Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

Surf and bodyboard are dangerous sports when high tide and BIG WAVES come together in this place. A group of surfers and bodyboarders have accidents in the famous spot "LA21" situated in Gijon-Asturias (Spain), in the north of Spain. You must be carefull in this wave if your surfing level is not very good. Un video de

Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 561

Surf 16 years ago 3,104,429 views

Surf and bodyboard are dangerous sports when high tide and BIG WAVES come together in this place. A group of surfers and bodyboarders have accidents in the famous spot "LA21" situated in Gijon-Asturias (Spain), in the north of Spain. You must be carefull in this wave if your surfing level is not very good. Un video de

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Most popular comments
for Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

Germán S. S.
Germán S. S. - 6 years ago
uf que peligro
whatwhyandwhos - 6 years ago
crazy dudes
hebneh - 6 years ago
eliana S
eliana S - 6 years ago
Wrong place !
White Sox Cowans White
White Sox Cowans White - 6 years ago
Que nota me encanta el sorf desde cartagena
CRUSTY666 - 6 years ago
Vereinten Patriotischen Allianz
Vereinten Patriotischen Allianz - 6 years ago
Panzer III
Panzer III - 6 years ago
Y se ríen,una pandilla de retrasados que luego hay que ir a sacarlos con el consiguiente gasto por sus gracias.
Алекс Молот-в
Алекс Молот-в - 6 years ago

10. comment for Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 6 years ago
Beniamin Trol
Beniamin Trol - 7 years ago
natural selection simply dumbass, idiots ?
jenset jones
jenset jones - 7 years ago
a typical day in the life of a surfer .... I can assure you this is very tame..
Arfan Chaudhry
Arfan Chaudhry - 7 years ago
Se llama playa de San Lorenzo gijon Asturias
75 Hawks
75 Hawks - 7 years ago
Idiots always tend to push boundaries. Ocean 100 humans -100
Air Plane
Air Plane - 7 years ago
His ready for nazare
Sambo Hambo
Sambo Hambo - 7 years ago
Now I can see why people say Australia has nice beaches
Budzindi808 - 7 years ago
Fucking idiots, I would love to watch that
GlobalTubeTruth - 7 years ago
Hey, that looks like so much fun. A pleasant, stress-free day of surfing.
Christian TUCKER
Christian TUCKER - 7 years ago

20. comment for Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

582markus - 7 years ago
estos asturianos estan colgaos jajajja
Лёня Р
Лёня Р - 7 years ago
bonscottrules - 7 years ago
Trumps Wall...
Vamobbcoca - 7 years ago
Carmen Rodriguez
Carmen Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Esta vez estaban con suerte.. porque eso fue mas loco que estar loco mismo
Marco - 7 years ago
Que idiotas cómo se les ocurre meterse ahí
Danny Boy
Danny Boy - 7 years ago
Luego salen en todas las noticias que ha muerto un imbecil de estos .Anda que hay pocos ...NO PASA NI MEDIA x uno de estos .Ellos eligen .
I Q - 7 years ago
So this is where all the tools who aren't the sharpest in the shed hang out.
Rebecca Vocal Athlete
Rebecca Vocal Athlete - 7 years ago
Not the brightest moves
Cristina Rodrigues
Cristina Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Abdlah Rawan
Abdlah Rawan - 7 years ago
Cristina Rodrigues je

30. comment for Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

T. A
T. A - 7 years ago
marc - 7 years ago
Marie Ross
Marie Ross - 7 years ago
So many of the people commenting here clearly know nothing about surfing, why on earth do they think the world needs their comment?
lois 206
lois 206 - 7 years ago
la peña q hace ? observando sin ayudarlos ni hostias. eso si q es triste y de hijo putas
jeanqbxx - 7 years ago
Idiots, get out closer to the stairs.
Juan Jimenez Laiglesia
Juan Jimenez Laiglesia - 7 years ago
I'm from Asturias, I surf in that beach, conclusion: I'm not going back
Monty Aukstuolis
Monty Aukstuolis - 7 years ago
No booties for grip. Not keeping an eye of what is happening behind and wtf is that an outlet at top of stairs?
David Galloway
David Galloway - 7 years ago
Ding city
Mathew Dos Santos
Mathew Dos Santos - 7 years ago
what breed of kook laughs at a broke board??
Tintorelli Films
Tintorelli Films - 7 years ago
salieron baraticos
Rock men
Rock men - 7 years ago
yes pank
justwired - 7 years ago
they need to install latter's at 20 foot intervals
Anew Blu
Anew Blu - 7 years ago
I do that for fun. what's the big deal?
Chris Castañeda
Chris Castañeda - 7 years ago
Think he rather suicide by wave it
mike856ms - 7 years ago
Oopsydaisy07 ᅳᄃ
Oopsydaisy07 ᅳᄃ - 7 years ago
are these guys retarded, why would you paddle in so far away from the stairs, duh!!! paddle Inn closer to the stairs people.
jorge Williams Sisti Burgueño
jorge Williams Sisti Burgueño - 7 years ago
Hay que tener respeto a la fuerza del mar, olas y corrientes.
Javi A
Javi A - 7 years ago
unos escarpines hombree!!!
Ryan Duong
Ryan Duong - 7 years ago
Oh, they playing scary cat, last one stay will win.
David N
David N - 7 years ago
those are some stone-cold surfers, and if they don't make it through the break the first time, they've got that nice wall to keep them from being pushed farther in.

