SURFING ON A LADDER sentiment_very_dissatisfied 67

Surf 6 years ago 134,545 views


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Most popular comments

Shifttube - 6 years ago
I think you need to strap the ladder more in the back so when you climb the ladder it can handle the weight better
Drisse Ettybe
Drisse Ettybe - 6 years ago
Subscribe For No Reason
Subscribe For No Reason - 6 years ago
Great video, as always !
Ed the Dread
Ed the Dread - 6 years ago
Tucker Upper
Tucker Upper - 6 years ago
My girlfriend Samantha has a dick shaped surfboard I love it more than her!
austyn asperilla
austyn asperilla - 6 years ago
8:44 he said: "oh sh*t i'm driving" LOL
Coolbeargames YT
Coolbeargames YT - 6 years ago
Could you bodyboard? Would love to see you try.
Cs Pruitt
Cs Pruitt - 6 years ago
Please tell me the name of the artist and the name of the song at the end.
Thank you in advance.
barry murphy
barry murphy - 6 years ago
I too wanna know that!
BIGQUIGGS - 6 years ago
wheres poopies i miss him

10. comment for SURFING ON A LADDER

brad ross
brad ross - 6 years ago
Tow in wake board surfing. Do it.
Next----- tow in snowboard surfing.
After that---- tow in 1 ski surfing not allowed to use 2 skis period.
Kyle Connelly
Kyle Connelly - 6 years ago
OSHA is psych level 11
Riley Gill
Riley Gill - 6 years ago
What camera do you use at 7:32 in the water
D G - 6 years ago
Nice guys. Really enjoying this stuff.
soartothesky - 6 years ago
I know its ok to admit that when people drink beer, surfing skateboarding snowboarding shit like this happens. This dude was like the happiest dog spinning on its axis today stick in the mouth droolin happy as fuck session. I haven't seen someone spin so violently in the ocean on drop knee on a beater board with or without fins or swimming fins like boogie hard core arcel boogie boards since I was like 19 of age and im 34 now, where the dudes that rode like you saw Jamie ride today were born like 1970+. So far the technicality of his riding can win world titles. Lucky him I know for a fact half of them out there don't ride like he do with the variations as opposed to aerial rotations but its style that counts. God damn jamie straight brews, this shit today tornado wirlwind shit was brought to you by redbull, the energy drink, budweiser the king of beers corona, vive mas, and fosters, australian for beer.
soartothesky - 6 years ago
One day I want to move to hawaii permanently until I break a brand new motorcycle dirt bike and repair it certain times but using the fuck outta it, but I want to replace like ball bearings certain things and just use it a lot or always ride it to explore and have an intimate relationship with oahu and maybe even take my bike across to the mainland on the ferry. get gas mask and secure a location that has potable water to fill up 3 liters and explore explore baby. Like all corners edges all everything with my eyeballs. By carrying it and begging, like a 265lbs machine with my explorer stuff light, like 30lbs at most where you know, cloud break broke this week 4 feet looking like 10 feet and people like me rather just soak on culture than coat and spray, and have to leave. Man I would have such a fun time with a brand new motorcycle going so slow. I would steal pineapple and plantain in oahu if I see farms and plants in my dirt roads.. Dont tell anyone to eat I would drive pull out my 3 inches of knife and go fry some plantains with coconut oil I made myself. from a pot I found at the beach made of metal. Real survivalist lifestyle like sleeping on the east tonight next to my bike. While you sleep inside but jungle, not city or honolulu, far from the city, using google maps just coasting non stop out from the city nothing because I got solar too crashing where im most safe where its probably soft grass facing beach no shelter exposed with a lizard on my face, away from other hobos, away from civilization the way I found out that you can do shit be safe and avoid the law. entirely, like they can't even see you you acres from the road acres probably miles. Like a person who's did it for 4 years and walked easily weekly hundreds of miles across many states and other islands that out of 8 years that he was homeless and quit for 6 or maybe I think 8 or more where im stuck here until 2023, and land there 2024 with already 8 years of homelessness but rich as fuck with a dirtbike and just soak that shit up hobo with a motorcycle, solar grid, lenovo laptop writing all day flat wake up surf some insane morning curl, back to work. Sleeping on the sand dirt grass jungle next to my machine where NOBODY can see me. Or the methods ive learned. So fuckin fun, I bet the east is probably the summer location or trade windswell spots and I would probably find a secret, or what I consider the most consistent and you have to be there early to have some discernible face before the wind messes it up. I slept outside with snow falling unto 6 inches for months no shelter or no van or no car, outside, cardboard a backpack some cloth to cover the skin. The trick is having a belly full and drinking some beer and away from other humans, away like where nobody will ever look, only things that humans learn through experience like rummaging for trash looking for new stuff to either wear or eat and if its cold a pint of unflavored liquor. the farther you are from other humans and the more expensive your gear is the better your life is. The most expensive shit on the road. Like goal zero sustainable stuff. With a laptop that last 37 hours. Where you got two days to find a plug, or charge with the sun simultaneously washing the clothes each 15th on a laundromat not even because you dipping ever morning and getting gas if you drive slow with 4 gallons of can on the motorcycle or dirt bike on the pannier on a new motorcycle every 28 days. With 3 liters of water camelback on top of the bag pack you are using like the military or the backpack on the bike, the 30lbs one, between 4 gallons of gas and the 3 liters of water more than enough for like 4 people on your back. On boots, and ankle guards like when you sprain both ankles. Like owning one kelly slaters board and giving it more use he will ever see in 365 days lol. Watch me on that bottom turn. Flying sending that shit feeling every single crease of epoxy loose on that shit buzzing or the vibrating BZZZZ of having scratches. Sending it caressing that water. For the mental bottom turns i know im talking about. Glassy personal 20ft faces. Glassy. Glass. Conditions only the handful that are consistent can speak about. No wind. In the bag the same thing, fruits nuts, gummies, oatmeal like the large one, super large one, the bottom of the rack of oatmeal inside several bags with knots, 2lbs of brown sugar and 200 single doses of starbucks via and one perfect beautful liter of hard cream or half and half and keeping it cool where half and half or heavy cream DOES NOT ROT it just doesnt if you store it perfectly and keep it upright and the weather could be cool or cold, or even kinda hot like sweaty one sip of half and half in the morning as calcium gives you INSANE power you even gain weight walking hundreds of miles a week for the instant coffee. the softest most confortable canadian boots you ever seen, and im not canadian. Back to town or store when I feel like it. More people should see the world like I see it, like remote locations UFO locations and its all for you, or hawaiian animals RAWR.
soartothesky - 6 years ago
Job a hero.
soartothesky - 6 years ago
I got frontside aerials wapaw you can't force them to get them boosted my hand just dips and I grab the board, just follow the contours of the wave to pop with the lip. Showing those watching my entire board go airborne like suck on my grab my dude from the back, look at me flying my dude like a skateboard but in the ocean. You can't force those if you want them popped. Its delicate like the correct movement the same thing to get boosted anything gotta time them just right doing them fast or without timing leads nowhere, its following the curvature of the wave that counts. Once you maximize this timing and the waves got ramps that are decent go as fast as a car in the highway or until you flex your board and soar to the sky.
soartothesky - 6 years ago
Imagine getting a barrel on that beater board, spinning a 720 on the face after coming out, a snap that send some water dug deep like bang buckets landing on the other side raindrops, another curtain to a final barrel and a floater foamy to catch like a 9 on that wave. with the 720 outta the first section. dave hubbard should be afraid of you. I can't carry you but Ill carry you out winning that drop knee contest my dude. Mix it up, 720 one direction 360 the other. god dam this session was tight as FUCK. Im happy with a reverse 360 underneath a solid bowl going prone or a backside barrel gripping both rail and water. Holy spitballs my dude.
Tomahawk_44 123
Tomahawk_44 123 - 6 years ago
Gave up utube for lent but saw your video and thought
“God will understand that I need to see JOB” love ur videos man
Nash Chillura
Nash Chillura - 6 years ago
What is the intro song?
C G - 6 years ago
They should make the power lines bigger because of you jamie
C G - 6 years ago
What is psych count?
Jared Grass
Jared Grass - 6 years ago
So you have yourself a raise.

