Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

To play on Hypixel use the IP: Hello and welcome to Server Surfing, a series where I will be waddling around different servers and having fun. Sometime with friends :) Hope you enjoyed this video, it was a lot of fun making it ! x Watch All Server Surfing Videos Here: Twitter: @Sqaishey

Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 147

Surf 7 years ago 381,442 views

To play on Hypixel use the IP: Hello and welcome to Server Surfing, a series where I will be waddling around different servers and having fun. Sometime with friends :) Hope you enjoyed this video, it was a lot of fun making it ! x Watch All Server Surfing Videos Here: Twitter: @Sqaishey

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Most popular comments
for Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

Alan Beacham
Alan Beacham - 6 years ago
I lose bedwars every time
Loven Gym
Loven Gym - 6 years ago
NAh honey you ain’t a professional lmao I have played bed wars for a while now
Karen Harvey
Karen Harvey - 6 years ago
When I saw this is was saying OMG sqaishy plus bed wars yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Play Time
Play Time - 6 years ago
why are you NICKED
Play Time
Play Time - 6 years ago
i know now!
Melanie Carpenter
Melanie Carpenter - 6 years ago
come on duck tron!
Melanie Carpenter
Melanie Carpenter - 6 years ago
lukly ender perls don't do that!
Caleb Airvent
Caleb Airvent - 6 years ago
can i carry you in bedwars please
THE S SISTERS - 6 years ago
and stanpy , sad
HYUAN GAMER toquero - 6 years ago
Try the no bed protection challenge pls

10. comment for Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

Mikhail Brenz
Mikhail Brenz - 6 years ago
Play bed war's with stampy
Blue dragon flames Blue dragon flames
Blue dragon flames Blue dragon flames - 6 years ago
if u lose a ender pearl in the void u don't go down there with it btw ( I LOVE SQAISHEY) ( TEAM SQAISHEY ALL THE WAY)
ryan fire
ryan fire - 6 years ago
IcE x VoRtex
IcE x VoRtex - 6 years ago
She spends more time on protecting her bed more than getting Diamonds, and Emeralds
Galvin Chen
Galvin Chen - 6 years ago
sqaishey dosent know how to play :/ wow
Ember Heider
Ember Heider - 6 years ago
My tactic is to use different items to checker around your bed so they have to use two different tools so it takes longer to get to your bed.
Powercool 44
Powercool 44 - 6 years ago
Liwei Liu
Liwei Liu - 6 years ago
u can literally play bed wars for hours and hours and hours, last time I played it for one hour
Liwei Liu
Liwei Liu - 6 years ago
Powercool 44
Powercool 44 - 6 years ago
Liwei Liu HI
Roblox Check
Roblox Check - 6 years ago
Your the best LOLOL
Freddy Channel
Freddy Channel - 6 years ago
Play bed wars with staff

20. comment for Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

firefoxy gaming
firefoxy gaming - 7 years ago
Upgrade my forge to get diamonds..... so triggered.
Stefan Djukic
Stefan Djukic - 7 years ago
diss like
Debbie Frederick
Debbie Frederick - 7 years ago
Jeevakumar18 Jayraj
Jeevakumar18 Jayraj - 7 years ago
Sqaishey you are doing vary well trust me I play bed wars alot you are doing vary great at bed wars
THE BRO BOYS 9000 - 7 years ago
Play bed wars with stampy please
JoflipMC - 7 years ago
YellowDuck MusicVevo
YellowDuck MusicVevo - 7 years ago
Those are some important tips if it happens
YellowDuck MusicVevo
YellowDuck MusicVevo - 7 years ago
Sqaishey never cross team they will report you!
YellowDuck MusicVevo
YellowDuck MusicVevo - 7 years ago
Sqaishey if you see a hacker it normally happens but it will be disconnected fastly so don't panic!
Joaquim Strong
Joaquim Strong - 7 years ago
play bedwars with stampy. also dont use 1.12, use 1.8

30. comment for Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

M4ar0 Bl0x
M4ar0 Bl0x - 7 years ago
M4ar0 Bl0x
M4ar0 Bl0x - 7 years ago
pretty old bed wars player here
Rachael Munnelly
Rachael Munnelly - 7 years ago
Tip:Tnt can not blow up glass
Daniel 8673
Daniel 8673 - 7 years ago
Play bed wars with stamps
Daniel 8673
Daniel 8673 - 7 years ago
Kathy Guzman
Kathy Guzman - 7 years ago
You dont have a point it means that your bed is gone. And it is showing how much plers are in your team
Mike Ripley
Mike Ripley - 7 years ago
Your my favorite YouTuber
Mike Ripley
Mike Ripley - 7 years ago
You're also my friends favorite YouTuber
Tan Jia Jian
Tan Jia Jian - 7 years ago
play with stampy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ross Heeps
Ross Heeps - 7 years ago
love bed wars
johndeere0420 - 7 years ago
Best ever love it
Helen Perkins
Helen Perkins - 7 years ago
have you played cake wars before squashy
rainbow sheep
rainbow sheep - 7 years ago
You should have 8 million subscribers your one of the best YouTubers ever I never knew I thought you had 1 million
HAILEYZ373 - 7 years ago
play bed wars with iballisticsquid!!!!!!!!!!
Phoenix Lion 45
Phoenix Lion 45 - 7 years ago
You are good at bed wars
Phoenix Lion 45
Phoenix Lion 45 - 7 years ago
Please let me play bed wars with you
LolErGIRL - 7 years ago
Not with stampy I mean
Julie Matthews
Julie Matthews - 7 years ago
I'm playing Cake Wars on Mimeplex
Blanca Ornelas
Blanca Ornelas - 7 years ago
Kill him
Josh Gandy
Josh Gandy - 7 years ago
Sqaishey you are better than me at this :D
Sabrina Sullivan
Sabrina Sullivan - 7 years ago
1 means you have 1 life
Sabrina Sullivan
Sabrina Sullivan - 7 years ago
1 means you have 1 life

