Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Holly Beck, pro surfer and coach at Surf With Amigas explains how to do a duck dive and analyzes footage of Amigas trying it so you can see what they're doing wrong and how to fix it. If you like the coaching, join us on a womens surf and yoga retreat. Check out the website for details! music: Robbero

Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive sentiment_very_dissatisfied 226

Surf 11 years ago 1,788,934 views

Holly Beck, pro surfer and coach at Surf With Amigas explains how to do a duck dive and analyzes footage of Amigas trying it so you can see what they're doing wrong and how to fix it. If you like the coaching, join us on a womens surf and yoga retreat. Check out the website for details! music: Robbero

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Most popular comments
for Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Cole McFly
Cole McFly - 7 years ago
I'm Hawaiian and I live in Indiana, I'm an embarrassment to my people
Mygoogleaccount - 7 years ago
Awesome vid. As a male surfer, I apologise for the creepy weirdos who t4y to hijack your intention.
Felipe Azúa
Felipe Azúa - 7 years ago
1:47 that leg movement turned me on lol
Rafael Costa
Rafael Costa - 7 years ago
This is the best video about how to duck dive on youtube so far, congratulations!!
Matthew St.Louis
Matthew St.Louis - 7 years ago
Gabriel Kuklinski
Gabriel Kuklinski - 7 years ago
Imke Van Eijk
Imke Van Eijk - 7 years ago
I live in the netherlands.... it is a dream for me... but yeah. The Netherlands isnt the best place (I think its a really bad place) to surf. This summer I went to canada and surfed for the first time in Tofino. I loved it and im really sad I cant learn it good.
Get Wet Surf School
Get Wet Surf School - 7 years ago
Great video! Can I share it on my blog?
T.J.Ashworth99 BF1 Gaming
T.J.Ashworth99 BF1 Gaming - 7 years ago
Can you not say amiga so much just say friend or the persons name

10. comment for Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Impressive video!
have a nice evening :)
Beowolf - 7 years ago
I live in Mongolia... why am I here?
Rachid ouljour
Rachid ouljour - 7 years ago
faiza tsania
faiza tsania - 7 years ago
thank you
Alex Gontcharov
Alex Gontcharov - 7 years ago
Where is this location and is this a house or hotel, thanks?
Chris Day
Chris Day - 7 years ago
Dude, it hurts when she says amiga.
Lisa Setera
Lisa Setera - 7 years ago
Looks fun.
Summerspirit 16
Summerspirit 16 - 7 years ago
I'm from Bavaria. No sea. But I love to watch surfing videos ❤️
Ugo dF
Ugo dF - 7 years ago
I still can't do it properly. But video helps. I'll practice more. Thanks!
Miguel Baptista
Miguel Baptista - 7 years ago
i learn to duck dive in a 6x4 and im only 14 so its not that difficult... my father duck dives easily a 7.2

20. comment for Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Kids Against Plastic Pollution
Kids Against Plastic Pollution - 7 years ago
Would my 5 10 be easy enough
60's 70's & 80's Rewind Covers
60's 70's & 80's Rewind Covers - 7 years ago
Not all of us live and surf in Hawaii, Bahamas, Tahiti, etc. try opening your eyes while ducking diving in San Diego and see how it feels
Brenna Delgado
Brenna Delgado - 7 years ago
Axel Fernandez
Axel Fernandez - 7 years ago
im 13 and weigh 94 pounds and i can duck dive a 5'10" like a 4'11"
Jess Thomas
Jess Thomas - 7 years ago
I used to have a 7'7" Mini Mal and it was so, so hard to duck dive. Literally impossible when you are only 5'5" hahaha - thank you for the tips though. Might go and buy a smaller board now and won't beat myself up so much because I struggled to duck dive the board.
pepino735 - 7 years ago
you arrre grrrrrreat! no doubt milk does a body good... aint it??
QRFMBR - 7 years ago
Amigas are HOT!
Anna Funny Murphy
Anna Funny Murphy - 7 years ago
Chloe Flynn
Chloe Flynn - 7 years ago
Thank you soooo much!
WtfIsLife - 7 years ago
If i wanna go even deeper id put my foot into it hahahahahhaha i cant stop laughing

30. comment for Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Mattyboi - 7 years ago
Imagine taking the tip of that board straight to the eye
Duck Puck
Duck Puck - 7 years ago
Polo Le surfeur
Polo Le surfeur - 7 years ago
Oh yeah, good wawe, sister'!
My Nastycomment
My Nastycomment - 7 years ago
Nice instruction. But for anyone watching now fyi - wearing contacts in water is not recommended. It can lead to infections and permanent loss of vision - unless of course you can find and afford a corneal transplant.

