Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

Bruno Santos, Dean Brady, Tyler Larronde, Oney Anwar and Tom Curren take us through the moments leading up to surfing the Seven Ghosts and the momentous barrels that ensued. It was an experience they'll never forget.

Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 321

Surf 13 years ago 2,433,115 views

Bruno Santos, Dean Brady, Tyler Larronde, Oney Anwar and Tom Curren take us through the moments leading up to surfing the Seven Ghosts and the momentous barrels that ensued. It was an experience they'll never forget.

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Most popular comments
for Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

Lanang Bagus
Lanang Bagus - 7 years ago
orang Indonesia asli kok ga ada yg surfing
Septian Eko Firmanto
Septian Eko Firmanto - 7 years ago
edan tenan bule ne coeg
black tiger
black tiger - 7 years ago
Try to capture the waves in Krui Lampung west Indonesia.
Emily Koren
Emily Koren - 7 years ago
Olivier Guedj
Olivier Guedj - 7 years ago
a validant
leo castro
leo castro - 7 years ago
Mas Juki
Mas Juki - 7 years ago
He looks like paul walker
Sarul Luckas
Sarul Luckas - 7 years ago
Wonderful indonesia ,

10. comment for Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

Chris Freely
Chris Freely - 7 years ago
I wonder if Rip Curl paid for this trip?
qadri andre
qadri andre - 7 years ago
yups.. the ripcurl is sponsor for the trip!!
Ted Schulte
Ted Schulte - 7 years ago
Looks more like a wave of dirt.
TNT GAMER - 7 years ago
Eww the water it’s really really dirty, and u could tell that it’s dirty.
Darrell Clark
Darrell Clark - 7 years ago
tide surge?
Orang Pinggiran Akhir Zaman
Orang Pinggiran Akhir Zaman - 7 years ago
Sub back brow
Nevermind - 7 years ago
Haha. Tom Curran" Tubed".
All the Newbs" Barreled, barrels,barrel". Waves form a tube when breaking under optimum conditions. Open at both ends. A tube section. Barrels by definition have a bottom. Ya lil wankers. Use that fancy phone your mom bought ya and figure out how to Google meanings. Maybe install Wictionary.
Muhammad Iluk
Muhammad Iluk - 7 years ago
F De Mascio
F De Mascio - 7 years ago
Stoked to see Curren. My altime fave rider.
David Arvedon
David Arvedon - 7 years ago
If they do this on a nice day, then you have a SUNNY bono.
Muhammad Iluk
Muhammad Iluk - 7 years ago
wonderful Indonesia

20. comment for Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

Yo T
Yo T - 7 years ago
3:00 looks like the main character from ong bak
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
less talking more surfing.
Rey Cisneros
Rey Cisneros - 7 years ago
Wear a Condom , with duc tape wrap , ,keep mouth closed, good luck , Raybann Austin Texas
Gufron Al Imron
Gufron Al Imron - 7 years ago
Top 10 Best Surf Spots In Indonesia You Should Visit .
1. Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra
2. Plengkung Beach (G-Land) Banyuwangi
3. Uluwatu, Bali
4. Lagunri Bay, Nias Island
5. Surf Desert Point, Lombok
6. Ombak Tujuh, Sukabumi, West Java
7. Panaitan Island, West Java
8. Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara
9. Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan, Bali
10. Watu Karung Beach, Pacitan, East Java
putri hannani
putri hannani - 7 years ago
The bono is the best i think.. karna termasuk yg berbahaya dan menantang
khaidir nasty
khaidir nasty - 7 years ago
Gufron Al Imron nias ombak tertinggi di indonesia
Lorenzo Ropke
Lorenzo Ropke - 7 years ago
This waves is POROROCA
Meka B.
Meka B. - 7 years ago
That was cool
ɅƝȺЯĊHƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
dude. did they let water out of a dam or something up stream? i'm like the aussie... i don't understand how waves like that could form in a river...although that looked to be one big river...
tnz tnzi
tnz tnzi - 7 years ago
AnArChY ZeD its one long and big river. the river its self has length of more than 450km. the waves happen usually on a full moon and at places close or at the equator. it has some kind of physic gravity explanation or some shit like
Nacho Scetta
Nacho Scetta - 7 years ago
la pororoca mdq recuerdos
Michael Harris
Michael Harris - 7 years ago
Tom Curran one of the best ! I was at the BHP contest at Port Kembla Wollongong in the early eighties and it was an epic final being Martin Potter V's Tom Curran ,the winner being TC and he ripped and so did Pottsit was a close final ,.
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway

30. comment for Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

Dysania - 7 years ago
"Nature is so beautiful"
"Yeah man, it's pretty cool"
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown - 7 years ago
I hear a bunch of stoked rats
denkinaga - 7 years ago
fuking assholes created so much co2 filming this, guys like u, professional surfers destroy everything that is good about hits activity.
Hopalong Cassidy
Hopalong Cassidy - 7 years ago
6 years ago and no more footage of this has come out?
Dustin Travis
Dustin Travis - 7 years ago
I've known about tidal waves for quite some time, but I've never seen peaky barrel waves like this before - that's some awesome shit!
camago64 - 7 years ago
all talk and no surf...
tucko11 - 7 years ago
agreed. fuck sharks . dirty ass fresh water. leech's and anything else you can think of.
Life Tourist
Life Tourist - 7 years ago
Is a JetSki really necessary
Briggs M
Briggs M - 8 years ago
I never wanted it. 5 generations we and our people have our own story to tell. in our community
Briggs M
Briggs M - 8 years ago
the village is all yours
Briggs M
Briggs M - 8 years ago
you tried to frame me.
S Thompson
S Thompson - 7 years ago
Briggs M corral your tierra
gonçalo teixeira
gonçalo teixeira - 8 years ago
no surfing just ppl talking to a camera about surfing .... wtf
Wyatt Graff
Wyatt Graff - 8 years ago
Nothing like surfin in some poop water
Kaio Cardoso
Kaio Cardoso - 8 years ago
pororócaaaa brazill
aris hadiansyah
aris hadiansyah - 8 years ago
proud to be indonesian people have this bono...
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
watch     22adaynoway
oliver jack
oliver jack - 8 years ago
Nothing like getting an STD while surfing
Jack Christian
Jack Christian - 8 years ago
The didn't really get much good footage...
Jack Christian
Jack Christian - 8 years ago
dean brady.. Ya know
Hungry Hungarian
Hungry Hungarian - 8 years ago
At 0:27 sounds like he says When i first seen the BONER
Should rename this video the day of the BONER cause they all seem to be sayin the same shit

