Soul Surfer- Shark attack

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Most popular comments
for Soul Surfer- Shark attack

i love you unless we fighting then u can fuck off
i love you unless we fighting then u can fuck off - 6 years ago
dude this movies so nostalgic, I miss this
BoyNamedChristian - 6 years ago
Fun fact:
The movie was going to be rated PG-13 because of this specific scene
Georgianna findlay
Georgianna findlay - 6 years ago
Does anyone else notice the dad at the end is still awake when the doctor said here we go to start his knee surgery? #movie mistakes
Georgianna findlay
Georgianna findlay - 6 years ago
Does anyone else notice the dad at the end is still awake when the doctor said here we go to start his knee surgery? #movie mistakes
Candace Morris
Candace Morris - 6 years ago
I love video I watched the movie like 1 thousand times it is such a good movie
Ella Leanne
Ella Leanne - 6 years ago
The shark is just like: boop

And then it’s gone
Maritza Escobar
Maritza Escobar - 6 years ago
xoDayPlays - 6 years ago
The only thing I hate about this movie/story is that they killed the shark.. now shall we take a look back to where the sharks LIVE in the ocean and humans PLAY on the water? Sharks shouldn't be put to death for defending their homes..
UNICORNS - 6 years ago
I can't believe This is real made into a movie

10. comment for Soul Surfer- Shark attack

Khalid Hdidou
Khalid Hdidou - 6 years ago
Ayay how hard was like that when atlas was brock . I just pray to god to put thems with crzy cow how one actor he say
julian giangrande
julian giangrande - 6 years ago
Shark 1 human 0
setaeysh fazel
setaeysh fazel - 6 years ago
setaeysh fazel
setaeysh fazel - 6 years ago
I love this film the film is my best
Carrie Ruvalcaba
Carrie Ruvalcaba - 6 years ago
I got atack be a shark then yes I lost a body part it was a arm but hey I'm ALiVE
Gianna Natale
Gianna Natale - 6 years ago
Shes faomose cause she never gave up on surfing and thats not really her thats on nickolodeean
Emily Rogina
Emily Rogina - 6 years ago
After the shark got her she still swam with two arms? Continuity error...
anjolie hernandez
anjolie hernandez - 6 years ago
I love the beach and here is a tip u are scared to go to the water here is a tip akways stay at the baby ocean and if there is a shark and u are there u can run faster thats what i do all the time xd
Pepe McTrump
Pepe McTrump - 6 years ago
This movie is so shit
Thicc Mickey
Thicc Mickey - 6 years ago
Is this real

20. comment for Soul Surfer- Shark attack

AboAbdullah Bawazir
AboAbdullah Bawazir - 6 years ago
this MUST be some sort of movie clip
Maximus W
Maximus W - 6 years ago
Poor Bethany
Leah McNamara
Leah McNamara - 6 years ago
Isn’t one of the girls An actor from what would you do
Michel MONIER - 6 years ago
What a nightmare.
Liz - 6 years ago
Klaudia Šimová that’s her friend like look st the board
Weks den kule
Weks den kule - 6 years ago
I watched this movie at school
Ghost Gunner
Ghost Gunner - 6 years ago
tis' but a scratch
Sara Lavender Gacha Studio
Sara Lavender Gacha Studio - 6 years ago
I have watched this with my family this happened in real life to Bethany himalton
I LOVE YOUTUBE!!! :] - 6 years ago
She is lucky her friends were there to help her
ᄒᄒᄒ - 6 years ago
What’s the song name?

30. comment for Soul Surfer- Shark attack

Shelby Ramirez
Shelby Ramirez - 6 years ago
Oh. My. God
Zebra Bronk
Zebra Bronk - 6 years ago
I love this movie so much such good actors like if you agree
Ghostgames 522
Ghostgames 522 - 6 years ago
poor Bethany hamilton
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 6 years ago
Where was the shark?
Brenna Henderson
Brenna Henderson - 6 years ago
Suga Is Love_ Suga Is Life
Suga Is Love_ Suga Is Life - 6 years ago
This looks so fake..Her expression on her face didn’t show her screaming or crying...
Liz - 6 years ago
Suga Is Love_ Suga Is Life because she didn’t feel any pain she was in shock from losing that much blood so quickly
Hannah Bentley
Hannah Bentley - 6 years ago
I watched this movie
Rowlock Savage
Rowlock Savage - 6 years ago
I watched this in my reading class
dolly arencibia
dolly arencibia - 6 years ago
GUYS this is really good but in the can defiantly see that she still has her arm her arm got bitten off but it’s still there and when they are swimming there is blood don’t know how
Upin and Ipin Atruman ribut2 sam
Upin and Ipin Atruman ribut2 sam - 6 years ago
what movie is this
lolxoxo Gorgeous
lolxoxo Gorgeous - 6 years ago
I remember watching this I loved it
Eliagorna González
Eliagorna González - 6 years ago
iii.trinity - 6 years ago
Marissa Martinez
Marissa Martinez - 6 years ago
Will always be my favorite movies of all time!
Hayla Box
Hayla Box - 6 years ago
How is she not crying and the other one who is not hurt is????!!!!....
Liz - 6 years ago
Hayla Box cuz she can’t feel it
Denise & Daniel's Toy Review
Denise & Daniel's Toy Review - 6 years ago
Like how he broke Da window haha but i watched the movie itz sad really you guys should acually Wach it... I cried
Funny kid Q
Funny kid Q - 6 years ago
I would beat the hell out of the shark AIM FOR THE GILLS AND EYES!!!!!
Ilovecats 88
Ilovecats 88 - 6 years ago
Right after she got bit, you could see her swimming with both arms in the beggining
Shontee Kendrick
Shontee Kendrick - 6 years ago
Love this movie always gets chills ❤️
Stephanie McKenzie
Stephanie McKenzie - 6 years ago
Is this a true movie
Stephanie McKenzie
Stephanie McKenzie - 6 years ago
Liz ok thank u for tellin me
Liz - 6 years ago
Stephanie McKenzie yes the real Bethany Hamilton lost her arm in 2003 when she was 13

