Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: Pro surfer and wild man Jamie O'Brien buys a soft top surfboard and tries his luck at Pipeline before entering last minute into a standup paddle board competition that proves harder than expected. Want more JOB? Check out ALL of the episodes: Watch the last episode: Follow @whoisjob / #whoisjob on twitter:!/whoisjob _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 89

Surf 12 years ago 695,340 views

►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: Pro surfer and wild man Jamie O'Brien buys a soft top surfboard and tries his luck at Pipeline before entering last minute into a standup paddle board competition that proves harder than expected. Want more JOB? Check out ALL of the episodes: Watch the last episode: Follow @whoisjob / #whoisjob on twitter:!/whoisjob _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

Thomas HAGSSERTY - 7 years ago
Anyone know the name of this song
John P
John P - 7 years ago
makes it look easy just messing around on stuff that would destroy most of us who have surfed for years
Sawyer Roenfeldt
Sawyer Roenfeldt - 7 years ago
sweeping noob lol
Dan Kolodny
Dan Kolodny - 7 years ago
How to train your dog stop barking
Travis Tran
Travis Tran - 7 years ago
I want to change my Costco board. Change my mind then
Brother Brandon
Brother Brandon - 7 years ago
Ana Skywalker
Ana Skywalker - 7 years ago
Nice ad to sell the wavestorm
RonnieBavs - 7 years ago
Ana Skywalker He said "this things kinda crap"
Evan Norconk
Evan Norconk - 7 years ago
What a legend
BlckCloud73 - 7 years ago
uh.... looks like the soft top did ok to me (up until it broke, that is).

10. comment for Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

Amit Naamani
Amit Naamani - 7 years ago
4:50 damn beautiful
Thomas HAGSSERTY - 7 years ago
I dropped out of school for surfing so I live the lifestyle but JOB does it right
Marcos Ocaña
Marcos Ocaña - 8 years ago
es un crac pero madremia willi
BaileyThe Dogeling
BaileyThe Dogeling - 8 years ago
DwightDynamite - 8 years ago
Jamie is metal as fuck
Alex Knost
Alex Knost - 8 years ago
Love how he controls the slip at 3:18
Luke J
Luke J - 8 years ago
Why is it age restricted tha fuck
Christopher Gray
Christopher Gray - 8 years ago
Team WaveStorm $114 Waipio Costco! \m/
RainerBainer.B.S - 8 years ago
"figured it would be good to learn on" hahahahahahahaha
Charles Hawk
Charles Hawk - 8 years ago
Guy is legit. Just having some fun in the water. No worries.

20. comment for Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

Santiago Pino
Santiago Pino - 9 years ago
ola soy Santiago vivo en chile redbull le quiero decir que yo ago surf pero no tengo tabla propia por razones que no tengo ni mi familia tiene plata .... le quería pedir si me regalan una tabla
Clint James
Clint James - 9 years ago
Who had did board to dothat
Christian Beck
Christian Beck - 9 years ago
Go watch my channel! Young cinematographer
Dale Bergeron
Dale Bergeron - 9 years ago
Who had this board for such a low price??
Aaron Rapaport
Aaron Rapaport - 8 years ago
Kernow Current
Kernow Current - 9 years ago
whats the music called
Luca Menzi Smith
Luca Menzi Smith - 9 years ago
That start bit was hilarious hahaha with the soft top buying
Ben Rosenberg
Ben Rosenberg - 9 years ago
lol 4:07
Jadi - 9 years ago
"figure itd be good to learn on" lol
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
well the soft top did fine-just what it was supposed to do- he was surfing a few outer reef bombs and it did pretty good- and he did good on the SUP- but he is a great surfer/waterman..40% of surfing big waves is confidence and commitment to the drop..once you are past the hestitation point and go for are gonna do pretty well...if you can surf at all.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
I actually enjoy surfing 10-15' mushers - big drop but just gently folding over..not gonna hurt you but lots of room to play around- but 10-15' hollow is a whole different ball game.
FUTURE ELK SLAYER - 9 years ago
+falconetti aanthony True, I remember my first time and the only thing I though about was the beating I would take if I fucked up but after watching all my friends for a while get a couple while I didn't have any I got over it a little bit. At least enough to commit on waves I thought wouldn't wall up or close out. Big waves are kind of like just skateboarding on a slow moving hill (if that makes sense).
Q Antoine Vahdani
Q Antoine Vahdani - 10 years ago
That chick in the cow add is hot

