Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Link, with the help of Mety, show together how you can Cross ALL of Hyrule Map by Shield Surfing in ONE go! Music used: Fairy theme & The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Transient Shadows" By WillRock ----------------------- -What I used to record this video?- Elgato HD Game Capture Card Zelda Breath of the Wild Wii U | Switch Nintendo Console: Wii U | Switch --------------------------------- Twitch: Instagram: Mety333_ Website: Twitter: Discord: Youtube: *Thank you for being a viewer!* I'll see you at the comments (: ====== End screen music: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap "Cloud Tops"

Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1130

Surf 7 years ago 850,524 views

Link, with the help of Mety, show together how you can Cross ALL of Hyrule Map by Shield Surfing in ONE go! Music used: Fairy theme & The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Transient Shadows" By WillRock ----------------------- -What I used to record this video?- Elgato HD Game Capture Card Zelda Breath of the Wild Wii U | Switch Nintendo Console: Wii U | Switch --------------------------------- Twitch: Instagram: Mety333_ Website: Twitter: Discord: Youtube: *Thank you for being a viewer!* I'll see you at the comments (: ====== End screen music: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap "Cloud Tops"

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Most popular comments
for Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

King Aethos
King Aethos - 6 years ago
how did he do the spin
Soma Schicksal
Soma Schicksal - 6 years ago
Jak wants his hoverboard back
yourboisprocter - 6 years ago
That's why you should have three ancient shields, kids!
yourboisprocter - 6 years ago
8:40 Your super rare shield is badly damaged and you only have one extra of that shield when surfing the map in one go? Yeah, I hate it when that happens.
yourboisprocter - 6 years ago
5:42 How DARE you reference someone who is basically you. You annoying horse! #Metythehorse333andtheannoyingbokoblin.

yourboisprocter - 6 years ago
yourboisprocter - 6 years ago
the ancient shield, like always 'cause it goes uphill and on flat surfaces!
Donovan Newton
Donovan Newton - 6 years ago
I will join Sheikah clan
Bike RaceGamer
Bike RaceGamer - 6 years ago
Skipped the desert

10. comment for Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Rookie and Linc S
Rookie and Linc S - 6 years ago
This is giving me Horizon Zero Dawn Vibes
Mister Person
Mister Person - 6 years ago
could this be used in speed running?
markerking -
markerking - - 6 years ago
Jumping on the ground. "Surfing"
Puaster Hamster
Puaster Hamster - 6 years ago
1:02 saving, yes the animal :v
Iris Purpledaughter
Iris Purpledaughter - 6 years ago
Impressive! What the crap is the durability on your shield?!
Edie Sabellaaa
Edie Sabellaaa - 6 years ago
link's little giggle when he jumps KILLS me
Kevin.a.lopez Lopez
Kevin.a.lopez Lopez - 6 years ago
"Think you can take me" "don't forget me"
Sean Barrett
Sean Barrett - 6 years ago
How tf do you travel on flat ground without stopping
Gabriel Scott
Gabriel Scott - 6 years ago
How is this even possible? How in tf
TARDIS Pilot - 6 years ago
I try to come up with challenges but I think Im to good then I see this I:I

20. comment for Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

TARDIS Pilot - 6 years ago
link:Im really feeling it!!! shulk:I:I
Spookypoon Gaming
Spookypoon Gaming - 6 years ago
Fake his shield would break
Spookypoon Gaming
Spookypoon Gaming - 6 years ago
Fake his shield would break
Ellie Jenkins
Ellie Jenkins - 6 years ago
Amazing just like every video by you!
Karem Neri
Karem Neri - 6 years ago
You showed a bit whe you changed your arrows
Angelica Plays
Angelica Plays - 6 years ago
should i suck it up and do this one mety? or should i sit back and relax and just enjoy all your videos all over again? love you mety <3
True Wolves OutDoors
True Wolves OutDoors - 6 years ago
When your a savage:
Daniel - 6 years ago
Is this Skate 4? PogChamp
AUSTIN PEYTON - 6 years ago
Skate 4
Mr. Exeggutor
Mr. Exeggutor - 6 years ago
Something tells me you did this perfectly twice but this one was more interesting... but I can't put my finger on why that is.

30. comment for Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

JonuJonu YT
JonuJonu YT - 6 years ago
Too much epicness 7.8/10
DirtyMoney - 6 years ago
You look like a smurf dawg
TriGameClasher - 6 years ago
I Love this Game
Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker - 6 years ago
Well, if you did this perfectly before then you should have recorded it before too. We want to SEE the perfectness, not hear about it.
keyante samuel
keyante samuel - 6 years ago
Skywalker B
Skywalker B - 6 years ago
Mathias VdB
Mathias VdB - 6 years ago
Face reveal?
Dana Cuiffo
Dana Cuiffo - 6 years ago
You make the best videos your biggest fan
SelikZ Hyrule
SelikZ Hyrule - 6 years ago
The same thing happened to me :v 4:23
Furious_Ferret - 6 years ago
how are more people not doing this for time? this could be the greatest thing since speedrunning
The Nintendo Fan Club
The Nintendo Fan Club - 6 years ago
im doing that!
Nicholas Cubides
Nicholas Cubides - 6 years ago
Thats one of my favorite shields! Has a lot of durability, and can deflect guardian beams without parry!
yotodine - 6 years ago
the gamingamer
the gamingamer - 6 years ago
Metty how long did your shield surf run take?
Mosspath297 - 6 years ago
1:21 This reminds me of the sand surfing bit in Journey where it pans to a view of the Mountain and the ancient city, right down to the suddenly quieter music...
Mosspath297 - 6 years ago
Me: "My body is Reggie."
Wyoming: "Knock Knock."
Canal NikStick
Canal NikStick - 6 years ago
Tony hawk pro skater? Never heard of
Courtesyflush08 - 6 years ago
Does the red beam coming out of the castle mean you beat Ganon
Fierce H
Fierce H - 6 years ago
That moment when the video head title's a lie but you continue to watch anyways to see how it ends, not disappointed
DanielFromMcDonalds - 6 years ago
My body is Reggie during the whole video

