SURF PROGRESSION TECHNIQUES TEACHES YOU HOW TO POP UP LIKE THE PROS. THESE KEY SURFING TECHNIQUES WILL ENABLE YOU TO POP UP FAST AND EFFICIENTLY. I also have an online surf coaching option if you're feeling frustrated with your surf progression.

SURFPRO TECHNIQUES: PERFECT YOUR POP UP sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Surf 9 years ago 104,665 views

SURF PROGRESSION TECHNIQUES TEACHES YOU HOW TO POP UP LIKE THE PROS. THESE KEY SURFING TECHNIQUES WILL ENABLE YOU TO POP UP FAST AND EFFICIENTLY. I also have an online surf coaching option if you're feeling frustrated with your surf progression.

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Most popular comments

Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 6 years ago
My popup is pretty much like this one but my back foot lands just in front of the you know any ways i can get my foot to land ON the tailpad without having to adjust backwards?
surfprotechniques - 6 years ago
Hey Ryan, Thank you for your question. It's very common for a surfers back foot to land a little above the tail pad or just at the top of the pad. The best way to prevent this from happening to make a conscious attempt to reach for the tail pad with you back foot when you pop-up. You can also try adjusting your hands back on the board when you pop-up. This can help shift everything back a little when you pop-up. Practicing on land can also help reinforce this behavior. Let me know how it goes and feel free to email me with any other questions you may have. I'm always happy to help! :)
Big howa1033
Big howa1033 - 6 years ago
Sounds like Gary Sinese
surfprotechniques - 6 years ago
Ben Ramsey
Ben Ramsey - 7 years ago
I might be missing something obvious, but you mention workout tips on how to develop strength and flexibility techniques related to the popup/surfing in general - where do I find those?
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
Hey Ben, Thank you for your question. Sorry for the late response. I have a few experts on youtube I like to send people to for fitness and flexibility. I have a little routine I do which I'm happy to share as well if you want to email me at I'm not a strength and flexibility expert so I usually try to send traffic to those who I think can really help. In the future if you want to email me I'll respond a lot quicker. I'm always happy to help. "Progression through technique!"
Horizon Rider
Horizon Rider - 7 years ago
such a smooth pop up
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
Hey James, I'd be happy to help. Let's connect via email so the length of my response doesn't get cut off. Please email me at My first question would be what size board are you riding (style, height, width, thickness, volume)? Also how big are you (Height, weight)? You can respond to those via email. "Progression through technique!"
Horizon Rider
Horizon Rider - 7 years ago
One quick question.... My short board pop up is fast and consistent when practicing on land but I find it hard to explode off the board when in the surf due to an unstable platform. I fall back on bad habits and end up using a chicken wing technique. This feels like the final milestone holding my progression back.
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
Hey James...I agree! If you ever have any questions please feel free to contact me at "Progression through technique!"
Rodney Itier
Rodney Itier - 7 years ago
Thanks! This was really helpful
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
You're welcome Rodney! If you have any specific questions please feel free to email me at I'm alway happy to try and help. "Progression through technique!"
lestliness - 7 years ago
I would say that sometimes one should keep chin close to the board for about second while gliding into the wave then pull your chin up and arch your back.
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
If you ever have any specific questions please feel free to contact me at I'm always happy to try and help. "Progression through technique!"
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
Hi there...I totally agree! Chest-up, chin-up, eyes forward pertains to the actual pop-up. When you're paddling there will at times be a need to drop your chin down closer to the deck of the board to help you catch the wave. Check out this example of Nat Young doing just what you described.
mark pat
mark pat - 7 years ago
surf take off vicente contreras
Mike Ryan
Mike Ryan - 7 years ago
Very helpful; I am looking to modify my pop up slightly; I find my feet positioning is usually too far forward when I am at my feet and have to adjust stance backwards, and ideas?