30. comment for Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 10 years ago
That is so cool he surfs wavestorms at Pipeline and then does a board transfer at backdoor.
fishing for life
fishing for life - 10 years ago
could you try to surf some beaters at pipeline that would really be something fun to watch
Roy Bean
Roy Bean - 10 years ago
Dude is a flat out ripper ...
Twenty one Savave
Twenty one Savave - 7 years ago
Jeno Mikael Sario
Jeno Mikael Sario - 10 years ago
Jamie is living the life! I'm stuck here at an office job. 
Allanrpsx - 7 years ago
Jeno Mikael Sario you're not stuck, you're just boring
Brando 1250
Brando 1250 - 10 years ago
jamies so sick! like how he tells cashier at costco he just learning lmao. mad rep dude can do what he want
wulf67 - 10 years ago
Don't ditch your board, you kook!
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Pink Guy it was a joke!!!
palierto - 10 years ago
Trying to find the first song (@2:17ish) is like a needle in a hay stack...
Horizon FX
Horizon FX - 10 years ago
Makin fun of my soft tops xD hahahahaha hey it'll be alright.
T D - 10 years ago
the Surfer having the most fun is the Best!
Jamie your having the most!
mad respect ;) Aloha
Josh Randal
Josh Randal - 10 years ago
As an old fart I just can't help but marvel at these idle sportsmen with their monstrous egos and their ever increasing numbers. There had to be a downside to 1's and 0's I suppose. The upside is I won't have to deal with their ilk on the way to work, at work, or on youtube because where I am going they are not. Out.
Josh Randal
Josh Randal - 9 years ago
+Craig O'Dell see if we are any closer in opinion when you are 66 and have done a few things! but you make a valid point. I hope your surf board gets rust and you get out there and grab life by the nuts, risk something, impact some people meaningfully and are amused by the one dimensional waterboys and girls. Peace
Craig O'Dell
Craig O'Dell - 10 years ago
As a 19 year old, I can appreciate what these guys do! Yes, there antics and morals may be a tad off, but everyday they wake up and enjoy the world we have. Not everyone can be doctors or dentist, some can be pro athletes. I see kids my age, sit at home on Netflix or XBOX all day, and when I see people trying new sports, its a bright spot, in our technology driven future.
Huddles Caceres
Huddles Caceres - 10 years ago
What have you invented and brought to the world? A cure to a disease? A fix to world hunger? No, you haven't. Unless you've done one of a few things that make the world a truly better place, you have helped the world just as little as the rest of us. Maybe even made it a bit worse by putting down others. The only difference is that they have fun while doing it. Thankfully the youth won't have to deal with the condescending and self-righteous "old farts" that think they're all that's good in the world.
Josh Randal
Josh Randal - 10 years ago
To prevent the next generation from falling into the same hedonistic sense of entitlement/arrogance trap. Dude lets go grind, catch some tubes then go over to your house to smoke some reefer. My mom gave me some cash and I stole some bottles from the recycle bin. Bra, can we bogart a ride to the the other side of the island tomorrow? What's the rest of the Earth doing and their more serious mature peers. Oh boring stuff like developing food sources eradicating disease etc. Take a look at all the real old JOB types from the 60"s and 70's, impressive huh.
Josh Randal
Josh Randal - 10 years ago
If you have to ask...........
Huddles Caceres
Huddles Caceres - 10 years ago
Looks like you're looking for attention to fulfill the big ego that you don't even realize you have by posting that comment. What is the purpose of posting it, just to let others see how YOU feel?
Jack Loechner
Jack Loechner - 10 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the song starting at 2:17 ?
palierto - 10 years ago
Deathelectric - Nowhere fast
Nicolás Magnacca
Nicolás Magnacca - 11 years ago
Hi, can you tell me where that place is? And the price you paid in costco? Thanks
Tom Groom
Tom Groom - 10 years ago
He said $114.99
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee - 11 years ago
you really think red bull will reply ??
wertycookie - 11 years ago
surfers are probably great at those arcade games where you have to time it exactly right to win the jackpot they already know how to time waves so well whats the difference right
NorthShoreBuilt - 11 years ago
just because u can surf good doesnt mean your not a kook
tanwera - 9 years ago
Surf "well", grammar kook.
Chad Colton
Chad Colton - 11 years ago
All the non locals were thinking "who is this douche screwing around at Pipe on a soft top, and how come Da Hui isn't kicking his ass?" 
A.J. Dorn
A.J. Dorn - 9 years ago
+Chad Colton he is a local
A.J. Dorn
A.J. Dorn - 9 years ago
+Chad Colton he is a local
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
i imagine people would be more amazed than annoyed at him, and he is one of the locals
TheXtroyer - 11 years ago
Because he is pro and he gets rep from constantly performing good. lmfao
livesurflax - 11 years ago
omg at 4:53 
zatoichi101 - 11 years ago
Wow!! Taking a cheap ol' soft top board out at Pipeline -- AND charging! THAT, boys and girls, is the sign of an absolute PRO! Awesome to watch!!!
islandlifestylephoto - 11 years ago
nah brah there are definently some 4 foot 8 faces going on out there on that day
Alvin Cawilan
Alvin Cawilan - 11 years ago
this guy loves to hump endangered turtles..fucking white people (haoles). you white surfers are just like your slaves (black people) when you are out in the ocean lol
Chris Rivera
Chris Rivera - 11 years ago
whos ready fo da winter swell? 10ft hawaiian right now