50. comment for Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Chuck Mangione
Chuck Mangione - 6 years ago
I gave this video a downvote because I was annoyed by the childish captions but also want to see this guy succeed as a small content creator on YouTube, which does not factor if a rating is positive or negative in its algorithms.
Jeremiahnunnery Nunnery
Jeremiahnunnery Nunnery - 6 years ago
Jeremiahnunnery Nunnery
Jeremiahnunnery Nunnery - 6 years ago
Ur Mom Gay
Ur Mom Gay - 6 years ago
Momentum mod?
jjycxsdhkkbcxzzaaszxcghvxddc - 6 years ago
Where can I sign up for marriage...?
SuperChaos15 - 6 years ago
Someone that's Here
Someone that's Here - 6 years ago
Did you go back to save where you didn't start this or did you continue this save
bogs - 6 years ago
Did you mean the yiga clan?
Nathan Robb
Nathan Robb - 6 years ago
couldn't finish the vid. your text commentary was too cringy. also The blood moon thing defs counted
Anjn Shan
Anjn Shan - 6 years ago
They said he could do anything, so he became the Hero of Surfing across Hyrule on his shield.
THE IRA - 6 years ago
Dark world/ lorule melidy <3
Rileyxzz - 6 years ago
Here before the 1 mill mark my word
amber mae
amber mae - 6 years ago
link’s little laugh is so cute
Shrek Xd
Shrek Xd - 6 years ago
You should try to kill ganon in shield surf
Shrek Xd
Shrek Xd - 6 years ago
You didn't get to the volcano in shield surfing
Shrek Xd
Shrek Xd - 6 years ago
You should try to kill ganon in shield surf
Clams - 6 years ago
You keep saying you did it perfect twice. I wanna see the perfect run, I don’t care how interesting it is.
Clams - 6 years ago
Need to see it
SeungYeol Ko
SeungYeol Ko - 6 years ago
Damn amazing...
Prof. Toast
Prof. Toast - 6 years ago
Man, that failed several time...
Bingis Boy
Bingis Boy - 6 years ago
Misleading title.
samual williamson
samual williamson - 6 years ago
11 minutes in you failed me
Smitty Number1
Smitty Number1 - 6 years ago
But can you do it again....

With nothing but pot lids?
Rabbit - 6 years ago
Why the shild didnt broke?
Bricen duff
Bricen duff - 6 years ago
Imma call shenanigans. You didn’t get zapped with the metal pants and you fell off the shield 3 times. Give us the perfect runs
facke matter
facke matter - 6 years ago
When her parents aren’t home and all you got is a shield
Oliver Smith
Oliver Smith - 6 years ago
Sergio AB
Sergio AB - 6 years ago
An any% speedrun should be made out of this
Brad Bailey
Brad Bailey - 6 years ago
Amazing... but 0:59 makes me feel like this video was uploaded in 2008 lmao....
Still really want to try this tho :)
Arigin - 6 years ago
Toxic Dolphin
Toxic Dolphin - 6 years ago
3 ideas: Surf down death mountain, surf up death mountain, surf from death mountain to Ganon. Like so mety can see.
Lord Sasso
Lord Sasso - 6 years ago
Your channel, your videos... ARE TOO FUNNY
Cassie Barns
Cassie Barns - 6 years ago
Tony Link Pro Surfer
CSlaught02 - 6 years ago
how do you do the spin thing
Scrub 101
Scrub 101 - 6 years ago
You failed it’s not in one go
JAGraptor - 6 years ago
2:30 It is a secret to everyone.
Calli Cecco
Calli Cecco - 6 years ago
7.8/7.8 =10/10
AfroSnackey - 6 years ago
Next run try going through goron mountain to desert plain
X_UNICORN_X Love - 6 years ago
7:00 btw, where is the epic music?
Splatoon 2 Kid
Splatoon 2 Kid - 6 years ago
How many tries did this take?
Scott75Playz - 6 years ago
pretend that never happened
NLSN - 6 years ago
Welcome to Legend of Zelda
Pro Skater
Alexanderh86 - 6 years ago
Close enough. Still cool.
crynos inso
crynos inso - 6 years ago
The ending though
Ryuk Rocks
Ryuk Rocks - 6 years ago
Even tho you didn't do a perfect run (in this video) it was still awesome and funny! Good vid!
BAM_ BoozL
BAM_ BoozL - 6 years ago
please stop with that stupid annoying text they ruin the videos
SqueegyPhart - 6 years ago
How did you do all of those cool tricks?
Yo Boi Eclipse
Yo Boi Eclipse - 6 years ago
I liked the Pokémon reference even though it was 100 instead of 10 xD
Kirk Nelson
Kirk Nelson - 6 years ago
I didn’t watch this before because it seemed boring but it’s actually really cool.
Shei's Wunderland
Shei's Wunderland - 6 years ago
I love your comments
Mety333 - 6 years ago
Shei's Wunderland happy you're enjoying my videosssss ♥
Hayden Doucette
Hayden Doucette - 6 years ago
You cheated
Hayden Doucette
Hayden Doucette - 6 years ago
How are you doing this
CJ Watson
CJ Watson - 6 years ago
Not really, you kinda cheated a lot