50. comment for Soul Surfer- Shark attack

ItzYaGurl Feven
ItzYaGurl Feven - 6 years ago
Lmaoo what was the beginning
Nick Allen-Friel
Nick Allen-Friel - 6 years ago
This event for Bethany (having her arm removed by the shark), is kind of like 9/11 because it’s a life changing event that’s tragic and she’ll never be the same.
Michael Holinaty
Michael Holinaty - 6 years ago
this is my favourite movie ever
S F - 6 years ago
Anyone find it weird that they made sure to hold on to their boards even as they were struggling to get her to shore?
Mojo Jones
Mojo Jones - 6 years ago
S F I think they weren’t thinking that clearly...
S F - 6 years ago
Mojo Jones I mean, I would’ve just let the board go if I was struggling to save a girls life, but maybe they just really liked them
Mojo Jones
Mojo Jones - 6 years ago
S F Well they would have gotten swept away in the water if they didn’t so yeah that makes sense...
stars forever
stars forever - 6 years ago
Holy crap
Conor Tacopina
Conor Tacopina - 6 years ago
That was the most random shark attack I’ve ever seen it was just like “Yonk” and gone.
Abby Gilchrist
Abby Gilchrist - 6 years ago
I love how they’re so calm
It’s Caitlin
It’s Caitlin - 6 years ago
Abby Gilchrist Bethany is in shock because what has happened you go in shock where your blood levels is high and a vein has been triggered and the other people have to be cal,er so they don’t mess up or make a mistake
LoveScar4Life :3
LoveScar4Life :3 - 6 years ago

My dog at the Dinner Table..
danielle meikle
danielle meikle - 6 years ago
LoveScar4Life :3 LMFAAOOO
Jedidiah Colin
Jedidiah Colin - 6 years ago
Loved this scene, and how intense it was, but what's up with the poor edit?
Get Bready To Die
Get Bready To Die - 6 years ago
I remember watching this movie like 8-9 years ago
Meme King
Meme King - 6 years ago
How did I end up here? I was just watching people getting bitch slapped.
It's Ian
It's Ian - 6 years ago
for those of u saying that she was still swimming with an arm after the shark bit her, it was the other girl who was swimming towards her. you could see bc there baiting suits were different
Liz - 6 years ago
It's Ian and the boards
Cat Company
Cat Company - 6 years ago
Some parents decided to make fun of Bethany Hamilton so they dressed their kids as her and the shark.