50. comment for Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

carforumwanker - 7 years ago
de pico coco loco
nautaYT - 7 years ago
Oshtiatutea surfeaken ta katxo mierdaka en la putaroka astatuteacogorzaka en aikurrintxa palote ke no veas
nautaYT - 7 years ago
Mike S
Mike S - 7 years ago
so why come in way down the beach ,, not like anything is stopping you from coming in right by the steps ,, AMATEUR HOUR ,,, waves look fun though ,,
Ethan Tremblay
Ethan Tremblay - 7 years ago
Getting ones dumbass slammed against the rocks and a concrete barrier looks reasonable enough for me.
Pacman mmaItaly37
Pacman mmaItaly37 - 7 years ago
How incredibly stupid do you have to be to do this? It's hard to feel sorry for people that put themselves in situations like this.
commenter78 - 7 years ago
ah por eso os llamáis los del culo mojao!
c moi
c moi - 7 years ago
idiots !
Danielchai S
Danielchai S - 7 years ago
Time to move to Malibu
This thought is not so off the wall.
Cooldude 22
Cooldude 22 - 7 years ago
Barefoot and running on rocks. Ouch!
Patrick Leabo
Patrick Leabo - 7 years ago
These guys are so rad! lol fearless
Emilio mortera piorno
Emilio mortera piorno - 7 years ago
Puxa Xixon y 'el Mongol' 10 chavales!
Leonardo o
Leonardo o - 7 years ago
Petrosmalk - 7 years ago
I think I prefer surfing on Teahupoo than in a place like that.
Rubino Pride
Rubino Pride - 7 years ago
a newborn extreme sport
Anissa Laloui
Anissa Laloui - 7 years ago
اغبياء. يختارون انقاذ الواحهم الشراعية، على ان ينفذوا بانفسهم و يخرجون من البحر احياء. لا عقل و لا تفكير لهاؤلاء. هاذا يدل بان الله هو العالم و القادر و هو كل شيء في الوجود. سبحانه
S c
S c - 8 years ago
stupidity isn't for everyone, just these lucky twats
pigskin1000 - 8 years ago
fuckin stupid.
drewbehr - 8 years ago
the ding repair guy in that town is a millionaire
SpontaneousDX - 8 years ago
they asking for it
Janett Ortiz
Janett Ortiz - 8 years ago
Tino MS
Tino MS - 8 years ago
pense que lo.habia visto todo pero que va estos soplapollas me acaban de sorprender
Benehakaka Kaiwi
Benehakaka Kaiwi - 8 years ago
Pierre Kookamyer
Elian Adduci
Elian Adduci - 8 years ago
j j
j j - 8 years ago
iviewthetube - 8 years ago
Those guys have no consideration that their heads can break those poor rocks in pieces.
Nig Crusher
Nig Crusher - 7 years ago
look at these dumb asses
Russel Walker
Russel Walker - 8 years ago
Does anyone else thing the obvious thing to do is hug the wall? idk
Lisette Serrano
Lisette Serrano - 8 years ago
jacob borrelli
jacob borrelli - 8 years ago
Make longer vids
Gerson Godoy
Gerson Godoy - 8 years ago
Que sufoco, só quem passou sabe
Francesco Nitti
Francesco Nitti - 7 years ago
James Goodman
James Goodman - 8 years ago
what do these dudes and pink Floyd have I common? their last hit was the wall.
Siddineni Bhavanarayana
Siddineni Bhavanarayana - 6 years ago
Dangerous roads
Kartini Kikeh
Kartini Kikeh - 7 years ago
James Goodman omg super scary,what a massive wave..from malaysia.
Tom Coppola
Tom Coppola - 7 years ago
James Goodman
bonscottrules - 7 years ago
James Goodman Best comment!!! LOL
I AM MALCOM X - 8 years ago
mdr les cons
José Rramon Al garra Lahoz
José Rramon Al garra Lahoz - 8 years ago
chris venegas
chris venegas - 8 years ago
surfing with rocks all around....nuts
Cooldude 22
Cooldude 22 - 8 years ago
They're running on the rocks, ouch!
Jakethemase - 8 years ago
slim pickings for beaches in that part of the country
Rocky Dans
Rocky Dans - 8 years ago
I always thought frogs were good swimmers?
Rocky Dans
Rocky Dans - 7 years ago
Chris Hansen and your point? Dumb ass...
Chris Hansen
Chris Hansen - 7 years ago
+Chris Dans They're not speaking French dumbass.
Rocky Dans
Rocky Dans - 7 years ago
Eddie M ? Wtf are you talking about? I know fully well where it is thank you.
Eddie M
Eddie M - 7 years ago
Chris Dans video clearly says its in gijon. someone failed at geography
大林靖弘 - 8 years ago
Chris Danns 、
Rocky Dans
Rocky Dans - 8 years ago
I love them too....they get me lots of good things
chris venegas
chris venegas - 8 years ago
yes I love your muscles...
Iqbal goods song Khan
Iqbal goods song Khan - 8 years ago
vary good
Stephen Sugg
Stephen Sugg - 8 years ago
Stupid French. No wonder they have managed to fuck Calais up. If this is how they act
Irreverente II
Irreverente II - 8 years ago
Stupid Stephen.
Rocky Dans
Rocky Dans - 8 years ago
Hahaaa...."Stupid French!".........'This is Spain!' Laughed my cock to a cum....
GOrDoN ReMseY - 8 years ago
What a stupid fucker you are
Marvin Eriksen
Marvin Eriksen - 8 years ago
florisalex1 - 8 years ago
This is Spain.
Channel omu
Channel omu - 8 years ago
Rubén Beltré
Rubén Beltré - 8 years ago
loco loco
Justin bustin
Justin bustin - 8 years ago
better off staying against the wall just like a hockey player that gets hit hugs the wall before impact.
Malu Pestano
Malu Pestano - 8 years ago
WOW! wave comes jump back out! EZ PEEZY
Toivonen - 8 years ago
Jajajaja que risa me da!!
Hay que ser gilipollas!!
Luego claro tienen que jugarse la vida otra gente para sacaros, movilizar helicóptero etc,,, estabais mejor tomando por el culo!!
Raphael August Rush
Raphael August Rush - 7 years ago
Toivonen va tomar en tu culo seu mierda ok muchas gracias.
a_g510 - 8 years ago
So I guess surfing into walls is a popular thing to do in their country.
yakko boomsun
yakko boomsun - 8 years ago
jajajajajaja you should see Nazaré surfers, they are really MACHOS
River of Stars
River of Stars - 8 years ago
Are they Surfing or Suffering... lol !

p.s. - The 'bare footed' bolting across the briney barnacles brought tears to my blinkers !? ;'-)))))
Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 8 years ago
Nothing spells fun like surfing amongst big rocks.
ScreamingEagle - 8 years ago
J F - 6 years ago
ScreamingEagle fuck YOU! Coming from an American. Fucking tool
nautaYT - 7 years ago
Pene Pichula
Pene Pichula - 8 years ago
ScreamingEagle y tú mamá
Paulo Ribeiro
Paulo Ribeiro - 8 years ago
fuck you
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Bassam Lesouriant
Bassam Lesouriant - 8 years ago
ils sont fous ces pingouins

