See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

SURFACE, a ROAM Original, is the story of how award-winning photographer Ben Thouard invented a new perspective of our world—shot underwater from inside a wave looking back at the landscape as never seen before. His love of the ocean, surfing, and windsurfing brought him to the small village of Teahupoo, Tahiti, where he can see the legendary surf break from his backyard. From the crystal clear waters of French Polynesia, his creative vision and desire to do something original took hold. After 15 years of trial and error, failure and success, he persevered to discover his own signature photographic style, as seen in his stunning new book, SURFACE. He hopes this new vision of our oceans, in their most pristine form, will inspire others to protect them. “Through this work, I hope people can realize that we need to take care of our garbage and recycle all of the plastic,” says Ben. Learn more about his story and see his gear kit and photography:

See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface" sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

Surf 6 years ago 197,523 views

SURFACE, a ROAM Original, is the story of how award-winning photographer Ben Thouard invented a new perspective of our world—shot underwater from inside a wave looking back at the landscape as never seen before. His love of the ocean, surfing, and windsurfing brought him to the small village of Teahupoo, Tahiti, where he can see the legendary surf break from his backyard. From the crystal clear waters of French Polynesia, his creative vision and desire to do something original took hold. After 15 years of trial and error, failure and success, he persevered to discover his own signature photographic style, as seen in his stunning new book, SURFACE. He hopes this new vision of our oceans, in their most pristine form, will inspire others to protect them. “Through this work, I hope people can realize that we need to take care of our garbage and recycle all of the plastic,” says Ben. Learn more about his story and see his gear kit and photography:

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Most popular comments
for See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

Jayanth c l
Jayanth c l - 6 years ago
Taking it to the next level , PSYCH..
question - 6 years ago
Yahir. Films
Yahir. Films - 6 years ago
TheMozzaok - 6 years ago
This man's photography is the best. It is a true homage to the beauty of the ocean that real surfers appreciate, and reminds us of special moments we all have had, that enshrines the spiritual attachment we feel for the oceans and especially it's beautiful waves.
Jessica Beavers
Jessica Beavers - 6 years ago
Window xp has crashed.
Em - 6 years ago
brilliant short movie
MARCELLO6859 - 6 years ago
Very good job!!! You are the top ;-)
Makta972 - 6 years ago
I'm not a hater but there is many surf photographers that did better things then this guy. He didn't invent anything. Chris lirtle,burkart, mckenna etc etc
Motion Nations
Motion Nations - 6 years ago
Upload this to Vimeo and you will get the Staff Pick easily. Incredible video :)

10. comment for See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

Steven avila
Steven avila - 6 years ago
who ever hit thumbs down is a big ass HATER
Wout Meulemans
Wout Meulemans - 6 years ago
33 dislikes . thats a low record
Simon Leon
Simon Leon - 6 years ago
I never get tired of watching this video
Gustavo Ulloa
Gustavo Ulloa - 6 years ago
Great one...
Yirahi Goo
Yirahi Goo - 6 years ago
Estas cosas me enamoran! Felicidades!
Rik de Bruijn
Rik de Bruijn - 6 years ago
3:51 magical!!!
heart of the traitor. العلاوي amine
heart of the traitor. العلاوي amine - 6 years ago
Glory be to Allah the Creator ❤
jasonjamesknight - 6 years ago
jasonjamesknight - 6 years ago
Some amazing photos. Very talented guy
Niko de La Faye
Niko de La Faye - 6 years ago
great job!
Dan Gamer
Dan Gamer - 6 years ago
I swear there was an old surf video that was shot entirely from the back of the wave under water.

20. comment for See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

Jack Britton
Jack Britton - 6 years ago

kabo ji
kabo ji - 6 years ago
My heart trembles in the beauty world where the waves make!
Kadi Gaming
Kadi Gaming - 6 years ago
really amizing hope the bast for you sand me your instagram pls
Dan Read
Dan Read - 6 years ago
Hyper real unbelievable stuff. Great film making. A life's work.
Matches Mon
Matches Mon - 6 years ago
I like to turn down his commentary and play my own surf music.
Pedro Gordinho
Pedro Gordinho - 6 years ago
Waves are such a perfect beautiful thing, that it must be a creation of the matrix.
There´s no way they are real. :)
B2-Jakob Hallaert
B2-Jakob Hallaert - 6 years ago
big credits to the one filming this, those cave shots are pretty epic
Crankypotatoe - 6 years ago
Tfw the guy photographing the award-winning photographer is a better photographer.
FlorianSievi - 6 years ago
I have to meet Ben! So powerful!
Jayden Lawson
Jayden Lawson - 6 years ago
Just wow. Inspiring

