What's up NUB NATION!! Today is the day!! Kelly Slater hit me up to join him & a heavy crew at the Surf Ranch in Lemoore, California. I'm not even sure what to expect at the Kelly Slater Wave Pool, but I am on the hunt for the best novelty wave that we can find there. This is an extremely special VLOG for me to post. because all of this was made possible by YOU, the NUB NATION. I want to share with you how much I appreciate the love & positivity in this world and dedicate my journey to my two good friends Mike Nesspor & Mike Murphy, who are no longer with us. The dream is on. THANK YOU! - Love Ben STORE! DONATE! My music! Music - Elysian [ocean jams] The Toad And The Bull Justnormal Rock The Young 2 Sven Karlsson Fe Thear Mo Stacks I Need This Frook Don't Turn Off The Lights oomiee Dansez Fasion Portal Henyao Frostbite Yellowbase Empty Road [ocean jams] Surf Monster Håkan Eriksson Madness Håkan Eriksson Surfs Up Henrik Andersson Mohawk Anarchy 2 Victor Olsson Dirt 3 Joachim Nilsson In The Misty Morning 1 Sven Karlsson

SURFING the KELLY SLATER WAVE POOL sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Surf 6 years ago 100,014 views

What's up NUB NATION!! Today is the day!! Kelly Slater hit me up to join him & a heavy crew at the Surf Ranch in Lemoore, California. I'm not even sure what to expect at the Kelly Slater Wave Pool, but I am on the hunt for the best novelty wave that we can find there. This is an extremely special VLOG for me to post. because all of this was made possible by YOU, the NUB NATION. I want to share with you how much I appreciate the love & positivity in this world and dedicate my journey to my two good friends Mike Nesspor & Mike Murphy, who are no longer with us. The dream is on. THANK YOU! - Love Ben STORE! DONATE! My music! Music - Elysian [ocean jams] The Toad And The Bull Justnormal Rock The Young 2 Sven Karlsson Fe Thear Mo Stacks I Need This Frook Don't Turn Off The Lights oomiee Dansez Fasion Portal Henyao Frostbite Yellowbase Empty Road [ocean jams] Surf Monster Håkan Eriksson Madness Håkan Eriksson Surfs Up Henrik Andersson Mohawk Anarchy 2 Victor Olsson Dirt 3 Joachim Nilsson In The Misty Morning 1 Sven Karlsson

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Most popular comments

Mark herbert
Mark herbert - 6 years ago
Anybody else smile and laugh when Ben got his first barrel?
Rebel-Yell - 6 years ago
+Ben Gravy I'm an old geezer now, started surfing in 1964 when everybody had long boards because that's all they made. You remind me so much of my enthusiasm when I was a pup. You're an inspiration, love the 'tude dude. And you are 1 million percent right, be positive in everything you do, life's too short to do otherwise and that positive energy will guide your trip through time. Enjoy my friend, enjoy!!!
Mark herbert
Mark herbert - 6 years ago
Na Ben you are the real big dog
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
You guys rule
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 6 years ago
I was in the crew of choked up NUB'ers! Ben works so hard! Pretty epic to see it paid!
Nathan Tyree
Nathan Tyree - 6 years ago
Smiled big time!
tobias murfitt
tobias murfitt - 6 years ago
yep! :0
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
I was nervous as heck watching him sitting on his board waiting for his first wave. Then caught myself with a big smile as he popped up. Good call Brah!
Ben Wunderly
Ben Wunderly - 6 years ago
Of course! i am not a robot. Yew!
Michael Donato
Michael Donato - 6 years ago
I straight up hooted.
jeff klem
jeff klem - 6 years ago
Yes but it was because of the nose plug ✌️
Frank Molinaro
Frank Molinaro - 6 years ago
kinda got choked up a little
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
I peed a little thinking of him peeing in the wave pool.
Kathy Hessler
Kathy Hessler - 6 years ago
I seriously teared up.
ste bee
ste bee - 6 years ago
Mark herbert sure did buddy
Diesel Dick
Diesel Dick - 6 years ago
One word: HUMBLE...........!
Emma - 6 years ago
the music is so soothing
Admin Visser
Admin Visser - 6 years ago
Your stoke is our stoke.
Steven McGonigle
Steven McGonigle - 6 years ago
Damn dude, I just moved about 15 minutes outside of LBI and I'm looking to start surfing this year. I came across your channel in the process of checking things out and I've never smiled so much and genuinely felt so much positivity from someone I've never met. My lil' guy and I Iove your content and I hope to be fortunate enough to meet you someday.

For the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much dude!!
Paul Walker
Paul Walker - 6 years ago
Home town hero for the dream
Kameron Were
Kameron Were - 6 years ago
Beautiful. Best look at Kelly Slater Wave Co. Ranch ever. Felt like I was there. You are keeping it real Mr Ben Gravy.
Daniel Seaman
Daniel Seaman - 6 years ago
She's the dowg ripitup
Matthew Hankee
Matthew Hankee - 6 years ago
Ben thank you for always having a great attitude


Don - 6 years ago
Dude - love your positivity comments at the end. Exceptional.
Ian Greenberg
Ian Greenberg - 6 years ago
Your the man bro.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
For the dream!!
Robert Krieger
Robert Krieger - 6 years ago
Lol to the “big dog” text to the GOAT
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Woody Pettigrew
Woody Pettigrew - 6 years ago
Aaaaaaaww beautiful that’s so cool
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Nourujo - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy LEGEND
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Katie DeVito
Katie DeVito - 6 years ago
your videos inspire me to improve my surfing and start a vlog, maybe one day!
Luke VandenLangenberg
Luke VandenLangenberg - 6 years ago
Wow incredible!!
Nikson Mullan
Nikson Mullan - 6 years ago
You have no idea how much I want to surf this I haven’t had good waves lately only a few
John Sahakian
John Sahakian - 6 years ago
Subscribed b/c of your last one minute on camera. Thanks for what you do Ben!
Jordan Messineo
Jordan Messineo - 6 years ago
you're becoming a GOAT my friend! froth on yew


Matthew Parker
Matthew Parker - 6 years ago
I live in Rodanthe across from S-Turns... UR a bro. Mi casa es su casa mi amigo
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Matt!
anthony ferriero
anthony ferriero - 6 years ago
Ruling at life bradda!Keeping the stoke alive...
Kathy Bonner
Kathy Bonner - 6 years ago
Who's the awesome pink suit old lady surfing?
hazwaz - 6 years ago
this is the longest video i have ever watched on youtube and i loved every second of it
Brandon Rowland
Brandon Rowland - 6 years ago
stoked for you dude
inMotionSLB - 6 years ago
Cvlogs sent me here! yeeeeewwwww!! por el suennooo
Blake SD
Blake SD - 6 years ago
The surf is up ;)
Viktor & Oskar
Viktor & Oskar - 6 years ago
Just tore my knee surfing today, that end statement you made felt good hearing! Great vids Ben!
Craig Kaschan
Craig Kaschan - 6 years ago
Would be better if it were salt water with sharks living in there
Sean Yoo
Sean Yoo - 6 years ago
Where can I buy some Ben Gravy merchandise?


P&Wengineering - 6 years ago
It takes 2 1/2 hours from Malibu and about 3 hours from downtown.
Will Richardson
Will Richardson - 6 years ago
Why didn’t you fly into SF
Dylan Cumming
Dylan Cumming - 6 years ago
People would appreciate shorter vlogs *no hate*
henree simp
henree simp - 6 years ago
Dudes gotta a badazz van and a badazz girlfriend
whyz - 6 years ago
looks so surreal getting to surf there. yewwww
The Insufferable Tool
The Insufferable Tool - 6 years ago
Where other surfers stop and see the end of the wave, Ben sees the beginning. So cool!
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 6 years ago
excellent.. spot on, congrats dude
welshwonder007 - 6 years ago
Yeeeewww stoked
patti vargas vargas
patti vargas vargas - 6 years ago
A totally awesome vlog. You nailed it Ben!!! I felt like I was there and yes I smiled and laughed with Jordan when you got your first barrel. Keep Surfin and God Bless.
Pedro Vasconcelos Dias
Pedro Vasconcelos Dias - 6 years ago
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(+937407461939472946 x e) eeeeeeeewww
Tommy Horne
Tommy Horne - 6 years ago
you're the man ben
Surefire Boards
Surefire Boards - 6 years ago
Great Vlog Ben, keep that stoked fired mate. Would be a dream come true for sure to surf the Kelly Slater wave pool
Ryan Nickos
Ryan Nickos - 6 years ago
Yeewww! Ben Gravy legend
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
Get a mal bro,for those small waves
Jake Harkins
Jake Harkins - 6 years ago
you inspire me man, so sick. thanks for the stoke :)
Arturo Arellano
Arturo Arellano - 6 years ago
THank you Ben, I'm so happy for you! A dream come true!!!
Squizzy Bollocks
Squizzy Bollocks - 6 years ago
Who the fuck would thumbs down this.....fuckin loosers
Maureen Mcnamara
Maureen Mcnamara - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
punfish - 6 years ago
Ya Gotta Love Yr Chick, Always laughing and havn Fun....Sic video Bro!
C Seager
C Seager - 6 years ago
Cheee hooo! That’s how we say it in Hawaii. Aloha


