Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up

Learn how to set yourself up for a productive day of fishing the surf with 20 year surf fishing veteran, John Detmer. Learn more about Florida Surf Fishing at Spacefish:

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Learn how to set yourself up for a productive day of fishing the surf with 20 year surf fishing veteran, John Detmer. Learn more about Florida Surf Fishing at Spacefish:

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Most popular comments
for Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up

Sean Lowkey
Sean Lowkey - 6 years ago
Just curious what rods he’s using. Let me know
Sa Oun Yang
Sa Oun Yang - 6 years ago
To me a good reel is a better investment than a good rod
Xcon xcon
Xcon xcon - 6 years ago
You look like Donald Trump
Shawn Shawn
Shawn Shawn - 6 years ago
Hello are you still fishing in Melbourne ?
Shawn Shawn
Shawn Shawn - 6 years ago
Spacefish thanks I will definitely do that.
Spacefish - 6 years ago
You can call John directly at (321) 777-5554, or call his first mate, Salty Sarge, at (478) 919-7650.
Shawn Shawn
Shawn Shawn - 6 years ago
Spacefish How can I get lessons or participate in that?
Spacefish - 6 years ago
Hi! Yep, John is still offering guided surf fishing trips in Melbourne!
Pual Simpson
Pual Simpson - 7 years ago
What a arsehole hasn't got a fucking clue.
Spacefish - 7 years ago
Sorry you don't like John's presentation, but when it comes to surf fishing in Florida, the man commands respect. He's been doing this a LONG time and knows as much as one could ever hope to learn on the subject of fishing on the beach.
summerdying111 - 7 years ago
Some cheap ass reel
Gustavo Hasselmann
Gustavo Hasselmann - 7 years ago
could you tell me the rod and reel brand? I am looking 12 or 13 foots from shimano ,but I can not find anywhere
Gustavo Hasselmann
Gustavo Hasselmann - 7 years ago
thank you ,,,,,,nice video!
Spacefish - 7 years ago
Hey Gustavo, there's tons of great quality surf fishing rod/reel brands available that you really can't go wrong with. I'd only recommend NOT shopping at Walmart. Even though they carry a lot of top brand names, the models of which are the lowest denominator in terms of quality, and in some cases, manufactured specifically for Walmart. Visit a locally owned retailer/outfitter and they'll set you up nicely. You may pay a few dollars more, but ultimately you'll get a lot more bang for your buck (and enjoyment).
Skip Rope
Skip Rope - 7 years ago
This reminds me of a bad shop film from 1960's
Kel_Bandz - 7 years ago
They probably don't have them around the gulf but I brought down striper rigs from jersey...same thing just larger hooks and caught 5 redfish in the 20-30 lb class in about 45 min

10. comment for Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up

Sherif Badawy
Sherif Badawy - 7 years ago
thank you MR Trump
Medici Works
Medici Works - 7 years ago
John this was so helpful, thank you!
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
almost 7 minutes to not see you bait up or cast.
Spacefish - 6 years ago
see the next video in the series on surf casting:
Marlene C
Marlene C - 7 years ago
hi ,I'm in Melbourne Florida also ,I fish there .awesome hope to see you there sometime.
Sean Hanley
Sean Hanley - 8 years ago
Is a 12' rod necessary to surf fish? I have two rods 7'6" and 8' will those work for surf fishing?
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Sean Hanley i dont know where that is but if your bottom fishing near rocks youre screwed no matter what you use. I would use 20 lb mono line and a cylindrical sinker if your fishing the bottom. If your fishing the top use 20 lb braid line and flouro leader with just a hook and your bait.
Sean Hanley
Sean Hanley - 8 years ago
I will be in Redington Shores right next to The Long Pier or Redington Pier. Also how heavy of mono line should I use?
Thanks for the first response.
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Sean Hanley depends where you are and how far you need to cast. If you are fishing high tide with small surf right in the trough small poles are great. In the same conditions with bigger surf you want a bigger rod to keep your line above the waves. If you need to get out to deeper water though you definitely need the biggest rod you can get your hands on that's priced reasonably. get a huge reel and put on some mono backing finished with 20lb braid. Use a 3oz sinker and send it to the moon.
Brandon Gestwick
Brandon Gestwick - 8 years ago
It is far more difficult to get a far cast with the shorter rods.
J Daboss
J Daboss - 8 years ago
i would like to add that the reel and rod work as a unit. it is the drag system on a reel that reduces the energy of a fish.
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
J Daboss maintain the drag system too! Did that for the first time today. Feels like a new reel.
Dave Knowl
Dave Knowl - 8 years ago
Where did you get that sand stake ? Just returned from Miami and all they had were little baby stakes.
Yours is the real deal.
Spacefish - 6 years ago
Michael's DIY tip is good, but if you just want to make it simple, go to a specialty surf tackle shop, like Black Dog Bait & Tackle in Melbourne Beach. They will always have them. I've seen higher sitting stakes at Walmart before, but wouldn't count on them being there reliably.
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Dave Knowl you can easily make your own with 1.5 inch diameter pvc pipe. Pick it up at home chepo cut to desired length. Drill a hole and add a bolt and it where you want the rod to sit in it. Then you can flare the rod holder end with some heat and a wine bottle. Jam it in there. You can then mount some aluminum edge corners to the pvc to make it much easier to stick in the sand.
Ben Nell
Ben Nell - 8 years ago
Good info i will try it out
Mauser - 8 years ago
Very useful. Thank you man :)
Don't Touch My Oreos
Don't Touch My Oreos - 8 years ago
Very good info, since I'm going to start surf fishing. Lol, 80,000 different knots, this guys a riot!