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
Hey Mike...sorry for the late reply. I'd do 10 day blocks of work where it's hard to get online. Anyway, landing with your feet too far forward can be a combination of things. What's more important at this point is that you are able to adjust. For me the number one sign you're progressing and moving to a new level is when you can adjust your feet at will. I'd be happy to try to give you a better assessment if you want to send me a few photos or a short clip of you surfing to "Progression through technique!"
Mike Gates
Mike Gates - 7 years ago
I watch this video over and over again. I am interested in that moment immediatedly after the last stroke and the arms are in the "superman-position'. I realize the time in that position depends on the wave. What are your thoughts ?
surfprotechniques - 7 years ago
Hey Mike....Ya I agreed! The waves was not super critical which allows Owen to pop-up a bit casual. Under different circumstances he might pop-up a bit different. But upon doing some research it appears that slight superman he uses is something consistent throughout other footage. Take a look at this....


Tyrone Oxley
Tyrone Oxley - 8 years ago
I'm goofy as well
Tyrone Oxley
Tyrone Oxley - 8 years ago
Thank you, sir, I greatly appreciate it. I would definitely hit you up. You can send me the videos via email....... I was thinking also GoPro tutorials will be awesome
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
Cool Tyrone...I'm looking forward to helping in anyway I can. Best wishes! "Progression through technique!"
Tyrone Oxley
Tyrone Oxley - 8 years ago
Nice video as well
Tyrone Oxley
Tyrone Oxley - 8 years ago
Question, is it better to hold the rails of the board or to place your hand flat on the board and pop up. And should the board be slightly offset to go in the direction you desire or straight?
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
Hey Tyrone, thank you for the nice compliment. The most important thing is making sure your hands are down by your pecks when you push up off the board to pop-up. From there your hand placement is a matter of comfort. For me my hand placement varies depending on the wave and if I'm going frontside or backside. I'm goofy and if I'm going frontside my left hand is on the rail while my right hand is more flat on the board. I have a video I can send you that illustrates this much better if you want me to send it to you. Just shoot me a note to remind As for slightly angling your take off....Yes...taking off at a slight angle can be very helpful. I really like this description from Ru at Surf Simply.
I hope that helps...Feel free to reach out any time. Sometimes it takes me a day or two to get back to you but I'll always reply. You can also check out my site at for more helpful videos. "Progression through technique!"
Bradley Gerlach
Bradley Gerlach - 8 years ago
you are just describing what you see. tell us the secret to the technique. or do you know it?
Corynne Bean
Corynne Bean - 6 years ago
Brad! Looking forward to seeing your book soon!! Got any vids to share? ;) Corynne
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
Hey Bradley Gerlach, Thank you for taking the time to watch my video and comment. You are absolutely correct. I try my best to describe the things I think will help surfers get unstuck. Check out my philosophy and approach here.... Best wishes to you in 2017. "Progression through technique!"
Greg Michaels
Greg Michaels - 8 years ago
Good video! Thank you for the info. and slow motion. Very informative. Thank you again
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
Thank you Greg. I'm glad the information is helpful. If you want to check out some other free videos you can go to my website or if you had any questions feel free to email me at "Progression through technique!"
Liam Vogelsong
Liam Vogelsong - 8 years ago
Recently I have moved to surfing a shorter board (6'0 Channel Islands Flyer) after learning on a 7'6 funboard and working my way down in size and volume over the past year. During the popup should I be grabbing rail with both hands or doing a pushup off the deck? Some say it does not matter and some say to never grab rail as it will destabilize and slow down the board. Personally I have not felt much of a difference surfing waist to shoulder high waves grabbing rail
Liam Vogelsong
Liam Vogelsong - 8 years ago
Sounds good man thanks! I'll check it out!