If you really have to use them I'd say remove the lenses right after the water activity and "discard" them - then rinse your eyes with clean water and add some antibiotic eye drops. This is not medical advise - just what I think is a reasonable thing to do.
斎藤有志 - 7 years ago
Thx for uploading. : )
Brian McNeil
Brian McNeil - 7 years ago
#Nice! =)
noyfb - 7 years ago
lol that's one shallow looking duck dive.
Tommy.T POV
Tommy.T POV - 7 years ago
Well I'm 13 weigh 120 pounds and I can duck dive a 6'4 that has a volume of 30.
Luc Hof
Luc Hof - 8 years ago
nice practice and a nice person to drink coffee with
Ana Maria Crepaldi
Ana Maria Crepaldi - 8 years ago
you are SOOOO didactic!! Very comprehensive explanation, thank you so much!!
Jan Karmann
Jan Karmann - 8 years ago
is it possible with a 6'10
Kev Stone
Kev Stone - 8 years ago
So if you have a long board, what is the best way of getting past the white wash if you are unable to duck dive?
Aiden Weiler
Aiden Weiler - 7 years ago
Kev Stone Turtle rolling is a lot easier than duck diving. Look up turtle rolling
Rafael Paoli
Rafael Paoli - 8 years ago
Jesus I feel like you just revolutionized my life. Thank you very much to the amigas!
Kursion - 8 years ago
can I duck dive with a Malibu?
PANOS SIOPIS - 8 years ago
you are very sweet woman my love from GREECE
NiciB1983 - 8 years ago
best duck dive video :)
David Sebastien
David Sebastien - 8 years ago
Hey,i'm new in surf,thank's for this good practice; have fun in the water;
Deranged Walrus Roo!
Deranged Walrus Roo! - 8 years ago
What if you have a softboard :?
Deranged Walrus Roo!
Deranged Walrus Roo! - 8 years ago
+Maya Karl kk thanks
Maya Karl
Maya Karl - 8 years ago
Deranged Walrus Roo! It will be a lot harder unless your heavy
Jenna Schulze
Jenna Schulze - 8 years ago
can you duck dive a 6.0
Maya Karl
Maya Karl - 8 years ago
Jenna Schulze yes depending on the thickness
Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow - 8 years ago
So I'm a 6'1 - 6'2 ish. Would it be hard to duck dive a 6'6?
diver dave
diver dave - 8 years ago
I'm 6" and 200 pounds and I can easily duck dive my 8 foot surfboard - just move forward
Hopeforsurf - 8 years ago
Captain Jack Sparrow Also depends on the thickness of the board, but youll have the weight to duck dive a 6,6 once you've got the technique

