Server Surfing : Realms - Open Sqaishey Realm
Surf 9 years ago 994,948 views
--------------------------------------------------------------- Official Sqaishey Merch- Hello! Welcome to Server Surfing with me Sqaishey! If you want to watch the series from the beginning then you can go to the Server Surfing Playlist! d8rPizxg-SHwSqT7 Twitter: @Sqaishey Facebook: Instagram: Sqaishey
sqaishey is a duck
stampylonghead is a cat
fedex gaming is a moose
and zebra gamer is a zebra
10. comment for Server Surfing : Realms - Open Sqaishey Realm
20. comment for Server Surfing : Realms - Open Sqaishey Realm
Squahy is cool she is a ducky aaND PEOPLE love her Stampy #Stanky Is funny but not better than you and You Shine the light to my heart you rock and if there is something to make me happy,That is watching yiou and I love you!!!!
(sORRYYYYY i spelt your name wrong im only 8 years old :'()
30. comment for Server Surfing : Realms - Open Sqaishey Realm
Keith. Mirthless l
50. comment for Server Surfing : Realms - Open Sqaishey Realm
But one of God's commandments are to not be jealous!!!!!! :-D
100. comment for Server Surfing : Realms - Open Sqaishey Realm
Ps plz if u add me do it with an underscore at the end of my username. Thx
if you're wondering why its a boy name its my brothers mc name but im my brothers sisn (girl)
Username: bunnyfluffy999
Savanna Vaughters username SavannaVDEAMOND
Anyone else who wants to invite me to there realm they r more than welcome!
Fether avenchers called feathers
i will cry for really!!!
and you will not live you will suffer
ilove u squishy and plz tell squid and stampy I love them to
Cats are fuzzy so are you,you make me laugh stampy does too,you love minecraft so do I lets bake a cake and celebrate with pie
i am nice to people i know and scream to them when i'm mad and say OH BLOODY MARY!
please sqaishey please
i love your videos
P.S your epic!