50. comment for Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

mistic mind
mistic mind - 8 years ago
tom curren look like the gonz
mistic mind
mistic mind - 8 years ago
2:08 WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!!!!! IN A RIVER?!!?@!?@
Muhammad Iluk
Muhammad Iluk - 7 years ago
mistic mind yeah, this in river, in sumatra island this bono reef kampar river
Walter Dampier
Walter Dampier - 8 years ago
Yuk! That dirty sewage makes me want to puke. Get outta that stuff and back into God's clean ocean, dudes.
Grom - 8 years ago
Your carbon footprint makes me want to puke ! Surfers are so selfish it's unbelievable. Lose the chopper and the jet skis you are ruining nature with the burning of fossil fuels.

Oh, you donate $$ to the surf rider foundation and Sierra club ? Well then that's OK they will save the planet from fracking, tar sands and off shore oil exploration. A bunch of KOOKS !
Steve Carey
Steve Carey - 8 years ago
Kurt Walker
Kurt Walker - 8 years ago
2:20 should have gone right mate!!!
Kiwi - 8 years ago
1:35 what a small shit on the river :))
Gabriel - 8 years ago
SolOmoN320 - 8 years ago
Why does Curren look so fucking miserable?
emboudik - 8 years ago
I know, he looks like he has massive heartburn right?
Brandon Swinson
Brandon Swinson - 8 years ago
he always looks miserable, that's just Tom
ED Edwards
ED Edwards - 8 years ago
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Filippo Angelini
Filippo Angelini - 8 years ago
Ma veramente?!
Mount bros
Mount bros - 8 years ago
uuu lol
Guna Bratha
Guna Bratha - 8 years ago
This phenomenon only occurs in Rokan river and Kampar River, Riau province of Indonesia . Depending on the size of the moon. happens every day and night.
Syamhudi Widianto
Syamhudi Widianto - 8 years ago
many places have tidal bores man, but yeah, the seven ghost is the longest and you can surfing for about 40-50 km over an hour...(Guinnes book noted the record was 17.2 km made by James Cotton March 10, 2016)
pweter351 - 8 years ago
Tidal bores occur in many places usually close to the equator the Amazon has a big one.
eddie morris
eddie morris - 8 years ago
Its Mother Nature cumming, The sum of the boner, its HUGE!!!
Eric Mulholland
Eric Mulholland - 8 years ago
How do these waves form, and where do they come from?
skankhunt42 - 7 years ago
Eric Mulholland oh I'm sorry but my lady and I were rocking the boat a little too hard that day. That's what cause all those waves.
Joachim Kane
Joachim Kane - 7 years ago
Huge sea monsters, the females, go up the river to tend to their pregnancy and their morning sickness puke, the strength of it, forms these waves.
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique - 8 years ago
When the tide ups and the sea enters the river.
Verso Fatal
Verso Fatal - 8 years ago
ual...parece a pororoca...
Rioku Rioku
Rioku Rioku - 8 years ago
Deddy Satria
Deddy Satria - 8 years ago
it's in the province of Riau in Indonesia
ope opop
ope opop - 8 years ago
Dave C.
Dave C. - 8 years ago
Tom Curren....Still amazing.
bollocknaked1975 - 8 years ago
BONO actually means big headed prick.....
Aydan Kovach
Aydan Kovach - 8 years ago
More like brown wash
Blake music carter
Blake music carter - 8 years ago
I need to do this
matt Lanselot771
matt Lanselot771 - 8 years ago
This is grouse, would love to kite surf this
Rafael Macahdo
Rafael Macahdo - 8 years ago
Saw sold
HookedOnTheBay - 8 years ago
Imagine you are kayaking and you have no clue these waves are coming. So peaceful until you see a wall of water coming with no way around it. FUCK
Jimmy Elsen
Jimmy Elsen - 7 years ago
zxwm Abcdef strainers don't joke around man
michael koppenhoefer
michael koppenhoefer - 8 years ago
learn to roll and catch the next wave
zxwm Abcdef
zxwm Abcdef - 8 years ago
I would be worried about what kind of tree branches and sharp rocks are in that river.
Boglenight - 8 years ago
There are times in life, when giant walls of water come out of nowhere, that's when you pray to your gods, you say your wishes towards your loved ones, then you mentally prepare to enjoy the ride that may in fact end your life.
se7en1976 - 8 years ago
+HookedOnTheBay Id definitely kiss my arse good bye..
William Taylor Winn
William Taylor Winn - 9 years ago
the bono
outofthebox channel
outofthebox channel - 9 years ago
thats river is so so cool, cheaps trips and cost, its worthy, i love indonesia
Sunny CyclingSailing
Sunny CyclingSailing - 9 years ago
Which river ? Which country ? Uploader, give some basic information pls.
qadri andre
qadri andre - 7 years ago
becarefull.. the crocodile inside the river!!
Danny Smith
Danny Smith - 8 years ago
Just Google bono wave
Sunny CyclingSailing
Sunny CyclingSailing - 9 years ago
+ilham ramadhan Thank you for responding.
Kukuh Eka Prasetya
Kukuh Eka Prasetya - 9 years ago
indonesia in sumatra island, riau province, its name is kampar river or bono
rocker4577 - 9 years ago
Great footage but talking about surfing is really rather ridiculous.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 9 years ago
this looks like a tsunami
outofthebox channel
outofthebox channel - 9 years ago
+Vinícius de Andrade yeah, tsunami that you can ride it, awesome
Film Lover
Film Lover - 9 years ago
Way cool!
Aulsid Wijaya
Aulsid Wijaya - 9 years ago
Bono, Kampar River, Riau Province, INDONESIA (y)
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
why is it so brown?
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
+Alex Sykes thanks!
Alex Sykes
Alex Sykes - 9 years ago
It Flows Thru Jungle It Gets It Color From The Mud
Hendri Yuliandra
Hendri Yuliandra - 9 years ago
Antony Colas
Antony Colas - 9 years ago
Amazing : Check the book about ALL tidal BORES in the world. "MASCARET, L'ONDE LUNAIRE".
Siddhartha Moraes
Siddhartha Moraes - 9 years ago
SoulbikesMedia - 9 years ago
He could done the barrel but the jet ski make close the wave
RandomVidGuy - 9 years ago
looks like yummy Chocolate and yummy wait i mean stinky poop
Jonathon Bouillir
Jonathon Bouillir - 9 years ago
Pandu Bagaskara
Pandu Bagaskara - 9 years ago
nice :3
bladespn - 9 years ago
bladespn - 9 years ago
There surfing in chocolate milk
Mike Vaneck
Mike Vaneck - 7 years ago
* They're
I'm Awesome
I'm Awesome - 9 years ago
+bladespn lol more like shit
James D
James D - 9 years ago
1:57 sec before any one is up and riding.
40 sec s of riding if that, the rest blah blah blah
papapetad - 9 years ago
+James D Not the most eloquent talk either XD Regardless, some epic waves in the vid!
Mathéo Coguiec
Mathéo Coguiec - 9 years ago
Juliano Caetano
Juliano Caetano - 9 years ago
alguem me mata!
Michael Evans
Michael Evans - 9 years ago
ParkourLuke - 9 years ago
Dean Brady is my surf coach in QLD australia
Derry Perdana
Derry Perdana - 9 years ago
Gerald Simatupang
Gerald Simatupang - 9 years ago
+Alex Sykes This is in Indonesia. South East Asia. If you know Bali, then Bali is in Indonesia also, my country. come and enjoy the archipelago
Alex Sykes
Alex Sykes - 9 years ago
south america
Keegan Muir
Keegan Muir - 10 years ago
Chocolatey goodness