50. comment for Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Rik Kz
Rik Kz - 8 years ago
Ronsonmobile - 8 years ago
what size is the first board in the video Holly? The rusty
Surf With Amigas
Surf With Amigas - 8 years ago
5'9 i think
Jerry Addison
Jerry Addison - 8 years ago
its like an underwater ollie
Stephen Chapman
Stephen Chapman - 8 years ago
Gret vid Amigas, I learn loads from there videos!
Bryson - 8 years ago
Can i do this with a foam board?
fishytomb2 - 8 years ago
I can do it with my foam shortboard
World Motion
World Motion - 8 years ago
thank you for the explanation now i can very well duckdaves
Kawaii Grommet
Kawaii Grommet - 8 years ago
I've already had some practice duck diving on my bodyboard, I find it easier in the ocean than the pool, but I'm sure duck diving on a surfboard will be different.
Johan Cruijjf
Johan Cruijjf - 8 years ago
ok..amazing. i love surfing and this ladys are amazing to. good job ladys
Johan Cruijjf
Johan Cruijjf - 8 years ago
is she in El Salvador?
Ryan Holloway
Ryan Holloway - 8 years ago
She said that
Aya Ruiz
Aya Ruiz - 8 years ago
Roblox Flesk Gaming
Roblox Flesk Gaming - 8 years ago
Can you make a video on how to bounce a boobs?
Maymuna Khawaja
Maymuna Khawaja - 8 years ago
One thing that always baffles my mind is how do people see in the water? Or is it just a feeling you trust that helps you navigate through the water? I don't even know how to swim, I've tried and I'm still struggling with it. Long journey ahead, but it's all so fun and exciting! I've got water a phobia that doesn't help with my breathing technique and swimming, but I love being in the water, just not my head. So it's amazing and quite inspiring seeing people who surf and go as far as they can :)
Maya Karl
Maya Karl - 8 years ago
well i cant put it in better words
Maymuna Khawaja
Maymuna Khawaja - 8 years ago
Hmm good point it is not a mental thing lol!
Maya Karl
Maya Karl - 8 years ago
Maymunah Khawaja I can open my eyes under water. Usually people just do it, it's not a mental thing and after you do it for a bit it doesn't hurt at all, though it is a little bit blurry
Maymuna Khawaja
Maymuna Khawaja - 8 years ago
+Spencer Kochel Thanks, I look forward to it!
Spencer Kochel
Spencer Kochel - 8 years ago
Keep practicing! You'll be swimming and having fun in no time
BradsonMan - 8 years ago
I live in sweden. Tf am I doing here.
Luke Exner
Luke Exner - 8 years ago
BradsonMan you can actually surf in sweden... i also surf in germany where the waves are even worse
pierrewoodmanizer - 8 years ago
I see so many swedish people in my hometown in southwest France every summer who come for surfing.
Andrew Stonnington
Andrew Stonnington - 8 years ago
Come to the Americas
Diego Rey
Diego Rey - 8 years ago
Darif Zakaria
Darif Zakaria - 8 years ago
u can surf in the faroe island
Cole - 8 years ago
Great video. Very helpful!
Leina and Lucia
Leina and Lucia - 8 years ago
my first time surfing I tried duck diving on a foamie... now that I've had more experienced, i know to turtle duck on a foamie
Mitchel Harmon
Mitchel Harmon - 8 years ago
Def one of the best videos on this, didn't realize I wasn't getting my body low enough.
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira - 8 years ago
best duck dive video ever
Nawas - 8 years ago
Zach Hawkins
Zach Hawkins - 9 years ago
Just learning and in surfers paradise haha... deffinatly something I needed to learn, better then throwing my board over the whitewash!! lol
Le Chat
Le Chat - 9 years ago
ive tried with my 6"O and that worked so thx
Erin Mcintosh
Erin Mcintosh - 9 years ago
How tall are u
colour ful
colour ful - 9 years ago
great informativ video thanks a lot Holly
LxTxSURGE - 9 years ago
nice amiga
Aviv Raviv
Aviv Raviv - 9 years ago
if you are do it with your foot you need first the knee and than put your foot with your other leg? or with the same leg?
Jay Jr
Jay Jr - 9 years ago
I want to duck dive you;)
Julia Milani
Julia Milani - 7 years ago
Jay Jr your just saying this stuff because your sad and Lonely and you never have had sex with anyone else but yourself even though your a 50 year old man
Char Rose
Char Rose - 7 years ago
Omg you perve
Jay Jr
Jay Jr - 8 years ago
it must be tight then. i love tight pussay
Vienna . Pisana
Vienna . Pisana - 8 years ago
wtf I'm 12 u dumbass
Jay Jr
Jay Jr - 9 years ago
You want it too?
Vienna . Pisana
Vienna . Pisana - 9 years ago
Your gross
MrSlowBurnz - 9 years ago
how to be a kook, step one watch this video
Erick Jaime
Erick Jaime - 8 years ago
+MrSlowBurnz Everyone has to start somewhere. Being called a kook... the ultimate insult. Grow up.
Bea Kuncic
Bea Kuncic - 9 years ago
I'm transitioning from my 8" to my 6"4, and watched your video for tips before i get out on my new board. This was so informative and I cant wait to try out all the tips. thank you
Seafire - 9 years ago
well looks like my 9ft lake board isn't going to work
Joshua Rodrigues
Joshua Rodrigues - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for your help
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
im from El Salvador :)
