Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing
Surf 14 years ago 6,157,889 views
Motorists using a bridge in the southern Russian city of Volgograd were given the ride of a lifetime by a powerful gust of wind. The new river crossing started shaking violently and a massive downpour at the same time made conditions worse. Drivers say their cars were literally thrown into the air, many thinking it was an unexpected earthquake. The shaking was so severe it caused vehicles to career into the opposite lane creating chaos. Local authorities claim the shaking of the bridge was possibly caused by an earthquake. Seismologists, however, say this is highly unlikely. Meanwhile, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an investigation into the bridge's safety and construction history. The bridge across Volga river is 1260 meters long and 32 meters wide. It was opened less than a year ago in October 2009.
10. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing
20. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing
30. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing
There is one difference: The waves on this bridge run along the bridge, both sides - the left and the right - move up and down the same time in the same direction.
Galloping Gertie did - additional to the waves in direction of the bridge - also twist around the longitudinal axis. This resulted in a wave pattern, which was much more destructive.....
I come rushing through the crowd of cars
Boing! Boing! Boing!
50. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing
Equation here: f = 1/(2*pi*(Sq(L*C))
'f' = frequency in hertz
'L' = inductance in henrys
"C' = capacitance in farads
FYI: I actually had to look it up since I have never used this equation in real life only in college and college experiments were this bridge effect was simulated.
it's interesting many people think this is fake which you can see with your own eyes that it's not, but many will believe in a "GLOBE EARTH" which you cannot see with your own eyes, and that there is no proof of. AH WELL. Moving on
100. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing
also, sounds like a couple on an old bed :D
If it's a cement, wouldn't it be broken in pieces?
Btw, thanks for the keyword at least.
If you can expound your answer, thank you then.
"Nah! you're just drunk that day."
After the Tacoma bridge disaster, engineers in the US were forced to calculate eigenvalues(matrix theory) for every single function used in the bridge structure frequency in order to make sure that they do not coincide with the winds periodic frequency. This bridge is in Russia and in Russia... eh... you are on a tighter budget...
The guy walking on the bridge he keeps referring to is going up and down in the video lol...
Im sure if he was walking in the middle he would be in for a bit of a ride but he just started out on the main spans...
But this video is fake... which is why the bridge builder had to spend a bunch of money installing dampers to stop the oscillations...
Me personally.. I dont believe there is a bigfoot... but I do believe in physics and science... if you did just a small amount of research you may believe it too...
Good luck finding bigfoot!
Why would a Russian company spend 300 million dollars and then have a hoax making their own bridge look like it has a serious design flaw?
If you want to look more up yourself, it's called Танцующий мост -- the dancing bridge.
How about this:
Tell me, how is it possible for that guy to walk on the bridge while it's moving up 10 feet in the air every 2 seconds, only children believe this is real.
"I have a shitty video that shows a bridge moving, it's real!"
Put down the crackpipe.
And you claim that anyone can say anything online judging from your post... then why in the hell is there no sites backing you up? you figure at least one news site would be full of shit...
Its oscillation... its real.. its physics.. it happens.. and it did here...
"Look at these other websites!"
I also remember seeing multiple websites saying Adam Sandler, Betty White, and Tim Allen died, but of course, using common sense, I knew it was fake, I also read on a website that "3 million Amish Americans pledge their support for Donald Trump" which is complete bs because their is only 300 thousand Amish in the U.S.
Now, if you use your eyes, you can see that a human can not walk on a bridge moving up and down 10 feet every 2 seconds.
I guess galloping gertie was fake too...
At the start of the video when I first saw it, it had waves of water hitting a bridge then it changed the footage here, but this video has since been altered at the start. Because of that I expected to see waves of water hitting this bridge. The RT channel is media bullshit news by the way.
Building do the same with the wind, the swing a bit from side to side ,same applies to buldings and bridges if there is a earthquake
I guess they've never heard of Tacoma Narrows.
Yeah I know, that wasn't exactly the proper formula. What kind of bridge is that anyways? If that isn't some form of suspension bridge, I imagine that this is a situation where the proverbial fecal matter is coming into contact with the proverbial fan.
No problem, I know they'll be in safe hands.
Well my engineer friend agrees with you after all. He did say however, although the initial precursors and causes were different, the rules of nature still apply and we just call them this or that so we can talk about them intelligently. The waves do however multiply and negate in harmonic resonance. Structurally this not a good thing.
Follow the dots
Coincidence makes sense only with you
You don't have to speak
I feel
Emotional landscapes
They puzzle me
The riddle gets solved
And you push me up to
This state of emergency
How beautiful to be!
State of emergency
Is where I want to be.
lol yup
Was that "galloping girdie?"
Richard Bonsak's comment below. I wonder whether they've
had to rebuild the bridge or shut it down.