50. comment for Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

Jayden Ruple
Jayden Ruple - 7 years ago
She is a massive faiure
Hail The Hybrid
Hail The Hybrid - 7 years ago
More bed wars!!!
Epix Reactions
Epix Reactions - 7 years ago
Pls pls pls play bedwars with stampy
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith - 7 years ago
Amy Paquette
Amy Paquette - 7 years ago
PLAY MORE PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R Pinkas
R Pinkas - 7 years ago
Do you have YT rank on it its my FAV Server! PLESE FRIEND ME IGN: SnowBowman
Rosalie Smeets
Rosalie Smeets - 7 years ago
Sqwaishey your not clumsy
Kendra Keka
Kendra Keka - 7 years ago
More bed wars :) !!!
rosagold57 - 7 years ago
Iron golems
The flash
The flash - 7 years ago
You need blocks
IfreakyFrog - 7 years ago
congrats on your best game
Jenny Redmond
Jenny Redmond - 7 years ago
Play bedwars with stampy and heres a tip: If you have 3 stacks of iron, then you can buy an iron golem
Unheardmeat Studios
Unheardmeat Studios - 7 years ago
it hurts me to watch this
Blanca Ornelas
Blanca Ornelas - 7 years ago
Now you could kill him
Blanca Ornelas
Blanca Ornelas - 7 years ago
Gold and iron comes down faster
its wyatt 09
its wyatt 09 - 7 years ago
sqaishy i can breezly bridge or bridging without crouching
Lucy Ho
Lucy Ho - 7 years ago
12:08 three words
Ender pearl
Lucy Ho
Lucy Ho - 7 years ago
Chuck Sierk
Chuck Sierk - 7 years ago
So good! :)
Nerses Kuyumdzhyan
Nerses Kuyumdzhyan - 7 years ago
play dwarves vs zombies
Soggy Ducky
Soggy Ducky - 7 years ago
rhea xo
rhea xo - 7 years ago
Sqaishy u were so happy when u got the bed! xD AWESOME!
Bridget Nash
Bridget Nash - 7 years ago
Sqaishey you could have bought LOADS of Iron Gollems!
Loud_Pie - 7 years ago
He was DEAD SQUASHY!!!!!!
Next step Gaming
Next step Gaming - 7 years ago
Play with samps
Diamond Sapphire YT
Diamond Sapphire YT - 7 years ago
you have played hypixel before...
StuckInATree - 7 years ago
Please do a let's play on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Laina Garcia
Laina Garcia - 7 years ago
gaming with slayer
gaming with slayer - 7 years ago
I. Love. You
Ultraspade - 7 years ago
Imma buy LOADS of gapples.

*Buys 2 gapples*
Miss Diana
Miss Diana - 7 years ago
your so cute sqaishey not in minecraft in your youtube foto channle
Ciera Martello
Ciera Martello - 7 years ago
yes go to emerlds
Craig Kershaw
Craig Kershaw - 7 years ago
I've watched u for 5 years!!!!!!!
Craig Kershaw
Craig Kershaw - 7 years ago
Guys this is TRUE!
baller chane
baller chane - 7 years ago
Do a face revel
jianhui1234YT_190 Copper
jianhui1234YT_190 Copper - 7 years ago
Next time used the bow don't use the sword
thunder bolt
thunder bolt - 7 years ago
i wish sqaishey and stampy and ibalisticsquid will all be team in bed wars
Elizabeth Caswell
Elizabeth Caswell - 7 years ago
I love you squashy
Carl Sorensen
Carl Sorensen - 7 years ago
Ashlyn Strain
Ashlyn Strain - 7 years ago
xxtrinity_luvxx - 7 years ago
This video was upload the day after my b-day
Carlos - 7 years ago
dita nicholls
dita nicholls - 7 years ago
Play bed wars with stampy
Adam collin
Adam collin - 7 years ago
Omg the one that you thought you killed you did killed him he was aqua and you thought aqua was the blue team guy you have so much to learn and you did not get a point
Lynne West
Lynne West - 7 years ago
play bed wars with stampy please i love bed wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sabin playz
sabin playz - 7 years ago
GG also I love u :D ur the best youtuber :D stampy is amazing to but not as amazing as u :D #sqaisheyquackisamazing #stampyisok LOL
sabin playz
sabin playz - 7 years ago
joking your both amazing :D well I'm not joking about ur both amazing doe just sayin :D and if u read this Sqaishey plz respond :) ur so amazing :D :D :D also it took me like a min to type this #notwaistingtimetypingacomment :D
Rakulan Pratheepan
Rakulan Pratheepan - 7 years ago
Can you play bed wars with stampy and if you can tbnrfrags/
Francis Hill
Francis Hill - 7 years ago
Christi Little Yorkie
Christi Little Yorkie - 7 years ago
Yay bedwars!!
Jen Trost
Jen Trost - 7 years ago
I love love love love love LOVE. BED WARS
Julie Parry
Julie Parry - 7 years ago
play bedwars with stampy.

