Silver Surfer in Avengers Infinity War??!?!?!? | BREAKING NEWS

HOLY BUTT! Breaking news about Silver Surfer being in Avengers Infinity War?!?!!?!?! This is coming from Metacritic. In this video, I break it down, talk about how it could be possible, and go over what kind of a role he could have in the film! Consider checking out our Patreon: Subscribe to ‘The Den’: Most Recent Upload: Game of Thrones Playlist: Dragon Ball Playlist: Star Wars Playlist: Comic Book Playlist: ====================================================== Our Humble Beginnings: The Den of Nerds started as the personal YouTube channel of our founder, Joshua Lucas. Josh is a comic book writer and editor, but more importantly, he's a HUGE Nerd. He started making videos on June 15th 2016. The goal back then was to just talk about Nerdy things, but quickly Josh found that his interests had changed. Soon after, he formed a new vision for what The Den of Nerds could and should be. The Changing State of Media: Media Is going through the most massive shift in the past hundred years. Everything is going digital, direct to market, and mobile. The best and worst part of this is that there are no more gatekeepers. Anyone and everyone can put their content out there and reach a mass audience. However, the new gatekeeper is the algorithm. In order to get stuff in front of people, certain practices are done which hurt quality. In this world, where established networks are now fighting for views against thousands of YouTube personalities and bloggers, ALL of these people have forgotten the most important part of this equation. That is the value for the end consumer. That is something we will NEVER do. How will we figure out how to add value to our audience? It's simple; we'll ACTUALLY interact with them and we'll actually CARE. Our Vision: We want to become the ESPN of Nerdy things, but obviously with some changes. We imagine a place and time where we have high quality and personalized content put out every day that serves Nerds around the world. We want to be hyper interactive with our viewers on Social Media and in person. Simply put, we exist to expand the fun in YOUR life! Becoming a major player in reporting, programming, and covering Nerdy things is how we plan to do that! ====================================================== FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. 1)This video has no negative impact on the original works. It is not a replacement for the original work, in fact, it serves to make multiple viewings of the work more enticing. It’s good for the original work! 2)This video is also for educational purposes. It draws parallels between the original work and other pieces of similar content. It also adds commentary about the source material or business side of the original work. 3)It is not transformative in nature. I am aggregating footage to have a visual representation of the points I’m trying to make.

Silver Surfer in Avengers Infinity War??!?!?!? | BREAKING NEWS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Surf 7 years ago 1,879 views

HOLY BUTT! Breaking news about Silver Surfer being in Avengers Infinity War?!?!!?!?! This is coming from Metacritic. In this video, I break it down, talk about how it could be possible, and go over what kind of a role he could have in the film! Consider checking out our Patreon: Subscribe to ‘The Den’: Most Recent Upload: Game of Thrones Playlist: Dragon Ball Playlist: Star Wars Playlist: Comic Book Playlist: ====================================================== Our Humble Beginnings: The Den of Nerds started as the personal YouTube channel of our founder, Joshua Lucas. Josh is a comic book writer and editor, but more importantly, he's a HUGE Nerd. He started making videos on June 15th 2016. The goal back then was to just talk about Nerdy things, but quickly Josh found that his interests had changed. Soon after, he formed a new vision for what The Den of Nerds could and should be. The Changing State of Media: Media Is going through the most massive shift in the past hundred years. Everything is going digital, direct to market, and mobile. The best and worst part of this is that there are no more gatekeepers. Anyone and everyone can put their content out there and reach a mass audience. However, the new gatekeeper is the algorithm. In order to get stuff in front of people, certain practices are done which hurt quality. In this world, where established networks are now fighting for views against thousands of YouTube personalities and bloggers, ALL of these people have forgotten the most important part of this equation. That is the value for the end consumer. That is something we will NEVER do. How will we figure out how to add value to our audience? It's simple; we'll ACTUALLY interact with them and we'll actually CARE. Our Vision: We want to become the ESPN of Nerdy things, but obviously with some changes. We imagine a place and time where we have high quality and personalized content put out every day that serves Nerds around the world. We want to be hyper interactive with our viewers on Social Media and in person. Simply put, we exist to expand the fun in YOUR life! Becoming a major player in reporting, programming, and covering Nerdy things is how we plan to do that! ====================================================== FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. 1)This video has no negative impact on the original works. It is not a replacement for the original work, in fact, it serves to make multiple viewings of the work more enticing. It’s good for the original work! 2)This video is also for educational purposes. It draws parallels between the original work and other pieces of similar content. It also adds commentary about the source material or business side of the original work. 3)It is not transformative in nature. I am aggregating footage to have a visual representation of the points I’m trying to make.