100. comment for Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing

Randsurfer - 10 years ago
Kind of funny how I need a translator to understand the Aussie but understand the Brazilian's English perfectly.
hoshino - 7 years ago
Randsurfer you must be an idiot then because the accent isn't even thick
Mr'Koalas - 7 years ago
Aren't they in indonesia?
Ross Armstrong
Ross Armstrong - 7 years ago
Fuck'n oath mate
Duncan Carroll
Duncan Carroll - 8 years ago
Randsurfer b
Angus Murray
Angus Murray - 10 years ago
Apparently the meaning of the word 'bono' means its true ... comes in a conversation where someone is describing the meaning of the word 'bono' which is used in a conversation when someone is describing the wave... and the other person says "that's not true, its impossible" and then they say "oh yeah it is true".
yoyoyo ok
yoyoyo ok - 10 years ago
why a lot of western people is only know indonesia just bali and jakarta?
are they dumb, selfish or too ignorant..?
Demon50 - 9 years ago
Maybe they just don't care?
Paul Fiddymont
Paul Fiddymont - 9 years ago
+Randsurfer haha no answer, you shut him up, congratulations, i'm from NZ and im sad that not many people know of us.
Randsurfer - 10 years ago
Maybe because they are the two most popular destinations for people who live 10,000 miles away.  How many cities can you name in Holland, Portugal, Uruguay, Kenya, New Zealand (without doing a google search)? 
milkmandan77 - 10 years ago
looks like fun until a parasite swims up your dickhole and starts to eat you.
ɅƝȺЯĊHƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
have you ever tried balancing on the log? it's painful. Besides if that parasite makes it up thu my ankle band after the coffee brick hits and i dock a sub inside my suit... at that point i have enough worries... meh. fuck it. I'll take the risk.....
phapnui - 8 years ago
Wear a condom.
Booty and Barrels
Booty and Barrels - 8 years ago
Jai Gemmill
Jai Gemmill - 8 years ago
I'm Awesome lol obviously he doesn't
I'm Awesome
I'm Awesome - 9 years ago
+Ailison Carvalho lol Obviosuly you do.
Ailison Carvalho
Ailison Carvalho - 9 years ago
+I'm Awesome nobody cares. :D
I'm Awesome
I'm Awesome - 9 years ago
+Ailison Carvalho = SJW globalist faggot
Ailison Carvalho
Ailison Carvalho - 9 years ago
+A Tobi Yeah dude. hahahaha
A Tobi
A Tobi - 9 years ago
+Ailison Carvalho
Dick-Fish Aka water natural Karma ?
Ailison Carvalho
Ailison Carvalho - 9 years ago
+milkmandan77 That's not a parasite, it's a fish and it only swims up you dickhole if you pee in the water. I like to call them as a conservative environmental aggressive punisher fish employee of the nature. hahahahaha
Flavia Hernandez
Flavia Hernandez - 9 years ago
We are
Odair Trindade
Odair Trindade - 10 years ago
esse video é muito massa...falouuuuu brodher;;;;;;;
os gigantes de aço
falconwings - 10 years ago
Hope you are all up to date in your Hep-C shots!
Ghost shadow
Ghost shadow - 10 years ago
Tommy u r so TIRED LOOKING go to SLEEP O G  XOXO
Ghost shadow
Ghost shadow - 10 years ago
nice waves brothers but I have to comment on the ignorance of all , ALL surfers of : HEY WHAT THE FU#@ R U THINKING, WHAT ABOUT THE WORLD ISSIUES, stoners :-)
CupojoePro - 10 years ago
this is such a bore
Delta Foxtrot
Delta Foxtrot - 10 years ago
nyyankees4296 - 10 years ago
obama is a good president
milkmandan77 - 10 years ago
ask your grandkids that one day
milkmandan77 - 10 years ago
It took the United States more than TWO HUNDRED YEARS to amass a 7 trillion dollar debt. Obama doubled it in less than 8 years.
PAUL ANTHONY Fletcher - 10 years ago
You turd.
Stephen Muglia
Stephen Muglia - 10 years ago
Andrea Modica
Andrea Modica - 10 years ago
Jeferson Leal
Jeferson Leal - 10 years ago
Amazing Pororoca..
Garrett Surfs
Garrett Surfs - 10 years ago
Gnarly as fuck!
Felix Brummer
Felix Brummer - 10 years ago
Bono is the largest Tidal Bore at Indonesia. I'M PROUD TO BE INDONESIA !! Thank you for your nice video :)
INKABIKER - 6 years ago
proud of that orange clown, kids mass shootings and your murder pigs enforcement as well?
Nathan Irizarry
Nathan Irizarry - 7 years ago
John Smith’re proud to be obese loud and rude
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
I'm PROUD to be AMERICAN!!!!
Yuli Sumpil
Yuli Sumpil - 7 years ago
Felix Brummer dont be overproud
Joachim Kane
Joachim Kane - 7 years ago
Mikey K... love your Irish honesty and humour. Fuck U2... Gives Ireland a bad name, preachy bitches.
Michael Kennedy
Michael Kennedy - 8 years ago
Felix Brummer Funny that, Bonno is the largest Irish bore in Ireland too
Simon Smith
Simon Smith - 8 years ago
Aaron Bryan
Aaron Bryan - 10 years ago
+aleet frozen
aleet - 10 years ago
Yeah yeah now fuck off and find other thing on the Internet to be PROUD of.
twas brillig
twas brillig - 10 years ago
