Solving Counter Surfing - Dog Training

This is a video on how to train your dog not to surf the counters or in other words put their paws up and eat food and items that are on your counters. Remember to keep in mind that during training, items that your dog likes should NOT be left in reach on counters so that you don't UNDO all the training you have just been doing. As nagging a turkey off the counter WILL train your dog to do it again! At the beginning of the video you will see Tug my new puppy BEFORE I trained him, he would jump up and onto tables to lick them clean. At the end of the video you can see the results of one session that was a couple minutes long. Tips: 1- Make sure the dog NEVER gets the food- it sounds obvious but some dogs are very FAST! 2- If he is struggling to look away from the food, either give him a hint by making an attention noise or take some steps away so he is not as close to the food 3- As he succeeds raise criteria 4- You can start off first with a carrot on the table but the reinforcement is something even better like Chicken 5- Watch my 'leave it' video for more information on teaching the leave it Visit our website: Buy our new ebook: Become a fan on facebook: SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! We appreciate it: Dog training clicker training manners teaching a dog to not touch food on counters counter surfing stealing food

Solving Counter Surfing - Dog Training sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Surf 14 years ago 68,889 views

This is a video on how to train your dog not to surf the counters or in other words put their paws up and eat food and items that are on your counters. Remember to keep in mind that during training, items that your dog likes should NOT be left in reach on counters so that you don't UNDO all the training you have just been doing. As nagging a turkey off the counter WILL train your dog to do it again! At the beginning of the video you will see Tug my new puppy BEFORE I trained him, he would jump up and onto tables to lick them clean. At the end of the video you can see the results of one session that was a couple minutes long. Tips: 1- Make sure the dog NEVER gets the food- it sounds obvious but some dogs are very FAST! 2- If he is struggling to look away from the food, either give him a hint by making an attention noise or take some steps away so he is not as close to the food 3- As he succeeds raise criteria 4- You can start off first with a carrot on the table but the reinforcement is something even better like Chicken 5- Watch my 'leave it' video for more information on teaching the leave it Visit our website: Buy our new ebook: Become a fan on facebook: SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! We appreciate it: Dog training clicker training manners teaching a dog to not touch food on counters counter surfing stealing food

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Most popular comments
for Solving Counter Surfing - Dog Training

Erin V
Erin V - 7 years ago
Would this work for ignoring blankets and pillows on the couch? My pup goes crazy when he gets near them..
dharkbizkit - 9 years ago
got the feeling this doesnt work for retrievers. they seem to think in "now" 1smal bit of something super tasty is better, then 10 bits over time from something else.
Marija Elezović
Marija Elezović - 8 years ago
The truth is, dogs have their unique wау tо think, and when you waaaant to teасh yоur dog advanced lessоns and tricks, уоu ought to pppрerсеivе the sеcrets behind thеir аctions Wаtcch here ==> Tutorial Solving Coounter Surfing Cliсkeeer Dog Тraining
Kikimonster A
Kikimonster A - 10 years ago
I'm going to start raising chickens and was wondering if the approach to this video would be the best way to get the puppy to not attack the birds. As a non cued default behavior, to leave the chickens alone.
LorraineVirginie - 10 years ago
What the... is that table floating? o.O 
hammockmonk - 10 years ago
You are "solving" the problem by preventing it in the first place. Nice for training, but it doesn't help much for those of us with dogs who have self rewarded too many times and now have a strong habit. I try to keep my counters clear of food but he keeps surprising me. Today, for instance, he grabbed a closed carton of cocoa mix, took it from the counter while I was out, tore it up and ate all of it. Annoying AND scary, since he has gotten chocolate poisoning in the past. Anyway, thanks for the effort.
Arkehnan Poross
Arkehnan Poross - 9 years ago
+hammockmonk Any behavior can be changed, but in this case will be need much more training and proofing to get over the established habit. This is the problem in let the things going on, even when they start to go wrong.
arjun rana
arjun rana - 10 years ago
Hello all! I like your video, Thanks! There is this pretty good FREE download guide at "Brendt Mastery Dog Training Guru" (google it)? Hurry before the FREE ebook is taken down! 
Joel de Leseleuc
Joel de Leseleuc - 10 years ago
How many hours of training did it require to obtain those results?
Lina L
Lina L - 10 years ago
I'd say it depends on the dog. ;) Most of my dogs have required about an hour of training (all in all, training sessions are pretty short at a time).
Joel de Leseleuc
Joel de Leseleuc - 10 years ago
thanks for being so helpful....
Orkinman831 - 11 years ago
I have a 4 yr old GSP we have just rescued. We're trying to break her of counter surfing but it's very hard. She will respond to training but then moment we clean up the treats and unleash her she jumps on the counter and table where we were doing training and sniffs and licks. Don't know what to do.
Kristin Ray
Kristin Ray - 11 years ago
I have to say - I LOVE your videos. My pup Dexter (8 month old American Eskimo) responds so much better to your methods than any others I've come across. The problem we're running into now is not so much counter surfing (though we're still working on that) but stealing clothes, door stops, paper, basically anything that is not nailed down. I've tried training him on what to do in each room of the house, but he always seems to find scenarios where I have not thought of something. I left my shoes up on the bed while I was getting ready and no sooner turned my back then he was gone with them in his mouth. I keep reinforcing the positive by giving him a toy or chew instead, but I can't just ignore him running away with my socks. Any tips on training him for what is "his" to enjoy?