30. comment for See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

Speedy Marc
Speedy Marc - 6 years ago
How do the waves make these rings. 3:51
Wow love nature.
NeonsStyle - 6 years ago
Wow, sublime imagery. Would you object if I painted one or two of these? Not for sale of course lol
Brian Rocca Vlogs
Brian Rocca Vlogs - 6 years ago
Pablo Sánchez Bokeron
Pablo Sánchez Bokeron - 6 years ago
Noone AnybodyKnows
Noone AnybodyKnows - 6 years ago
Other worldly; I've never seen underwater waves.Wow!
Ryan Buckingham
Ryan Buckingham - 6 years ago
So I guess the person videoing this is the world's best underwater surf photographer photographer.
cher young
cher young - 6 years ago
seeing the nature in another perspective!
John Peabody
John Peabody - 6 years ago
Zanzibar979 - 6 years ago
An honest love of the ocean has its own rewards and genuine people like Ben, are a real force of nature.
Bernardo Vidal
Bernardo Vidal - 6 years ago
22 dislikes = 22 photographers that fail every day.
Emma Zhang
Emma Zhang - 6 years ago
This is totally awesome!
El Chavez
El Chavez - 6 years ago
I would love to see a full documentary on this subject. Amazing videography and I admire the photographers passion for his work.
CHIARADINA.COM - 6 years ago
Extraordinary beauty. Thank u!
aljaljga dlksfjalja
aljaljga dlksfjalja - 6 years ago
Beautiful, just wondering. how can he afford his life style with this while having a family, a house and a car?
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Classic french already attempts to surrender at the 3:00 min mark
Gribbo9999 - 6 years ago
Some beautiful images. Unfortunately the French accent keeps reminding me of Bikini Bottom. But wow! Really stunning images.
Matt Del Videos VLOGS
Matt Del Videos VLOGS - 6 years ago
This was pretty amazing.
YodaSquirrel - 6 years ago
The song is: With You - Sam von Horn. If anyone is curious
dutch1171 - 6 years ago
20 dislikes... to those 20 people - wtf?
Bradley Kandhai
Bradley Kandhai - 6 years ago
Wow this was beautiful and inspiring.