MJ 899
MJ 899 - 6 years ago
I thought this was the scariest thing ever when I was 10
Jenna Dean
Jenna Dean - 6 years ago
She’s so calm, proud of her
Maya Burr
Maya Burr - 6 years ago
I actually saw her surfing in Kauai, Hawaii when I was on vacation. She’s such a strong, beautiful women. This is the kind of person you look up too ❤️
P.K CHANNEL - 6 years ago
The last part tho
Medieval Legend
Medieval Legend - 6 years ago
my clash while watching this THE HELL!!!! *me*..... oh cool CGI
Alexander Edward Pytko
Alexander Edward Pytko - 6 years ago
When this incident made the news, some fishermen said that they had caught and killed a tiger shark about 1 mile from the attack happened. There was also surf board debris stuck between it's teeth. They also compared the bite hole on Bethany's surfboard with the shark's mouth, it matched. It was soon confirmed that the tiger shark the fishermen caught and killed was indeed the same one that attacked Bethany.
Celeste Baez
Celeste Baez - 6 years ago
How did they do the effect where her arm is biten off or is it real pls tell me the sharks are cgi
Makai Hassan Rhamdas
Makai Hassan Rhamdas - 7 years ago
One thing I learn:
Do not go to the ocean
Victoria Sev
Victoria Sev - 7 years ago
i never realized how the dad was going to be awake during the surgery when it was beginning and im very questionable at the moment.
Jessi Jay
Jessi Jay - 7 years ago
That other girls acting sucks though...
ChocolateNoodle Gacha studio and Roblox
ChocolateNoodle Gacha studio and Roblox - 7 years ago
I watch this at my school but my substitute teacher cut this scene out because it wasn't school appropriate
Laura - 7 years ago
How is she not screaming and crying I would have frickin lost my mind if my arm got bitten off by a FUCKING SHARK
Liz - 6 years ago
Laura she's in shock she can't feel anything
Gas The Jews
Gas The Jews - 7 years ago
I think they should work more on her part where she got but she doesn’t look that much in pain
Sufiya VanGieson
Sufiya VanGieson - 7 years ago
Ben Dover i mean after the attack the adrenaline in her system is preventing her from feeling any pain and that's why the actor doesn't act like she's in pain
Gas The Jews
Gas The Jews - 7 years ago
I mean got bit
ZombieGamer - 7 years ago
So fucked up
Jade Ruri
Jade Ruri - 7 years ago
Kiwi The wolf
Kiwi The wolf - 7 years ago
I was watching this last year with my class mates and my friend was crying! I was tearing up to and I never knew this would be my top favorite movie so ya
Nicole DeVelbiss
Nicole DeVelbiss - 7 years ago
i am never going to the beach ever agian!
Nicole DeVelbiss
Nicole DeVelbiss - 7 years ago
look theres the shark
Emily Lee
Emily Lee - 7 years ago
Seriously? Alana didn't make a scene. I'm pretty sure in real life she was trying to be strong for Bethany. As for Bethany she was pretty brave and didn't freak out or anything. Though I'm betting she was in shock. But still, she was brave and eventually got back on the waves, and that's why I admire her so much.
M.a.c Casas
M.a.c Casas - 7 years ago
Paused at 0:00 and you can see how big the sharks head is
easyscore - 7 years ago
This scene, albeit horrid, was shot by real pros. Great film
Liberal and Progressive Atheism
Liberal and Progressive Atheism - 7 years ago
I really like this movie
Faisal Mahin
Faisal Mahin - 7 years ago
come my food come to me
Faisal Mahin
Faisal Mahin - 7 years ago
yummi she is tasty
Jeremy Kemp
Jeremy Kemp - 7 years ago
Isnt this a pixar movie becasue there was a lot of blood
CRAB _04
CRAB _04 - 7 years ago
Fu de di CG fuga FIGC ZDF d'ufficio fuggire fu JVC CNBC FIGC RTG fuggire CGC Gogh Goggi RTF
Lilah Shawley
Lilah Shawley - 7 years ago
Oh.hell. nah.
Alison Castillo
Alison Castillo - 7 years ago
Porque razon todos lo poneis en iglesis
XMartusia338X XMartusia338X
XMartusia338X XMartusia338X - 7 years ago
Sophie Pearce
Sophie Pearce - 7 years ago
Last year my Mom and I went to Tunnels Beach on our vacation in Kauai, without even knowing we were snorkeling at the location of this attack.
이예영 - 7 years ago
I watched this movie 5years ago, and still my best movie ever! Love you God and her... Amen
Ellie Prince
Ellie Prince - 7 years ago
That girl Aleah
That girl Aleah - 7 years ago
dang, that would have been so scary af
Nevaeh Jerome
Nevaeh Jerome - 7 years ago
How did the shark bit her arm
Tracerstit - 7 years ago
Nevaeh Jerome with its mouth
Wolfing Gamer
Wolfing Gamer - 7 years ago
Oh her didn’t get bitten it was someone pretending to be a shark
Wolfing Gamer
Wolfing Gamer - 7 years ago
I know it’s fake also bad
Galaxy Girls
Galaxy Girls - 7 years ago
Now this is a girl you should look up to bethany hamilton never gave up on surfing so we shall all look up to not one of the famouse actors or Instagram models we should look up to the inspiring people like her