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 9 years ago
Awesome and so well explained!! Thanks
savannah Ziglar
savannah Ziglar - 9 years ago
Can u do this on a 6'1 board ?? Anyone
bobice555 - 9 years ago
+savannah Ziglar yes, of course. depending on one's weight and experience, most shortboards can be dd. longboards 9" and above are very hard unless you're in the 200#+ range. i'm 154# and i can dd my 8'2 gun (in the white water, once only due to upwelling of foam, etc.)
Emily Brady
Emily Brady - 9 years ago
How hard/easy would it be to duck dive on a 5'11" board
Skyler Woods
Skyler Woods - 9 years ago
+Emily Brady a board that size should be pretty easy. unless you are in the 5'0-5'3 hight range.
hussen aashidh
hussen aashidh - 9 years ago
it's helpful to learn to surfing thank you
hussen aashidh
hussen aashidh - 9 years ago
it's helpful to learn to surfing thank you
leonardo cook
leonardo cook - 9 years ago
I have a 5 foot 4 inch board it's thick and I can't do it
Mihai Pruna
Mihai Pruna - 9 years ago
nice tip on using hydrodynamics to help the board go under, I'll have to try to get some speed next time I attempt a duckdive.
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 9 years ago
It posible to duckdive in a 6'6 board? x)
Cam - 9 years ago
+Ashley Zequeida I duckdive with a 7'7 so it should be easy for you.
Cam - 9 years ago
+Ashley Zequeida I duckdive with a 7'7 so it should be easy for you.
skatefood - 9 years ago
yeah just try it! I just got a  6'0 and im bad at duck diving too thats why im watching this ha. 
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 9 years ago
well i'm 70-71 kilos, and, i'm not sure about how thick is my board but is really buoyant and is a 6'4 not a 6'6 lol. i'll try it anyway thanks :B 
skatefood - 9 years ago
+Ashley Zequeida depends on the volume more than the length... also how heavy the person riding the board is.
Matt Urmenyhazi
Matt Urmenyhazi - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for making this.
Weldon Mix
Weldon Mix - 9 years ago
Looks like the girls are really enjoying themselves. I imagine the enjoyment continues late into the evening.
karina orozco
karina orozco - 9 years ago
Hey rad video, thanks for the tips! I have a 6'2 and scooping it a little definitely helps! What kind of watch do you have?
Theyoutuber nathaly
Theyoutuber nathaly - 9 years ago
PBGSURFER65 - 9 years ago
Excellent tutorial. Can you believe there was a time before this was invented? I remember Richard Davis brought this to our crowd in '77. He had just come back from Cal., from a contest and saw it there. He was a great contest surfer. So he started duckdiving, and it caught on super quick.I was a grom just a little younger than R.D. However, I had an older brother by 11  years who had a clique of friends who resisted duckdiving.
  So one time me and 2 friends were paddling out trailing my brother and his crew. When we got to them they were just coming up to the impact zone, it wasn't big, some shoulder high wind chop. Well we all started to get beaten and needless to say me and my buds sailed right through it. I looked back in between beatings and laughed and pointed to them, 'see? It works.' They started practicing on that very session. It was early '78 and about one-third of the crowd had caught on by then, us groms and R.D.'s clique. It was like watching anthropology unfold before your eyes.)))
Random Dreams
Random Dreams - 9 years ago
I have an 8 foot longboard it's brand new how much wax do I need to cover the whole board ? I'm a beginner.
Random Dreams
Random Dreams - 9 years ago
+Randsurfer haha i just got back from a surfing trip thats how much i used
Randsurfer - 9 years ago
+Lachlan Stokle 4 bottles.
Devon McGrath
Devon McGrath - 9 years ago
Doesn't the salt water sting your eyes
Julia Suffell
Julia Suffell - 7 years ago
i surf and use contact lenses then it doesnt sting
Liz Jobson
Liz Jobson - 7 years ago
lol good tip i cant even open my eyes underwater pretty pathetic
Caleb Pechumer
Caleb Pechumer - 9 years ago
Yes don't be a pussy
Jintae ku
Jintae ku - 9 years ago
thx:)your video is very helpful
lisa maxon
lisa maxon - 9 years ago
what kind of contacts does Jackie use???
Gabriel Lutz
Gabriel Lutz - 9 years ago
Really helped thanks
Btw nice boards
Liza Mityanina
Liza Mityanina - 9 years ago
Im 14, do you think i can duck dive an 8 footer?
Hi 123
Hi 123 - 7 years ago
Don’t do it
Brenna Bowen
Brenna Bowen - 7 years ago
You can't duck dive in and 8 foot
Randsurfer - 9 years ago
+Razuu This goes to my theory... How do you define a shortboard? Answer: If you can properly duck dive it, it is a short board for you. So the same board could be a short board for a big heavy brah, but a long board for a skinny little kid.
Razuu - 9 years ago
+Brandon .Dee Same exact height and weight. 8ft longboard and I've never seen that thing go more than a foot underwater.
Brandon .Dee
Brandon .Dee - 9 years ago
+Liza Mityanina well....I'm about 170 pounds 6'1" and i know i could not duck dive that...
Roberto Malagon
Roberto Malagon - 9 years ago
Daydragon1234 - 9 years ago
Lol nice video.

