Skateboarding Vs. Surfing

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Skateboarding Vs. Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Surf 7 years ago 15,300 views

This video compares Skateboarding Vs. Surfing / Surf Subscribe: Instagram: Facebook: #skateboarding #skateboard #skate #skating #surfing #surf

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Most popular comments
for Skateboarding Vs. Surfing

James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 6 years ago
STRICTLY Skateboarding. Shows surfing.
SuperSabre182 - 6 years ago
Where do Goth Nerds fall into this debate?
Gixv30 _
Gixv30 _ - 6 years ago
i want to surf but i want to skate lol
Team Org Tryouts
Team Org Tryouts - 6 years ago
Skate and skim boarding
Ramón Montero
Ramón Montero - 6 years ago
why not both?
Richard Baker
Richard Baker - 6 years ago
Ramón Montero surf in the morning and skate in the arvo when the wind picks up. Everyday ritual
JDop Y
JDop Y - 6 years ago
Name of the music for the surfing part?
Ray Sanford
Ray Sanford - 6 years ago
I dunno. Skateboarding has the broadest and most impactful culture... But I feel like surfers get more from surfing than skaters do from skating?Mostly the same shit, but they get to commune with nature and shit. Plus, they invented that dirtbag life. I mean, SURFERS GET TUBED!!! Legit fully encapsulated inside a moving wave!!!! Thats a physical experience that NO ONE ON THE PLANET gets to have ECXEPT SURFERS. For that reason alone I gotta hand it to surfers.
Historias Divertidas
Historias Divertidas - 6 years ago
Noah Gonzales
Noah Gonzales - 6 years ago
do you ever want to go skating but remember you need an ocean to do it

10. comment for Skateboarding Vs. Surfing

Astrid Müller
Astrid Müller - 6 years ago
only today - serfing cos bewbs
Colts Adventures
Colts Adventures - 6 years ago
I love surfing
BonkChoy - 6 years ago
As i am fairly decent at both, I can see that it took me about a month to get an Ollie down but my first hour surfing ever I got riding the waves down. I definently eould day though that skating is more fun, because there are so many more tricks in the book than you can possibly do on a surfboard
Salvador Reyes
Salvador Reyes - 6 years ago
Skateboarding for me. You can practice it anywhere at anytime. More tricks, more avenues to do it on. Examples; vert, street, and freestyle. Surfing is just astheticly pleasing.
Click Bait Channel
Click Bait Channel - 6 years ago
I do both,but I have to go on holiday to surf where as I don't with skating.
However when i'm on the wave I like surfing more than skating, but surfings such a hassle for me. Also i'm better at skating than surfing.
Rihem Hannechi
Rihem Hannechi - 6 years ago
I skate but I really think that surfing is cool really want to learn but we don't have good surfing waves in my country
Jaqos - 6 years ago
There’s a truly unexplainable feeling you get when you finally get in the barrel of a wave it’s just simply amazing I recommend all skaters try surfing it’s so fun!
Romain Guéry
Romain Guéry - 6 years ago
Skateboarding and surfing are quite different sports even though they share the same origin and purpose.

-Skateboarding is more technical and offers a wider combination of tricks. Also the fact that the module ain't mobile helps a lot and you don't need to wait for the weather conditions to be right (except if it is raining and that the spot isn't sheltered). Skateboarding can damage your body a lot more than surfing over time.

-Surfing is hard because it demands a lot of endurance and physical training and can be frustrating at first as it takes a while to see yourself progress but once you start catching more waves it is so much fun. Surfing can be scary at times for diverse reasons but especially when the waves are massive and it takes some balls to send yourself over the edge and to not panic under water while your body is being ragged like a doll.

Although I love and practise both sports, I do prefer surfing mainly because of its lifestyle and despite the fact that some surfers are absolute assholes.
BAV BOYS - 6 years ago
iif half of these skaters went surfing they would see how difficult it really is and how much more dangerous it is. surfing you only get one shot per trick aswell, not every wave will be the same, it's alot more time consuming and life risking.
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Dilated Eye tru
Max Steele
Max Steele - 6 years ago
Skating is fun but surfing is more fun in my opinion

20. comment for Skateboarding Vs. Surfing

insanedb - 6 years ago
surfer girls win
AJ G - 6 years ago
6:36 ur welcome
AJ G - 6 years ago
Well skating started as "street surfing" and theyre both extremely fun to do so its kinda difficult to say one or the other is better based on fun factor alone. I must say it is a lot more fun to watch skaters skate than it is to watch surfers surf.
Aaron Thompson
Aaron Thompson - 6 years ago
Subjective man
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 6 years ago
T A I 太極拳
T A I 太極拳 - 6 years ago
Surfers since skateboards :P
Memosaurus Rex
Memosaurus Rex - 6 years ago
In fact, no. Surf has been invented in Indonesia more than a 1000 years ago and even more.

