Saudi Sandal Surfing

Don't ask me how darn crazy this is.

Saudi Sandal Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Surf 18 years ago 744,459 views

Don't ask me how darn crazy this is.

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Most popular comments
for Saudi Sandal Surfing

conformist - 6 years ago
they're getting more creative with their suicides
I Luv H.C
I Luv H.C - 6 years ago
It's all fine he had the hazard lights on

Also I never understood why the hate comments in videos such, are people getting triggered because of arabs entertaining them
adventchild5150 - 7 years ago
Woah the car didn’t explode?
Clarice1933 - 7 years ago
I know Saudis are generally jerks but this is hilarious to me all the same.
Zubair Desai
Zubair Desai - 7 years ago
Arabian jackass
Ker Plunk
Ker Plunk - 7 years ago
aww pre 2007 youtube
SingaporeTrackLizard - 7 years ago
whats the song?
Hussain Jubair
Hussain Jubair - 7 years ago
عبدالله العنزي
عبدالله العنزي - 7 years ago
amr diab - habibi ya noor
SingaporeTrackLizard - 7 years ago
Whats the music?
Hussain Jubair
Hussain Jubair - 7 years ago
Mina Khoshnevis
Mina Khoshnevis - 7 years ago
Radical Islam

10. comment for Saudi Sandal Surfing

Charles Kesner
Charles Kesner - 7 years ago
Holy cow!
Carrier Pigeon
Carrier Pigeon - 7 years ago
meanwhile women aren't allowed to drive because they would be too much of a danger on the roads. right.
Kyle V.
Kyle V. - 8 years ago
You could seriously loose a sandal doing something crazy like this
OmarSimpsonTV - 8 years ago
Kyle V. That'd be traumatic...
Per Andersson
Per Andersson - 8 years ago
Hilarious...and it is obvious that swedish asphalt layers has a lesson to learn here...
Ben88 - 8 years ago
try doing this in Montreal... see if you can walk again
GHOST [ الشبح ]
GHOST [ الشبح ] - 8 years ago

LucVincent1968 - 8 years ago
Morrons with cash.
Reynaert - 8 years ago
Careful now before I will hack you with lines of Java and Python.
Fazer - 8 years ago
+the saudi destructor​ well you're a pretty shit hacker lol. Hey, it's better that you come to terms at a young age with the fact that your country is an absolute disgrace. Your country is backward full of closet homosexuals no human rights exporter of terrorists ideology and perverted men. Your country gets billions in revenue from oil but there still is poverty lack of education because of the absolute corruption. If you are a man and you will not get angry at the truth but you will try to work to alleviate this problem in your country and society. Don't be a brainwashed patriotic fool that gets pissed off every time somebody says something justifiably negative about your country.
CHEESE SAUCE - 8 years ago
+FAISAL T 39% of saudi teens are hackers hope u get what i mean
Fazer - 8 years ago
+the saudi destructor lol...What's that supposed to mean? You don't even know me dickhead!
CHEESE SAUCE - 8 years ago
+FAISAL T says the guy who lives in a rented house
Fazer - 8 years ago
Idiots. Give them all the money in the world and they will remain stupid
CHEESE SAUCE - 8 years ago
vinnny2u - 8 years ago
Has anyone seen any other videos like this? This is the only one I can find.
Tiger Tough
Tiger Tough - 9 years ago
God Willing .. they hit the asphalt !
SoK AiNato
SoK AiNato - 9 years ago
i should try do this once in my life time lol

20. comment for Saudi Sandal Surfing

rocky sensible
rocky sensible - 9 years ago
Hahaha i pity the saudi guys. with all the money and illiteracy they have, they just cant kill the time (most saudis dont work and are bored to death) as they have no entertainment (no mixing of sexes, no movies,no pubs nothing) and finally end up doing things like this !!!!
hayamoto elamin
hayamoto elamin - 7 years ago
mixing with the other sex, drinking are entertainment in your perspective but they are major sins in our religion and culture
King Explosion Murder
King Explosion Murder - 8 years ago
"illiteracy" -says the guy who only speak one of the easiest languages on the planet. Saudis speak Arabic, one of the hardest languages plus another language, usually English.
LeN4waF_ لا اله الا الله
LeN4waF_ لا اله الا الله - 8 years ago
and saudi arabia in the biggest Money in top countries
LeN4waF_ لا اله الا الله
LeN4waF_ لا اله الا الله - 8 years ago
There are 49 580 320 454 Old and Saudi Saudi did not New
There are 48200 American no interpreter in Arabic
How do we not Danaa sex There are 3200000 people in the we come to the boys and girls of the moms I did not there in the streets, only to couples in the house
Sm3 CS:GO - 8 years ago
+rocky sensible everyone's definition of fun differs, dont push push what you believe is fun on others.
Rafael Veras
Rafael Veras - 9 years ago
which is the weight of these guys ? 23lbs?
rick cummalot
rick cummalot - 10 years ago
Opps. Pot hole lol
Ae Leilua
Ae Leilua - 10 years ago
DO you know how many of these end in fatalities or serious and permanent impairment? 
Shek kt
Shek kt - 10 years ago
Seriously these dude odd to be in Olympic ! They are talented.
Ghost Games
Ghost Games - 8 years ago
+Hamed Ajmal والله أنت الحيوان
A. H Rahi
A. H Rahi - 10 years ago
You mean Animal's Olympic? haha
Shek kt
Shek kt - 10 years ago
New nike?
BeepBoop - 10 years ago
This is what you get when Dr. Martens make flip flops...
TheRossillini - 10 years ago
To bad that sheet he was wearing didnt get caught in the tire.
Kevyn Thomas
Kevyn Thomas - 10 years ago
Now that's a driving Shoe
مشاري العتيبي
مشاري العتيبي - 10 years ago
no its not
crosshairs3 - 10 years ago
how don't their sandals wear away ?