100. comment for Surf Completely : How To Duck Dive

Roberto Z
Roberto Z - 10 years ago
Best waters in the world!!
NaturalKiller61 - 10 years ago
I'm from El Salvador I never knew it was good for surfing tilli went back
Lexi Mancini
Lexi Mancini - 10 years ago
is it possible to duck dive a foamie
Jason Schultz
Jason Schultz - 9 years ago
+Lexi Mancini Yes it is. The technique is pretty much the same.
1001History - 10 years ago
+Lexi Mancini Chuck Norris might be able to
Natalia .L
Natalia .L - 10 years ago
Good tips.
Speedy Lee
Speedy Lee - 10 years ago
Holly got nice bod.
DarkVoidDan - 10 years ago
Ass-pect haha. @5.50.
DarkVoidDan - 10 years ago
What is the point in that manuvere.
Jared Lombard
Jared Lombard - 10 years ago
Same here, i surf everyday
Jared Lombard
Jared Lombard - 10 years ago
To get under the wave
Kelsey Lowe
Kelsey Lowe - 10 years ago
I live in Nebraska what am I even doing
Jonathan Macaw
Jonathan Macaw - 7 years ago
F*** kook!
coleschr966 SNS
coleschr966 SNS - 7 years ago
Kelsey Lowe ahahahahaha
Luke Solatka
Luke Solatka - 7 years ago
Kelsey Lowe is your profile pic from the aquarium at the zoo?
Eva Perez
Eva Perez - 7 years ago
ariel.muriel Sgfjgctguturfgt iruf iremos pues c8rc3f86e 8xx2 8ekelr
ariel.muriel S
ariel.muriel S - 7 years ago
Kelsey Lowe bvcddsfbxff ni) xzxxrlłmn
Onni 732
Onni 732 - 7 years ago
Kelsey Lowe i live in finland...
Bella Vasquez
Bella Vasquez - 9 years ago
Move to Cali :)
Colleen williams
Colleen williams - 9 years ago
I live in ohio.
Tomás Pinto
Tomás Pinto - 9 years ago
+Kelsey Lowe Wishing you wouldn't live in a landlocked shit hole, no offence of course.
Randsurfer - 9 years ago
+Kelsey Lowe That's ok. Just go to a swimming pool and do the duck dive. It's the latest craze, all the kids are doing it.
Naia Hargitay
Naia Hargitay - 9 years ago
Dententx - 9 years ago
+Naia Hargitay
Naia Hargitay
Naia Hargitay - 9 years ago
I'm in wisconsin
Rodney Jones
Rodney Jones - 10 years ago
Geez that looks hot when you kick off the board and are coming back to the board hoooooooootttt I see duck dived I jizzed in my pants
Yoni Whiskynson
Yoni Whiskynson - 10 years ago
te amo
shura707 - 10 years ago
Thanks for posting this video! I learned very much. I didn't find a serious video in my language from people from my country to teach " a furar uma onda", as we speak in Brazil. Again, Thank you! Obrigado!
isabella surf
isabella surf - 10 years ago
This video taught me so much more than I knew!
Tabitha - 10 years ago
Jackie shouldn't wear contacts under water because bacteria from the ocean can attach to the lenses and cause infection which may damage vision. Thanks for the rad vid :)
Joao Rocha
Joao Rocha - 7 years ago
Tabitha Hulbert-Dempsey depends a lot on how you treat them. I've been playing Water Polo for 5+ years with contacts. They are daily (great quality) contacts and they last for 3 or 4 days. I just need to pass serum in them
Diamondragon Slayer
Diamondragon Slayer - 7 years ago
ocean? I thought she was in a pool this whole time
hoshino - 9 years ago
+Tony Montana been wearing contacts in the water no problem and know a lot of others who do as well. what else can you do aside from a corrective surgery? much safer to see what's going on around you so you don't endanger yourself and others than be afraid of the tiny chance of an infection. now, if your eye is in any way injured, it's a different story, in which case you wouldn't want to wear any contacts anyway. also, daily contact lenses are recommended.
TasteleSS - 10 years ago
Make duck face and dive :DD
Chloe Flynn
Chloe Flynn - 7 years ago
Obey Brandon
Obey Brandon - 10 years ago
oh fuck me daddy
V Millan
V Millan - 10 years ago
THe best thing of your video is your ass!! Congratulations!!
rosieroo - 7 years ago
Ryan Ellis
Ryan Ellis - 10 years ago
Every man who watched this video gave that ass a good gander
Faesa3l Al Harthy
Faesa3l Al Harthy - 10 years ago
Faesa3l Al Harthy
Faesa3l Al Harthy - 10 years ago
oneleggoalie - 10 years ago
Oneleg needs a long blonde wig...then he masters the Indo Board...then he buys some weed...good...very good...weed...and then he watches this again...
Nancy Beals
Nancy Beals - 10 years ago
can my daughter practice this in our chlorine pool or will it damage her board? is your pool saltwater???
Marin K
Marin K - 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure that chlorine won't do any harm if the board isn't in there for a while (like a couple hours at a time)
elvisike77 - 10 years ago
Did marvin help you film?
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 10 years ago
Holly I wanna surf with you amiga!
TheGremlins - 10 years ago
Wouldn't it take too long to scoop the 6'4" under in time? I have a 6'4" and usually I just bail out but doing that keeps me in the break zone longer. Any tips that might help me?
Jocke & Jonna
Jocke & Jonna - 10 years ago
number 1 - You need to have a Surfboard?
Charlotte West
Charlotte West - 10 years ago
Huge help. thanks amigas
Leo Contreras
Leo Contreras - 10 years ago
Please marry me, I love u! hahah

