Surf Accident Compilation #1 Surfers get Smashed Compilation #1

Surf Accident Compilation #1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 293

Surf 10 years ago 640,633 views Surfers get Smashed Compilation #1

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Most popular comments
for Surf Accident Compilation #1

nazirdjon - 6 years ago
Men are yet another insects in front of a pool wave. But while an insect gets there by accident men put himself there for no more than shitload silly reasons.
AKP - 7 years ago
Why the fuck are those people laughing behind the camera? You can get seriously injured or die if a wave smashes your head on sharp rocks. Morons.
michael o
michael o - 7 years ago
most surfers are jerks. ecspecially if your not a local.
staling2010 - 7 years ago
If this was a beverage, it would be called Stupid on the Rocks.
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
Oh look. Gnarly surf and awful location. Better grab my boogie board! I got this. Hold my wine cooler.
ahmed naila
ahmed naila - 7 years ago
CMON MAN can i get like 50 likes plz Thxs all Who like this
Dr Sr
Dr Sr - 7 years ago
I'm laughing and wondering when they will die. common sense dictates not to surf where there are rocks and cliffs. if they chose to go there let them die. just don't drag lifeguards after you to save your dumb ass. after all surfers are airheads and lowest on the totem pole, right below chimpanzees!! so Darwin at his best. let them surf in tsunamis too. duh!
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 7 years ago
So, there's a sandy beach 100 feet away, but you're trying to climb up on some rocks while waves are smashing into them? Wow. Okay.
oliver wray
oliver wray - 7 years ago
lol all the people who say you shouldn't laugh why not its fucken funny

10. comment for Surf Accident Compilation #1

milkmandan77 - 7 years ago
1:55 holy shet
etherform66 - 7 years ago
getting a leg rope hook up in these scenarios is horrifying
Just me
Just me - 7 years ago
That's not funny !Stupid guy
Brandon Keating
Brandon Keating - 7 years ago
Newb city
Nathan - 8 years ago
Happens to everyone at some point .
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 8 years ago
Can't people never threw any of these guys a rope. They just casually watch them fight for their lives (or worse, laugh).
B.M.M - 8 years ago
People don't help, they don't even worry about the guy, they just film with their iphone and laught like retarded morons
CK_32 - 8 years ago
All I have to say is..... ouch.
Alberto Poisson
Alberto Poisson - 8 years ago
I like to surf and all but I am not brave enough to paddle out around rocks ever. I feel confident in this decision now more than ever.
Shake AU
Shake AU - 8 years ago
i did once, ended up something similar to this... Spend the next 4 days dancing round a muddy festival barefoot with oyster cuts all over my feet. 100% wouldn't do again
Rider du 974
Rider du 974 - 8 years ago
Like stp

20. comment for Surf Accident Compilation #1

Rider du 974
Rider du 974 - 8 years ago
J'ai des douleurs pour eux
Mark & Sue Parker
Mark & Sue Parker - 8 years ago
Stop laughing & help the poor b@stards!
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
dalff - 8 years ago
Who the fuck tries to do Stand up Paddle in a place like this!? 5:36
Craig D
Craig D - 8 years ago
Why are these guys surfing near rocks? I know nothing about surfing but it I seems like that'd be rule number one.
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 8 years ago
and every clip
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 8 years ago
i feel bad for all of the especially the bodyboarder
Dylan Caldwell
Dylan Caldwell - 8 years ago
Laughing ? That's funny? Really? Ok yeah until it's you. F outta here
Russel Walker
Russel Walker - 8 years ago
"What big rocks everywhere. I know, lets go surfing!" - Some Jackass
Steve Foley
Steve Foley - 8 years ago
Rocky/high surf exits can be tricky, especially with a high tide. Made many of them at Sunset Cliffs, Mexico and Hawaii. Also night diving for bugs at South Point on the Big Island. (Now THAT was spooky) It's a good deal about timing, and then commitment. If you don't wait for the lull between sets, you can get really hammered, just like these guys did. When you go for it, you'd better get to your feet and get out of the impact zone fast...otherwise you see what can happen. I don't understand the sponge boarder trying to get out on the rocks when it looks like the beach is less than 100 yards away? The paddle boarder looks like the exit at Pe'ahi.