trabant66666 - 6 years ago
Lol u look like Casey's Willax brother :)
Amir Vechter20
Amir Vechter20 - 6 years ago
Watched the entire thing & loved it !
Emily Lillis
Emily Lillis - 6 years ago
Would have been nice if you'd mentioned Lukas Nelson...son of Willie...was the one on guitar at the end...and shown him surfing as well. He spends a lot of time in Hawaii.
Jim Barnes
Jim Barnes - 6 years ago
Very inspirational, thanks for sharing your stoke!
Dylan Milne
Dylan Milne - 6 years ago
ending gave me chills, too epic
Randy Kelly
Randy Kelly - 6 years ago
nubs up!
Framed Figure Fitness
Framed Figure Fitness - 6 years ago
So proud of you Ben, you deserve every drop of the goodness of this world!! Three thumbs up!!
Raymond Fowler
Raymond Fowler - 6 years ago
42:03 what you said there honestly inspired me bro. thank you my dude, much love.
adunn413 - 6 years ago
What a gift in life! I'm happy for you brother. Just amazing! Kelly created heaven on earth. I would spend every dime of a huge power ball win on a Surf Ranch and that's no lie.
TheUltimate Crayon
TheUltimate Crayon - 6 years ago
Unreal. So stoked for you Ben. What's next!!!? Who cares. Bask in this one for a little while. Super epic. We dreamed of this when we were kids. And now... there it is. Full size.
Chad Carlberg
Chad Carlberg - 6 years ago
Next time your wife or girlfriend is acting cuckoo birds, reflect on how freaking supportive women are when they love us (like Ben's girlfriend). Notice how automatically she celebrates his happiness! And imagine a guy being that unconflicted and wholeheartedly in the moment.
brittany lamar
brittany lamar - 6 years ago
That shit just inspired the fuck out of me
Dolby Derringer
Dolby Derringer - 6 years ago
Should go down south for a mini trip to Trestles and various SD reefs, not to mention a stop in Santa Cruz and the 'Con on the way up to Lemoore to make it a complete Californye~yew experience Ben!
Chris Brunskill
Chris Brunskill - 6 years ago
Sick signoff Ben
Geoff Heldoorn
Geoff Heldoorn - 6 years ago
Awesome, Ben!
Ya Boi
Ya Boi - 6 years ago
How big was the max wave? Ever since I saw the wave pool I’ve wanted to know
Serve Almighty w\ guitar
Serve Almighty w\ guitar - 6 years ago
I can't help but think; how do you breath with nose plugs on and a camera in your mouth? First time I've ever seen a surfer w\ nose clamp 45 years of surfing???
Gary Kramer
Gary Kramer - 6 years ago
Making Jersey and the East Coast so proud Sir Gravy! So stoked for you Ben! Thanks for the inspiration!
The K.
The K. - 6 years ago
Sickest Dream to come true Ben. Those novelty finds were unreal haha! Jordan also got a lot of Beautiful shots. This vlog was the most Beautiful to watch. I got to see Ben Gravy live his Dream at the Surf Ranch. Love your message Ben. Whatever we Dream, we can Create. I happy for the both of you! For the Boys!! Chee!!!
MarkoPoloznich - 6 years ago
Hi there, just wanted to say that this is the funnest and most dream-full vid I've ever seen..Such fun and positive vibes!! During hard times.. you've really re-inspired me to move on forward to manifest my dreams. Surfing at Kelly's ranch has been an "out there" dream for me.. like almost impossible, but one day...
Thanks for your inspiration Mr. Gravy!! Please continue shredding and living "THE DREAM"
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you so much!!
Ricardo Manosalvas
Ricardo Manosalvas - 6 years ago
anybody else saw KS scratching his balls when he was talking to Ben 13:10 hahah
Kyle Connelly
Kyle Connelly - 6 years ago
So stoked for you, what a dream!!
Callum Seha
Callum Seha - 6 years ago
You’re an inspiration to the surfing community. Thank YOU Ben !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much!!
John Armstrong
John Armstrong - 6 years ago
The actual dream... great vlog, best yet Ben.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
867 5309
867 5309 - 6 years ago
What’s with the dorky nose plugs? Edit: just finished watching this. Congratulations, Ben. You da man!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
poonanny - 6 years ago
why did you wear a nose plug. Were you worried about the brain eating ameba? @bengravy
da Surf Engine App
da Surf Engine App - 6 years ago
So I'm just another peep wondering about the nose clip too - my first thought was in precaution to wave pools in general due to the BSR scare which was actually per their lake/cable resort-not pool.....I have a habit of just perking my upper lip to cover both nostrils which was my secret of not getting water up my nose as I hated that as a kid - ha!
da Surf Engine App
da Surf Engine App - 6 years ago
Oh but beyond my one little trying to be different insight - this was one of your most entertaining clips by far - only Ben Gravy could see the possibilities for every type of surfer and wave at this pool :) Kudos!!!
ellstacker adventures
ellstacker adventures - 6 years ago
Soooooo dope I love it
Thank you Ben!!!
JesajaQ - 6 years ago
Universe is real...and it's f*** nuuuuuukin!!!
Edoardo Lorenzo Corda
Edoardo Lorenzo Corda - 6 years ago
So happy for you Ben!! Been following you since the beginning and always loved your stoke and positivity. You're my favourite surfer ever and my surfing role model!! Greetings from Italy! Lot of novelty waves here!! You're the best!!!!! Yew
miquel Mas
miquel Mas - 6 years ago
Congratulations dude!! That was epic!! Keep bringing us your positivity!!
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 6 years ago
Look up the Aussie outback wave pool design with Occy, those guys are really onto something with a plunger type machine that produces waves 360 degrees around it, more waves, more riders and they have only just started testing it with little 2 footers, with a bigger machine or more power it will easily create 4-6ft waves tubing both left and right with the design they have.
tobin bh
tobin bh - 6 years ago
Soooo hyped @bengravy... You deserve every wave bro.. Not a harder working surfer having more fun and doing such good for the sport and life style that we call surfing.. You are the best ambassador for our sport.. As u always say "the best surfer is the one having the most fun" and you you personify the joy and aloha positivity that surfing brings to people. Much love from New Zealand
Nathan Spotz
Nathan Spotz - 6 years ago
Always wondered what heaven might look like
J M - 6 years ago
DUUUUUUUUDE you shredded that first run! What a way to make a good impression. You seem so stoked the whole time man glad you had fun and killed it out there
Lee Allman
Lee Allman - 6 years ago
You surfed amazing that day Ben!
Lance Burkhardt
Lance Burkhardt - 6 years ago
Best one yet. I have to surf the GOAT's wave pool.
Brent Dolan
Brent Dolan - 6 years ago
congrats man!
redberrey - 6 years ago
Is kelly going to invite Brett too?? He really should I would love to see Brett rip that wave
indiosession - 6 years ago
Wheeuw! That Gravy wave pool Train!
Stephen - 6 years ago
Soo savage and Kelly the consummate GOAT/host not to mention serious shredding happening, congrats on the totally sic day Ben n J ,
A Twogun
A Twogun - 6 years ago
You're lucky you got it to yourself. When i was there the queue was 100 deep and people started to turn around and go home.
trappy - 6 years ago
Gravy surfing novelties off slater's tube ride???!!!! That's livin! Go big dawgs. Thanks for the live jam set.
Brad Burkley
Brad Burkley - 6 years ago
20 minutes of bullshit, then some surfing
Rodney Odgaard
Rodney Odgaard - 6 years ago
David Rodriguez
David Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Sooooo stoked for you guys!
Well deserved.. couldn't stop smiling and enjoying your epic little voyage's a trip and your nailing it! Such badass vlog coverage of this amazing day... Thanks for sharing this voyage w y'all... Absolutely love your work and can't wait to experience the next adventure w ya!! Living the dream yo!!
Angus Mackay
Angus Mackay - 6 years ago
Disappointed you didn't ride the Performer 4-10 in the KSWP :(
Justin Tindel
Justin Tindel - 6 years ago
One dream after another brotha. Tears of joy for you and your woman during this. Sending love
James Sarandis
James Sarandis - 6 years ago
You legend


James Sarandis
James Sarandis - 6 years ago
OkinawaWild - 6 years ago
"Big Dog" is what I call my oldest Akita...LOL