Laurel Bandy
Laurel Bandy - 10 years ago
doesn't your shin hurt?
Erin Sears
Erin Sears - 10 years ago
dude this video helped lots thanks 
Cupojoe Pro
Cupojoe Pro - 10 years ago
You girls are dealing with 2 foot white water, where I am we got up to 8 foot whitewash coming at us 20 mph that'll keep you under for up 20 seconds or more
mackenzie frenze
mackenzie frenze - 10 years ago
My board is the same size as hers.
Nathan Flade
Nathan Flade - 10 years ago
I wish water was that clear
Micheal Matula
Micheal Matula - 10 years ago
I weigh 250 lbs what size board should i get
Derek Bennett
Derek Bennett - 10 years ago
Great video. Super instruction. Made me subscribe
You_en_Tubao - 10 years ago
Thanks, this vid is exactly what I needed it.  Very clear and to the point.  I can duck dive as of today because of it.  ThanksAtonAgain.
David Conte
David Conte - 10 years ago
Nozzleman22 - 10 years ago
Duck Diving never looked so sexy..Thank You !!
Raphael TeTa
Raphael TeTa - 10 years ago
Muito bom! Obrigado pelo vídeo. :)
sunflower7747 - 10 years ago
So I just tried this like an hour ago at the pool at my apartment complex. .... yeah they called the cops on me
hoshino - 9 years ago
+sunflower7747 yeah I like how all these tutorials will tell you to do it in a pool. Like as if most of us can afford one. Not.
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 10 years ago
Vengre Pasilan
Vengre Pasilan - 10 years ago
What is a good surfboard to get for beginners like me?
Vengre Pasilan
Vengre Pasilan - 10 years ago
for my thoughts on that I think a funboard or a long board would do well for you but that is what I think. 
neva r
neva r - 10 years ago
Such hotties
Eduardo Prado
Eduardo Prado - 10 years ago
earned stay with GOD
kiwinfla - 10 years ago
These are the best surf tutorials I'e found. Thank you!!!
Jhoana Abando
Jhoana Abando - 10 years ago
Holy, can i wear gogles while surfing? Lol
Jhoana Abando
Jhoana Abando - 10 years ago
Alana, can i wear goggles while surfing
mathew whittle
mathew whittle - 10 years ago
eyes open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mojo522 - 10 years ago
I didn't need to learn how to duck dive but I'm happy YouTube suggested this video
neddy laddy
neddy laddy - 10 years ago
Hear that girls ?  Keep your knees together.
SoSickWidit - 10 years ago
watched every duckdive video on youtube, this seems to be the best, great job. Wish the water wasn't so murky out here so I could keep my eyes open
Abigail Krueger
Abigail Krueger - 10 years ago
why cant i live by a beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poolsideperi - 10 years ago
I admire you Holly!! Thank you so much for your instruction & talent to help all of us not get injured. I never thought about trying it in my pool. I have a 7'8 hand shape & the 8' Wave Storm. I can come up with a billion excuses for not trying. The #1 reason is my bones are fragile, wrists, elbows, knees are boney, am in menopause at almost 53 yrs old & weigh under 100 lbs soaking wet. Pop ups are still a problem. Any suggestions? Tnx from sunny Palm Bch Gardens, FL. Peri
Rik Kz
Rik Kz - 8 years ago
+Said Hachmi Kitchen.
amir ali
amir ali - 8 years ago
Rik Kz tmara
Makaela Yeo
Makaela Yeo - 8 years ago
Rik Kz
Rik Kz - 8 years ago
That´s a strange kitchen.
Holly Beck Obermeyer
Holly Beck Obermeyer - 10 years ago
hey there. unfortunately with the boards you are riding and your self-proclaimed strength issues, it's going to be super hard/impossible for you to duckdive. what you should do is turtle roll! i also posted a video on how to do that. check it out!
John Kenney
John Kenney - 10 years ago
Yeah I just came to look at a butt
The Shutter Sisters
The Shutter Sisters - 10 years ago
You make it really easy to understand :)
ronman360 - 10 years ago
i need to go there 
PBGSURFER65 - 10 years ago
I've been surfing so long I can remember a time when this didn't exist.One of the rippers here brought it back.The older dudes scoffed at this technique.It caught on in no time after the grom crew (me and my crew) were blasting through the paddle-out and the older dudes were getting dogged.This was in 1979.It was funny because my older brother was part of that group that resisted at first.I remember looking at these cats struggle and I looked over at my bro as I shot past them with 3 of my buds,who were less talented than the older guys. They got out faster and believe it or not,schooled the older guys at that moment.From then on,the turtle was extincted.
Mr cs93
Mr cs93 - 11 years ago
lol ''amigas'' 
smokeandmirr0rs - 11 years ago
awesome video! really useful!
Jarvis E
Jarvis E - 11 years ago
Hey I am a bodyboarder trying to convert to surf boarding But I was wondering what happens when your duck diving a heavy 4ft dumper wave how are you suppose to get under that of you only going 2ft underwater ???
that_surfer - 11 years ago
does a 5,11 work
Valerie Hoareau
Valerie Hoareau - 11 years ago
it is something beautiful to see a girl surfing , congrats to u Holly,u should come to Seychelles one day
abdelhadi Maazaz
abdelhadi Maazaz - 11 years ago
Please post how to turtle roll.
Holly Beck Obermeyer
Holly Beck Obermeyer - 11 years ago
i already did. here's the link: Surf Completely - How to Turtle Roll
cmaryk12296 - 11 years ago
Can I do a duck dive with a boogie board as well?
The Kruxed
The Kruxed - 11 years ago
Yea, using fins you can go much deeper than anyone on a standard surfing board could and its much easier also
xe 2349e0
xe 2349e0 - 11 years ago
dumb ass the background music is TOTALLY unnecessary! and its obvious you are just trying to show off your body.
claudio calvi
claudio calvi - 11 years ago
nice video!! i m teaching my 8 years old daugther and this was very usefull!!! thanks!!!!!!
M Bravo
M Bravo - 11 years ago
For 6.2 surfboard ?
Jessica Burgos Ruballo
Jessica Burgos Ruballo - 11 years ago
El Salvador- Woohoo!
Lior Avramov
Lior Avramov - 11 years ago
someone fro israel?
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
why the frick can't I do things like this -___- I want to surf, snowboard, play volleyball, ride quads, ANYTHING but sit inside every fricking day. 
Blaze Itliong
Blaze Itliong - 7 years ago
Come to Cali and have an experience of your life.
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 10 years ago
Team, the horse is dead and beaten.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 10 years ago
if she hasnt found a sport yet, then she is usless xD
MarkoPoloznich - 10 years ago
Sometimes the chances present themselves when you least expect them, and sometimes we just go out and do it!  Surfing will change your life for sure.
Debra Scheufler
Debra Scheufler - 10 years ago
Life is long my love; do what you can. Do yoga at home to stay in shape. Tons of free videos online. Ali Kamenova is awesome. I started this way and now I surf, ski, bike, swim, dance, camp- everything I have ever wanted to to do. Learn whatever you can from your parents. They have life long wisdom to offer. Look for the good in them and love them! Hold onto and visualize your dreams daily and awesomeness will come to you!
theoriginalanimeker - 10 years ago
+rsbarrett4991  So cal is a great place if you have money :/ thank god though that my school has a v-ball team
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 10 years ago
fuck of plz ;)
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 10 years ago
either you want me to keep insulting you or you want me to fuck off, make your mind up ;)
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 10 years ago
Your abortion was a failure.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
ahahah failure 
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
Oh fuck off dude
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
look whos talking xD
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
haha oh i'm the moron get a fucking life instead of telling other people how to live theirs.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
stop reading it then you damn moron xD
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
I don't give a flying fuck who you were talking to. Neither her or I or anyone else who is linked into these comments give a fuck about what you have to say.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
wasnt talking to you fool
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
dude shut the fuck up i don't care how easy you say it is.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
exactly she could buy a bodyboard and do that, thats like 10-50 dollars, get a volleyball aswell for another 5, invite some people to play and bam, 2 sports in 1, plus you could cycle to the beach, thats another sport, stop complaining
James Geis
James Geis - 11 years ago
you live in santa barbara huh? the beach is like 5 minute away
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
my parents didnt do sport either, they supported it so maybe i had it a little bit easier on that part, but no matter what there is always some sort of sport around you you can partake in, sure surfing, snowboarding and dirtbiking take lots of money and dedication not to mention a high fitness level, but volleyball, basball, staff, archery, cycling,skateboarding, gym, martial arts......and LOADS of others are pretty accessible to anyone, if you want to do sport and you arent then you are dedicated enough
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
How can you say she has no dedication? Have you met her before? Maybe she just hasn't been raised in a active environment where her family partakes in these sorts of activities. Don't be so inconsiderate.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
I cant even respond any more, you can easily do sport, if its too hard for you to get off your ass and organize it then your probably not cut out for any sport anyway, most sports takes hundreds of dollars( so lots of working) and lots of dedication, you have no dedication and you dont seem to like the idea of working for stuff so i cant help you and no one else can until you stop making up excuses and at least START trying to do a sport
The Kruxed
The Kruxed - 11 years ago
The only person looking like a fool is you for insulting someone giving you advice in a cordial manner. Therefore continue to live dreaming and wishing instead of doing and i will continue to keep doing instead of hiding behind a PC moaning,making excuses and insulting those with advice.