Thank YOU Felix for stating what the video or title or information failed to provide, WHERE THIS IS!!!
Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy - 10 years ago
dont be overproud man!!...biasa aja kaleee..norak!
Atoy Martinez
Atoy Martinez - 10 years ago
Whats the title of that music background? Thanks
Atoy Martinez
Atoy Martinez - 10 years ago
+corey fisher
Thanks a lot
Atoy Martinez
Atoy Martinez - 10 years ago
Thanks Thanks
corey fisher
corey fisher - 10 years ago
Phoenix- Love Like a Sunset Part 2
weee mf
weee mf - 10 years ago
The unshaven half grown hair style seems to be quite trendy these days......... Yawn
Jack Gallen
Jack Gallen - 10 years ago
hidayatullah muhammad
hidayatullah muhammad - 11 years ago
Bono is the Tidal Bore at Kampar River, Pelalawan Regency-Riau-Indonesia
Thanks to Ripcurl Surfing Team  for this video
Miguel liscommex-eurl
Miguel liscommex-eurl - 11 years ago
great...amaysing sceans
Pedro Garcia
Pedro Garcia - 11 years ago
Maybe it is in Amazonas , in Brasil.
Dwi Amalia
Dwi Amalia - 10 years ago
It's in my lovely country, Indonesia. it's not so far from my house at Meranti, Riau, Indonesia
Pedro Baldessar
Pedro Baldessar - 10 years ago
+Karlos Alberto mas se bem que algumas ondas ali do vídeo devem ter mais de 3 metros hein...
PAUL ANTHONY Fletcher - 10 years ago
It's in Indonesia Sumatra. Nothing good comes from Brazil you Turkey.
Carlos Alberto
Carlos Alberto - 10 years ago
No Brasil, a pororoca mais importante ocorre na Amazônia, quando as águas do rio Amazonas encontram-se com as águas do Oceano Atlântico na foz deste rio. Ocorre um forte barulho e a força do fenômeno provoca a derrubada de árvores e alterações nas margens do rio. Durante o fenômeno, formam-se ondas que podem atingir até 3 metros de altura e velocidade de até 20 km/h.
Embora a pororoca amazônica seja a mais importante do mundo, ela também ocorre em outras regiões do planeta como, por exemplo, nos rios Sena (França), Iang-Tsé (China), Colorado (Estados Unidos) e Tamisa (Inglaterra).
Dwi Amalia
Dwi Amalia - 10 years ago
No, it's in Indonesia :)
adventuresinbelieving - 11 years ago
Tom Curren. Legend.
F De Mascio
F De Mascio - 7 years ago
Ditto. My favorite rider since my childhood.
bipola telly
bipola telly - 7 years ago
adventuresinbelieving yeah
Dan oliveira
Dan oliveira - 11 years ago
MrSEAofGREEN - 11 years ago
those rivers are crawling with crocs. Any encounters?
Yoni Bañuelos
Yoni Bañuelos - 11 years ago
That's so cool
Ramos Cassio
Ramos Cassio - 11 years ago
Where is this spot ? Country ?
Ramos Cassio
Ramos Cassio - 11 years ago
Oh nice
Ryan hill
Ryan hill - 11 years ago
Riau , Indonesia
Larry Flynn
Larry Flynn - 11 years ago
You rarely see footage LIKE THIS!
Erik Martin
Erik Martin - 11 years ago
bs realness n learn to fkn dot dot u fat fuck
Dwi Darmatin
Dwi Darmatin - 11 years ago
This is true as hole , please come to that place .... megantudmarker ... you are stupid
Erik Martin
Erik Martin - 11 years ago
u were talkn shit n u cant dot dot properly ahha u fkn...suck...!
Migels123 - 11 years ago
spot the aussie
Qais ' Zix
Qais ' Zix - 11 years ago
+Ryan hill lol
Migels123 - 11 years ago
+Ryan hill I meant the fellow from Australia
Ryan hill
Ryan hill - 11 years ago
actually sumatrera, indonesia  
Rifki Zulfikar
Rifki Zulfikar - 11 years ago
Itu fenomena alam air laut pasang,hanya ada di sungai kampar provinsi Riau.ombak bisa sampai ketinggian dari 2meter sampai 6 meter sejauh kurang lebih 30km mulai dari muara sungai kampar.
mbagusi - 11 years ago
yeah, and they can surf along 60 km in 1 hour or more until you tired and sink ha..ha...
mbagusi - 11 years ago dude, its Indonesia in Kampar River, Pelalawan, Riau Province
mbagusi - 11 years ago
Hmmm....In Indonesia no shark bit a man, but people catch the sharks to be a shark menu in expensive restaurant...he..he...
mbagusi - 11 years ago
tul bro, tuh orang kan gak ngarti surfing, liat gimana bentuk papannya aja gak tau dia dikiranya papan setrika kali. Lagian mana ada ombak di singkarak, aya-aya wae neh orang oon....
mbagusi - 11 years ago
In the kampar river, they can surf along even 60 km and > 1 hour until you tired...
goofyfoot2001 - 11 years ago
That is not Tom Curren! I fucking turned 50 last week. ugh
barrelsmcgee - 11 years ago
Tom Curren fried? Bono
Ellis Holden
Ellis Holden - 11 years ago
Holy shit dude I remember when Tom Curren was a prime young man. He looks like a crazy version of Tom Hanks. Sick video though!
benny trueBlue
benny trueBlue - 11 years ago
Amazing bono! Riau - Indonesia
Brock Young
Brock Young - 11 years ago
Mateo Pedro
Mateo Pedro - 11 years ago
Holy sheet
newkidsintown - 11 years ago
What movie was this from?
Austin House
Austin House - 11 years ago
love like a sunset part 2
Alex gomez llanos
Alex gomez llanos - 11 years ago
whats name the song?
Alex gomez llanos