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
+Liam Vogelsong .....Hi Liam, I'm glad you contacted me. For your hand placement what matters most is what you're most comfortable with. If you're getting to your feet and riding waves then don't worry to much about it. You'll notice that in certain types of waves hand placement will become critical. For example in really steep, fast, barreling waves many surfers will put one hand on the deck and one on the rail to stabilize the board. This allows the surfer to approach the drop at the correct angle. Different hand placement techniques have different purposes when it comes to the result you want to achieve after you pop up. If you contact me via email I'd be happy to show you some examples. You can also check out my website at I hope to hear from you soon. "Progression through technique!"
Philipp Teleshevskiy-Granit
Philipp Teleshevskiy-Granit - 8 years ago
Thank you for your time and effort. I will try today!
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
+Филипп Телешевский.....I hope it helps. Please let me know. You can always reach me at if you have any specific questions. Or if you just want to get some more free info please check out my website. "Progression through technique!"
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 8 years ago
Hey great video thanks.I think the head positioning is never discussed yet i think it has the greatest impact.Ive stepped down from a 9ft longboard down to a 6'4 x 22 x 2 7/8 shortboard.Been surfing for 3 weeks and probably stand up only 50% of the waves i paddle for.My biggest weakness is the popup,i tend to get up too slow,almost like one knee on the board then onto my feet.I need to try get my feet onto the board in one movement not two.Im going to try this head positioning technique maybe it will help.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 8 years ago
+surfprotechniques great thanks for the advice
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
+Ryan The Rock ...Hi Ryan, thank you for the complimentary words. Your note got put into my spam folder or I would have responded sooner. Glad to hear you're challenging yourself with a shorter board. I think you will definitely increase that pop-up percentage by keeping your chin up and eyes focused in the direction you want to go. In fact please make your eye focus your priority. Don't allow yourself to drop your head at all by reminding yourself to keep your eyes focused at least 20 to 30 feet in front of you until your up and riding. Also don't neglect the fitness aspect of the pop-up. If your body isn't conditioned and flexible then getting up will remain difficult. If you can't get in the water at least 3 time a week then practice popping up at your home. Try to do at least 3 sets of 10 consecutive pop-ups daily. With a 60 second rest in between sets. This will develop your muscle memory and make getting up easier. If you have any other questions you can email me at You can also check out my website for other helpful techniques. I hope to hear from you soon. "Progression through technique."
Toby Evans
Toby Evans - 8 years ago
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
+Toby Evans Thanks Toby! Let me know if I can help you with anything. You can reach me at You can also check out my website for more free helpful surfing techniques. "Progression through technique!"


Michael Watts
Michael Watts - 9 years ago
thanks for the great slow mo footage of a pro popup and the explanation. ist tutorial I've seen like this. I'm trying to stop my daughter from pearling on steeper waves and this will help.
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Michael Watts....Hi Machael, I'm looking forward to hearing if the video helps. You should also double check and make sure she isn't laying to far forward on the board. If you have any other questions feel free to email me at You can also check my website for other helpful examples. "Progression through technique!"
James Jay
James Jay - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video, that is the first time I have seen someone stress how important it is to have your Chest and Head up, it make a lot of sense, I look forward to this technique improving my pop-ups.
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+James Jay ....You're welcome James. I'm hope it helps. Please let me know how it works for you. There are more helpful videos on my site You can also reach me a Best of luck! "Progression through technique!"
Balin Steenkamp
Balin Steenkamp - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for that bit of technique advice. I am a beginner as well but more of an advanced beginner, and I am struggling with body alignment and weight shifting, with the pop up. I tend to end up to far behind the board when I take off. This pop up method really helps me understand the fundamentals of the technique used during the pop up principle. Thank you again, and I am riding a 6.9 foot board. I am 1.85cm in length.
Balin Steenkamp
Balin Steenkamp - 9 years ago
Thank you so much I will do so.
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Balin Steenkamp .....Hey Balin Steenkamp, I'm glad the video helped. How thick and wide is your surfboard? How much do you weigh? You mentioned that when you stand up your feet are to far back on the board. The techniques in the video will help with your foot placement. It's a natural byproduct of popping up with good technique. Another thing that helps with foot placement is looking down at your feet once you have stood up and are riding the wave. It sounds obvious but surfers get so wrapped up in the moment of riding a wave they forget this option. It can really help make a difference to know where your feet are landing after you pop-up . Look down at your feet and adjust accordingly. There are more free helpful videos on my site. You can also email me privately at if you have other questions. Good luck! "Progression through technique."