30. comment for Saudi Sandal Surfing

ASATOR - 10 years ago
If I ever go there I'll do this, that's for sure :D
Despotic Waffle
Despotic Waffle - 10 years ago
Lol im just joking, dont take everything so seriously dude.
A. H Rahi
A. H Rahi - 10 years ago
That thing is not every one. You gotta be a mentally retard Arab to do that thing.
Despotic Waffle
Despotic Waffle - 10 years ago
Dont worry, you can go to Arab Emirates, they have recently legalized non arab sandal surfing :P
ASATOR - 10 years ago
Damn! I wanted to go Sandal Surfing so badly :(
Despotic Waffle
Despotic Waffle - 10 years ago
you will probably be arrested by the religious police, only arabs are allowed to sandal surf.
Valentin Lance
Valentin Lance - 10 years ago
That would be the stupidest way to die, just imagine the awkward funeral where everyone knew you died because you were sandal surfing.
OmarSimpsonTV - 8 years ago
Valentin Lance
But, tho not rational, some people get off going through danger, with the adrenaline pumping all through their bodies. Adrenaline junkies is the most appropriate expression I guess. These kind of people will not really consider the consequences of doing such stunts prior to doing it, they simply just do it.
Valentin Lance
Valentin Lance - 8 years ago
+OmarSimpsonTV agreed
JANEREX Z - 10 years ago
Omg =-O
Muriestonman - 10 years ago
Return of the Killer Bedroom Slippers.
Admiral_Awesome - 10 years ago
This is what happens when you don't let people drink :P
Sm3 CS:GO - 8 years ago
+Admiral_Awesome still more sane than drinking XD
Murat Tekin
Murat Tekin - 11 years ago
Ok, it looks pretty real. BUT I can't imagine the cars going any faster than 20mph. Otherwise, if they were doing about 60mph, how could they hold the doors open against the driving wind and how would the sandals not burn up from the friction?? Weird stuff :)
OmarSimpsonTV - 8 years ago
NoobLord that's not it AT ALL, and this comes from a guy born in the UAE where these stunts happen on a daily basis
Yannick1691 - 10 years ago
They tested this in the program true tube this is actualy real
NoobLord - 11 years ago
Easy, the road is covered in sand, the sand acts as ballbearers and it's basically as if they're using rollerskates! 
Tri Nguyen
Tri Nguyen - 11 years ago
From national geographic,
Zachariah Curry-McDougald
Zachariah Curry-McDougald - 11 years ago
Did you really reply to yourself?
aammtt333 - 11 years ago
Mario1080p - 11 years ago
Man Vs. Youtube sent me here. Good to know that this is real by them.
João Paulo
João Paulo - 11 years ago
song name please
Hussain Jubair
Hussain Jubair - 7 years ago
hellyeah66613 - 11 years ago
How did they not die?
R. Craig
R. Craig - 11 years ago
Looks kinda fun actually
fizz - 11 years ago
lol when i lived there i saw 12 year olds driving
LastMinute141 - 11 years ago
whats the name of this song :D ?
Hussain Jubair
Hussain Jubair - 7 years ago
Ahmed Alahmadi
Ahmed Alahmadi - 11 years ago
شعوب متخلفة
JADA | J'Da Beats
JADA | J'Da Beats - 11 years ago
Ghost ride the whip!
IIIsirinfinityIII - 11 years ago
Most cars don't have them...
AsKaNdRaNy - 11 years ago
,,!,, ( 0 . 0 ) ,,!,, Fuck you t(._t)
AsKaNdRaNy - 11 years ago
look for حبيبي يا نو العين عمرو دياب