100. comment for Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

Julie Parry
Julie Parry - 7 years ago
You can get a iron golem to defenď you or your teem.
VIXEN MANGLE 558 - 7 years ago
Nova Madore
Nova Madore - 7 years ago
The person that you killed is aqua
Crocsodile ,’:-/
Crocsodile ,’:-/ - 7 years ago
Anybody else watching with a cat
michelle stewart
michelle stewart - 7 years ago
almost at 1 Million subs
michelle stewart
michelle stewart - 7 years ago
sqaishey sqaishey I love sqaishey yes I do sqaishey sqaishey I love sqaishey more than you
Callie Wakefield
Callie Wakefield - 7 years ago
Play more bed wars
hamish mclachlan
hamish mclachlan - 7 years ago
put sponge over your bed not wool
John Myers
John Myers - 7 years ago
hi duck tron
Slimeling459 - 7 years ago
My trick is to immediately rush the middle, get 8 obsidian and block my bed with that, and cover the obsidian with wool to troll people and make them waste their tnt
DushyDuckTube13 - 7 years ago
Good job
Kylie_SISTER - 7 years ago
the best way to go back
C Pipe
C Pipe - 7 years ago
Play with techno blade
Aiden Hub
Aiden Hub - 7 years ago
Play more bed wars!!!!!!!!!
Craig Craig
Craig Craig - 7 years ago
Tomorrow is my birthday
Jade Olivia
Jade Olivia - 7 years ago
Please do another video!
Steven Hawley
Steven Hawley - 7 years ago
Lucky lag :)
Jay Wardle
Jay Wardle - 7 years ago
no he died
SuperModedGamers - 7 years ago
You're a genius p.s play bild battle
Emma F.
Emma F. - 7 years ago
Jeevakumar18 Jayraj
Jeevakumar18 Jayraj - 7 years ago
Emma F. Do you like it's funneh
Mahath Amr
Mahath Amr - 7 years ago
1:9 an admin
DaRkMiSt SonicYT
DaRkMiSt SonicYT - 7 years ago
That 1 thing was no points that's who is left on the team u was alone so it said 1 and I don't own Minecraft on PC and I'm still smarter than you
Arianna Papageorge
Arianna Papageorge - 7 years ago
I know a great troll for bed wars if your bed gets destroyed pretend there's a bed there and cover it with obsidian then they will think there's a bed there but there is not and they will try to get rid of it your bed and you keep killing them and no one will come to you they will fight each other hehehe
Maya your mom
Maya your mom - 7 years ago
Panda - 7 years ago
NEVER EVER USE WOOL ON THE BED!!! i know i play bed wars most off the day every day!
1BalletBuilder & K3Godsgirl
1BalletBuilder & K3Godsgirl - 7 years ago
sqaishey u have to turn on chat
GHgiant - 7 years ago
Anne Shirling
Anne Shirling - 7 years ago
I love Bedwars do you
Nyan_cat09 - 7 years ago
Sqaishey oops I mean Ducktron is awesome!
Nyan_cat09 - 7 years ago
Omg I never knew she played this!Yass
Super Dounut
Super Dounut - 7 years ago
OK dumbo
Super Dounut
Super Dounut - 7 years ago
You are a noon and not a pro
Super Dounut
Super Dounut - 7 years ago
Yahhh we know
moka kandil
moka kandil - 7 years ago
I love you skuyshy and Stampy
Benu88 Gaming and Other Things
Benu88 Gaming and Other Things - 7 years ago
squishy is trash at bedwars
Benu88 Gaming and Other Things
Benu88 Gaming and Other Things - 7 years ago
I'm level 9 in bewares
Lana AHMAD OTHMAN - 7 years ago
Good job you clever duck!!
Arfas Ashraf
Arfas Ashraf - 7 years ago
Play with iballesticsquid plssssss
Shanmugam Shansamuel
Shanmugam Shansamuel - 7 years ago
Sqaishey i have 87 wins in bedwars i wish i can play team bedwars
Maggie Stamm
Maggie Stamm - 7 years ago
oooo noooooo i threw that into the void I'm going to die!!!
6 seconds later: I'm doing really well!
Ami Razuki
Ami Razuki - 7 years ago
you should play bedwars on the hive or just with stampy... or both!
also dont give me hate about hive bedwars saying that hive copied hypixel plz dont
Sonia Eiritz
Sonia Eiritz - 7 years ago
Good job
Sonia Eiritz
Sonia Eiritz - 7 years ago
I do
Family Account
Family Account - 7 years ago
Sqaishey don't be hard on yourself
hiew jia cheng
hiew jia cheng - 7 years ago
kay/rihanna evans
kay/rihanna evans - 7 years ago
Just a tip squashy: Allways save up to get endstone right away
Kingrich 31
Kingrich 31 - 7 years ago
Like for Bedwars with Stampy
JKC - 7 years ago
Do more bed wars
Ender King
Ender King - 7 years ago
Ella Jade
Ella Jade - 7 years ago
How do you use hypixel? Can someone let me know because I really want it !
Phoenix18793 - 7 years ago
"Come on, one more!" Thats pretty much what bed wars is to me.
Flying Turtles 807
Flying Turtles 807 - 7 years ago
"Oh no, he left a little blue poop on it!"
Meowsy 563
Meowsy 563 - 7 years ago
Quaishey please do more bed wars :D
ninetyyz - 7 years ago
The Minecraft Friends
The Minecraft Friends - 7 years ago
Sqaishey and Bed Wars don't mix... Is what I said at the beginning of the video.
Meowing Savitar
Meowing Savitar - 7 years ago
Did you know that stampy and Squaishy are dating
TP_Parzival - 7 years ago
sqaishey... youre nearly at 1 mil subs!!!!!!!!!!
Mystery YT
Mystery YT - 7 years ago
Yes please do more bedwars
Jojo Lukoki
Jojo Lukoki - 7 years ago
sqaishey you nit to let op je computer plz jorabell me roblox neem
Toxic Maddi
Toxic Maddi - 7 years ago
Sqaishey next time you should get a knockback stick so when their on the bridge you can just knock them off
The G Brothers
The G Brothers - 7 years ago
You killed him
emily kate
emily kate - 7 years ago
2:27 Diamond Island....?

Who Misses DanTDM's Tomodachi Life?
stewybob - 7 years ago
I love you squashy I've dreamt of living with you and stampy from meme loves pets
cc is not away
cc is not away - 7 years ago
"where did he go" HES DEAD HES DEAD HESDEAD DeAD
Bryan Calvario
Bryan Calvario - 7 years ago
Play more bed wars please
Cat - 7 years ago
plz play more roblox!!!!!!!!
i love you
Undulatungar - 7 years ago
Your stuped Sqaishey
Alliah Mae Mique
Alliah Mae Mique - 7 years ago
@stampy and sqaishy
Alliah Mae Mique
Alliah Mae Mique - 7 years ago
Play bedwars with prestonplayz and stampylongnose
Lavender Wolf DEAD ACCOUNT
Lavender Wolf DEAD ACCOUNT - 7 years ago
Celest Velasquez
Celest Velasquez - 7 years ago
My potato in minecraft died. 1 like 5 potatos born.
xXCrossGamingXx - 7 years ago
plz play more bed wars by the way I LOVE YOU
Gaming Girrafe
Gaming Girrafe - 7 years ago
what is ip address for quacktopia
Sarah Party
Sarah Party - 7 years ago
Squaishy ! you have to play duck life !!!! it's so much fun!
Pepparjack 34
Pepparjack 34 - 7 years ago
You need emeralds for dimond equiment & obsidian
Croc And octi
Croc And octi - 7 years ago
Aiden Lewald
Aiden Lewald - 7 years ago
sqaishey play with stampy
gas889 gaming
gas889 gaming - 7 years ago
i try to get on hypixel but it never works :(
NïnjaRPanda - 7 years ago
BubblesJustPOP! - 7 years ago
play bedwars with stampy and staecy
elisa wilbur
elisa wilbur - 7 years ago
do you have a pet Chaken ??
bts nugget
bts nugget - 7 years ago
And Sqaishey, I wasn't cringing. I am not ANY better at Bed Wars then you. xD
XxShadowStarxX :3
XxShadowStarxX :3 - 7 years ago
the 1 means how many pesens is in the team
Collin Hoffman
Collin Hoffman - 7 years ago
Lita Navora
Lita Navora - 7 years ago
Lienmaker Of the liens
Lienmaker Of the liens - 7 years ago
Your todly lame
Georgie Wuz Here
Georgie Wuz Here - 7 years ago
YoSeb - 7 years ago
Zninja 1162
Zninja 1162 - 7 years ago
You should play Bedwars with other people like Stampy or Solidarity (AKA Jimmy, Timmy, JimmySG, And Kim-e) :3
snowy owl
snowy owl - 7 years ago
Squaishy, when your bed got destroyed you didn't get a point by your name that meant YOU were still alive but your bed was destroyed so you had ONE part of your survival. When someone has a checkmark or tick that means they still have their bed. And when you killed blue they respawned back at their base because they had their bed.
Esme - 7 years ago
You did well
T C - 7 years ago
hi sqaishey
HONALT MUTANTE1 - 7 years ago
da o cu
Annila Li
Annila Li - 7 years ago
Sqaishey needs MORE SUBSCRIBERS!!!!
Like if you agree
Amy Choi
Amy Choi - 7 years ago
What a waste of emeralds
Amy Choi
Amy Choi - 7 years ago
Alex cromwell your right play with stampy
Wandom Potato
Wandom Potato - 7 years ago
Love you Sqaishey ♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
CatGuyWes Gaming
CatGuyWes Gaming - 7 years ago
my last game didn't even get to bed breaking in a solo and it was a 1 vs 1 and he jumped off I thought it was funny and I wanted you to know
freddy faze bear
freddy faze bear - 7 years ago
so stupid
Mia and Jay
Mia and Jay - 7 years ago
Pls replie I never get replies or likes
It’s ninjas Bro
It’s ninjas Bro - 7 years ago
play bedwars with stampy
Sweetie's - 7 years ago
yay Sqaeshy yay
Sweetie's - 7 years ago
Go Sqaeshy Go!!!!!!!! #Sqaeshy is 100% the best youtcober ever
ThisGalKerry - 7 years ago
Bed wars with stampy!!!
Radio Ranger12
Radio Ranger12 - 7 years ago
I love bed wars
Siobhan Gibbons
Siobhan Gibbons - 7 years ago
why did you not bring your iron sword to area bed
saleha - 7 years ago
play more bedwars like if u agree
Alyssa Mofa
Alyssa Mofa - 7 years ago
Play bedwars with stampy
Lisa Butler
Lisa Butler - 7 years ago
Even thou you missed your ender pearl your still awsome
joyce dal
joyce dal - 7 years ago
what server and ip address
Jon Hayden
Jon Hayden - 7 years ago
I thinck you did very good sqaishey
Ashleyen roxs
Ashleyen roxs - 7 years ago
On the side if there's a number it means their bed is destroyed and the number is how many people on that team is left..
LionCalledComedy - 7 years ago
Dalmatian 5678
Dalmatian 5678 - 7 years ago
sqashey your not really sopposed to put stuff in the ender chest, it multiplys
Angel _Wings
Angel _Wings - 7 years ago
I love the music she uses in her intro
MistyFox - 7 years ago
Who else saw the diamond sowrd she didn't get
Alyssa Elliott
Alyssa Elliott - 7 years ago
can you do more bed wars plz and try a challenge with stay or something

