Sailing in the Surf

Hobie Tigers surfing.

Sailing in the Surf sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Surf 19 years ago 591,732 views

Hobie Tigers surfing.

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Most popular comments
for Sailing in the Surf

paristmo - 10 years ago
This is too cool man! We can even see the dagger board when it's flying!

PL this is not motored bot guys it's Hobby tiger, man...
wrybread - 11 years ago
Amazing video. But no reason for them to be anywhere near those surfers, that was really uncool and unsafe. Use your mobility to find waves with no one around.
pnjasv - 11 years ago
Just remember : Arrogant roadkill (hull killed) surfers when properly roasted and seasoned taste like chicken!
pnjasv - 11 years ago
1:It seems the cat was operating too close to surfers, but a vessel maintaining headway speed has every right to approach a beach unless posted. 2;As a sailboat does not always have right of way (sail cannot cross in front of a tanker in a channel) surfers/ swimmers are required to stay clear of a vessel under way! Surfer in question is approaching a vessel navigating thru surf and is required to stay clear. 3:Sail had wave first 4:Surf etiquette is just that, not law, look it up b4 u bitch
languedoc catamaran
languedoc catamaran - 12 years ago
can't stop watching it! in the same spirit, input languedoc cata on youtube! you'll enjoy it!!
atvbigrig - 12 years ago
Dude you dropped in on that guy...bad form...
Debra Kay Levi
Debra Kay Levi - 12 years ago
Debra Kay Levi
Debra Kay Levi - 12 years ago
great song!!!
HKG 1159
HKG 1159 - 12 years ago
4:07 ripped the kite

10. comment for Sailing in the Surf

LagunaMary - 13 years ago
Wish you had shown how you recovered that 18 once you flipped it in the surf
LagunaMary - 13 years ago
Ah, so good. Reminds me of our days surfing our Hobie 16
Shlomo Shekelsteinberger
Shlomo Shekelsteinberger - 13 years ago
@lovegt40 Keep practicing, you'll get there :)
Stefan Ward
Stefan Ward - 13 years ago
3:28 WOW
voicestalk2me - 13 years ago
this video is amazing! think those guys have sailed a bit?
voicestalk2me - 13 years ago
this video is amazing!
Stu Seymour
Stu Seymour - 13 years ago
TOO much FUN!!!
August Maene
August Maene - 14 years ago
Nice min 3:42
atvbigrig - 14 years ago
Dropped in and cut off the surfer @ 1:35....not cool
texel2000 - 14 years ago
Having sailed a Hobie 16 for over 30 years all I can say is FANTASTIC, both video and song. Getting airborne at 20 knots can only happen on a catamaran (for two people).

20. comment for Sailing in the Surf

jsurfslammer - 14 years ago
The video is great and when they get air flying over the crest on one hull wow. Very skillful and if this is their job where do I sign on!
David Morse
David Morse - 14 years ago
This was one of the first videos i ever watched on youtube.Its also one of my fave sailing videos ever! Great work!
waurma - 14 years ago
any body know the name of the tune?
GeneralMills66 - 14 years ago
I surf on the regular and this is one of my favorite videos on youtube i wish my hobie was in this good condition!
Pol Marro
Pol Marro - 14 years ago
Whats this song called? amazing video by the way!
Vincenzo Sasso
Vincenzo Sasso - 14 years ago
Is a great way to have fun! Good!
andy - 14 years ago
one of my all time favorite youtube videos
Thomas - 14 years ago
@jogamatudo irony noun the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result : [with clause ] the irony is that I thought he could help me.
Janek Widomski
Janek Widomski - 14 years ago
@jogamatudo your fucking retarded.
Thomas - 14 years ago
@jogamatudo five people did not die that's total bs.