20. comment for SURFING ON A LADDER

Alexandre Turchi
Alexandre Turchi - 6 years ago
Final song ?
Surf Stomp
Surf Stomp - 6 years ago
jamie o brien is such a kook
jin isida
jin isida - 6 years ago
Weather buoy or something?
Bruce516 - 6 years ago
aussiestrugs - 6 years ago
Need to ladder surf on the supsquatch at sunset
Swish Basketball
Swish Basketball - 6 years ago
jamie try and surf a wheelie bin
Riley and Ethan’s channel
Riley and Ethan’s channel - 6 years ago
What’s your favourite surfboard
Riley and Ethan’s channel
Riley and Ethan’s channel - 6 years ago
You are so funny
Daniel Patricelli
Daniel Patricelli - 6 years ago
30ft carlsbad ladders
りゅーせい - 6 years ago

30. comment for SURFING ON A LADDER

Maximus Kieffer
Maximus Kieffer - 6 years ago
That’s sick bra
Brian Demirjian
Brian Demirjian - 6 years ago
Most unique, classic vlog ever James. F ing awesome!!!!!!!
Gatr - 6 years ago
i tried surfing in hawaii and figured out that it is SUPER hard and tiring so now i have that much more respect for you
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
Much more extra respect boss
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
I can't even get in the sea water at pipeline " it's so rough
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Haha thanks buddy
Brian Demirjian
Brian Demirjian - 6 years ago
Please return the ladder hahahahahahahaaaaaaa
Brian Demirjian
Brian Demirjian - 6 years ago
Hahaha. . . I never knew ladders were so expensive! Mr James Duncan O'Brien you remind me of the Times b4 me and many friends got married. Keep living the dream don't get Married. I'm the same age as you and I miss the fun. Best vlog on you tube by faaaasaaaaarrrrrr!!!!!!!!! Keep it up bud!
Glenn Kimata
Glenn Kimata - 6 years ago
Dont let tina see your post
San Diego Johnny Surf
San Diego Johnny Surf - 6 years ago
That was the stupidest idea yet! I must be stupider cause I watched it three times!! San Diego Johnny surf is watching!
shanedude93 - 6 years ago
"oh shit I'm driving" hahaha had me dying Jamie
Dojah Mastah
Dojah Mastah - 6 years ago
all day! send it!
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
Sandy Davis
Sandy Davis - 6 years ago
Watta legend
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique - 6 years ago
terry luxton
terry luxton - 6 years ago
Hi Jamie, another great video as always, gutted for you that after all the effort the ladder surfing didn’t work out. Loved that you attached the ladders at home then drove to the beach, at least now you can clean your gutters without having to pay for expensive trades men especially with all your high viz clothing and hard hats. The surfing at the end was awesome. All the best from the uk.
Robert Ivers
Robert Ivers - 6 years ago
Keep your day job SURFING!!!
OriginalJud - 6 years ago
Dude, you always impress me most with the finless beater sessions, that 360 spin section you do is outrageous, and the session at China walls again I say you have impressive talent JOB
mchale haines
mchale haines - 6 years ago
looks like some one watched the present before making this video hahahaha
Tommaso Mattia Pretto
Tommaso Mattia Pretto - 6 years ago
u looked at the camera while driving for 7 seconds!! ahahaha 8:37
Seawolfaka - 6 years ago
Your not kelly or shane’o
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
No shit haha
Clarke Nathan
Clarke Nathan - 6 years ago
Has the channel done better or worse than u thought it would by now
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Haha felt so good
Edwardecko - 6 years ago
I'll be in Oahu this Friday look out