So stoked for you, Ben!
pangrac1 - 6 years ago
That music is mesmerizing. Interesting choise.
Lyle Palmers
Lyle Palmers - 6 years ago
Ben, Thanks for sharing as you always do. It was incredible and Inspirational to see how stoked and appreciative you were to be there. I'm 31 yrs old and live in VA Beach and Kitty Hawk and grew up surfing and for a very long time was my greatest passion. So much so, that in 2009 I saved money for a year and moved to Playa hermosa Costa Rica from Feb 2010 to Apr. 2011. But soon after returning I got into a car accident and injured my back and that resulted in being given pain med from 2 doctor. Long story some what shorter, over a year I became addicted. My Opiate addiction sent me in a downward spiral and I did a lot of things I'm not proud of but as of 2018 I have been clean from the 5 years. From watching your videos over the last 5 months you have helped me to ignite that passion within me again that I had lost and I'm in the process of ordering 2 Custom boards from Whalebone Surf Shop. I apologize for this extremely long message but I wanted to convey why I appreciate and how much I appreciate what it is you do for all of us everyday. For the Dream bro, keep Killin it. Thank You Sincerely
brian deal
brian deal - 6 years ago
I’m totally in the middle, but Bob Hugin ads riding hard on vlog. I sure we could all wish for some peas from this.
John Dunbar
John Dunbar - 6 years ago
dude could you imagine if Michelle Obama was in that big pool without the machine on and if they hung a roasted pig just out of her reach above her head? the waves would be 11 foot tall easy. that big woman would create some huge waves with those fatty arm wings. Dang had to edit after watching whole thing. What if Oprah got in there. would you use a long board or short?
Patrick O'Donovan
Patrick O'Donovan - 6 years ago
We love it, man.
Wildhare on The Gulf of Mexico
Wildhare on The Gulf of Mexico - 6 years ago
"A locker, wow, you gonna put all that shitn'there?" Too stoke, loved it.
Wildhare on The Gulf of Mexico
Wildhare on The Gulf of Mexico - 6 years ago
Dude, you ripped it!
xisotopex - 6 years ago
this or the waco wave?
Gustavo Alves
Gustavo Alves - 6 years ago
You deserve it dude, you are the man! Completely stoked for you!
xisotopex - 6 years ago
kelly slater scratching his junk @ 13:11
Bodyboarding Chronicles
Bodyboarding Chronicles - 6 years ago
Awesomeness Ben Gravy!
Chevy Anderson
Chevy Anderson - 6 years ago
Great show. you should be on network TV
The wave is probably more fun to surf than watch. Predictable sections get old. After watching the contest on TV I was bored with it. Ben spiced it up again, but short term. Wave to surf....not watch.
Journeyman - 6 years ago
The most epic ever, one more to go amigo...... Jamie O'Brien in Hawaii chasing Pipe & Jaws. Go hard bro !!
EpicSurfNews - 6 years ago
I am still waiting for my invite to the Ranch hahaha.
Cognitive Dissident
Cognitive Dissident - 6 years ago
Youre the best at channeling STOKE thru your channel. GOOD VIBES 4tha WIN
David Steidle
David Steidle - 6 years ago
35:50 the power of fans. You da man!
Rebecca Harper
Rebecca Harper - 6 years ago
Backwash long borading!!..awesome
Matthew LaBorde
Matthew LaBorde - 6 years ago
Ben - you are the man. I love how you insisted on surfing the novelties. You totally came to the wave pool and made it your own and made all of us truly happy to see you being you. Keep the stoke alive!
madmaxmedia - 6 years ago
Surf Ranch has MORE takeoff spots than Yeppoon Surf Lake!
Troy Purcell
Troy Purcell - 6 years ago
Probably one of the best things I have watched in some time. Love your closing words. Stoked!
Russell Phillips
Russell Phillips - 6 years ago
freaking goose bumps watching you in the wave!...
Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe - 6 years ago
I can also relate to your testamony ....big time....peace
Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe - 6 years ago
Hey Im from the central coast of Cali Im a tree trimmer but on my off time I surf I know some novelty waves that would blow your mind.It takes lots of swell and a - tide. You seem like a super humble positive stoked on life type of guy anyway its off shore and like 4 to 6 Im out their hope to hear from you.
roger kaiser
roger kaiser - 6 years ago
Just wanted to say, I came here from Tucker's YT page and found one of the best videos I've watched on YT in quite some time. I've never really been a surf fan but those images you caught were outstanding and your families mindset is awesome, Keep on pushing and living the Dream. Thanks for the video. Peace
Grace 4 All
Grace 4 All - 6 years ago
How does it feel to one day be goofing around n making YouTube videos for fun, to the next getting personal invites from Kelly Slater himself in the flesh to hang out and surf with him at his own private surf ranch on a groundbreaking state of the art artificial wave he created. It almost felt like I was there with you. You captured it beautifully bro and big big shout out to your companion your beautiful woman she did a great job filming and that smile she has can cheer up anyone. Hats off bro! Congratulations! Yeeewww! The dream is real
Pelle Högnelid
Pelle Högnelid - 6 years ago
That view from your GoPro on the first happy for you! Keep it going, love your positive message!
Robert D D
Robert D D - 6 years ago
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
wAtCh OuT fOr ShArKs
89fredo89 - 6 years ago
I'm verry happy for you dude!!!!!!Waves are so mental!!!!! An enormous YEEEEEEWWWW from Italy.
Bobby Deans
Bobby Deans - 6 years ago
kelly playing pocket pinball in them gray sweats.
Uber Mick
Uber Mick - 6 years ago
So stoked for ya Benno! You did it mate! Froth levels IMMENSE!
Hamish Wilkin070707
Hamish Wilkin070707 - 6 years ago
You rip Ben I wish I was there with you and slater
turvyjj - 6 years ago
Ghost story. Empty spaces, lack of soul.
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
That was the first drone footage I’ve seen of Kelly’s wave. Sexy.
Brudelay - 6 years ago
Damn Ben! first wave was a dreamer! I have heard so many stories of guys messing up because of insane nerves and the sound of the train etc being quite creepy haha. well done, such a legend. BTW, got my first Catchsurf board on the way because of you. thanks for everything and being the most positive all round good dude
Drew Marjoribanks
Drew Marjoribanks - 6 years ago
love you Ben Gravy...legend and inspiration and a great attitude. you are a role model for all surfers to follow- good ol fashioned stoke and kindness to others, peace brother
furiousNJ - 6 years ago
Jersey contingent representing.
Alex Berry
Alex Berry - 6 years ago