Its no wonder
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
+rsbarrett4991 oooo feisty
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
+The Kruxed I don't know about you, but I have very strict parents. I'm not even allowed to go on a walk by my self. I have quads. The problem is, is that I no longer live on my property. Therefore, I can't ride anymore. Not to mention, the only other place I rode was just closed to the public a few months ago. Obviously I have thought out my options before I made this post. So before you continue to make yourself even more ignorant, I'd suggest you stop commenting. Because you're doing nothing but making yourself look like a fool. 
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
She is just saying she wishes that she had the ability to do action sports and such but you guys have to go be assholes. yes she can be proactive and go do it but not everyone can just "get off their ass and do it." Im just lucky that i have been raised on a coastal area. So no hate guys haha. On the internet.. no body is safe.
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
well my first dirtbike counted for 2 chistmas presents and a birthday present and i worked my ass off aswell to earn money to contribute and i was NINE, first skateboard i worked to pay for, first longboard i made myself and volleyball?! you seriously need a car and money for volleyball? 5 dollars for a ball and some friends and ur done, basicly get a part time job and ask for contributions on birthdays etc and go and find friends to do it with, there is no excuse, if u try hard enough you can do sport
The Kruxed
The Kruxed - 11 years ago
Not sure how things work over there or even what the area is like, but there is a thing called public transport and in this age of internet you really have it easy to find things out, hook up with people nearer the coast similar age