50. comment for SURFING ON A LADDER

Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy
ultrakook official
ultrakook official - 6 years ago
ladder surfing is the best!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
So much fun
Ares - 6 years ago
Will we see the "air camp" with Hubb?
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Ohh yeah !!!
A frendly spazmoid
A frendly spazmoid - 6 years ago
0:50 Jamie where do you get those shades from?
Doris and Patrick Leary
Doris and Patrick Leary - 6 years ago
How about some airs wearing a huge propeller hat? You know, to aid in spinning in pointless circles to impress dem contest judges.
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Hahahahaha that’s a classic idea
Malte Øgelund
Malte Øgelund - 6 years ago
I'm fucking phyached out right now, get scummy on a freakin board!!!!!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
No way that’s epic!!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Hahahahaha yeeeeeew
str8frnt - 6 years ago
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
str8frnt - 6 years ago
6' Ladder model....Wade Tokoro design......CLASSIC
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Igor Almeida
Igor Almeida - 6 years ago
jamie , can we talk about your sunglasses?
Christopher Adams
Christopher Adams - 6 years ago
Damn good effort bro. As always, a great entertaining video.
Kyle Stanford
Kyle Stanford - 6 years ago
It's a Tacoma nation!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Yeah bra!
Mungadungalis - 6 years ago
Didn’t really think this one through did ya
Joyful Yan
Joyful Yan - 6 years ago
Surfing on a ladder was psycho man ! Good fun ;)
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Cmass -
Cmass - - 6 years ago
8:42 "Holy shit i'm driving??" lmaoooooo
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
I was to psyched
Sidshow bob
Sidshow bob - 6 years ago
where´s poops
Morgan Amado
Morgan Amado - 6 years ago
That was a heavy hot heel
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Got him good!!
Julian Lang
Julian Lang - 6 years ago
BEST IDEA ON J.O.B. EVER! LOVE IT! Jamie you have inspired us to make our own YouTube channel!
We will be surfing and skating in some of our next videos so PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!
Tyler Sullivan
Tyler Sullivan - 6 years ago
Here from Colby rahas snapchat
Johnny Quest
Johnny Quest - 6 years ago
Where can I get one of those wetsuits with the flotation in it
Glenn Kimata
Glenn Kimata - 6 years ago
Remember those pedal boats you had to pedal with your legs you could rent? What if you got barreled in one of those?
Mr. Nick
Mr. Nick - 6 years ago
8:37 My favorite part... “oh shit I’m driving”
Heidi Fenton
Heidi Fenton - 6 years ago
Way above jake Paul sucks
Kellan Jones
Kellan Jones - 6 years ago
What glasses is JOB wearing
Frank Goodwin
Frank Goodwin - 6 years ago
Try it at Waikiki. You need clean and slope-y waves.
Infinite Velocity
Infinite Velocity - 6 years ago
LMFAO - you KNOW you're the luckiest mofo on the planet right?
Sean K Moore
Sean K Moore - 6 years ago
James, to ladder ride why not have another, heavier person on the board? There will be more stability.
Tymothi - 6 years ago
Caserpier WC
Caserpier WC - 6 years ago
Can you make different merch
Hopax - 6 years ago
Oh shit im driving, HAHAHA
MFX Gaming
MFX Gaming - 6 years ago
what a legend
M Treiser
M Treiser - 6 years ago
OSHA approved. C.I.A.
parallel parking
parallel parking - 6 years ago
Joe Joe
Joe Joe - 6 years ago
Ladder surfing is straight up legit
DJ Jetx GB
DJ Jetx GB - 6 years ago
Supsawatch and ladder
GivesAMinute - 6 years ago
Love seeing you guys make the most of slop! Nicely done!
Clinton Whoo
Clinton Whoo - 6 years ago
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHE, BEST YOUTUBE CHANNEL EVER, sorry Poops! Poopies get back to Hawaii, you missing out bru!
Morpheus Lagz
Morpheus Lagz - 6 years ago
Instant like
Rubi Gomez
Rubi Gomez - 6 years ago
Someone take me to jamie lol
Rubi Gomez
Rubi Gomez - 6 years ago
Holy .... this was sick ! Love it
Montagie ‘
Montagie ‘ - 6 years ago
THEred viking
THEred viking - 6 years ago
JoB must just ask people to try and get 5 k likes on the video it helps him alot .
Gunnar Elgersma
Gunnar Elgersma - 6 years ago
Can we have a count on the times he says dude aswell?
hazwaz - 6 years ago
looks like a good step up
Rianna Darroch
Rianna Darroch - 6 years ago
“I’ve never surfed on a ladder before” no shit Sherlock
Rice The noodle
Rice The noodle - 6 years ago
Suprised you didn’t hit any steps
robert17 - 6 years ago
is the whole bottom story of your house concrete blocks?
Romain Guéry
Romain Guéry - 6 years ago
Well it was worth it!
David Guthrie
David Guthrie - 6 years ago
A Frame on A Frame!

100. comment for SURFING ON A LADDER

Pacific Dynamic Builders
Pacific Dynamic Builders - 6 years ago
Waxed higher than Jon Jon!
David Ryder
David Ryder - 6 years ago
Number 13 on the "Psych counter" at 18:22
Tanner Jankins
Tanner Jankins - 6 years ago
Can you and poopies make a tutorial on tandem surfing, there isn't anything out there and you guys are real class at it
F.B.I- Federal Bureau of Investigation
F.B.I- Federal Bureau of Investigation - 6 years ago
You need put weight under the ladder so it isn’t so top heavy and it hopefully won’t tip if you do that
Matt Shelley
Matt Shelley - 6 years ago
strap a giant ladder on to the giant surfboard
Tyler Knight
Tyler Knight - 6 years ago
Put the ladders on the Squatch!!!
Huck Huck
Huck Huck - 6 years ago
Make some surf scooters. like the old 80's and 90's big tired scooters. Surfboard with handle bars.
Aluminum ladder and electrical power problem
Declan booth
Declan booth - 6 years ago
Come to south africa july
ItsHopkins - 6 years ago
homie whats the name to your intro song
roki tanji
roki tanji - 6 years ago
You should try putting it on the supsquatch! That would be awesome!!!
Poppana Skips
Poppana Skips - 6 years ago
The bigger the better
That’s what she said
Adrian Rothhammer
Adrian Rothhammer - 6 years ago
VelvetyPrune - 6 years ago
Jame straight forgot he was driving lmao
Go Block Ken Todd
Go Block Ken Todd - 6 years ago
2:58 there's a paranormal voice in the background. Use earphones to hear it carefully!
Go Block Ken Todd
Go Block Ken Todd - 6 years ago
1:20 what are those sun glasses called that your friend is wearing? they look dope!
Shaka Brah
Shaka Brah - 6 years ago
Jamie you are putting stuff out there that no one has doen before... I have been watching you for a long time and each video is getting better and better.... With your inspiration I want to follow you... Help support me to become a better body boarder
coming for you
coming for you - 6 years ago
sickest beater session ever!
George - 6 years ago
Way to step it up boys. You keep reaching new heights. One step at a time and then bumbai you guys be on top.
Barfyman362 Legalise Ranch
Barfyman362 Legalise Ranch - 6 years ago
Don’t trying this at home mulato. Ranch it up
Kason Koboski
Kason Koboski - 6 years ago
Best surf channel I know
staying safe out there
tidakbaguse - 6 years ago
lots of wind = fly kite
Dose anyone one think he needs more subs
Eamon Shields
Eamon Shields - 6 years ago
“I’ve never surfed on a ladder” has anybody ? Lol
Ethan Davis
Ethan Davis - 6 years ago
How do you not nose dive on a beater?
Nicole Spierings
Nicole Spierings - 6 years ago
So creative
Harrison Filleul
Harrison Filleul - 6 years ago
7:05 handshake facepalm
blingblingbob - 6 years ago
haha, you have to try that again! Top rung content!
Asher Hales
Asher Hales - 6 years ago
Like if job vlogs are the best vlogs on youtube
Kyle Jenner
Kyle Jenner - 6 years ago
That was so sick

