Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

Motorists using a bridge in the southern Russian city of Volgograd were given the ride of a lifetime by a powerful gust of wind. The new river crossing started shaking violently and a massive downpour at the same time made conditions worse. Drivers say their cars were literally thrown into the air, many thinking it was an unexpected earthquake. The shaking was so severe it caused vehicles to career into the opposite lane creating chaos. Local authorities claim the shaking of the bridge was possibly caused by an earthquake. Seismologists, however, say this is highly unlikely. Meanwhile, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an investigation into the bridge's safety and construction history. The bridge across Volga river is 1260 meters long and 32 meters wide. It was opened less than a year ago in October 2009.

Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3266

Surf 14 years ago 6,157,745 views

Motorists using a bridge in the southern Russian city of Volgograd were given the ride of a lifetime by a powerful gust of wind. The new river crossing started shaking violently and a massive downpour at the same time made conditions worse. Drivers say their cars were literally thrown into the air, many thinking it was an unexpected earthquake. The shaking was so severe it caused vehicles to career into the opposite lane creating chaos. Local authorities claim the shaking of the bridge was possibly caused by an earthquake. Seismologists, however, say this is highly unlikely. Meanwhile, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an investigation into the bridge's safety and construction history. The bridge across Volga river is 1260 meters long and 32 meters wide. It was opened less than a year ago in October 2009.

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Most popular comments
for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

TheHotcrumbs - 6 years ago
John Christie
John Christie - 6 years ago
witri9 - 6 years ago
Hard to imagine concrete being that flexible.
Jo Jo
Jo Jo - 6 years ago
Any " In Soviet Russia " jokes , people ?
Janar Kisah
Janar Kisah - 6 years ago
It's camera efect
graham sowerby
graham sowerby - 6 years ago
Yes I am blind. Do it all by telepathy. Not decent english explanation.
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 6 years ago
Sign interpretation: stay the hell off the bridge when it's moving.
David Baker
David Baker - 6 years ago
end of the day we all human things do go wrong...
ferze001 - 6 years ago
in russia bridges drive you.

10. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

Deadpool Lee
Deadpool Lee - 6 years ago
Too much vodka
Patrick Price
Patrick Price - 6 years ago
Nice flex
Chris - 6 years ago
That stuff always flips me out. If I hadn’t seen it first hand I would never believe it could happen
American Nobody
American Nobody - 6 years ago
You could've been a tad more specific as to what the waves you were referring to were! I thought we had solved that issue a long time ago after that major disaster with that suspension bridge that twisted itself to pieces, back in the early 1900's?! The Tacoma something or another?
Hubcap _ Truth filter for You Tube
Hubcap _ Truth filter for You Tube - 6 years ago
That was a result of bad engineering. This bridge will have to be torn down and rebuilt
Chill Frost
Chill Frost - 6 years ago
Nope nope nope nope
Naveen Kumar
Naveen Kumar - 6 years ago
So what ? Did it broke
kae4466 - 6 years ago
galloping gerdie , russian style. wind induced harmonics.
monsieur boeuf de tête
monsieur boeuf de tête - 6 years ago
galloping gertie part two?
Josh Reyes
Josh Reyes - 6 years ago
Lol damn

20. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

Allan Ashby
Allan Ashby - 6 years ago
They could rename it. How does "Tacoma Narrows - ovitch" sound to you?
Fen - 6 years ago
I saw not a single vehicle moving or even remotely surfing, click bait headline is a lie.
James Davis
James Davis - 6 years ago
It is the frequency resonance of the wind matching the bridge, it's happened before. Tesla mastered it in an experiment in Colorado that nearly destroyed his Research Facility.
dumbo7429 - 6 years ago
Osilation energy feedback componding similar effect on old Vauxhall Bridge London has marching restriction .
jordin cherry
jordin cherry - 6 years ago
what do u mean wave hits bridge
Steve Higgins
Steve Higgins - 6 years ago
Why was that guy casually walking on it?
Travel & Entertainment
Travel & Entertainment - 6 years ago
Wow stretchable asphalt roads. Is it fake ?
graham sowerby
graham sowerby - 6 years ago
Where were the massive waves?
C15 0001229684
C15 0001229684 - 6 years ago
are you blind? the waves are in the bridge, not the water
tincanboat - 6 years ago
shades of galloping girty.

30. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

Robert Weekley
Robert Weekley - 6 years ago
Review Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse. You will see the same actions of the deck! One Word: Harmonics! Same reason Soldiers 'Break Step' when crossing bridges: to cut Harmonic Amplification!
Joe Bledsoe
Joe Bledsoe - 6 years ago
poor design, didn't take into account for all resonance factors.
Able Fable
Able Fable - 6 years ago
Showing off free energy tech
InterstateTechno - 6 years ago
The Tacoma Narrows bridge had a similar problem
John Russell
John Russell - 6 years ago
You see the concrete bending and not breaking? it is fake!
C15 0001229684
C15 0001229684 - 6 years ago
its not fake. tacoma narrows?
Navier Stokes
Navier Stokes - 6 years ago
Um, that's not a rogue wave; that's a driven oscillation. A rogue wave is a singleton traveling wave made by constructive interference, while these are clearly standing waves.
speechless - 6 years ago
I can't believe some moron was walking across the bridge !!
Howard  Grounds
Howard Grounds - 6 years ago
Darryl Machtmes
Darryl Machtmes - 6 years ago
Looks an awful lot like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge before it failed.
Pearly Humbucker
Pearly Humbucker - 6 years ago
@Darryl Machtmes
There is one difference: The waves on this bridge run along the bridge, both sides - the left and the right - move up and down the same time in the same direction.
Galloping Gertie did - additional to the waves in direction of the bridge - also twist around the longitudinal axis. This resulted in a wave pattern, which was much more destructive.....
ranko 67
ranko 67 - 6 years ago
In America bridges collapsing by itself.
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 6 years ago
Two words: Tacoma narrows.
bob jones
bob jones - 6 years ago
That bridge sounds like an iron lung!
Natalie Miller
Natalie Miller - 6 years ago
As in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 the wind produced standing waves in the bridge. It is not fake, just poor design encountering physics, as any A-level physics student could tell you.
Trevor Or
Trevor Or - 6 years ago
Wave frequency visualized
G E - 6 years ago
This is due to natural frequencies and resultant resonance.
Welsh Simon
Welsh Simon - 6 years ago
Well Dodgy .
Hi im tom
Hi im tom - 6 years ago
Looking at those bridges makes me feel drunk
Lexie Lovett
Lexie Lovett - 6 years ago
Sees bridge and everyone stops.
I come rushing through the crowd of cars
Boing! Boing! Boing!
Rakhi Galande
Rakhi Galande - 6 years ago
Joy Alexander Nuñez Peralta
Joy Alexander Nuñez Peralta - 6 years ago
I dont know rick, ...

50. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

ThisUsernameIs TooLongToBeAccepted
ThisUsernameIs TooLongToBeAccepted - 6 years ago
US ?
Denfktinso Noyb
Denfktinso Noyb - 6 years ago
Obviously a resonance cascade. I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade let alone cause one.
Pamela Corona
Pamela Corona - 6 years ago
If that was happening in India, they would run back and forth across it to see if they can cheat death.
EugVR6 - 7 years ago
Its the wind causing the bridge to wobble
Michael Niemiera
Michael Niemiera - 7 years ago
Galloping Gertie 2.0
Jediah Matthew
Jediah Matthew - 7 years ago
**It's not FAKE: It's called resonance frequency. You can learn it if you took 'Differential Equations After Calculus 2."**
Equation here: f = 1/(2*pi*(Sq(L*C))
'f' = frequency in hertz
'L' = inductance in henrys
"C' = capacitance in farads

FYI: I actually had to look it up since I have never used this equation in real life only in college and college experiments were this bridge effect was simulated.

it's interesting many people think this is fake which you can see with your own eyes that it's not, but many will believe in a "GLOBE EARTH" which you cannot see with your own eyes, and that there is no proof of. AH WELL. Moving on
its muffin or ROBLOX Nintendo DS i
its muffin or ROBLOX Nintendo DS i - 7 years ago
Its the best day eeevvveeerrrrrrrrrr best day eeevvveer
Mick Berry
Mick Berry - 7 years ago
They really need to stop using rubber in these bridges.
Walter Radtke
Walter Radtke - 7 years ago
just what in the bubbling, unstable fuck did I just witness?
Sjaak De Winter
Sjaak De Winter - 7 years ago
they don t learn a lesson from the Tacoma bridge
Kevin Lau
Kevin Lau - 7 years ago
made in Russia
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 7 years ago
lay down the rubber road to freedom. i am the night rider
7949RAJ - 7 years ago
Was this glitch fixed in the next update?
Pearly Humbucker
Pearly Humbucker - 6 years ago
Yes. They put mass damper in it.
gilang sinoda
gilang sinoda - 7 years ago
Its funny. Fake :_D
paul morton
paul morton - 7 years ago
So fake is funny
Dazzzlah - 7 years ago
Well, all the wobbly bits are working.
Wirmish - 7 years ago
There are no real engineers in Stalingrad?
logesh 8401
logesh 8401 - 7 years ago
Faisal Khan
Faisal Khan - 7 years ago
Its fake guys
CHOPERUS23 - 7 years ago
Sorry but that bridge is poorly designed. Those waves were tiny in comparison to what we usually get in bad weather.
KarRU_06 「Denis」Ужас Генри
KarRU_06 「Denis」Ужас Генри - 7 years ago
Kinda Looks Edited On iMovie But It Kinda Seems Real..
Turf Blaster Springs
Turf Blaster Springs - 7 years ago
Really badly done effect lol.
Jack Skudlarek
Jack Skudlarek - 7 years ago
Woah, those were some big waves hitting that bridge and causing those cars to do a lot of sliding. I'm so glad i clicked this video to see exactly what was in the title and totally not some bullshit clickbait.
Alex Ujah
Alex Ujah - 7 years ago
If you design rubbish....Maybe get an engineer that actually did go to a real engineering school to build it next time!
Miranda Clarke
Miranda Clarke - 7 years ago
A 46 second video and u felt the need to put an ad in there? Greed.
Jonathan Kennedy
Jonathan Kennedy - 7 years ago
basant vimal sharma
basant vimal sharma - 7 years ago
Nice wavey swing bridge
J A - 7 years ago
This is called bad bridge design
war zone
war zone - 7 years ago
Isis climes responsibility for this
Gareth Randall
Gareth Randall - 7 years ago
I know asphalt can flex...but concrete!!!!???? FAKE!
Gareth Randall
Gareth Randall - 7 years ago
Janet Serrano
Janet Serrano - 7 years ago
why is it moving
beach side
beach side - 7 years ago
Reminds me of the galloping Gertie bridge before it sunk lol
kingofnone - 7 years ago
ghosts just fuckin around like usual.. nothing to see here folks
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 7 years ago
jimmyfly - 7 years ago
So, after 20 minutes of watching that, the light turns green. You’re first in you go?
Mick Berry
Mick Berry - 7 years ago
So evidently this happens so often in Russia that people just walk right across the bridge like its a every day thing. Go figure
Keith Purdue
Keith Purdue - 7 years ago
Reminds me of the Tacoma narrows collapse
Rick Blain
Rick Blain - 7 years ago
The Tacoma Narrows bridge did that ....70 YEARS AGO! Russia is WAY behind.
J lo
J lo - 7 years ago
Natural isolation
Ron Bernardino
Ron Bernardino - 7 years ago
Roadway bridge to hell like tacoma did
Svision Producciones
Svision Producciones - 7 years ago
Lars Mars Cars
Lars Mars Cars - 7 years ago
nope. This was real. Looks unbelievable but this actually happens to many bridges around the world
Addy Joe
Addy Joe - 7 years ago
Russians are fucking genius
Admiral Nimitz
Admiral Nimitz - 7 years ago
you cannot build a bridge with no air vents in it. this is what happens to the bridge without air vents in high winds
Cocowoofy - 7 years ago
dancing road.
geirtwo - 7 years ago
There where no asphalt surfing in this video!
Даниэль Шамшик
Даниэль Шамшик - 7 years ago
нормальный у нас в Волгограде мост, чего привязались)
kore india
kore india - 7 years ago
fake and editing
John Flinn
John Flinn - 7 years ago
Same thing happened in Washington state years ago at the Tacoma Narrows bridge that self destructed in a gale. The wind caused Karmon Vortexes to form in the flow pattern and make it resonate just like reeds in wind instruments or halyards on a sailing ship.
Sean Nelson
Sean Nelson - 7 years ago
Clickbait. I came here to see the asphalt surfers and left disappointed.