Alex gomez llanos - 11 years ago
whats name the song?
nana mulyana
nana mulyana - 11 years ago
nice to surf - welcome to the left kampar river in Pelalawan - Riau - Indonesia
TheCowduck - 11 years ago
Well, we do know there's Hollywood in your brain.
Andik Warhol
Andik Warhol - 11 years ago
sungai Bono di Riau INDONESIA..
milanoo pipo
milanoo pipo - 11 years ago
no just crocodile :) *its true* :)
Dani Nanni
Dani Nanni - 11 years ago
should be Love is like a sunset part II by Phoenix
Jimmy ft
Jimmy ft - 11 years ago
seawater is heavier than river water, does it makes a diference?
mrgangstaRapper53 - 11 years ago
aren't there piranha in that river ?
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
Definitely true! These days you get any type of board for most types of waves! A fish is good example of a type of short board for small waves
BeatingBanger - 11 years ago
I just wanted to show you that people do use longboards in river waves, as you can see in the video I mentioned.but to give my opinion, I would say it is important to differentiate between small wave shortboards and bigger wave shortboard. Of course your shortboards you ride in 6ft+ waves does not perform good in small waves. Another might do so, as well as a long board might do so.
Michael Morrill
Michael Morrill - 11 years ago
hey man Im the nicest guy youll ever meet! i have seen pics of skeleton bay going off.. all im sayin is work on your lingo! lol. i understand theres 1 wave in a river, and multiple in the ocean.. the white wash just reflects how much power there is to the wave?.. shred gnar brada, shred gnar
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
I'm talking about a river wave! Don't you see the load of whitewash these waves have compared to the open face side of the wave? On beach breaks you get hundred of chances to go for another wave once stuck on the inside, unlike river waves! I stay at the end of the world(Namibia) where we have no crowds and luckily no short tempered assholes... like i think you might just be search up "Skeleton Bay" and you'll get a good idea of what our surf looks like.
Michael Morrill
Michael Morrill - 11 years ago
"white wash waves" ? brah.. you dont surf lol
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
Even those waves have a relatively small face, I'd say better for mid to long board, the modern ones are definitely more maneuverable and lighter! I mostly use a shortboard for clean 6ft+ waves, white wash waves and waves less than 5ft need to much pumping on and is slow on a shortboard...
BeatingBanger - 11 years ago
watch silver dragon video by xtreme video
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
Why does no-one use Long boards in river waves? I love shortboarding, but on small waves they are just to slow and unfloaty...
Richard Burton
Richard Burton - 11 years ago
That was really cool, very unique! - 11 years ago
Freaking awesome ! check out my site if you want or dont ... up to you just keep it rad people haha
Football Highlights
Football Highlights - 11 years ago
It was not because of dirty water, but because of erosion caused by the river close to the bay and bring waves so the waves coming on the ground resulting in erosion
DX sembilan
DX sembilan - 11 years ago
biasa aja kaligan jangan terlalu di ulukan.... nanti kelihatanya sombong...
Luqman Hakim N
Luqman Hakim N - 11 years ago
the bono in kampar river riau IS AMAZING WONDERFUL INDONESIA
Mike Wilson
Mike Wilson - 11 years ago
0:14 - baked
MyDog Shat
MyDog Shat - 11 years ago
Rendy Saputra
Rendy Saputra - 11 years ago
no.. in indonesia
David Galaz
David Galaz - 11 years ago
where is this? ...brazil?
Nicolas Orlando
Nicolas Orlando - 11 years ago
Esto no es la "Poporoca"?, los Hermanos Wainstein de mdq hicieron un programa hace dos años (casi se matan)..
simodijo - 11 years ago
tom curren the 1 and only!! but next time dont eat to much nasi champur before the interview//..
Simon Sutherland
Simon Sutherland - 11 years ago
Rendy Castellazzi
Rendy Castellazzi - 11 years ago
surfing itu bukan cari air kotor atau gak, yg penting itu lama gk nya gelombang
PRFCT Storm - 11 years ago
crazy to think that Tyler was my childhood friend. hawaii sure does know how to produce quality surfers
ansaz fever
ansaz fever - 11 years ago
wow amazing
Liz Jiménez
Liz Jiménez - 11 years ago
Is that a River??? for real???
midwal ahnjank
midwal ahnjank - 11 years ago
apaan nih, aernya kotor coba di danau singkarak
Shane Eva
Shane Eva - 11 years ago
pretty sick wave
Relsek - 11 years ago
It's a river.... Aside from a very rarely seen few types, sharks live in the ocean.
Tim Summers
Tim Summers - 11 years ago
what song by block party?
kim eli
kim eli - 11 years ago
eewww the water is cant see if there is a shark trying to attact you....
teka teki
teka teki - 11 years ago
teka teki