Listen to this song by Lukas, Ben, if you haven't already. Claim: you'll love it.
Alex Berry
Alex Berry - 6 years ago
Haha Lukas Nelson a musician or something... that's Willie's son! Some of the best music out there. Love this channel man. Very inspiring.
J P - 6 years ago
Nub nation for the win!!!
Cross Czech
Cross Czech - 6 years ago
Tears in my eyes bro....stoked beyond the dream. Truly epic and always right on.
Lled - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing the experience. Unreal!
Peter Bond
Peter Bond - 6 years ago
Epic bro!
stoeflou - 6 years ago
Positivity and anything is possible! WTG Gravy... Cheers
Cj Vlogs
Cj Vlogs - 6 years ago
CravinMorehead420 - 6 years ago
Living legend. You set out with a passion, that turned into a dream. You turned that dream into a full reality. Couldn't be more stoked for you.. !!!! =]
Cameron Russell
Cameron Russell - 6 years ago
You did it dude congrats
Billy G.
Billy G. - 6 years ago
KryptoKnight Hood
KryptoKnight Hood - 6 years ago
Amazing video great work
James Sweitzer
James Sweitzer - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for sharing the stoke dog, one love!
Dave Kane
Dave Kane - 6 years ago
Yewwww, heavy bro.
Enjoy the Ride!
Erik Foss
Erik Foss - 6 years ago
You are the true Big Dawg, stoked you are happy and living your dreams
Dan Waters
Dan Waters - 6 years ago
Yes! Stoked for you! Hope you come over to Morro Bay area. I'd love to show you all the Novs! For the Dream!!! Hit me up
Will Heath
Will Heath - 6 years ago
Totally inspiring and amazing my man, your the Big Dog now!!!!!
bubba kahuna
bubba kahuna - 6 years ago
Congrats on a total dream day...peace and positivity make this world a better place minute by minute. thank you for bringing it, bro.
Edwin Fare-Bredin
Edwin Fare-Bredin - 6 years ago
I really dont know if that is relevant... tahitian mana cursed kelly slater... polynesian welcoming all around even if some may think it's all about advertising & getting richer later on... Ia rahi te here e te aroha
Fdr Elopre
Fdr Elopre - 6 years ago
This is why I love Ben Gravy. His joy in surfing is so pure.
Maverick Lilli
Maverick Lilli - 6 years ago
The173gispa - 6 years ago
Love it!
David Rice
David Rice - 6 years ago
BG! Awesome Vlog! stoked for you and Jordan!!!!!!
The173gispa - 6 years ago
For the Dream and WIN!
Eli Raymond
Eli Raymond - 6 years ago
Isint there some kind of brain eating disease in the water there?
ÁLVARO VEGA - 6 years ago
Despite of both Ben and Kelly being such an amazing persons, am I the only one that loves the imperfections of waves in real sea? It is so perfect ... Buy always the same thing. I think I like it more when you are in the search of Novelties...
Keep it up. Peace and love.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Ben's the man let's give it up for the dream! Fugg yeah!!!!!
Calum Orchard
Calum Orchard - 6 years ago
Absolutely loving how stoked Jordan is for you, keeper for sure!
Assateague Cottage
Assateague Cottage - 6 years ago
Ummm it’s Thursday, did I miss something
Kevin M
Kevin M - 6 years ago
WOW!!! Wave Ranch perfection with The Man himself and the O.G. super stoked surfer Pat O'Connel. Well if you park it in an office and never surf again, you can at least tell the grandkids about the time you surfed at Slater's place.
nugefour - 6 years ago
Jason Cameron
Jason Cameron - 6 years ago
Jetski footage was gnarly! looks so good
DangaCoreMYFH - 6 years ago
So happy for you man. Hope you can make it downunder one day to share the stoke. Peace.
Mal Caithness
Mal Caithness - 6 years ago
Wow,So stoked to have made it here to this Vlog via Casey Willax.Pure unadulterated stoke evidenced in every part of this clip,a pleasure to watch.Sitting here recouping from a big injury myself gleaned a ton of positive mojo to stay with my dream.Thanks for the lift up.Yeeeeeeeeeew
Paul D
Paul D - 6 years ago
Ben you keep it real every time man. I was ear to ear watching this from start to finish. Pat O'Connell stoked too! is this the Endless Dream Tour? P.S. Jordan is so cool. edit indeed for that.
Chris Buell
Chris Buell - 6 years ago
i went to school with Lucas Nelson on Maui. He is Willie Nelsons son.
Toby Hawk
Toby Hawk - 6 years ago
Adam Kramarz
Adam Kramarz - 6 years ago
Whatttta dream! Yewwww
Sam L
Sam L - 6 years ago
EPIC!!!!!!! So insane! With Slater and Pat O too
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
Next pipeline surfing with Jamie O'Brien ? For the dream !!
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
Beyond the dream !!!
Jon Peters
Jon Peters - 6 years ago
Dude! Awesome man really happy for you.... just f.....g Awesome !!
cosmikkid - 6 years ago
Sasquatch must have a big smile after watching this...great Vlog!
Grilo Games
Grilo Games - 6 years ago
algum br q acompanhe ele?
Peter Lustig
Peter Lustig - 6 years ago
so good!
Juno Marley-Gunn Fishing
Juno Marley-Gunn Fishing - 6 years ago
i can feel the stoke through my screeennnn
cain robinson
cain robinson - 6 years ago
Big dog was shredding it. So stoked for you man! Keep the dream alive, nub nation for the win!!
LangsfordMusic ltd
LangsfordMusic ltd - 6 years ago
great vid Ben! Wow...KS really knows how to do it right doesn't he? The thing I love about you is that youre a true fan and not ashamed to show people that youre just a normal guy who's excited to hang with someone like not acting all cool etc and trying to be someone you not! Keep doing it.
Paul Smith
Paul Smith - 6 years ago
Daniel Prokoshin
Daniel Prokoshin - 6 years ago
Andy Horse
Andy Horse - 6 years ago
Big ups ben, the law of attraction is real. Keep livin the dream. Yew!
Damion Lanza
Damion Lanza - 6 years ago
PMA!!!for the Win!!!
Tommy Hodges
Tommy Hodges - 6 years ago
Geez, Ben. I have been anticipating this vlog for a while and your footage really delivered. I did not expect Jordan to totally steal the show. The nation knows she's amazing but that was true love when she hopped on the ski.
Hunter McCartin
Hunter McCartin - 6 years ago
Casey willax brought me to this particular video. 9 minutes in, i’m hyped
paula spence
paula spence - 6 years ago
Ben, Lukus Nelson is Willie Nelson's son...for sure some kinda musician!
bmlsb69 - 6 years ago
Don't know who you are, or how I got here....Loved every minute of this whole entire video...Awesome, thank you Ben Gravy
Br00sta - 6 years ago
So, imagine... Endless Summer III featuring Pat O'connell and a certain Mr. B Gravy? Overstoked around the globe!!
clarkewi - 6 years ago
Now THAT'S progress! Touchdown!
Christian Mirt
Christian Mirt - 6 years ago
That GoPro 7 footage though
Matt Adelsohn
Matt Adelsohn - 6 years ago
Love what your doing, but videos are too long. Make some cuts.
Chad Berube
Chad Berube - 6 years ago
Quit rushing through life and live the dream! PS. It's you're, not your. Slow down out there.
Martin Berdah
Martin Berdah - 6 years ago
Your life is the best on going movie I might have ever seen so far! Thanks a lot for sharing these inspirational videos bro! You bring smile and happiness to people, we love watching you succeed and we all behind your back!
Proud to be part of the Nub Nation.
Cheers from France!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 6 years ago
DUDE!!!! Soooooo awesome!!!!! So happy you got to go...sweet video and looked like a amazing time!
Greg Mondello
Greg Mondello - 6 years ago
Loved the edit, made me cry with joy, thanks for sharing
Joe Gibbs
Joe Gibbs - 6 years ago
Keepin it real! Ben Gravy, you're special in so many ways. Love
redberrey - 6 years ago
I hope u get the next invite
Pete Bowling
Pete Bowling - 6 years ago
Your next Sir Bret
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
You're the man. Thanks Brett!
04Fingers - 6 years ago
Right On.
The Kruxed
The Kruxed - 6 years ago
Big dogging it all the way through
Jordan Ginter
Jordan Ginter - 6 years ago
Awesome! Congrats Ben!
Tim Wiher
Tim Wiher - 6 years ago
I was literally just smiling for 42:55 minutes straight... but not as big as Jordan’s smile hahah. Great to see you guys STOKING so hard for the DREAM!!!
Adam Deguzman
Adam Deguzman - 6 years ago
Bro! Im so stoked for you! I met Sterling at Jax Fl pier. Gives you a shaka!
R B - 6 years ago
totally stoked for you.
Bethanie Kaplan
Bethanie Kaplan - 6 years ago
just sat here quietly smiling for 45 minutes! Thanks for sharing Ben!
Jake Racca
Jake Racca - 6 years ago
Hi Ben this is Jake Racca from Wrightsville beach N.C. and I see that you like to surf novelty waves and I have a found a nice one my self I hope you could get back to me somehow and we could meet up and I could show you this thing
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Sooo stoked for you Ben...glad to be back watching you and Jordan and what better timing...The Kelly Slater Surf Ranch...WHAT!!! This is what NUB Nation has been waiting for...glad to catch you on the ride! Love it...Jordan says "I'm just gonna high five you all day long..."...I'd love to be there doing the same bro ;)That Sector 9 board!!! I'm working on getting one Ben! "Good Mornin"???...what happened to "Big Dog!" were so civil and polite to Kelly when you met him it! Dude, you were so mellow before you got in the pool but I know you just wanted to explode inside and it made me smile...I can't imagine how you felt. Yeah Ben...quite the view from the inside of that Jordan said "YOU NAILED IT" semi-pro legend you...YEEWWW!!! Act 1...complete success!!! Act 2...only you would surf those novelties or even consider them surfable...that's you in a nutshell...go to Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch and surf! Act 3 Ben Gravy at the Surf's all history now...well done Ben! =) What can you say???...Quite a piece of work that wave pool is and the hospitality?...What more could you ask for?...and no wasn't a was REAL!!! are a legend and a gentleman...hat's off to you for letting Ben surf your pool! KS, BG, JV & EM For The Win...and a BIG FAT YEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Cheers, John ;)
mark kelley
mark kelley - 6 years ago
Jordan really going next level with the action shots.  No screams of terror was a surprise!
Ryan Schobel
Ryan Schobel - 6 years ago
insane video myman
Ryan Schobel
Ryan Schobel - 6 years ago
tearin up at the end there. i aint cryin. you cryin bruh
David Brennan
David Brennan - 6 years ago
Best Vlog ive seen. Was amazing to see! Congrats, the nubnation is so stoked for you
mark kelley
mark kelley - 6 years ago
taking it to the next level bubs!    a pro semi pro?
Michael Nazareth
Michael Nazareth - 6 years ago
for the Dream! as always inspiring, keep going! yeew!
Brian Borders
Brian Borders - 6 years ago
Big dog. So happy for u..
Bullseye Fowl
Bullseye Fowl - 6 years ago
What is up with the nose plugs haha! Stoked for you man. The wave Kelly created just looks perfect
Jeff Newman
Jeff Newman - 6 years ago
This is the best
HardFlip Mike
HardFlip Mike - 6 years ago
Next wave, Occhis
brendon leary
brendon leary - 6 years ago
You surfed the wave very well Ben.
You are an inspiration for the way you live a positive life.
aqchino 08
aqchino 08 - 6 years ago
I bet kelly is now so happy that he took u there!!! Love it!
DRONE review man of all drones
DRONE review man of all drones - 6 years ago
Casey said he watched you hit this wave pool!!! I had to come check it out!!!!! This place is EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam37969 - 6 years ago
Yeah !!! The Dream !!! , keep it going !!! \m/
Alex Boutilier
Alex Boutilier - 6 years ago
Congrats ben, been here since day 1 when you had only 500 subs. Great to see you grow into a full legend. -Alex
Grant Morgan
Grant Morgan - 6 years ago
Zman I’m so happy to finally see you at the ranch I remember when you first messaged kelly
Jonathan Bouic
Jonathan Bouic - 6 years ago
Man. I got chills when you were waiting for that first wave... you farking nailed it!
Matthew MILLER
Matthew MILLER - 6 years ago
J Car
J Car - 6 years ago
Kenan Hennessee
Kenan Hennessee - 6 years ago
love you ben congrats
thenebulous45 - 6 years ago
Full on!!! Stokesville!
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 6 years ago
Seriously the dream wow
Adam Felibrico
Adam Felibrico - 6 years ago
I'm so jealous.
Michael Howie
Michael Howie - 6 years ago
Congrats Big Dog!!! Totally living the dream!!
Ewwww!!!! So stoked for you!!
Kirk McConnel
Kirk McConnel - 6 years ago
What a great thing to be a part of!!  Congrats!  Hello from O'side, CA
Ben Dillon
Ben Dillon - 6 years ago
Total Class Act by Slater and Co. THE DREAM was attained, you've earned every second of it for sure..... Awesome to see Pat O'C there as well. Love that guy!
Quest Adventure
Quest Adventure - 6 years ago
Just awesome.
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 6 years ago
...I can't believe I'm actually becoming sold positive on this Pool Wave stuff, now that I watch you Ben.  Super SMART to wear that nose plug,....we know why....Best Promo for the Disney wave I've seen on Ben.
CAT FEESH - 6 years ago
hahaha yes BIG DOG
David Fisher
David Fisher - 6 years ago
The Stoke is Real! How sore is your face from smiling all day?!?!?! Congrats!
Cyril Connelly
Cyril Connelly - 6 years ago
Wow. Amazing.
Michael Macklin
Michael Macklin - 6 years ago
To you and Jordan! Congratulations on all the adventures! Watch the drone footage! I saw some more novelty waves.
Dan Traficonte
Dan Traficonte - 6 years ago
Gravy you’re a legend!
AnCient sOuL & AnTiHEro
AnCient sOuL & AnTiHEro - 6 years ago
your last word is so true