100. comment for Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

tom Dobl
tom Dobl - 8 years ago
High tide, get out before it's too late. I love my boards too luch to break them.
Renard 10
Renard 10 - 9 years ago
Le pauvre
Adam Sheppard
Adam Sheppard - 9 years ago
Hostile Tampon
Hostile Tampon - 9 years ago
They surfing there because the sea is too high to use another exit that was the most safety
SaintMarneusCalgar - 9 years ago
+Fresh Patrie Fresh Patrie with no helmets not smart at all ...
Chadrick Penner
Chadrick Penner - 9 years ago
Cool video
Leonardo Madureira
Leonardo Madureira - 9 years ago
Neguinho e burro com força...
Sama Mezz
Sama Mezz - 9 years ago
ue? pq?
jacoboride - 9 years ago
tabla x baño
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 9 years ago
Scurrying like cockroaches when yhe lights come on. Wear booties dummies and you wont have to worry about stubbing your toes or hurting your feet when you haul ass running from the pile driver.
Gary turner
Gary turner - 9 years ago
Tonto hombres surfers.
SurfBoard Mount
SurfBoard Mount - 9 years ago
Ouch! Got Mounted
Matteo Astaldi
Matteo Astaldi - 9 years ago
덥다 - 9 years ago
Better don't surf if you have no brain.
Gabriel Lucas
Gabriel Lucas - 9 years ago
Hunting Teemo
Hunting Teemo - 9 years ago
Surfing is okay but gtfo that area...
Dombomb - 10 years ago
Time to go buy some solar rez
Yhago Oliveira
Yhago Oliveira - 10 years ago
El mongol! ahi solo entran los pros!
SmileSurferStyle - 10 years ago
SmileSurferStyle - 10 years ago
Dombomb - 10 years ago
Shut up
brerair - 10 years ago
The paddle in is not always like this. This is a big swell paired with a spring tide. The water doesn't always reach the stairs. The surf looks epic and you just have to paddle out. Anyone who is passionate about something should understand. Those who wrote comments on here insulting these guys.., well, I'd better not get started but you're plain ignorants!!!
Matthew Azpilicueta
Matthew Azpilicueta - 6 years ago
ahinalu2 - 7 years ago
That statement Joseph shows your ignorance
JOSEPH Paige - 8 years ago
brerair These dumb asses will soon be getting the Darwin Award
mike kong
mike kong - 10 years ago
Payin dues!!!
Jose Maria Solar
Jose Maria Solar - 10 years ago
que mamones
Bombastico - 10 years ago
Wow that was so dangerous!!
Matityah - 10 years ago
Yea laugh away. Morons.
Raw420Films - 10 years ago
Rad, big brass balls 
Robert Griffett
Robert Griffett - 10 years ago
well that's one way to ding your board! 
rotabrodak rotabrodak
rotabrodak rotabrodak - 10 years ago
only surf gijon
Mikki bodyboard
Mikki bodyboard - 10 years ago
bodyboarding & surfing in this dangerous place
Nino Achcar
Nino Achcar - 10 years ago
Aí, a hora da maré é crucial !
shingo nakata
shingo nakata - 10 years ago
hightide surf berry danger
H Martinez
H Martinez - 10 years ago
sava matsis
sava matsis - 10 years ago
that's some mean beatings big high tide huge swell these guys are good or they would be dead! I surfed here in mid to low tide head high to double overhead , really nice wave but I would pass that day aye bro
namfon khamphuang
namfon khamphuang - 10 years ago
nice waves worth the pain
adamx78 - 10 years ago
esto habra sido ahora ultimo que habia temporal por alla ??
adamx78 - 10 years ago
vaya q bien !!! aqui tambien los hay en las mareas altas pero casi siempre hay buenas olas en mi pais !! saludos desde PERU !!
Adrian Gp
Adrian Gp - 10 years ago
que va tio esto fue suvido en enero del 2009 siempre hay olas en gijon
Sam J
Sam J - 10 years ago
That was ballsy.
KK Woolsey
KK Woolsey - 10 years ago
David Gagalis Vega
David Gagalis Vega - 11 years ago
Idriss Alaoui I love when dumb fucks don't even know what they are talking about!! how old are you fuck face 5?
Marcos Valladares
Marcos Valladares - 11 years ago
habiendo mas sitios con mejores olas, bueno no tan grandes, pero menos peligrosos, porque bais a ese sítio
Marcos Valladares
Marcos Valladares - 9 years ago
+LIL EME calla matao k espumita ni mierdas
Mariel Surf
Mariel Surf - 11 years ago
Noemi Santamaria Estevez
Noemi Santamaria Estevez - 11 years ago
¿Me podeis votar? Es para ir a un campamento de surf y os lleva solo un minutos :) Gracias ^^
Willy Mcscrote
Willy Mcscrote - 11 years ago
You need a crash helmet to surf there haha! Great wave action but terrible beach!
Victor Pan Diaz
Victor Pan Diaz - 11 years ago
Menudos imbeciles , surfear en un puerto , que no es más que eso. Luego se abren la cabeza y tenemos que pagar las imprudencias el resto de los españoles. ¡Bien surfers bien!
bea vega
bea vega - 11 years ago
tu si ke eres idiota payasoooo
Pokazzz - 11 years ago
1:52 min ! Yeah he done it... Oh fail...
jjmdavo - 11 years ago
its good to see no matter where you are in the world you risk it all for a surf to surf
弁天亀男 - 11 years ago
命知らずもいいとこやろ (笑)
traceycfcgazza - 11 years ago
They have to be the dumbest surfers I've ever seen! Surely they are tourists?
Cincerator hip hop
Cincerator hip hop - 11 years ago
``Con el cantabrico no se juega´´(WTF)? Lo q pasa es q es una mierda de playa para surfear eso es lo q pasa CANARIAS es mucho mejor q esa gran mierda te lo digo yo q lo hago aqi en Gran Canaria y esa playa no me mola nada entiendo q te sientas orgulloso con esa mierda de sitio por q es tu tierra pero lo q pasa es q no vale para nada.
Cincerator hip hop
Cincerator hip hop - 11 years ago
Verguenzaa deveria darte grabar este video y no ayudar a los q lo estan pasando mal gente como vosotros me dais asco.
Darret Becerra leon
Darret Becerra leon - 11 years ago
Estan muy locos para surfera ahí
Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez - 11 years ago
con el cantábrico no se juega estos bodyboarders presa del pánico han ido hacia las rocas cuando deberían remontar hacia atrás y salir con una ola aunque rota para aterriar en la arena
shizyninjarocks - 11 years ago
Garry Davies
Garry Davies - 11 years ago
kooks..the whole lot of them..i have no time for kooks, ok i have some, i did watch it and now im writing about them..maybe im a kook too...whats that smell coming out of my ass??
harish naik
harish naik - 11 years ago