When you do who is JOB 9.0 where are you gonna film in nz?
Michael Odom
Michael Odom - 6 years ago
I'm waiting for a Alice in Chains track.
James Clough
James Clough - 6 years ago
Stay Physced dude!!!
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald - 6 years ago
Boo Derka
Boo Derka - 6 years ago
that was just dumb
Florent C
Florent C - 6 years ago
This was epic, made my day!
ImOn Whaley
ImOn Whaley - 6 years ago
Lol I love it!
Darin Glover
Darin Glover - 6 years ago
Where’s Morgan?
C J - 6 years ago
Goomer - 6 years ago
You must be Sunglass Hut's best customer, or maybe the Dollar Store.
Kealii Iaea
Kealii Iaea - 6 years ago
Supsquach ladder riding
SC Nomad
SC Nomad - 6 years ago
That was funny as hell. Strong work! Lucas is a good man
Timothy - 6 years ago
Jamie way to make the best of the day, I loved it. A great way to welcome the man from japan! :)
Jackson Randall
Jackson Randall - 6 years ago
So sick
Jeremiah Alphonsus
Jeremiah Alphonsus - 6 years ago
Such a desperate search for novelty. "When one lives by novelty, there will always have to be a new novelty."
- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Dee Miller
Dee Miller - 6 years ago
That was FUNNY..
1 minute of surfing, and 17 minutes of bla , bla , bla...
Jack Coffey
Jack Coffey - 6 years ago
Next video you should surf the 12
Foot stand up paddle boards at pipe
STEVE Westside
STEVE Westside - 6 years ago
Kinda wack filmin the price u pay every time u go to grab shit. Go eazy on the card swipin footy filmer lol. We all know the homie Jamie has loot.
CopleyYeraysab - 6 years ago
jackson easley
jackson easley - 6 years ago
Bro how did the ladders not hit you guy on the heads??
SanFranciscoBay - 6 years ago
9:24 Jaimie. Stop burning/hurting other peoples feet while they are sleeping. You risk getting the person injured, the video blocked by or your channel cancelled YouTube.
Felix In Costa-Rica
Felix In Costa-Rica - 6 years ago
Don’t be gentle it’s a rental
Jack Mat
Jack Mat - 6 years ago
J.O.B should have 10 million or more subscribers. I always get a good laugh everytime I watch.
Preston Kieschnik
Preston Kieschnik - 6 years ago
I would love to see you at the pipeline pro
Preston Kieschnik
Preston Kieschnik - 6 years ago
You are my idol
Preston Kieschnik
Preston Kieschnik - 6 years ago
You are the most rad dude
Matt From Duluth
Matt From Duluth - 6 years ago
I'm still waiting to hear JOB say that hes going to pick up Poopies.
Dude...tell us why Poopies is AWOL
Kevin Rustles
Kevin Rustles - 6 years ago
Flying to Bali today. Starting this trip off right with a JOB vlog. YEEEEW
Kristen Leblond
Kristen Leblond - 6 years ago
Your imagination is supreme!!!!!
Layne Inouye
Layne Inouye - 6 years ago
Ask uncle Brian Keaulana, he did a bunch of ladder and lounge chairs ads for Hawaiian style back in the
Jeffrey Cooper
Jeffrey Cooper - 6 years ago
Dude id be so happy surfing the waves that Jamie thinks are bad
Dimitri Giron
Dimitri Giron - 6 years ago
put a ladder on the supsquatch!!!
yeowart - 6 years ago
Why does anyone fall asleep in Jamie's house without shoes on?
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 6 years ago
Construction surfing! Next level shit! You gotta colab with Chris from Beefs Official, and the CATCH SURF crew for some gnarley footie!
Tracey Baker
Tracey Baker - 6 years ago
the ladder on a board ,,great for shark look out to ...that was so funny.keep up the first offs.
Tamarak S
Tamarak S - 6 years ago
Where did Poopies go?
Aaron E
Aaron E - 6 years ago
If "The Duke" could only see where surfing on the north shore has gone. From surfing 18ft long wood boards and no fins, to 5' 6" short boards , to Foamies. To Foamies with ladders and a hard hat.
Dallin Occleshaw
Dallin Occleshaw - 6 years ago
You look like bob the builder
drdre_ 123
drdre_ 123 - 6 years ago
Scummy had pit vipers
ry jo
ry jo - 6 years ago
Do you think you can get kicked out of canada? P.s what would be the biggest wave north of the boarder.
T Understands
T Understands - 6 years ago
Wtf job? Are you really that bored of Hawaiian waves that you need to attach a ladder to your board now? I’m out here hoping fucking praying for waist hi swell and your waist hi up a fuckin ladder. Much love tho regardless keep pushin it$$
TCR 223
TCR 223 - 6 years ago
They charge you $25 to “buy and return” ladders... don’t ask, just do!
lauren b
lauren b - 6 years ago
how do you forget you’re driving...?
Bypipo - 6 years ago
The myth says that if you came here early, JOB will says hi to you.
Dzzie D
Dzzie D - 6 years ago
The beater footage was epic!
BERSERKER - 6 years ago
Need a “stoked” counter also
Tomás E. Hornos
Tomás E. Hornos - 6 years ago
Whats your skill 8:15
Hugh William PEARSON
Hugh William PEARSON - 6 years ago
take surf lessons pretending your a kook
WATERMELON PRO% - 6 years ago
Love your videos yewwwww
Taj Dorrington
Taj Dorrington - 6 years ago
Yo you are the world best YouTuber in the world
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 6 years ago
Worst idea ever. Nice job! Entertainment at it’s finest!
Alexei Ezhevsky
Alexei Ezhevsky - 6 years ago
You need to Ladder Surf on a Supsquatch. 4 boys paddling, 4 boys holding the ladder, 1 on the rudder, and Jamie climbing to the top for a bomb drop.
Alexei Ezhevsky
Alexei Ezhevsky - 6 years ago
Ladder surfing could work if you paddle out with somebody already on it.
Alexei Ezhevsky
Alexei Ezhevsky - 6 years ago
That ladder was like 2ft Hawaiian.
Matz G
Matz G - 6 years ago
A lightyear ohio
XACUTE - 6 years ago
25ft California
Eric Kiskaddon
Eric Kiskaddon - 6 years ago
Was visiting my fiancee's family last week and saw some guys surfing on ladders from sunset. Makes more sense now. Strong work!
Penny Hall
Penny Hall - 6 years ago
JOB is the best youtuber!
Brody Seiber
Brody Seiber - 6 years ago
Lol where r the Laird haters at
Ricardo Andres Rojas Chaparro