50. comment for See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

Климент Алмазов
Климент Алмазов - 6 years ago
Just nuts. Haven't got the words.
Backyard Music Feedback
Backyard Music Feedback - 6 years ago
I want to drink that water and maybe use it as eye drops in the morning
Nani Marieajesiah
Nani Marieajesiah - 6 years ago
Oblivion - 6 years ago
This is absolutely awesome!
delmas samba
delmas samba - 6 years ago
WOOWWWW those french guys like really the oceans THE COUSTEAU family , jacques ROUGERIE ( SEAORBITER ) now this guy!!!!!!!! i love it!!!
Baz Matthews
Baz Matthews - 6 years ago
Utterly breathtaking!
Johan Fu
Johan Fu - 6 years ago
We need not forget the god of a photographer filming the featured photographer.
Martyville - 6 years ago
Beautiful work, I'd Love to have you video some Hobie 16 cats from underneath in the surf, you can start with mine!!!! Really though, you have given us all a different perspective on waves and that is a beautiful and amazing thing!!! Big fan now!!!! Fantastic work!!!!
Majyk - 6 years ago
This almost put me to sleep, not out of boredom, but it was so relaxing and mesmerizing
Vanessa Gomes
Vanessa Gomes - 6 years ago
Nuno Alvito
Nuno Alvito - 6 years ago
Great work! Loved it!
ivan reinaldo
ivan reinaldo - 6 years ago
We need more video like this on youtube
MrBrettrx7 - 6 years ago
Epic living right there
Clement Joubert
Clement Joubert - 6 years ago
one of the beautifulest thing i was able to see in my life inside the waves is like another world its crazy
nihal dhammika
nihal dhammika - 6 years ago
Gears please???
Bradley S.
Bradley S. - 6 years ago
Patrick O'Leary
Patrick O'Leary - 6 years ago
CaMullins7 - 6 years ago
Clark Little is also a phenomenal Underwater Photographer. Who is the "best" is up to interpretation
Adam Harding
Adam Harding - 6 years ago
This guy is living the dream.
Kez - 6 years ago
Edwardecko type in cat falling off fence
prtzy - 6 years ago
music at 0:40 ? Please?
Lochlain jee
Lochlain jee - 6 years ago
i need one of thoes warter cases anyone know were to get them rlly love this vido
larsmonsen88 - 6 years ago
5:31 !!!!! WOW
chulieho - 6 years ago
pretty good
LOLEliSays - 6 years ago
I love this. I wonder what his income is tho
Joe Stockton
Joe Stockton - 6 years ago
American af
Chris20197 - 6 years ago
anyone know the name of the song at 0:39 ?
Israel Sanchez
Israel Sanchez - 6 years ago
Patrick Kees
Patrick Kees - 6 years ago the book out yet???
Mirna Humphreys
Mirna Humphreys - 6 years ago
Beautiful pictures. Handsome guy. Nice family. Dream job.
DarkSagan - 6 years ago
Absolutely fucking amazing. Clark little and Ben are sick.
Solomon Rose
Solomon Rose - 6 years ago
Paul Maheno
Paul Maheno - 6 years ago
wow, best sub 10 min video on the planet
mid life grom
mid life grom - 6 years ago
Chris Brunskill
Chris Brunskill - 6 years ago
Inspired. My coffee table is waiting impatiently!
Logan Hall
Logan Hall - 6 years ago
Well done Surfer. Your video is way more impressive than his awesome photos. Great work
Karkasse Le Bordelais
Karkasse Le Bordelais - 6 years ago
You have to imagine the thousands and thousands of hours spent in the water to get those beautiful images. Congratulations for this fantastic job.
will luna
will luna - 6 years ago
loved this!
Wayvze - 6 years ago
This kind of dedication and focus to a project with an art is really impressive. The photos are phenomenal. Thank you.
javier urrutia
javier urrutia - 6 years ago
Beautiful work! Congratulations!
Andreas Marí Enseñat
Andreas Marí Enseñat - 6 years ago
Fcking A M A Z I N G . 12/10
Eternal Athletes
Eternal Athletes - 6 years ago
That is what you call detication! Waiting months and years for a perfect shot !
MiddleClass Mayhem
MiddleClass Mayhem - 6 years ago
His photos and this cinematography are too dope!
Luka Seabourne-Carlin
Luka Seabourne-Carlin - 6 years ago
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Wasn't his if he's in it it's not him recording
Matthew S Halim
Matthew S Halim - 6 years ago
Whata god
Bali Yacht Services
Bali Yacht Services - 6 years ago
Antoz Igrecté
Antoz Igrecté - 6 years ago
If he is looking this comment :
Bravo c'est magnifique !
Victor Sa
Victor Sa - 6 years ago
Video was to short .......amazing pics
Adrian Brady
Adrian Brady - 6 years ago
Eddie Fury
Eddie Fury - 6 years ago
David Hoyte
David Hoyte - 6 years ago
andrew harding
andrew harding - 6 years ago
Such an amazing & inspiring video, shows how life should be
Kez - 6 years ago
andrew harding sitting under the water taking photographs while rest of us battle climate change and the rising threat of north Korea