yes mam. penny stocks have been booming in past 2 years and thats the great way to make money from trading fast. i am telling you, I heard that there is a well-known professionals team attracting lots of people who want to commence investing in stocks. have a try and make the most of them :) >>>
riceman460 - 11 years ago
No your not
riceman460 - 11 years ago
Why don't these idiots wear booties here?
Video Channel
Video Channel - 11 years ago
It was going off on the outer breaks...i'd try and surf there too.
Cullen Byrne
Cullen Byrne - 11 years ago
I'm lucky I live in Florida
choop brinkpimp
choop brinkpimp - 11 years ago
wonder how many boards get shattered at this place
Zepster77 - 11 years ago
Dreamer Quiroz
Dreamer Quiroz - 11 years ago
Lmfao at the end the guy try to jump with the board over the wave and got smashed inatead ... Jajaja....
Bruna Andrade
Bruna Andrade - 11 years ago
Oscar Bonilla
Oscar Bonilla - 11 years ago
Y si hay lugares que se complica salir, pero esto es asi; es lo lindo que tiene
ALVARO SANTULLANO - 11 years ago
Dios tus videos son UNA PASADA
Ericxnegley - 11 years ago
i should open a ding repair shop there
BetterThn U
BetterThn U - 11 years ago
in situations like these...they should call it the cheese grader!
MrPaulsstuff - 11 years ago
head and dong repair, call 911.... and ... like why no booties... ouch on the feet
yeray jimenez
yeray jimenez - 12 years ago
es increible
galagaworldchampion - 12 years ago
Ding Repair, call 867-5309
lockodonis - 12 years ago
leo jourdain
leo jourdain - 12 years ago
ses des ouf ses mec
moailine - 12 years ago
Many crazy surfers there...:))
Honeysucklebommie - 12 years ago
0:50 awesome empty pit, we'd be running at that.
PhlyersPhan34 - 12 years ago
Dude you would get rich quick! Great idea.
McJoshMusic - 12 years ago
ok. i know where i am going to open a ding repair shop
David - 12 years ago
No hay mucha inteligencia...
sbdem1986 - 12 years ago
What you have to do in cases like that last wave that ruined their boards, is you have to throw your board as high as you can in the air and towards the opposite direction where the wave is coming from. That way the wave only hits you and you don't have to worry about the board getting smashed against rocks. Then you can pull the cord back.
kawelo sheldon
kawelo sheldon - 12 years ago
Why do it? Only costing you a beat up body, dinged up board, cuts and bruises and the waves!! Look at that!!!
pedro carmona lopes
pedro carmona lopes - 12 years ago
pedro carmona lopes
pedro carmona lopes - 12 years ago
G Suarez
G Suarez - 12 years ago
carayu, va fosties! las tabla roja que esta echa de aluminio! su madre
Samuel Somana
Samuel Somana - 12 years ago
Spencer Buchanan
Spencer Buchanan - 12 years ago
That just looks like it sucks haha
Poulmy - 12 years ago
there's surf in Finland? and why should something like that be "illegal"? This is extreme sport. It's like if climbing the Everest was illegal because it's dangerous...
RORY B - 12 years ago
how deep is that place?
Original-Gaming Network
Original-Gaming Network - 12 years ago
Fuck that.
09megaluke - 12 years ago
WHY EVEN SURF THERE??????????????????
Breck D
Breck D - 12 years ago
start moving rocks everyday at low tide?
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 12 years ago
gotta be a better place to come out!
OCBallerzz - 12 years ago
:50 sickest roll ive seen
docdecker - 12 years ago
How many were killed there on that wall yet?
Miguel Cummins
Miguel Cummins - 12 years ago
barrelsauce - 12 years ago
why wouldnt they come into the beach closer to the stairs?
marcony999 - 12 years ago
muy listos fueron si señor listos de cojones
mlebrato1 - 12 years ago
only amos @Wildblue Expeditions!
Manutu90 - 12 years ago
Dios amu, vaya como me prestó esti comentario! mmm liga xabali siempre!
Hiro Yaitz
Hiro Yaitz - 12 years ago
1:18 Black widow
LucasT - 12 years ago
1:18 > Tom Curren's board!!!
V mike
V mike - 12 years ago
More funny videos! /watch?v=jjEtyWBCk6I
Jake Killeen
Jake Killeen - 12 years ago
0:58 go go go go !!!!!! o damn
Matt Savage
Matt Savage - 12 years ago
1:29 was crazy
HBCult - 13 years ago
Those ambulances must have been busy
Rind0Man - 13 years ago
Absolutely delicious waves though at 0:50. Just have a pounding afterwards....
nig nug
nig nug - 13 years ago
your such a kook.
cody carpenter
cody carpenter - 13 years ago
it's called a seawall. it keeps cities from flooding. kook
WatchingStuffOnTube - 13 years ago
Hey everybody lets surf by ROCKS!!!
David Baiano
David Baiano - 13 years ago
No wonder it's called 'the mongol' spot ! Who else would try to surf there ?
ziencina222 - 13 years ago
haha watch the guy with the red board at 1:30
LaSalviaBodysurf - 13 years ago
Tyler Bennett
Tyler Bennett - 13 years ago
with every board you break thats a $900 wave
Insidious POE
Insidious POE - 13 years ago
lol wen the got the welcome to paraHOLYSHIT!!
Caps - 13 years ago
awtchh :o that hurts! I know a very similar spot and always I go there, somehow i m relieved when I come out... with many scratches...
Manuel Peñanieto
Manuel Peñanieto - 13 years ago
1:34 Aushhh xD !!
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 13 years ago
they should make a special platform for surfers to get in and out
Tom Parker
Tom Parker - 13 years ago
I'm starting a ding repair shop in Gijon.
UnscrupulousAgitator - 13 years ago
The ride is fun ... its the sudden SPLAT against the wall that hurts.
igloo productions
igloo productions - 13 years ago
If you surf, you know the exact feeling of what those guys are going through in that shorebreak.
nig nug
nig nug - 13 years ago
yew its pumpin. who the fuck builds a wall on the beach anyways? kooks
Eli-Joby Maeckelberghe
Eli-Joby Maeckelberghe - 13 years ago
nuts .
durrohurro - 13 years ago
id be wearin a helmet too
Aaron Largent
Aaron Largent - 13 years ago
@beachkid99 No one cares if your good. Sorry.
neal benchimol
neal benchimol - 13 years ago
@element303 i live in miami and im prettttyyy good ;)
preazinhosindanight - 13 years ago
SurfingwithBen - 13 years ago
Plan and simple. If you don't know what you're doing than don't go out there. Wait till low tide to go out of the water.
Jay Nelson
Jay Nelson - 13 years ago
looks super fun
ユカ ユカ
ユカ ユカ - 13 years ago
So dangerous. not good. But I love surfing.
SomeGarbageDude - 13 years ago