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Most popular comments
for Silver Surfer in Avengers Infinity War??!?!?!? | BREAKING NEWS

The Den of Nerds
The Den of Nerds - 7 years ago
I really don't know about this news, but it's making the rounds right now. What do all of you think??
Aseem HDX
Aseem HDX - 7 years ago
I think it might just be a cameo !
john rozmiarek
john rozmiarek - 7 years ago
I love the idea, but I'm saying not a chance.
Vance Wallace
Vance Wallace - 7 years ago
The Den of Nerds It wouldn't necessarily end in a lawsuit if the buy out is blocked or fails. They could have set up a side contract similar to the deal with Sony for spiderman as a fail safe.
Vance Wallace
Vance Wallace - 7 years ago
The Den of Nerds What do you think?
Vance Wallace
Vance Wallace - 7 years ago
The Den of Nerds The negotiations between Fox and Disney have been long and on going so if you ask me I'd say that sort of deal isn't all that farfetched. It might be playing it a little fast and loose to set up an impromptu contract like this if it were for multiple major characters like the fantastic 4, but I think it's MUCH more plausible/doable for only ONE relatively minor character in a one off/one film deal. Not a whole lot of risk on either end and whether or not the deal goes through it still leaves them with options that are mutually beneficial.
Vance Wallace
Vance Wallace - 7 years ago
Aahh man! I would've wanted to be surprised too! Thumbnail fail!
Aj Anaya
Aj Anaya - 7 years ago
Now youtubers are just pulling shits out their ass for view. Jesus.
Anthony 911
Anthony 911 - 7 years ago
rumors can take away from the movies experience. I can see ppl being let down if surfers not in it. Just watch and enjoy it. If rumors happen , great if not who gives a rats ... As long as we get a great flick
Anthony 911
Anthony 911 - 7 years ago
alberto portuondo

Thanks for agreeing
alberto portuondo
alberto portuondo - 7 years ago
Anthony 911 I agree bro
Anthony 911
Anthony 911 - 7 years ago
I doubt it. Just rumors
where the weirwood grows
where the weirwood grows - 7 years ago
Fuck silver surfer and all the mall Santa's that look like him
Ixy Morningstar
Ixy Morningstar - 7 years ago
I was coming home to take a nap, and look at YT later, but this made me pause. I am going WTF.

I don't think that they're pulling a "We're just dropping this character in, because we're buying them, and the legal shite ain't going to hit us cus lol, buying them" on Disney's end. Likely, they worked something out before hand, quietly. They're not doing it in any sort of way that was too crazy legally.

It is super not cool that it was dropped by Metacritic like this. They should have waited until after the movie was out and had it behind some sort of spoiler warning at that. JFC.

10. comment for Silver Surfer in Avengers Infinity War??!?!?!? | BREAKING NEWS

Digital Charcuterie
Digital Charcuterie - 7 years ago
See you at 5pm!
DNICE41 - 7 years ago
Don't know if it's this but I have always thought at least one character no one expected would show up at the end.
yn0 - 7 years ago
Galatus devours Thanos home planet
aped3 - 7 years ago
Nice Swag !!!
aped3 - 7 years ago
I have Hope for the Fantastic Four in Avengers 4 !!!
United Sotonation
United Sotonation - 7 years ago
What if silver surfer was the one who destroyed thanos home planet ?
Fluffy PigMonstr
Fluffy PigMonstr - 7 years ago
United Sotonation I think he’s Galactus’s herald, so he’ll explain why Thanos’s homeworld is destroyed.
Nomnso Okeke
Nomnso Okeke - 7 years ago
It sounds nice but don’t buy it at all. Wait until you see the film
T Bone
T Bone - 7 years ago
In this movie, Hulk falls from the sky, crashing into the Sanctum Sanctorum. In the comics, it's Silver Surfer.
TheLeatheryman - 7 years ago
Suddenly I am considering a ticket!
TheLeatheryman - 7 years ago
Yeah that's right.
joeisgod1088 - 7 years ago
TheLeatheryman suddenly?
Tamilselvan D
Tamilselvan D - 7 years ago
Ego is previously owned by fox, somehow they made it happen
vasco jones
vasco jones - 7 years ago
As well as the skrulls at Captain Marvel’s coming movie
Comic Concept
Comic Concept - 7 years ago
As well as the watchers. If this happens I will scream!
The Den of Nerds
The Den of Nerds - 7 years ago
That's a good point.

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