teka teki - 11 years ago
amazing bono indonesia.
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 11 years ago
block party
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 11 years ago
its red earth...dirt.. not sewage.. its clean
Shane McCaslin
Shane McCaslin - 11 years ago
Those waves look like shit.
805edog - 11 years ago
It looks cool, but very filthy as fuck
Uda inDrA noer
Uda inDrA noer - 11 years ago
4our - 11 years ago
Whats the music in the background
victor alois
victor alois - 11 years ago
SintoniaNativa - 11 years ago
very amazing
Kahu Davis
Kahu Davis - 11 years ago
soopa mann
soopa mann - 12 years ago
That's a joke right...?!? Old guy Tom Curr....Ahh, never mind, don't wanna waste anymore time with ya.......
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 12 years ago
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 12 years ago
the short answer is yes.
Kathy Blundell
Kathy Blundell - 12 years ago
people surf in your toilet?
joel farina
joel farina - 12 years ago
That is so hectic, really want some of that!!!
moailine - 12 years ago
lewis allen
lewis allen - 12 years ago
I want some of that
steve B
steve B - 12 years ago
you're kidding right "that old guy". he is a legend & you will never surf like him
Leon Comino
Leon Comino - 12 years ago
and What diseases did you get from this?
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 12 years ago
thats what happens in my toilet every morning
Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 12 years ago
that old guy is a legend and a former world champion
Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 12 years ago
that old guy is a legend and world champion
Marty Brown
Marty Brown - 12 years ago
How come the old guy looks so miserable talking about such an awesome wave!?
Aek - 12 years ago
I wouldnt do a duckdive. ... :D
витя горячев
витя горячев - 12 years ago
маленькие волны
azief reza
azief reza - 12 years ago
it's INDONESIA............
eyal ladani
eyal ladani - 12 years ago
it is awesome!
faiez syahlam
faiez syahlam - 12 years ago
Donny Hardika
Donny Hardika - 12 years ago
Come to Indonesia please :)
ushakatravel - 12 years ago
Seychelles,Mauritius,South Africa on ushakatravel.Enjoy!
Tuan Chidori
Tuan Chidori - 12 years ago
wew daerah ane hihihih
Sani Saragih
Sani Saragih - 12 years ago
No , it's not in Brazil. It was in Teluk Meranti River At Pelalawan City, Riau Province INDONESIA .. Come to Indonesia My Friend.
Filipe Ricardo Fraga
Filipe Ricardo Fraga - 12 years ago
BarbaricBeats - 12 years ago
If anyone would like to get introduced to some great non-copyrighted music and become my 17th subscriber you're more than welcome to visit my channel!
sangkister - 12 years ago
indonesia. riau province in sumatera island. kampar river.
dimas hengky
dimas hengky - 12 years ago
Erry Fardiansyah
Erry Fardiansyah - 12 years ago
Bono river is Indonesia's river. Located in the island of sumatra on riau province.
gede pasurahadi
gede pasurahadi - 12 years ago
Mestinya pemerintah mempromosiin ini... Malahan wisatawan asing
Belajar Renang Buat Pemula Bilingual from Tokyo
Belajar Renang Buat Pemula Bilingual from Tokyo - 12 years ago
It is in sumatra indonesia eight?? I ll b there for sure.
Mateus Feijo
Mateus Feijo - 12 years ago
Where is this river? Brazil?
Tom Hansch
Tom Hansch - 12 years ago
Shaf Ihsan
Shaf Ihsan - 12 years ago
norman peuron
norman peuron - 12 years ago
tu dois bien ta faire eclater dans le barrel
andik brandalz
andik brandalz - 12 years ago
indonesian wonder beautiful :)
david bucio urquiza
david bucio urquiza - 12 years ago
2:26 mougle el libro de la selva es el!! D:
Karl XZY
Karl XZY - 12 years ago
Matty Minter
Matty Minter - 12 years ago
chocolate pipeline
David G
David G - 12 years ago
So sick my brus!!! KEPEPEN' it all goooooooood in da hooooood!!!! :) L)
zachariahm10 - 12 years ago
2:15 should have gone right
Laromanecc - 12 years ago
Fucking terrible photography. Surely they could have got a camera up closer so we could have seen those barrels?
g mrigo
g mrigo - 12 years ago
rain forest!!!! fucking crazy surf....muito irado...deve ser tenso faria facil...
monkeyzeetube - 12 years ago
Tom Curren is the living legend...
BiuCosta - 12 years ago
In Brazil we have the "Pororoca" but, I never seen those barrows so big!
SurfinCalibitch - 12 years ago
and that mormon bullshit
Nick Pooley
Nick Pooley - 12 years ago
enough with the political ads, its a bit pathetic
gpur khaeranie
gpur khaeranie - 12 years ago
squidatsea - 12 years ago
They were to busy trying to pose for the camera
tristan tegig
tristan tegig - 12 years ago
indonesia <3
Max f
Max f - 12 years ago
4:09 is he wearing a speedo?
Tom Foley
Tom Foley - 12 years ago
sick vid but at 2:10 why didnt he cutback and go rightt????? much better barellll
Miguel Surf
Miguel Surf - 12 years ago
really???? :OO