Daniel Buckner
Daniel Buckner - 9 years ago
Alright so before I get started let me say I've been surfing long board for six years and loved it but wanted to try other types of surfing. So basicaly I got a 5'6 short board and which the man that sold it to me said would be a good fit coming from long board cause it is wide. So first day I go out and try to pop up on the wave the board feels as if it is going to fast or it shakes to much and I fall off. It is a 4 fin set up and was wondering if that has anything to do with it? Maybe I just need alot of practice cause I came from a different style of board? any help is appreciated.
Daniel Buckner
Daniel Buckner - 9 years ago
thanks for the help man :)
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Daniel Buckner-------- That board looks sick Daniel. I can see why it goes so fast. It's built for the type of waves your surfing and meant to respond in the way you described. I suggest when you pop-up you use a bit wider stance to stabilize the board until you start to get comfortable with the speed. I recommend just popping up and not trying to do much except go straight down the line. Really pay attention to where your feet are on the board by literally looking down at them. Notice how far apart they are and how far your back foot is from the tail. Really start to experiment by moving your back foot up and back on the board to find that sweet spot. Let me know how that works and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. "Progression through technique!"
Daniel Buckner
Daniel Buckner - 9 years ago
This is the link to the board I have
And the waves are normally knee to waist height and max out about shoulder.
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Daniel Buckner ......Hey Daniel....
First I want to say congratulations on getting up on a 5'6”. Dropping from a longboarddown to a 5'6” is a huge difference. Second, great job on getting up and
going too fast. That is a problem not many people have when they drop
down in size that quickly. Most people have trouble standing up. It
sounds like getting that little board under control is priority
number 1. There is a lot going on here so i'll try to break it down
step by step. Sense I don't know how you surf normally you'll have to
experiment. Your 5'6 is going to respond completely different
compared to your longboard. Your stance might need to get a bit wider
or narrower. The way you turn the board and how much pressure you
put on your toes and heal will be different compared to the longboard. The fact that it's a quad means a lot. Quads do go faster then
thrusters. Turning a quad can be tricky because if you try to force
the turn the tail will slide out. The nice thing about moving from a
longboard to a quad is that both boards prefer longer drawn out
turns. What type of waves are you surfing the 5'6 in? Is the board
shaped like an actual short board or like a hybrid? If you give me a
bit more information I'll do my best to help. Take care and Happy New
Year. “Progression Through technique!” I have a website that also
may help.
allison Lange
allison Lange - 9 years ago
Hi jay, I have an advanced 9 yr old goofy foot who is very tall for his age, his pop up is his biggest challenge in quick situations. Any suggestions for us? His legs are long and seem to get stuck under his armpit! thanks
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+allison Lange.... Hi Allison Lange. This is Chapin at SurfPro Techniques. This is a very normal, common hardship that all tall surfer have to go through. A few tricks I would recommend are....1. The video above describes the importance of keeping his chest and chin up while popping up. This body positioning will create that little bit of space he needs to clear his arm pits when he pops up. It's like pulling back the trigger of a gun. (Please forgive the analogy.) His chest and chin need to be up and cocked. He needs to keep his eyes focused down the line about 20 feet in front of him throughout the whole pop-up. This will prevent him from dropping his head at the last minute. This technique shaves off the few seconds he needs to get to his feet faster. Have him watch the video above over and over. Remind him that Owen is 6'2 and he will get there with practice and repetition.......2. It's also important to remember at 9 he has not fully developed his strength and flexibility. Both of which are extremely important during his pop-up. I recommend everyday in addition to his surfing he does 3 sets of 10 pop-ups in a row on the carpet or any forgiving surface. Each set needs to be done as fast as possible while maintaining the proper technique described above. (chest up, chin up, eyes focused) .....3. For flexibly I recommend he does (yoga) Cat-Cow movements 3 sets of 10 to help with spine flexibility. In between Cat-Cow he should do hip openers and hold for 30 seconds each hip. If you don't know these stretches they can all be found online. In the end the best thing for him is to be in the water popping up as much as possible. I would say a minimum of 30 time a session but that is relative to where he surfs everyday and if there are that many waves. Best wishes to him and if you have anymore question you can find me here or at