i know what you're talking about...i know!
MrB7873 - 6 years ago
Ben, your a legend! So stoked for your invite and with Pat O? Like a double bonus!
And you didn't have to fly SPIRIT! hehe
And now, for your best wave of your session with the novelty-ism that only you can achieve right here! LoL ;o)
Thanks for keeping me and the rest of NUBNATION stoked!
Evolution Music
Evolution Music - 6 years ago
I can die happy now.
Colin Floyd
Colin Floyd - 6 years ago
Dude that was epic!! Just made my mornin!! Big love. Thanks mr Slater for letting our boy come and play
Fred DeSmet
Fred DeSmet - 6 years ago
Go Ben!
barrycox60 - 6 years ago
Dude that is sick, you need one of those wave machines
Carter Hamilton
Carter Hamilton - 6 years ago
My life is now complete
Alex Greenberg
Alex Greenberg - 6 years ago
makes me so stoaked to see you surf Kellys wave. amazing stuff man
Jake Clark
Jake Clark - 6 years ago
Cool Gogo
Cool Gogo - 6 years ago
This video is pure Gold. Had a blast watching, makes me want to go surf. Thx for the stoke. Ben Gravy FTW.
steve happ
steve happ - 6 years ago
congrats ben.
Geoff West
Geoff West - 6 years ago
Insane, Ben was fully shredding
Jason Gauci
Jason Gauci - 6 years ago
Gotta agree that was the best blog ever Thumbs up Ben love the speech at end nearly brought a tear to my eyes yewwwwwwww
Harry Newman
Harry Newman - 6 years ago
Yewww stoked for you Ben!!
Martin Bonnici
Martin Bonnici - 6 years ago
Seeing good things happen to awesome crew. Absolutely loved this Vlog Big Dog.
morgo120 - 6 years ago
I feel like I've been watching this channel for a long time now and I feel like the timing for this Vlog was spot on. The timing was right and I feel like this is Vlog just started a new chapter. Stoked for you mate well done.
Pacific Dynamic Builders
Pacific Dynamic Builders - 6 years ago
As dreamy as it gets! Well done!
Ben Miz
Ben Miz - 6 years ago
Oh man big nub dog getting shacked off his freaking head and the KS wave pool. I think you could die a content man right now benno! So stoked for you and your awesome crew. Truck driver FTW!!! Love it and best video yet.
Alexander De Jaeger
Alexander De Jaeger - 6 years ago
So sick
Neal Kearney
Neal Kearney - 6 years ago
I was a skeptic at first, but your attitude and discipline is commendable and I wanna congratulate you for gettin' after it and ridin' that high, sharing your dream. I've never left a message on youtube but seein the big dog do his thing! Yeewwwwww~
Shake AU
Shake AU - 6 years ago
should have edited it so it looked like you only got to surf the novelties hahaha
Clément Gayraud
Clément Gayraud - 6 years ago
Be proud
rickopato - 6 years ago
Fully sick ....Ben you ripped it up ! Thank you for sharing thank you for the P vibe
Kevin Mullooly
Kevin Mullooly - 6 years ago
On ya Ben, happy for you and your girl, watch it wish big smiles , for the dream, stoked as
The BenSman
The BenSman - 6 years ago
You changed your mindset! Go Ben Gravy! Positive vibes for the win!
DJ Anthony
DJ Anthony - 6 years ago
there you go boy!!!!!!
Dan O'Malls
Dan O'Malls - 6 years ago
Jordan said it best after you came out of your first barrel, "Ok. You're a f**king legend."
Clinton Whoo
Clinton Whoo - 6 years ago
King Kelly is so humble!!!!!!!!!!! For the dream!
John schnetzler
John schnetzler - 6 years ago
there are no words except maybe Amen!!!! Good on ya Ben and Jordan!
Clinton Whoo
Clinton Whoo - 6 years ago
Ben, Kelly is the one that is honoured by your presence! For the dream! [I write this from Oz]
zjgvergara - 6 years ago
Nose plugs for the amoebas?
BeAmbitiousNotContent - 6 years ago
harvey jarzabek
harvey jarzabek - 6 years ago
nuking, living the dream, yeew nub nation for the win!!!!!!!
H H - 6 years ago
This was without doubt the finest vlog I’ve watched, just outstanding . You richly deserve all the rewards for your relentless positivity and just plain hard work. Keep on pushing on brother.
daniel reyers
daniel reyers - 6 years ago
Yeah legend love ur style man good vibes and living the dream i legitimately think im going this way full time as well thanks for some inspiration mate!g day from Australia the dream for the win yew!
Salty Barber
Salty Barber - 6 years ago
Be. Gravy!!!! Living the dream!!!!!!
Hunter Black
Hunter Black - 6 years ago
Goes to kelly's wave pool for the ultimate wave but chooses to surf a half a foot wave instead.
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 6 years ago
In between sessions
Jonathan Flannery
Jonathan Flannery - 6 years ago
Ur literally an amazing person dude <3 nub nation for the win!
Tracey Baker
Tracey Baker - 6 years ago
tube style master.
Hunter Black
Hunter Black - 6 years ago
I'm so stoked that Ben actually got to surf Kelly's wave. There was so much talk about it and when he saw Kelly in the surf, I thought that Kelly was gonna invite Ben to his wave for sure but finally it happened. Good on u Ben.
Tracey Baker
Tracey Baker - 6 years ago
you just showed kelly how its done ,,,,your surfing had much more gravy in it .....
David McLeod
David McLeod - 6 years ago
Heck ya man you finally made it there!! Went straight to the gudder found the roundabout mini dream runner!! Totally awesome bro
Brendan O'Hara
Brendan O'Hara - 6 years ago
8:44 You certainly are somebody, brother; you're our east-coast surfing mascot, spreading stoke and inspiring people like me to get their sh*it together and start waking up at 4:30am everyday so I can chase my dreams, and surf as much as possible on my Ben Gravy 7'0 soft top in my Hyperflex Voodoo 6/5/4 with 7mil hood & booties in cold-ass new england waters. Because who cares about numb fingers and some snotsicles when the dream is on! This video was so epic, and you're a fking legend. Live the dream and keep spreading stoke and inspiration. You went from bummed out, injured, heavy drinker to having 53K subs, multiple sponsors, your own surf/skateboard models, hanging with legendary pro surfers including Kelly Slater, surfing his surf ranch and getting pitted all over the place in 3 years! And you have a partner who clearly loves you & supports your dream. NEXT-LEVEL LEGEND STATUS! YEW! #NNFTW
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much Brendan. I am stoked
Ben Dillon
Ben Dillon - 6 years ago
Ben Dillon
Ben Dillon - 6 years ago
Brendan O'Hara Was morning
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Ditto that Brendan!!! Yeeewww!!! Cheers, John ;)
Danny Petersen
Danny Petersen - 6 years ago
Dude, You nailed it. You are an inspiration to life!! Thanks Ben Gravy
jasason10 - 6 years ago
Man that was unreal. I really enjoyed that. So stoked for you Ben! Good job buddy.
Dee Dubya
Dee Dubya - 6 years ago
Damn good Ben. This is so amazing to watch. You are the inspiring. Doing it humble makes it even better. :) thank you
03BOBBO03 - 6 years ago
So epic! For the win!
asyouratty13 - 6 years ago
"W for BG....."
Ty Shipp
Ty Shipp - 6 years ago
Congrats Ben! Stoked for you! This is the only surfing YouTube channel i follow! Keep it up!
JohnnyM 517
JohnnyM 517 - 6 years ago
Bob Kramer
Bob Kramer - 6 years ago
Brian Dailey
Brian Dailey - 6 years ago
The dream is real! Thanks for making us smile and wanting to add positivity to this world. Much love Ben!
B Fisher
B Fisher - 6 years ago
Trippin for yuh. Awesome.
Christian Rose aka Smalltowninnewmexico
Christian Rose aka Smalltowninnewmexico - 6 years ago
Wat rad words! Wat RAD waves! Positivity and good vibes, be nice, smile and laugh a lot.thanks for the blogs mate- they make me smile! If u have a free 3 mins pls click on my thing and watch my music the dream peace out dude from Australia ( my songs called vessel and it's rad)
raindogred - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy for the dream, Kelly Slater for the win...epic boys..well done
surfbouy - 6 years ago
So epic! Congrats!
Will Selwood
Will Selwood - 6 years ago
Good stuff Ben so proud bro I can’t believe you did it so much respect yeeeew
Charles Herm
Charles Herm - 6 years ago
You two are my favorite reality show .
myvideoguy - 6 years ago
Dig how stoked Jordan always is for you too man, she's a MAJOR KEEPER DUDE and a really really rad girl! Happy for yas
Charles Herm
Charles Herm - 6 years ago
Fantastic production !!!
Charles Herm
Charles Herm - 6 years ago
Time to go visit JOB ?
rudy alonso
rudy alonso - 6 years ago
Ok, well as i said once before....i told you he is a man of his word and finally came through on the i have not heard back from you on comments but i know your now a novalty yourself so i am not a BIG DOG like ya'll....i am getting ready for surgery i have to get a full laryndectomy in order to survive this Stage 4 Carcinoma Throat Cancer meaning i will never surf again cause i'll have a permanent breathing hole at the bottom of my thats it for me not unless you and THE CHAMP can invent some apparatus so i can breath under DA WATER....still happy to see you and Jordan kicking it with Kelly at the Ranch....GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU ENJOY FOLKS, as we say on SOUTH BEACH, chow baby, asta....
Grace 4 All
Grace 4 All - 6 years ago
+rudy alonso of course my friend of course
rudy alonso
rudy alonso - 6 years ago
+Janet Parlato thank you janet....God Bless
Janet Parlato
Janet Parlato - 6 years ago
Rudy, I'll be keeping you in thought and prayer! God Bless.
rudy alonso
rudy alonso - 6 years ago
+Grace 4 All thank you for your kind words....i am a believer also, i look forward towards the Kingdom of Christ our King and Savior, see you there at home brother i'll be looking for you....amen
Grace 4 All
Grace 4 All - 6 years ago
God bless you bro, just remember all things are possible with Christ. Praying for ya. Jesus will make a way in every situation imaginable for you to live your dreams! Dont ever forget that. Where there is hope there is freedom, where there is freedom there is happiness and where there is happiness there is love.
Lee Mcelmeel
Lee Mcelmeel - 6 years ago
Your nervousness and excitement could be felt through the camera! I was and am so stoked for you!!! By the way I recieved my Ben Gravy hooded sweatshirt and it is honestly the most comfortable sweatshirt EVER! thanks again for everything you do!
myvideoguy - 6 years ago
the other novelty is inside the nets in the middle - damn sure corporate would let you go there! ;-)
Mika Dietz
Mika Dietz - 6 years ago
The Actual Dream! So stoked this day has finally happened for you dude! YEW!!!
Darren Habib
Darren Habib - 6 years ago
Jordan looked like she was having the time of her life as well. Damn her smile and positivity is..well hot.
John Andryszewski
John Andryszewski - 6 years ago
You killed it Ben!!! Super stoked for you!
myvideoguy - 6 years ago
Yeh boi!!! U got there mate! Yeeeeeew
sunsensational - 6 years ago
Daniel Borscheid
Daniel Borscheid - 6 years ago
Rad! I could watch Kelly Slater surf for hours. Hope everyone stays blessed!
Jupiter George Fishing
Jupiter George Fishing - 6 years ago
For the dream brother! Congrats for your day!
Moments in Time Films
Moments in Time Films - 6 years ago
Jadon Ratboy Collins rules. Back when l was filming the Vans Air Shows Jadon would let me crash at his pad. Still got tons of clips in my vault of all these Cali and not cal rippers.
Tim Sivils
Tim Sivils - 6 years ago
Novelty king. Awesome footage from J. Verni.
Why the nose clip? Is that because of the ear thing?
Lukas Nelson - Willie's son. Promise of the Real.
The Dream.
A Day In The Life
A Day In The Life - 6 years ago
Thanks Ben and Kelly, for inviting us.
gilbertrockstv - 6 years ago
Great closing Ben. 100 percent truth. Now, I gotta find my way into that pool to shralp a few. Peace!
Luis Figueroa
Luis Figueroa - 6 years ago
Cant wait to see you out there with J.O.B. hitt'n them novelty's on the North Shore.
jgmopar - 6 years ago
100% Awesome.
john braddock
john braddock - 6 years ago
Stoked for you bro!! And im only 10 mins
Tor B
Tor B - 6 years ago
Wow... loved this... but