100. comment for Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send Volgograd drivers asphalt surfing

Barrios Groupie
Barrios Groupie - 7 years ago
Strange that the Russians didn't protect the bridge for this problem by now.
JAMS - 7 years ago
so fake lmao
Lars Mars Cars
Lars Mars Cars - 7 years ago
too bad it's actually very real. lol
StudSupreme - 7 years ago
Bad engineering.
TheCecanbgd - 7 years ago
OMG :(
joe woodchuck
joe woodchuck - 7 years ago
I wonder if it will ever break up like the Tacoma Narrows bridge eventually did.
Rhaella Targaryen
Rhaella Targaryen - 7 years ago
ohhhhh come on, seriously? even a drunk person can see that's fake! see that pedestrian in the beginning of video, for example. he's walking just fine. he'd be walking sideways if this was real. RT, shame on you. you guys always have great, REAL videos, but someone must've been on a smoke break when this one came in
Lars Mars Cars
Lars Mars Cars - 7 years ago
Ever heard of perspective? This bridge is very long, so from the angle the video was taken it may seem like it's bending with a very strong curve. However, those curves stretch over like 30+ meters. so yea, a person can just walk there, no problem. And also, do a little research before talking crap. This is a well known phenomenon. Ask some engineers or architects. You must be drunk yourself. lol
Sharan Shankar
Sharan Shankar - 7 years ago
00:4 . the bridge is shaking . but a lady walking very cool at the left
HERPY DERPEDY - 7 years ago
I'll be driving across thinking I need new shocks on my truck
HERPY DERPEDY - 7 years ago
Sick waves M8
George Cruz
George Cruz - 7 years ago
I believe the wind will make a bridge move like that not a wave.
SPFrobber - 7 years ago
thanks for editing your videos! other Youtubers could learn from you
Marc F. Nielssen
Marc F. Nielssen - 7 years ago
That's just really bad engineering. The problem is well known - with bridges but also with cable cars.
MacDagobert - 7 years ago
That doesn't look all too healthy ._.
Better than telly
Better than telly - 7 years ago
the bridge is just funking out to some music.
WARPHEAD - 7 years ago
Damn, that was some good sh## man. Oscillation is a powerful thing.
shkravtr - 7 years ago
, I am no expert but this looks pretty fake to me
James Nichols
James Nichols - 7 years ago
at least a dog didn't die this time
Itor Lamop
Itor Lamop - 7 years ago
Final Fantasy Foreva
Final Fantasy Foreva - 7 years ago
In mother Russia bridge rides you!
Thefrench Fancy
Thefrench Fancy - 7 years ago
holy shit this looks so real I mean wow not even a crack or gap opening up anywhere? what fake shite this is! since when was concrete bendy
Moose Knuckle
Moose Knuckle - 7 years ago
That looks almost fake. Wow!!!
sam kearns
sam kearns - 7 years ago
That's so fucking fake you retard
sudarshan S
sudarshan S - 7 years ago
Why this happen?
amir ruysch
amir ruysch - 7 years ago
Propose hide heart foot shop card whenever
bwakel310 - 8 years ago
That's when I was banging OPs Mom.
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
von karman vortex?
Freedom Isn'tFree
Freedom Isn'tFree - 8 years ago
Man, it was waving so hard it fucked up the letters on that sign...
the fake one
the fake one - 8 years ago
someone have to give me millions of dollars to walk across it
Gus YAO - 8 years ago
the guy got to go home fast or his wife will beat him up worse than the bridge can do to him
rajinder singh
rajinder singh - 8 years ago
bridge should be named dancing bridge!
K9 - 8 years ago
That guy has a good set 'bridge legs'.
Never-die Young
Never-die Young - 8 years ago
This was 7 years ago...
Mr. X Tyrnt
Mr. X Tyrnt - 8 years ago
FoxImperialPictures - 8 years ago
the volga bridge crushes down into the deep frigid waters below
Ulf von Weißmüller
Ulf von Weißmüller - 8 years ago
In Mother Russia, a bridge crosses you!
Hungry Hungarian
Hungry Hungarian - 8 years ago
perfect engineering
Matias Catalan Vega
Matias Catalan Vega - 8 years ago
you dtupid fuck this is bullshit
Jeremy Odell
Jeremy Odell - 8 years ago
nancy miller
nancy miller - 8 years ago
Galloping Gertie
Bleargh Bleorgh
Bleargh Bleorgh - 8 years ago
This bridge is still swinging, believe it or not.
Ulf von Weißmüller
Ulf von Weißmüller - 8 years ago
They installed harmonic absorbers there, right? I can imagine that they don't damp 100% of the vibrations.
artemkras - 8 years ago
0:15 fake, compare to 0:30
also, sounds like a couple on an old bed :D
Dondrey Taylor
Dondrey Taylor - 8 years ago
You think that's air your breathing?
Mik Moen
Mik Moen - 8 years ago
Concrete bending like that just looks so wrong. BURN THE WITCH.
Patrick Capone i
Patrick Capone i - 8 years ago
Notumengi - 8 years ago
0:07 a real Russian
claudia marrone
claudia marrone - 8 years ago
Geum Ji-min
Geum Ji-min - 8 years ago
What it's made of? Did it crack or break?
If it's a cement, wouldn't it be broken in pieces?
Geum Ji-min
Geum Ji-min - 8 years ago
+Antonio RART Yes, that's why I'm asking; because I don't have an idea even a keyword.
Btw, thanks for the keyword at least.
If you can expound your answer, thank you then.
Antonio RART
Antonio RART - 8 years ago
lol looks like u got homework to do. Frequency is key word.
Geum Ji-min
Geum Ji-min - 8 years ago
"Man, the bridge was just waving like the waves in the sea."
"Nah! you're just drunk that day."
dave oneil
dave oneil - 8 years ago
disagreeablesob - 8 years ago
Fake as fuck.The sort of oscillation seen here only happens with SUSPENSION BRIDGES,idiots,the Tacoma Narrows bridge being the most famous example.This is some bored goof screwing around.You can tell it's fake because aside from this being a bridge that uses support columns anchored in the riverbed,the oscillations aren't wave-like,the bridge appears to be swelling and contracting horizontally.
Revoltage - 8 years ago
Paukenschlag - 8 years ago
Ruskaya technika, ni gnyotsya ni lamiotsya!
Raghavendra Singh
Raghavendra Singh - 8 years ago
The humping bridge
goldsilverandiamonds - 8 years ago
And that folks is why you don't drink Vodka at work if you design and build bridges.
valerio dr
valerio dr - 8 years ago
aaaaah quetti bag
mia keturah
mia keturah - 8 years ago
woah. how the fuck does that even happen ???
Chicken Mcnugget
Chicken Mcnugget - 8 years ago
For a guy named Yolo Swaggins, that was very intelligent.
Yolo Swaggins
Yolo Swaggins - 8 years ago
It's about maths. The function of the wind frequency was at some values equal to the function of the bridges natural structure frequency.

After the Tacoma bridge disaster, engineers in the US were forced to calculate eigenvalues(matrix theory) for every single function used in the bridge structure frequency in order to make sure that they do not coincide with the winds periodic frequency. This bridge is in Russia and in Russia... eh... you are on a tighter budget...
Cerinaya - 8 years ago
High cross winds and a badly designed bridge.
Nolan Koski
Nolan Koski - 8 years ago
Marko Hynninen
Marko Hynninen - 8 years ago
Hell yeah ! ROCK AND ROLL !  ;)
Bonnie Kolch
Bonnie Kolch - 8 years ago
what the hell!
Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan - 8 years ago
if you drive REALLY fast nothing will happen
BHJNK - 8 years ago
an engineering marvel haha..
peatear42 - 8 years ago
Just a mirage people, nothing to see here; Move along now...
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 8 years ago
Whats scary about it?
Michael Dust
Michael Dust - 8 years ago
it happens all the time
liz - 8 years ago
looks very fake to me
Cstyle 27
Cstyle 27 - 8 years ago
wtf is going on?? what causes that to do that??
Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson - 8 years ago
Nice engineering boys. Don't like learning from other peoples mistakes
Chris Cortez
Chris Cortez - 8 years ago
FAKE!!!!!! a really bad one at that
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
Do people seriously think this is real? lol, do you see the guy WALKING ON THE BRIDGE? he had zero problems even though that bridge was moving like that
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+thenerdnetwork Are you now looking for the lock Ness monster? I saw tons of videos and dozens of websites saying it's real so it must be.
thenerdnetwork - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur I gave up on this guy too.. he is an absolute idiot and doesnt understand physics... galloping gertie was fake too according to him...

The guy walking on the bridge he keeps referring to is going up and down in the video lol...

Im sure if he was walking in the middle he would be in for a bit of a ride but he just started out on the main spans...

But this video is fake... which is why the bridge builder had to spend a bunch of money installing dampers to stop the oscillations...

Me personally.. I dont believe there is a bigfoot... but I do believe in physics and science... if you did just a small amount of research you may believe it too...
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur Quits the conversation because he has no evidence
Good luck finding bigfoot!
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs You're a troll. I'm not talking to you anymore.
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur A strawman is saying something is real because multiple websites said so, only a child believes this.
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs That's a straw man argument. I shouldn't be too hard on you though since lots of the Russian language commentators on the Russian videos are also saying "Oh that's photo-shopped!"
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur My eyes can see it, how is your search for bigfoot coming along?
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs It's 1 meter, not 10 feet. Where'd you get that number?
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur lol, fake, a man cannot walk on a bridge fluctuating 10 feet in the air every 2 seconds, get some eyes kid.
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs LOL. You don't read Russian. How about this one.

Why would a Russian company spend 300 million dollars and then have a hoax making their own bridge look like it has a serious design flaw?

If you want to look more up yourself, it's called Танцующий мост -- the dancing bridge.
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur LOL, fake
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs Just watch the Russian language video. LOL.
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur Yeah, like I said, I've seen multiple sites saying Adam Sandler, Betty White, and Tim Allen died but of course, using my common sense, I knew they were fake, also there are thousands of videos and photos of bigfoot, and that's not real either.
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+thenerdnetwork The reason there are no sites on this matter is because people understand that people have something called common sense.

How about this:
Tell me, how is it possible for that guy to walk on the bridge while it's moving up 10 feet in the air every 2 seconds, only children believe this is real.
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+thenerdnetwork Lol, you're like a Bigfoot believer

"I have a shitty video that shows a bridge moving, it's real!"