30. comment for Surf Accident Compilation #1

Art Vandelay
Art Vandelay - 8 years ago
i love death and destruction.
Ryan Nystrand
Ryan Nystrand - 8 years ago
feel bad for these kooks but you need to know your limitations and when on a trip do some research about your breaks, like if you should have booties ect. some places you are the kook because you can't get out or in because of sharp coral.
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
ding, ding, ding,ding    ouch..!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pobrepecadorarrepentidosurf paella
Pobrepecadorarrepentidosurf paella - 8 years ago
this guy is a true idiot. A true one. He does not know where is he at. It's okay brada' Keep calm keep surfing. But you are an inspiration for being an idiot. O yeah!!!
Pobrepecadorarrepentidosurf paella
Pobrepecadorarrepentidosurf paella - 8 years ago
a la shiat
lChrisl VH
lChrisl VH - 8 years ago
why were these idiots laughing
Willy POV
Willy POV - 8 years ago
lChrisl VH ikr! I was wincing at every one of these clips. Sometimes you mess up, you're new to a break, don't know the exit points, lose your footing etc - we've all been there before. A lot of those dudes could of gotten a lot more injured than they did - especially the booger he could of gotten knocked out and drowned (especially since the lifeguards seemed to wanna just stand around and point at stuff instead of actually doing something). So dont see what there is to laugh at really. This vid was a reminder for me to know ur limits
pweter351 - 8 years ago
It's what you do when you see some idiot or your mate get themselves in a situation like that
Daniel Sparks
Daniel Sparks - 8 years ago
Who is this Jared Jerk
Daniel Sparks
Daniel Sparks - 8 years ago
Jared Webber whoa aye...
Easy there cob!
I know muay Thia...
pweter351 - 8 years ago
Must be a fooger
pweter351 - 8 years ago
Some dumb fuckers there, love laughing at Boogie boarders and SUP boarders. been in many a hard exit/ rock hops and never look like these kooks.
Dylan Caldwell
Dylan Caldwell - 8 years ago
pweter351 if you've never been in a sketchy situation you don't take risk and live life like nerf ball. Great attitude. Seems your character would be that's last one in the water if a life was on the line.
pweter351 - 8 years ago
+Ryan Watts surfed many hard to get out spots and you have to know what your doing if you don't you look like a KOOK
pweter351 - 8 years ago
South west WA nearly all rock hops reef cliffs on inside
Chris Chu
Chris Chu - 8 years ago
no pics, no proof.
pweter351 - 8 years ago
Ha good one fooger you can tell when people have no idea. Surfed sll around Australia many hard exits on big swells kook de kook kook
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
I doubt that because you are sounding like the biggest kook right now
Sébastien MATHET
Sébastien MATHET - 8 years ago
et derrière sa camera il rigole. pauvre con
Mark Pruse
Mark Pruse - 8 years ago

board board
board board - 8 years ago
así no puede entrar para dentro
YesSirPhil - 8 years ago
It's called rock surfing
Julien Rumiel
Julien Rumiel - 8 years ago
Fdp de gens qui rigole, les gars a la flotte doivent être en putain de panique, pis les couilloux dans la tronche ca doit bien piquer
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
derka derka derka derka de derrrp
Cyrille SAVARY DE BEAUREGARD - 8 years ago
Je lui ferais bouffer sa caméra...
Paul Bordelon
Paul Bordelon - 8 years ago
I want to punch the morons laughing at these guys.
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
Jeff Davis too much weed combined with an already low IQ. You get those idiots. Maybe they'll get in a crash on the long board ride home and get a dose of reality.
Jeff Davis
Jeff Davis - 8 years ago
I agree...Anyone who surfs has found themselves caught on the inside or in trouble trying to get in...usually after a bad experience which makes it even tougher...but definitely not funny or something to laugh at.
Russel Walker
Russel Walker - 8 years ago
He means the camera men.
Chris Chu
Chris Chu - 8 years ago
same here. uneducated pieces of shit, probably cant even swim in the first place.
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
Where do you want to meet?
Niels Herzberg
Niels Herzberg - 8 years ago
shame on you this is not funny.
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
some were funny, lets be honest here
Trevor Felter
Trevor Felter - 8 years ago
Wait. If there was a beach right near those rocks, why didn't they go to the beach to get out??
brasconator - 8 years ago
eh, should try fo surf da waves, not da rocks. lolo.
therickrocket - 8 years ago
whats so funny fuck head?
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
Your mumma!
I got you good
Jabroney - 8 years ago
4:30, a great way to break a leg.
Juan Rivera
Juan Rivera - 8 years ago
Fun stuff..