Ricardo Andres Rojas Chaparro - 6 years ago
Safety third
V3INS Inc.
V3INS Inc. - 6 years ago
14:45 your welcome
Dylan Sweeney
Dylan Sweeney - 6 years ago
Surfing starts at 12:05
Bodeane - 6 years ago
Anyone know the song at 14:50?? Can’t find it anywhere
Bruce W
Bruce W - 6 years ago
Chaos is a ladder!
Johnny Quickshot
Johnny Quickshot - 6 years ago
That shit got my dick hard
Michael G
Michael G - 6 years ago
What a life.
Johnny Quickshot
Johnny Quickshot - 6 years ago
Did you know Kelly slater is john johns dad? #surffacts
DoomSniper - 6 years ago
subscribe to (The Kookies Channel)
Johnny Quickshot
Johnny Quickshot - 6 years ago
Hey job, do you get chicks, can you do an episode on how to pick up chicks
Spouky - 6 years ago
Love the "Oh shit I'm driving!"
Liam Murphy
Liam Murphy - 6 years ago
yamie, what are those sunnies.
Jaylina A.
Jaylina A. - 6 years ago
Bruh I have been WAITING for this I'm stoked
Johnny Quickshot
Johnny Quickshot - 6 years ago
JOB, true Hawaii legend don’t be fooled
ezekiel rocha
ezekiel rocha - 6 years ago
8:41 “oh shit I’m driving” HAAHHA
Mikey B
Mikey B - 6 years ago
This dude forgot he was driving bahahaha
Stuart Hayward
Stuart Hayward - 6 years ago
Yummy yellow?
Jpoole322 - 6 years ago
8:44 "Oh s*** I'm driving" hahahahahaha
Sun - 6 years ago
Bob O’Brien The Surfer
Bubba Digital
Bubba Digital - 6 years ago
even if they fuck up the boards the value of them is going way up after this ladder session vlog lol
Will the Thrill
Will the Thrill - 6 years ago
“Oh shit I’m driving” hahah. Toyota rollin straight and true.
Hannah Fisher
Hannah Fisher - 6 years ago
I am shocked that they still had the hard hats by the end. :D
foufdog - 6 years ago
@jamieo'brien 'oh shit I'm driving' fuck no
Larisa Canastra
Larisa Canastra - 6 years ago
what is your favorite way to surf.
Larisa Canastra
Larisa Canastra - 6 years ago
what is your favorite baseball team.
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Larisa Canastra I don’t have one
leandrostan__ - 6 years ago
“We’re gonna go ladder surfing” like that’s so usual for this man, he be doing that shit all the time
Tommy Jacoby
Tommy Jacoby - 6 years ago
Those glasses, lol
JoM0BX - 6 years ago
Those glasses are retarded... until you put them on, then they look epic
not you
not you - 6 years ago
Those glasses at the the start tho
ben yessin
ben yessin - 6 years ago
Weld a Hydro Foil to the Ladder and use a Boat ladder. Just my thoughts.
ConnorsCovers - 6 years ago
Jamie sounds like hes about to cry in the beginning lmao
Ever Greatest
Ever Greatest - 6 years ago
Weird flex but ok.
Teddy - 6 years ago
8:20 lmao shout out to the boi keepin it real lol
Dane Schuck
Dane Schuck - 6 years ago
Where is Poopies for this escapade?
Kikl Csanád
Kikl Csanád - 6 years ago
LOL this is the sickest video I have seen so far from you guys!!!!!
MelCrystalsurf MelCrystalsurf
MelCrystalsurf MelCrystalsurf - 6 years ago
When is poopies coming back
Jack Gordon
Jack Gordon - 6 years ago
Bro you know it’s going to be gnarly when Jamie goes to Home Depot to buy ladders and hard hats to get ready to surf
Yung Cloud
Yung Cloud - 6 years ago
Imagine Jamie barreling pipeline with those ladders though !! Would be psych but not supprising from JOB :)
MrNivaro34 - 6 years ago
Just seeing the title of this video made me laugh...
Kai Curth
Kai Curth - 6 years ago
This is seriously the most legit thing I’ve ever seen
Theyoungjedi _
Theyoungjedi _ - 6 years ago
Love this vid
J Doe
J Doe - 6 years ago
Retards on the road.
jahardin77 - 6 years ago
Good lesson in center of gravity right there.
Patrick Neill
Patrick Neill - 6 years ago
when you realise that this isn't even clickbait! hahaha
Noah DePue
Noah DePue - 6 years ago
You should get in touch with demo ranch and partner up with him for your merch! He runs his own merch distribution warehouse specifically for content creators
Marty McSuperFly!
Marty McSuperFly! - 6 years ago
Of COURSE it´s "HARD!" ... How many times I gotta tell you? ... "ORCHARD LADDER!"
arrio rusnak
arrio rusnak - 6 years ago
"ohh shit I'm driving"
Leon Višić
Leon Višić - 6 years ago
So fucking fun, so original I think this was the first time ever made and I think no one else except you!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Complete GOLD boys
Hunter Davis
Hunter Davis - 6 years ago
Surf industry's corporate ladder is getting harder to climb!
Rafael Prudente de Oliveira
Rafael Prudente de Oliveira - 6 years ago
Poor guy that talks too much hahahahaha
Dylan Oppenheiser
Dylan Oppenheiser - 6 years ago
SO PSYCHED! You should start a new video series called "Surf Everything". Kinda like Braille Skateboarding channel, only the BOYS surf it!
Marcel Venter
Marcel Venter - 6 years ago
LMAO soo funny, the ADD is realll
canyoubelieveit - 6 years ago
His buddy had the wheel.
Blog de paddle surf
Blog de paddle surf - 6 years ago
Ohhh Yesss!
Atreyu Loies
Atreyu Loies - 6 years ago
Been waiting for soooo long for this vid!!
Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy - 6 years ago
16:20 holy thunderstruck. right there starts the most epic surf footage i have ever seen. JOB went into full ultra instinct ninja mode. thats like tony hawk on playstation!
Tony G
Tony G - 6 years ago
You´re a legend buddy!!
Dylan Warner Racing
Dylan Warner Racing - 6 years ago
Jamie, can you make a video of how shallow Pipeline is??
Liam Grey
Liam Grey - 6 years ago
Take off backwards on a wave
Patrick Gibson
Patrick Gibson - 6 years ago
Tie the ladders together with ama,a like the double hull canoes same board same ladder
Blaze Lazarus
Blaze Lazarus - 6 years ago
Brah your stand up boogie skills are on point
skipontour1980 - 6 years ago
please return the ladders just for banter
keep it up love the vids
abou abderrahmane maoual
abou abderrahmane maoual - 6 years ago
Crazy team hhhhh
Fiona Husain
Fiona Husain - 6 years ago
jamie: out in Hawaii living his life.