50. comment for Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

Kelly Slater
Kelly Slater - 11 years ago
I just want to address 1 thing to you. YOLO
UCSDEngineerDoctor - 11 years ago
SO FUCKING STUPID - RED BULL you are responsible for ANDY IRONS death. Surfers like Andy Irons & Jamie O'Brien all did drugs(barbiturates), & they drink RED BULL to wake up. Smoking weed, oxycotin - this party RED BULL life style is what KILLED ANDY IRONS. ANDY was Alprazolam, (Xanax) Zolpidem, (Ambien), & other pain killers than TAKES RED BULL so that he can function. It fucks up your body. Sad to see it, he is going down the same path as Andy Irons.
UCSDEngineerDoctor - 11 years ago
SO FUCKING STUPID - RED BULL you are responsible for ANDY IRONS death. Surfers like Andy Irons & Jamie O'Brien all did drugs(barbiturates), & they drink RED BULL to wake up. Smoking weed, oxycotin - this party RED BULL life style is what KILLED ANDY IRONS. ANDY was Alprazolam, (Xanax) Zolpidem, (Ambien), & other pain killers than TAKES RED BULL so that he can function. It fucks up your body. Sad to see it, he is going down the same path as Andy Irons.
islandlifestylephoto - 11 years ago
more like 3-4 max brah but def good point its still dangerous
maattttt07 - 11 years ago
Joaquin Browne
Joaquin Browne - 11 years ago
Great show
Steve Sett
Steve Sett - 11 years ago
oscar kick
oscar kick - 11 years ago
oscar kick
oscar kick - 11 years ago
Idriss Alaoui
Idriss Alaoui - 11 years ago
This guy wanna die really bad
Iriding971 - 11 years ago
waw i like
MrDeclan3000 - 11 years ago
1:51 that dude got such a fright when jamie shoved that wave storm in there hahaha
Cuong Tran
Cuong Tran - 11 years ago
this one is just cheap, i figured it'd be good to learn on. Oh JOB, you are a riot.
walid elouali
walid elouali - 11 years ago
nice surfeur
milkmandan77 - 11 years ago
Getting paid 6 figures to surf all year and bang hot sluts. Cant get no better!
Daniell Rasan
Daniell Rasan - 11 years ago
Earn thousands of dollars with facebook and twitter at ONLINEJOBSFROMHOME.UPHERO.COM
Erika Wolf
Erika Wolf - 11 years ago
this guy honestly lives in a dream!
SanFranciscoBay - 11 years ago
1:25 as he is buying the surfboard at Costco, he says "Can I bring it back if if breaks?" and the clerk says yeah, just bring it back. Hilarious because you know he's going to break it and will return it for a new one or his money back.
shawnstam - 11 years ago
The song is good who is it?
Hellen Koman
Hellen Koman - 11 years ago
That's a pretty simple strategy to work from home. How much money have you been making per month on average? I'm earning using ONLINEJOBSFROMHOME.UPHERO.COM Check it out now
Mario Marín Garcias
Mario Marín Garcias - 11 years ago
10 points!!!!! jajajaja.......
Lindsay Kay
Lindsay Kay - 11 years ago