30. comment for Sailing in the Surf

Lluís BV
Lluís BV - 14 years ago
Paddle has priority over sail, as well as sail has priority over motorboats. Just to let you know, I'm surfer and skipper.
jgravo19 - 14 years ago
hay fuck you surfers that think you own the water.. get on a hobie and do what they just did then talk your shit.
Janek Widomski
Janek Widomski - 15 years ago
3:18 and 3:25 awesome.
enrico masiero
enrico masiero - 15 years ago
the best part of this vid starts at 3:50
benny stomp
benny stomp - 15 years ago
Very Cool! Love it!
Diente D'Sable
Diente D'Sable - 15 years ago
Splinter4077 - 15 years ago
This looks fun...
Film Makers MC Williams
Film Makers MC Williams - 15 years ago
Kickass! Thanks for the link Ben. The surfers are obviously enjoying the action. As a surfer, I know I would be too.
Janek Widomski
Janek Widomski - 15 years ago
this definetly deserves to go into the favorites!
crasyman96 - 15 years ago
Man you all mustve had to realy watch ur boat with the jib and genoa both flying
wackytheshaggy - 15 years ago
Epic stuff. I ve gone surfing in a Laser before but that is fairly simple considering it is practically a surfboard :P also try wake surfing with a sail boat the next time your out highly recomended.
Lucien Fender
Lucien Fender - 15 years ago
all boats esp sailing dinghys should be insured before taking them out on the water - definately your club boat would have been. Just get them to claim it. Serious breakages happen and are covered. Drawing diagrams on the insurance claim form is good fun.
Cian Twomey
Cian Twomey - 15 years ago
Ha, so easy to see who's a surfer and who's not :-) This is epic footage, and from what i can see, the surfers in the video agree. Its pretty rare that someone is gonna be brave/crazy/rich enough to put a 10grand boat out in surf, so enjoy it for fuck sake!
FSpilotSWE - 15 years ago
maybe not in france
TWISTEDRIFTER - 15 years ago
i did over react however it is ILLEGAL.
FSpilotSWE - 15 years ago
you just think you surfers are so importnant, the surfers are obviously having fun even though a catamaran is there
jogamatudo - 15 years ago
erm LOOL! your pathetic... made me laugh though...
TWISTEDRIFTER - 15 years ago
I guess the surfs not good so its not a big deal but if it was good/decent size i hope you wouldnt be doing that.
TWISTEDRIFTER - 15 years ago
Where did you get your boat licence? Its should be common sense you just dont walk out in front of a car. If i saw you on my local beach doing that near me i would punch the fark out of you. Grow a pair? grow the fark up idiot, pull the boat out of your ass, i know you like it like that. Stick to open vacant beaches simple. I see you have a lot of support buddy, are you even thinking about this critisism or pushing even further into idiocy with defensivness?
jogamatudo - 15 years ago
you are right, 5 people died in the making of this video. And the surfers in this video (specially at 1:30) are all complaining with the sailors. Cmon twat face, grow a pair of balls and unstick ur malibu from ur ass...