50. comment for Surf Accident Compilation #1

Sven Bjork
Sven Bjork - 8 years ago
You can't surf foam, because it is mostly air. And why in the world did the second guy try to exit over the rocks when there was a nice sandy beach 100 feet to his left?
Keith Thompson
Keith Thompson - 8 years ago
I can understand going onto shallow coral to surf, but to go next to boulders and jetty's, your just asking for the swift hammer of death.
shane ward
shane ward - 8 years ago
in the surfing world these people are considered kooks and its not smashed its pitted
Phanic At The Jaspar Disco
Phanic At The Jaspar Disco - 8 years ago
Im here because of Joe Sugg XD
Matthew B
Matthew B - 8 years ago
why would you ever try to get out where these guys do unless there is a ravenous great white in the water
Chris Chu
Chris Chu - 8 years ago
because there are probably no other places to do so.
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
Be a bit more specific champ
Misty OjaiGirl
Misty OjaiGirl - 8 years ago
best part was that guys dorky laugh , huh hu hhuh
toneroable - 8 years ago
I cant watch this thing........... U never supposed to be between rocks....& 2 guys
William Seifert
William Seifert - 8 years ago
The biggest bunch of stupid heads ive ever seen.
enjoyce - 8 years ago
what is it with all these people and rocks?? stop going near rocks PLEASE
Cam - 8 years ago
What was that guy at the start thinking?
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
No way!
What was that retarded bodyboarder thinking?
This is my thinking of his thinking...
" I'm allergic to rocks and I want to die the most painfully way imaginable"
Colby Adams
Colby Adams - 8 years ago
Just goes to show you how idiotic people are, I have been surfing, swimming in the ocean for over 25 years, one thing you never do go anywhere near ROCKS, they ALWAYS win!!!
Nathan Pro
Nathan Pro - 8 years ago
+Jared Webber lol
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
You should listen to Nathan, he's a pro
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
I doubt you have been surfing for 25 years without going near rocks or you are just really shit house at it or you are a liar?
Nathan Pro
Nathan Pro - 8 years ago
you just have to be smart and know what your doing, if you know the tide swaps in 2 hours, be out befor hand, don't be like these people
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
kita - 8 years ago
WTF WTF would the first oak actually try pop up in a swell that's about to slap him silly into the rocks.
ffp08 - 8 years ago
i hope the first guy never breeds
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
The second guy put bodyboarding back 20 years
Sophia Simmons
Sophia Simmons - 8 years ago
who goes surfing in white water like that1>!??
William Seifert
William Seifert - 8 years ago
wow. what am i witnessing here?
djentleman57 - 8 years ago
Your youtube comment here has me interested in you. want to have stranger sex?
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
You are retarded Sophia
Aume - 8 years ago
You re stupid no ? White water ahahahhaah
Isaiah Nava
Isaiah Nava - 8 years ago
gosh darn longboarders
Evrett - 8 years ago
some people get pulled into the current. Im sure not all of them started off right there.
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 8 years ago
Kooks lol
William Seifert
William Seifert - 8 years ago
straight up idiots.
ぶく ぶく
ぶく ぶく - 8 years ago
its stupid.
SocialdDem - 8 years ago
Azhiaziam what up? 805
JOALAZEL AZEL - 8 years ago
Me imagino que el primer chico quedó mal herido con esas rocas tan filosas
Andrew Inglis
Andrew Inglis - 8 years ago
*kooks getting smashed
riu x
riu x - 8 years ago
jajajajajajaj sólo a estos idiotas se les ocurre surfear cerca de las rocas fail
Snooki Wookie Lemon Cookie
Snooki Wookie Lemon Cookie - 8 years ago
This is why I don't surf in rocky areas
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 8 years ago
this is not a channel advertisement
Primalxbeast - 8 years ago
I the beginning I was wondering if there were no safer areas near where they lived to surf at, and then the camera pans over to big sandy area right next to rocks. Meh, who wants to risk getting sand in their bathing suit when they can just get smashed on rocks instead?
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
The pain caused to me by watching that pathetic piece of shit was probably worse then his injuries
Colby Adams
Colby Adams - 8 years ago
yeah it doesn't take too smart of a person to stay away from Rocks LOL
Declan Conroy
Declan Conroy - 8 years ago
Exactly, those barneys just had to go 20 yards for a perfectly mellow beach.
paul atkinson
paul atkinson - 8 years ago
laffin ??? arseholes........
Renee Saulitis
Renee Saulitis - 8 years ago
Hey everyone mind checking out my Channel? Just got a new video up! I'm hoping to get 100 subs. I love to surf and go on adventures with my GoPro. More surfing edit out soon! Thanks if you sub!
Claudio Jr
Claudio Jr - 8 years ago
Gente burra!!
Jake Taylor
Jake Taylor - 9 years ago
who's the creep in the bushes on the last clip.. fucking creeper if yez ask me..
robin des champs
robin des champs - 9 years ago
nothing funny you fucking idiots..
pweter351 - 8 years ago
Yes it is ...You need to know what your doing or get the fuck out kooks are annoying mofos
Blake Grice
Blake Grice - 9 years ago
Surf accidents , or dumbases stuck inside
Will Roden
Will Roden - 9 years ago
I see some people saying for the first 2 that "why are they staying in that one spot just move" well you get hit by the wave and ur in shock by the time it out of that shock the undertow is so strong all u can do is go with it and not fight it
roberto rodriguez
roberto rodriguez - 9 years ago
+Willistheboss20 Sorry but if u dont act at time, you will "analed" haha, anyway, bodyboarder can easily paddle outside rocks, and go slow to beach.
James C
James C - 9 years ago
These aren't surf accidents - they're just idiot surfers who think they're invincible against rocks and waves.
benjie414 - 9 years ago
4:23 the laughing sounds like frito, from the movie idiocracy.
"huh huh huh. that guy got hit in the balls. huh huh."
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - 9 years ago
ITSjustWOOL - 9 years ago
is it bad that my first concern is the mess these kooks are making to their boards?:/
LK - 9 years ago
What a bunch of fucking idiots
hamsterjovial55 - 9 years ago
les mecs qui ricanent en filmant méritent une bonne branlée!!!
magorkel - 9 years ago
that boogeyboarder got analed.
nEwwArt - 9 years ago
fucking kook on the SUP had a leash wrapped around his fins.
THEwickedEND - 9 years ago
If you're the guy laughing at 5:20, I want you to know, that we all know, you're a fucking idiot!!!