100. comment for Soul Surfer- Shark attack

Sofie Manzano
Sofie Manzano - 7 years ago
Shes brave she didnt even cry when she got bitten.If I will get bit im like IMMM GONNNA DIEEEE
ZinkOff - 6 years ago
irl she passed out
Michelle Marges
Michelle Marges - 6 years ago
ItsJust_ Sofia she was in shock
Marah Mohamad
Marah Mohamad - 7 years ago
Ohhh No
Michelle Ponce
Michelle Ponce - 7 years ago
Love this
OliWicia Z
OliWicia Z - 7 years ago
From how many years old is it?
Caitlyn Fawley
Caitlyn Fawley - 6 years ago
OliWicia Z Its from 2011
Blog Sisters:Nesa/Jona
Blog Sisters:Nesa/Jona - 7 years ago
Is complet kuken
mythoughtwhatyousay1 - 7 years ago
This is true story, I have that movie DVD, very good movie.. She still do surf, she's very brave and faith with God.
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
Cats Rule
Cats Rule - 7 years ago
Its an aspiring story, but the movie wasn't that good
Adair Hayes
Adair Hayes - 7 years ago
Wasn't her brother in Peter pan??
Mojo Jones
Mojo Jones - 6 years ago
Adair Hayes Yep..
Doritos ???
Doritos ??? - 7 years ago
Damn why the cute ass girl
Kris Tella
Kris Tella - 7 years ago
Sandie Woolcock
Sandie Woolcock - 7 years ago
It's so sad looking at that used to play on a show called Survivor and that's when she got her arm bit off
Chris ray
Chris ray - 7 years ago
Top Slimes stefaramammou
Top Slimes stefaramammou - 7 years ago
If her hand was cut she would cry not set ah,ah,ah.
Adela Ayala
Adela Ayala - 6 years ago
This was based on a true story. The truth was the REAL bethany hamilton was actually calm on the shark attack..
Michael Underwood
Michael Underwood - 7 years ago
Top Slimes stefaramammou
Bitch her hand wasn't cut, her whole fucking arm was chomped the fuck off
Reirichi - 7 years ago
Slime master DIY fluffy stefaramammou she was in shock and couldn't really react, it's like hesitation in reactions
Ahyrra Mims
Ahyrra Mims - 7 years ago
so scared!
Jocelyn Murillo
Jocelyn Murillo - 7 years ago
That shark was so fucking fake hahah try harder next time
jojo blessed
jojo blessed - 7 years ago
this part made me cry
Andre Jackson Jr
Andre Jackson Jr - 7 years ago
The music is not the best
Sufiya VanGieson
Sufiya VanGieson - 7 years ago
GymnasticGal1406 she was is shock so the adrenaline prevented her from feeling pain
Tina Candy FOXX
Tina Candy FOXX - 7 years ago
Hamilton sounds like a rich last name
Lonnie and Becka Jones
Lonnie and Becka Jones - 7 years ago
Bethany was brave and stayed so calm, God saved her and she has become an inspiring young woman. She is now married with one child and one on the way. Just amazing!!!
Dust Murphy
Dust Murphy - 6 years ago
People believe different things
William Sutton
William Sutton - 6 years ago
Dust Murphy It's a figure of speech. People call things miracles all the time but it doesn't mean God did it. It just means that there was a very low chance of survival but she survived. God had nothing to do with saving this girls life.
Dust Murphy
Dust Murphy - 6 years ago
Even the doctors called it a miracle. God does miracles. If science can do it, it’s not a miracle.
William Sutton
William Sutton - 6 years ago
Lonnie and Becka Jones God didn't save her, doctors and the advanced modern medicine we have today did. Don't be so ignorant.
Ciara Zack
Ciara Zack - 7 years ago
Pause on 0:55 she’s holding her arm
Naomi Ugiagbe
Naomi Ugiagbe - 6 years ago
It's her leg
Rockingthestage Productions
Rockingthestage Productions - 6 years ago
Ciara Zack that's her leg lol
Rhianna Grande
Rhianna Grande - 6 years ago
squishy slime
squishy slime - 7 years ago
How do you know
M YT - 7 years ago
Ciara Zack her leg
Zodi - 7 years ago
Ciara Zack HA dumbass
Phoebe Mowlem
Phoebe Mowlem - 7 years ago
Ciara Zack its her leg
Willow Exposed
Willow Exposed - 7 years ago
Brooklyn Tales
Brooklyn Tales - 7 years ago
That's her leg
Reirichi - 7 years ago
debee_flipz I was about to comment the same thing
debee xing
debee xing - 7 years ago
Ciara Zack that’s her leg
Iyanna Harris
Iyanna Harris - 7 years ago
Rocio Murillo
Rocio Murillo - 7 years ago
And thats why i don't go to the beach
morrmoney Campbell
morrmoney Campbell - 6 years ago
Daph Louis what's next your scared to go in a bathtub
Ghostgames 522
Ghostgames 522 - 6 years ago
Ariella Stoltman
Ariella Stoltman - 7 years ago
You have a higher chance to get struck by lightning then to be attacked
Daph Louis
Daph Louis - 7 years ago
Rocio's Life that’s why I don’t like pools either I don’t care if it’s a poo, or not I’m not going in