Umm.... is waiting for the tide to recede more terrible than dying..?
lugelvich - 13 years ago
los gallegos incursionando en el surf jajajajaja gallagos pues!!
Majestic Yodalar
Majestic Yodalar - 13 years ago
half the reason i surf is to get away from the hubub, abunch of dorks gaukin from those railings would be so annoying
TheSmileygrenade - 13 years ago
a quien se le ocurre salir tan lejos de la escalera XD
Isaac Craver
Isaac Craver - 13 years ago
that looks painfull
Nicolás Gómez Andújar
Nicolás Gómez Andújar - 13 years ago
looks like there were some fun waves out back though... if only that entrance were less schetchy...
1200hpv10 - 13 years ago
yes, lets run on rocks with a surge of the ocean rushing at us
Francis Cronin
Francis Cronin - 13 years ago
ian - 13 years ago
Worst.Feeling.Ever. for a surfer. thumbs up if you agree.
vivaloriflamme - 13 years ago
That takes extreme love of surfing. I want to send you boys some neoprene boots and some helmets.
amp3cx10000a7jp - 13 years ago
If it is a wise sufer, at such a place, it does not act by any means.
Big Rig Productions
Big Rig Productions - 13 years ago
dont go out at high tide, simple
BOON - 13 years ago
compared to Maui or Barrier Reef.......these retards have a long way to go
chase rick
chase rick - 13 years ago
looks far but perfect surf
Jartocore - 13 years ago
El paredón de la muerte...tan chungo anda el asunto por ahí como para tener que jugarse el tipo de esa manera para coger unas olas?
Ule Maika'i
Ule Maika'i - 13 years ago
I'd like to have a ding repair shop close by that place. i'd be rich!.
mlebrato1 - 13 years ago
@element303 you are a legend answer... I am thze buddy on red board :) glad you understand the situation, not like the Miami crew
VasilisVMG - 13 years ago
ruuuuuuunnn forest ruuuunnn!!
caliindica - 13 years ago
RucaMad - 13 years ago
board dings galore
tunwilk - 13 years ago
FUCK THAT!!!!!! haha..... you guys have got some balls tho, the spanish are nuts!
TopCatMehdi - 13 years ago
Nietzschealeatorio da contradiçao
Nietzschealeatorio da contradiçao - 13 years ago
vai se foder publicidade vai tomar no cu publicitarios
Afi nales
Afi nales - 13 years ago
@mlebrato1 Just out of curiosity, 1:52 = really a ear bleeding?
CiaoBello21 - 13 years ago
Wow those waves could be deadly
mattswright1 - 13 years ago
classic example of a yard sale.
Alfred Gonzalez Uboldi
Alfred Gonzalez Uboldi - 13 years ago
kanemaru18 - 13 years ago
when the waves come hug the wall and you wont get messed up. why would you run??
kanemaru18 - 13 years ago
when the waves come hug the wall and you wont get fucked up. why would you run??
dickylobster - 13 years ago
Timing is everything !!
hollyoaksisshit - 13 years ago
Jbirtwisle - 13 years ago
This looks more like a graveyard than a surf spot
jesse laity
jesse laity - 13 years ago
@ 1:32 they both disapear lol
blueboywhitie - 13 years ago
@thecenturyegg your machine gun ready for Oslo?
Alfred Sanz
Alfred Sanz - 13 years ago
Wow man... this waves can brake bones
eeixen - 13 years ago
dudes got worked
Euviali - 13 years ago
tinha ser ser argentinos kkkk
Jason G
Jason G - 13 years ago
El mongol surfing.....your doing it wrong!
Taba Allday
Taba Allday - 13 years ago
Yup, best thing to do in this case is to get up against the wall, instead of getting rinsed on the rocks and then getting slammed against the wall.
lam felix
lam felix - 13 years ago
C'est bête de sauter de la vous devriez vous acheter un scooter des mer comme moi sa tanmene loin :)
Surferrobert1500 - 13 years ago
Why not just do what the guy with the pink cap did
Hannoi - 13 years ago
Don'T hate people, have respect!!
cornishrob123 - 13 years ago
why do they not wear boots
kersez - 13 years ago
I'm gonna move there and open a ding repair shop.
Itzik Lugassy
Itzik Lugassy - 13 years ago
this is what happents when pepole killing the nuture by bild a bildings and roads!
Nicolas Ruvalcaba
Nicolas Ruvalcaba - 13 years ago
I'm fluent in Spanish, I think I'm going to move there and open a ding repair shop :)
Ericsurf6 - 13 years ago
I'd surf that spot.
Christian Spencer
Christian Spencer - 13 years ago
guy at 1:30 gets owned
StoneyFisherman - 13 years ago
If you love surfingyou end up surfing crazy spot and all. SURF'S UP MAN !!!
MrStoneClark - 13 years ago
I remember when I was in my teens I was surfing during a big storm here in Nova Scotia Canada - I was caught up in some kelp and was trapped for what seems like an erternity. .. I thought I was going to die with 100's of people looking on. I broke free from the kelp, lost the board and when I reached the shore I dropped from ehaustion. Surfing is life.
Diogo Jacob
Diogo Jacob - 13 years ago
stupid guys
phsoftnet - 13 years ago
@amp3cx10000a7jp What was that?
ak47law - 13 years ago
españoles are not the sharpest tools in the shed
amp3cx10000a7jp - 13 years ago
I am a Japanese surfer. It is such a dangerous place Hayarimasen surfing history for 30 years. Also may damage the board. And hurt your body. The big wave is coming, but I'm happy.
oliver walmsley
oliver walmsley - 13 years ago
rochelimit's hangout
rochelimit's hangout - 13 years ago
what's the point, just what is the point. If you want to surf, go to hawaii, bali, or some other tropical resort
Rushfall Hawaii
Rushfall Hawaii - 13 years ago
Van Der
Van Der - 13 years ago
@MonksRoadBoi That's Gijón, a northern Spanish town (my hometown btw). There are usually big waves during autumn and winter (and during bad weather days in summer as well).
kabah088 - 13 years ago
tell me why they dont just back against the wall when wave comes.... kooks
wordreet - 13 years ago
Great waves! If you respect and understand the power of water, you are less likely to get hurt.
Picaro1 - 13 years ago
Aquien cojones se le ocurre surfiar contra una pare, cojones se queire descojonar. Yo tomo riesgo pero no estoy para comerme el almuerzo en la pared de una playa. donde queda esta playa, en Cantabria? se me parece a otro TuTubo que vi pero era un dia mucho mas calmado aunque alto. Esto parece una lavadora.
PIET PRADA - 13 years ago
el mongol loooool yeah that was a mongol action in el mongol
DirtyRamires - 13 years ago
ostia puta vaya libradas
Life is Arts
Life is Arts - 13 years ago