Matt K
Matt K - 12 years ago
adblock plus
HI_grade - 12 years ago
@mysweeteventhorizon haha u have quite an imagination, i hope u know no one believes a word u r saying, and u keep saying that surfers are fags either because u are gealous and cant surf for shit or u have nothing better to do but make up a bunch of bullshit!!! GOOD DAY SIR oh wait u probabaly NEVER HAD 1 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gilbert Mohank
Gilbert Mohank - 12 years ago
ripcurl yes...i like this video
MG thereaper
MG thereaper - 12 years ago
wow!!! I want to be there someday
Vitlar GER
Vitlar GER - 12 years ago
haha i just fell in love with your comment :D
Miguel Surf
Miguel Surf - 12 years ago
why do you reply to your own comment?
alexander woodward
alexander woodward - 12 years ago
i will surf there someday
TheDannyog - 12 years ago
one angry little boy grow a pair lol
Scott Thomson
Scott Thomson - 12 years ago
its called swimming :p
Corey W
Corey W - 12 years ago
yea i guess its impossible to hold ur breath for 7 seconds
Iddison68 - 12 years ago
Tommy 'brother' Curren. Jesus loves you.
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
It is incredible i want to surf there
Muhammad IrwansyAh
Muhammad IrwansyAh - 12 years ago
Wow Amazing ,.. Sungai kampaau at Riaau Om bonou hahaha awesome :D
Grant Caillouet
Grant Caillouet - 12 years ago
Albrecht - 12 years ago
Dwi Destrya Sofiana
Dwi Destrya Sofiana - 12 years ago
i'm so proud to be indonesian... :D
Foto Prewedding
Foto Prewedding - 12 years ago
no end wave... please come to Riau in Indonesia i have another video about bono
Brian Greene
Brian Greene - 12 years ago
Magnawulf - 12 years ago
I wanna get chocolate barrelled!
1BigRocket - 12 years ago
Seven Ghosts Ep. 2 - The Boy Eater
Somebow Dee
Somebow Dee - 12 years ago
"some of the boner, its huge"
Anivaldo Ramos
Anivaldo Ramos - 12 years ago
EDU005 - 12 years ago
0:39 That's what she said XD
meaganfoxsleftboob - 12 years ago
i just toked up. packed a fatty with some hash. im fucking gone. oh and i went surfing yesterday... first tube:p
Lucas Alves
Lucas Alves - 12 years ago
muito masa
debora meltrozo
debora meltrozo - 12 years ago
la pororka
joe balls
joe balls - 13 years ago
@3:51 is sick as fuq
Dave Donahue
Dave Donahue - 13 years ago
Curren was always a respectable guy, I remember seeing him back in 86, great guy and surfer
Andrew Grant
Andrew Grant - 13 years ago
@TheManolakis YOU are one of the dumbest people on the planet.
markushalfmad - 13 years ago
@carioca56 sorry to say, dude, but if you were really a `carioca` you wouldn`t be asking this question
Nathan Niclair
Nathan Niclair - 13 years ago
that oney guy goes to my school
Fellype Silva
Fellype Silva - 13 years ago
muito papo e pouco surf
30cidon - 13 years ago
isurfvan - 13 years ago
@TheManolakis hahaha, your the dumbest person on the planet generalizing you know how many surfers their are ...?// You just made yourself seem like an ignorant fool....
Connor Martin
Connor Martin - 13 years ago
@TheManolakis oh rlly is that becus ur lil pussy ass wouldnt get in that water or is it becus ur just fucking ingnorant becus to b a surfer takes a lot of skill, determination, and passion so watch ur mouth meathead and dont dis somethng u dont even know about
Garabed Benlian
Garabed Benlian - 13 years ago
@carioca56 not the same river, this is in indonesia, the Pororoca is in the amazonian river, which is located in northern brazil
Michael Mac Donald
Michael Mac Donald - 13 years ago
@TheManolakis you really should take a step back..think about what you just said... and then FUCK YOURSELF. kthanksbye. #twat
Rick Ruffin
Rick Ruffin - 13 years ago
What's the difference between the Bono and the Poroca. Same river. Why a different name?
GEEFLEXZ - 13 years ago
Tom is an old dog of the ocean.
HBCult - 13 years ago
water looks pretty gross.
MelonCiego - 13 years ago
@TheManolakis go fuck yourself.
Wade H
Wade H - 13 years ago
Tom Curren's one fried hamburger
Robert Bolduc
Robert Bolduc - 13 years ago
@TheManolakis and why is that? cause we dont get paind large sums of money to tackle eachother over a cone shaped pigskin covered ball? or is it cause we dont get paind large sums of money to run up and down a court shooting a ball into a basket? naww were stupid cause our sport requires immense skill, undefineable amounts of knowledge of how the ocean works, and alot of love. Fuck you bro, dont talk shit if u cant back it up
Gotthatgoin4me - 13 years ago
"surfers" are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
saddamdontsurf - 13 years ago
@Tom6093 Shaun was always better than Mark and neither of them qualified to carry Gerrys boards .
aracuscesar - 13 years ago
less talk, more surf
James Biederman
James Biederman - 13 years ago
Before there was Slater, there was Curren, Before Curren there was Mark Richards. But the Duke started it all.