50. comment for Saudi Sandal Surfing

buttercupboyz01 - 11 years ago
saudi drive an audi?
MultiSaffran - 11 years ago
No, sandals are.
ll-HoLeStEn-ll - 11 years ago
We drive in the left In the other countries drive in the right
GlobalMetalITV - 11 years ago
Question is, who is driving?
Corvus Remalius
Corvus Remalius - 11 years ago
ido if its late to say or not, but the arabic song is called "Habibi ya nour el ain"
Corvus Remalius
Corvus Remalius - 11 years ago
leather sandals with no traction on bottom like other common sandals + smooth street surface(that made especially for supercars like lambos or ferraris) + what looks like roughly 80 km/h = Epic sandal surfing. Yes, those are indeed tuff sandals, made to endure the desert heat.
i ka
i ka - 11 years ago
those sure are sum tuff sandals ...
Haza Benzi
Haza Benzi - 11 years ago
How crazy is it?
Cubenshis - 11 years ago
soulander13 - 11 years ago
just ride a is more safe
Philipp Schubert
Philipp Schubert - 11 years ago
Is it fake? it has to be fake :o
Aadan Samane
Aadan Samane - 12 years ago
u mean kebab
Aadan Samane
Aadan Samane - 12 years ago
Until the doors gets loose.
Leon Z
Leon Z - 12 years ago
Watch out for speed bumps.
rushitelj - 12 years ago
habibi ya nour el ain
Sebastiano Davanzo
Sebastiano Davanzo - 12 years ago
Whats the name of the song ?
auaiao9 - 12 years ago
Off to Payless for new sandals!
Mohi Mac Meclain
Mohi Mac Meclain - 12 years ago
I dunno where the fuck you from, you hate Arabs cuz they didn't allow you to work in their countries? you better shut the fuck off idiot
Paul Bromley
Paul Bromley - 12 years ago
gyros are greek
tatonkaa - 12 years ago
this thing makes me realize two things #1 There are some nice fucking roads in the middle east #2 I really want a gyro
SyncThird - 12 years ago
so you just hate arabs? just like that?
عبدالرحمن المطيري
عبدالرحمن المطيري - 12 years ago
Arabs crown on your head, boy effeminate
audiocrush - 12 years ago
damn nice :D Would love to try this by myself :D
Moe SisCo Eisa
Moe SisCo Eisa - 12 years ago
fearless acts viva saudi arabia
Moe SisCo Eisa
Moe SisCo Eisa - 12 years ago
, fuck u mothafuckin indian bitch wat kind of name arash is this ?
arash v
arash v - 12 years ago
Fuck arab....
GringoleboZebulon - 12 years ago
the KSA's ???
vorefr - 12 years ago
ماشافكم الا العرب. ولا تحترون احد. تزلجو وسعو صدوركم. انت سعودي
ALI ADAM - 12 years ago
original i freaking love the KSA's
Bassam Bokhami
Bassam Bokhami - 12 years ago
This Egyptian song by Amr Diab Song Name : Nour El Ain (Sight Of The Eye) (1996)
Lego Beadie
Lego Beadie - 12 years ago
How is this done? How do their shoes not wear down? Can anyone tell me, please?
MultiSaffran - 12 years ago
i dont think seatbelt is a big thing over there
Umbilical968 - 12 years ago
imagine if one guys foot got caught under a wheel!!
Angel Sanchez
Angel Sanchez - 12 years ago
That's bad ass but crazy
mrgiles12345 - 12 years ago
Ksa Lks
Ksa Lks - 12 years ago
اراكبوه يا هاذ الصيني
Garryvision - 12 years ago
Hazard warning lights make it all OK :)
Bor Secrosu
Bor Secrosu - 12 years ago
sally salalah
sally salalah - 12 years ago
wooow i love saudy arebia ammmmmmmmmuh
Rachel Szendzielarz
Rachel Szendzielarz - 12 years ago
Well it's one way of meeting Alah quicker
Brandon6453 - 12 years ago
Najib Ghadri
Najib Ghadri - 12 years ago
my brothers!:DDDarabs:*
santhosh srinivasan
santhosh srinivasan - 12 years ago
imawesomeprodutions - 12 years ago
who cares about frozen water to make sky if we can do the same @ hot roads!
tariq abuharbid
tariq abuharbid - 12 years ago
شعب فاصل ماله حل
ابو هادي
ابو هادي - 12 years ago
اشهد انهم مجانين
xNazZiiz - 12 years ago
no shit
Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle - 12 years ago
i asked for a mc penis filet and i was told they are only on the value menu on fridays same with the chicken mc testicles apparently ...
SKKY high
SKKY high - 12 years ago
well duh.
Azez Aljarodi
Azez Aljarodi - 12 years ago