100. comment for Shield Surfing the WHOLE MAP in ONE Go! Doing the IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Master gaming 450
Master gaming 450 - 6 years ago
Maybe in the next dlc pack you can surf in water
Bloomerang Sanders
Bloomerang Sanders - 6 years ago
BUT a Blood moon doesnt count though
Bloomerang Sanders
Bloomerang Sanders - 6 years ago
If you hit the wrong button it counts. That PISSES me off AND you think it doesn't count. piss off
Bloomerang Sanders
Bloomerang Sanders - 6 years ago
If you hit the wrong button it counts. That PISSES me off AND you think it doesn't count. piss off
Dark Dragon of Gaming
Dark Dragon of Gaming - 6 years ago
Yiga EGG? What do you mean
WSWEss - 6 years ago
donkey mong
donkey mong - 6 years ago
Waste of time
V. - 6 years ago
I’m beginning to think that you didn’t actually do it twice
Bram Aho
Bram Aho - 6 years ago
how many times did you do this run perfectly again? i can't remember :D
SpaceCowboy710 - 6 years ago
What’s the theme playing at :50?
Fun Family Gaming
Fun Family Gaming - 6 years ago
Wow. Just Wow.
Rachel - 6 years ago
watch at 2x speed
Erjon Qirko
Erjon Qirko - 6 years ago
What’s your friend code
Lane Gascoigne
Lane Gascoigne - 6 years ago
You've got great videos! I don't know how I feel about you making me read so much, but keep up the good work!
Villa - 6 years ago
14:30 LOL!!!!!!!! double fail
OFWGKTA90210 - 6 years ago
Hyrulean's Hero
Hyrulean's Hero - 6 years ago
What is that font plus whats this route i wanna try it
lol1234lolz - 6 years ago
does the ancient shield propel you?
Caden Saunders
Caden Saunders - 6 years ago
4:40 ohhhhhh you stoooooooped!
Brandon de Paula
Brandon de Paula - 6 years ago
So Many disclaimer
Juan José Del Pino Rivas
Juan José Del Pino Rivas - 6 years ago
I don't know Rob, maybe a third shield will do...?
Trick - 6 years ago
My boi just used epic unironically
ceougin20 - 6 years ago
How do you do that spin trick while surfing? I’ve never seen that before.
Alexandre Jesus
Alexandre Jesus - 6 years ago
Zelda: pkz link save the world. Link: sorry cant
Jomoko - 6 years ago
And the award for most cringiest subtitles goes to...
FamousCat - 6 years ago
Pretty cringe imo
ESDESESESERDO - 6 years ago
Wooow......... i want that shield :v
xslite - 6 years ago
your jokes are worse than dad jokes but aside from that nice run
Restless Sheep
Restless Sheep - 6 years ago
I have to ask , How did you never run out of momentum ? Is the shield special ?
Crimson Arbiter
Crimson Arbiter - 6 years ago
Me on my way to your bitches house
Tyler Ewalt
Tyler Ewalt - 6 years ago
So how many times did you fail tho
Leeroy_ Hs
Leeroy_ Hs - 6 years ago
Zelda : Link we need you! Save the world from Ganon!
Link: wait I finish my shield-surgfing world tour
CienkiTV - 6 years ago
Here i am with Legend of Zelda pro skater
Muttin Lack
Muttin Lack - 6 years ago
What shield is that
Cael Foster
Cael Foster - 6 years ago
Your captions sound like a 12 year old
Jack In The Box
Jack In The Box - 6 years ago
I respect your patience to do all this in one go
Apollonia Kageaki
Apollonia Kageaki - 6 years ago
My god... was spinning possible from the start? What have I been doing orz
Seb The Wolf
Seb The Wolf - 6 years ago
Which shield is that and where do you get it?
Seb The Wolf
Seb The Wolf - 6 years ago
Johan Wikström thanks a lot ^^
Johan Wikström
Johan Wikström - 6 years ago
It's the Ancient shield and you can buy it in the top right corner of the map. It automatically deflects the Guardian sniper shots too
Sir Dante the Dank
Sir Dante the Dank - 6 years ago
More like going the whole map in 5 go's... My god man my body wasn't Reggie for such surfing
The Guy
The Guy - 6 years ago
That shield surfing chick at the lodge is practically swimming in her panties right now
Meme Bakery
Meme Bakery - 6 years ago
e p i c n e s s
Camaroni1000 - 6 years ago
Hey mety. Is it possible to see the course you took while doing this using the hero’s path addition in the dlcs?
Adamk Kampen
Adamk Kampen - 6 years ago
Linky Hawk's Pro Sheilder
Adamk Kampen
Adamk Kampen - 6 years ago
Smh not 1080 Avalanche music
Lola Teasley
Lola Teasley - 6 years ago
The one thing I love about you is you don’t talk
SLOPP_12 - 6 years ago
When the Shield started drifting, I were like:
Doctor Monty
Doctor Monty - 6 years ago
Wait how did you go so long
MunMun MurMur
MunMun MurMur - 6 years ago
0:34 If I have learned one thing from my time on Twitch, it’s that you should always save the frames and KILL THOSE ANIMALS!
Arale Da Slump G0D
Arale Da Slump G0D - 6 years ago
Lynx DeVries
Lynx DeVries - 6 years ago
how did a blood moon happen during the day?!
Link - 6 years ago
Blood moon is really glitchy after the DLC
Alexander king
Alexander king - 6 years ago
Need a game that allows you to travel on a hover shield through those kind of environments, I say hover so you won't have to worry about hills
Chloe G
Chloe G - 6 years ago
Your Shield is badly damaged
Ian Schwember
Ian Schwember - 6 years ago
7:35 fail, again
TudBoatTed - 6 years ago
1:13 w..w...what... Is that you father? Father Shulk?
Wuraola Atkinson
Wuraola Atkinson - 6 years ago
Face reveal!!
AcciorraOfficial - 6 years ago
nope cheater no fair im telling!!!
jv110 - 6 years ago
Gotta love the Lorule song.
Rodolfoxkiller Ω
Rodolfoxkiller Ω - 6 years ago
The first stop on the blood moon was ok, the next one with the wrong button was...........

No meme music on the wrong button disclaimer?!?!? 0/10
Soso Wakaflaka
Soso Wakaflaka - 6 years ago
Does count
SkellyGirl10 - 6 years ago
I didnt even know this was possible
Patrick Er
Patrick Er - 6 years ago
7.8 out of 1 too much shiekd surfing
FreakMagic - 6 years ago
Hmm... stopped surfing several times. Clearly doesn't count.
Alice Millage
Alice Millage - 6 years ago
I do not know why, but this reminds me of Jax 2 and Jax 3.
Vyane Cansino
Vyane Cansino - 6 years ago
Instead of saving the world Link is Shield-surfing through Hyrule ....
Stup ID
Stup ID - 6 years ago
I like it when they save the animals... #canon
game zocker
game zocker - 6 years ago
Abonniert Kegy
Fabián Zelaya
Fabián Zelaya - 6 years ago
Dat was pretty awesome if you tell meh
_sarjentar_ - 6 years ago
Did you start in Hebra?
Awesomeguy558 - 6 years ago
Is there a shield in the game that doesn't get damaged when shield surfing (I know it doesn't get damaged on snow btw)
Pistachi0 - 6 years ago
He never even touched Gerudo...
ƒαιтн αят
ƒαιтн αят - 6 years ago
All the references-
Ty Heartfilia
Ty Heartfilia - 6 years ago
I'm reporting this for shield abuse
Night Feather Lam
Night Feather Lam - 6 years ago
You surf like sora in kindom hearts
Zazor_ - 6 years ago
This was so cool I could eat an octorok!
Hunter Kline
Hunter Kline - 6 years ago
This is amazing
KingofDragons - 6 years ago
Then this technically was not in one go because technically you were messing up and getting off your shield so technically if this was in one go then you would not have messed up
Wild Banana
Wild Banana - 6 years ago
Doesn’t even know how to shield surf....
blip blup
blip blup - 6 years ago
Roses are red
I see a tree
Tony Link
Pro Skater 3
Celina Hara
Celina Hara - 6 years ago
That blood moon just screwed everything up
Dat Salmon
Dat Salmon - 6 years ago
I love the up-hill trick
the channel reviwer
the channel reviwer - 6 years ago
Wait this cringy guy is still doing this? Dude, it's 2018 BOTW died out in 2017. stop.
Clown0fHatred - 6 years ago
How the heck? Surely the shield would have broke also how do you do the spins etc I assume they help you keep moving I've just started playing can't get enough of bombing down slopes on my shield just hate that they break
Yalkın ÇIRAK
Yalkın ÇIRAK - 6 years ago
This doesn't count you need to do it again
Mr Superrobloxmaster 69
Mr Superrobloxmaster 69 - 6 years ago
Im suprised that the first sheild didnt break in the first 3 minutes
Zonical 413
Zonical 413 - 6 years ago
Man tf not 1 go lol
NTS Inkwell
NTS Inkwell - 6 years ago
RIP Perfect Ru-
RIP Perf-
Dr. Cray-Z
Dr. Cray-Z - 6 years ago
Leal Love
Leal Love - 6 years ago
Um can someone tell me how to shield surf again I forgot and I was just clicking random buttons
bloodyfishhammock cyka blyat
bloodyfishhammock cyka blyat - 6 years ago
What shield is that
Calum79 - 6 years ago
Incredible work
ShadedShadow None
ShadedShadow None - 6 years ago
One boko is abused everyday just not every boko one boko out of 1mil+ always lives :P
Dmac - 6 years ago
Like wears thrasher confirmed
ClickGamer - 6 years ago
How do you spin in the air?
MoneyKiller1st - 6 years ago
It was really epic at beginning but, then you messed up several times and ruined the challenge
Silver Kiwi
Silver Kiwi - 6 years ago
7.8 out of 10 too much shield surfing
Hugo Corona
Hugo Corona - 6 years ago
Guns All The Way
Guns All The Way - 6 years ago
When I watched this vid, it had *666*k views ._.
MarshMallow Mate
MarshMallow Mate - 6 years ago
The captions are cringe
Daniel Otayka
Daniel Otayka - 6 years ago
I wonder how many times you've done this perfectly.
Northern Cookie
Northern Cookie - 6 years ago
Who even can afford 12 ancient arrows haha wtf ?
Pizza Brian
Pizza Brian - 6 years ago
funky kong would be proud
Ngl of Dream
Ngl of Dream - 6 years ago
"I'm really feeling it"? , I also heard "backslash" fading away in the distance...
Noob Destroyer
Noob Destroyer - 6 years ago
Man I wish the cringy text wasn't included at the bottom right
Moine Déter
Moine Déter - 6 years ago
Marco Maniaci
Marco Maniaci - 6 years ago
The hylian shield doesn’t have as much durability as the ancient shield?
soulessmustard - 6 years ago
2:51 Restless cricket flies off into space 14:01 restless cricket takes off again
Emerald Gamer
Emerald Gamer - 6 years ago
Going the whole map on one shield 990000000 point’s
Melanie Turton
Melanie Turton - 6 years ago
Nicholas D'Silva
Nicholas D'Silva - 6 years ago
Time for my Uphill Trick:

Spam B
IS Donut
IS Donut - 6 years ago
What if you saw a korok seed but you had to pass it
IS Donut
IS Donut - 6 years ago
This is what people in the world go through all the time, for example, in tarry town the people had to walk across the map
IS Donut
IS Donut - 6 years ago
When the old man asks you if you forgot about fast travel
IS Donut
IS Donut - 6 years ago
Make video x2 speed
IS Donut
IS Donut - 6 years ago
But can you do it in master mode?
Ade mar
Ade mar - 6 years ago
This is how link become Tony Hok
Frisktaker - 6 years ago
You know, when I first watched this video, I didn't know much about this game. I thought you really could listen to music with the Sheikah Slate
Enrique - 6 years ago
Damn Zelda is good at riding shields
Homeless pickle
Homeless pickle - 6 years ago
You failed on Hylia bridge, we all saw
LucyByTheOcean - 6 years ago
Frogis 03
Frogis 03 - 6 years ago
Voi dox
Voi dox - 6 years ago
How is your shield not destroyed though
Voi dox
Voi dox - 6 years ago
Easy like killing ganon? U haven't killed him yet though XD
Stary - 6 years ago
Show us a quick perfect run (Just 10x it)
Gamer-Grape - 6 years ago
cerise zo
cerise zo - 6 years ago
I know this might sound stupid but what kinda shield is that? Why doesn’t it break?!
Andrew Lujan
Andrew Lujan - 6 years ago
Do a “ shield run” like this one except starting at gerudo town, go to zoras domain, then the goron village, then the rito village, and go to ganon and fight him while riding ur shield
Andrew Lujan
Andrew Lujan - 6 years ago
Did anyone actually attempt this?
Are we sure its real?
Blue_Flare Gaming
Blue_Flare Gaming - 6 years ago
Did I see two game grumps references? I think I did
Ridingskull 321
Ridingskull 321 - 6 years ago
Selmie: Honestly, I think you can do better
Tamsmit Sam
Tamsmit Sam - 6 years ago
I love how many random puns there are
Vinaya [RSH]
Vinaya [RSH] - 6 years ago
where did you start? I wanna do it too :D
Flurz 29
Flurz 29 - 6 years ago
This looks like some weird LoZ spin off
doctorbea - 6 years ago
Yes....just yes!!! I think the Hylian shield has significantly better durability. You should do ANOTHER go!!!
slenderboy productions
slenderboy productions - 6 years ago
how do you shield surf?
Grumpoo Da Zumbie
Grumpoo Da Zumbie - 6 years ago
Does it even count as shield surfing throughout the entire map for the moments when you used your paraglider for momentum? I mean sure, your shield remained underneath your feet while doing so, and I wouldn't have bothered with assuming jumping to be cheating, because it really isn't. I'm not angry with this guy mind you, after all this little challenge is just for the sake of fun. I'm just merely curious, that's all
Noam Emerson-Fleming
Noam Emerson-Fleming - 6 years ago
Dude, your channel ducking exploded recently, I came when u were at 20K
gloodgy - 6 years ago
You're free to make your videos the way you want, but personally I find the text at the bottom of the screen annoying
FabiN:3ko - 6 years ago
Wind waker all over again
Animationguy23 _
Animationguy23 _ - 6 years ago
So much for shield surfing when you dodge water!
GTDYS Steedo
GTDYS Steedo - 6 years ago
How do you disable the mini map? Btw sick video
Matthew Hoonan
Matthew Hoonan - 6 years ago
Reval Anims
Reval Anims - 6 years ago
The blood moon in the day was a ram problem. To prevent it later you close and reopen the game
I'm going to write a really long username bc y not
I'm going to write a really long username bc y not - 6 years ago
where are you in the beginning?
Will Hook
Will Hook - 6 years ago
I feel this is impossible and he used hacks
Zyler Gavin Labit
Zyler Gavin Labit - 6 years ago
I made it to Hyrule Castle with the (shield of minds eye) it works a lot just like the IShield
eggie eggie
eggie eggie - 6 years ago
what part of the map did u start from?
Sebastian Gomez
Sebastian Gomez - 6 years ago
thanks for the great video... and also for a landscape upward trick!!! :)
Cyanzi - 6 years ago
is this a mod that makes you never stop?
Squidmunk squid
Squidmunk squid - 6 years ago
i would be really impressed if you went in order of events in game (AKA starting at the shrine of resurrection, then to the divine beasts and then to Ganon) or just straight to Ganon from the plateau
Woomy Squid
Woomy Squid - 6 years ago
I got the blood moon in the middle of the day it was weird
Nezara - 6 years ago
Caxton0101 - 6 years ago
This guys text makes me cringe
Dave Marx
Dave Marx - 6 years ago
Tony Hawk's new Project Sk8 Title looks NYUTS!!
smashbrolink - 6 years ago
The Blood moon happened because that event is how the game "resets" itself, when too many events are happening around the player at once.
Someone once used hacks on the Wii U version to spawn hundreds of birds, and it nearly instantly triggered a blood moon event to "clean them up", aka, make them disappear so that the game wouldn't crash.
So I dunno what was triggering it when it happened in this vid, but something must have done it.
jeepercreepers9 - 6 years ago
Did I just watch someone surf on a shield for 15 minutes?
Suprebob Toast
Suprebob Toast - 6 years ago
You always have to be quiet for the shrine melody
Jose Salinas
Jose Salinas - 6 years ago
At 0:48 you put the shrine melody... do you have the actual song or did u rip it off the game , cause ive been looking for it everywhere and I can't find it:(
NorthKorea isBestKorea
NorthKorea isBestKorea - 6 years ago
I just spent 15mins of my life on a half naked Irish elf shield surfing simulator.
Tony McCool
Tony McCool - 6 years ago
Was the shield touch
In the ground?
ThePlasticDino GettinOnMahNerve
ThePlasticDino GettinOnMahNerve - 6 years ago
When your mom tells you to come home now or no dinner video plays
Joshua Frampton
Joshua Frampton - 6 years ago
If you hit X constantly, you jump on the shield, paraglide, jump, etc etc.
Joshua Frampton
Joshua Frampton - 6 years ago
You can even go up hills.
MrMustache 4243
MrMustache 4243 - 6 years ago
"Clivk bait!"
Nquacker 28
Nquacker 28 - 6 years ago
Starts drifting de ja vu I feel I've been in this place before!
The Diamond Boy
The Diamond Boy - 6 years ago
But how
Gabriel Dillon
Gabriel Dillon - 6 years ago
Link: My body is Reggie
Zelda: Don't you dare sheild surf again
Link: But i have to do it FOR THE VIEWS
Gabriel Dillon
Gabriel Dillon - 6 years ago
(What was the place you started on the map
Skysupercharged - 6 years ago