Sophie Shylak
Sophie Shylak - 7 years ago
I watch this full movie many times
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
the shark was like " surprise mother flipper"
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
How was she sufrring with her arm gone
Reirichi - 7 years ago
Ashlyn Daulton that was her close friend look at the surf boards
Hillary - 7 years ago
I was 16 when this happened to her. Now she’s married and has a beautiful baby.
Bechthold Paige
Bechthold Paige - 7 years ago
I love watching this movie of the soul surfer when Bethany got attack from the shark. I'm glad she made it to the hospital
Travis Miller
Travis Miller - 7 years ago
give her a hand that was good acting
Kate Here!!! kwail
Kate Here!!! kwail - 7 years ago
OMG so sad I feel bad for her
Miriam Rishel
Miriam Rishel - 7 years ago
It was a great movie but i feel bad for her i didn't think that she was going to survive it.
The Gibbs
The Gibbs - 7 years ago
luckily her friends were there to give her a hand ;)
Brittany Pack
Brittany Pack - 7 years ago
I love Soul Surfer love you guys
Shim Shroom
Shim Shroom - 7 years ago
This is why I don't go in the water/ocean :(
Michael Underwood
Michael Underwood - 7 years ago
Someone You Don't Know
That's sad.. You're missing out on a lot of fun..
Abhishek Tarafdar
Abhishek Tarafdar - 7 years ago
An inspiring story, but Christ, what an atrociously bad film. Over the top bible-bashing, a cheesy script, horrendous CG and just overall piss-poor direction.
Mojo Jones
Mojo Jones - 6 years ago
It was based off a real story so I don’t get how that’s cheesy and over the top...
Brian James
Brian James - 6 years ago
I wouldn't call it bible-bashing. Its a Christian film and its based on a true story where Bethany Hamilton, the girl, is a Christian...
The Horned Youtubers
The Horned Youtubers - 7 years ago
She just sat there and no worries, if that happened to me i will be crying my ass off
Jack Tellner
Jack Tellner - 6 years ago
Also because she’s played by AnnaSophia Robb who got asked by real one because of her Bridge to Terabithia (2007)!
Britney Chase
Britney Chase - 7 years ago
She was in shock from the blood loss
kimmy cuthbert
kimmy cuthbert - 7 years ago
The Horned Youtubers she was in shocked
bookworm598 - 7 years ago
The Horned Youtubers She was in shock because of the amount of blood she lost so suddenly. The real Bethany said she didn't even feel pain when she lost her arm.
Josephine Medina
Josephine Medina - 7 years ago
annasophia Robb, from transformation into a blueberry to the horrifying shark attack
Gentry Grant
Gentry Grant - 7 years ago
This movie is what gave me the phobia of sharks
TheGoblinKingKnownAsPonyBoy - 7 years ago
that was it?
laylay 4queen_10
laylay 4queen_10 - 6 years ago
yes because this is just a clip
Lizzie Sanders, 6th Grade
Lizzie Sanders, 6th Grade - 7 years ago
I love this movie so much but I lost the cd! The more likes the more of a chance I will find it
Poxah Tens
Poxah Tens - 7 years ago
Braydon Walker
Braydon Walker - 7 years ago
The real bethany i think is ugly
Queenp Love
Queenp Love - 7 years ago
Well, the only UGLY person here is you. By saying that it proves you have an ugly heart with your comment. Not cool.
I Love VKook
I Love VKook - 7 years ago
I read the book.
Alyssa waltz
Alyssa waltz - 7 years ago
why does it look so real
Macie Sailors
Macie Sailors - 7 years ago
Alyssa Waltz prosthetics and fake blood and a really good editor
Sebi The Best
Sebi The Best - 7 years ago
trwent - 7 years ago
Except for the mean surfing competition competitor, I think that every female in this film was blonde !!
CrazyHack707 - 7 years ago
wait wait wait LELIE IS ALIVE !!!!!!
Adela Ayala
Adela Ayala - 6 years ago
Cayden Lightfoot
Cayden Lightfoot - 7 years ago
My friend charlott told me about the tittle
BDx3 FL - 7 years ago
How was she not screaming
Taylor Dumond
Taylor Dumond - 6 years ago
She was in shock
It’s Caitlin
It’s Caitlin - 6 years ago
BDx3 FL she’s I. Shock
Hello World.
Hello World. - 6 years ago
BDx3 FL she's in shock. It's a survival mode the body goes into after a serious trauma. She wasn't feeling much of anything.
j - 6 years ago
she was in shock. and sometimes pain that hurts that bad, you cant feel it until you really think about it
mc154ist - 6 years ago
no it was lose of blood she lost over 60% of her blood
Angela m
Angela m - 7 years ago
BDx3 FL She was in shock. that's why she wasn't screaming I guess she couldn't feel any pain when the shark first attacked her