100. comment for Saudi Sandal Surfing

Kaiwen Yu
Kaiwen Yu - 12 years ago
sami alqahtani
sami alqahtani - 12 years ago
I have a Wife dishonest wearing black dress
1ukjunglednbraver - 12 years ago
i dont have a wife.
sami alqahtani
sami alqahtani - 12 years ago
You want them, such as your wives Saqtat
Ameena Temmis
Ameena Temmis - 12 years ago
Camel Hide :)
havfunky - 12 years ago
This is a new taliban attack technique... mesmerize the infidels with whacky sandle performance and blow up key strategic targets. WIN.
1ukjunglednbraver - 12 years ago
a country were men can do what they want and women cant do anything they want without permission from a man and male family company . fucked up place
bustacapinlutha - 12 years ago
Wow, this looks so fun. Saudis are cool.
bustacapinlutha - 12 years ago
0banon - 12 years ago
sucks if the doors broke off
Ari2k8 - 12 years ago
3-2-1 pothole
TheScweeber - 12 years ago
Well that just makes you an idiot
celticbobb - 12 years ago
kyo04kusanagi - 12 years ago
habibi ya nour el ain : amr diab watch?v=sXWIP61noeA
SKKY high
SKKY high - 12 years ago
haha word. i like going across the roof and then jumping in the other side, i did it while i was doing 90 driving once, good thing my buddy jumped in the seat and grabbed the wheel haha, then just stood on the roof..
David Gordon
David Gordon - 12 years ago
ya i do this all the time on the way home. These guys are pussies they held on the whole time I grab other cars
SKKY high
SKKY high - 12 years ago
this is actually super easy, ive done it doing 140kmh, all ur weight is supported on the top of the door, and u can wear any shoe, they just skim across the ground, all ur weight isnt put on the ground or ud eat shit haha, when i first tried learning it i put all my weight down and got wrecked lol.. super fun to pass cars on the highway doing this and watch them look at u and trip out..
celticbobb - 12 years ago
Can someone tell me where I can get the soundtrack?
MultiSaffran - 12 years ago
Iskren Velikov
Iskren Velikov - 12 years ago
aahhhhh unoriginal comment we meet again !
filip krsteski
filip krsteski - 12 years ago
thx alot man i love u (not in a gay way)
filip krsteski
filip krsteski - 12 years ago
name of song?
chrisman1444 - 12 years ago
ITS LIKE TJATBepisode of american dad where he goesm to saudi thinkimng he hates arabs then hes like....this place is awesome.
qalxeero - 13 years ago
is there a room for an error?
buyneee - 13 years ago
@MikeKeenanX Lol
✬The Mauvetys ★
✬The Mauvetys ★ - 13 years ago
he he :))
Su qA
Su qA - 13 years ago
saudie just crazy ^_^ I saudi
MoFoFoRillDo - 13 years ago
Check out "deadly impala car surfing with rye"
Liam Hubbard
Liam Hubbard - 13 years ago
I wanna see the part where they suddenly get grip.....
514Mafia - 13 years ago
M.I.A Bad Girls
Arvid Sven HORA
Arvid Sven HORA - 13 years ago
@oaklawngerry You are stupid.
Melvin Monterrey
Melvin Monterrey - 13 years ago
Eso es lo que hace la jente cuando eliminan el guaro de un pais como no hay que hacer se ponen a inventar cuecadas como estas...........jajajajajajaja
Soulrivers - 13 years ago
While driving on the highway at 60mph: "Sec I'm just gonna step out for a smoke"
rasmus s
rasmus s - 13 years ago
remind me the ending off my last trip-,-......
MrDrfumbles - 13 years ago
wow why cant are road be that smooth in the states
IPlayInBeastMode - 13 years ago
Then a roadkill corpse, ie. (a ran over dog, a dead bird, the body of one of these idiots, you let your imagination decide), comes along the road and trips one of these fools up; evolution at its finest.
Lochieswhiplash - 13 years ago
So this is what you do when you only have sand and Tarmac and no sea .... hmmm
Liveman7 - 13 years ago
@Kaacz00r Because your a dick
محمد القحطاني
محمد القحطاني - 13 years ago
@Kaacz00r its only reaction
Arda T.
Arda T. - 13 years ago
Habibi :D
usmanmatadar 1
usmanmatadar 1 - 13 years ago
Cool bastards n guess what all whilst wearing slippers
Lisa Meeuwissen
Lisa Meeuwissen - 13 years ago
Paroud Ll
Paroud Ll - 13 years ago
Why do some people insult ?
ColdBoyNRW - 13 years ago
and without sandals? :D
Kaacz00r - 13 years ago
Why can't all arabic guys be this awesome instead of being terrorists?
Corby Horton
Corby Horton - 13 years ago