me: in my room trying to do my homework.
Fiona Husain
Fiona Husain - 6 years ago
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Fiona Husain get psyched finish early
Steve Bryan
Steve Bryan - 6 years ago
lets see, six foot wave plus a six foot ladder is..........
OhMyJosh - 6 years ago
Get John John in a vid!!!
B vN
B vN - 6 years ago
Dude in white tshirt has 1 big arm
Gustavo Ferrari
Gustavo Ferrari - 6 years ago
hahahah bro you guys are so epic! I believe for this to work better it should have some wheight under the stair, it will lower the center of gravity... Cheers from brazil!!
WA.G.V - 6 years ago
Jamie dude you are killing it on the Beater
Diogo de Sousa Macedo
Diogo de Sousa Macedo - 6 years ago
“Oh shit I’m driving”
Calothy Rules
Calothy Rules - 6 years ago
Come to Cornwall in England. Gotta bring poopies tho
Noah Powell
Noah Powell - 6 years ago
Marcus Bannon
Marcus Bannon - 6 years ago
You have taken surfing to new heights! I think you should try the surf bike next.
D1Kane - 6 years ago
Next video: surfing on a fridge
Pablo Crack
Pablo Crack - 6 years ago
Willy Wonka glasses
chiefjohnj - 6 years ago
Ye Bro, Like totally cool..Can u make a board like that for the pipeline tube ride? How about Side Buggy surfboard???
The JcPennyDTwo
The JcPennyDTwo - 6 years ago
Are those pink Red Bull surf boards custom
WtmGamingVids - 6 years ago
OSHA is this okay???
vrolie 2020
vrolie 2020 - 6 years ago
Aluminum ladders are lighter and might work mo betta. Nice spins, is that a record? Never seen that before.
EMP - 6 years ago
move2fly - 6 years ago
man this is some quality contect job... watching your videos more regularly now
titoufrite Prod
titoufrite Prod - 6 years ago
Gillet jauné
Dj Schrenk
Dj Schrenk - 6 years ago
“Oh shit I’m driving” lmao
Cameron Duncan
Cameron Duncan - 6 years ago
Oh shit I’m driving
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 6 years ago
That’s insane, I love it!
Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky - 6 years ago
So psyched you forgot how to drive
John Wingeatt
John Wingeatt - 6 years ago
“Oh shit I’m driving” Hahahaha epic
OnE sAnDy CHUnGUS - 6 years ago
**oh shit I'm driving**
Keys Customs
Keys Customs - 6 years ago
im definitely gonna do this where i live in the fl key except ima be towed behind a boat lmaoo
Island Dive Service
Island Dive Service - 6 years ago
Tolba Szy
Tolba Szy - 6 years ago
Good strategy for clearing the beach!
Joshua Peterson
Joshua Peterson - 6 years ago
todd balser
todd balser - 6 years ago
Do a bodyboarding video for da boys big island!
Toby Murphy
Toby Murphy - 6 years ago
what happened to poops ?
JackZaneShaver - 6 years ago
my psych counter when this video came out was 1000
CO MoTo - 6 years ago
You should show us some good food where you live when the surf isn't ideal.
Gavin loge
Gavin loge - 6 years ago
Looking back at the camera casually for like 8 seconds, "oh shit I'm driving" ahah
Funke House
Funke House - 6 years ago
That was crazy huh! LOL
Chaoz 33
Chaoz 33 - 6 years ago
Gilets jaunes hein hein tema les gilets jaunes
Misque - 6 years ago
You Deserv more subs from what you have now u are the King Bro love you so much!
Sneeze Saw
Sneeze Saw - 6 years ago
It may not have worked out as well as you wanted, but there was something very cool about the way it looked.
Nick DeCain Vlogs
Nick DeCain Vlogs - 6 years ago
So surprised I haven’t seen this on KOTD yet!
Solara Florette
Solara Florette - 6 years ago
i just love your channel so much
A Dude And His Dog
A Dude And His Dog - 6 years ago
That was a dumb idea JOB...ladders are for hard working men... call Ben Gravy for some ideas
Atze De Groot
Atze De Groot - 6 years ago
sick glassesssss stay psyched
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
blast pop's to Norwegian Jewel
DKB Gaming
DKB Gaming - 6 years ago
sub to my channel
Hugh Munn
Hugh Munn - 6 years ago
those beaters look like fun!!
Keys Customs
Keys Customs - 6 years ago
dude you guys are absolute legends lmao if im ever in hawaii and see you ladder surfing you better have an extra one for me haha
Ashley Minugh
Ashley Minugh - 6 years ago
Lol, getting it in!
GodofSmite432 - 6 years ago
how are you doing jamie? Don't forget to say HB to Ledge
Martin Martin