Put down the crackpipe.
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Alan Falleur LOL, because Russians are always right, hint...they're not.
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
LMAO!!! This story was all over the Russian language news 6 years ago. If you search for it in Russian you'll find tons of articles on it including documents from the Russian Ministry of Transportation confirming it. I don't think the Russian Ministry of Transportation is so desperate for YouTube views and advertising revenue that they'd create a video hoax about it, like a highschool kid creating a fake Slenderman sighting on his channel, LOL.
thenerdnetwork - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs Again... I dont care about your useless rants... I want proof to back it up... if its so obvious with just using 2 eyes... then a scientist or engineer would back you up... but since scientists and engineers already know this is a real phenomenon.. you will find nothing to back you up...

And you claim that anyone can say anything online judging from your post... then why in the hell is there no sites backing you up? you figure at least one news site would be full of shit...

Its oscillation... its real.. its physics.. it happens.. and it did here...
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+thenerdnetwork Lol, so pathetic
"Look at these other websites!"
I also remember seeing multiple websites saying Adam Sandler, Betty White, and Tim Allen died, but of course, using common sense, I knew it was fake, I also read on a website that "3 million Amish Americans pledge their support for Donald Trump" which is complete bs because their is only 300 thousand Amish in the U.S.

Now, if you use your eyes, you can see that a human can not walk on a bridge moving up and down 10 feet every 2 seconds.
thenerdnetwork - 8 years ago
+Justin Scruggs I got an idea... besides you just seeing a natural phenomenon and calling it fake... please post a source that says its fake... I can however post a source that says its real.. Wikipedia... and every other site on the planet...
Justin Scruggs
Justin Scruggs - 8 years ago
+Donovan McCat +thenerdnetwork It was fake, the guy walking on the bridge while it was shaking up and down would have been thrown off
thenerdnetwork - 8 years ago
+Donovan McCat Sigh... its real... go look it up... it happened the day before this video was posted ha... you figure it would take more than a day to edit such a video...

I guess galloping gertie was fake too...
Donovan McCat
Donovan McCat - 8 years ago
Look at 0:15 and the distortion in the video of the cement, this is far from being real. Its not even a good edit.
thenerdnetwork - 8 years ago
It did actually happen... its called oscillation... same thing that happened to galloping gertie... except that one failed... they fixed the swaying problem by adding dampeners...
jdogg0075 - 8 years ago
Justin Scruggs
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
I think he's hungry and not going to wait for hours to get to the Chick-fil-A on the other side.
decodeddiesel - 8 years ago
I honestly feel sorry for all of the fucking dimwits who think this is fake.
decodeddiesel - 8 years ago
This is what happens when the accountability in a large scale public works project is circumvented by bribery and corruption.
Tony Randall
Tony Randall - 8 years ago
FJ C - 8 years ago
i'm pretty cynical, but why are people saying this fake? I see it as real. I also see it as brilliant engineering.
Aditi Sinha
Aditi Sinha - 8 years ago
Totally fake
The Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell
The Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell - 8 years ago
You are on the internet too much. This is not fake.
Todd Green
Todd Green - 8 years ago
"an example of elementary forced resonance, with the wind providing an external periodic frequency that matched the bridge's natural structural frequency"
Sondra Lee
Sondra Lee - 8 years ago
Looks lke bullshit. Where's the huge waves?
Seán O'Nilbud
Seán O'Nilbud - 8 years ago
You're just an illiterate delusional bitch.
Sondra Lee
Sondra Lee - 8 years ago
At the start of the video when I first saw it, it had waves of water hitting a bridge then it changed the footage here, but this video has since been altered at the start. Because of that I expected to see waves of water hitting this bridge. The RT channel is media bullshit news by the way.
Swiatek702 - 8 years ago
Sondra Lee Or you could spend 5mins on google & find that you are, in fact, the dumb one. The "waves" in the title refer to the waves in the asphalt, not the water.
Sondra Lee
Sondra Lee - 8 years ago
You are the dumb one. Why have a picture of a bridge being flooded then show a video of some other bullshit with a bridge swaying which was all staged. That really makes a lot of sense. It didn't even stop the guy walking across it on the left. Check your own video out then change it. The RT channel is bullshit by the way if you don't already know.
Valoro85 - 8 years ago
You are dumb.
Mixdur - 8 years ago
plz, fix your camera. there is like, big anomalies all over the bridge
Brickandfanal ³
Brickandfanal ³ - 8 years ago
Natural resonance frequency; it`s the same as with a woman, your natural frequency is inversely proportional to the weight of your partner, and directly proportional to your own "rigidity"
zack johnson
zack johnson - 8 years ago
Anyone who believes this is clearly an idiot
The Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell
The Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell - 8 years ago
Whoever said this is fake are clearly not informed enough.
Robert Watson
Robert Watson - 8 years ago
Engineering flaw.
federry101 chantrque
federry101 chantrque - 8 years ago
so fake at the 18 sec
Daniel Frederikson
Daniel Frederikson - 8 years ago
cant the russians do anything right?
rubberfresh 1
rubberfresh 1 - 8 years ago
Well you could ask the same thing about the Americans. Have you never heard of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge?
Braelene Brown
Braelene Brown - 8 years ago
if you know anything about history you wouldnt ask such a dumb question.
dubble - 8 years ago
bridge skipped leg day
Jed Hutchins
Jed Hutchins - 8 years ago
Fake as fuck
SepherStar - 8 years ago
Probably not. The same thing happened to a bridge called the Tacoma Narrows bridge, nicknamed "galloping gerty". The engineers failed to factor in the aerodynamics of the bridge in such a windy area, and the bridge eventually collapsed on a particularly windy day. There's a video.
Mike Speed
Mike Speed - 8 years ago
pauliec17 - 8 years ago
Looks hella different to 1943...
Buddysimo Simonetta
Buddysimo Simonetta - 8 years ago
shade of that bridge that collapsed in takoma wash????? high winds tore it down in the 40,s ir 50,s
MN Sidewinder
MN Sidewinder - 8 years ago
Yep, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, aka Galloping Gertie.
MrMountainmadness100 - 8 years ago
the title to this video make good sense massive waves where I didn't see one all I saw was a bridge moving stop with the bullshit title's and throw yourself of that bridge
Víktor Mags
Víktor Mags - 8 years ago
aurelien clair
aurelien clair - 8 years ago
pile poie sur la fréquence de résonance.
alejandro fernandez
alejandro fernandez - 8 years ago
where is the massive waves
Tony Lowery
Tony Lowery - 8 years ago
OMG! you people are goofy , that's not real.. I have the same effect on pinnacle studio!!!!
xDZUTEH - 8 years ago
The bridge is suposed to do this! If it didnt it would break and colapse!

Building do the same with the wind, the swing a bit from side to side ,same applies to buldings and bridges if there is a earthquake
Jeroen Herlaar
Jeroen Herlaar - 8 years ago
BS buddy. If it does this, it will eventually collapse. It is a design flaw.
Qwerty Pop
Qwerty Pop - 8 years ago
Borderline Alcoholic
Borderline Alcoholic - 8 years ago
Two fat birds walked on at opposite ends at the exact same moment. After that, science takes over. Very technical.
Bubba - 8 years ago
I would wanna skate that
Stephen Lediard
Stephen Lediard - 8 years ago
I thought research has been done into this and solutions found. Don't they do their homework?
TheuF Gaming Channel
TheuF Gaming Channel - 8 years ago
is there really poeple thinking this is fake?... fuck really?... let go your pokemons and start living in the real world.
MidgetRacer8192 - 8 years ago
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
I guess they've never heard of Tacoma Narrows.
warriormvp - 8 years ago
In Russia, bridge cross you!
Kinetic - 8 years ago
so fake even china denied they made that.
Papii Chuloo
Papii Chuloo - 7 years ago
Kinetic Thats because this was from russia, not China.
TheLoveVSLife - 8 years ago
+Kinetic it looked fake to me too, but I am Russian and went to check the Russian sources for it. What I found is that this is a true story, they covered it on the news extensively with many witnesses' stories as well. The news anchor said exactly the same thing at the beginning: "What you are seeing is not a distortion of your TV image or an applied computer effect on the video...". One of the witnesses said: "It was crazy, it was like driving on a wavering bed sheet"
GoofballLtG - 8 years ago
I agree the video doesn't fit with the description. Two different bridges and incidents.
SepherStar - 8 years ago
+Prosenjeet Chatterjee On closer examination. You are right, this one is probably fake. But this can and has happened to bridges.
Prosenjeet Chatterjee
Prosenjeet Chatterjee - 8 years ago
nope..check the fact..its old and a sensation
SepherStar - 8 years ago
Probably not. The same thing happened to a bridge called the Tacoma Narrows bridge, nicknamed "galloping gerty". The engineers failed to factor in the aerodynamics of the bridge in such a windy area, and the bridge eventually collapsed on a particularly windy day. There's a video.
Lary Mayotte
Lary Mayotte - 8 years ago
it brings to my mind the Tacoma Narrows bridge! tore it's self apart from that wind oscillation!
HB- JNA - 8 years ago
you know what to do with that big,fat,brige,weigo,weigo,weigo,weigo
CzarPeppers - 8 years ago
In Soviet Russia bridges have bigger waves than the water does!

Yeah I know, that wasn't exactly the proper formula. What kind of bridge is that anyways? If that isn't some form of suspension bridge, I imagine that this is a situation where the proverbial fecal matter is coming into contact with the proverbial fan.
coolkidsontheblock - 8 years ago
seems legit
Robert Kerr
Robert Kerr - 8 years ago
looks like they did not learn lesson from the Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster either when designing for wind
afpskierx - 8 years ago
Don Olson
Don Olson - 8 years ago
putin the criminal gangster of what was once russia but now it is just criminal gangsters running the county. putin LOVES his crime gangs.
Dr.Indranil ganguly
Dr.Indranil ganguly - 8 years ago
Dr.Indranil ganguly
Dr.Indranil ganguly - 8 years ago
+DancingDemon33 thanks for the information..
DancingDemon33 - 8 years ago
Look up the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, it did this when they first built it. So no it's not fake, this happens more often than you think when a bridge isn't built properly.
MїĈhÃЭĹ ĴoЯđÃй - 8 years ago
+Dr.Indranil ganguly
No problem, I know they'll be in safe hands.
Dr.Indranil ganguly
Dr.Indranil ganguly - 8 years ago
+MїĈhÃЭĹ ĴoЯđÃй send your wife or girlfriend to me so that I can prove who is gay
MїĈhÃЭĹ ĴoЯđÃй - 8 years ago
and gay.
mattfgln - 8 years ago
fake comment
Dario de nero
Dario de nero - 8 years ago
Ebay parts !
elige brown
elige brown - 8 years ago
that bridge is real. and that bridge with a few others around the world actually fo this if the wind blows hard enough.
luis laurencio
luis laurencio - 8 years ago
wtf is this edited shit? fucking russians
fishfinderish - 8 years ago
Phi - 8 years ago
+Josh River