god dam arabs lol
pjj96 - 13 years ago
Mom : Why are your shoes so worn? Me: Skated some with my friends * Pokerface *
Seno Sanoesi
Seno Sanoesi - 13 years ago
wut happen if hit a rock?
xXTepicwinTXx - 13 years ago
this isnt real because theres not a good new paved road in ara scratch that THE MIDDLE EAST
creap23 - 13 years ago
watch?v=_DJ0fQwegOk for song :D
izzydjinn76 - 13 years ago
Hahaha, crazy mofos......
Kes Inch
Kes Inch - 13 years ago
Song ?
Shari Røøze
Shari Røøze - 13 years ago
thats pretty awasome =w=
moosh - 13 years ago
Im from Saudi Arabia, and this is just plain stupid. Their asking to get themselves hurt. Same goes for their drifting. Entertaining, but when things go wrong, they all regret it.
sam boyd
sam boyd - 13 years ago
I don't understand what these psycho's are doing.
AlRHORN - 13 years ago
Aaahhhh 240p we meet again......
westgoten - 13 years ago
@yusufsaber97 Its a pun. A play of words. Souls. Soles. You know, Fun. Humor. Laugh. :)
Sabry Alawal
Sabry Alawal - 13 years ago
@westgoten wat u trying 2 say?
غيثآ الشريف
غيثآ الشريف - 13 years ago
@TheMusicophile Arabic song :)
Juppie902 - 13 years ago
Ghost riding on sandals FTW
Топер Харли
Топер Харли - 13 years ago
Сука, эти ребята безумны!!!
Pavel Osovets
Pavel Osovets - 13 years ago
@westgoten, they have soles...not souls
Benny Fairfax
Benny Fairfax - 13 years ago
How darn crazy is this?
Aziz - 13 years ago
those sandals are called "shargi" and its handmade, i actually tried this and its very fun !
DerangedSloth555 - 13 years ago
Their homemade ski resort.
Ahlen - 13 years ago
السبب يا طويل العمر ان الخوف صفر !!!!!
TheRedbikemaster - 13 years ago
Those sandals have soles made of adamantium.
Hood_187 - 13 years ago
Awesome people in Riyadh,..been many times and have seen so many off tap things and life risking stunts using all types of stuff, officially cooler than Australia as well!!
bardock2525 - 13 years ago
is it weird that i can listen to any kind of music in the world but this kind of music just gives me a kind of freaky feeling.. :/
Toxic - 13 years ago
@nando1opez Pajama?? Its a thoub.
Daneger666 - 13 years ago
@raba3e I was trying to be nice you towel head! Fuck you sir!
Ounknown - 13 years ago
@ldc62 u should be scared :)
ldc62 - 13 years ago
@Ounknown0 ooooo an e-thug. Im so scared. Stupid dune coon.
Ounknown - 13 years ago
@ldc62 get ur punk ass to ur mama ..
Ounknown - 13 years ago
@leoalbania nope dude it's real
Albanian Y
Albanian Y - 13 years ago
is this fake ?
Scott Santucci
Scott Santucci - 13 years ago
i would have been really impressed if the driver got out
Emperor Penguin
Emperor Penguin - 13 years ago
This dangerous stunt was from the idea of Osama bin laden ad his sidekick Sulaim an bensaeed
nando lopez
nando lopez - 13 years ago
I need some of those sandals. There not made in china for sure. and one pajama too..
Tool Mannan
Tool Mannan - 13 years ago
A very good infrastructure indeed.
shehri4life - 13 years ago
@0374883939 هههههههههههههه يا رجال معليك منهم
shehri4life - 13 years ago
@0374883939 والله هم متخلفين. كل المعلومات اللي تجيلهم من أخبارهم اللي كلها كذب في كذب وهم علطول يصدقون
shehri4life - 13 years ago
@0374883939 قاعدين يسبونا ويقولون انا ارهابيين
tit smuggler
tit smuggler - 13 years ago
they let go and aim for cars behind them and blow up,,, new bombing technique
BMW_Man_91 - 13 years ago
@westgoten not after this they don't xD
edtheshed - 13 years ago
wtf... thats jks!!
dacrimney - 13 years ago
i wanna do that soooo bad lmfao i really do though dumb america will probably fine you for or put you on probation for endangering lives or some stupid shit
ركود .ا
ركود .ا - 13 years ago
قسم ياشباب اول مره اشوف الاجانب يهرجون عنا هه هم يسبون ولا يمدحوون ؟.....؟
DjayJohn - 13 years ago
THis music sounds like suicide scary
محمد احمد
محمد احمد - 13 years ago
LibertineTV - 13 years ago
Songs name ?
RandomHDGaming - 13 years ago
Aha Amazing
Av63PNT0 - 13 years ago
ko z
ko z - 13 years ago
بخصوص الآغنيه !! وش السآآلفه هههههههههههههه
roxon1366 - 13 years ago
Drive by suicide bombers?
Daniel Onchuk
Daniel Onchuk - 13 years ago
Don't let go lol
Pedro César
Pedro César - 13 years ago
Anyone know the name of the song?
المرشدي - 13 years ago
ههههه العرب سالفه..........
