Server Surfing : Quacktopia - Sqaishey's Server!
Surf 9 years ago 524,630 views
Server Used In This Episode : Quacktopia IP: --------------------------------------------------------------- Official Sqaishey Merch- Hello! Welcome to Server Surfing with me Sqaishey! If you want to watch the series from the beginning then you can go to the Server Surfing Playlist! d8rPizxg-SHwSqT7 Twitter: @Sqaishey Facebook: Instagram: Sqaishey
10. comment for Server Surfing : Quacktopia - Sqaishey's Server!
20. comment for Server Surfing : Quacktopia - Sqaishey's Server!
30. comment for Server Surfing : Quacktopia - Sqaishey's Server!
I kinda miss this not gonna lie haha
50. comment for Server Surfing : Quacktopia - Sqaishey's Server!
100. comment for Server Surfing : Quacktopia - Sqaishey's Server!
It's ip is actually now quack
Should go in it
Me: squaishey,its not a diamond block :3
'Stampy for surprising me with this gift I LOVE YOU' That's just plain. cute!!! ^-^
amazing server!
On your server there are bugs. I left after making sculptors which took 3 hours and I came back and chunks were missing! Like if this happens to you
BTW, my name is xxjustlunaxx in minecraft
What is Sqaishy's ign?
One is maybe because on a certain part of quacktopia, a few plots all nearby each other, sometimes their chunks get destroyed. It's a common glitch and so by new year, Sqaishey and the team will reset plots due to a harmful bug.
Another may be someone just griefed your plot. So my word of wisdom is, make sure you 100% trust the players you add to your plot. If you want to remove or add someone to your plot do:
/p trust (name)
/p untrust (name)
If you want to ban a specific player from your plot do:
/p deny (name)
I hope this helps! If you need anymore help, I am usually on Quacktopia every day so ask me there. My username is MadzyMooX. Or you could reply to me on this comment.