Well my engineer friend agrees with you after all. He did say however, although the initial precursors and causes were different, the rules of nature still apply and we just call them this or that so we can talk about them intelligently. The waves do however multiply and negate in harmonic resonance. Structurally this not a good thing.
RoadCaptainEntertain - 8 years ago
Civil Engineers do have a sense of humor after all.
Mike Abegg
Mike Abegg - 8 years ago
RoadCaptainEntertain except it bent, didn't break. So success!
Ashield Gurlhosur
Ashield Gurlhosur - 8 years ago
I wanna stand on that bridge and get high
George - 8 years ago
Russian engineering...
Inachu Ikimasho
Inachu Ikimasho - 8 years ago
All these accidents that happen
Follow the dots
Coincidence makes sense only with you
You don't have to speak
I feel
Emotional landscapes
They puzzle me
The riddle gets solved
And you push me up to
This state of emergency
How beautiful to be!
State of emergency
Is where I want to be.
Awannabe Diabetic
Awannabe Diabetic - 8 years ago
and just to think, the niggers couldn't even build that
Skai - 8 years ago
Oh look, it's a Nope Bridge!
Anthony Gaddy
Anthony Gaddy - 8 years ago
FingerBangGang THE SHOCKER
FingerBangGang THE SHOCKER - 8 years ago
Trump Construction advertisement
River of Stars
River of Stars - 8 years ago
Just had an 'Acid' flashback !?
Pickles - 8 years ago
I love the guy who is just calmly walking across the bridge as it's doing this. A perfect example of not giving a single, solitary fuck.
Ronald Haworth
Ronald Haworth - 7 years ago
The liqueur store was on the other side.
Ulf von Weißmüller
Ulf von Weißmüller - 8 years ago
He is so drunk, that his field of view is oscillating exactly same amplitude but in opposite phase. That makes +/- zero and all he can see is perfectly steady bridge in front of him :D
Bill Joel
Bill Joel - 8 years ago
Seems like normal Russian vision to me
mostawesomedudeever1 - 8 years ago
+Guardian Observer
lol yup
Guardian Observer
Guardian Observer - 8 years ago
Russian offcourse.
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 8 years ago
He's hungry, and he's not about to wait for hours to get to the Chick-fil-A on the other side.
Pickles - 8 years ago
+The Ice Viper I thought so as well at first, but it's not. It's called the Volgograd bridge in Russia. You would think that concrete wouldn't be so flexible, but it can really take some bending. It's actually beneficial for it to bend instead of break in engineering. What we have here is that the bridges forced mechanical resonance is too similar to the force of the wind blowing on it, same as the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Because cars could be thrown off, they closed the bridge for two years or so and installed wind dampers. It's amazing that the Russians were even able to get to space with these basic problems in their engineering! There is an article on the Daily Mail about this bridge, if you still don't believe me.
Tom Sandström
Tom Sandström - 8 years ago
Bridges can swing during high winds but this video is fake dude, it is done really badly as well
Pickles - 8 years ago
+The Ice Viper Nope. Very much real. Google it.
Tom Sandström
Tom Sandström - 8 years ago
its fake you fuck...
fmschiav - 8 years ago
Hum, wasn't this engineering figured out after the Tacoma Narrows Bridge disaster in the late 1940's? Are the Russians not capable of learning from others mistakes?
TheHorseGirl178 - 8 years ago
WOW. Did all of you really believe this is real ??? LOOK at it . It's clearly fake and some freak has attempted editing this completely normal footage of a bridge, and for what ... their own entertainment ??
Ulf von Weißmüller
Ulf von Weißmüller - 8 years ago
The bridge is 2,5 kilometers long. The view is from the end of the bridge, so the amplitude looks like greater than it really is.
luis laurencio
luis laurencio - 8 years ago
+Sweety Loz dude the event happened but this video, is fake
Sweety Loz
Sweety Loz - 8 years ago
Concrete doesn't expand, and if you can see expanding concrete maybe you should check the dosage on your med's. Even Wiki documents this event, how about spending 2minutes researching instead for standing firm on some strangers opinion.[] Also most bridges are designed to be light, they over lap asphalt over steel mesh on top of sheets of wood on top of steel girders. Only the Support columns are rebar and Concrete. If it was made of Concrete it would crack/break and collapse.  
luis laurencio
luis laurencio - 8 years ago
+Sweety Loz concrete does not expand and contract the way it happened in this video, its physically imposible
Sweety Loz
Sweety Loz - 8 years ago
I guess they bribed the people at Wiki too, The Video is real, and the problem has since been fixed.
luis laurencio
luis laurencio - 8 years ago
it has happen, but this video is completely fake
Dickie Debbil
Dickie Debbil - 8 years ago
Somebody forgot to keep the natural frequency of the bridge away from common wind/wave loading frequencies.
MrMan - 8 years ago
bridge was made in china
Tom Slak
Tom Slak - 7 years ago
Designed by politicians.
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 7 years ago
ebay bridge
FlatBroke612 - 8 years ago
+Bill Gates kids in Africa could have eaten that bridge.
MїĈhÃЭĹ ĴoЯđÃй - 8 years ago
So are you Mr. Gates.
chloe - 8 years ago
SOOOO FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AkMoto - 8 years ago
Go home, bridge. You're drunk.
Bradley Cheeseman
Bradley Cheeseman - 8 years ago
Vanesa Godlova
Vanesa Godlova - 8 years ago
why is the roed moving
Will Riddle
Will Riddle - 8 years ago
This looks the same as the Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster. Bridge was not constructed properly to handle crosswind aerodynamics.
Morticia Addams
Morticia Addams - 6 years ago
Galloping Gertie
Christian Buczko
Christian Buczko - 7 years ago
Tacoma narrows was a totally different design, it was a suspension bridge, this one should not be able to react in the same way. Wind looked light, and the earthquake idea mentioned by the local government is just stupid. I'd bet the main problem is that strong current. Maybe the piers its standing on are being undermined and wobbling??? Whatever the cause, its a collapse waiting to happen.
joe Schlotthauer
joe Schlotthauer - 7 years ago
Will Riddle
Was that "galloping girdie?"
pilsudski36 - 7 years ago
YES. Look at the solid deck; a repeat of the same design mistake of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
WoodenTreeMan - 8 years ago
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
people saying this is fake obviously don't know a damn thing about physics or engineering.
Carmen Bernardo
Carmen Bernardo - 8 years ago
I was about to mention the Tacoma Narrows Bridge before I read
Richard Bonsak's comment below.  I wonder whether they've
had to rebuild the bridge or shut it down.
Pickles - 8 years ago
They installed dampers to lessen the effect. It took them years.
Erik Van der Zee
Erik Van der Zee - 8 years ago
For over a half a century now all bridges in the US at least have been required to be built to a standard that does not allow wind to cause these types of waves because different parts of the bridge intentionally have different resonance frequencies. Did the soviets not get that memo? :D
TheMickeyJim - 8 years ago
Where was the "Scary" part?
Atypical Lavender
Atypical Lavender - 8 years ago
That's just freaky looking.
P Toth
P Toth - 8 years ago
The engineering company has some serious explaining to do!
Makdavian - 8 years ago
+goaspiritoflove What degree do you have?
longbeachboy57 - 8 years ago
It is supposed to behave exactly like this. This is an example of good engineering.
goaspiritoflove - 8 years ago
Makdavian - 8 years ago
+P Toth It was just swinging, nothing wrong with that except the psychological impact on the users. What matters is that it didnt fail, and thats important.
Refill Minecraft
Refill Minecraft - 8 years ago
Photo shopped
shaun simms
shaun simms - 8 years ago
did anyone else miss the wave? I failed to see a wave
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
5 124 comment says taht this is fake.

Google - Tacoma Narrows Bridge

You will find the answer.
I dont think there were effects in 1940.
Chris Prevost
Chris Prevost - 8 years ago
Ah yes... History repeating itself...
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
I know what bridge u talking about.
david friesen
david friesen - 8 years ago
What the fuck was that! What Garbage !!
Alvin Cusick
Alvin Cusick - 8 years ago
makes you wonder if the integrity has been compromised.
Shazz Mccoy
Shazz Mccoy - 8 years ago
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
WatchDogs29 - 8 years ago
+Shazz Mccoy No, this happens
mr ballistic 692
mr ballistic 692 - 8 years ago
Is that really doing that
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
Or tacoma narrows bridge.
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago

I saw that on my own eyes.
ginger cox
ginger cox - 8 years ago
Although very amazing, a waving bridge is quite different t than an ocean or lake wave.
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
Google - Tacoma Narrows Bridge

You will find the answer.
David  Moreton
David Moreton - 8 years ago
would not see me on that bridge ever,ever,ever.!
Nico Umali
Nico Umali - 8 years ago
it is fake
nova craft
nova craft - 8 years ago
bruh I would love to ride my dirt bike across that
Evi1M4chine - 8 years ago
Amazing, how it looks like a bad Photoshop / After Effects effect.
Somebody didn’t learn his resonance prevention!
Tuan Hung vo
Tuan Hung vo - 8 years ago
XxViRaL_GaMiNgxX - 8 years ago
That's not real just animation
Leighton Rubins
Leighton Rubins - 9 years ago
It's not real
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
it is
Surreal Hernandez
Surreal Hernandez - 9 years ago
now tell me, how would an asphalt road move like that without breaking. THIS IS FAKE
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
Raul Gomez
Raul Gomez - 9 years ago
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 9 years ago
Anybody wud get this fake edited miserable vid.But still ppl seem to be doing some serious discussions abut stupids.Or....were living in forests and happened to have youtube somehow.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman
To hell with your basics.U were talking about engineering n physics and now digressed to basics of understanding shit?Clearly u are done man.Have some pride in that and shut up!
No more talking to u.
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt how about a basic understanding of how the world works?

you can say it's edited all you want; the fact is this is not the first nor last instance of this happening to a bridge.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman
I know more than that.I know editing vids too.Instead of shoving your head in the book u sud literally start licking for some editing skills.xD
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt if you knew a lick about engineering or physics, you'd know it's not fake.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak
Blocked your fatass u cunt!
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak
Stfu!Nobody is reading your wall of poop texts!Read it to yourself when u r dying near some gutter.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak
Calm your man tits u fatfuck and stop talking shit to the mirror.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak
I know the truth already and i have accepted it.
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt
just accept the true, this is real.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak I dont give a dam if there was a real incident or not.All i know is that this vid is fake af.I dont give a dam if there was editing shit in 40s or not.All i know is this fake vid isnt from 40s!
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt
This is not fake, suspension bridge or not, this is common and it is not fake, all i want from you are 2 thing:
1. check out Tacoma Narrows Bridge
2. stop saying that this is fake

Ps: For the first, i dont think that there was editing of videos in 40´s
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt
but then you know less than a fucking 1 day old baby.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak
I know what i know and its enough.
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt
Then you should know that this is NOT fake and this happens most of the time on this bridge.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman
I know idiot!But i also know whats fake and whats not and u sud know it too.
Clearly the sound dosnt sycns with the vid coz its fake and poorly edited.So u see.. i know enough!
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
you're an idiot. so is everyone else saying it's fake.

you do realize metal and concrete bending in such a way makes noise, right?
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Harry Akira Eaton
Dude the moment u granted this vid as real u lost your senses.Most of the ppl can see its a fake edited vid.Though there had been the real incident, this vid definitely looks fake af.
Its not about how much educated you are,its about what shown to u is fake or real.
Harry Eaton
Harry Eaton - 8 years ago
"to hell with your book knowledge" is the moment you completely lost your argument.

Take a blade of grass between your two thumbs and blow to get a whistling sound, that same aeroelastic flutter is happening to this bridge just on a much larger scale.