Great Man..,, tHere also some another crazy spot also in Bali..,, !! "dangerous entrance and exit for surfing in Uluwatu Bali 2008" (cant enter the link...)
Hardcoreliefhebber - 13 years ago
U guys got big balls! But damn those waves are looking fantastic!
CptBaggins - 13 years ago
these guys suck
Jbirtwisle - 13 years ago
Think I'm gonna open up a beachside ding repair service on the promenade
ilokanobadboy - 14 years ago
Peter Donato Roan Heitmann
Peter Donato Roan Heitmann - 14 years ago
Great video but a little dangerous to surf there do you think
johnhurt888 - 14 years ago
they cant be locals, otherwise they wouldnt have gotten caught and let the wave batter their boards and their bodies against the wall and rocks. that guy was nuts, throwing his board and jumping at the incoming wave!
gaxiarte - 14 years ago
The mongol rules
gaxiarte - 14 years ago
The mongol rules
Globetrotter 4FR
Globetrotter 4FR - 14 years ago
never underestimate the power of a wave...those are bluddy amateurs!!!
Falangeveneta - 14 years ago
people are insane...........
Fernando Alvarez
Fernando Alvarez - 14 years ago
es en Gijon Asturias
Surferrobert1500 - 14 years ago
@swift I agree did you see the first surfer with the red cap that's what he did
SWIFT95330 - 14 years ago
Would it be better to stand right against the wall when you're going to get smashed? Then you get hit by the water instead of traveling with the wave as it smashed the wall?
c3129699 - 14 years ago
soooo many noobs
Picaro1 - 14 years ago
Done es esto? San Sebastian ? toy seguro que son gallegos.
Jim-Box - 14 years ago
You can see to the pros surfing this wave in the videoresponse under this comment. "I CAMPEONATO DE SURF..."
IMB4IC - 14 years ago
@vegaro aqui el punto es que titulan "accidents" con una "jilipollez" que ni es accidente... ahora, tengo muchos amigos de españa, y no tengo nada en contra de ellos, ni de nadie.. jo y si ze diferenziar la c de la z . Saludos
Simon Cassidy
Simon Cassidy - 14 years ago
Lucky boys, could have been worse
vegaro - 14 years ago
@leicampro Y tú latino y no saber diferenciar la c de la z El caso es insultar siempre no? No entiendo como alguien puede comentar mal de este vídeo. Cuando lo que hay que admirar es los huevos que le echan pero vamos...
vegaro - 14 years ago
@leicampro Y tú latino y no saber diferenciar la c de la z El caso es insultar siempre no? No entiendo como alguien puede comentar mal de este vídeo. Cuando lo que hay que admirar es los huevos que le echan pero vamos...
IMB4IC - 14 years ago
de verdad? tenian que ser ethpañoles...
Jim-Box - 14 years ago
@mlebrato1 I agree
mlebrato1 - 14 years ago
Being the one in the accident, it is funny to read over people comments especulating over the situation. Some clarifications are good after 2 years of comments: 1. Things are easy to judge after they happen right? 2. This spot cant be surfed at low tide as suggested by some naive comments. 3. People surfing this spot are not naive and they know what they do. 4. Waves are very worthy always that conditions are right, contrary to what some said. That day conditions were perfect but they changed.
Box Man
Box Man - 14 years ago
My favorite part is when the surfer gets to the stairs and stops and a wave smashes him into the wall. Im surprised dude was that naive surfing such large waves...
dethmark - 14 years ago
it's too rocky for a surf and you have a wall of death, why would you go there lol
Edo A.
Edo A. - 14 years ago
ye expensive place to surf ....
Zïzuh - 14 years ago
eso si es tener mono de olas.con un par
rivert1to1last1save - 14 years ago
those waves arent worth that
Marcelo Cunha
Marcelo Cunha - 14 years ago
muito lokoooooo uhuuuuuuuu
Joseph Maghami
Joseph Maghami - 14 years ago
ahhahahaha. dumb dumb
MrFruityful - 14 years ago
the wall stopping the waves looks hella dangerous
Connor VanOrden
Connor VanOrden - 14 years ago
The end looks like c4 went off against the wall in slow mo
Ceri Jones
Ceri Jones - 14 years ago
Classic name - very apt.
k1llaxXx - 14 years ago
next time aim for the stairs. thats a long walk
Shaun Dizzel
Shaun Dizzel - 14 years ago
Shaun Dizzel
Shaun Dizzel - 14 years ago
waterman1976 - 14 years ago
note to self: surf this place only at low tide
danieldamico1983 - 14 years ago
That is gnarly
igloo productions
igloo productions - 14 years ago
Someone should open a little shack selling suncure and ding repair kits right there on the boardwalk.
ALBOZ - 14 years ago
Mongol means retard in Dutch.
Pedro Esteban
Pedro Esteban - 14 years ago
@meatspice Thats not blood, is an ear plug...
siesunombre - 14 years ago
alexilost - 14 years ago
stupid surfers
stefokid10 - 14 years ago
butolina - 14 years ago
2:17 shit it hurts before it happens
butolina - 14 years ago
@meatspice tumbs up loool its or stupidity than guts but ok
mario281q - 14 years ago
hey aaronbhill89 what makes these guys kooks?? i take off my hat to these guys. no nuts no glory. aaron u knock these guys for no reason that shit was crazy!
local hawaii
local hawaii - 14 years ago
you should check out the619619619rey bodyboarding pics subscribe and comment
brilliantimages-kartwraps - 14 years ago
That dude at the end got DESTROYED !
Shane Taugner
Shane Taugner - 14 years ago
that is an amazing camera dude
JGui - 14 years ago
1:30 The guy on tha back is luck to be walking after that!
G Morel
G Morel - 14 years ago
Buena camara
Ronny Tigrero
Ronny Tigrero - 14 years ago
Daniela Mesón
Daniela Mesón - 14 years ago
yamaha26 - 14 years ago
Pwned = a very retarded word
Pilot Isma
Pilot Isma - 14 years ago
Henry nadie sa matao saliendo de aii?
Austinschmidy - 14 years ago
nice camera
p3nguinish - 14 years ago
guy at 1:30 got wrecked! ouch!!
eden mcdonald
eden mcdonald - 14 years ago
MutilateYOU - 14 years ago
It would completely suck more if they didn't have a strap. Kudos to them.
Nick Figueras-Dotti
Nick Figueras-Dotti - 14 years ago
i always surf this place and one day i didnt see a wave comin and i cracked my head open and needed 4 stitches...
larryjohnny - 14 years ago
damn talk about wanting to get your stoke on at any cost ! that was some punishment but those waves look worth it ! Maybe there's another way out ?
ps2monster - 14 years ago