10. comment for Solving Counter Surfing - Dog Training

Barbara Brill
Barbara Brill - 11 years ago
Emily, bless you for your YouTube lessons. They're great. So that one may hear them better, would you speak in a lower register? In simplest terms, that means instead of projecting your voice from your forehead, try to project your voice from your chest. I have hearing loss, specifically for the female voices spoken in this high (and very irritating) register. I hope you'll consider this request.
BCNTC - 11 years ago
what do you do when you dog knows a set up? when its a set up I can literally leave the room with steak at her height and she wont even look at it, but the very second its real, all bets are off. I don't even know how she knows a set up from real, I previously tried booby trapping the counter while she was outside, let her inside and left. she went nowhere near the counter. my other dog set off the trap and within seconds this dog ran to the kitchen and was on the counter!
Gia M.
Gia M. - 12 years ago
Do you have any suggestions for what to do about toilet paper/paper/books? My two 9-month goldendoodles seem to be infatuated with paper. I've brought out paper and crumpled it up and done a 'leave it' exercise. They won't touch the paper if I'm around and have treats, but I can't go a day without finding a shredded up piece of paper!
nintendogspluscats10 - 12 years ago
This is very helpful :) My chihuahua mix jumps up onto our dining room chairs to get to food on the table. Thank you!
Imogen - 12 years ago
Thank you! I have a puppy and he counter surfs for anything! He will take paper, or anything he can get. He has figured how to open drawers, and takes clothes too, but hopefully this will help!
eileenanddogs - 13 years ago
I am following this method. My puppy already has a pretty good default leave it for treats on the floor. She is doing well during the sessions. However, after we finish the session and I pick up the plate of food and take it away, she instantly surfs the area where it was (today it was on a chair). I can't always prevent this. I'm afraid that even the sniffing is keeping the behavior reinforced. Comments?
Jake Moore
Jake Moore - 13 years ago
We sometimes use that technique for service dogs.
wmlgts - 14 years ago
Emily, I have a problem with River eating and searching for food on the floor every time we visit my parent's house. She's always finding something in the hidden spots of their house left over from my nieces/nephews. Any tips? It can be dangerous!
tehrenberg - 14 years ago
I just love his wonderful face. Great great video.
PoochAcademy - 14 years ago
@NikolayevKirill Hi, I just noticed your question. If you haven't gotton past this yet, here's what I'd try...pick up the food on the table and put it down again. He will probably look at it and then at you, which you can then click. If he doesn't, you can also try putting down a higher value food or walking him directly past the food and clicking and rewarding him for ignoring it. You could also do short sessions. Just do a few reps at a time. If he starts barking at you, end the session.