volleyball and quads would be easy to find just about anywhere if your not allowed to travel far.

When i was 16 me and my mates would organise mini buses to go where we needed. Your at the age wheres it not unreasonable to think that you will know people with licenses now/soon.
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
+Charlie Ward umm I'm 15 years old. I don't have a drivers license. how do you expect me to do things like this when my parents are always busy? 
Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 11 years ago
umm get off your ass and do it -.-
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
yeah algood :P
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
+rsbarrett4991 I live in central california...
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
+Levi clothier Dang flabbit I would if I could
xe 2349e0
xe 2349e0 - 11 years ago
+Levi clothier
serious levi! i want to come.
Shy Diarrhea
Shy Diarrhea - 11 years ago
come to NZ and hang out yo! i've got plenty of boards!
OG SIMPSON - 11 years ago
+Maarten Slebos - Producer Cool beans bro. 
Sereia Neves
Sereia Neves - 11 years ago
Thanks so much! Will definitely try this next time i go out :)
Cittany Clarke
Cittany Clarke - 11 years ago
Nice video I ride a 59
Kitz - 11 years ago
i love your vid amiga! we actually use the word amiga here in my hometown, anyway! I am a beginner so this pretty much helps!
Jaqen H'ghar
Jaqen H'ghar - 11 years ago
sorry a surf new here, i'd like to ask.. what if you are using a longer board?
great instructional vid btw :)
King31395 - 11 years ago
So if you have a longer board, just forget it? Too much of a chance of eating it?
Only true if you don't practice.
There are other videos showing guys giving instruction and demo'ing the 'tilt' method with longboards (like Holly touches on at the end). They don't eat it and they do it as well as duck diving with a short board. Practice makes perfect.
utuberine - 11 years ago
+Jaqen H'ghar The longer the board the more chance you have of eating it and injuring someone behind you. 
Jaqen H'ghar
Jaqen H'ghar - 11 years ago
i mean, how'd you paddle out easily against waves using a long board. thanks
scottsv96 - 11 years ago
Best duck dive vid I've seen.
I ride a 6ft10 dhd, I'm 85 kgs 6ft 4 .

Bad habit of using my knee to duck dive, any tips please!?
Or just the same as your vid?
scottsv96 - 11 years ago
Wow fast reply!thanks!
try telling my board that ,lol.
Your vids are excellent, just found you and have no idea who you are :O prosurfer? Anyway I really want to surf bigger waves but need to get this duck dive business sorted first asap :-)
Holly Beck Obermeyer
Holly Beck Obermeyer - 11 years ago
hey scott, using your knee isn't necessarily a bad thing. next time you're out surfing, try using your foot to go deeper!
Ahsan Siddiqui
Ahsan Siddiqui - 11 years ago
Ahh Stoked!
Chelle Bunderla
Chelle Bunderla - 11 years ago
Sweet as!! Bestest tute on it I've seen. Actually gives examples of why and what you're doing wrong. cheers Girlie
Alon Melanker
Alon Melanker - 11 years ago
Best guide I've seen so far.
Patrick Mansfield
Patrick Mansfield - 11 years ago
Nice, I've never paid enough attention to how to do this properly ...
Sandi Stockton
Sandi Stockton - 11 years ago
So it's even more amazing that Bethany Hamilton can do this with one arm, wow! Thanks Holly!
Onegreatdayne - 11 years ago
Holly Rocks!!
Solar Wind
Solar Wind - 11 years ago
She's a happy surfer girl.

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