You brought a non surfer.... ummm... where do I strart???

Moments in Time Films
Moments in Time Films - 6 years ago
Pat a SCC Legend. Call him OKeyDog next time you see him. Sick segment.
Chris Burri
Chris Burri - 6 years ago
What a guy! Ben Gravy is insane so inspirational and what an amazing guy such a legend! He was getting some absolute DREAMERS Out there for the boys yeeew! This man makes me enjoy surfing so much more and appreciate it so much more NUB NATION for the W.
Maxim Gwoz
Maxim Gwoz - 6 years ago
I've legit tried 5 times to subscribe and youtube keeps taking it off?
Charles Lavender
Charles Lavender - 6 years ago
Such an awesome video. Well done dude! Super proud seeing this and congrats!
Scott Hulett
Scott Hulett - 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing this amazing life of yours with us !!! Super stoked to see this amazing experience !!! FOR THE DREAM
Daniel Zaffaroni
Daniel Zaffaroni - 6 years ago
Ben you really are an inspiration for the surfers of all world!!! Thank you for share with us all of this experiences!!! From Uruguay the best to you BIIIIIG DOOOOG!!!!
SC Nomad
SC Nomad - 6 years ago
Thank you Kelly Slater. You and Ben represent the east coast pretty well.
Bryan Austin
Bryan Austin - 6 years ago
Awesome, just plain AWESOME. It took me 2 hours to watch this whole vid because I kept rewinding to share the stoke over and over.
Luis Figueroa
Luis Figueroa - 6 years ago
Your a STUD Bro....Love the first Ride....
David Yamashita
David Yamashita - 6 years ago
Way to go Gravy! Keep sending that positive message & dream to everyone! Mahalo!
Mike Hebing
Mike Hebing - 6 years ago
well deserved homie!!! psyching for you!
Shake AU
Shake AU - 6 years ago
bro, EPIC
Joseph Wiard
Joseph Wiard - 6 years ago
Big Dog!!
Luis Figueroa
Luis Figueroa - 6 years ago
Should have flown into Fresno, would have been a 30 minute drive. Happy you finally did it. Live down the street from the Ranch, your a lucky man.
Team strider
Team strider - 6 years ago
hard work pays off bud congratulations
The Average Surfer's Guide
The Average Surfer's Guide - 6 years ago
Your humbleness shines buddy! Stoked for you
Yiyu Chen
Yiyu Chen - 6 years ago
Living the dream!!!
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Yeah Brah!!!! So happy for you. Glad Jordyn could make the trip and share the moment with you...All "W's" today Brah!!! Nub Nation is here to stay!!!!!!
Nfarr86 - 6 years ago
Nor-Cal Refrigeration & H.V.A.C
Nor-Cal Refrigeration & H.V.A.C - 6 years ago
Atta boy! Ben, that was a fun video. Stoked!!!!!!!!
zak morgan
zak morgan - 6 years ago
wow what an episode. i could feel your nerves, and excitement and anxiousness. scary but amazing.
Brent Walker
Brent Walker - 6 years ago
I've been waiting a loooong time for this vlog. Super happy for you Ben!! Proof that positivity is real
Scott C
Scott C - 6 years ago
Everything was just so right about you being invited.....KS treats his guests 1st class all the way. Not a detail overlooked. A real professionals professional. You and J.Verni looked like kids at Christmas. I am so happy you both got to live this dream. You deserve it. YEW !
Justin Leavitt
Justin Leavitt - 6 years ago
Damn that was all time!!!
Nick Hebert
Nick Hebert - 6 years ago
It's rad I surfed there Last December.. This video makes me want to go back.
felipe berton
felipe berton - 6 years ago
Yeeeewww big dogggg!! What an epic day you had at the gnarly ranch!! Congratulations on getting to live your dreams, you are a huge inspiration to all of us!
ScottKipple - 6 years ago
26:41 "so silly"...that's why we love him, Jordan!!!
thenewtowncryer - 6 years ago
B.G. nailed it on the first try- RESPEK!
Panama Nick
Panama Nick - 6 years ago
Yew! Biggest dream so far, keep at it for the win!
Michael Barrella
Michael Barrella - 6 years ago
No idea how much I love seeing a jersey boy doing big things
jerseydave71 - 6 years ago
Sick!!!!! Mostly I’m glad you cleaned your life up. Without that, there ain’t much....
Julien Hoos
Julien Hoos - 6 years ago
So sick!!
Nick Otten
Nick Otten - 6 years ago
Super pumped for you Ben! It’s been a long time coming! Congrats man!
1982mako224 - 6 years ago
Jeanie Chesser is a legend!!!!!!!!! She was ripping.
Sean W. Hanley
Sean W. Hanley - 6 years ago
Congrats, that was an awesome episode!
D35tructor - 6 years ago
Your endless positivity is truly inspiring, love your mission of living the dream. You like the new wave pool in Australia put out the best vibrations and ripples of stoke. Hope you enjoy the success big dawg.

Come to Sydney, Australia for a while. We have so many awesome novelty waves that break in harbours and ports (and they're a solid size).