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
Hello Brooke Wright, this is Chapin and for some reason I can't reply directly to your comment so I'll have to do it here. I'm glad the video corroborated your experience. I love your mantra. I have one also, “Pop-up quick, move your feet, relax.” In answer to your question there are many ways to describe a surfers style. A surfer can be heavy footed like me or light footed. They can surf more off their back foot or more off their front foot like yourself. The point is that you can work on being less of a front footed surfer but most likely you will always be a more dominant front footed surfer. A combination of both can really help. One way to be less heavy on the front foot during your pop-up is to build that explosive strength in your upper body. The more explosive you are and able to get upright and to your feet in one movement you will dramatically lesson that heaviness. Allowing that weight to be more evenly disperced. Let me know if that helps and if you have any more questions I'm happy to help. “Progression through technique.”
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
Hey Liam, a straight back is related to your pop-up speed, strength and flexibility. If you want to contact me via email I'd be happy to send you a few example videos of what i'm talking about. You can reach me at As for you back foot landing on your tail pad...that will take a combination of perfecting your pop-up and making a conscious effort. I have a little video I'd be happy to send you for that also. "Progression through technique!"
Liam Clarke
Liam Clarke - 8 years ago
+surfprotechniques hey, I am just wondering how I can keep my back straight when I pop up? Also, if you have any suggestions on how I could make my back foot land against the kicker instead of further up the board that would be great.

Brooke Wright
Brooke Wright - 9 years ago
It took me about 4-5 years to realize that i was looking down on the drop; someone in the water said looking where you want to go (go figure) was a big help to him. To this day it's my mantra - especially when taking off on steeper waves or on a shorter board. Thanks for corroborating my experience! Another thing I noticed is Wright's bodyweight never tilts to the front. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep that front foot light on the way up, and hope the links you provided have some tips. Even doing popups on land i find my bodyweight gets too far forward. Tips? Thanks again for this great video.
surfprotechniques - 8 years ago
Hey Brooke...How is everything going with your surfing? Did you ever see my response above? For some reason youtube wouldn't let me respond directly to your note. I don't know why it's working now. Anyway let me know if I can be of help. I've been asking my audience to give me ideas for future videos and also send me some information about their surfing. For example what type of board are you ride (dimensions), what kind of wave are you typically surfing, what's your height, weight and age. I'm trying to get a better understanding of everyone so I can create videos that are more helpful to their specific needs. If you want to participate you can email all that information at I hope you have a wonderful 2017 full of lots of surf progression.
GeorgeElliasVideos - 9 years ago
Despite his mono-tone voice (which really doesnt matter at all.) this is one of the best tutorials on youtube. Keep them coming!
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+GeorgeElliasVideos Thank you for the nice compliment George. I'm glad it helps. I get a laugh from my voice and I can assure you i'm working on it. :)
rublaj - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video! great wave by the way!
Jessie - 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! :)
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Jessica Wood You're welcome!


Helin Wang
Helin Wang - 9 years ago
thanks for the video. you mentioned always hold chin up. but I heard people saying put chin down to get most speed helps catching a wave (because chin down shift the weight more forward), which advice do you think makes more sense?
Jules canidoit
Jules canidoit - 7 years ago
Where he was positioned it wasn't hard to catch so he was more focused on where he was going. Simple really. Ur allowing muscle memory to achieve the right stance.