How did neither:
A. The shield break
B. You lose too much speed and stop shield surfing
John Garrison
John Garrison - 6 years ago
just curious, on your other attempts to accomplish this what made you fail? XD
Anonimus auchocolat
Anonimus auchocolat - 6 years ago
you are stamina
Thwao the Thing
Thwao the Thing - 6 years ago
And this is when Link jumped the shark. Get it because the jump the shark term came from a episode about surfing... I'm a funny boi
XxSLaYerZzxX - 6 years ago
: D
: D - 6 years ago
I like your uphill trick... but it's not surfing.
: D
: D - 6 years ago
ANNNNND you stop surfing for about 3 seconds.
“Oops wrong button!”
“I did this run twice perfectly,
But this was the most interesting”

“Oops wrong Path!”
“I did this run twice perfectly,
But this was the most interesting”

“I did this run twice perfectly,
But this was the most interesting”

Colton Anderson
Colton Anderson - 6 years ago
How does one Reggie their body for such a task?
Donte Fleming
Donte Fleming - 6 years ago
20 mistakes you really suck
Donte Fleming
Donte Fleming - 6 years ago
Five mistakes you suck
Christian Sampson
Christian Sampson - 6 years ago
How did you get that Sheikah Slate option?
Dogorodo - 6 years ago
Zelda: you saved m- OH GOD N-
Link: YAaaA
Then everyone die
Ty for reading my fanfic
Elka - 6 years ago
Yes! Minish cap music.
SullySadface - 6 years ago
You got the animals wrong kappa
Nicholas - 6 years ago
Shaun White is jealous AsF.
Rydar J
Rydar J - 6 years ago
How did you do that path map at the end
Demonlord Lorence
Demonlord Lorence - 6 years ago
How did you manage the spinning move?
cross funtime foxy
cross funtime foxy - 6 years ago
Defeating ganon while surfing
Spandexymu - 6 years ago
Where do you get that shield???
Comet Dash
Comet Dash - 6 years ago
That didn’t count there was a blood moon during the day...........?!
Nouvel Espoir
Nouvel Espoir - 6 years ago
You are a GENIUS ! ! !
derf 213
derf 213 - 6 years ago
Lol, you got a panic blood moon!
supersmily5SS5 - 6 years ago
I wish they released an item that behaved like the shield surfing shields but had it's own acceleration. Like the Master Cycle, but basically a hoverboard. That'd be sweet.
Yumeki animations
Yumeki animations - 7 years ago
What shield is he using in this video???
Living Like a lizal
Living Like a lizal - 7 years ago
All I want to know is where you got dat shield :D
ImaginarySolarflare - 7 years ago
Oh, how I love the mistakes. I can’t even get down Hebra Mountain without falling off my shield, or breaking it. Nice job, though.
M1zi3 - 7 years ago
Zelda dev : i think we make a better game this time.

This guy : hell no, you ain’t seen nothing i can do yet.
Moomoo Gretapoo
Moomoo Gretapoo - 7 years ago
120 points for Gryffindor with that sick chuchu jump!!
FriedVHS98 - 7 years ago
Still no Great Plateau
Shiny Samurott
Shiny Samurott - 7 years ago
Save the animals or Kill the animals?

I understood that reference.
Edit: Also you probably should have used the Hylian Shield considering it's insane durability.
Pixel and Friends
Pixel and Friends - 7 years ago
Nope u didnt do it u used wronge button ur fault and the other fails u did
Octavio Somilleda
Octavio Somilleda - 7 years ago
u r insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teh Yong Lip
Teh Yong Lip - 7 years ago
Blood Moon during the day?
Teh Yong Lip
Teh Yong Lip - 7 years ago
naked in the snow, are you Gray from fairy tail
Soundwave Superior
Soundwave Superior - 7 years ago
Over 6 minutes in, how the hell is that shield still in one piece?
RB Films
RB Films - 7 years ago
Perfect Finger
JonuJonu YT
JonuJonu YT - 7 years ago
Too match shield surfing... 7.8/10
That1TechDude - 7 years ago
Cup of Noodles
Cup of Noodles - 6 years ago
That1TechDude RIP shield
Chaybro Dudestar
Chaybro Dudestar - 7 years ago
Did you here the horse dying sound in the background when he looked at the guardian?
The Fury Artist
The Fury Artist - 7 years ago
That clip from the old Legend of Zelda cartoon which everyone memed about really did predict the future, huh?
The Fury Artist
The Fury Artist - 7 years ago
Also if you're wondering why a Blood Moon popped up during the day, there's a rare glitch where the game tries to force a blood moon but it's somehow skipped at night and so the in-game timer just activates the trigger at day. (basically, the code says, "12 AM, 12 PM... What's the difference?")
Arstulex - 7 years ago
Fun fact, armour does not attract lightning at all. Even the full soldier set isn't treated as metal during a thunderstorm.
Mintu-Bun 030
Mintu-Bun 030 - 7 years ago
deserves infinte likes
tressafa - 7 years ago
Mety just FYI you can skip the blood moon cutscene by pressing x then +
Leonicos CG
Leonicos CG - 7 years ago
Brock D Ender
Brock D Ender - 7 years ago
Glitches blood moon at bad times
TBG - 7 years ago
Dude just wear the major as mask!!!
Can’t touch This
Can’t touch This - 7 years ago
Every time your not on your sheild it’s -50 points not including the start
Super fnaf Fan
Super fnaf Fan - 7 years ago
Hey I know how to start a camp fire with no flint.
Julien LEROY
Julien LEROY - 7 years ago
Lol too much fun ! ^^
SuperBitGaming - 7 years ago
This worked EARLIER!
I did this run perfect TWICE
BUT this one was the most
Interesting (;
nextelJ1979 - 7 years ago
Speaking of a blood moon during the afternoon it has also happened to me once
Josh Denman
Josh Denman - 7 years ago
I wonder, what is the shield surfing world record?
sam s
sam s - 7 years ago
You did not know de way!
cas welch
cas welch - 7 years ago
Who disliked this?
Pokémon Mastah101
Pokémon Mastah101 - 7 years ago
Baby gravy
Baby gravy - 7 years ago
What shield did he use?
Ian Walter
Ian Walter - 7 years ago
I have blue hair now