Source: I trained as an engineer.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
Check out your senses lol.
giggleherz - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt check out (Tacoma Narrows Bridge)
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
scroll down the comments baby.Ppl like me are not ignorant but ppl like u are blind for sure.
Omnidestrophic - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt people like you really make this world a more ignorant place. Also people saying believe what you want. I don't have to believe in this if i know it is a fucking fact.
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

You will find aout why.
Ototoxic - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt Whatever, believe in what you want.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
I know its real that bridges are built to withstand waves  ,,but this vid consists of fake sounds effects n editing which is not real.gosh.
Look down the comments.Most ppl realized this vid has fake effects .gosh.
Ototoxic - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt Dude, seriously. It's real, these bridges are built specifically to withstand these resonance waves, go look it up and you'll find plenty more videos on it.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 8 years ago
+Evi1M4chine Just coz i made fun using forest and ppl dosnt mean or depicts being disrespectful to the tribal ppl unless u r a tassledick touchy.And to hell with your book knowledge and resonance shit.We know that shit and we can see the fake in the vid.How about u evolve and develop some sense chimp.
Evi1M4chine - 8 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt: You dumb chimp know that bridge resonance effects are very real and destroyed many bridges, even from merely walking* on them, before people figured out how to prevent resonances?
* That’s what you get, for wearing shoes. It wouldn’t have happened if everyone had been barefoot like they should be. Stupid socially conditioned bullshit conventions.
Frederick Reinhardt
Frederick Reinhardt - 9 years ago
+Mjin Pantner
U dumb idiot.are u that dumb enough  to even ignore the fake sound effects in the background??Looks like u r loosing 2/5
Chinba A.
Chinba A. - 9 years ago
+Frederick Reinhardt its real u idiot look it up if u don't believe me
Seth Johnson
Seth Johnson - 9 years ago
This is what happens when you SUCK at engineering!
SoarTube - 9 years ago
That is the fakest thing I have seen all year
Jarkii Aviation
Jarkii Aviation - 9 years ago
Abdullah Abdullah
Abdullah Abdullah - 9 years ago
Looks fake
Rijul  Jain
Rijul Jain - 9 years ago
fucking fake
Samara Weaving
Samara Weaving - 9 years ago
This was happening in Wales, United Kingdom last week.
WarthDader74 - 8 years ago
+Samara Weaving I think it was in Brighton, miss
Kyra S
Kyra S - 9 years ago
There's no freaking way that's real….
Ulf von Weißmüller
Ulf von Weißmüller - 8 years ago
Yes there is. In big scale, concrete and steel are much more flexible materials that we use to think. In this video you can see that at most, the bridge moves up and down estimately +/- 2 metres. The supporting columns of the bridge are further than 200 meters from each other, so the oscillation is way smaller than it looks like. The angle of movement is like +/- 1 degree on the supporting point. The deceptive point of view makes us think this is unreal.

EDIT: watched again and i think the angular movement on supporting points is even less than 1 degree back and forth. That's not very much.
Will Roden
Will Roden - 9 years ago
That dude on the sidewalk does not give 2 shits
SilentKill3r 21
SilentKill3r 21 - 9 years ago
this looks fake to me
The Wildfire Cross Fox
The Wildfire Cross Fox - 9 years ago
keith rovere
keith rovere - 9 years ago
So fake! haha The dude walking is perfectly normal !
Californian - 9 years ago
Kamalup •
Kamalup • - 9 years ago
that looks fake
DeWeirdNoob (Archangel Aatrox)
DeWeirdNoob (Archangel Aatrox) - 9 years ago
this is fake, look how the stone extends... I know that this happened to some bridges but this really looks fake
Luke Boyer
Luke Boyer - 9 years ago
+Miika Mäentaus you are the most stupid pleb it's fake how could that possibly ,ookay-starting real ye it's happened to bribes and roads and that before but it's fake
Miika Mäentaus
Miika Mäentaus - 9 years ago
it looks fake but it's not. at this scale, concrete and souch materials can extend suprisingly much.
Cort Wargo
Cort Wargo - 9 years ago
Jotaro T.
Jotaro T. - 9 years ago
this looks like the same disaster moth man created on a bridge
hanif musyaffa
hanif musyaffa - 9 years ago
edit lol
roland falconbridge
roland falconbridge - 9 years ago
ZeeB - 9 years ago
It looks fake though
Scott Reeve
Scott Reeve - 9 years ago
Who can belive this
JamesGU4 - 9 years ago
It is a problem caused by wind generating a phenomenon known as torsional vibration mode.  It usually leads to structural failure, so I for one would be unhappy to walk or drive across it after an event.
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
it was not on torsional vibration mode; if it was torsional, it would not be alternating up and down; sections next to each other would be twisting from side to side opposite of each other, which would be catastrophic.
xLury - 9 years ago
That looks not real
Reprity - 9 years ago
its fake
Phi - 9 years ago
Harmonic waves. Not so good folks.
Phi - 8 years ago
Josh River
Josh River - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman It is not different. The bridge type is different. Both bridges are reacting to a "resonant frequency"
And "aerolastic flutter" is just a fancy way of saying hamonic waves.
The term "aeroelasticty flutter" had never been used to describe what happen to the Tacoma narrows bridge until well after the fact.
Phi - 8 years ago
Well, aren't you just at the head of the class. Thanks for the info. I shall go now and change the world and best of luck to you as well in your future teaching endeavours.
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
+Phi Sailor if you were taught that tacoma narrows was harmonic vibrations, then yes you are wrong. it has been proven in labs that this was not the case. the shape of the bridge made it so it caught wind on it's sides. during somewhat low wind, it alternated moving up and down. however when it picked up, the wind catching on the sides made it rotate torsionally on alternating sides of the midpoint (which would not happen on a non-suspension bridge, as it would have to rotate the entire structure as opposed to the payload being suspended by cables) which caused self feeding positive loop, until the cables could no longer support the opposite rotations on each side, causing the middle of the bridge to collapse.
Phi - 8 years ago
Oh okay. So you disagree with what I was taught. Things change to be sure. And bridges continue to fall down in the face of nature no matter what we call it
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
+Phi Sailor tacoma narrows was aerolastic flutter, not harmonic vibrations.

so the situation is definitely different.
Dras Leona
Dras Leona - 8 years ago
harmonic vibrations can destroy everything. give them long enough and don't stop them
Phi - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman
Harmonic vibration can disassemble nuts and bolts, shatter glass, destroy airplanes. Why not a bridge. Not a good thing.
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman
But still.
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
+Richard Bosnak situation could be different, as this is not a suspension bridge
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
Google - Tacoma Narrows Bridge

You will find the answer.
ceremony777 - 8 years ago
+Phi Sailor Why?
se7en1976 - 9 years ago
Meanwhile.. some hard ass just casually walking across it.
Kuro Senpai
Tom Sandström
Tom Sandström - 8 years ago
+se7en1976 Bridges can swing during high winds but this video is fake and it is done really badly as well
se7en1976 - 8 years ago
+The Ice Viper yeah.. its really not 
Tom Sandström
Tom Sandström - 8 years ago
its fake you fuck
Михаил Черников
Михаил Черников - 9 years ago
From Volgograd : it wasnt fake, lol
SonOfaBiscuit - 9 years ago
Soo fake
Shaun McInnis
Shaun McInnis - 9 years ago
Thats bull@#%&, the girl continues walking like it's nothing.Editing trick
Kill So
Kill So - 9 years ago
That would completely melt my mind to see that in person on LSD!
Samantha Perez
Samantha Perez - 9 years ago
that lookks king of fake
The Kelling Bros.
The Kelling Bros. - 9 years ago
Also fake
poptx steals stuff
poptx steals stuff - 9 years ago
What The Heck Was That Earthquake
Yashanti Walker
Yashanti Walker - 9 years ago
Omg I thought that was my phone messing the bridge up but then...I soon realized it was the bridge moving on its on T-T.Don't judge me >:O
Kim-Jong-Oink - 9 years ago
Eapple Gamerz
Eapple Gamerz - 9 years ago
Mondays, man, gotta hate em'.
Evanation - 9 years ago
This is fake! If you see the person at the beginning, he is not moving up, and down, also no one is worried!
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
person is moving up and down. dumbass
NoName - 9 years ago
looks like a fuckng photoshop
Saltoon - 9 years ago
I think this was photoshopped
Sunshine Hobi
Sunshine Hobi - 9 years ago
The Great Sloth Lord
The Great Sloth Lord - 9 years ago
Of course I get videos now in the side of death. Oh well, that what happens when you watch too much natural disasters.
Gaming Hero
Gaming Hero - 9 years ago
The bridge looks like it is a cartoon kinda with the editing for the bending
Gaming Hero
Gaming Hero - 9 years ago
This is so fake
Doglover 7464
Doglover 7464 - 9 years ago
sfg4life515 - 9 years ago
super freaky, all that flex in paved foadway!
BTW, all quakes are unexpected.
great video!
samuel vega
samuel vega - 9 years ago
0:07 I Wave my railing back and forth I Wave my railing back and forth
CPT Kirkland
CPT Kirkland - 9 years ago
That was fake
Michael Leviste
Michael Leviste - 9 years ago
fix it idiot before its too late
Jian Yu
Jian Yu - 9 years ago
The Kiwi Boss
The Kiwi Boss - 9 years ago
The photo shops strong with this one
Roger Pereira
Roger Pereira - 9 years ago
what is this?
_bikelife_46 - 9 years ago
Tarot - 9 years ago
Lmao nope
Zhane Mack
Zhane Mack - 9 years ago
I don't think I would be walking on that bridge if it was doing that...
Julie Witt
Julie Witt - 9 years ago
It resembles the motions of "Gallopin' Gertie."
FB Hawk
FB Hawk - 9 years ago
It looks like the bridge is supposed to be like that. And it looks fun to drive on
crazy BREN09
crazy BREN09 - 9 years ago
natasha hinkle
natasha hinkle - 9 years ago
nightwishnemo - 9 years ago
To all the mindless idiots do your research because this is real and does happen to many bridges all over the world, it's physics.
Abby - 9 years ago
Ya it's really bad photoshop or something like that you could tell. And the only way a bridge like that would be rocking like that is during an earthquake or something.
Scott - 9 years ago
So... is that a bug or a feature?
Dave Watson
Dave Watson - 9 years ago
thats fake effects and stuff are used
Blake Plays
Blake Plays - 9 years ago
So fake
65elcamino283 - 9 years ago
that is Galloping Gertie 70 years later... hahaha
Smooth Panda
Smooth Panda - 9 years ago
ELG - 9 years ago
NOAHLIGHTNING543 - 9 years ago
it's fake look at the lady walking it's fake peor
Zodiax Dragons Gamer
Zodiax Dragons Gamer - 9 years ago
Iron Man
Iron Man - 9 years ago
this is an exercise for the bridge!
TheCalCowz - 9 years ago
The BroSis Channel
The BroSis Channel - 9 years ago
I feel dis fake
Kadjar - 9 years ago
Lažno / fake
Terance Mccall
Terance Mccall - 9 years ago
Thx for fake vibratoin
Buscuits Acc
Buscuits Acc - 9 years ago
people here are impressed by human building technologies
OneSkiWonder - 9 years ago
Would love to ride my bike across that. lol
LMGamer 36
LMGamer 36 - 6 years ago
Would you like to LAND SURF WITH BIKE?
Evi1M4chine - 8 years ago
+OneSkiWonder: From playing games where this was an obstacle: It would end in a massive Tory-Belleci faceplant for you. Trust me on this.
Samuel Grant Julianda
Samuel Grant Julianda - 9 years ago
i wish too...
Kody Hendley
Kody Hendley - 9 years ago
This is fake as crap
MicsØ - 9 years ago
give these builders a cookie by making the bridge can dance with waves :D
shIZo - 9 years ago
this looks almost unreal ^^
Grace Rodriguez
Grace Rodriguez - 9 years ago
rt is super retartad
Kevin Chittum
Kevin Chittum - 9 years ago
I saw this happen once. I was on mushrooms.
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 9 years ago
did the bridge collapse
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 8 years ago
+bajra Kota the bridge is called the Volgograd bridge in Russia it is one of the deadliest bridges in the world and is know for swaying like this
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 8 years ago
+ani nuraeni the bridge is called the Volgograd bridge in Russia it is one of the deadliest bridges in the world and is know for swaying like this
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
+ani nuraeni You google tacoma narrows bridge, you idiot.
ani nuraeni
ani nuraeni - 8 years ago
+Cory Goodman you damn bloody fucking idiot! you dont know about editing
Cory Goodman
Cory Goodman - 8 years ago
+bajra Kota idiot
Richard Bosnak
Richard Bosnak - 8 years ago
Google - Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This one yes.
The Wildfire Cross Fox
The Wildfire Cross Fox - 9 years ago
+edenian jade it is hella fake!!
supercar spotter
supercar spotter - 9 years ago
+bajra Kota it's real dumbass
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 9 years ago
bajra Kota
bajra Kota - 9 years ago
helloooooooooo....that's fake fake fake! 
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 9 years ago
+bajra Kota no it's not fake
bajra Kota
bajra Kota - 9 years ago
+edenian jade STUPID FAKE!!!
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 9 years ago
+edenian jade No !!!! =)
Cuber 420
Cuber 420 - 9 years ago
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 9 years ago
I want to ride my bike on there.
yelyah.williams - 9 years ago
Bridges like the golden gate and stuff do wave but u can tell this is so fake. Even the graphics are bad the people walking on the side's body's are waving XD
Daniel Beier
Daniel Beier - 9 years ago
But it's on the Internet, so it has to be true.
Pr0 G4m3r
Pr0 G4m3r - 9 years ago
That just looks wrong
Alice Z.
Alice Z. - 9 years ago
I never trusted bridges...
Christian Norton
Christian Norton - 9 years ago
fake shit
Chris Blount
Chris Blount - 9 years ago
00:5 that guy
damm it feels good to be a gangster
slothlover talkingsloth
slothlover talkingsloth - 9 years ago
fake! it was Photoshoped
01DOGG01 - 8 years ago
+Daren Bonini
It's a video with an incorrect aspect ratio genius. Hence the exaggeration on the vertial plane.