Mathieu Revel
Mathieu Revel - 7 years ago
actually not really, on steeper waves you do need to keep your chin as close as possible on the deck so you make sure there is no gap between nose and water and having your weight forward will help you to merge with the wave, if your ached your back you ll stay stuck on the lip, your board won't align the steep face and that will be ugly ending
Cassio CJ
Cassio CJ - 7 years ago
Helin Wang Chin down paddling and up for pop up.
Connor Pearson
Connor Pearson - 8 years ago
Yeah, OP needs to address this. I think it depends on the wave you're riding. In the video example, the wave is peeling perfectly and the drop is a bit late. When the wave is steeper and the drop is later, the arched back, head up technique is appropriate because it keeps your thighs together and pushes the tail down. This prevents pearling.

On mushy beach break, which most of us normal people ride, you have to put your chin down and paddle like a mad man because we don't ride as nice, strong waves as the Owen Wright example shown in the video.
Helin Wang
Helin Wang - 9 years ago
thanks for the video. you mentioned always hold chin up. but I heard people saying put chin down to get most speed helps catching a wave (because chin down shift the weight more forward), which advice do you think makes more sense?
Helin Wang
Helin Wang - 9 years ago
+surfprotechniques thanks for the detailed answer. Yes I think in you previous video. Owen Right is in a fast wave, so he don't need try that hard to have enough speed in catching it. Instead, having a good pasture is more important.
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Helin Wang You're welcome Helin. This is a great question. What you heard is accurate and to clarify it depends on what part of catching the wave you are in. I use the term loosely to remind people to maintain a certain head positing. If you notice in the video above and the example video I'll link you too below both athletes chin's remain parallel to the surfboard. They don't really drop their chin as much as they drop their chest. The video below by Rob Case does a really good job depicting when you should drop your chest and head to get that speed you mentioned above. It also gives you a few bonus tips on how to generate more speed when paddling. I hope that helps. You can fallow us on Instagram @surfprotechniques and "like" our page on Facebook for our weekly surf tips. Also subscribe to this channel for more free instructional videos. Here is the link to Rob's video. "Progression through technique!" Learn to Catch Any Wave - an Analysis of Nat Young Paddling into a Wave
Jessie - 9 years ago
See my videos, Jessie Surfing Port Aransas Texas. After recording myself I realized I'm not popping up correctly. Thanks for your video!
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+Jessica Wood Thank you Jessica! I'm glad our pop-up video helped. I watched your video and wanted to let you know you do a great job making all the necessary adjustments with your feet after you get up. One thing to pay attention to is your front foot. When you stand up your toes are pointed straight at the nose of your board but like said you adjust your foot perfectly. Ideally when you pop-up your front foot should land more perpendicular to the stringer or line running up the center of your board. You can accomplish this by rotating your hips more as you pop-up. I hope that helps. "Progression through technique!"
warriorforestmonk - 9 years ago
Very poignant, and the video loop is super helpful. Thanks!
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+warriorforestmonk Glad it helped. What would you like to learn more about surfing? You can write us at and we'll do our best to help. "Progression through technique!"
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 9 years ago
On the pop up, is it better for the back foot to land on the toes, or to the side of the entire back foot like this ->
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 9 years ago
+surfprotechniques Alright so it depends on the situation but most of the time the heel will be down. I surf with my back heel up but I feel like having it already down saves me time when transitioning into my surfing stance. Thanks for the tips!
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+James Kolesnikovich Hello James, this is Chapin at Surf Pro Techniques. For most situations it is best to have your back foot land flat like the photo you sent illustrates. However, in situations like a late drop where you really need your frontside rail to dig into the waves face and hold you'll pop-up putting exponentially more pressure on your toes. I hope that helps…“Progression through technique!”
CLEOFE MORALES - 9 years ago
Very helpful thanks
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
+CLEOFE MORALES You're welcome!
Ben Love
Ben Love - 9 years ago
Awesome! I total needed this. 

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