Been using the master sword too much
Ian Walter
Ian Walter - 7 years ago
Tokyo drift

Jac353 Zombie apocalypse
Jac353 Zombie apocalypse - 7 years ago
I’m going to try the challenge on my Nintendo switch
King Of Cards
King Of Cards - 7 years ago
I rember before 10 k subs
lego878 - 7 years ago
I'm confused
Hyper Viper
Hyper Viper - 7 years ago
Now shield surf all the way across the map with a wooden bokoblin shield (u can fill whole inventory with em but u can use rusty shields) if anyone does this p,ease reply and do vid on it (i will give shout out) no cutting the vid
Pixelated Gaming
Pixelated Gaming - 7 years ago
how do you sheild surf
MrConR - 7 years ago
shields don't take damage when surfing?
AFrickBoy - 7 years ago
I hope over 500k views was worth that poor shield...
Kitty - 7 years ago
Nice job mety!
Sarah Owen
Sarah Owen - 7 years ago
LOL "doesn't count... moving on!"
TheMarionick - 7 years ago
That was not the entire map, but cool vid either way.
Detarso Díaz
Detarso Díaz - 7 years ago
The disclaimers killed me lmao
JaneAnimates - 7 years ago
Me lieky
/ Drew'sClues /
/ Drew'sClues / - 7 years ago
How is all the interface stuff gone?
Marlow Leon
Marlow Leon - 7 years ago
And i saw the slit sec where u change arrow
Marlow Leon
Marlow Leon - 7 years ago
That things durabiloty tho
Robert Lasonczyk
Robert Lasonczyk - 7 years ago
Uh... that was the whole map or one go
Paladin Crash
Paladin Crash - 7 years ago
The ancient shield
Durability: 100,000,000
Mr Pocket Koala
Mr Pocket Koala - 6 years ago
Zazor_ - 6 years ago
Mr. Turtle OVER 9000
MInecrafty Player 2
MInecrafty Player 2 - 7 years ago
I have an explanation for the BM in the day. By heading through lots of areas, you loaded in too many entities excluding Link, and the game reset that, by triggering an instant BM. That is why. BM=Blood Moon
Verde the Star Warrior
Verde the Star Warrior - 7 years ago
I would have also accepted the Super Mario 64 slide theme
Pyro Aficionado
Pyro Aficionado - 7 years ago
How do you do tricks on a shield lol
JD 201 adventures
JD 201 adventures - 7 years ago
So how did a blood moon happen in a day
Sami8s - 7 years ago
Can't you post the video of you doing it perfectly as unlisted or something? Just to remove any doubt.
Rainbow Slasher
Rainbow Slasher - 7 years ago
Ganon was pretty easy to kill for me
Jack Schurmann
Jack Schurmann - 7 years ago
How does he show where he went on the map?
Mety333 - 7 years ago
+Jack Schurmann the dlc has a feature called hero's path. You use it with Y button on the map screen.
Sara Campolo
Sara Campolo - 7 years ago
Omg how do you make the spin jump? I can't
Brendon At The Disco
Brendon At The Disco - 7 years ago
I always give them bananas, but those yiga people scam you. Who do you think is behind those phone calls?
The very cool guy
The very cool guy - 7 years ago
That shield has to have the most durability in the game to be going that far
Austin Scott
Austin Scott - 7 years ago
rpg jones -that one meowstic-
rpg jones -that one meowstic- - 7 years ago
Possible app? Shields of hyrule.... bad idea
Digaddog - 7 years ago
You could have equipped a flame weapon so you could cause a fire and use the updraft
Digaddog - 7 years ago
Badaboooom! - 7 years ago
It’s official my new fave YouTuber I wish u luck on getting more subs dude!!
theshady mage
theshady mage - 7 years ago
You did not do the lost woods
Jackson Kirkpatrick
Jackson Kirkpatrick - 7 years ago
Reggie time
An_Annoying_Cat - 7 years ago
How do you do tricks on the shield?
An_Annoying_Cat - 7 years ago
Can that really count as surfing?
Bloomerang Sanders
Bloomerang Sanders - 7 years ago
Bloomerang Sanders
Bloomerang Sanders - 7 years ago
I'M REGGIE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mobutu Smith
Mobutu Smith - 7 years ago
Dude your reads are so lame
Robbie Bowman
Robbie Bowman - 7 years ago
How is your shield not breaking?
Matthew I.
Matthew I. - 7 years ago
Glitchy and mistimed blood moons only happen with excessive play, so you might've just been playing too long
Grumpy Flower
Grumpy Flower - 7 years ago
Pffft, who needs horses when ya got shields
Kenny Win 24 7
Kenny Win 24 7 - 7 years ago
U got so far
Tuyen Pitts
Tuyen Pitts - 7 years ago
Why not the Iconic shield?
XxShadowDownxX - 7 years ago
Oops this comment worked EARLIER I did this comment perfect TWICE BUT this one was the most interesting! (;
Pena - 7 years ago
Não gostei dessa dos equipamentos terem durabilidade :v
whats going on
whats going on - 7 years ago
NOPE didn't count lets continue
IggelPiggel - 7 years ago
this video gets 7.8/7.8 too much off to much off if this makes any sence
explosions and stuff
explosions and stuff - 7 years ago
Lol I was just thinking that the ancient shield was relly durable when mety said it in the vid!
Roblox Lover126
Roblox Lover126 - 7 years ago
How did blood mun happened at daytime
Vulpez Vulpez
Vulpez Vulpez - 7 years ago
4:25 seriously wtf caused this???
finleyisraar fraser
finleyisraar fraser - 7 years ago
Jasper Geronimo
Jasper Geronimo - 7 years ago
This uphill trick you got found out about it when I got the game
Periboop Jigglypants
Periboop Jigglypants - 7 years ago
Forget Sonic Riders. How about Hyrule Surfers!
Yuno gasai
Yuno gasai - 7 years ago
Que the City Escape music!
Tiffany Messerschmidt
Tiffany Messerschmidt - 7 years ago
Annoying bokoblin lololol xddd
Tiffany Messerschmidt
Tiffany Messerschmidt - 7 years ago
Or 4:38
Tiffany Messerschmidt
Tiffany Messerschmidt - 7 years ago
Mety failed at 4:48
Red Silvy
Red Silvy - 7 years ago
Oh so you surf in water?


