - 10 years ago
I 22nd that!
Paeyyyyy - 10 years ago
then 21th :D
Will Humphrey
Will Humphrey - 10 years ago
20th that
Miles Blake
Miles Blake - 10 years ago
i'm going to have to 19th that!
S. -
S. - - 10 years ago
18th that
Sami - 10 years ago
+Ryan Parent 17th that!TRUE STORY
Ryan Parent
Ryan Parent - 10 years ago
16th that!
Alex Jackson
Alex Jackson - 10 years ago
15th that bruh
Lizzie Walsh
Lizzie Walsh - 10 years ago
A.P - 10 years ago
xAnouk - 10 years ago
I definitely have to Twelfth that ! ;)
BTM GamingHD
BTM GamingHD - 10 years ago
Might have to Eleventh that, sorrrrryyyy ;)
allthingsben - 10 years ago
I'm gonna have to tenth that
OG Olster
OG Olster - 10 years ago
I ninth dat
adventuresforemma - 10 years ago
I eighth that :)
met uer
met uer - 10 years ago
Atiqah Izzah
Atiqah Izzah - 10 years ago
I seventh that
met uer
met uer - 10 years ago
I sixth that.
TreyPrankz - 10 years ago
Wendy Rod
Wendy Rod - 10 years ago
I fourth that! ;)
josh - 10 years ago
I third that
Mallory Robertson
Mallory Robertson - 10 years ago
I second that!
Aaron Nolan
Aaron Nolan - 10 years ago
Marcus Pettersen
Marcus Pettersen - 10 years ago
PCFilms - 10 years ago
Great vlog like usual! Keep up the great work Ben. You have been an inspiration for me and all of your viewers. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.
DavidsNoMotoVlogg - 10 years ago
Welll Gona pop some popcorn and enjoy this 19 mins lonng video! :) (thumbs up) 
Opie - 10 years ago
I made a nice cup of red tea with herbs. :)
Callum Tobin
Callum Tobin - 10 years ago
Wreckless Productions
Wreckless Productions - 10 years ago
100th viewer!!!
Gustavo Campofiorito
Gustavo Campofiorito - 10 years ago
need more adventures like this ones!! :D
Oriol Ballesteros
Oriol Ballesteros - 10 years ago
Rc Javier
Rc Javier - 10 years ago

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