50. comment for Sailing in the Surf

TWISTEDRIFTER - 15 years ago
Its not owning but the surfers have rights just like walking accross the road. You wait untill theres no cars coming. You dont just run out whenever in fronty of cars expecting them to stop. The rules for the ocean should be stuck to just like on the road. By the way you broke the law in that clip, boats like that should remain at least 60 metres away from PERSONS.
Joe Kuta
Joe Kuta - 15 years ago
impressive sails
claudi sings
claudi sings - 15 years ago
I need this one!!!!
TWISTEDRIFTER - 15 years ago
Its called "shit song" by the band called " crap music"
TWISTEDRIFTER - 15 years ago
Idiots. Honestly why dont you find a beach with MORE surfers. Its not like its not dangerous or anything
Gonthor1000 - 15 years ago
i remeber when i was a kid i thought this was the most awsome thing ever, i still want one so bad,
slyfoto - 15 years ago
They are crazy coool
bobbyjobob123456789 - 15 years ago
now that looks like alot of fun
Thomas - 15 years ago
love the wave jump at 3:25
Thomas - 15 years ago
not that they don't own the boat, it's theirs, but those guys are racers, that boats been sponsored, but i see what you're saying
Zachary Mark
Zachary Mark - 15 years ago
its wonders never cease -- morcheeba
mek4 - 15 years ago
OMG! Really cool! Can't wait to buy my hobie..
Enigma Voltaire
Enigma Voltaire - 15 years ago
a bo ty sie k.rwa znasz.
R Glover
R Glover - 16 years ago
you obviously don't sail. (or your an old mono kermudgen)
John Cocksmack
John Cocksmack - 16 years ago
I would fucking be so pissed if they snaked me on a wave. Fucking rich pricks
gummibrat - 16 years ago
What a pair of reckless pricks, is they ocean not big enough for them and their entourage?
Kenny Gatesman
Kenny Gatesman - 16 years ago
Any skipper who sails where surfers or swimmers might in the water is failing to exercise prudent caution. Prudent caution is fundamental to being captain. There's enough water for anyone, take it where your are not reckless. If you aren't mature enough to figure this out, I hope you don't kill anyone. When you do, I hope you rot in jail.
nvallettejr - 16 years ago
WHO SANG THIS SONG????????????
teunenmiep - 16 years ago
i just found it in the earlier comments: morcheeba-wonders never cease that was posted a year ago...
Micah MF
Micah MF - 16 years ago
you little girl those dudes obviously are skilled sailors
James Mackay
James Mackay - 16 years ago
C'sst Morcheeba - Wonders Never Cease.
mike t
mike t - 16 years ago
wow, thats great
upyourwhat - 16 years ago
a watermen first! I am atlantic fishermen decent, and can sail, surf, paddel I don't care what your deal is I you don't put another vessel in danger. No matter how small.
Francesco Callori
Francesco Callori - 16 years ago
forse un giorno sarò temerario come loro!
Ozhawk1 - 16 years ago
mad video best sailing one on here.
teunenmiep - 16 years ago
can somebody tell me the name of the song/music? thanks
bruintjebruin - 16 years ago
why fighting??? just enjoy the vid :)
AverageMatt - 16 years ago
you probably don't even surf. you're a knee boarder of a spounger. or maybe you are one who wears an "old guys rule" shirt, and stand on the cliff watching the waves for 2 hours drinking coffee before going out for 10 minutes one Sunday each month.
AverageMatt - 16 years ago
stfu. u think you are hard. frikin poser. how would you stop them in your lineup?
crowdedHereEh - 16 years ago
superb great fun
iwatchstuffonutube - 17 years ago
hes right they know what theyre diong its really not dangerous at all....\ fun as hell tho :-D
Ozhawk1 - 17 years ago
One of the best sailing clips ive ever seen! awsome guys.
Whoopa12 - 17 years ago
1:05 look at him pump!!! :)
Whoopa12 - 17 years ago
Are you a surfer?
upyourwhat - 17 years ago
nice drop in on the surfer, fuckin gay lords!
sighmoon - 17 years ago
I had the best sail of my life on a Hobie cat, but there just wasn't enough wind here to really make it exciting. I had no idea there was an official Nissan Hobie Cat display team.
bomb2149 - 17 years ago
видео супер!!
Hasan yağmur
Hasan yağmur - 17 years ago
Wetwheels - 17 years ago
Shud have taken out some of those seals... a surfer pierced by each bow, cool figureheads.
Robert Peterson
Robert Peterson - 17 years ago
Nah, the boat stops and you right it and go. Big fun! I had my Hobie 17 in the Atlantic surf 10 years ago. It's a workout!
tondelayo29 - 17 years ago
Seems to me I was on the cutting edge of HOBIE CAT racing as I traveled around from Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico sarting in 1974 with Hobie 14 #11914. Too bad there was no sponsorship then.... Damn, just look at how far it has come. I now sail with 8 tons of boat under me but it is still just as exhilerating....This is what life is all about....
Tim Jim
Tim Jim - 17 years ago
its in heaven
thevigiles - 17 years ago
Sponsorship is a wonderful thing.
ritterkeks - 17 years ago
whats this song? is it morcheeba?
dara shanahan
dara shanahan - 17 years ago
fucking retards, they could of killed someone.
JuanMa Pagán Teitelbaum
JuanMa Pagán Teitelbaum - 17 years ago
I surf and I would love to see a few guys ripping the waves in a hobbie cat!!!!!! The sea is for everyone, especially if their motor is called the wind!!!!
Scott Beesley
Scott Beesley - 17 years ago
looks fun but lets be real, ripping in on a cat into a group of surfers is dumb. If there is nobody in the lineup yeah, sure go for it, have a blast but they are ripping in fucking up all the waves. Go offshore and ride open ocean swells with that thing, dont fuck around on the inside
PapaW - 17 years ago
Muppets.. well dangerous with the people in the water...
daniel9955 - 17 years ago
man i wana go surf
brunodino - 17 years ago
first of all this is not surfing, this is sailing. second this is better than surfing