Like how people are tall when you convert widescreen to 4:3 format.

Good one smart guy!
Daren Bonini
Daren Bonini - 8 years ago
Correct, you wouldn't use photoshop to edit a video. Roberto, I fully agree with you. It is fake using video editing software.
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 8 years ago
AyeeeKylez The Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse was real. To edit vídeo you do not use photoshop, you use programs like Final Cut Pro ( from Apple ) or Adove After Effects ( from Adove , Photoshop owners ). Interesting enough in that year when there was not so easy to film there were more than one shot from different places and now with so easily to take shots with celular phones there is just one take. By the other hand Tacoma Narrows Bridge and Vologrado´s Bridge are to different kinds of bridges. Tacoma was a suspension bridge and Vologrado´s Bridge is a beam supported bridge. They behave in a very different way during external forces like wind or sismic forces. The problem is that the person who did this video use the suspension bridge behavior on a beamm bridge. No way to respond both in the same way.
BaconProductions - 8 years ago
+Roberto Bocaletti take a look at the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse. Your like umg photoshop 10/10
teeburshow - 8 years ago
+Emily Talking ton so photoshop is now used for editing videos?
Daren Bonini
Daren Bonini - 8 years ago
+Emily Talking ton. Ignore those other idiots. Anyone looking at this around the 19 second point of this video that has any active brain cells in their head knows it was digitally manipulated. Yes, bridges can suffer harmonic vibrations even to the point of failing. But this video was obviously "enhanced".
normalhuman - 8 years ago
+Emily Talking ton autistic piece of shit
01DOGG01 - 8 years ago
+Emily Talking ton You say that it's a 'fake' because you're a really dumb motherfucker who can't even google basic facts.

On EnglishRussia they show the damping devices that were installed after this happened.

Not only that, but what the fuck do you think happened with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Gallopin' Gertie)? I guess that was 'photoshopped' as well, in 1940. Stupid cunt!
Samuel Grant Julianda
Samuel Grant Julianda - 9 years ago
+Cryptic OveRDriVe fucking weebs
MEEESTER Soup Can - 9 years ago
You're a dim one, aren't you? its real, look it up
Alex. Trofim
Alex. Trofim - 9 years ago
+Emily Talking ton Its not fake)
slothlover talkingsloth
slothlover talkingsloth - 9 years ago
+Roberto Bocaletti u R soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo smart I like u man
slothlover talkingsloth
slothlover talkingsloth - 9 years ago
+Sniper501 thanks man
Weeb Gem
Weeb Gem - 9 years ago
I belive it was a good edit my friend
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 9 years ago
+supercar spotter What a shame. It seems more like yourself describing you than the person who has not offended you. When someone insults means he has no more arguments. Physics is a huge theme. What part of physics are you talking about ... aerodynamic instability ? Ohhhh that occurs in Cable Stayed or Suspension Bridges not in beam supported bridges.
Peter Lee
Peter Lee - 9 years ago
+edenian jade look from 0:18 and continue to watch the video. so you see the wavy concrete and the bottom of the bridge? if it were real then it would have moved with the bridge not into
supercar spotter
supercar spotter - 9 years ago
+Emily Talking ton you're retarted, this isn't edited dumbass never heard of fysics?
moonlightstripes - 9 years ago
The video is fake guys. If you need better proof (more so than the noticeable bad editing), look up other video's of bridges changing in amplitude and you'll definitely notice the difference. 
Clark DeYoung
Clark DeYoung - 9 years ago
+Emily Talking ton "The moon landing never happened, bush did 9/11, and this video is fake!!!" ......eye role
moonlightstripes - 9 years ago
+jackthayer I took Physics and I agree with him. The video seems edited. Especially evident side views. And the audio does not match the video lol
slothlover talkingsloth
slothlover talkingsloth - 9 years ago
+Roberto Bocaletti yeah!
slothlover talkingsloth
slothlover talkingsloth - 9 years ago
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 9 years ago
+edenian jade the video is real but it is edited to show that movement. That kind of movement do not occurs in that kind of structures. When you have that kind of estreme deformations it shows at least some damage.
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 9 years ago
+John Smith Sir, I am a Civil Engineer with studies in Structural Engineering Master Degree also I have studies in Bridges by the way when young my first job was in a Publicity Agency in which I learned about video editing. +UnOfficiallyRekt below has some good points to show it is a fake. You do not have to be an expert in concrete and steel to understand they do not behave like that.
Wintaris - 9 years ago
+John Smith the solid concrete walls are bending with the road? and the solid metal beams on the side are also fluxuating?
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
+Roberto Bocaletti you people are fucking dumb. It's not fake. Look it up somewhere else.
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 9 years ago
+OneSkiWonder be careful, Emily is right. You have to be an engineer to notice all errors in this video. Sorry , you are wrong . It is a fake.
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 9 years ago
+Roberto Bocaletti the video was real
Roberto Bocaletti
Roberto Bocaletti - 9 years ago
+edenian jade Photoshop is to pictures and Adobe After Effects or Final Cut Pro are for videos. You can edit and change videos ... it is called rotoscoping. This video is a fake.
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 9 years ago
+Sniper501 no this happen 
Sniper501 - 9 years ago
+OneSkiWonder it was fake and really getting mad over spelling lol
OneSkiWonder - 9 years ago
+Emily Talking ton You're stupid because you think this is faked. Many suspension bridges are designed to do this in extreme conditions. Also, you can't spell.
slothlover talkingsloth
slothlover talkingsloth - 9 years ago
Yeah u r stupid if u don't know what I mean!
Cosmos Violet
Cosmos Violet - 9 years ago
+Emily Talking ton it is a god damn video not a picture
TheMcMater - 9 years ago
Yo, The guys not even going anywhere.
Colt J80 - Xbox
Colt J80 - Xbox - 9 years ago
it's fake, the guy is not going anywhere when he walks
Kapkyk 007
Kapkyk 007 - 9 years ago
ugh! flashbacks of a Datura experiment.
Brian LRROVER - 9 years ago
its a very real think. look up tacoma narrows bridge. the wind creates a harmonic vibration within the design that creates that effect. its failed enginering
Kaya Egan
Kaya Egan - 9 years ago
Paul Miller
Paul Miller - 9 years ago
fake it isn't real it would not bend like that
Jackson Clark
Jackson Clark - 9 years ago
Russel Bellic
Russel Bellic - 9 years ago
The camera was drunk....!
BassPitt9191 - 9 years ago
Obviously fake
BassPitt9191 - 9 years ago
+mrdaviso just pointin out the obvious
mrdaviso - 9 years ago
Squeaky Clean
Squeaky Clean - 9 years ago
Nice filter
ThePostal67 - 9 years ago
Well, that explains why you can't use rubber for roadways, doesn't it?     Had one in Washington State in US that did that till it fell apart..     Wind and water will mess up our lives when ever it feels like it..
Trinity Fitton
Trinity Fitton - 9 years ago
Is that fake
Matthew B
Matthew B - 9 years ago
I thought Chuck Norris wasn't allowed on any more bridged
KitKat 2905
KitKat 2905 - 9 years ago
People these days are SO gullible!! It's clearly FAKE!!!
NooBZecTioN2 - 9 years ago
Guys WTF this is clearly fake xD
Steven - 9 years ago
its real a long time ago this happend with another bridge and many more, after a few minutes the bridge collapses but there whas a car on it and it felt into the river ( sorry for bad english )
NooBZecTioN2 - 9 years ago
+destrownz732 AND DUDE try to explain the guy walkin on spot not moving on the bridge and then tell me im an idiot
NooBZecTioN2 - 9 years ago
NooBZecTioN2 - 9 years ago
ye ofc m8 
John Doe
John Doe - 9 years ago
+NooBZecTioN2 nope/ its real - u can google "dancing bridge russia"
Joey hughes
Joey hughes - 9 years ago
This is so not real
carbrini boss
carbrini boss - 9 years ago
Legend27 - 9 years ago
Allie YT ツ
Allie YT ツ - 9 years ago
Oh my crap it reminded me of the great sand Francisco earthquake
Eddie Fernandez
Eddie Fernandez - 9 years ago
the bridge is doing the "ne ne" dance.
Buscuits Acc
Buscuits Acc - 9 years ago
bridges are designed to sway in winds , just like high-rise buildings
DmanHeadshot - 9 years ago
If you take a good amount of mushrooms, you can convince your self lines and patterns are waving like this. Good times
Conran Thomas
Conran Thomas - 9 years ago
I love how the local authorities claim it could have been an earthquake when it's clearly a result of resonance. This is poor design, that's all. Someone did a bad job of designing a shitty bridge and the vibration of vehicles and perhaps the wind set off the resonance. We had the same thing happen to the Millennium Bridge in London and the only way to fix it was adding dampers. An earthquake would not result in a long period of fluid motion like that, it's self-sustaining, therefore resonance.
korlum chukhu
korlum chukhu - 9 years ago
technology showing its best
Faye Thompson
Faye Thompson - 9 years ago
is this even real I don't think it is just saying not any words to be affected in so though if some is taken
yAsh T
yAsh T - 9 years ago
Nice Computer graphics. Bridge looks fine !!
Meme_god - 9 years ago
That's fake
vsbsbbs jsjj
vsbsbbs jsjj - 9 years ago
So fake
chasnu72 - 9 years ago
of course it's fake..bridges do sway but this is obvious
catman2125 345
catman2125 345 - 9 years ago
Maddens Bar & Restaurant High Street Antrim
Maddens Bar & Restaurant High Street Antrim - 9 years ago
anyone else feel sick and like they were on drugs while watching this
Zyro Gfx
Zyro Gfx - 9 years ago
That looks so fake x_x
redDL89 - 9 years ago
Looked exactly like the 'Galloping Gertie' Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940s. That bridge is now featured as a classic example of oscillation and aeroelastic flutter in engineering textbooks.
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 9 years ago
These are the not-so-good vibrations.
John6yt - 7 years ago
Someone needs to break out the theremin
travis james
travis james - 8 years ago
Alan Falleur
Alan Falleur - 9 years ago
Gotta keep those loving, good vibrations happening.
star dust
star dust - 9 years ago
And the sensation isn't always sweet
Jim Bob
Jim Bob - 9 years ago
I'm laughing
Leah Brumfield
Leah Brumfield - 9 years ago
Is it just me or is this road dancing. Wtf is this..
Michaela Daniels
Michaela Daniels - 9 years ago
galloping gertie!
Pinky Rainey
Pinky Rainey - 9 years ago
Tye Seeley
Tye Seeley - 9 years ago
Actually the bridge was participating in the wave while watching World Class Soccer.
Jun C
Jun C - 9 years ago
trust me I am an engineer!
Crazykid 073
Crazykid 073 - 9 years ago
Simply FACE! A wobbling bridge!
Steven Michael
Steven Michael - 9 years ago
Looks like Tacoma narrows...
Meh - 9 years ago
My gosh does anyone notice this is fake?
davidfreeman600 - 7 years ago
no because someone in the industry correct me if im wrong please. but bridges like this are made to flex so what your describing does not happen the steel and mix of asphalt is made to withstand the tention . if the bridge did not flex the high winds would cause more disastorous effects.
Meh - 9 years ago
+hai What Da I don't play mc anymore, and my channel is now focused on animations boy, if this is fake, just respectfully disagree otherwise.
Buscuits Acc
Buscuits Acc - 9 years ago
+TitanzGEM it's not fake you minecraft boi who has lack of knowledge
Kevin Michael Tolan
Kevin Michael Tolan - 9 years ago
+Chase Mccallum . So the reason it is fake is because they repeated the first clip on the news report, Oh okay. That is a sound argument which is underpinned by your vast knowledge of "things", It is so evident through your use of clever insult. You are fantastic buddy boy. Well done:)
KawaiiLuvsYou - 9 years ago
Albino Mulatto
Albino Mulatto - 9 years ago
+J Riendeau Doooooooooooooooooooooooo enlighten us as to why it is so fake...
J Riendeau
J Riendeau - 9 years ago
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FAKE!
tier915 - 9 years ago
It's not fake. It has to do with resonance vibration, either through wind or as in this case water. Basically, the wind, or wave, hits the bridge, which causes it to vibrate. When the frequency of the wind is just right, it will create a resonance in the bridge. This resonance amplifies the original vibration of the bridge, also increasing the amplitude of the vibration.
XanderP - 9 years ago
+TitanzGEM Man, just look at the golden gate and the "ponte 25 de abril) - portuguese bridge
they look the same, but they have something in commun, if you saw per example the san andreas movie you can see golden gate waving, it's because the bridge was made to do so, search a little on google and you'll find some things about it
Meh - 9 years ago
fullstrutn - 9 years ago
+TitanzGEM how are the trees staying stationary in the background if it's fake ?
Sick Fudda Kev
Sick Fudda Kev - 9 years ago
+TitanzGEM I don't see it shrinking and that fencing isn't iron as iron is not a metal that bends dramatically! If they where made of iron they would just crack. If the materials used were too rigid the bridges structure would vibrate too much and cause a collapse.
Also, This was shown on a lot of major news stations all around the world and I think someone better qualified and knowledgeable than you or I would spot inconsistencies in the video when it went out to millions all around the world.
Meh - 9 years ago
But below the iron fencing on the bridge is not moving, but shrinking, showing that the person clearly edited this video
Sick Fudda Kev
Sick Fudda Kev - 9 years ago
+Flor Minchez The road surface is made of special material but mostly asphalt and it can withstand these conditions with ease.
If you notice the bridge columns are made of concrete but not the road which the video is focusing mainly on.
It is so rare we see something like this it at first glance does look fake though.
Joeymonkey Joejoe
Joeymonkey Joejoe - 9 years ago
Of course it is the cement would be breaking to peices
Heratick - 9 years ago
soooooooo photo shoped
Wilco Muse
Wilco Muse - 9 years ago
i find that really hard to believe thats real
starman7417 - 9 years ago
Obviously fake
the artist
the artist - 9 years ago
Cool new camera App called Wavy Road!
Ben Robert
Ben Robert - 9 years ago
It's fake
iam Lee
iam Lee - 9 years ago
Faker than Kim k
Marco Alkuino
Marco Alkuino - 9 years ago
SiliquaeSid - 9 years ago
Designed by a "CAD Monkey" NOT an Engineer. A CAD Monkey is a graduate who has no idea of real world applications, designs using a computer and forgets to factor in the most important element... EXPERIENCE of the limitations of finite element analysis. How many bridges built by Brunell, Stevenson or Telford wobble due to wind resonance? NONE.
Jennica Mott
Jennica Mott - 9 years ago
it looks photo shopped: -/
dakotalayinlow - 9 years ago
+Jennica Mott weird how the trees in the background aren't moving at all and the water current below seems undisturbed...but supposedly that wind is over 100mph
Jennica Mott
Jennica Mott - 9 years ago
Whatever idc anymore
OneSkiWonder - 9 years ago
+Jennica Mott You're the dumbass who thinks it looks photoshopped. The bridge is designed to do this in high winds, instead of breaking. Lots of bridges are designed this way. It's not photoshopped.
Tomas Cvilikas
Tomas Cvilikas - 9 years ago
+Jennica Mott How can u edit a video with photoshop u morron?
DBlizz1991 - 9 years ago
This is most certainly fake. The steel cross beam under the road wouldn't squeeze and stretch like that. Please doubt everything you see on YouTube first and foremost -_-
jibran yousuf
jibran yousuf - 9 years ago
Fake no doubt. engineered with the help of cameras
Big X Plays ™
Big X Plays ™ - 9 years ago
If I was a bridge I would do this just to fun with people
NicVlogs - 9 years ago
Does anybody else see the bending bridge or am I just going crazy or is that just editing or something
Brizkyz YT
Brizkyz YT - 9 years ago
fake asf
Malakhi Leader
Malakhi Leader - 9 years ago
It looks fake idiot
Dylan Giffard
Dylan Giffard - 9 years ago
imagine being on acid and walking over that bridge! hahah
weekendfever20 - 9 years ago
I'm so confused how can metal bend like that
Mr_AceCharles 101
Mr_AceCharles 101 - 9 years ago
Looks like a bouncey road to me
Kevin Pickford
Kevin Pickford - 9 years ago
It was my tesla oscillator shaking that bridge
Elijah Mcdonald
Elijah Mcdonald - 9 years ago
Wait yea it's so fake
Elijah Mcdonald
Elijah Mcdonald - 9 years ago
Elijah Mcdonald
Elijah Mcdonald - 9 years ago
Its fake
dingo7055 - 9 years ago
This is what happens when your mafia daddy pays for your degree in Civil Engineering and you cheat on the exams.