PS: There is also been a rumor that surfers didn't want to wait for the good waves so tried to put wheels on a surfboard to surf anywhere anytime but this has not been prooven.
Mario - 6 years ago
Strictly, are you a surfer?
Mario - 6 years ago
Are you more of a surfer or skateboarder? Which do you like more?
qazzy - 6 years ago
I'm 34 and just started skateboarding lol. I have new respect for people who can do tricks on skateboards. But I also want to learn to surf and snowboard. I feel surfing might be easier to learn and I like swimming, but I don't know if that is true. But I can simply walk to the park and skateboard.
JDop Y
JDop Y - 6 years ago
When it comes to difficulty: surfing>>skateboarding>>>>>>>>>>>>>snowboarding
Trust me
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Surfing is harder trust me
Etienne Theriault
Etienne Theriault - 6 years ago
besides sharks.
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t say it’s easier but definitely a smaller impact on your body...
Surfer Girl 121
Surfer Girl 121 - 6 years ago
I am a very young surfer and I have just got a skateboard ,great video
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 6 years ago
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 7 years ago
Surfing. It's a cool feeling riding a wave plus u barely ever get hurt. A lot less risk
Atomic Ankle Breakers
Atomic Ankle Breakers - 6 years ago
Uhm yeah I guess u have no risk if you are surfing 2ft waves but I’d like to see you say that after getting washed by a nice 15ft set
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
More people die surfing than skating. Btw here are some examples: rip currents, sharks, drowning, and getting knocked out by your board.
halfpipefreak - 6 years ago
Dude shut the fuck up. You don't know shit.
Aaron Thompson
Aaron Thompson - 6 years ago
Bitch pls you have no idea
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
You can drown...
Jackson Wright
Jackson Wright - 7 years ago
I do both
Nicely Done
Nicely Done - 7 years ago
Why “vs?”
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago

30. comment for Skateboarding Vs. Surfing

Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
For sure!
Nedaj Stoot
Nedaj Stoot - 7 years ago
Skating is way better
Mallet Alexandre
Mallet Alexandre - 7 years ago
ho no,it's a difficult choice
i love this sport.
but i choose skate
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
For sure!
Linus Fallert
Linus Fallert - 7 years ago
Congrats to 12k!
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
Thank you!!
Joshua Sattaboot
Joshua Sattaboot - 7 years ago
surfing is like no other sport.
halfpipefreak - 6 years ago
Skateboarding is aswell.
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
It does look fun!
Richard Baker
Richard Baker - 6 years ago
Been surfing my whole life and seen like 3 sharks. They aren't a thing
AJ G - 6 years ago
I've been surfing my whole life and ive never been attacked.
TRIxIE Is LIfE - 7 years ago
I’ve been surfing for over 7 years and have surfed spots with lots of “shark stories”. I haven’t never been bitten, and they’re extremely rare. People will usually send a warning to the lifeguards if there is a shark and th beach is usually evacuated/the water. I’ve seen shades but haven’t been attacked. It’s a awesome sport
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
Agreed! Shark attacks are usually a one bite attacks...
A COMENNTER - 7 years ago
Also being a sufer because they are hot is a little weird :-)
A COMENNTER - 7 years ago
Sharks eat people on accident thinking the person is a seal sharks don't like the taste of people so u don't have to worry also there is sharks warnings when needed
Gavin Dary
Gavin Dary - 7 years ago
DAMN! 12K!
Meccarox - 7 years ago
Both are cool but skating is better and you can do it anywhere.
Goodiebagio - 6 years ago
AJ G I agree but chances of getting attacked by a shark are pretty slim
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Salvador Reyes I do the same no worries
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Salvador Reyes and by injuries I mean broken bones, concussions. And etc
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Salvador Reyes although it is hard to pinpoint the cause of death of every surfing fatality there were 77 surfing drownings in 2018. But that being said there are less than 200 skating injuries every day. So I’ve found them you are marginally more inclined to be injured in skating. But you are also more likely to die surfing.
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Salvador Reyes haha I was implying that surfing was a niche sport considering that a majority of Americans don’t live right on the beach.
Salvador Reyes
Salvador Reyes - 6 years ago
+Imagine waffles13 Good sales becouse it's a niche sport, was a subjective comment. If we're going to devalue each others preference by just saying "subjective" I can do that all day. It makes good sales simply becouse it's a more skilled required sport and more appealing to the masses. Show me the stats behind surfing injuries and skateboard injuries side by side.
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
Salvador Reyes the marketing sales are only due to the fact that it’s a niche sport. True you can skate anywhere which is one of its attributes, but it’s subjective that either ones better. It’s all in your preference. And feel free to look up which ones more dangerous it’s all on the internet.
Salvador Reyes
Salvador Reyes - 6 years ago
+Imagine waffles13 According to what statistic? Skateboarding is better in all areas, all the way down to marketing sales.
Imagine waffles13
Imagine waffles13 - 6 years ago
You are literally more likely to die surfing wtf r u talking about
BAV BOYS - 6 years ago
feels dude. i live in bali, ive gotten too many stictches from surfing, and a dislocated knee. and too many near drownings. skating is fucked aswell, but i feel like there equal, theres just more of a death risk when surfing.
AJ G - 6 years ago
Jorge Torres wow... have you EVER been surfing before? lmao... just wait till your board smashes into your face fins first and slices you open, or until a wave drags you under the water and across the sharp rocks on the floor, or until someone hits you in the head at full speed with a heavy surfboard, or until you inhale water, or get attacked by a fucking shark! Theyre both dangerous as all fuck.
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 7 years ago
I prefer surfing cause I hate getting hurt!
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
True didn't think about the fact that you can skate anywhere at anytime!
Cody Pickar
Cody Pickar - 7 years ago
Definitely skateboarding
Kellerwärter ツ
Kellerwärter ツ - 7 years ago
One of the first was like this is easy i can do it with one foot
Strictly Skateboarding
Strictly Skateboarding - 7 years ago
Kellerwärter ツ
Kellerwärter ツ - 7 years ago
Strictly Skateboarding an he even does a front shuv xD
Henru Not Henru
Henru Not Henru - 7 years ago
I haven't even started the video and I'm saying skateboarding
A COMENNTER - 7 years ago
Nice 2nd commenter
Yuusp - 7 years ago
do you like anime titties?
Leyton Barry21
Leyton Barry21 - 7 years ago
Strictly is daddy

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