p.s. ily sm
Randy Brian
Randy Brian - 7 years ago
more bedwars
pati bednarz
pati bednarz - 7 years ago
You should play against stampy that would be awsome!!!
Frank Lampard
Frank Lampard - 7 years ago
look at the right it shows you the teams
Chana Filmz
Chana Filmz - 7 years ago
She really needs to turn on chat it'll help her a lot
Chase Smith
Chase Smith - 7 years ago
Play more bed wars
All4kidz - 7 years ago
Hi play bed wars with stamp pleazse
kate spare
kate spare - 7 years ago
1 means your bed is gone
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 7 years ago
What were you gonna say about Netty
Jannine Guest
Jannine Guest - 7 years ago
Hi Sqaishey I have some tips for you
1 So if you upgrade your forge it makes it so you get more iron and gold
2 You can get emeralds from in the middle to get better things like obsidian to protect your bed
3 so you can get trap triggerd upgrade and it lets you know who's at your base
4 the Dragon upgrade lets you have an extra Dragon in the deth mach if you get to that don't worry
There not particularly helpful but oh well ❤❤ love Livie
Jay Byrne
Jay Byrne - 7 years ago
Sqaishey you are so dumb
Twins React
Twins React - 7 years ago
Squashey can u play with ibalisticsquid,ashdube or stampy plz squashey xxxxxxxx
Twins React
Twins React - 7 years ago
I love u squashie xxxxxxx
cameron beggs
cameron beggs - 7 years ago
Mike Marshall
Mike Marshall - 7 years ago
please play quacktopia right now!
DrWeirdFace YT
DrWeirdFace YT - 7 years ago
ummm.... may I ask.... why forge? like how about sharpness and protection
CptXDerrickDU - 7 years ago
Yea... sure sqaishey, i got 18 kills on bedwars, i got 1st in solo,(prestonplayz got 104 kills in solo bedwars)
CptXDerrickDU - 7 years ago
And, no, ur not doing too well
Thirdy Games
Thirdy Games - 7 years ago
Sqaishey can you please play bed wars with stampy i bet he is goingto die fast :)
KingSterOfGames - 7 years ago
Play bed wars with stampy
JonBBF - 7 years ago
do more bed wars
The Anonymous Commenter
The Anonymous Commenter - 7 years ago
Sqaishey, when you are 1, it means you have 1 person on your team and your bed is broken, a tick means you bed is still there
Pikach23Gaming - 7 years ago
The iP don't work
GalaxyOfRainbowz - 7 years ago
Squaishey!!!! the number beside a colour means that the bed is destroyed but 1 person is alive! Also the tick means their bed is alive and a red X means the bed and everyone on the team have died! Hope this helped :D
Dalton Parton
Dalton Parton - 7 years ago
watch sb737 he is the best
Edward Yuuki
Edward Yuuki - 7 years ago
Can I play this game with you Sqaishey? I'm okay at it and I think it would be fun! I could teach you some stuff and you will conquer all!!