100. comment for See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

cookie muncher
cookie muncher - 6 years ago
Does anybody know the camera. That was hella crisp
bragee - 6 years ago
50k views for this masterpiece are ridiculous.
I also see 10 dislikes, envy is a bad beast...
Mind blowing.
Periko Palotes palotones
Periko Palotes palotones - 6 years ago
5.28 you deserve a prize!
Periko Palotes palotones
Periko Palotes palotones - 6 years ago
3.50 wow! Never seen it before!! Someone explain that please!!
Periko Palotes palotones
Periko Palotes palotones - 6 years ago
Those air rings around the tube are awesome! I had never noticed them in other footages...
It's like air bubbles get caught and them spin around the tube.. so cool!
Gabriel Rafer
Gabriel Rafer - 6 years ago
Alec Lyons
Alec Lyons - 6 years ago
love these shots, there is a guy in Wollongong Australia that had been doing this for years and years
Keqian Wang
Keqian Wang - 6 years ago
Epic, really cool!
Reefs Haisham
Reefs Haisham - 6 years ago
words can not describe how awesome this is. holy fuck!!
Ira  Amerson
Ira Amerson - 6 years ago
His stuff is amazing but he didn't invent through the wave landscapes but he does do incredible ones! I know because I was doing them in 2006 and others were before me...Scott Aichner, Aaron Chang, etc...
Nani Marieajesiah
Nani Marieajesiah - 6 years ago
Ira Amerson ahh, nitty
Ira  Amerson
Ira Amerson - 6 years ago
I quote "Ben Thouard invented a new perspective of our world..." as said in video description by Surfer. his photography is incredible though!
Nani Marieajesiah
Nani Marieajesiah - 6 years ago
Ira Amerson Nobody really invents anything.. it's just who gets publicity/acknowledgement first eh? Video never said a thing about him inventing it. This guy is passionate and real, thankful for him to represent. Just a cool biographic. Peace to you
Jahiem Glinton
Jahiem Glinton - 6 years ago
5:28 plot twist he's just filming the regular opening of the portal to another world
Gordon Fuentes
Gordon Fuentes - 6 years ago
awesome gr8 job aloooha frm HI 808 strong
Dinky-Di - 6 years ago
When talent and passion meet.
Godz PvP
Godz PvP - 6 years ago
Him “I couldn’t imagine being away from the ocean” I do it everyday I’m from Utah
POShorebreak - 6 years ago
Him and Clark little know how to live life
mrclancymac1 - 6 years ago
everyone takes these photos in Australia this isn't new or unique.
Dave Johnsen
Dave Johnsen - 6 years ago
Digital photography / photoshopping has made even the novice photographer pretty good. However, it STILL takes a talented photographer with an "eye" for it to make a GREAT photographer. Nice job and beautiful pics!
Bill Joel
Bill Joel - 6 years ago
Great will pay back at some point for you. Hard work and a vision usually do in the end.
Tom Woods
Tom Woods - 6 years ago
Beautiful vision and such a great story about dedication to the craft, love this clip
MARCELO ROCHA - 6 years ago
DudeManBro - 6 years ago
Pascal Frei
Pascal Frei - 6 years ago
Kez fact but the question was just out of interest ;)
Kez - 6 years ago
Don't ask cause you won't be able to afford it
The 1
The 1 - 6 years ago
Y r there naked babies on da nude beach
Alex Paul
Alex Paul - 6 years ago
This video is incredibly inspiring. I love surfing and photography, and this has made me love the two EVEN more
Moofy - 6 years ago
That's amazing, would just be Amazing to freebie below those waves there
Richard N
Richard N - 6 years ago
Incredible work!
How can six people dislike???? Weirdos!
Joey Wan
Joey Wan - 6 years ago
They are scared of the ocean or waves
Periko Palotes palotones
Periko Palotes palotones - 6 years ago
Sith Lord I thought the same hahahah
Blaine Finn
Blaine Finn - 6 years ago
Dan Beck that's where you're wrong. No one likes working in an office
Dan Beck
Dan Beck - 6 years ago
They work in an office...and love it.
Sith Lord
Sith Lord - 6 years ago
Richard N they accidentally hit the wrong button
Nainoa Productions
Nainoa Productions - 6 years ago
Clark little
ENDLESS SUMMITS - 6 years ago
lafite1964 - 6 years ago
the 6:00 mark is amazing
alejandro corpeño
alejandro corpeño - 6 years ago
Exquisite imagery, sound production, editing. This is a masterpiece
garret c
garret c - 6 years ago
Will Abbott
Will Abbott - 6 years ago
whats the camera?
phapnui - 6 years ago
Most beautiful video I have seen in a long time.
Jayden Lawson
Jayden Lawson - 6 years ago
Same - visually and audibly
Michal Šofer
Michal Šofer - 6 years ago
me too
Jonathan Rath
Jonathan Rath - 6 years ago
Beautiful. However, I prefer the work of Morgan Maassen.
P Y R O - 6 years ago
Insanely beautiful! and the dedication
John A
John A - 6 years ago
S I C K ! ! !
Alex Going
Alex Going - 6 years ago
That is just to cool
Dylan Brayshaw
Dylan Brayshaw - 6 years ago
Great imagery Ben, Next level through the wave landscapes, brilliant!
Ricardo Andres Rojas Chaparro
Ricardo Andres Rojas Chaparro - 6 years ago