Google - Tacoma Narrows Bridge
You will find the answer.
I dont think there were effects in 1940.
I saw that on my own eyes.
You will find the answer.
Somebody didn’t learn his resonance prevention!
To hell with your basics.U were talking about engineering n physics and now digressed to basics of understanding shit?Clearly u are done man.Have some pride in that and shut up!
No more talking to u.
you can say it's edited all you want; the fact is this is not the first nor last instance of this happening to a bridge.
I know more than that.I know editing vids too.Instead of shoving your head in the book u sud literally start licking for some editing skills.xD
Blocked your fatass u cunt!
Stfu!Nobody is reading your wall of poop texts!Read it to yourself when u r dying near some gutter.
Calm your man tits u fatfuck and stop talking shit to the mirror.
I know the truth already and i have accepted it.
just accept the true, this is real.
This is not fake, suspension bridge or not, this is common and it is not fake, all i want from you are 2 thing:
1. check out Tacoma Narrows Bridge
2. stop saying that this is fake
Ps: For the first, i dont think that there was editing of videos in 40´s
but then you know less than a fucking 1 day old baby.
I know what i know and its enough.
Then you should know that this is NOT fake and this happens most of the time on this bridge.
I know idiot!But i also know whats fake and whats not and u sud know it too.
Clearly the sound dosnt sycns with the vid coz its fake and poorly edited.So u see.. i know enough!
you do realize metal and concrete bending in such a way makes noise, right?
Dude the moment u granted this vid as real u lost your senses.Most of the ppl can see its a fake edited vid.Though there had been the real incident, this vid definitely looks fake af.
Its not about how much educated you are,its about what shown to u is fake or real.
Take a blade of grass between your two thumbs and blow to get a whistling sound, that same aeroelastic flutter is happening to this bridge just on a much larger scale.
Source: I trained as an engineer.
Check out your senses lol.
scroll down the comments baby.Ppl like me are not ignorant but ppl like u are blind for sure.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
You will find aout why.
I know its real that bridges are built to withstand waves ,,but this vid consists of fake sounds effects n editing which is not real.gosh.
Look down the comments.Most ppl realized this vid has fake effects .gosh.
* That’s what you get, for wearing shoes. It wouldn’t have happened if everyone had been barefoot like they should be. Stupid socially conditioned bullshit conventions.
U dumb idiot.are u that dumb enough to even ignore the fake sound effects in the background??Looks like u r loosing 2/5
EDIT: watched again and i think the angular movement on supporting points is even less than 1 degree back and forth. That's not very much.
And "aerolastic flutter" is just a fancy way of saying hamonic waves.
The term "aeroelasticty flutter" had never been used to describe what happen to the Tacoma narrows bridge until well after the fact.
so the situation is definitely different.
Harmonic vibration can disassemble nuts and bolts, shatter glass, destroy airplanes. Why not a bridge. Not a good thing.
But still.
You will find the answer.
BTW, all quakes are unexpected.
great video!
This one yes.
damm it feels good to be a gangster
It's a video with an incorrect aspect ratio genius. Hence the exaggeration on the vertial plane.
Like how people are tall when you convert widescreen to 4:3 format.
Good one smart guy!
On EnglishRussia they show the damping devices that were installed after this happened.
Not only that, but what the fuck do you think happened with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Gallopin' Gertie)? I guess that was 'photoshopped' as well, in 1940. Stupid cunt!
they look the same, but they have something in commun, if you saw per example the san andreas movie you can see golden gate waving, it's because the bridge was made to do so, search a little on google and you'll find some things about it
Also, This was shown on a lot of major news stations all around the world and I think someone better qualified and knowledgeable than you or I would spot inconsistencies in the video when it went out to millions all around the world.
If you notice the bridge columns are made of concrete but not the road which the video is focusing mainly on.
It is so rare we see something like this it at first glance does look fake though.
Russia, not even once.
Before it collapsed it was swinging much more violently than this bridge.
Check it out
yeah but still fun :P
There was a man casually walking on the left side while the bridge is moving up and down
Yeah i know you are a gay Jew.
What is interesting is this is a wonderful analogy to power systems. When you think about resonance in power flows that can be excited by changes in load, or even variable sources of power (i.e. wind and solar)... you start to understand why renewable energy is such a bad thing to have on the grid!
They're the same bridge, different name.
Beside of that, there is footage of the same bridge behaviour way before the digital fake-your-video era. (Tacoma bridge "gallopin Gertie)
Now, I believe it's possible. I'd just like to know what is causing it..
There doesn't seem to be any strong winds.
The guy was walking normal and the view of the water shows it to be calm.
Maybe this one is fake.
Does anyone have an intelligent answer?
Key word; "Intelligent".