And if anyone reading this finds me online, my username in Minecraft is Drazzana with a unicorn girl skin I made myself c;
Sarah Roberts
Sarah Roberts - 7 years ago
go sqaishey
Alicia Sweetser
Alicia Sweetser - 7 years ago
ya play bed was with stampy !!! :D
KeeganH1589 - 7 years ago
Mighty Scarletz
Mighty Scarletz - 7 years ago
At 19:22 Sqaiahey, he respawned as u killed him. What u saw on the side of the screen was your kills and the tick beside the team colour tells u if the bed is destroyed or not. Hope this can help u! :)
carlo jibaja
carlo jibaja - 7 years ago
Play with stampy BED WARS !!!!! Now
O-Mega gaming Velocity squad
O-Mega gaming Velocity squad - 7 years ago
Stampy do bedwars
RubixAnalysis - 7 years ago
Your sooo profeshinal... XD your so silly squaishy
Angela Gora
Angela Gora - 7 years ago
play some more bed wars
Angela Gora
Angela Gora - 7 years ago
play bed wars with stampy
•taxicab• - 7 years ago
You should play bedwars with a team of 4 and it will help you lots if they are really good too!!! :)
Skywalk Blue
Skywalk Blue - 7 years ago
TIP: ends tone is actually worse than wool
Kelsey Boo
Kelsey Boo - 7 years ago
You should go to emeralds
Shane Zaleski
Shane Zaleski - 7 years ago
squishy how do I get bed wars I have Xbox live
LPS Galaxy
LPS Galaxy - 7 years ago
More bed wars please!
Menna Rashed
Menna Rashed - 7 years ago
do more bed war's but with stampy
iiEnchanted Berry
iiEnchanted Berry - 7 years ago
Squaishy if u put ur chat off u wont understand anything
Marija Ragze
Marija Ragze - 7 years ago
so funny
Ariane Miranda 123 Ariane Miranda 123
Ariane Miranda 123 Ariane Miranda 123 - 7 years ago
H3110 - 7 years ago
Sqaishey i have a tip for u and i hope it is useful but try doing invis potion then tnt on someones base
Crystal Widado
Crystal Widado - 7 years ago
omg almost to a million and yesssss more bed warssssssssssssss
Chloe Dennis
Chloe Dennis - 7 years ago
sqaishey next time you play bed wars take your time and mabie play with stampy plz
Deacon Ho
Deacon Ho - 7 years ago
so cute xd
Jasvinder Kaur
Jasvinder Kaur - 7 years ago
U should take potions instead of ender pearl
DoVale Familia
DoVale Familia - 7 years ago
And if u don't kill anyone. And they don't kill anyone there's enderdragons and u can per tact your self with obsidieon to save your life and u can win
Jasvinder Kaur
Jasvinder Kaur - 7 years ago
``` ```
Skey Baby
Skey Baby - 7 years ago
Can you play bed wars with stampy
Phoebe K.
Phoebe K. - 7 years ago
Anna Gillan
Anna Gillan - 7 years ago
Please play bed wars more!!
Lydibear - 7 years ago
please play more bedwars with or without people and maybe you could stream bed wars
Mr. Tanner's First Grade Classroom
Mr. Tanner's First Grade Classroom - 7 years ago
play bed wars whit stampy
DK Vlogs & Gaming
DK Vlogs & Gaming - 7 years ago
I hope you reach 1 million subs soon!
Ahmed Habeeb-ur-Rahman
Ahmed Habeeb-ur-Rahman - 7 years ago
she records in 4k !!!!!!!!! stampy records in 1080 p
Ria Paterson
Ria Paterson - 7 years ago
Always carry wool with you squaishy
HeyItsLadyBug - 7 years ago
what day do you play bed wars sqaishey?
T and S Productions
T and S Productions - 7 years ago
Do more please I love you squiashey!!
Thatoneguy - 7 years ago
Dan Zig
Dan Zig - 7 years ago
Get iron golems they are really useful
Fluffy_pandas for life!!
Fluffy_pandas for life!! - 7 years ago
get yellow the build a wall that's huge the change it with the good block it always works and get iron golmes
Joseph is awesome Lopez
Joseph is awesome Lopez - 7 years ago
Your about to hit 10000 million
Emily001 Jiang
Emily001 Jiang - 7 years ago
Sqaishey 2017: I am a professional when I can only re spawn once and it doesn't matter about distorying beds
Roxy and Ava
Roxy and Ava - 7 years ago
Does anyone know how to get onto hypixle on laptop
Roxy and Ava
Roxy and Ava - 7 years ago
Does anyone know how to get onto hypixle on laptop
Jess T
Jess T - 7 years ago
Good job Sqaishey! You did so well! Please play more!
goldensmilycat Sliedrecht
goldensmilycat Sliedrecht - 7 years ago
play bed wars with stampy
Danial O'Neill
Danial O'Neill - 7 years ago
play bed wars with stampy
Jaden Nagy
Jaden Nagy - 7 years ago
dont be mean to the color white sqaishey
Jesse Wade
Jesse Wade - 7 years ago
Play bed wars with stampy and netty on a team of 3
Katelyn Seow
Katelyn Seow - 7 years ago
make a knock back stick
meng Lisa
meng Lisa - 7 years ago
or spuid
meng Lisa
meng Lisa - 7 years ago
yeah play with stampy
maddy faith
maddy faith - 7 years ago
pfftt it uses to be 12 diamonds for an emerald fordge and 16 for a molten xDD those good old days x3
Kenthemansavage879 Yaboi
Kenthemansavage879 Yaboi - 7 years ago
play bed wars with stampy
Emily Burnette
Emily Burnette - 7 years ago
plz do more bed wars!
Chloe .p
Chloe .p - 7 years ago
Sqaish... Turn chat on.
Kirsten W
Kirsten W - 7 years ago
Play bed wars with netty please!!!!!
IceWolf 1332
IceWolf 1332 - 7 years ago
Jaden and Nick
Jaden and Nick - 7 years ago
Noooooo! Not the bemple
Manuel aaron Esquivel
Manuel aaron Esquivel - 7 years ago
Manuel aaron Esquivel
Manuel aaron Esquivel - 7 years ago
watch preston plaz
Penguins622 CP Rewritten
Penguins622 CP Rewritten - 7 years ago
Considering that I'm one of the people that rush mid as soon as I can and put little defense on my bed everytime..... I cringed so many times.... But good work Squaishey!
Chocolate Chipper
Chocolate Chipper - 7 years ago
David Agnew
David Agnew - 7 years ago
Play with stampy
SkyFive Gaming
SkyFive Gaming - 7 years ago
what is the other thing
Jinx Oniichan
Jinx Oniichan - 7 years ago
LaCapiton1 - 7 years ago
why does the blocks look so big
shining yoonbin
shining yoonbin - 7 years ago
U should definitely play A LOT more bed wars, it's my favorite game EVERRRR
Hannah Straub
Hannah Straub - 7 years ago
Obsidian do reinforce
3874star - 7 years ago
Rebecca Field
Rebecca Field - 7 years ago
Can you play murder mystery? Pls!
Maimoona Abdul Ahad
Maimoona Abdul Ahad - 7 years ago
when didnt you get fireballs
ToastGames YT - Gaming Videos
ToastGames YT - Gaming Videos - 7 years ago
you should use fireballs they blow up anything u throw it at and starts a fire
Itz Rubeya x
Itz Rubeya x - 7 years ago
Does the ip work on windows 10 edition?
PastelWarrior100 - 7 years ago
Typing with my eyes closed:
Until jtjej rrhid
What it was supposed to be:
Hi my name is Sophia.
I failed
Annabelle Gill
Annabelle Gill - 7 years ago
Can you please play it with nettyplays???
Annabelle Gill
Annabelle Gill - 7 years ago