Haha reminds me of my old Mac-T, foam deck and rails, way too bouyant to duckdive, really dragged in the water, but you any waves you got on it were extra golden!
Jonas  Becker
Jonas Becker - 11 years ago
Dat wave kickin ass
Callan Blount
Callan Blount - 11 years ago
Jamie has a unique style of using his body weight by basically laying in the face of the wave as he surfing down the face... Interesting
prodoman89 - 11 years ago
Jamie Fucking O'Brien trys to air a wavestorm soft top that's who hahaha
Ericxnegley - 11 years ago
The Grocket
ian muse
ian muse - 11 years ago
who the hell trys to air a wavestorm softop lol
Austin Parker
Austin Parker - 11 years ago
Djin _
Djin _ - 11 years ago
I lol'd at 4:12
James Vaughan
James Vaughan - 11 years ago
such a sick vid
johnwally - 11 years ago
Robie Filips
Robie Filips - 11 years ago
hello there, nice video and nice presentation, i like the pictures, and this is really educational to.I've changed my life when I read the best online money making ebook. Check it out here ONLINEJOBSFROMHOME.UPHERO.COM
Oliver Komaromi
Oliver Komaromi - 11 years ago
foamies are so much fun
T Rotert
T Rotert - 11 years ago
@Eren Meyers -- it depends on a lot of things, but especially your weight. If you live in So Cal you can get an amazing custom SUP surfer for $1,500. Contact Chelu Stand Up Paddle
Adam Ford
Adam Ford - 11 years ago
10 foot "Creed" Red Veg...perfect for both flat and surf..
livinlife245 - 11 years ago
"I figured it´d be good to learn on"
Eren Meyers
Eren Meyers - 11 years ago
what is a good hybrid paddleboard that you can work small waves with, but also have a stable flatwater paddle. i have been getting really mixed answers and if i am going to be putting down at least 1,500 for a board i would like to get a really high quality one. i am open to any suggestions and thanks you guys.
skatenikes0 - 11 years ago
what's the song in the intro? thanks
tar1982 - 11 years ago
Costco boards are pretty shitty, but its cool to see you ride them though. I know how bad those fins are. Can't steer for squat
pedro c
pedro c - 12 years ago
The music please?!
pedro c
pedro c - 12 years ago
music name?
thatbeastmodeguy - 12 years ago
Lol I'm to scared to go on an 8 footer, yet he is surfing monsters on a soft top
Connor Murphy
Connor Murphy - 12 years ago
1-2 foot backdoor= 5-6 ft in east coast haha
OnubaBMX - 12 years ago
con un puto corcho jajajaj idolo!!
MrWalkercl1 - 12 years ago
other people shitting themselves he just playin around
puuvarasto - 12 years ago
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 12 years ago
I think he may have increase the sales for WaveStorm. I see those boards a lot now. check out me surfing on a sailboard c my channel..
TheVirginMagician99 - 12 years ago
how do u get out with this kinda board ?
707westy - 12 years ago
That is absolutely the only way to surf pipe.
Lucas Gaha
Lucas Gaha - 12 years ago
So Sick