Russia, not even once.
Paul Dogon
Paul Dogon - 9 years ago
Tacoma narrows, did no one learn from it
Panzer Faust
Panzer Faust - 9 years ago
Prvacy Goune
Prvacy Goune - 9 years ago
Same mistake as when Galloping Gurdy was built a long time ago. The Russians tried to take a construction short cut.
The New Talker Guy
The New Talker Guy - 9 years ago
I think this happens when vibrations create constructive interference with the bridge?
Jack o
Jack o - 8 years ago
+Peter Lee its not fake. 
giggleherz - 8 years ago
+Peter Lee its not fake its the wind and a bad design, check out (Tacoma Narrows Bridge)
Pearly Humbucker
Pearly Humbucker - 9 years ago
+1,000,420,069 views Jack is right. This bridge is not completed. The second span has yet to be build. If special windy conditions occur the bridge will beginn to move with the wind and then against the wind, resulting in the twisting and swinging you can see in the video. Meanwhile they attached some special mass dampers there to slow down movements if they occur - clearly they dont wanna lose this bridge in the same manner like the Tacoma River bridge.....
Peter Lee
Peter Lee - 9 years ago
+ThePostal67 bruh it's fake...they waved the bridge with editing then they used creaking noises to make it look legit. the creak g is much too loud and sometimes out of place to be real.
Liyana M
Liyana M - 9 years ago
+ThePostal67 thank you
tmj992 - 9 years ago
+ThePostal67 Right, thank you for pointing that out. :)
ThePostal67 - 9 years ago
+tmj992  Not sound!   Wind!    Yesterday was the anniversary of it falling down in America....   Wikipedia:  "Construction on the bridge began in September 1938. From the time the deck was built, it began to move vertically in windy conditions, which led to construction workers giving the bridge the nickname Galloping Gertie. The motion was observed even when the bridge opened to the public. Several measures aimed at stopping the motion were ineffective, and the bridge's main span finally collapsed under 40-mile-per-hour (64 km/h) wind conditions the morning of November 7, 1940."
tmj992 - 9 years ago
I believe it has something to do with sound frequency, something similar happened to Tacoma narrows bridge in Seattle and the bridge collapsed (there is actual footage)
Before it collapsed it was swinging much more violently than this bridge.
Check it out
Jack o
Jack o - 9 years ago
old bridges and strong winds have done this many times in the past
1,000,420,069 views - 9 years ago
You think or youve rescearched cause your theory is very plausible
Jack o
Jack o - 9 years ago
+Prescott Fulton its the wind and a loosely fastened bridge.
Jordan Howard
Jordan Howard - 9 years ago
Fuck off complete bullshit.
Binoy Vudayagiri
Binoy Vudayagiri - 9 years ago
Prime example of poor Bridge engineering. Tacoma Narrows was lost due to the same mistake committed by engineers.
Marcus Stormm
Marcus Stormm - 9 years ago
this is obviously fake
ren dell
ren dell - 9 years ago
Kinda cute.
The Dudemeister1006
The Dudemeister1006 - 9 years ago
when i saw this i thought i was high at first.
creative mimi
creative mimi - 9 years ago
This is stupisd that's impossible so yea that's not real my cousen made this video and he said he just edited
Echo - 9 years ago
Photoshop? xD
Eric Rivera
Eric Rivera - 9 years ago
Looks fake
Jared From Statefarm
Jared From Statefarm - 9 years ago
This looks so photo shopped..... ik it isent though
Liam hawthorn
Liam hawthorn - 9 years ago
Great everything wants a scotch :P
Jim Menefee
Jim Menefee - 9 years ago
That is using a effects liar!
ThinkingBetter - 9 years ago
Bad bridge design with an obvious ability to resonate at a low frequency.
CloserExamination - 9 years ago
eh, em.....nothing unusual at all. The bridge was designed to roll in order to mitigate a full collapse.
NoApparentReason-Chan - 9 years ago
That's so fake
NoApparentReason-Chan - 9 years ago
That's so fake
Elmasfresc0 Megustanlasdrogas
Elmasfresc0 Megustanlasdrogas - 9 years ago
FAKE VIDEO !!! 1000 thums down
Kylah Rayne
Kylah Rayne - 9 years ago
How is anybody believing this...
Grapes - 9 years ago
Wtf that's edited
YoungQbn - 9 years ago
Solid Stake
Solid Stake - 9 years ago
Jake walker
Jake walker - 9 years ago
Jayden Oquendo
Jayden Oquendo - 9 years ago
Nathan Smitley
Nathan Smitley - 9 years ago
IndianaJoe - 9 years ago
Waves? Where?
davidevgen - 9 years ago
looks like fun to drive on lol :P
K Kr
K Kr - 7 years ago
They put in dampers for the resonance, although they didn't pinpoint the sources of the problem.
fmanh - 8 years ago
+Harry Playz this is a classical example of an old engineering problem involving natural oscillations, in bridges it is typically induced by wind (often quite low wind speeds actually). all construction have a resonance frequency. the trick is to place that frequency somewhere where it usually not occurs. I. e this is an engineering mishap.
Steven - 9 years ago
+Foxy's Bite 1987 yup haha
Evanation - 9 years ago
+Toyota Yaris Yea, everyone would be like-  AHHHHHHHHH!! WHY IS HE OUT THERE!!??
Steven - 9 years ago
+Foxy's Bite 1987 lol yeah, otherwhise the whole camera would shake
Evanation - 9 years ago
+Toyota Yaris I forgot to write that down on my comment!!
Steven - 9 years ago
+Harry Playz the guy couldnt film if there whas an earthquake
Harry Playz
Harry Playz - 9 years ago
+Toyota Yaris No earthquakes not  wind . Imagain if Storm frank hit tower bridge abd tower bridge fell? Impossible
Steven - 9 years ago
+Macie Prosper its not fake the wind causes this
Mr. Chip
Mr. Chip - 9 years ago
+davidevgen but its fake
davidevgen - 9 years ago
+Harry Playz
 yeah but still fun :P
Harry Playz
Harry Playz - 9 years ago
+davidevgen But its danderous too
Pichaut pichaut
Pichaut pichaut - 9 years ago
ja ne marqe
Fuckwit - 9 years ago
Go on a damn semi ur semi gunna be like AAAAHHHHHH. And ur gunna be like weeeeeeeeee
Steven - 9 years ago
Aleksiyaa.steele - 9 years ago
Lol yeah
stirgy - 9 years ago
+davidevgen - yeah - do like 100mph~!
Nelson Kendrick
Nelson Kendrick - 9 years ago
That so fake u guys r dumb
NASEERTUBE2012 - 9 years ago
Fake fake fake
There was a man casually walking on the left side while the bridge is moving up and down
Karen Newton
Karen Newton - 9 years ago
This is all made up
Jonathon Vince
Jonathon Vince - 9 years ago
Bad bridge design for airflow. They should have mad one lane grated.
DaFlip - 9 years ago
That's fake!!!!!!!!! Look closer you can tell its computer generated. At 0:14 the bridge has solid supports and what bridge expands and contracts it completely fake
jude_AKA-ms - 9 years ago
Not real
Velvet - 9 years ago
looks fake
Joshua Faulkenberry
Joshua Faulkenberry - 9 years ago
You can tell that's fake
eXtremeDR - 9 years ago
Just the new international standard stress test for all bridges.
DanDeCapio J.
DanDeCapio J. - 9 years ago
0:06 Only in Russia a bridge is about to collapse and this guy on the sidewalk is not even passed he just keeps walking like nothing is happening. lol
chad gelhar
chad gelhar - 9 years ago
TheWyodon - 9 years ago
Well putin would have the engineer shot.
nubman0 - 9 years ago
It's not fake, it's a phenomenon called resonance.
Scary Killer Clowns
Scary Killer Clowns - 9 years ago
Why is nobody driving on it? Free 6 flags ride lol!
Andy Peterson
Andy Peterson - 9 years ago
Avery YTPMV - 9 years ago
This is true because I watch some bridges do that.
Max Miles
Max Miles - 9 years ago
its the resonance of the bridge in the wind at certain speed, some dampeners will fix that right up.
Suhena Begum
Suhena Begum - 9 years ago
James Colby
James Colby - 9 years ago
It looks like Russian bridge made it. maybe not a sustained gale  Engineers learned alot from that event.  A perfect storm-the wind harp effect.  youtube wind hard and galloping gertie.  Phenomenal
ZombieToad - 9 years ago
This is faker then 911
Babcock Kids
Babcock Kids - 9 years ago
Fake. If you look at the side its getting bigger and smaller
Yeah,i guess so
Yeah,i guess so - 9 years ago
Really a meritable design in engineering. Very smart to construct a bridge with the circumstances of weather, as always, however going to the point of constructing a homogenous chain of roads, rather than a flat rigid concrete extremity
Ben Whoever
Ben Whoever - 9 years ago
fake and gay.
Ben Whoever
Ben Whoever - 9 years ago
+Ethan Cantu