Never stop looking for that next wave. Keep the flame inside of you stoked. Love your commitment.
Kevin Sheriff
Kevin Sheriff - 6 years ago
You’re like the modern day pat o
小林満 - 6 years ago
That last speech. Goosebumps.
KSLV SEASON - 6 years ago
Jason Linkinhoker
Jason Linkinhoker - 6 years ago
well done
Zach Newsom
Zach Newsom - 6 years ago
Killed it BG! Now off to jalama
James Ferrell
James Ferrell - 6 years ago
for. the. DREAM!!! So stoked for you ben!
Dalien Rivera
Dalien Rivera - 6 years ago
Big dog the dream start tomorrow.
optimalCALM - 6 years ago
There's not a more deserving person to be able to rip that perfect wave. Yeew! You're a legend!
jdawgl33 - 6 years ago
Yo Ben, awesome experience! If your teeth hurt you might consider a teeth guard at night when you sleep. Life changing for me. I don't wake up with headaches anymore. Keep up the amazing work! You're a legend!
ScottKipple - 6 years ago
Ben showed everybody a good attitude can get you surfing with Kelly Slater and Jamie O'Brien....stay positive NUB Nation!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you scott!!
Render Perfect - Video Marketing
Render Perfect - Video Marketing - 6 years ago
For the dream!!!!
Sam Logan
Sam Logan - 6 years ago
You are so awesome and I'm so privileged to watch a video from inside the surf ranch. Watching this video made me realize how good you are at not only surfing but making a good vlog. Love watching your videos every day
Kenny Powers
Kenny Powers - 6 years ago
Mad love Gravyy
ScottKipple - 6 years ago
mike - 6 years ago
#Pro dreamer#Provloglife.. Thank you for not stopping Ben.. For real would love to share my dream with you here in L.A. ...
Ed Worthington
Ed Worthington - 6 years ago
Thank you Ben for sharing this experience with us. You are an amazing and inspirational dude. I'm so glad you got to surf the Ranch. Keep doing what you're doing. It's a blast following you on your journey.
Davis Wiggins
Davis Wiggins - 6 years ago
someone needs to build a 100 houses around it.
672E galaxie
672E galaxie - 6 years ago
First, so happy for you, and thanks for spreading your stoke, second, Total epic legendary sesh!!! THE DREAM IS ON!! KS thank you and the crew at the ranch....Lukas Nelson is Willie's son and an amazing singer/songwriter/player. And he surfs. Epic day. Wow.NNFTD!!
Chad Ponder
Chad Ponder - 6 years ago
I actually couldn’t stop smiling the whole time I watched this
angel olavarria
angel olavarria - 6 years ago
Yewww im glad you finally get to ride the ranch, super stoked youre tha man.
Karl Jakobsson
Karl Jakobsson - 6 years ago
Finally happened! Yeeeow
Jonny 190
Jonny 190 - 6 years ago
An epic day for sure !! Happy for you Ben ! Well deserved, for a true ambassador for surfing...and positivity...."What you THINK about, you BRING about" Yeeeewww !!!
Nivasi - 6 years ago
it takes about a wk to get used to the time change LOL
Andres Aguilera
Andres Aguilera - 6 years ago
Congrats brother!
Luis Campagna
Luis Campagna - 6 years ago
BIG DOGGGGG, Dude, I`m so so so happy for you bro, I saw the Vlog at the office , I scream, laugh and I creid with your msj at the end , the best Vlog ever !!!!
Rob Cromley
Rob Cromley - 6 years ago
42 min vlog? We will see how long I stay interested. 42 minutes later. Best I’ve ever watched. 100% worth it.
Congrats man! FTD!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I ain't tellin U my name
I ain't tellin U my name - 6 years ago
It's about time Kelly was only almost a year overdue on his original invite date.
Chad L
Chad L - 6 years ago
Congrats! Great surfing. Leave it up to you to find the novelty waves at a wave pool.
Larry Zevon
Larry Zevon - 6 years ago
So pumped for you and J Verni, your message at the end got me in the feels.
Eliott Townsend
Eliott Townsend - 6 years ago
I had to like the video before I watched it. Dude you're psyching!! nub nation for the win!! Yewww!!!
Eliott Townsend
Eliott Townsend - 6 years ago
That was one of you're most epic Vlog's yet. Now you have to go to my homeland, the north shore and do a Vlog with JOB!!
gangsterboogie - 6 years ago
Good on ya Ben and Jordan
BobbyB - 6 years ago
Stoked Ben that you were able to live this dream for a lot of us surfers that may not get the chance to experience what you did in this vlog. Enjoy your vlogs and how cool was it to surf with Kelly at his wave. I could see that Jordan and You truly enjoyed this experience.....Good times brother......
Bazil Moir
Bazil Moir - 6 years ago
STOKED great day for you and Jordan and the rest of the Nub Nation.
We all so happy. Epic day...... Epic Win.
Davey S
Davey S - 6 years ago
Absolutely speechless. Ben you speak so much truth. The positive outlook in life is key. I give it my best everyday and the only bad days I have are from me making them bad. Your a true inspiration and in the past 2+ years I’ve been watching my life has become so much better. You deserved every bit of this and thank you kelly for offering the opportunity.
Charles Herm
Charles Herm - 6 years ago
Davey S Beautiful words . Nub Nation .
MedinaOG - 6 years ago
So happy for u dude! Nub nation!
richard dumper
richard dumper - 6 years ago
Jordan did a great job catching the footage
jason smith
jason smith - 6 years ago
Crying happy is the best! Say hi to JOB!
rvmcwhorter - 6 years ago
You made this happen with your dedication and perseverance of your dream . To live to surf , and live your life free and positive . Sober living and a higher power . Your an inspiration to many . Don't sell yourself short . Congratulations on your invite to the ranch !! Yewwwww!!!
Ben Wunderly
Ben Wunderly - 6 years ago
it is real, you worked hard to get here and the NUB nation supports you for who you are and how hard you work. you are a good surfer but you are a better person and that still matters to some of us. keep livin' the (real) dream Ben. yew
ps. good choice on the videographer
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you so much Ben
rustyasurfin Woods
rustyasurfin Woods - 6 years ago
Congrats man super inspiring
Ian N.
Ian N. - 6 years ago
wonder how many novelties occy’s got?
JoM0BX - 6 years ago
When you realize that Kelly isn’t just a Big Dog he is literally the biggest dog.
richard dumper
richard dumper - 6 years ago
Pipeline next then on to Fiji indo/ Maldives and we get to watch
logdizza - 6 years ago
You are somebody Ben gravy.
Always stay humble big dog
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
For the dream
Chris Wismar
Chris Wismar - 6 years ago
Way to climb the mountain Ben, your inner positive attitude is bringing so many great things to life. The sky is the limit. Good stuff!
Stefan Gorski
Stefan Gorski - 6 years ago
Love you Ben and that was such a beautiful message at the end. For the dream!
johnwadmaniii - 6 years ago
This definitely was one of the best vlogs as far as happy vlogs. Your tribute to your friend was great too but this one definitely made me happy for you guys. So cool that they had a locker for Jordan also. As far as the ranch goes, your Vlog video really was some of the best video I've seen of the ranch. Even the surfing angles were great. Really cool Ben and Jordan! Really happy for you guys.
Adam Pizzi
Adam Pizzi - 6 years ago
Ben...keep chasing, my dude. Too good. Thanks for keeping it real.
Brian Demirjian
Brian Demirjian - 6 years ago
That was the best video I've seen in a while. Just started watching your channel and you are a kindred spirit my friend. Keep spreading the positivity! Finally got to see a real inside look everywhere at Kelly's surf ranch too. Not another man made wave like it.
Donavan Heidinger
Donavan Heidinger - 6 years ago
looks like right hand pakalas. stoked for you ben gravy! I heard Pat O started surfing in legendary!
Grant Bode
Grant Bode - 6 years ago
If you disliked this video you’re a Benny go home!
Caleb Tatola
Caleb Tatola - 6 years ago
Big Dog Ben please hang in Cali for a while congrats on the DREAM!
Jordan had as much fun
Felipe Siemsen
Felipe Siemsen - 6 years ago
James Beardsley
James Beardsley - 6 years ago
Tripping ! You passed my house before you went up the grapevine! So stoked for you my brother it was well deserved and overdue ! Yeeew
Michael Tully
Michael Tully - 6 years ago
So stoked for you Ben! You're a total inspiration my man. You're absolute living proof of putting out good vibes to universe and having it come back to you! Love how you don't emulate the pretentiousness that comes along with most really good or local surfers.
Thomas Hopkins
Thomas Hopkins - 6 years ago
Great Vlog bub. You do realize that you were with Lukas Nelson(Willie's Son). He was the long-haired hippie strummin his geetar on the ground.. Yee Haw. He's the Man, as You are Ben Gravy. I'm so glad you shared the experience of a Lifetime with your no.1 Fan in LIFE, J. Verni.
Nub Nation For the Win... Qualudia
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Lukas is such a nice dude!! I was telling him & his drummer that I was gonna look them up and listen to their music haha they were prb thinking I was insane
Bryan McCloud
Bryan McCloud - 6 years ago
Jordan’s commentary/vocab has went to the next level. Quiver? Legend, nailing it? She deserves that locker at the ranch! Congrats Ben. Great vlog, you held your own at the ranch man.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much Bryan!
Ty Critch
Ty Critch - 6 years ago
super sick. you always keep the stoke in surfing no matter what wave it is. gnarly surfing man
Wes Davies
Wes Davies - 6 years ago
What a beautiful life you are living! I can't imagine what it's like to have these moments recorded forever. I have my memories and dream about times like these still.
Ryan M.
Ryan M. - 6 years ago
So happy for you Ben. Looks so sick. Thanks for representing the east coast!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ricardo Andres Rojas Chaparro
Ricardo Andres Rojas Chaparro - 6 years ago
Thank you Ben for the novelty!!! Yeeeew
Cameron Broad
Cameron Broad - 6 years ago
finally Ben the dream is real i remember when he first invited you there i was stoked now i am super stoked