7mano2000 - 13 years ago
xXLilxXxSaintXx - 13 years ago
i want a pair of them sandals, id call them Jesus sandals ah
dobbsy90 - 13 years ago
remember be safe and use your hazard lights
TheWarhawk117 - 13 years ago
i need to go to saudi arabia
Simon Waters
Simon Waters - 13 years ago
How darn crazy is this?
MS3boostin - 13 years ago
slippers!!! ahha
ajz - 13 years ago
HAHA sandnegers
SHEIN A - 13 years ago
Crazy 1:23 Saudi Funny
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud - 13 years ago
you get to do only in arab
westgoten - 13 years ago
So arabs do have soles...
neemoo1991 - 13 years ago
ربي يحفظهم انشالله من كل سوء و مكروه مشالله قلوبهم قوية :)
LeadLead - 13 years ago
@kingg6661 And offspring as stupid as you is what you get when pregnant women drink alcohol. 'Makeing'? 'Illigal'? 'Alcahol'? Holy shit...
green zanty
green zanty - 13 years ago
@pkerch00b1 I agree with you. I meant, what they do there, is so crazy....And I dont care let them do whatever they want. ;) (my eng sucks, sorry)
sir shalo
sir shalo - 13 years ago
@xristina7 retards is someone with an IQ of 70 or lower now you might argue that these are people with an IQ of 70 or lower but it takes some genious mastermind to pull off this stunt. Comon let people do stupid stuf
armstrongener - 13 years ago
burning rubber sole lol
green zanty
green zanty - 13 years ago
Reverie Planetarian
Reverie Planetarian - 13 years ago
Ghost riding the whip is now officially lame. THIS is where it's at.
AlexRL - 13 years ago
Imaginen se le sale un calzado alos pendejos a esa velocidad??
devimage - 13 years ago
OMG Cool shit
Trickblaze7 - 13 years ago
those are some strong-ass sandals
Carl Bergsdorf
Carl Bergsdorf - 13 years ago
Meanwhile in saudi arabi.
Tarmo Sild
Tarmo Sild - 13 years ago
its normal in Arabia.. :D
persusjackson - 13 years ago
Love this song
mercy mood
mercy mood - 13 years ago
I got talent saudi edition?
ldc62 - 13 years ago
@mustachab I dont believe in god. I believe in myself.
mustachab - 13 years ago
@ldc62 stupid fucking christian doumb ass bch go eat pig balls and better yet read ur bible it says jesus isent god and i bet u belive he is hes not son of god ether look up this video doumb ass muslim on a chritian talk show
ldc62 - 13 years ago
@mustachab why does it fucking matter? It was a joke, and not even an offensive one. Fucking muslim.
mustachab - 13 years ago
@ldc62 where u from doumb ass
ldc62 - 13 years ago
@mustachab im not from the states dumbass
mustachab - 13 years ago
@ldc62 welcome to the united states where education plumates economy is going down barely stabilizing and are known for worlds obeasity!
kingcamilo - 13 years ago
@raba3e how ar u gonna tell em that in a arabic video u fuckin dumbass i dont go to the u.s. and yell at yanks tellin to speak spanish pendejo
ldc62 - 13 years ago
Welcome to Saudi Arabi where the highways are literally paved with oil.
Daneger666 - 13 years ago
@raba3e هذا القرف هو مجرد مجنون يا رفاق هي المكسرات!
kodye414 - 13 years ago
Wonder what ticket cops will give u in USA for tht lol
Maciej Wu
Maciej Wu - 14 years ago
try this in poland !! :]
taKkiK0S - 14 years ago
Crazy Arabs are crazy <3
Zoran Madjar
Zoran Madjar - 14 years ago
Koju drogu ovi upotrebljavaju da je nikad neprobam hahahaha.
Omar Alireza
Omar Alireza - 14 years ago
11 people tried to copy them and failed miserably.
كلاكيت | Clacket
كلاكيت | Clacket - 14 years ago
حبيبي يانور العين ياساكن خيالي<< انا عجزت احب
amgaaaaad - 14 years ago
@MikeTupperTheKiller I bet you don't even know what that means :D
amgaaaaad - 14 years ago
@piotr9k there is a risk in all extreme sports but I don't see you trolling on motorcycle stunts or whatever
amgaaaaad - 14 years ago
@trollinalldaylong1 shut the fuck up freak ... this was on arabic news and they are now actually trying to make a sport out of it ... stop trolling asshole ... I fucking hate haters like you ... can't admit this is cool ???
amgaaaaad - 14 years ago
@kingg6661 you do america did the same thing a while back don't you ?? but you drunks legalized it again
amgaaaaad - 14 years ago