ps sky surfing is a thing lol look it up
TheDivineHunter - 7 years ago
Looks like the guardian shield is one of the greats
MasterOFzelda DM
MasterOFzelda DM - 7 years ago
Also I sub and left an like for your videos!!!
MasterOFzelda DM
MasterOFzelda DM - 7 years ago
I really like watching the all links!! They are so funny I like how they go to sleep
MasterOFzelda DM
MasterOFzelda DM - 7 years ago
You have done an awesome challenge I like your videos because they are so funny!!! I should do the same on my Nintendo switch!!
TheMike0088 - 7 years ago
not an expert on BotW at all, so.. how is his shield durability not running out?
Cole Roy
Cole Roy - 7 years ago
Ur the best tuber ever man there is no word that can say ur awesomeness
Wizzle Wazzle
Wizzle Wazzle - 7 years ago
“””””””””””””””””””””””one go”””””””””””””””””””””””
KoploperMau - 7 years ago
Please shieldsurf down a giant mountain and back up Death Mountain.
AR zim
AR zim - 7 years ago
How bored can you be?
Or the real question...

How bored can you make the viewer?
A. Vazquez
A. Vazquez - 7 years ago
Did you reference to IGN review of a Pokemon game where they said 7.8/10 because there was too much water?
Freeze-Dried Water
Freeze-Dried Water - 7 years ago
Bruh, how do you do the flippys
musicmathieu - 7 years ago
You da best I love your vids cause this is me second time wachinG you XD
TheOctolingAgent - 7 years ago
Pesky guardians? When i see them its more like:its my plesour *cant spell
Ryan Mccormick
Ryan Mccormick - 7 years ago
I've never even played Breath of the Wild.. Why did i just sit and watch that at 12am
John Penote
John Penote - 7 years ago
1:12 shulk references, shulk references
TheGreenGamer785 - 7 years ago
He fell off, like 3 times
xXxJ0hNs0NxXx - 7 years ago
Not complete and the blood moon is the only part I’ll let pass cause it happens cmon man get the true ending
Cactuscobbler - 7 years ago
song? 0:49
Noah Sessions
Noah Sessions - 7 years ago
lol"Too much snow.... 7.8/100" OMG yes that reference though.
shadow 509
shadow 509 - 7 years ago
That agdq metroid reference... Save the animals or kill them?
PunGaming o-O
PunGaming o-O - 7 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I got clickbaited
And so did you.
Regularshowman - 7 years ago
I'm shocked that I'm the only one who found the subtitles so unbearable that they ruined the video. I couldn't even enjoy it because of the unfunny jokes constantly popping up in the corner.
Kalyna Hanover
Kalyna Hanover - 7 years ago
I really appreciate that you took the time to do this 3 times

I also appreciate cheese
RapidRat TV
RapidRat TV - 7 years ago
What that sheild called?
Golden Freddy rocks1987
Golden Freddy rocks1987 - 7 years ago
3 disclaimers... all of them say the same thing... total facepalm
Golden Freddy rocks1987
Golden Freddy rocks1987 - 7 years ago
0:50: ouch...
MOEZOEMAN Gamer - 7 years ago
Cool # Nintendo
Austin Thai
Austin Thai - 7 years ago
says my brother
Austin Thai
Austin Thai - 7 years ago
too many disclamers . . . not exactly OnE gO...
Eddie Holdsworth
Eddie Holdsworth - 7 years ago
Try going up mt lanayru on a shied
Dub 420
Dub 420 - 7 years ago
Truly Infamous
Truly Infamous - 7 years ago
SSX Tricky right here.
DA Bird
DA Bird - 7 years ago
what shied is THAT durable
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee - 7 years ago
PLZZZZZ do a perfect run ik everyone wants to see that

and i realize these take forever but a perfect run would be nice to see
Rodrigo Souza
Rodrigo Souza - 7 years ago
You should change the title of this video, you lied about the single attempt
Laprea14 - 7 years ago
Me recuerda al aerodeslizador de jack II el renegado xD
Incisive Expert
Incisive Expert - 7 years ago
I once got 2 blood moons in 5 seconds. Literally one came, played the cinematic, five seconds later it started getting red again and it played the cinematic again.
blue knight
blue knight - 7 years ago
My boy link got skills
Papa Knosp
Papa Knosp - 7 years ago
The annotations almost had me dying from destilled cringe.
Link8304 - Gaming in Hyrule
Link8304 - Gaming in Hyrule - 7 years ago
Sheikah Slate = Hyphone X
Enderkick - 7 years ago
How to get green hat? Is it in the eshop?
Marshal DeFord
Marshal DeFord - 7 years ago
Nice reference to Xenoblade Chronicles.
chris chandler
chris chandler - 7 years ago
Isn't the hylian sheild the most durable?
Ben Baez
Ben Baez - 7 years ago
Was that a Super Metroid speedrun joke?!
temppu 06
temppu 06 - 7 years ago
Next time same but with hilyan shield (; or... try to surf on water xdd
Adrian Ftw
Adrian Ftw - 7 years ago
grabs a full inventory of shields
Let's do dis shit
Nacib Hernandez
Nacib Hernandez - 7 years ago
Adrun - 7 years ago
How is this heroic
Dannyp_boi - 7 years ago
wait... arent you suppose to be saving the world or something?
PooDiePie - 7 years ago
This only made me realize how big the map actually is and how long it would take without teleporting
Dave Flores
Dave Flores - 7 years ago
could have made eurobeat jokes during oversteers 2/10
Wexel 64
Wexel 64 - 7 years ago
now do it on a pot lid
The Pro gamer
The Pro gamer - 7 years ago
barrier playz roblox and more
barrier playz roblox and more - 7 years ago
I thought you where gonna kill the animals
Jaycee Liu
Jaycee Liu - 7 years ago
Imagine you're just a regular Hylian walking down the road and you see a shirtless 17 year old shield surfing while rapidly pulling out a paraglider.
Rising Greatness
Rising Greatness - 6 years ago
Jaycee Liu *117 year old
Jethilius Avalar
Jethilius Avalar - 7 years ago
Wtf does ur shield have wheels? I've never seen anyone move at that speed on flat ground
Void Gamer285
Void Gamer285 - 7 years ago
"Too much snow 7.8/10 " . I get it
EakiTurtle - 7 years ago
Its ok. We're all human. =D
Mushpop mushy
Mushpop mushy - 7 years ago
When he said "haha!" I can now easily determine what his voice sounds like while talking ^^
The Rattle in the Book
The Rattle in the Book - 7 years ago
My name is link and this is JACKASS
MonadoArmor - 7 years ago
Perfect Mety! Perfect!
Ethan Seirup
Ethan Seirup - 7 years ago
Thunderbunny 17
Thunderbunny 17 - 7 years ago
SethTMighty - 7 years ago
Post game
Zelda: So Link. What did you do after you got your dvivine beast and memories done?
Link: Well. Ummmm. I was fighting guardians! That is what I was doing. whisper to himself I cant let her find out I was trying to find cuccos and sheild surfing....
Zelda: Link! You are lying! I was in that castle for 100 years plus 9 months! You could have not done stupid Tarrey town. Or find the mans cuccos!
Carly - 7 years ago
How didn't the shield break? Lmao
Cool Blob
Cool Blob - 7 years ago
does any one else under understand the 7.8/10 joke? or just me
Its Doug
Its Doug - 7 years ago
Save the animals earns a thumbs up from me.
vikatchu - 7 years ago
TheFriendlySuperSaiyan - 7 years ago
Oh never mind it almost did
TheFriendlySuperSaiyan - 7 years ago
His shield didn't break...
I like Pokemon
I like Pokemon - 7 years ago
I also love summer rain:)
ethan playz10
ethan playz10 - 7 years ago
elemental narwhal
elemental narwhal - 7 years ago
(Is posting his up hill trick on Facebook) SHHHHHHH
Pyro films
Pyro films - 7 years ago
Mety I saw something cool when you said “and lighting” and you jumped once you landed lighting hit
Javier Gaming
Javier Gaming - 7 years ago
The song at the end is the song of the minish cap
Frank Barbeite
Frank Barbeite - 7 years ago
banana I gave you was my faviorete part becase it remids me of yoda
TheIronPikachu - 7 years ago
I kinda stopped shield-surfing after I broke a few (million) shields ...
Modofoko Kokonuts
Modofoko Kokonuts - 7 years ago
This shield can’t break ?
Xedius Yo Dad
Xedius Yo Dad - 7 years ago
You made errors but you showed it is possible
Tag UR A Gamer
Tag UR A Gamer - 7 years ago
I’m assuming you had a blood moon during the day to cover up you accidentally stopping
Slender Jack
Slender Jack - 7 years ago
Mario got Mario Kart can we give Link Zelda Shield?
SupaPeytondarth - 7 years ago
Don’t you mean,