Keep on clicking. I'm in gratitude. Thank you.
UmpaLoempa - 6 years ago
Does anyone know which brand flippers he uses? Thanks!
Desmond Mahor
Desmond Mahor - 6 years ago
Those are Vissla x DaFin models
ACID SNOW - 6 years ago
man what a crazy video!
great cinematography as usual!
thanks for sharing this
really enjoyed watching this
Volahn - 6 years ago
Wow amazing
Tracy Pond
Tracy Pond - 6 years ago
People Who Can't See True Beauty Of Such Brilliant Artistry Are The One's That Give A Thumbs Down!!! Why Do They Even Bother!!?? Ben You Are Brilliant!!!
Matthew Walker
Matthew Walker - 6 years ago
Ben, the king.
Hayn Soja
Hayn Soja - 6 years ago
Sorry but Clark Little has been doing this for over 10 years. He did not invent this.
R Nunez C.
R Nunez C. - 6 years ago
Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong Un - 6 years ago
The way you can see the mountains through the waves is so freaking awesome and stunning.
Zavier Orlos
Zavier Orlos - 6 years ago
H..Y S..T!
Riaan van schalkwyk
Riaan van schalkwyk - 6 years ago
William Day
William Day - 6 years ago
This is one of those really inspirational videos that really makes me want to pack my bags and start a career in photography
KIM - 6 years ago
Yeah thinking about that also
ll jj
ll jj - 6 years ago
But then you sit back down on your couch and watch more youtube
Alekzander - 6 years ago
Do it, you only live once
meowingtonmat - 6 years ago
awesome !
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
Nature moves at her own pace
That momentum of energy is time in motion
Paul Brookshire
Paul Brookshire - 6 years ago
"When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. " ~ John Muir
Guillaume Romanetto
Guillaume Romanetto - 6 years ago
Salut Ben, j'adore ce que tu fais, je me rends en polynésie dans 1 ou 2 mois, es ce que tu fais des expos ? Si oui, où? Ca m'intéresse.
brian walker
brian walker - 6 years ago
Very well done. Congrats!
Ben Thouard Photography
Ben Thouard Photography - 6 years ago
Thank you so much SURFER and ROAM !! Love !
ijovan - 6 years ago
Ben, Your work is amazing!!!! Makes me want to get out in the surf to shoot. 3 more weeks and I am back in Costa Rica. Land of the Pura Vida! My images can be viewed at
Rob Vig
Rob Vig - 6 years ago
Can you believe some pole smoker actually gave this video a thumbs down?
brett jackman
brett jackman - 6 years ago
wtf is that shit with the rings of air around the barrel turbulence...ive surfed my entire life and never seen that.....
sunn power
sunn power - 6 years ago
After viewing this video I am even more amazed than I ever have been with that monster of a wave and how people don't get killed when they fall. It's freakin 3 foot deep!!!!!!! I have seen countless footage over all the years and still can't wrap my head around it.
sunn power
sunn power - 6 years ago
That inside is knee deep!!!!!!! Can you imagine standing on a sharp reef in knee deep water and you watch as a 30 foot wall of white water is charging at you. What do you do??? Pray?? I've surfed heavy waves ( to a mere mortal) but this place is ridiculous. Takes something special to throw yourself over the ledge of one of those things. You have it or you don't.
CoveringFish - 6 years ago
sunn power true
GREG E3 EGG - 6 years ago
Beautiful work , can’t believe it’s got a dislike , smh !
Konigse - 6 years ago
It gives me goose bumps
tom7865 - 6 years ago
Here is a man doing life properly.
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Guess what his family probably do for him to pursue this "ART"
ImReeflexx - 6 years ago
tom7865 living*
Dean Casarte
Dean Casarte - 6 years ago
Excellent music!!
ben anderson
ben anderson - 6 years ago
Melanie Papadopoulos
Melanie Papadopoulos - 6 years ago
where’s the full version?
Jason Holliday
Jason Holliday - 6 years ago
Josh - 6 years ago
Credit to the guy or girl videoing him as he gets shots of the waves
3:25 was an awesome shot
bells - 6 years ago
just trying to enjoy this beautiful video and you ruined it with that comment, good on ya
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Its a guy no women would have the build to withstand that sucking force of the wave
Bradley Kandhai
Bradley Kandhai - 6 years ago
Was thinking the same thing. The guy who shot him him is great too.
Josh - 6 years ago
Yes they were
Ammo Thak
Ammo Thak - 6 years ago
They were all amazing shots!
Michael Tory
Michael Tory - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
George Garrison
George Garrison - 6 years ago
Wow! Next level for sure, thank you for sharing those precious moments...

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About See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"

The "See Through the Lens of the World's Best Underwater Surf Photographer | Ben Thouard in “Surface"" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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