blair170 - 6 years ago
the vlog we've all been waiting for...looked like an amazing time
Scott Ellis
Scott Ellis - 6 years ago
So stoked for you ben love this video love them all you're the man. I hope we can meet some day
jake super
jake super - 6 years ago
Livin the dream!!! Amazing Man U are a pioneer!
Elouan .LC
Elouan .LC - 6 years ago
Like a little boy in Christmas
MaStars - 6 years ago
this VLOG is fully Nuking
Chris Jardin
Chris Jardin - 6 years ago
Good on you bri
thomas treiss
thomas treiss - 6 years ago
y am brazilian, it´s my dream
Boom Headshot
Boom Headshot - 6 years ago
Love u ben you are inspiration
Bruce516 - 6 years ago
So stoked for you and Jordan! Good looking out Kelly for hooking up two really nice people!
inshallah - 6 years ago
epic! good for you, tyvm for sharing
Hayden Gunson
Hayden Gunson - 6 years ago
Wow Ben Gravy yet again blowing up the spots
TheBuckStopsHere - 6 years ago
Dude, this is easily my favorite YouTube channel, you rock!
Alex Reid
Alex Reid - 6 years ago
With the clip on your nose and the camera in your did you manage to breathe brother?!!!
Roger Moore
Roger Moore - 6 years ago
Epic vlog! Yew! For the dream!
Jose - 6 years ago
crazy how well you can see the lean to speed up/slow down from the ski. at 32:00 ben leans forward al little and flys.
Robert Baughman
Robert Baughman - 6 years ago
Could not be happier for you bro, got goosebumps watching! You killed it!
Alan Walker
Alan Walker - 6 years ago
One word: STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
Teared up and laughed every other second. Thank you for hopefully getting me back out in the water.
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
+C Dunk Haha...San Diego, eh? I have made a very good friend through Ben's comment section and he's from San Diego. He has a YouTube channel called The Phoenix and has been surfing for years. Check out his channel and you may see some familiar places. Yeah, it's even getting crowded up here at the popular spots like Lawrencetown Beach just outside of our capital city of Halifax. If you travel a few minutes more though you get the beach pretty much to yourself around here...tons of breaks to surf! It's funny that you are a shaper as a local shaper of wooden boards, Brian Carey of Aeon Surfboards is the one who actually let me try a real surfboard for the very first time last year and between him and Ben helped get me hooked on surfing. You shapers rock! I just checked out your boards...nice work dude...keep up the good work. I hope you enjoy your new found joy for surfing again...Ben kinda does that to people ;)
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
+John Egan Nova Scotia, damn, good on you. Yes, shaping surfboards. I did that through out the 80s and early 90s. Grew up in San Diego then moved to LA. Just couldn't take the crowds and limited good surf spots and just let it go. In 2016 was in Hawaii and was lucky enough to be there during the Eddie Invitational and totally got the bug back. Here a link to the boards I've made. Keep up the stoke.
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
+C Dunk I forgot to ask, when you say you've been shaping again does that mean shaping boards or getting in shape yourself???...just curious...Cheers, John ;)
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
+C Dunk I just turned 55 this August and I just had my last surf sesh of the season for me on Oct 21. I bought a Ben Gravy Hyperflex 4/3 this year and it's at it's limit with our water and air temperatures up here in Nova Scotia. I also don't have any gloves or hood or I might still be out there. Anyhow, I'm sooo stoked for you man...get out there and get some and let me know how you did! I will post some of my sessions from this summer after I get a new video editor and some more memory for my computer and you will see how I progressed this year. I only got out there 7 times as it's at least a 2 hour drive to any surfable beginner beach up here so it makes it hard to just grab the board and go. Looking forward to hearing from you again...stay in touch in the comment section and GO FOR IT!!! Cheers, John ;)
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
+John Egan Thanks John, I'm 55 and have been shaping again. Hopefully next week I'm heading out and see what happens.
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Get out there C Dunk! Ben got me surfing at 54 so you can do it...yeewww!!! Cheers, John ;)
Fabien Cergy
Fabien Cergy - 6 years ago
great review Mr Gravy :) you're a nice person keep on going ;) Best regards from France. You make my Dude !!!! :D
John Sahhar
John Sahhar - 6 years ago
So stoked for you dude!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks John!!
Alex Reid
Alex Reid - 6 years ago
YAY!!! FINALLY!!! Been waiting for this one.
J.J Crow
J.J Crow - 6 years ago
So you go to all that effort & travel all that way...just so a queer goat (actually turns out to be a pig & snake at the same time) can hog the waves in a place he could surf anytime without you...
J.J Crow
J.J Crow - 6 years ago
P.S ~ Cali sure reminds us all exactly of Texas these days...
Thomas Scavella
Thomas Scavella - 6 years ago
God damn legend yewww
Joseph Hanrahan
Joseph Hanrahan - 6 years ago
Congrats Ben!!! Thank you!!!
Kurt Skowronek
Kurt Skowronek - 6 years ago
FTW. Couldn’t be more stoked for you and Jordan and the entire NUB nation. Dreamers are real, all day everyday.
Kenneth Klosowski
Kenneth Klosowski - 6 years ago
So epic. Super stoked for you! And just think it was a year ago to the day when you surfed with Kelly in Jersey for the slater swell!
green Shasta bean
green Shasta bean - 6 years ago
BEN GRAVY. BIG DOG. Dude we love you man. honestly so happy you got to go and surf Kelly's wave. we're so proud of you man. You created this family, THE NUB NATION! and we couldn't be anymore happy that we could make this dream a reality and that you are sharing it with us. Nub Nation for The WIN! For the DREAM! Yew! -Y'didiah Brady
Steve Griz
Steve Griz - 6 years ago
This is literally the dream so sick dude! Next time it needs to be you, kalani rob, beefsTV and lucas that would be a movie.
Robbie Mize
Robbie Mize - 6 years ago
I haven't smiled this much in a while. You are a LEGEND Ben Gravy!! So happy for you to get to experience this.
Christoph Marius
Christoph Marius - 6 years ago
Ben, you should invite my good friend Kellly Slater to surf at this location!
john Lynch
john Lynch - 6 years ago
hey ben how do i get som of your sector nine stuff
soulsurfn - 6 years ago
so happy for you bud, keep smiling
Chief Chuf
Chief Chuf - 6 years ago
Soo flipping epic... congrats
robnm111 - 6 years ago
B. Gravy baby, B. Gravy
Morgan Lambert
Morgan Lambert - 6 years ago
BIG DAWG! stoked for you ben.
CJ Gamer
CJ Gamer - 6 years ago
Stoked for you Ben. That pool showed how good you can really surf. Yew!!!
Hunter Davis
Hunter Davis - 6 years ago
Man what an episode! Such a great edit, I was nervous on your first wave haha, so cool Ben, really great experience, jeez I don't know what to say but you ripped, and I really enjoyed watching! Yewww!
Brandon Moore
Brandon Moore - 6 years ago
Ben, congratulations on having such an epic experience at the surf ranch. You deserve all of these amazing experiences as you continue to inspire the members of the nub nation. Thank you for all you do and for being a vessel of stoke. Keep it up big dog!
ac fountain
ac fountain - 6 years ago
Congratulations Ben!!! You know what would be awesome? If the wave co would create a huge bomb drop!!
Bob Morley Jr
Bob Morley Jr - 6 years ago
Legendary !!!
Whereisharald - 6 years ago
For the dream!!
bailey surfs
bailey surfs - 6 years ago
steve ridgway
steve ridgway - 6 years ago
Absolute sickest vlog Ever!!!!!! What a dream! The stoke is historical!
raph jod
raph jod - 6 years ago
Stoked for you Ben! Congratulations mate you earned it!
Steven Wilson
Steven Wilson - 6 years ago
Epic! Thank you for the inspiration! I hope I can find the strength to turn things around the way you have done. Watching you every day gives me hope. Thank you for the dream!
Benny Nogins
Benny Nogins - 6 years ago
This is epic, keep the stoke Ben you rule.
Joshua Konietzko
Joshua Konietzko - 6 years ago
So stoked for you Ben, thank you for sharing all the adventures and the love with us. I smiled through the entire video and when u arrived at the ranch in the morning i was getting butterflys and tripping ,like you did :) It´s also so cool that you found 4 novelty waves at the ranch haha. So happy this finally happend for you <3
Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill - 6 years ago
Wow...inspirational, truly. Ben Gravy for the win!!
Robert Rob
Robert Rob - 6 years ago
SICK! man, have been watching every day for a long time. I hear ya that it doesnt seem real. Positive vibes are going crazy! Unreal!!!
wolf - 6 years ago
did slater hit the soft top?
ETB 2016
ETB 2016 - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy! You are a fucking superstar! For the win!Yeeeeeeewwww!
BigCityCBGs - 6 years ago
I love how you can go out in any conditions any size waves either mother nature or man made and charge it. You are the Man!! Great vlog Thanks!!
james davis
james davis - 6 years ago
james davis
james davis - 6 years ago
Yes totally cheered for bens girliest it was a ninth inning homer !!!
james davis
james davis - 6 years ago
Epic !!!!So happy for you and glad we get to enjoy through you !
chat bass
chat bass - 6 years ago
Good vibes Ben....good vibes
Simon Tatchell
Simon Tatchell - 6 years ago
Hay Ben Im so glad you livin the dream. you deserve it. because of you I was inspired to learn how to surf. on Tuesday i set my tim stuck my hand in the wall and slowed up to my first barrel ever I just wanted to say thanks and if anyone deserve to surf at the Slater pool its you bro keepin it real
PR@XIS8 ! - 6 years ago
I saw 2 big dog !
PR@XIS8 ! - 6 years ago
Beautiful !
Rick Landon
Rick Landon - 6 years ago
STOKED@!!!! thanks Ben! and Jordan!! you guys rock!!!!
Terry Brown
Terry Brown - 6 years ago
Ben you are the true goat
Dan The postMan !
Dan The postMan ! - 6 years ago
Epic video bro!... The whole thing looked like a kid on Christmas morning who got something better than he asked for!!!... Congrats on another awesome achievement!!!... Your the legend... and the Big Dog!!!!... Shout out to Jordan for the "Scorsese" like footage!!!...
endonutz - 6 years ago
don't sell yourself short're somebody...and then there's Jordyn, beaming with pride for ya...
Nick McKinley
Nick McKinley - 6 years ago
Wow that arial shot of you getting pitted and your lady filming from the back of the ski; powerful. Yew!
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
I would have had a nervous semi Chubb protruding through my hyperflex. All day long
Grace 4 All
Grace 4 All - 6 years ago
TMI.... egh
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
isaacosti - 6 years ago
dude so stoked for you
berniedmj1 - 6 years ago
That was ridiculously heavily SIIIICK!!!! Reason being, because it was like the behind the scene of the Surf Ranch.

I'm curious as to why you couldn't surf the wave with your 5'6"?
grakkerful - 6 years ago
Guys, Ben just experienced what being in the 1% is all about. I don't know how he's going to come out the other side of this. Seriously though, congrats Ben. A lot of people getting enjoyment from your enjoyment.
mike powers
mike powers - 6 years ago
Surfing's Everyman blesses disciples of the Nation with Surf Ranch super stoke! YEW BEN!!
Jules DONALDSON - 6 years ago
Best video on YouTube. Congrats Ben.
Kendra R
Kendra R - 6 years ago
Beyond stoked for you!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
YES!! Enjoy!
Cosmo Catalfimo
Cosmo Catalfimo - 6 years ago
Movie Vlog
Josh Z
Josh Z - 6 years ago
Awesome to see this. Congrats Ben, you deserve and earned this!
Ben Smith
Ben Smith - 6 years ago
So stoked for ya brah
Shane Walter
Shane Walter - 6 years ago

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