You literally sound retarded.
Martonius Banzai
Martonius Banzai - 7 years ago
THEwickedEND looks like toilet bowls on da BI
Agypagy - 9 years ago
Okay. On the first clip, why the hell are those idiots trying to get up the rocks instead of taking the easy, and safe route to the beach???
hamsterjovial55 - 9 years ago
+Agypagy at the beginning i thought it was the only way to leave until i saw the beach....morons time!!!!
Joshua Botes
Joshua Botes - 9 years ago
1st rule whenever you go in the sea is to watch the wave, and NONE of them do it!
Joshua Botes
Joshua Botes - 9 years ago
Those freaking idiots who even go out there when it is obvious that they will get wrecked
Johnny Utah
Johnny Utah - 9 years ago
The SUP at the end was awesome, I love watching SUPtards get pounded
Bonnie Ruth
Bonnie Ruth - 9 years ago
I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Too painful to watch. Ouch
Rod Koehler
Rod Koehler - 9 years ago
Whew! That moment you realize you've made a poor decision. The guy laughing at one of the guys getting pounded on rocks was sick, and not in a good way.
the drifter
the drifter - 9 years ago
stupid people laughing.
Fuck you morons.

Nothing like surfing waves.
BigErn_Mccraken - 9 years ago
I wish more kooks would end up like this so the line ups would thin out.
SurfingBullDog - 9 years ago
Head hits rock 1:31
Andy Schutz
Andy Schutz - 9 years ago
Just remember, these were absolutely avoidable when you can just paddle down a few dozen yards. Just quit surfing all together's really not for you lol
Rodrigo Ribeiro
Rodrigo Ribeiro - 9 years ago