Pedro Nykolas
Pedro Nykolas - 7 years ago
Why do a speedrun when you can do *this*?
depressedhuntr - 7 years ago
This guy has the biggest pair of kahunas in the botw community
Cookie Crystal
Cookie Crystal - 7 years ago
I love it when link chuckles a little bit when he shield surfs. It just shows that he actually enjoys shieldsurfing.
Waterless - 7 years ago
Yo what shield is this
MEMEZ 4life
MEMEZ 4life - 7 years ago
What a good shield nice shield is best shield

And yes I spelled it wrong on purpose
Karma Nanaki
Karma Nanaki - 7 years ago
Is that new Tonny Hawks leaks?
Leo G
Leo G - 7 years ago
What’s the name of the music you put?
Darin Rabati
Darin Rabati - 7 years ago
I did not see you from Hyrule Castle
LucyByTheOcean - 7 years ago
No, you didn’t surf all of the map. Great Plateau, Hyrule Castle, Kakariko Village, all the village. No, you didn’t.

Oh wow. This is my first video I watched of you, and I absolutely hated you.

Now look at me, I’m subscribed to you.
Mike Rice
Mike Rice - 7 years ago
Link: Gets pretty much the best shield in the game
Also Link: I'm gonna ride it across Hyrule! What else are shields for?
Ariane Martin
Ariane Martin - 7 years ago
Yo do more videos I’m a subscriber
Grexxa - 7 years ago
Greenpeace will be proud on you!
Nicolas Roman
Nicolas Roman - 7 years ago
Can you make It messier Next time? Oh my god XD nah It was fun anyways
Zaziphaine - 7 years ago
Do it again without the "disclaimers"
Fl4meZ - 7 years ago
Hacked or nah? It seems hacked.
groundchele - 7 years ago
an absolute mad man
MobileNinja 20
MobileNinja 20 - 7 years ago
Hey mety333, make please a Video of flying in all Huyrle?
Tiskari - 7 years ago
How you in surfing your shield what button work and can you add me friend
BubbasGotBack - 7 years ago
If you had a couple more ancient shields you probably could have made it
Sheep Lord
Sheep Lord - 7 years ago
I wonder if you can shield surf the whole map?

Oh check it out! Mety already did it!
Djm Sketch
Djm Sketch - 7 years ago
Disclaimer: there are a lot of disclaimers in this video
not chinese
not chinese - 7 years ago
Pratima Anavekar
Pratima Anavekar - 7 years ago
Blood moon trolled you
abi gusri
abi gusri - 7 years ago
Kuhme t
Kuhme t - 7 years ago
am i stupid? but what is this shield?

btw i did the whole comment twice but this one was the most interesting ;)

another btw i know the shield now i really was stupid
C F A P - 7 years ago
The hero of Time wasting. I love that part you shot your bomb arrows at the boblins on horseback’s
ShadeKirby500 - 7 years ago
Wait, does the Ancient Shield have a thruster?
Mety333 - 7 years ago
+ShadeKirby500 lol no but it really keeps your momentum!
Piingu - 7 years ago
Tony hawk’s pro skater: Hyrule
Fusion Cubes
Fusion Cubes - 7 years ago
I guess he's not lying?
Iker Malles
Iker Malles - 7 years ago
Tecnichaly u didn't complete the quest because of the blood moon, so doesn't count
StarEagle - 6 years ago
Iker Malles if a blood moon occurs during something like this, you gotta let it slide, it’s the game glitching mainly because he’s going to fast, and shit gotta reload, or it’s just a blood moon to respawn enemies and shch
Cherry - 6 years ago
MemeKingTurtle not a glitch game was just resetting
Matthew Hopkins
Matthew Hopkins - 7 years ago
The Blood Moon you can let slide. The other stuff you can't.
jacersthecool - 7 years ago
MemeKingTurtle - 7 years ago
Iker Malles it was a glitch
Hallis - 7 years ago
What is mety? And where can i find him/it??
Nathan Coffman
Nathan Coffman - 7 years ago
This man needs a medal
Hunter Isaac
Hunter Isaac - 7 years ago
:35 shred the animals
PoliceBird Growtopia
PoliceBird Growtopia - 7 years ago
PoliceBird Growtopia
PoliceBird Growtopia - 7 years ago
Alex Naglich
Alex Naglich - 7 years ago
what shield is that and how do you do the spin shield jump?
Ben Shahabi
Ben Shahabi - 7 years ago
4:31 Bruh that happend to me before

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