Yeah i know you are a gay Jew.
Ethan Cantu
Ethan Cantu - 9 years ago
+Ben Whoever Kid shut the fuck up do you even know what gay means first of all and your not even suppose to be on YouTube yet your too young faggot.
Chris - 9 years ago
Not fake and you're gayyyyyyyyyyy
Babiker Albanna
Babiker Albanna - 9 years ago
Here's why this is fake without getting into physics, the design of the bridge, or the strength of the materials used. The light poles, which are perpendicular to the bridge, would not be simply moving up and down and remain parallel to each other both at once. Their upper ends would move closer and farther from each other as the theoretical line, the bridge surface, that they're perpendicular to becomes a curve; Similar to the teeth of a comb if you were to bend the comb inwards and outwards. This deviation from perpendicularity shouldn't be that much, but should certainly be noticeable from the perspective filmed above. The top ends of the poles do appear to get closer in the video, but not as a result of the aforementioned opinion. This is happening because of the warping effect used in the video.
keeger - 9 years ago
+Babiker Albanna i hate to tell you this is very real, this happened in the US to the same kind of concrete and steel bridge.
Kevin Barraza
Kevin Barraza - 9 years ago
plane lover
plane lover - 9 years ago
Neil Parker
Neil Parker - 9 years ago
Cactus Breath
Cactus Breath - 9 years ago
I I was on that bridge I'd shit my pants
Clarty Paths
Clarty Paths - 9 years ago
looks fine to me, they should make 'em all like that
Mads V
Mads V - 9 years ago
if u look at the trees in the background they dont move
txrn79 - 9 years ago
That is totally fake because I don't even see huge waves in the water
TestTubeBabySpy - 9 years ago
John Dobson
John Dobson - 9 years ago
0:16 look at the bridge its obviously fake including the guy. He should have been on the ground
liefhebber179 - 9 years ago
russian crap bridge ha ha ha
TheRedNeckGamer777 - 9 years ago
That bridge likes to boogie.
ob08 - 9 years ago
Russian build quality.
Patrick S.
Patrick S. - 9 years ago
+ob08 most likely made by germans
Andrew Dodson
Andrew Dodson - 9 years ago
This is because of structural dynamics!! When we engineers create systems, sometimes there are eigenvalues of the system that can be excited by a specific input, in this case the pressure from wind blowing at a certain speed!

What is interesting is this is a wonderful analogy to power systems. When you think about resonance in power flows that can be excited by changes in load, or even variable sources of power (i.e. wind and solar)... you start to understand why renewable energy is such a bad thing to have on the grid!
Kendalxox forgatch
Kendalxox forgatch - 9 years ago
The bridge was high on something XD
Cuber 420
Cuber 420 - 9 years ago
Gareth Ifan
Gareth Ifan - 9 years ago
Vodka bridge mmm....
Ryder Kingsbury
Ryder Kingsbury - 9 years ago
Fake and gay
Ryder Kingsbury
Ryder Kingsbury - 9 years ago
+ninejets It's fine that you're upset
ninejets - 9 years ago
+Ryder Kingsbury nah , just saw you comment on this video 
Ryder Kingsbury
Ryder Kingsbury - 9 years ago
+ninejets Lmao yeah you are
ninejets - 9 years ago
+Ryder Kingsbury nah bro 
Ryder Kingsbury
Ryder Kingsbury - 9 years ago
+ninejets You mad or somethin?
ninejets - 9 years ago
+Ryder Kingsbury fuck up.
Paulina Silva
Paulina Silva - 9 years ago
What the?
Ethan Kane
Ethan Kane - 9 years ago
That was the most fakes video I have ever seen.
J Walker
J Walker - 9 years ago
looks like wind to me
Cozyone Girl
Cozyone Girl - 9 years ago
Bridge Dont have move
jpsholland - 9 years ago
Wrong build, just like "Gallopin Gertie". This is the effect of a strong wind. This bridge will brake up in pieces when it meets a storm.
Bogdan Curta
Bogdan Curta - 9 years ago
blnstr - 9 years ago
If you think this is dramatic, watch a vid on the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse!
Justdean - 9 years ago
was saying the Tacoma Narrows and Gallopin  Gertie are the same bridge
Ethan Cantu
Ethan Cantu - 9 years ago
+blnstr Yes I lived in Bremerton, Washington.
blnstr - 9 years ago
+James Bond The speed of the wind as a cause of the collapse is a well known fact.
connor davis
connor davis - 9 years ago
Not the same bridge. Not even the same design. Galloping gurty was a suspension bridge.
Justdean - 9 years ago
+James Bond
They're the same bridge, different name.
James Bond
James Bond - 9 years ago
+blnstr That was Gallopin' Gertie which was caused by the wind.
Paul Murray
Paul Murray - 9 years ago
It's fake why it makes the same sound and it's animated.
jpsholland - 9 years ago
+Paul Murray  do you actually know how difficult and time comsuming it is to make an animation like this? And that it cant be done with Windows Moviemaker? You need quite professional and very expensive software for that. Why should one do that just to show on a video-noob-site filled with idiots?

Beside of that, there is footage of the same bridge behaviour way before the digital fake-your-video era. (Tacoma bridge "gallopin Gertie)
Le Tigidou
Le Tigidou - 9 years ago
Sounds like a busy bed....
Terry Fury
Terry Fury - 9 years ago
You can all argue like little bitches all you want. Same ole, same ole YouTube shit!
Now, I believe it's possible. I'd just like to know what is causing it..
There doesn't seem to be any strong winds.
The guy was walking normal and the view of the water shows it to be calm.
Maybe this one is fake.
Does anyone have an intelligent answer?
Key word; "Intelligent".
Evan Brace
Evan Brace - 9 years ago
its so fake it hurts
Priyeranjan K
Priyeranjan K - 9 years ago
Its vodka's magic...
jude_AKA-ms - 9 years ago
Kerri Olson
Kerri Olson - 9 years ago
Reminds me of first year audio engineering, learning about wavelengths. :D
Yievguiney Dyfort
Yievguiney Dyfort - 9 years ago
This is what happens when Mother Nature gets High.
xokocodo - 9 years ago
You can see the standing wave in the bridge from resonance. This type of thing can easily lead to collapse.
Gain Bik
Gain Bik - 9 years ago
chanctonbury63 - 9 years ago
There you go. You can blame that on the Fascist Zionists in Kiev, foreign agents and Obama too.
Rick Stark
Rick Stark - 9 years ago
Nah, we'll just blame Obama for 10% black unemployment
Gustajuy - 9 years ago
Someone dropped the bass.
Shekelwitz - 9 years ago
Photoshop duh
William Walker
William Walker - 9 years ago
Indranil Choudhury
Indranil Choudhury - 9 years ago
Go home bridge you're too high!!

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