@MikeTupperTheKiller have you seen arabic parkour , free runners ,drifting or two wheels driving don't know shit about arabs ... all you hear about us in your fucked up media is al qaida this and terrorists that ... go to the UAE see how arabs are more civilized than you ... go to egypt see how funny and pure-hearted arabs are ... go to anywhere in the arab world and you'll see that we do cooler stuff in our daily lives than any of you
lekbyl - 14 years ago
name of the song please
P Braga
P Braga - 14 years ago
indestructible slippers
Zeeweel - 14 years ago
Hilarious, unless you're one the drivers they passed..... nice tune too.
fjhfuyu - 14 years ago
they have many lifes like mario
06hurdwp - 14 years ago
what is this song?
Bjowolf2 - 14 years ago
Cold feet? All respect to the sandal maker. Imagine if their sandals fell apart! ... 3'rd degree asphalt eczema all over their bodies ;-)
lordtufty - 14 years ago
@MikeTupperTheKiller Wasn't 9/11 an Arab win?
theold49er - 14 years ago
excellent, been to Saudi many times - who needs booze, just give me a pair of sandals.
Cits - 14 years ago
@Thyrfing84 its a Ute, not a truck xD
TheJoelfletch - 14 years ago
blink and you'll...die
gherghamish joon
gherghamish joon - 14 years ago
OMG!! amazing!!!! i cant belive what i just saw!!!! is it real?!! i like saudian boys they r wonderful ;))
Stephen Homer
Stephen Homer - 14 years ago
lol lol crazy mothers you just gotta laugh
Stephen Homer
Stephen Homer - 14 years ago
lol lol crazy mothers you just gatta laugh
Oliver Kennedy
Oliver Kennedy - 14 years ago
Åh vad jag önskar att jag var svensk, var Åh vad jag önskar att mitt namn Gustava, åh vad jag önskar att jag hade en hoppborg, åh jag önskar att jag var ett svenskt meetball:)
haydnbakk - 14 years ago
how darn crazy is this?
elj1992 - 14 years ago
why are there no huuuuge pot holes in saudi arabia?
TRANZOMIXAS - 14 years ago
can anyone told me the name of this song please???
cheeszman - 14 years ago
marc bestley
marc bestley - 14 years ago
thats what you get for makeing it illigal to drink alcahol lol
Chxnce - 14 years ago
Dalton Delogu
Dalton Delogu - 14 years ago
how crazy is this
S Zam
S Zam - 14 years ago
@purlzz LOL you live in Denmark, be quiet
Parla Parla
Parla Parla - 14 years ago
@ChiliPeppz lol, it actually rains quite often in Saudi Arabia so it is much likely that the road is wet. Wtf do you live in your own little world thinking that Saudi Arabia is like the city in aladdin where everything is made out of sand?
roberthider - 14 years ago
@kareth90 you got this from tosh.o
S Zam
S Zam - 14 years ago
@samad1385 Lol in wet roads in Saudi? I highly doubt those roads are wet!
TheRampa - 14 years ago
Wrendale - 14 years ago
DragonMagi - 14 years ago
@skyenut itl be good to have you out of the gene pool.
DragonMagi - 14 years ago
holy fuck these guys are insane.
YouTuber - 14 years ago
Stupid pll ...........putting rick other drives at stake this is why them pll calld monkeys they dont know notting beter doin that that shyt
Talal Bakhsh
Talal Bakhsh - 14 years ago
@kareth90 lo0o0o0o0ol the best comment
timbulb - 14 years ago
How crazy is that?
Khlef Alenze
Khlef Alenze - 14 years ago
@Spookey898 because it made from espacal matirial
Khlef Alenze
Khlef Alenze - 14 years ago
@Galacticmaster na it is not sport but stupied ppl dont have any things to do. in addation, the car is rental so they have free time and weast it by wrong way
TINBITZPHAM - 14 years ago
@Spookey898 do tires go on fire?+ super oil slick roads
luis bou
luis bou - 14 years ago
souldve hit a speed bump
michael thomson
michael thomson - 15 years ago
these guys rock, that's the real car surfing.
TheHellz0r - 15 years ago
Very lucky that their muslims, but its still dangerous
Anarcho_DC - 15 years ago
did their feet catch on fire? lol
occultprophecies - 15 years ago
That's hilarious how the car with the sandal surfers actually passes a truck.
barnceps - 15 years ago
rachelhelen19 - 15 years ago
Nuts! What song is this?
poopipeplunger - 15 years ago
@theredseventhousand like this :) اسْم جَمْع : هراء حال : تماماً . بكلّ معنى الكلمة
MyNameIsRoos - 15 years ago
Toasty Feet XD
staffslad1 - 15 years ago
Hi rtad. Just watch the blog -- bril, . Terry
Mando C
Mando C - 15 years ago
thanks gatecrasher84 i always wonder who's the artist was. What nationality is the singer?
cactusjack26 - 15 years ago