my fave youtuber playing my fave minigame !!!
Miss Art Maker
Miss Art Maker - 7 years ago
WHO ELSE WANTS MORE BED WARS?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Keira’s gacha videos and More
Keira’s gacha videos and More - 6 years ago
Bethany Hurley
Bethany Hurley - 6 years ago
Uniduck - 7 years ago
LDShadow Kitty
LDShadow Kitty - 7 years ago
Sqaishey.... I played against sqaishey in bed wars.... and I won not knowing you were duck tron.... sorry...
Sarah Fahy
Sarah Fahy - 7 years ago
Amber King
Amber King - 7 years ago
in bedwars when you said i got 1 point its when you losse your bed it says how many people are alive
Melon Trainer
Melon Trainer - 7 years ago
You should do doubles whith Netty on bed wars because then she can teach you more
Laura C
Laura C - 7 years ago
Play Bedwars With: Stampy, Netty And Solidarity!!!
mkamau - 7 years ago
use iron golems in future
Slimeling459 - 7 years ago
Susan Robbins i
Nikolina deSouza
Nikolina deSouza - 7 years ago
Michael McKeen
Michael McKeen - 7 years ago
1 means your bed is gone the x means it's gone and they r dead
Josiah Varenkamp
Josiah Varenkamp - 7 years ago
Vote Sqaishey for the next youtube bed wars!
Campbell Rajski
Campbell Rajski - 7 years ago
play bed wars with some frends
March Stars
March Stars - 7 years ago
I loved this video!!! Please play this again!!!❤️
Serious sharpie
Serious sharpie - 7 years ago
Fancy Cat312 love ur profile pic!
Macarie Stuhr
Macarie Stuhr - 7 years ago
finally I have been waiting for this forever
Sophia Renee
Sophia Renee - 7 years ago
whoops said it two times sorry
Super Steve
Super Steve - 7 years ago
Nick Helber
Nick Helber - 7 years ago
Swagy Panda Yesssss!!!
SuperDemonPig - 7 years ago
pls play bedwars with Stampy!! :D
TrickyTrex - 7 years ago
Put your chat on for bedwars. That way you can know when beds are destroyed.
Taltzi - 7 years ago
Sqaishey: "I love my bed temple! It's a bemple!!"
* Aqua builds Tai Ma Hal(what is my spelling) on their bed *
Me: lmao im crying of laughter
Madeline Winter
Madeline Winter - 7 years ago
I have only gotten 1st when I was playing 4v4 with a group of friends and we were all face timing so we could communicate better. Every time I play solo I can only get up to 2nd.
Mouse - 7 years ago
Squaishey if you want to get a lot better watch Preston playzplay bed wars
Random simmo 5
Random simmo 5 - 7 years ago
Get stampylongnose to play on pc
Sage Arias
Sage Arias - 7 years ago
Rebecca Causton
Rebecca Causton - 7 years ago
i got a point why did i get a point
Rachel Mcclendon
Rachel Mcclendon - 7 years ago
Ss got the guys color was aqua
Ahoowoman - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Kruger
Elizabeth Kruger - 7 years ago
I want more bed wars
Amy Valentine
Amy Valentine - 7 years ago
Do it with all of your frends
bertrandsh - 7 years ago
I LOVE Sqaishey!! Shes the best!
Kellie - 7 years ago
Yes! Play bedwars with Stampy! Great job Sqaishey!!!
Music Princess
Music Princess - 7 years ago
Yay, bedwars! #SqaisheyIsBrillant
boit jigen
boit jigen - 7 years ago
When you look to the right side of your screen, it displays the teams and next to them are either numbers, a cross or a tick. The tick means their team's bed is not destroyed, and the cross means it is, and the whole team's dead. The number means how many people are alive, but their bed is destroyed.
Connor Eldridge
Connor Eldridge - 7 years ago
Please play Bedwars with Netty!
I like Jungkookies
I like Jungkookies - 7 years ago
who else says "hello everyone it's me sqaishey and welcome to server surfing with me sqaishey" ?

is it just me? or not? OK imma leave now
mzbossee84 - 7 years ago
Your ok squishy. Go to the middle get four emeralds and put obsidian around your bed. In bed wars
Hailey Hill
Hailey Hill - 7 years ago
it's sooo good and I luv you sqaishey
TheNZJester - 7 years ago
Look at the color chart on the right of the screen Sqaishey. A green tick means they still have a bed. A red cross means they are eliminated. A number beside a color means their bed is gone and tells you how many left on that team. The number is more useful in team bed wars than single player.
Jeanine Ciocon
Jeanine Ciocon - 7 years ago
405th comment!!
FIRAT BEGEN - 7 years ago
after watching preston playz
she stinks
Sylwia Lissnik
Sylwia Lissnik - 7 years ago
That is what I do. I don't go for emerald strait away. I wait till a few teams get killed and then I go...
Norman Gaming
Norman Gaming - 7 years ago
Sqaish OR Stampy CAN U COLLAB WITH TBNRfrags plss?
Funnehcake Gold
Funnehcake Gold - 7 years ago
Squashy quake don't put your stuff in that wonder chest people can steal your stuff because it goes to other ender chests
Idraki Makes videos
Idraki Makes videos - 7 years ago
You are so nub
Amy O'Kelly
Amy O'Kelly - 7 years ago
Can you please play more bedwars
Richard Lopez
Richard Lopez - 7 years ago
Sqaishy please play minecraft at 300:AM so scary please do
Raspy aka myth but without the skill
Raspy aka myth but without the skill - 6 years ago
Wolflover 766
Wolflover 766 - 7 years ago
win you said you felled at doing something cool. it is because you not cool your great and awesome
Kiwi CatLover
Kiwi CatLover - 7 years ago
Does stampy even play bedwars...

Anyway you should definitely play bedwars with stampy
Carsten Sings
Carsten Sings - 7 years ago
Bed wars with stampy will be so cool!
I imagine
I imagine - 7 years ago
YouTuber ok this is the dummest comment ever ,

ehm ehm the boring speach ,
stampy is 100/100 present ALİVE
he is one of the most popular yt'ers who is kid freindly
so he plays games that kids can play if your not dumm wat are you
he definatly plays minecraft
Kinshuk - 7 years ago
Carsten Sings may I know who is swampy? and if he is real he doesn't play Minecraft..
Jay Martinez
Jay Martinez - 7 years ago
Jayalex6706 tell in ur next video in the comments
Jay Martinez
Jay Martinez - 7 years ago
Let me know on my email
Jay Martinez
Jay Martinez - 7 years ago
Sqaishey you should play w me sometime i can help u get better my minecraft account is Mountaindewmi
Elizabeth Fogarty
Elizabeth Fogarty - 7 years ago
Ummmmmm (face palming) your good for a beginner
BTS Jimin's wife
BTS Jimin's wife - 7 years ago
look the list at right hand side
rosa - 7 years ago
Ugh guys she realized! You want her to play with stampy! Now shut up!
Tasha's World
Tasha's World - 7 years ago
more bed wars plz :] and if you can do it with stamp's ps nice video and bed wars takes practice and you can get beter. hope i dident wast any one,s time if so sory.