100. comment for Surf Accident Compilation #1

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 9 years ago
surfing rule #8 know your way in, and know your way out of the surf
mojostevo - 9 years ago
Lessons in this video, don't paddle out if you can't paddle in.
fnog9 - 9 years ago
at the start of the first video i thought, "is there really not a better place to exit the water?"... and then they get pounded until 2:45 oh look, there's a sand beach. WHY DIDNT THEY GO THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!?? i am very upset.
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 9 years ago
they need a lot more practice. you're supposed to always hop on top of the whitewash
SofaKingStoked !!!
SofaKingStoked !!! - 9 years ago
The SUP guy deserved it!!!
Eli Bukin
Eli Bukin - 9 years ago
the guy who laughs (05:25) should be killed.
jakekingkong - 9 years ago
Christina Batte
Christina Batte - 9 years ago
fucking swim horizontal how do you surf and not know this??
arkansaswookie - 9 years ago
lot of ding repairs to done
Codgerism - 9 years ago
Watching that SUP kook at the end was pure pleasure!
John Sanders
John Sanders - 9 years ago
Stupid.......mother nature doesnt care if you live or die, she's a harsh mistress & she will f**k you up ......Stay safe.
John Sanders
John Sanders - 9 years ago
+t mac
You're a shit troll.....boring....
t mac
t mac - 9 years ago
that was 79% funny easily fool. and tell your moms I want my r. Kelly cd's back.
John Sanders
John Sanders - 9 years ago
+t mac
 Hahaha you fucking cheap shit troll lolol that was 5% funny you dumbass lol
t mac
t mac - 9 years ago
+John Sanders they used to say the same thing about your moms back in the day.
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
+John Sanders They were getting jumped by her and her rock homies.
Tiago Albuquerque
Tiago Albuquerque - 9 years ago
vai po caralho
Carl Harverson
Carl Harverson - 9 years ago
Agree 100%
Lindsay Kay
Lindsay Kay - 9 years ago
Looks like the sort of breaks you'd really want to surf only at low tide!
jesus diaz montiel
jesus diaz montiel - 9 years ago
full and exelent videos
leonardo cook
leonardo cook - 9 years ago
Swim inwards and then to the side to escape
Boxhawk - 9 years ago
I always head for the rocks when I am tired and the surf's up...
Boxhawk - 9 years ago
No thanks.  
Comments111 - 9 years ago
+Boxhawk well actually at a lot of reef and point breaks that is the ONLY place to go. So seriously, lose the sarcasm and actually go surf some dangerous reef breaks, cos I know I can speak for any experienced surfer saying, "we've all been there."
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
5:21 the people who laugh deserve to fucking die
Andrew O
Andrew O - 7 years ago
Derp de derp derp
Ros T
Ros T - 7 years ago
Tom Facken Southwell yea I agree
ňøțørìü - 8 years ago
Tom Facken Southwell yeah
Ben Nicholls
Ben Nicholls - 8 years ago
Shit yeah if they weren't willing to help they're scum i agree with you there
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 8 years ago
+Ben Nicholls hmmmm kinda true not gonna lie, i just hope if this man got knocked out on the rocks these people would help if you dont agree? 
Ben Nicholls
Ben Nicholls - 8 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell Personally I think the guy that was there filming probably has a better idea of whether or not anyone's life was in danger than you do Tom. Anyone who's found themselves in this situation would agree that it was their own fault for not reading the situation or trying to appear more experienced than they are. It's the only way to learn, people laughed at me (as I laughed at myself) and I'll laugh at other people. I don't find myself in these situations anymore, not because I'm afraid I'll die but to avoid the embarrassment. And if you didn't come here to watch people get smashed then why did you even click on the link? So that you could pretend to be better than everyone else?
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 8 years ago
+trent jenkins your dumb bro. laughing at someones life. disgusting.
trent jenkins
trent jenkins - 8 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell only sheep lovin kiwis and wanna be kiwis say bro 
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 8 years ago
+trent jenkins i body board and surf bro. sounds to me your mad
trent jenkins
trent jenkins - 8 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell sounds to me youre that kook body boarder we are all laughing at 
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 8 years ago
+pweter351 So your telling me... you are allowed to laugh when someones life is in danger? sure your allowed to laugh, but that is fucked up
pweter351 - 8 years ago
When youv have been in those situations your allowed to laugh
trent jenkins
trent jenkins - 9 years ago
+Codgerism yep so true the body border at 2:11was a prime example of that , i was forced to chuckle when i seen a big empty patch of sand , a 15 min paddle could had saved him a lot of pain and embarressment
benjie414 - 9 years ago
you're stronger than the ocean, right?
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+TheNightster07 really? learn fucking English holy shit, read your sentence.
BigErn_Mccraken - 9 years ago
Are you serious? These guys were all fucking looks man.
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Codgerism mistiming... happens to everyone. get the fuck outa here
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Codgerism a rouge wave, run in or out tide, current/rips, wrong place at wrong time. you think that this is 100% unavoidable... that's impossible, one day it will happen to you and some fool recorded it so people on youtube can watch and laugh and say how (unavoidable) it was and how this CAN'T happen to anyone only idiots. ask a pro surfer this question and he will agree with me. 