100. comment for Sailing in the Surf

Rodrigo Jannis
Rodrigo Jannis - 17 years ago
I am surfer, and i am Hobie Cat 14 saillor in south of Brazil. This video is animal !!! wonderfull ! Whats your problem, fuck wanker ! Do must came here and surf with us in Florianópolis - Santa Catarina Island, and you will see what happen with you ! Or stay in your Ventura line up !!
4erosmith - 17 years ago
Tom Rickard
Tom Rickard - 17 years ago
definately a poof, gay.
cmardeux - 17 years ago
i agree, you are gay.
Andrew Johnston
Andrew Johnston - 17 years ago
great video....what is the music/musician accompanying this video?
WillItSmash - 17 years ago
If they didn't see the boat they must've seen the helicopter filming them. :P
luddite90 - 17 years ago
run those surfer dinks over!
Terence Ulrich
Terence Ulrich - 17 years ago
Idiots! If you came to Ventura and sailed through the line up, you'd be arrested. I'm glad your stupid boat fell over at the end!
hlmgoertz - 17 years ago
This is way cool, i surf and i like to ride the Hobie !!! LOL, nocked out a couple of teeth whilst nosediving the succer in a big wave :o) hahaha pure adrenaline rush......
me - 17 years ago
really cool and about the surfing sailing stuff, well i sail and surf and the sailing was only there for 2 hours and so lets share the waves, and the surfing guys seem in the video to have fun with the hobies too so well done all round on an awesome video yeeehahaha
lepassant3 - 17 years ago
I love to surf and sail, but these fucking tools do not belong in a crowded lineup. Nothing moving faster than a wave can move you should be weaving in and out of people, watch the guys expression on the first wave that these bastards snake a surfer on..."what the fuck are you DOING?"
James Sadler
James Sadler - 17 years ago
i like surfers but sailing is so much better so jus run em dwn..... a hobie's radder will lift up so they barlie feel it n anyway there surfers they dont feel pain. awwsom vid m8
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 17 years ago
Install razors on your bow to make them run better and tell them up yours.
Chris - 17 years ago
I pitty you, waves are for all to enjoy. Chris (Mattia 18 flash)
Carlo Epifani
Carlo Epifani - 17 years ago
uè calmo calmo!... sei un gran maleducato... io vado a vela da 9 anni e non sarà un incompetente qualsiasi a dirmi ciò che deve piacermi o no! e inoltre sui catamarani ci sono andato.......please, don't break my balls!
Carlo Epifani
Carlo Epifani - 17 years ago
I don't like catamarans
Ericsurf6 - 17 years ago
Sweet! 5 Stars...Really like this video...Especially the capsize at the end...Mind if I post a video response?
SpecialTBK - 17 years ago
Im a sailor, I have all respect for surfers what you guys do. But I'm sure u wouldn't mind a boat dropping in on a few waves every now n then. I don't see a prob with it, half the waves they're on there's no surfers. I'm sure the guy surfin didn't mind getin filmd n I bet they saw the TEAM NISSAN HOBIE, CAR, TRAILER, BOAT rigged up on the beach anyway. So I'm sure they knew a helicopter was there, they were shooting a promo video. It's a one off! SO WHAT!!!
Octoviking - 17 years ago
I've surfed in a byte, but not when there were other people surfing. The surfers have a right to be angry at these guys. Other than the obvious douchebaggery, these guys are awesome.
samboard - 17 years ago
i heard these tools were coming to new england during the next swell. all the teams need to unite and enforce.
samboard - 17 years ago
i would air to face if some kook on a fuckin boat dropped in on me.
dickylobster - 18 years ago
Kook,gremmy,wave hog, however you wanna call it, the answer is simple: there french
Vincent Seymour.
Vincent Seymour. - 18 years ago
Nice advert for Nissan & Hobie with paid sailors and helicopter photoplatform, - Not quite the same as doing it on your own dime.
kev7990 - 18 years ago
thats pretty cool that they are able to do that, but they need to learn some surf etiquette or go to a place that is less crowded cuz i kno i'd be pissed if a huge sailboat dropped in on me =)
jogamatudo - 18 years ago
OMG THis is awesome! Hobbie 4 life! im so jealous!
Fender Walsh
Fender Walsh - 18 years ago
I always have a helicopter follow me when I sail my Hobie 16. Who doesnt?
barry lane
barry lane - 18 years ago
plugusmaximus - 18 years ago
Top stuff! When you get amazing video with a good sound track the video makes the music. If you know what I mean. The two were perfectly paired.
svosprey - 18 years ago
Awesome sail video- Morcheeba "Wonders Never Cease" good choice of music
BertPreast - 18 years ago
Mais oui. Good effort, lads. Though I hope the surfers knew you were coming through...
bastiagueiro - 19 years ago
Very cool video. More, more, more!

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The "Sailing in the Surf" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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