Martin Martin - 6 years ago
dug the home depot... do a Walmart loc interview of p'sudsy stuff! NICE 360'S I DID THOSE IN 1972 WITH KNEEBOARD BLACKBALL REDONDO BEACH IN ONSHORE SUMMER CLOSEOUTS
Lochie ELLARD - 6 years ago
This is the next biggest thing this is so cool love the great content
xan kenlock
xan kenlock - 6 years ago
This is by my the best channel on youtube, because you do not get boring and stop doing cool shit. yheeew
MR. Mofin
MR. Mofin - 6 years ago
can you show us how to ride finliss and show us how to do 360 cause i try but i cant
Oliver Baker
Oliver Baker - 6 years ago
Who actually dislikes this video
Ello Heem
Ello Heem - 6 years ago
Does your pops ever get on camera JOB?
A.N. - 6 years ago
You get psyched a lot don't you..
A.N. - 6 years ago
+Jamie O'Brien I guess I would too with your're living the life most of us only can dream about..keep getting psyched buddy!!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
At least 50 times a day
zenos - 6 years ago
Those glasses 00:30
Xhale - 6 years ago
I live in Carlsbad small surf if i wanted to learn to surf what board would you say is the best from ur lineup? Im 6'7 been a body boarder for years!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Yeah bra get the 9ft job signature log
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Appreciate it
xan kenlock
xan kenlock - 6 years ago
haha " o shit i am driving "
Michael Handelman
Michael Handelman - 6 years ago
My new favorite channel. Can somebody tell me what a grom is?
Rainer der Rasierer
Rainer der Rasierer - 6 years ago groms are usually NOT beginners, but young guys ripping in the surf and being passionate about it
WhatAboutTheBee - 6 years ago
Aside from Jamie's somewhat incoherent response. A "grom" is a beginner. Typically a child (although beginner adults do exist). Its not a derogatory comment.
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
It’s some one that satay a kid for every
greywhite - 6 years ago
you island boys are mocco locco
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Steve Wendes
Steve Wendes - 6 years ago
Nice 90s hand drag boys.
You can't put a price on safety yew!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy
Ted Pearson
Ted Pearson - 6 years ago
Amazing video
Max Vloon
Max Vloon - 6 years ago
Make a raft of surf boards And ride IT
Timothy Gouws
Timothy Gouws - 6 years ago
This is perfect. hahahahahahahahah
Brae Nic Keen
Brae Nic Keen - 6 years ago
this is the most batshit funny thing iv seen in ages, you bloody legend
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy appreciate it
Prickly Pear
Prickly Pear - 6 years ago
Eyes off the road for around 7 seconds and moving around 20mph.
“Oh shit, I’m driving.”
Max Galoin
Max Galoin - 6 years ago
Who knows the name of his pink sunglases
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Pit viper
Mika-Calvin van den Berg Schultz
Mika-Calvin van den Berg Schultz - 6 years ago
Still waiting for the Bodyboarding with the Hubbard bros
Bubba Digital
Bubba Digital - 6 years ago
+Jamie O'Brien my psych count just got a level up brah haha +++++
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Dropping this Thursday
Taylor Purser
Taylor Purser - 6 years ago
This is one of the best things I’ve seen this year!!
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Thanks Taylor
Free Photo
Free Photo - 6 years ago
Sick bro
Lucas Hildreth
Lucas Hildreth - 6 years ago
Knee high has never been so been big
wesleyb82 - 6 years ago
Surfing Ladder Thumbnail = Click on Thumbnail
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
snoop jek
snoop jek - 6 years ago
it went from psych to no psych real quick
Monty Robertson
Monty Robertson - 6 years ago
Fausto Leto
Fausto Leto - 6 years ago
SICK brah!
F1uID_Conrad YT YT
F1uID_Conrad YT YT - 6 years ago
I am here before this video is famous ❤️
Canyon to the sea OT
Canyon to the sea OT - 6 years ago
bomb drop or jumping the shark
dogwitglasses - 6 years ago
LOL i saw you on the surfline cam a couple days ago
dogwitglasses - 6 years ago
+Colin Bovet I was checking out sunset cam and saw them trying to surf da ladders haha
Colin Bovet
Colin Bovet - 6 years ago
with the ladders or the beaters?
NateTheManGuy - 6 years ago