20. comment for Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up

Gustavo JR
Gustavo JR - 8 years ago
nice video old timer...
shivavmaraj - 8 years ago
very helpful
Jaime Elias
Jaime Elias - 8 years ago
Thanks ...................for info
GF Ortiz
GF Ortiz - 8 years ago
Sorry John if I would had read a little further I would have found out. That is the Rod I was going to get with the Pen 5500.
GF Ortiz
GF Ortiz - 8 years ago
John if you don't mind me asking what rod do you use?
des goulding
des goulding - 8 years ago
Aaron G
Aaron G - 8 years ago
He's just south of the breakers condos.
mike scarano
mike scarano - 8 years ago
make sure the bail is open
ZombieDeathRace - 8 years ago
Pretty much the only two knots I use are snell and clinch. No other is needed, save tying leads.
pocono49 - 9 years ago
Anyone know exactly where John is in this video? Can you park close by and walk to the beach?

30. comment for Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up

Joseph B
Joseph B - 9 years ago
Great tips. Keep it up John
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 9 years ago
Some comment about time of year that is best would be nice, thanks.
Spacefish - 6 years ago
A colored line is much easier to see and helps passer-byers avoid getting clotheslined. If you're fishing at a beach with lots of foot traffic, it is good to have.
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
its just another thing to buy lol
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 8 years ago
That's another good point. Could be (and this happens a lot in fishing) that what I called line color--could be line stiffness, making me think it was about color. What continues to intrigue me, though is that I thought the entire idea behind flouro was to be clear--to disappear, into the water--what in fact is the reason for "colored" flouro?
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
i just made a couple pompano rigs, three hooks, 2/0 ocean circles, and i think its 20lb pink flouro. well. see. i had found some 40lb flouro clear, a huge roll of it, and thats what i had been using but I think its too stiff under the water. doesnt look natural. i like to leave my line loose so the clam sits on the floor and the pompano have to dig for it naturally. i switch it up between that and a tight line.
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 8 years ago
Man, I agree on Flouro, anywhere. But here is a twist I wonder if you ever heard. Fishing two years back for skittish yellowtail, the guy fishing with me SEEMED to have the identical rig as I, but he caught like seven in a row and I had zilch, nada. I finally saw I had the same weight flouro leader as he and same length, even same braid main line- but his was "flouro multi color--whatever that means. I had "flouro clear", hey, how can you beat "clear". I switched over to the "multi" and got hit NOW, and then again, and again. What?
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Jmichael Isbell well warm water in cali is probably cold water in florida. Right now is prime time for fishing the beach, but its all about the conditions and clarity of the water. I use flouro carbon leader and switching to mono main line. I dont use any kind of beads or floats on my dropper rig just clear flouro carbon. And i use 2/0 circle hooks. Buy all your stuff on eBay. Its from china but theyre the most savage fisherman.
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 8 years ago
+Randy Lahey Thanks--and that does show how little I know about Florida--I had it totally backward. Here in socal, generally, the warmer the water, the better the chances for most of the things we are after
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Jmichael Isbell when the water is cold. You'll catch pompano and bigger common fish. When it's warmer you catch smaller fish. When it's warm catch sand fleas and blanch them in hot water and freeze them for the winter.
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Kevin R frozen clam. Cut in small strips and hook them over on themselves like a worm on the hook. You can really chuck it far without losing bait.
Kevin R
Kevin R - 8 years ago
What's the best bait to use on this kind of rig when fishing the area in the winter? Do frozen shrimp still work well?
rob clay
rob clay - 9 years ago
+Jmichael Isbell It's Florida. any time is a good time. Cocoa Beach Native here.
Waqas Ahmad
Waqas Ahmad - 9 years ago
many many thanks Sir its a nice video i am in UAE Abudahbi city i love fishing but i am new my main line was cut bay a huge fish its happen two time with me now i dont know which line is better and strong Monofilament or Braid and whis size of Road is better for long distance surf casting please tell me take care bye
Tim J
Tim J - 9 years ago
+Waqas Ahmad Braid is best
Todd Thornton
Todd Thornton - 9 years ago
very nice video, thanks!
Elizabeth Cruz
Elizabeth Cruz - 9 years ago
thanks again my husband and I we go fishing to Sebastian endless
Anas Khan
Anas Khan - 9 years ago
How to set my fishing rope if I set the fishing rope then the rope will lose it rope is not tie how to set it
Anas Khan
Anas Khan - 9 years ago
Please show me
Tristan.G - 9 years ago
I'm going to Panama City Beach and I was wondering could I use the same setup?
JustinCantFish - 9 years ago
Sorry it was a Shakespeare contender
JustinCantFish - 9 years ago
I bought a combo called "commander" at dicks sporting goods it already had line on it I put a steel leader on it and used squid rings for bait and caught 3 sharks. I fished right in front of sharkys.
Carl Geiger
Carl Geiger - 9 years ago
Nice primer John....I've referred people to this who ask about getting started.