neal benchimol
neal benchimol - 13 years ago
Im fine wiht buffering and im fine with ads but when an ad buffers i fucking rage
salvador palomares
salvador palomares - 13 years ago
donde es? where is?¿
zachariahm10 - 13 years ago
2:16 should of went right
jorge nicolas muller
jorge nicolas muller - 13 years ago
pororóca bombando!!
TiagoCupido Luis
TiagoCupido Luis - 13 years ago
bruno should have gone to the right backdoor way ;)
Yadi Vegan
Yadi Vegan - 13 years ago
@ehukai26 you want come to bono? :D
Yadi Vegan
Yadi Vegan - 13 years ago
@ToolsnFire bono in sumatera island, INDONESIA COUNTRY :)
ToolsnFire - 13 years ago
Where's Bono?
goobygeeban - 13 years ago
0:43 ya know....
Roll4Eternity - 13 years ago
lol all the other dudes are talking heel smart and then the aussie come on and his like ' yeah was lookin' round
Froylan Vg
Froylan Vg - 13 years ago
theres NO dislikes!
808zsickest - 13 years ago
Wade H
Wade H - 13 years ago
@waterman1976 No just looks like he has some bad indigestion; it's old man Curren now
burl101 - 13 years ago
oh yea deff baked!
waterman1976 - 13 years ago
is it just me or does curren seem kinda fried. he surf great n all.
brad sanders
brad sanders - 13 years ago
RipCurl!!! You produced an awesome series of 3 videos popularizing the amazing Kampar River "Bono" wave in Riau Province, Sumatra! To Rip Curl, A. Colas, and J. Frank....glad you used & re-used the aerial video shots from March 2011, it really ads a great dimension to the videos, but it would have been nice to see a short credit listed at the end of each video for pilot Jono & APRIL who donated the 7 hours of flight time to make it possible!
The Get Up And Go Show
The Get Up And Go Show - 13 years ago
greenroomdude - 13 years ago
dude...thumbs up if you think Tom currens interviews are really funny....hes such a weird guy!
juaobitor - 13 years ago
Seven Ghosts Ep. 2 - The Boner
Herisman Is
Herisman Is - 13 years ago
2002 I've covered this bono activities for the purposes of tourism potential of local government Pelalawan, due to limited coverage of video equipment that I make not as good as you make. Thank you very much you've described the overall potential of this Bono, hopefully with the coverage of surfing you are doing is opening horizons Pelalawan Government Tourism Office. Thanks
Indera Dewantho
Indera Dewantho - 13 years ago
watch for the crocodiles there are a lot of them in South Sumatera... :D
Iwan Syariah
Iwan Syariah - 13 years ago
Indonesian great, get a new tourist attraction ... bravo
ben bradley
ben bradley - 13 years ago
Go straight to 1:14 for waves that will blow you away!
Cordell Stone
Cordell Stone - 13 years ago
@montysurfs - Thanks but I'm really interested to know how often or frequent this breaks. So you said incoming tide, so does it break like this everyday when the tide rolls in?
montysurfs - 13 years ago
@stone34 its a tidal bore, or tidal wave..... incoming tide is channeled by river sides, shallow bottom... meets water in river which is travelling in opposite direction....water gets pushed up.... viola! perfect wave.
Nicholas Prestipino
Nicholas Prestipino - 13 years ago
@jhancock93 im callin bullshit on that one man
Cordell Stone
Cordell Stone - 13 years ago
So how does this wave break? What a phenom this is. Does it break all day long or just once a month or something like that? How does it form? It just seems like a freak of nature. Is it from a storm weather system that enters the river from Natuna Sea and creates waves? Or a massive changing tide that creates a tidal bore that turns into waves? It's just so interesint ya know... WOW!!!
yusuf trisna jaya
yusuf trisna jaya - 13 years ago
it's in Pelelawan,Riau,Indonesia.. in kampar river..
ismarider - 13 years ago
The wave hits me ... it was a good experience ... LOL !
el papa decoral
el papa decoral - 13 years ago
Tthe Kali Malang River or "The Bono" Rocks!!!!! I saw this and all surfers will know soon that theperfect wave is The Bono .I email this to the local news of mi island Puerto Rico. Soon we will be there. This are long rides a dream .Viva The Bono!!
funkEntelechyPlacebo - 13 years ago
it's not Kali Malang
zotta1 - 13 years ago
This is the Kali Malang river in Jakarta.
Mark Walters
Mark Walters - 13 years ago
@crescentaluna i found it in a 15 min google search...but thats all i'm sayin
John Lamb
John Lamb - 13 years ago
annoying download..keeps already!!! yakkity yak yak yak yak...can't watch no more...tooo bad..could be a good vid..i smell a job opening
Friek Ennout
Friek Ennout - 13 years ago
Where was this filmed?

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The "Seven Ghosts Ep2 - The "Bono" - Amazing Tidal Bore Surfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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