These guys should put their boards towards the rocks and have their body closer to the surf. Nothing worse then your board catching all that water and sending you flying into the rocks. Plus, nicer to hit your board then a rock.
Nikolas Ferreira
Nikolas Ferreira - 14 years ago
They are just like: fuck i´m an idiot i fucked up with my surfboard and all myself, but wowww it was very groove waves..
E. Neptune
E. Neptune - 14 years ago
crazy dudes
Ygor Fernandes Silva
Ygor Fernandes Silva - 14 years ago
2:18 o cara foi da uma de super man ali auhsauhsuahsa
circospetto - 14 years ago
cuando tienes gana de surfear...surfadictos!!! ahahah
goopup44 - 14 years ago
@PhrozenKPM yeah, surf conditions can change radically even when it isn't a storm. i've seen new swells come in hours early and bump conditions 6 to 8 feet. i'm sure these guys knew what they were getting into and before anyone calls them stupid, this is what real surfers and bodyboarders do. they are passionate and willing to risk it to get that high.
GuildF40 - 14 years ago
02:22 TAXED
María Fernanda Icaza
María Fernanda Icaza - 14 years ago
se hizo mieerda
sprydo7 - 14 years ago
john borrego
john borrego - 14 years ago
this is CARNAGE !!! anyone who paddles out there has my respect
carlos Vangilbergen
carlos Vangilbergen - 14 years ago
haha why dont you help them? :D
Melissa Moreno
Melissa Moreno - 14 years ago
Esa vaina es muchas ganas de surfear!!!...
matth747 - 14 years ago
Pretty big set out the back 0:50
elpoint00 - 14 years ago
nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh que zarpadoooooooo
RubiconJohn - 14 years ago
intelligence in action
Zé Biroska
Zé Biroska - 14 years ago
Where is this? Very nice waves!
Nani - 14 years ago
@Coen1661 the ocean is like BITCHSLAP!
Nani - 14 years ago
The ocean is spiting people 8D
sunnydelaplaya - 14 years ago
aie aie aie.....
Miguel del Canto Cereijo
Miguel del Canto Cereijo - 14 years ago
Jajaja estáis locos ^^ Es muy peligroso hacer surf ahí, sobretodo con esas olas, la verdad, hizo muy bien el chaval esi metiéndose con casco xD Aunque la verdad, si t gusta d verdad el surf y correr riesgos esa parte de gijón esta muy bien para saciar esas necesidades, pero hay q andarás con mucho cuidao xD
xAssAsSiNSpr33x - 14 years ago
press 0:01 2 skip advertisement
pumas pumasporvida
pumas pumasporvida - 14 years ago
ay la madre, los hacen mierda con las piedras y la pared..ese surf es algo violento..pero bueno cuando uno es aficionado a algun deporte la adrenalina corre por las venas y nos lleva a la locura. Es mas Gijon esta al norte de españa, la agua suele ser muy frio que no? p.d la camara que usas es de muy buena calidad..parece que ni le afecta la agua..
TEX urgh
TEX urgh - 14 years ago
1:32!!!!!!!!!!! ... is it just me or are these dudes kinda retarded in the first place anyway?? personally i'd be aiming bullseye for that set of stairs there clamering to get to.. y come in 20 metres away and have to make this epic rock sprint....hahah
Jack Kashitski
Jack Kashitski - 14 years ago
0:49 you guys have an awesome surf spot. I wish we had anything like that here in super hype SoCal. Nothing but regressed surfing here pretending to have progress, that's just like the economy.
almirante69 - 14 years ago
si kesta jodio pa salir y mas pa los de bodyboard ke es un coñazo con las aletas
gaven johnson
gaven johnson - 14 years ago
r u serious mundakas a left
christian teal
christian teal - 14 years ago
ZARMAL91 - 14 years ago yeah!!!!
konanstan denoble
konanstan denoble - 14 years ago
i someone could pls translate everything those people said in comment form that would be swell
TheFunkyPz - 14 years ago
As long as the waves are good it's worth it!!
zé inácio
zé inácio - 14 years ago
0:50 Some nice waves =O
Zuplovermx - 14 years ago
i live in Spain nd gijon it´s nice to dead surfing if u are startin to learn, if u like visit my channel
simonjheadingsouth1 - 14 years ago
good old surfing europe ;) i prefer surfing the nice warm water waves of sri lanka or even iran. might be a little dangerous though... btw found these places with the surftripmap(.com) which is a worldmap-poster with all surfspots :)
clarkewi - 14 years ago
Got to read those tide charts.
afterhour Gaming
afterhour Gaming - 14 years ago
dan marino
dan marino - 14 years ago
these people are fucken nuts
DopeOwl - 14 years ago
Na na its all good .. The water makes the rocks softer True story Now lets go surfing
iZags - 14 years ago
Is this beach in argentina?? El Yacht??
vince99percent - 14 years ago
@Childrenofthecornsno Uzbekistan is landlocked you ignoramus :)
vince99percent - 14 years ago
I take it they've had previous experience in surfing :) Too bad about the board.
Tony busso
Tony busso - 14 years ago
ojala fueran asi todos los dias, desde Peru un saludo y vengan al Peru que tenemos buenos puntos
Tony busso
Tony busso - 14 years ago
ojala fueran asi todos los dias, desde Peru un saludo y vengan al Peru que tenemos buenos puntos
Wesley Cowpar
Wesley Cowpar - 14 years ago
what camera did you use?
dropwiz - 15 years ago
In PORTUGAL we have sandy beaches! :D
whitireia - 15 years ago
NIce waves should be a better place to get out of the water though lol.
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 15 years ago
OUCH!!! 1:31
Apsara K
Apsara K - 15 years ago
lol , lucky you guys, eh!
Apsara K
Apsara K - 15 years ago
Haha, now there's a real enterpreneur for you :)
ander urdaneta
ander urdaneta - 15 years ago
im going there for the summer (: cant wait! voy para alla en el verano (:
jason pilla
jason pilla - 15 years ago
I (and many people watching) have dealt with alot heavier shorebreak than this. Their timing SUCKS. Just watch how they deal with minimal size & power. No attempt to run at and glide across, or even power through and under. Weak.
jack wotton
jack wotton - 15 years ago
bob tities
bob tities - 15 years ago
how often does it break like that?
ILLaMENT268 - 15 years ago
if you gots boards to waste surf this shit.
jweeze1 - 15 years ago
damn that was sick
continuenext - 15 years ago
Hay que tener huevos para meterse a esos lugares, señores... mis respetos
Hannoi - 15 years ago
balls :D
joey053187 - 15 years ago
philipppe69 - 15 years ago
kinda hectic aye
DeathmetalMalaga - 15 years ago
O.O joder
mORGANICo - 15 years ago