Gamerchris313- roblox and more
Gamerchris313- roblox and more - 7 years ago
play bed wars with dantdm he should be good for your skill
Natalie Hughes
Natalie Hughes - 7 years ago
Sqaishey! Go back to your patchwork village!!!! Please!
Justin Chiang
Justin Chiang - 7 years ago
sqaishey just switch on chat
Bear Carrey
Bear Carrey - 7 years ago
MORE BED WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Videoguy - 7 years ago
Sqaishey finally joined the bed wars bandwagon! LOL
Sophia Renee
Sophia Renee - 7 years ago
squishy hopefully I spell your name Right, well there's a crown in slime rancher that is super cute and new stuff that is awesome so just letting you now that I hope im not being rude sorry if I am
Ivy Xiao
Ivy Xiao - 7 years ago
More bed wars please!
PGD Panda
PGD Panda - 7 years ago
who else was yelling at their screen saying GET A IRON GOLEM
potatotyme - 7 years ago
squishy he disappeared because you killed him and since his bed wasn't destroyed he respond
Juvia Fullbuster
Juvia Fullbuster - 7 years ago
Poopie Doopie Doo
Poopie Doopie Doo - 7 years ago
Great videooo! :D It'd be cool if you did bedwars with people on twitter or discord or something :o
Lisa Higgs
Lisa Higgs - 7 years ago
Play More Bed Wars Please
Softcloud the kitty
Softcloud the kitty - 7 years ago
I don't trust anyone who puts only wool over the bed
Softcloud the kitty
Softcloud the kitty - 7 years ago
I am absolutely obsessed with bedwars! Anyone else?
j.seville 5
j.seville 5 - 7 years ago
So proud!
ollie - 7 years ago
play more plss
Dragon1over16 _
Dragon1over16 _ - 7 years ago
Squaishy I love you so much and would you please do more bed wars. You are so awesome.
Joy’s aegyo
Joy’s aegyo - 7 years ago
Once i played bed wars and no one went to the Emerald Isle and the diamond isle. So i got good thing
Amanda B
Amanda B - 7 years ago
more bedwars
Joy’s aegyo
Joy’s aegyo - 7 years ago
She wasted 4 emeralds
Valerie Fitzgerald
Valerie Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
YAAAY YESS PLAY BEDWAES MORE OFFTEN PLEASE PLEASE please come on I will give advice during live stream or help just tell me when just do this a again
OpenUpTheQuynhDo - 7 years ago
the sons of garmadon
the sons of garmadon - 7 years ago
living. for. herron
living. for. herron - 7 years ago
Do another server surfing with Stampy!
Bean Boi
Bean Boi - 7 years ago
300th comment!!!!!
The Woodpecker
The Woodpecker - 7 years ago
Awesome video Sqaishey, Bedwars is epic! :D
svorndran - 7 years ago
Bed wars!
Anna Banana
Anna Banana - 7 years ago
More! Also play it with stamps please and sqaishey good job on 2nd place!
Kennedy Wiggins
Kennedy Wiggins - 7 years ago
I love bed war do more video with bed war I love you so much
thatguy butter
thatguy butter - 7 years ago
you should get an iron golem
Brett Waters
Brett Waters - 7 years ago
he died and respawn.
Jill Richards
Jill Richards - 7 years ago
Hi random person scrolling through the comments i really really hope you have a good day or night bye!!!!!
Kyle Z
Kyle Z - 7 years ago
Try a moded
Super Purple Fluff
Super Purple Fluff - 7 years ago
Sqaishey ,indeed i love your "bemple"
Ty Kasarda
Ty Kasarda - 7 years ago
Hi squishy
Tara Loves Dogs
Tara Loves Dogs - 7 years ago
A 1 means that they don't have a bed and that's how many people on their team are alive
Moniqe Love
Moniqe Love - 7 years ago
You know you killd him
doddledaniel - 7 years ago
Ohmygosh I have been waiting for this moment for SO long :DDD
_Cella Bella_
_Cella Bella_ - 7 years ago
Well done
Planet Explained
Planet Explained - 7 years ago
'Eww he left a little blue poop over here,' Sqaishey Quack Bedwars 2017
Arthur Delius
Arthur Delius - 7 years ago
you're a special YTer !! ;-)
aesthetic things
aesthetic things - 7 years ago
Sqaishey you can buy a diamond sword with 4 emeralds an 6 emeralds for permanent diamond armor =P ur probs not gunna read this tho
Tweety Macaw
Tweety Macaw - 7 years ago
Isabel Milla
Isabel Milla - 7 years ago
sorry to people that I insulted I was trying to make it a joke I'm very sorry I really didn't mean it ):
subscribe to pewdiepie
subscribe to pewdiepie - 7 years ago
Play bed wars w/ stampy
JustPurp - 7 years ago
Play bedwars with Stampy
aesthetic things
aesthetic things - 7 years ago
Arbis Jet
Arbis Jet - 7 years ago
Sqaishey i subscribed to you
I have some adiviced for you:Turn chat on so you know whats happening
BTW I dont live but i am in the UK (Liverpool)
Jeanneke Kayaert
Jeanneke Kayaert - 7 years ago
OMG finaly you play it:)
Heraclio Murillo Rubio
Heraclio Murillo Rubio - 7 years ago
u should play bed wars with stampy
Andrew Iu
Andrew Iu - 7 years ago
I do agree gettlemen
William Vickers
William Vickers - 7 years ago
you should do a team game with netty. or even maybe iballisticsquid. you guys havent done a video in a long time and he is a pro at bedwars
Saturns Rings
Saturns Rings - 7 years ago
William Vickers no he isn't
Ryan Morrow
Ryan Morrow - 7 years ago
claire phillips
claire phillips - 7 years ago
play bewares with stampy!!!
Monika Samulewicz
Monika Samulewicz - 7 years ago
sqaishey your almost at 1 Millon Subscribes how many likes I get that how much sqaishey Millon Subscribes have so 50 likes 50 Millon Subscribes for squaishey
Ali Mohammadi
Ali Mohammadi - 7 years ago
Why aren't you buy any iron golems
Joseph Co
Joseph Co - 7 years ago
Squaishey bed wars tip don't be fidely with your stuff just get people
Saturns Rings
Saturns Rings - 7 years ago
Joseph Co that's not smart, one mistake and your whole game is over
Ben Wilson
Ben Wilson - 7 years ago
You inspire me to play bed wars!!!
xristina _xeila??
xristina _xeila?? - 7 years ago
Joy Nadrich
Joy Nadrich - 7 years ago
sara carrion
sara carrion - 7 years ago
you are so cute squaishey
Kaylee Something
Kaylee Something - 7 years ago
Yayayayaya ive been waiting for this!
Dom playz
Dom playz - 7 years ago
✔= alive and got bed
1 = alive and no bed
Play Time
Play Time - 6 years ago
alive and no bed 3 2 or 1
redscooter100 - 7 years ago
dom Gaming ✔️
Dixon Ticonderoga
Dixon Ticonderoga - 7 years ago
Thx I was getting so triggered
Cynthia Armstrong
Cynthia Armstrong - 7 years ago
dom Gaming ✔️
The Maniac
The Maniac - 7 years ago
dom Gaming yeah she needs that XD
NatPlayzMC - 7 years ago
Sqaishey ur not the only one who shakes I do 2
dude man bro
dude man bro - 7 years ago
QuackerTack124 - 7 years ago
HAI SQAISHEY!!!!! How's life?!
Nigh Hights
Nigh Hights - 7 years ago