little does the camera man know, this magical display is actually an armed car robbery...
Tom Coulthard
Tom Coulthard - 15 years ago
Look how close thier feet are to the wheels!
Hisham Eid
Hisham Eid - 15 years ago
I know the artist is Amr Diab, I think the song is called "Habbibi Ya noor El Ain"
jackhyland999 - 15 years ago
doubt anyone happens to know the name of this tune?
jackhyland999 - 15 years ago
don't try it mate, if you live in a western country the pot-holes will take your feet off.
Jeffrey Koenig
Jeffrey Koenig - 15 years ago
theyre getting more creative with their suicides.
Hotlips4000isback - 15 years ago
Just watched this on Rude Tube, and thought i would take a look on here! ;)
Debi Urquhart
Debi Urquhart - 15 years ago
Just seen this on rude tube omd that looks sooo fun
Galacticmaster - 15 years ago
this is what you call a sport
alic222 - 15 years ago
only the Saudis.... haha
michael rauch
michael rauch - 15 years ago
lol crazy bastards
GordonFreeman95 - 15 years ago
THis was on rude tube
thinkimfunny - 15 years ago
hairesonyourchest - 15 years ago
dude, thats pretty badass
Rich H
Rich H - 15 years ago
Hahaha Crazy fuckers! that`s just brilliant
OriginalPranz - 15 years ago
crazy mofuckas
BigV - 15 years ago
probably the bastards who flew the plane into the WTC trained dirt surfing these roads.
AndNoted - 15 years ago
there's nothing good on the radio over there either?
mattybungle - 15 years ago
uyumayanokur - 15 years ago
For the people, who thought, it is fake. I have seen on TV, that is not fake.
uyumayanokur - 15 years ago
It is creative and funny, music is good too. Especially the person behind is too funny. You are wonderful man. But it is crazy :))
Graham Estabrook
Graham Estabrook - 15 years ago
allah bless you!
MrsBasaran - 15 years ago
who said they were poor??? did you see the car.... there was no horse infront pulling it....
Balmatar - 15 years ago
God bless you
Balmatar - 15 years ago
you're jealous cuz u cant be so creative and yet so brave like them, they're definitely poor and have an extrem respect to other nation unlike you
FREEZERQC - 15 years ago
yeah and the music was good too:P
Fernando - 15 years ago
fuckin arabs!!!! shit!!!
carpanthers4ever - 15 years ago
haha i love arabs
gynotikolobomass - 15 years ago
Holy freaking crap that was simply amazing!
Gravelord Nito
Gravelord Nito - 15 years ago
omfg that was SO funny
Damascus - 16 years ago
If you want lose your leg, try this on polish or better on ukrainian road:)
albishadow - 16 years ago
jajjajajajjaja buenisimo!!!!
GotIt123 - 16 years ago
I don't doubt it, he snowballs a those truckstops every damn chance he gets!
sel36 - 16 years ago
FUAROCK!!!!!!! Dusty_C, did you really?
manjot kharbanda
manjot kharbanda - 16 years ago
I'm pretty sure there sandals, either way its fuckin awesome.
GregDucati - 16 years ago
there are fuckin mental all the saudi vids lately are gettin more mental crazy cunts he he
manjot kharbanda
manjot kharbanda - 16 years ago
That just shows how smooth their roads are.
Bill Bogan
Bill Bogan - 16 years ago
only funnier thing is to watch the saudi drivers on the very infrequent rainy days.
NederHopp - 16 years ago
Shut the fuck up you moron you just dont know what you say.. -,-
Sam K
Sam K - 16 years ago
racist comments are absolutely unnecessary...
thenoodler - 17 years ago
Hopefully it becomes a national pastime for them.
thenoodler - 17 years ago
LOL, you just want to see more of them taken out.
Carson Cooper
Carson Cooper - 17 years ago
Holy crap man... this shit takes ghostriding to a whole new level! But we still go dumb in da BAY so it's aight, yadadimean?
CaptainCosmic - 17 years ago
Change the last P to a B in your name.
Hoss Hoskins
Hoss Hoskins - 17 years ago
Those A-rabs sutre have balls... This is in Saudi - A friend of mine say they sometimes try this across the border in Bahrain and get promptly arrested.
DardisMusic - 17 years ago
jontyone - 17 years ago
Song is Nour El Ain (Habibi) by Amr Diab
AcidRain64 - 17 years ago
oh HELLyeah!
stormrider1976 - 17 years ago
anybody knows the name of the song?
AK_Edit - 17 years ago
i dont think this is fake i jus think there nuts!
Joel Nankivell
Joel Nankivell - 18 years ago
fake.... jerks

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