your the kind of person who would believe in some sort of god.
Codgerism - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell Ok, if I'm mistaken then tell me, which of these situations do you think was unavoidable and could have happened to anyone, even pros? lol
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Codgerism your very mistaken. leave before you embarrass yourself even more.
Codgerism - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell 

Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Codgerism could have happened to anyone. even pro surfers.
Codgerism - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell because... they were inexperienced, out of their depth and didn't read the situation properly, which led to some great situational humour!
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Codgerism "could" yet he didnt... -_-
Codgerism - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell Sorry, all of these situations could have been avoided ;)
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Codgerism "most"
Codgerism - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell Not true, most of these situations could have been avoided.
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+fred rit true, but lets be honest this can happen to anyone, even a pro surfer. just at the spot at the wrong time.
fred rit
fred rit - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell yeah but the people that we see getting worked should do their homework before putting themselves in those situations , that's why I fucking laugh out loud...
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+dfhdgnsdfb odfgi You would be the people on the shore laughing at someone who could possibly die, not helping them. watch someone walking on knives, yea funny now kid. 
Billy frye
Billy frye - 9 years ago
thst shit is painful like walking on dull knives
Codgerism - 9 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell You could hear they were feeling sympathetic but it was pretty funny!
nico kahr
nico kahr - 9 years ago
I find it more painful to watch the surfboard get damaged...
Carissa Raciti
Carissa Raciti - 9 years ago
joe brought me here woowoo
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
Lacrafary Gaming
Lacrafary Gaming - 9 years ago
People laughing in the back ground? Wtf?? This is not funny! I wanna see u out there trying to do the same thing ! It's not joke it's very difficult ! The ocean is crazy! Trust me I've been in that situation
Katsu LA
Katsu LA - 9 years ago
why the fuck wouldnt that bodyboarder paddle back out and make his way to the beach. Fuckin stupid.
Nicholas Evans
Nicholas Evans - 9 years ago
+Katsu LA  it shows how fear clouds sense. Fuck he got worked aye lol At least he just had a body board and not a nice new $1200 custom shaped.
Chris Byrne
Chris Byrne - 9 years ago
Goddammit colonel! Don't you think its a bit risky for R&R?
demian mejias
demian mejias - 9 years ago
sufri mucho con el primero
SuRf, GaMe & Action
SuRf, GaMe & Action - 9 years ago
Finley Spillman
Finley Spillman - 9 years ago
Joe sugg anyone?
Kent Neyra
Kent Neyra - 9 years ago
Never ! Never go by stones.
SuRf, GaMe & Action
SuRf, GaMe & Action - 9 years ago
Dont forget to watch our new vídeo Jet ski accident compilation!!
Glenn Flanagan
Glenn Flanagan - 8 years ago
Shark bites
Sapi Us
Sapi Us - 8 years ago
pweter351 yo keep clean men I just said that ! Your boring me with that shit that's what I said
pweter351 - 8 years ago
J Magnums
J Magnums - 8 years ago
Your face is dumb
Sapi Us
Sapi Us - 8 years ago
Could make something cool rathen than that shit, cause it looks really dumb
Will Roden
Will Roden - 9 years ago
Shelleyflynnxxx - 10 years ago
Came here because of Joe Sugg ;)
Erin Duffy
Erin Duffy - 10 years ago
Came from Joes Vlog <3 +ThatcherJoe 
Amy Clark
Amy Clark - 10 years ago
Joe brought me here 2! Lol
Nicole Aalbers
Nicole Aalbers - 10 years ago
joe brought me here lmfao
briar marini
briar marini - 10 years ago
Joseph sent me here.
Min Riku
Min Riku - 10 years ago
Who else came here because of Thatcher Joe's Vlog?
Szandi Jan
Szandi Jan - 10 years ago
I came from Joe, haha
ALL AROUND DELCY - 10 years ago
Joe sugg took you there?
Kirstyn Berridge
Kirstyn Berridge - 10 years ago
Like if +ThatcherJoe brought you here xx
v - 10 years ago
It’s been 3 years and I still want you to kill yourself
Amy Clark
Amy Clark - 10 years ago

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The "Surf Accident Compilation #1" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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