Teena Joseph
Teena Joseph - 7 years ago
she is my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genesis yothers
Genesis yothers - 7 years ago
some people say Bethany Hamilton is only famous because she got her arm eaten off by a shark and survived but no it is so much more then that she's famous because she got her arm eaten by a shark turned around and won surfing competition​s after never giving up and a lot of hard work she's famous not because of her arm at all how do you think all those big shot legends basketball and football player became famous hard work
Dirk Ganja
Dirk Ganja - 6 years ago
I think Arron rolston’s story is better.
Xx xX
Xx xX - 6 years ago
Genesis yothers - she's infamous for the shark attack
Sarah Bain
Sarah Bain - 6 years ago
Genesis yothers ya
dysonlu - 6 years ago
It would have been better if there was no villain and hollywood cheese. Why does it always have to be a villain (that top-ranked surfer)? Why can't the "good guy" win the hearts of viewers without stepping on the shoulders of a fabricated villain? Typical hollywood BS. In real life, most champs are very competitive but also nice people, showing great sportsmanship. (Yeah, sure the "villain" made a nice gesture on the podium at the end but her "work" was already done for the movie, which was to exist to amplify the sympathy towards the "good guy".)
Nicole Jarel
Nicole Jarel - 7 years ago
Genesis yothers exactly. It's the fact that she was only 13 years old, had the mindset of an adult and got back on her board only 4 weeks after the attack. And also became a champion surfer. I would definitely call that inspiring. The people who say those kinds of things are usually jealous and it is pathetic
PsionicsNessNintyNine - 7 years ago
Roblitz - 7 years ago
I am watching this at school...
The last potato on earth
The last potato on earth - 7 years ago
Roblitz me too
lacey Ashton
lacey Ashton - 8 years ago
do not live and her mom two
Estrella Guzman
Estrella Guzman - 6 years ago
do not live and her mom two
Fabiola Vivanco
Fabiola Vivanco - 8 years ago
What the hell ?
loveyatzy mel
loveyatzy mel - 8 years ago
it's sad but I know that they put back her arm
Macie Sailors
Macie Sailors - 7 years ago
Fabiola Aleman she got offered a prosthetic arm, but she hated it, because all it would do was hang there. She couldn't move it because the remainder of her arm after the attack was short. So she didn't accept it.
Angela m
Angela m - 7 years ago
No they didn't. she lost her arm in shark attack back in 2003 when she was 13 years old in real life.
Isabel Ruiz
Isabel Ruiz - 8 years ago
No, they didn't in real life. She's alive and happy, but she doesn't have an arm.
nikkel G
nikkel G - 8 years ago
in out school we did a play about Bethany Hamilton and it was great
Reaction gamer6
Reaction gamer6 - 8 years ago
I seen the movie of this
ッCloudzy - 8 years ago
This is one of the best shark movies besides Jaws
Hey Wow buddy
Hey Wow buddy - 6 years ago
The Shallows, Open water, and 47 Meters Down were really good too.
Espeon Unicorn
Espeon Unicorn - 6 years ago
What about the shallows that was a good movie to
Nailsnails Nailsnails
Nailsnails Nailsnails - 6 years ago
Yael Moskowitz
Yael Moskowitz - 6 years ago
Dark it wasn't even about the shark, it was about her. They only had the shark appear once.
Tobias Reaper
Tobias Reaper - 7 years ago
It's not a shark movie, lmao.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
xBlessedX its not about the shark haha
celia lopez
celia lopez - 7 years ago
xBlessedX the shallows was pretty good to.
connor_ cru5
connor_ cru5 - 8 years ago
The shark is fake af and could not have jumped in and out of the water that fast
It’s Caitlin
It’s Caitlin - 6 years ago
connor_ cru5 it’s a movie
EMILEE R.P - 6 years ago
Sharks can do it that fast
laylay 4queen_10
laylay 4queen_10 - 6 years ago
actually lots of sharks do that.
debee xing
debee xing - 7 years ago
connor_ cru5 who gives a crap because the movie isn’t even about the shark
connor_ cru5
connor_ cru5 - 8 years ago
Thepringleman - 8 years ago
God they are so far out I'd be a chicken and I live in Florida
Jack Tellner
Jack Tellner - 6 years ago
Tbh, I watched a few things on the 30th anniversary #sharkweek on Discovery Channel, and like five of them were documentaries on irl attacks that had a few in Florida ( Summer of the Shark being one of them). I also learned that Fl is the main finning port, and that there’s heen an egregrious amount of shark deaths since their first week.