Jamie: surfs on a ladder
Nate T
Nate T - 6 years ago
North Shore innovation that excites
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Yeeeew getting nuts
Richie Smith
Richie Smith - 6 years ago
This was EPIC
Quinn Morrill
Quinn Morrill - 6 years ago
“Oh shit I’m driving”
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Jacobo Castellet Nogués
Jacobo Castellet Nogués - 6 years ago
o shit i'm driving!! hahahahahhah
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
9 minutes into it 85 comments / 86 Bor ( fantastic
Guitar Tone Talk
Guitar Tone Talk - 6 years ago
Would love to see a video of you guys on longboards, doing the old school tricks like cross-stepping and nose-riding. Would be sick and something different!
Hunter Davis
Hunter Davis - 6 years ago
Can he hang ten?!? That's the question!
WhatAboutTheBee - 6 years ago
+Jamie O'Brien +1 on this one.
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Yeah that would be super awesome thanks
Tommy the aussie legend
Tommy the aussie legend - 6 years ago
That’s so cool
Haden McAlister
Haden McAlister - 6 years ago
This is sooooo suck you should bomb drop off of it!!
Swampdawg13 - 6 years ago
How's it going Jamie?
Joel McManus
Joel McManus - 6 years ago
A you have some great ideas
Damon Hubiak
Damon Hubiak - 6 years ago
Grady Kehl
Grady Kehl - 6 years ago
you should fly me out!!! it would be a dream come true to see you, like you don’t understand i watch all of your highlights, i watch your videos every time i get a notification!!! it would really be a dream come true for me. i also love surfing myself it is not just a sport it is like and art and when i watch you surf it is really an art and an honor to watch you!!
Ethan` Lindt
Ethan` Lindt - 6 years ago
This is why this channel is a “step above”
Timothy Norton
Timothy Norton - 6 years ago
Kai Curth yes sir
Kai Curth
Kai Curth - 6 years ago
get this man a stage and a mic please
Jason Karl
Jason Karl - 6 years ago
WTF Jamie, have you lost your mind? Your gonna break your neck. Surfing Jaws, Teaupoo, Massive Pipe, Puerto is one thing. But ladder surfing in somewhat smaller condition unacceptable, you've crossed a line this time my friend, you've crossed a line. JK keep slaying bro
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Hugomk7 - 6 years ago
8:43 oh shit im driving lmaoo
Jake Jackson
Jake Jackson - 6 years ago
This is exactly what I was expecting YEEEW
Vnysh - 6 years ago
Before 1000 views
Helena Scholten
Helena Scholten - 6 years ago
You just made my Monday 10x better. Thank you so much J.O.B. you're the best YouTuber ever!!
Snowboardwolf87 - 6 years ago
Climbing to the next level of surfing
Lucas Hornos Frieyro
Lucas Hornos Frieyro - 6 years ago
So sick
Ramon Schumacher
Ramon Schumacher - 6 years ago
Nr 69 :D
JC Smith
JC Smith - 6 years ago
Cool. I love you.
Admin Visser
Admin Visser - 6 years ago
indy123sk8 Safe
indy123sk8 Safe - 6 years ago
Sick folow me @maxgreensurfer
sisu paallysaho
sisu paallysaho - 6 years ago
I saw you in haleiwa town
Kieran 22
Kieran 22 - 6 years ago
When does who is j.o.b come out this year
joe luif
joe luif - 6 years ago
he said this summer
Sk8ter349 - 6 years ago
Radddd!!! Shocka
ThatGuyNamedCharles - 6 years ago
Oriol Pujol
Oriol Pujol - 6 years ago
You are the boss men!
David Neville
David Neville - 6 years ago
dope 37 comment love ur vids have the bell on. Who is your favorite person to surf with
Dan Houde
Dan Houde - 6 years ago
Says 1view but 44 likes already.. gg youtube
João pedro vieira goes
João pedro vieira goes - 6 years ago
Patrick Henderlong
Patrick Henderlong - 6 years ago
Ben Lawton
Ben Lawton - 6 years ago
so stoked to watch the vlog
Adam Morgan
Adam Morgan - 6 years ago
Chelf - 6 years ago
Am I really about to watch what I think I am... Bro come back to jersey
Juliana Z
Juliana Z - 6 years ago
And first❤️❤️♥️
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Not even close
Jeremy K541
Jeremy K541 - 6 years ago
Next level psyched when ladders are involved
chiefjohnj - 6 years ago
Jeremy K541 really? Is that what does it for u..Ladders? Cool Bro
Colts Adventures
Colts Adventures - 6 years ago
Siked describes Jamie’s life
Charlie Shapiro
Charlie Shapiro - 6 years ago
I love your vids and I look up to you so much I hope one day that I can become a pro like you
Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy appreciate it
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 6 years ago
I’ve been waiting for this video! Will you do a tutorial on bomb drops?
Joseph Blandeburgo
Joseph Blandeburgo - 6 years ago
Awesome idea!
Isabelle M
Isabelle M - 6 years ago
You are a madman hahah
zio baikal
zio baikal - 6 years ago
always so cool man, ur the best
Ashley Minugh
Ashley Minugh - 6 years ago
1 view 9 likes
Nathaniel Foley
Nathaniel Foley - 6 years ago
Hi jaime! Love your vids bro
BeastMode - 6 years ago
Hi :) #notifications_on
Lol Bob
Lol Bob - 6 years ago
Makes my monday
Surfboy X12
Surfboy X12 - 6 years ago
Very noice
Surfboy X12
Surfboy X12 - 6 years ago
Tiki Torch
Tiki Torch - 6 years ago
Get psyched, Yaaa groms!!!
George Eccles
George Eccles - 6 years ago
First view, like and comment
yuval ram
yuval ram - 6 years ago
One second ago, nice
Martim Barbosa
Martim Barbosa - 6 years ago
Yewwww keep on shreding man
BeastMode - 6 years ago
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
21st exactly
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Nah u were way late. Like 20th
Clayton Off
Clayton Off - 6 years ago
Yes I have been waiting an hour
AK Hyper
AK Hyper - 6 years ago
Brian Ramirez
Brian Ramirez - 6 years ago
This was heavy!!!
luca 01
luca 01 - 6 years ago
Love the video,you guys are so crazy
Luke Norris
Luke Norris - 6 years ago
Soooooo sick
Baller110101 - 6 years ago
So sick
Yoav Dickson
Yoav Dickson - 6 years ago
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
U were 9th
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Lol legit I was 3rd. You were probably like 50th
ADHAN IRL - 6 years ago
yeah dudeeeee
Joaquim Menezes
Joaquim Menezes - 6 years ago
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Not even close
Scared Pigeon
Scared Pigeon - 6 years ago
First comment
Shallyine Lal
Shallyine Lal - 6 years ago
Safety First
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
U were 6tg
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Not even close bud
Surfer Dude
Surfer Dude - 6 years ago
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
You wrre 5th
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Not even close
BEN PERETZ - 6 years ago
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
You were 4th sorry
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Surfboy X12
Surfboy X12 - 6 years ago
The Jones
The Jones - 6 years ago
Not even close
Surfboy X12
Surfboy X12 - 6 years ago
Lol Bob
Lol Bob - 6 years ago
Surfboy X12 hello my grand son
Monty Robertson
Monty Robertson - 6 years ago

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