100. comment for Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8

Brent Casey
Brent Casey - 12 years ago
Khillling it.
Shred Show
Shred Show - 12 years ago
What DVD is it of Jamies that shows him and Alek Parker renting boards in bali and getting surf lessons from a local while pretending to be beginners? Seems like Jamie likes to freak people in to thinking he's a beginner. He does it at Costco in this episode, and I think there was a Wedge swell a few years back and when life guards were freaked at him paddling out he told them he just bought his baord at HSS and was surfing for the first time. Madman.
colby millars
colby millars - 12 years ago
LegacyMr - 12 years ago
Fucking awesome!
EEJJ2011 - 12 years ago
That's a real surfer. Doesn't get all precious about what board people use, if they are standing up or lying down. Just enjoys being out there in the surf.
Karl XZY
Karl XZY - 12 years ago
JoB is a legend.
RomanRandom7 - 12 years ago
This is Life!
coen lambriex
coen lambriex - 12 years ago
what's the song that begins at 2.20?!
Marc Panzitta
Marc Panzitta - 12 years ago
prime example of its not the board its the rider
Adrian Macabeo
Adrian Macabeo - 12 years ago
Shit just got real niggs, HE HAS AN SUP!
Stephen Gladue
Stephen Gladue - 12 years ago
Douche levels cranked to ten on this thing.
juxier - 12 years ago
4:35 , looks like a futureflex board ... my favorite board tech, so far
George Heath
George Heath - 12 years ago
very cool.....try a dry matt.
DonkeyLover - 12 years ago
So rad! Reposted/shared here at this brand new argyle sock company's Facebook page: facebook(dot)com/CUAEnterprises
Bernie Boehm
Bernie Boehm - 12 years ago
insipiring James!
Luke Bodley
Luke Bodley - 12 years ago
4:51 - Amazing
surfgatinho - 12 years ago
I'd still rather drink my own piss than Red Bull...
hiphoppin9 - 12 years ago
pretty sick!
Alex Elkman
Alex Elkman - 12 years ago
Crazy ass lol
whaletacos - 12 years ago
talented douche
gangsterboogie - 12 years ago
Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy - 12 years ago
what is JOB ? yes, i got the balls to ask.
spunkweed69 - 12 years ago
Adverts SUCK!!!!! Fuck you redbull...
carlos aviles
carlos aviles - 12 years ago
voi la
GuildF40 - 12 years ago
Did you take the board back saying as loudly as possible "It just broke at Pipe WTF"
Trevor Massas
Trevor Massas - 12 years ago
seriously where do they get their songs
Zach Moore
Zach Moore - 12 years ago
Whats the song at 2:30?
Bronson Harrington
Bronson Harrington - 12 years ago
4:51 WTF??
Janik - 12 years ago
dual board 3:35 ^^
James Thomas
James Thomas - 12 years ago
i already do!
Evan Cleaveland
Evan Cleaveland - 12 years ago
2:14 I can hear j boog hahaha
birdman bl
birdman bl - 12 years ago
This is classic!!!
birdman bl
birdman bl - 12 years ago
Met Jamie in Kahuku totally cool guy. No ego!
clarkewi - 12 years ago
The guy can surf anything and have a blast.
Nick Goldston
Nick Goldston - 12 years ago
dude what a badass.
thecamaroonie - 12 years ago
Its funny, here in PR people ride the wave storm Cosco boards in double over head swell all the time
TATTRAT - 12 years ago
Nice transition from long to short. Stay stoked, nice to see a young guy riding it all. Aloha
MrCrimo15 - 12 years ago
your a gun surfer i see you all the time in surf magazines your a gun
skoot0962 - 12 years ago
nj had a good swell check it out
Iñaki Klutch
Iñaki Klutch - 12 years ago
Does anyone know what shortboard he is holding at 5:10
Iñaki Klutch
Iñaki Klutch - 12 years ago
Jamie you should totally ask her ^^^ out bra.
Manuel Cañizares Guerrero
Manuel Cañizares Guerrero - 12 years ago
Watch them with subtitles xD
Julian Uribe
Julian Uribe - 12 years ago
Nigga going hard on a softie lol
bigfri5 - 12 years ago
6:35 scared the shit out of me
Corey A
Corey A - 12 years ago
i saw that board at costco for 100 bucks. should have bought it haha
Trent Bayliss
Trent Bayliss - 12 years ago
Fucking hilarious.
shannon mckenna
shannon mckenna - 12 years ago
0:57 that ass
Jesse Rhodes
Jesse Rhodes - 12 years ago
Does anyone know the song that starts at 7:05 ?
Philipp Burg
Philipp Burg - 12 years ago
they have! it´s called serves tv i think..
met3112 - 12 years ago
Looks like he learns pretty fast. I predict we'll see him again in the future.
Troy Pasko
Troy Pasko - 12 years ago
unless u surf it like he did ;)
James Latimer
James Latimer - 12 years ago
Anyone but J.O.B would get crap for paddling out to pipe on a foamie
Saaahid - 12 years ago
Lo mejor El surf... Desestresante (:
a_ride_a_day - 12 years ago
the tv channel is called in austria !
higherplease - 12 years ago
6 people have never surfed before
cmcruthp - 12 years ago
it's not the board it's the surfer.
Tomo Matsuda
Tomo Matsuda - 12 years ago
I want to know the song 2:22.  I tried few way to find out but didn't work. Please some one help us!
Mike Maholias
Mike Maholias - 12 years ago