BorjaLee1 - 15 years ago
Surferos fustrados xD
DGRedondo - 15 years ago
Meca, cierto jaja, El Mongol q bueno, habia oido hablar de que habia q tar algo jaro pra tirarse en el mongol pero visto lo visto hay q tar como una maniaga!!
drdmac - 15 years ago
donde han escrito....Gijon.
DGRedondo - 15 years ago
Esto es en Galicia no¿?
Walter - 15 years ago
madona mia
AlphaSphere - 15 years ago
That's crazy!!!
ryanr121 - 15 years ago
those waves look sick though
GEEFLEXZ - 15 years ago
shoulda stood against the wall n braced for the wave rather than try n jump it! waves look worth it tho.
Gabriel Panebianco
Gabriel Panebianco - 15 years ago
era mejor tirarse d ela escollera
agentxyv - 15 years ago
looks like the funnest spot.
Nerd King
Nerd King - 15 years ago
yeah?.just rty surfing in a place like that..whend the pipe is braking on the wall..c how long ull last standing up
Nerd King
Nerd King - 15 years ago
yeah?just try surfing in a place like that..wend the pipe is near the wall
J. Aaron
J. Aaron - 15 years ago
TENERIFE 2009 Genialesss
uwerthere - 15 years ago
n00b town population, those guys
Erik Westphal
Erik Westphal - 15 years ago
Moicano Live
Moicano Live - 15 years ago
holy shit
Mike G
Mike G - 15 years ago
el kook
dawitekid20 - 15 years ago
dude u guys are wak i wouldnt do that shit
carlosdub - 15 years ago
los españoles estan locos definitivamente que bolas esa playa, yo una ves estuve en coruña y es muy cierto cuando las mareas cambian es muy rapido y puedes quedar en una mala corriente asi que si no eres local es mejor no jugar
Freaky Links
Freaky Links - 15 years ago
those guys are happy to break there board ... ok ...
lizanoj - 15 years ago
Yo he tenido pesadillas que se parecen a esto jajajaja!
Attila Szabadkai
Attila Szabadkai - 15 years ago
holy shit! crazy men!
Pacho Surf
Pacho Surf - 15 years ago
esta fregado para entrar con hawaiana, uno d esos golpazos y pobre tabla!!! con morey si me animaria a entrar, aguenta las pedradas :)
jorge hernandez
jorge hernandez - 15 years ago
q huevos d kbrones mis respetos para meterse a esa zona chido
fas3000 - 15 years ago
muy buenoo la re adrenalian entrar por ahi
kintamine Bi
kintamine Bi - 15 years ago
Video Sda33 b'jahd!! tres tres Beau^^!!
santiverdi - 15 years ago
jaja vaya osties GIjon!!
LUIS H - 15 years ago
malditos lokos... como van a surfear ahy de pana q deben star bien fumaos malditos tios
Jordi Eslotes
Jordi Eslotes - 15 years ago
muy buena chavales ayer me compre un bodyboard nuevo
Jim-Box - 15 years ago
is in the middle of cantabric sea. In the north of Spain.
Bad Mako
Bad Mako - 15 years ago
Yeah- That is F'n crazy -
galler gg
galler gg - 15 years ago
dile al alcalde ke os ponga suelo liso de cemento en verano en mi pueblo funciono o poneros vosotros escarpines tambien funciona
Nutella - 15 years ago
no soy espanol idiota. pero para no confundir a gente como usted, quieria hablar en espanol
pablowall - 15 years ago
that looks so fucking dangerous lol
Nutella - 15 years ago
q halta calidad! buenas tambien
Chad Muñoz
Chad Muñoz - 15 years ago
David Barrel
David Barrel - 15 years ago
haaaaay que tener huevos para entrar ahi eeh.
Hernandes Delgado
Hernandes Delgado - 15 years ago
nauk dopar
nauk dopar - 16 years ago
gary32080 - 16 years ago
ding ding ding ding
jiliac123 - 16 years ago
MUY WENO!!! n q escalera es???
Jorge Romero
Jorge Romero - 16 years ago
que duro no?? con un par!!
bodyb0arder - 16 years ago
me hicieron reir un rato hahaha
newdrix - 16 years ago
MUy buenoooooo!! como siempre te veo arriba de la wave.. un saludito desde santander beach... aqui tomando unas copis en house. felix and dritx .
Barto Luna
Barto Luna - 16 years ago
tio hey tenido q bajar y subir todo un seerro pero esto es increible esto si amor por la sal
regonovoa - 16 years ago
PUF como cabras tio
Manutu90 - 16 years ago
los putos amos
Jim-Box - 16 years ago
jjaja, clarooooooooo. Yo tambien lo sufrí, no te creas que no. :-)
richar75 - 16 years ago
jajaaj ¡¡BOBOROLOS!!. ¿Son amigos tuyos?
Jim-Box - 16 years ago
jajajaj. Miralo en su perfil. Yo ya lo hize.
DILOREINA Noelia - 16 years ago
Hay gente para todo, visto lo visto.Solo de ver las imagenes me duele todo.
montyky10 - 16 years ago
tsssssss vayanse pa canarias fuerte mierda de olas!!!
Jim-Box - 16 years ago
subiendo el video en alta definicion.
Manutu90 - 16 years ago
huliogtt - 16 years ago
Lol. :)
DANI VIQUEIRA - 16 years ago
jajajaja la ola final bestial

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53,212 likes 29,691,657 views 7 years ago

Enjoy Baby Shark Song for Kids Video for Children with Baby Nursery Rhymes Baby Shark Dance! Full list of popular...

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Best Shark Attack Video

44,825 likes 28,705,100 views 14 years ago

READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that...

Shark videos

Great White Sharks 360 Video 4K!! - Close...

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Check out the sequel to Great White Sharks on Steam VR -

Shark videos

Baby Shark | Mermaid Shark Family Dance Party |...

29,005 likes 19,304,115 views 8 years ago

Watch "Baby Shark" and rhyme along with your loved ones! Watch our featured videos! Buy our...

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to Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21


The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word...

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This one had to be done. This is the Alternate Ending, because I liked the Dance that he does at the end. I know...



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A video to save surfers from themselves.

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Do yourself a favor and watch this before you come to the Mentawai Islands.


Best drone videos of surfing in 2014 - Epic...

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Surfing drone video compilation featuring the best surfing drone videos of 2014 with Pure Shores from the all saints...

About Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21

The "Surf & Bodyboard ACCIDENTS in Gijon. Video de Surf y bodyboard en LA21" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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