fawn dull
fawn dull - 6 years ago
I’ve lived in Florida for 20 years and only heard of a handful of attacks.
Aliyah Garced
Aliyah Garced - 6 years ago
nicole milakovic not twice or 3 times a year more than 10 times a year you mean!
Nightcore WinterWolf
Nightcore WinterWolf - 6 years ago
Thepringleman there’s sharks in Florida too.
Medieval Legend
Medieval Legend - 6 years ago
Thepringleman wow
Flash and Moca Sweet pig life
Flash and Moca Sweet pig life - 7 years ago
I live in Florida we like almost never have attacks like maybe twice a year and that probobly far ou
Reptar Wrecker
Reptar Wrecker - 7 years ago
Thepringleman same
Nikki - 7 years ago
Especially jelly fish
Mário Lavrador
Mário Lavrador - 8 years ago
Nexsterzz - 8 years ago
yeah. i can see where they try to trick you. the shark even looks fake! thanks to 'master editing' skills. but it is still my fav and most inspiring movie!
alon azulay
alon azulay - 8 years ago
Good job editing the video, I like that u just jump right into the action xD lmfao.
Rob Olson
Rob Olson - 8 years ago
Loved the movie but you can see a major mistake of film editing in the beginning when she is swimming with both arms after the shark supposedly bit one off.
Jack Tellner
Jack Tellner - 6 years ago
I’m SMHing at all of you, because that’s actually AnnaSophia Robb (Bridge to Terabithia (2007)) who played her, and Lorraine Nicholson (Jack Nicholson’s daughter) played her friend! However, the real one asked AS because of that movie, and she appears during the deep surfing scene, and at the side carring a box of balls when they help Thailand. It was a 14ft tiger shark! (IMDB)
It’s Caitlin
It’s Caitlin - 6 years ago
Rob Olson that’s funny because she was only born with one arm
Gelato Cup
Gelato Cup - 6 years ago
Oh my god, I just noticed that. That is kind of just one big careless mistake.
SamanthaTaylor8015 - 6 years ago
Sarah Bain
Sarah Bain - 6 years ago
Rob Olson ya
Rockingthestage Productions
Rockingthestage Productions - 6 years ago
Rob Olson That was Alana not Bethany.
Asha Mitchell
Asha Mitchell - 6 years ago
And it’s a true story
Asha Mitchell
Asha Mitchell - 6 years ago
You are a retard it was Bethany’s friend
sophielee - 6 years ago
Your wrong it was her panicking friend swimming
Zanna Stevenson
Zanna Stevenson - 7 years ago
i thought that was the friend
Trinity Galbreath
Trinity Galbreath - 7 years ago
GlitterUnicorn Queen in the color of the bikini
Trinity Galbreath
Trinity Galbreath - 7 years ago
GlitterUnicorn Queen i see now
Trinity Galbreath
Trinity Galbreath - 7 years ago
GlitterUnicorn Queen o
Trinity Galbreath
Trinity Galbreath - 7 years ago
Rob Olson I seen that to
Heimo Kolari
Heimo Kolari - 7 years ago
Rob Olson O
Dawn Grace Brenneman
Dawn Grace Brenneman - 7 years ago
You mean me
droopyballon76 - 7 years ago
Rob Olson ur retarded
Dawn Grace Brenneman
Dawn Grace Brenneman - 7 years ago
She was so brave though
Simply Caitlin
Simply Caitlin - 7 years ago
Rob Olson it’s a true story!
Kathleen Burke
Kathleen Burke - 7 years ago
Rob Olson hahah LOL
Dawn Grace Brenneman
Dawn Grace Brenneman - 7 years ago
Who got attacked by the shark?
Nicole Bellinghausen
Nicole Bellinghausen - 7 years ago
Rob Olson is
Gucci Gangg
Gucci Gangg - 7 years ago
Saw that toooo
Brooklyn Tales
Brooklyn Tales - 7 years ago
I mean not Bethany her friend
Brooklyn Tales
Brooklyn Tales - 7 years ago
Wait that was Bethany nvm
Brooklyn Tales
Brooklyn Tales - 7 years ago
That's so true,and to think I didn't realize
Georgina Obregon
Georgina Obregon - 7 years ago
Rob Olson iiiiiiii
Courtney Mountford
Courtney Mountford - 7 years ago
Rob Olson No it was her friend that looks like her
DailyVids333 - 7 years ago
Her arm didnt get bit yet
ᔕᒪIᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰOᖇE
ᔕᒪIᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰOᖇE - 7 years ago
Rob Olson It was her friend look closer next time
Aaron Binesha
Aaron Binesha - 8 years ago
Rob Olson it was her sister/friend screaming and swimming
Fellie Pelayo
Fellie Pelayo - 8 years ago
Rob Olson
Fellie Pelayo
Fellie Pelayo - 8 years ago
Rob Olson
Reaction gamer6
Reaction gamer6 - 8 years ago
Rob Olson I know I saw that too
Rob Olson
Rob Olson - 8 years ago
Oh my gosh!  You are completely right!  Good eyes!
Brittany Beckelheimer
Brittany Beckelheimer - 8 years ago
It was her panic-stricken friend. Bethany is on the red board. For a moment I thought the same as well until rewatching it