20. comment for Solving Counter Surfing - Dog Training

53Playmate - 14 years ago
thanks so much I am going to try this with my pup. He has been jumping up on the table he's an aussie so he should learn fast
andreadogtrainer - 14 years ago
I just love this video. It's terrific. I love all your videos and refer people to them all the time! Thanks so much for an awesome job! Andrea
Criosphynx - 14 years ago
I love how Kiko walks up...sees you are working with Tug and automatically lays down and away from you guys ;) great as always, I like how you mention proofing...this is som'thing alot of people forget
Susan Fryer
Susan Fryer - 14 years ago
Excellent Video, as always. Dogs learn so much better when they work it out for themselves. Well Done!
Janice Pilkington
Janice Pilkington - 14 years ago
what happens if you misjudge and raise the criteria too quickly and the puppy grabs the food off the table -- are you back to square one or worse?
Courtenay Watson
Courtenay Watson - 14 years ago
I feel so privileged to have seen this early ! :) it's like i'm "in" with a famous person!!
Dog Training by Kikopup
Dog Training by Kikopup - 14 years ago
@nataliawasilewska97 What? His name is Tug :)
Anshi Jay
Anshi Jay - 14 years ago
Such a great video & footage!! Very informative. Thanks for sharing. You're doing a great job with Tug! He's so lucky.
Unicorn Island
Unicorn Island - 14 years ago
tiger?? I thought you called him tug !!
newbear95 - 14 years ago
Great video!

30. comment for Solving Counter Surfing - Dog Training

Zom Barb
Zom Barb - 14 years ago
Nice job :)
jimmy202500 - 14 years ago
Hey nice video. My puppy loves to chew (golden X lab so what do you expect :P) but the real problem is that he loves to drag things from outside in to my room and chew them to pieces. So dead fern stumps and sun flowers are regularly dragged in on to my nice clean carpet! Should i teach him not to chew sticks and such from outside full stop. Or is there a way to teach him "You can chew sticks but don't drag them inside." Thanks, love your videos!
Pam's Dog Academy
Pam's Dog Academy - 14 years ago
What a great idea! I love how Tug would look at the food when he was just wandering around at the end and did not even care to get it. I think that Isabelle would have snatched it right up when I was not looking. :) It is so awesome to see how a behavior problem that so many people struggle with can be solved so simply and without FORCE or stressing the dog out by saying NO, Yelling, etc... This will help so many dog owners! Love it! Love it!
Gabriel Yudico
Gabriel Yudico - 14 years ago
great tutorial!!! could you make one for how to prevent your dog for bitting you stuff??
azmauigirl - 14 years ago
I keep working on this, especially now that there are 2 dogs that can get everything. However, it is a difficult task with little kids and also adults who aren't conditioned themselves to not leave temptations. Each time the pups succeed in getting a yummy treat, it's a big setback. But you've helped motivate me again! Thanks!
KrazyKai0905 - 14 years ago
What do you do if your dog is like a spring and jumps all the way ontop of the counter to eat food, or if they only counter surf when your gone? Kai has this stupid issue, so when I'm asleep or not around, she'll walk in and sniff. I'm not there to watch her either.
unicorn3111 - 14 years ago
great video. i was hoping to find a good vid on counter surfing. definitely gonna try this ^^
HollywoodAlie - 14 years ago
My dog always begs for food at the diner table, is there any way to have her stop doing this?
WolfOfShadows1986 - 14 years ago
@hunkymonkeykaine that is true! we become more conscious of what we leave lying around and learn to clean up after ourselves. husbands are harder to train though, mine leaves things that are sometimes very dangerous sitting on the edge of the counter :(
WolfOfShadows1986 - 14 years ago
@kikopup you would think that with the dogs sense of smell they would be able to tell what is food/organics and what is non edible synthetics, but then again they probably smell something yummy somewhere in the makeup of the non edible.
Dog Training by Kikopup
Dog Training by Kikopup - 14 years ago
@kikopup Darn its not working right now (as usual) but I will keep trying. I am not very computer savvy
Dog Training by Kikopup
Dog Training by Kikopup - 14 years ago
@Cupper22 Good Idea Ill do that!
Dog Training by Kikopup
Dog Training by Kikopup - 14 years ago
@WolfOfShadows1986 Gross! Tug is like that too. He wants to eat thee non edible.
ctina1980 - 14 years ago
great video...youre very informative and i enjoy watching the way that you train your dogs...=)
WolfOfShadows1986 - 14 years ago
very timely video! kali has been really crazy with counter surfing. she will eat anything and she often gets into things she should not have, like the copper pot scrubber:( tonight we were out in the woods and she grabbed something, i reached in her mouth as she was trying to swallow it and pulled out a half rotten paint brush head!!
hunkymonkeykaine - 14 years ago
Great video Emily:). Teaching an environmental leave it really works:). I can leave Kaine alone with my food (steak included) and he will not touch it. I think counter surfing dogs are good in the sense that they help teach us to clean up after ourselves too:).

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