if there is a number beside the color thats how many players are alive if there is an x there dead if there is a ✔ they still have there bed
The worst channel in the history of channels
The worst channel in the history of channels - 7 years ago
in feather adventures I think sqaishey should change the color of her bed :) xxx
Saturns Rings
Saturns Rings - 7 years ago
Dolphin _Splash I agree
brooke alexander
brooke alexander - 7 years ago
the checks mean that their beds are still there. the numbers mean that is how many ppl are alive after the bed is destroyed. once you die after your bed is destroyed you will not respawn. you only respawn when you still have a bed
yello hello
yello hello - 7 years ago
squashey u can buy an iron Golem with 2 stacks and 22 iron the Golems will protect ur bed
yello hello
yello hello - 7 years ago
squashey u can buy an iron Golem with 2 stacks and 22 iron the Golems will protect ur bed
Electroin Kid
Electroin Kid - 7 years ago
you killed him so he respwaned at his base
dude man bro
dude man bro - 7 years ago
upgrade the gold and iron thing to get emrelds
dude man bro
dude man bro - 7 years ago
xAngieCookiez oh I missed it
xAngieCookiez - 7 years ago
She did that though, she got emeralds from her spawner.
Kamsamida Hamnida
Kamsamida Hamnida - 7 years ago
sqaishey, to know if someone's bed is gone, look at the little bar on your screen
Claws long tail
Claws long tail - 7 years ago
The tick means you still have your bed. The 1 means your bed was destroyed and how many people are left in your team. The x means the whole team is gone. Hope that helps.
Natalia - 7 years ago
Ernests Minecraft and stuff I’ll like to see you play bed wars what are you lvl 1
Lenny Face Joe
Lenny Face Joe - 7 years ago
Ernests guy who plays Minecraft also thanks*
dude man bro
dude man bro - 7 years ago
Kirt Joe thenks
Lenny Face Joe
Lenny Face Joe - 7 years ago
Ernests guy who plays Minecraft dang thats mean
dude man bro
dude man bro - 7 years ago
wildwolf 339 ok
wildwolf 339
wildwolf 339 - 7 years ago
Ernests guy who plays Minecraft srsly your just saying that because your jelous
Karissa Simpson
Karissa Simpson - 7 years ago
squashy you can buy a stick with knokback 2 Isn't that cool!!!!
Erika Linares
Erika Linares - 7 years ago
u said tat nest was coming soon!!
Pawel Sielski
Pawel Sielski - 7 years ago
bracia knury są najlepsi
Charlie Doggett
Charlie Doggett - 7 years ago
SquerlDude 07
SquerlDude 07 - 7 years ago
next time spend your emeralds on obsidian for your bed.
Lorna Solomon
Lorna Solomon - 7 years ago
wow what a coincidence hypixel started working today and I played loads of bedwars
Pineapple 24
Pineapple 24 - 7 years ago
u did great
Buggie0505 Lillian
Buggie0505 Lillian - 7 years ago
I love bed wars! I play it all the time. Amazing video!
Daniel Gomez
Daniel Gomez - 7 years ago
Sqaishy: Were did he go, did I kill him?

It was funny because she did
sarah Rooney
sarah Rooney - 7 years ago
sqaishey that is good
Oh no it's Sara
Oh no it's Sara - 7 years ago
I was like go squashiey go sqaishey
Pat Neckroma
Pat Neckroma - 7 years ago
Ilovewolves 584
Ilovewolves 584 - 7 years ago
Next time you should get the knockback stick because they can knock alot of people off. I always get the knockback stick and it knocks people off
Luca Williams
Luca Williams - 7 years ago
Lethal Paw
Lethal Paw - 7 years ago
hi have a great day/ night
Otara - 7 years ago
Lethal Paw thanks me LOL
Galactic Gecko
Galactic Gecko - 7 years ago
please do more bedwars your really good at it
A Lil' Mystic Mess
A Lil' Mystic Mess - 7 years ago
plz more bedwars <3
Ashley Yoakam
Ashley Yoakam - 7 years ago
Play more bed wars
Ayaz Riaz
Ayaz Riaz - 7 years ago
Sqaishey if you panic take 3 deep breaths to calm you down
Scarlzzz W
Scarlzzz W - 7 years ago
Get obsidian!!!
Haylo Haya
Haylo Haya - 7 years ago

creepercraft 123456
creepercraft 123456 - 7 years ago
I love how positive you where about you self squaishey
Mister Stone
Mister Stone - 7 years ago
Twenty øne Hufflepuffs
Twenty øne Hufflepuffs - 7 years ago
Play more bed wars! Ps you should play club penguin rewritten on your computer it's so much fun and is like club penguin!
Awesomeman88 - 7 years ago
More bed wars please
Angela Friend
Angela Friend - 7 years ago
On the side, the teams have a checkmark. if the checkmark is gone they dont have a bed. if there is a one beside the team color, their bed is gone but they are alive, if there is a x next to the color the team is gone.
Angela Friend
Angela Friend - 7 years ago
Squaishey, you killed the blue person but if his bed isnt destroyed then he will respawn.
SnowyPuppy568 - 7 years ago
stampy bed wars
Rahma Yennoune
Rahma Yennoune - 7 years ago
Squaishey, white is a beautiful colour because it's actually made up of all the colours and its self! But I still love you!
EmmaIsa Builder
EmmaIsa Builder - 7 years ago
YAY good Job!!!
Angela Friend
Angela Friend - 7 years ago
You should play with stampy
Celina Enoe
Celina Enoe - 7 years ago
can you play bed wars with Stampy plz
we would really appreciate it.
Oh no it's Sara
Oh no it's Sara - 7 years ago
Squished your my idol
Oh no it's Sara
Oh no it's Sara - 7 years ago
yellow racer talladega
yellow racer talladega - 7 years ago
LaineySpirit hi
fallosophy - 7 years ago
Yey Bedwars! xD
TGU gaming girl
TGU gaming girl - 7 years ago
PandaGirl56 - 7 years ago
Squaishey you should do team bed wars with Stampy!
aidualc n.f.h
aidualc n.f.h - 7 years ago
18:58 I was laughing so hard.
pumpkin plays
pumpkin plays - 7 years ago
squashy try to ask ashdubh or iballisticsquid
NattyxLouisa - 7 years ago
You should play Hypixel says, its really fun
Glenn/zircal T
Glenn/zircal T - 7 years ago
play more
SPQQN ._. - 7 years ago
HeyItsLadyBug - 7 years ago
i never panick in bed wars
ParaKeet92 - 7 years ago
I have much to teach you young ducky.
Agnieszka Kurek
Agnieszka Kurek - 7 years ago
ParaKeet92 has please teach her the bedwars ways
Endless Battle
Endless Battle - 7 years ago
ParaKeet92 namaste parakeet
Savannah Marie
Savannah Marie - 7 years ago
Hi sqaishey
sans GetDunkedOn
sans GetDunkedOn - 7 years ago
I love you Sqaishey your the best your really funny
Danna HM
Danna HM - 7 years ago
Danna HM
Danna HM - 7 years ago
I ment early
Brian Kerns
Brian Kerns - 7 years ago
you should play with stampy

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About Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!

The "Server Surfing : Hypixel - BED WARS!!!!!" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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