ha ha ha u r fagit
09IBB - 12 years ago
what the song name 2:22
Brett Cooper
Brett Cooper - 12 years ago
the dude in the hot tub in the intro really wrecks this for me.
BurtonSnowboard123 - 12 years ago
4:52 I wonder what camera is shooting. I want it. I'm talking about the shutter sound
kfrei10 - 12 years ago
Is that a banshee bungee next episode?! i love those things!
Red Bull
Red Bull - 12 years ago
Stay tuned!
uponthedownside - 12 years ago
that board is from costco, so they probably would've taken it back
beardedswine - 12 years ago
job is a knob
Nick Mercurio
Nick Mercurio - 12 years ago
4:50 sooo badass
my32pints - 12 years ago
I dig that mcdonalds soundtrack , eat my hamburger music.
luiz henrique salonski
luiz henrique salonski - 12 years ago
Brazilian peeps dont accept returns or refunds, even if you have bought it like 2 hours ago... Fuck the government,Dilma and taxes!
surferferret - 12 years ago
well right there is the magic of surfing, on a cheap soft top surf board he's having as much (if not more) fun as anyone else out there
yosupgurl - 12 years ago
LOL "yeah this ones cheap, it'd be good for me to learn on"
noooooooooooooo0 - 12 years ago
"is that.. like a fine"
Nuno Marques
Nuno Marques - 12 years ago
f.... hell , in Portugal if you buy something , to get a refund you must bring it back in one piece ... not broken in half ... and you only have 15 days to do so . Great vid keep them coming ...!
SD2OCsponger - 12 years ago
4:50 Awesome
thomas jeffery
thomas jeffery - 12 years ago
did you know all JOB's friends are 'charrrraaaccttteeeeeeeeeeeerrrrssss'!!!
John Delaware
John Delaware - 12 years ago
What the fuck is a boogie board?
Dougs90 - 12 years ago
hahahaha surfing pipe on a soft top better than most
Gaurav S Ghimire
Gaurav S Ghimire - 12 years ago
You guys want some drugs?? There's a bit of a crack at 0:55...
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 12 years ago
what is the name of the song in 2:30 ?
FM - 12 years ago
haha this is hilarious :p
bredbasket1 - 12 years ago
0:58 ;)
Roberto Coppel
Roberto Coppel - 12 years ago
enserio me van hacer esperar dos semanas para ver el próximo capitulo...
Devin - 12 years ago
i touched that board today when it washed up on shore at pipe ..... there was some hot chicks at his house today lol
Sarah Schleper
Sarah Schleper - 12 years ago
Just curious did you return the board?
bmmahe2 - 12 years ago
is it weird that i watch these episodes over and over while i wait 2 weeks for the new one to come out? ...........yea, i don't think so either.
KYRM09 - 12 years ago
wave poachers
Cole Herndon
Cole Herndon - 12 years ago
Please make another season of this!
Ron DREWEY - 12 years ago
this makes me want to move to Hawaii
MrMantasMX - 12 years ago
I have never tryed surfing, but I really would like to try. This looks great fun
Tyler Thornsley
Tyler Thornsley - 12 years ago
1:52 tiago! da boys!
Azhiaziam - 12 years ago
Wave storm loves this!
Nuno Marques
Nuno Marques - 12 years ago
That must have been EPIC ! the look on the faces of the persons behind the counter at the store ... It should have been filmed... Thank you for your reply ... keep the vids coming !
paintballr217 - 12 years ago
0:45 DJ paully D :D
ohhroach - 12 years ago
JOB try surf pipe on a skimboard
ohhroach - 12 years ago
2:20 is hilarious
HeyImChance - 12 years ago
"Figured this one would be good to learn on" haha
JRudi - 12 years ago
there is one in germany and austria, or its the late night program on the weekend on servusTV. Just google it, im pretty sure they've got a stream.
Eric Zimmerer
Eric Zimmerer - 12 years ago
best one yet
chadjitsu1 - 12 years ago
Just goes to prove its not the equipment its the rider.
StorrorBlog - 12 years ago
Keep them coming
Vik Widstrom
Vik Widstrom - 12 years ago
Redbull just make this series air on MTV or something, exept make them 30 min long, THAT would be fucking epic!
albert meichtry
albert meichtry - 12 years ago
jamie good job on the stand up,be good to see you out on bib pipe/ your the man, hope your doing is just one big experiment
Harry Jellicoe
Harry Jellicoe - 12 years ago
jamie kelly dane worlds best surfers
Evan M
Evan M - 12 years ago
Get rid of all the shit on the screeen jesus
oldsQlasfCk - 12 years ago
1:20 dat eyes... ;)
Nuno Marques
Nuno Marques - 12 years ago
I wonder if JOBrien went to the store to give back the broken board to try a refund ... That would be worth seeing ...
Chris Vallee
Chris Vallee - 12 years ago
best series on youtube
Joe Price
Joe Price - 12 years ago
264ali - 12 years ago
check my channel and see!!
Heroic Nutter
Heroic Nutter - 12 years ago
Joe Beggs
Joe Beggs - 12 years ago
0 views :D

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The "Soft Top Surfing at Pipeline | Who is JOB 2.0: S1E8" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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