Erin Hennessy
Erin Hennessy - 8 years ago
well the story is real it is just with an actor.
Erin Hennessy
Erin Hennessy - 8 years ago
you should not feel bad it is effects this never happened she still has her arm. watch soul surfer arm effects
Angela m
Angela m - 7 years ago
Yes it did happen in real life. Bethany halmton lost her arm in shark attack back in 2003. she survived and is still living today she just lost her left arm.
Cora Lodger
Cora Lodger - 8 years ago
Erin Hennessy right. But this is based off of the true story of Bethany Hamilton and Bethany did actually loose her arm
Rsps God
Rsps God - 8 years ago
Erin Hennessy but this is based on a true story
Sarah Bachmann
Sarah Bachmann - 8 years ago
this movie is good and I feel bad for Bethany Hamilton
Ruby the cat
Ruby the cat - 6 years ago
Sarah Bachmann don't feel bad, because she is very successful with only one arm. I'm sure she would love 2 arms but she is still very successful.
Caitlin Donaghy
Caitlin Donaghy - 6 years ago
Sarah Bachmann l
mar rivas
mar rivas - 7 years ago
Sarah Bachmann
Dawn Grace Brenneman
Dawn Grace Brenneman - 7 years ago
But Jesus Christ left her survive for a very special reason!
Dawn Grace Brenneman
Dawn Grace Brenneman - 7 years ago
I feel really bad it to
NaughtyPanda - 7 years ago
I mean she says she wouldnt change anything soo I guess but honestly had to be a suppper tramatic experience
Rachel McDonald
Rachel McDonald - 7 years ago
I know what you mean, but as horrible as this event was I don't think she would want you to feel bad for her. This helped mould her into the amazing woman she is. She said she can do so much more now. She's now married and has a little boy. Good has come from this.
funstuff with Alisa
funstuff with Alisa - 8 years ago
Sarah Bachmann she is brave
Stacey Milliner
Stacey Milliner - 8 years ago
That would hert allot
Pizza Cheese
Pizza Cheese - 7 years ago
you can’t spell, can you?
Giggity King
Giggity King - 8 years ago
Tell that to SHANKS
Harris J
Harris J - 8 years ago
Stacey Milliner it would not hurt because the nerves shut off in REALLY bad pain but she felt it later
Zackneb - 8 years ago
beth was a real person this really happened
Abby Ranta
Abby Ranta - 8 years ago
I wachednthis full
Robert Scott
Robert Scott - 8 years ago
where was your Jesus????
Mace Windu
Mace Windu - 6 years ago
Robert Scott The fact that she was spared from death and went on to prosper in surfing competitions is a sign of the glory of God. Suffering is part of life and when we put our trust in the Lord, we are uplifted.
Aiel .Perez28
Aiel .Perez28 - 7 years ago
Robert Scott hey PISSSSS OFFFFF
Isaac Cano
Isaac Cano - 7 years ago
Robert Scott Don't you remember what it says in the Bible "WE'RE NOT PROMISED TOMORROW." Whatever the Devil try's to destroy, God tries to repair! That's why there's doctors!
Luke 'TK-142' Skywalker
Luke 'TK-142' Skywalker - 7 years ago
Wowa Ze Best she still do sent have an arm
Wowa Ze Best
Wowa Ze Best - 7 years ago
Luke 'TK142' Skywalker if he was not with her arm then how did it heal quickly hm
Luke 'TK-142' Skywalker
Luke 'TK-142' Skywalker - 8 years ago
Lydia Smile but not with her arm
Ama Empress
Ama Empress - 8 years ago
Robert Scott He was right there with her.
Elsadig Hussain
Elsadig Hussain - 8 years ago
this story is real this movie is with a actor
Me The person
Me The person - 6 years ago
I want to add to your comment to this stupid guy, she cannot grow an arm back to go through the trauma again.
ᄒᄒᄒ - 6 years ago
Elsadig Hussain no shit
Caitlin Donaghy
Caitlin Donaghy - 6 years ago
Elsadig Hussain l
Yael Moskowitz
Yael Moskowitz - 6 years ago
Elsadig Hussain no shit.
Medieval Legend
Medieval Legend - 6 years ago
Thats how most movies work now adays
Nathália Vitória
Nathália Vitória - 7 years ago
Duh kkjsbbshsh
Daph Louis
Daph Louis - 7 years ago
No shit Sherlock we wouldn’t want Bethany to feel the same experience again
Kylie Flowers
Kylie Flowers - 7 years ago
The New Generation I know. I was being sarcastic about the actor thing.
Anna&ElsaVEVO - 7 years ago
Kylie Flowers the story is real
Kylie Flowers
Kylie Flowers - 7 years ago
Elsadig Hussain You're lying
Wrestler 4life
Wrestler 4life - 8 years ago
Noooo wayyyyy. A movie? With...actors?! Never heard of it. Never heard of it
ahyoung - 8 years ago
Elsadig Hussain obviously wtf
Christine Decker
Christine Decker - 8 years ago
It’s Treshawn Bro
It’s Treshawn Bro - 8 years ago

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