Also - a good tip for new Surf Fisherpeople.....Never put the rod in the sand.
Spacefish - 7 years ago
Great tip and general rule of thumb. Unfortunately, sometimes the situation is difficult to avoid, and, as they say "@&$ % happens." If you do get get your reel sandy, just do the best you can to host it off with fresh water and get it cleaned up.
Carlos Duarte
Carlos Duarte - 7 years ago
Carl Geiger Learned that hard way lol
Carolina Smoke Wagon
Carolina Smoke Wagon - 9 years ago
Good vid.  Haven't been surf casting in years.  Ready to get to some salt water!
Donald Thomas
Donald Thomas - 9 years ago
Just wanted to say thanks for your Video! Just moved to Florida and wanted to try my hand at Surf Fishing. Your Video was great and I learned a lot in just a few minutes of watching!
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 10 years ago
Good information in this one. Thanks for sharing. Subbed!
Fishing Boat Rental & Supplies
Fishing Boat Rental & Supplies - 10 years ago
Good video for fishing training
SurffishingFlorida1 - 10 years ago
When it comes to fishing you get what you pay for :)
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
SurffishingFlorida1 I buy cheap Chinese or Japanese. They are the most savage fisherman ever. My stuff works just fine.
Max Soistmann
Max Soistmann - 10 years ago
Absolute bs. The reel fights the fish
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Max Soistmann got three beef stick daiwa rods for 30 bucks each. Work great. 3 years old. Starting to rust but they work fine.
Metalic Fire
Metalic Fire - 9 years ago
+Max Soistmann Yeah I always thought it was the opposite. More money towards the reel and less towards the rod. I've never seen a decent rod break in half.
emoe40 - 10 years ago
Thank you great video. When I think I know all about setting up my rigs these type of video teach me more of what I need to learn and know. Again thank you.
Andy Williams
Andy Williams - 10 years ago
Great video.  Thanks for the info about rod and reel pricing.  On a windy day, should I up my weight to get it further out?
FishEyeGuy Outdoors
FishEyeGuy Outdoors - 10 years ago
What is that clear rectangular piece right above the weight?
Spacefish - 6 years ago
Good question, sorry for the delayed response. The piece of plastic creates a plane on the water, helping your rig glide across the water on retrieve. This is especially helpful in avoiding snags on beaches with rocks or structure. These are surprisingly effective and are made by John, but anyone can easily make their own at home.
David Fletcher
David Fletcher - 10 years ago
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
David Fletcher if you only could have one pole 8 foot pole spinning reel with mono
Brett Chisholm
Brett Chisholm - 10 years ago
Thanks. I live by Fort Fisher NC and am at the beach daily. Decided I was going to take this on as a new hobby, so I'm using your advice and tips to get it going
Thomas D Harrell
Thomas D Harrell - 10 years ago
What are the name brands of you rods and reels.
PHANTOMA VLOGS - 10 years ago

50. comment for Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up

Laura Velkey
Laura Velkey - 10 years ago
what reels are those
Acid Rock 1
Acid Rock 1 - 10 years ago
Thanks for the tips, especially the looping around the reel, never thought of that.
Cheers mate
vanderley3 - 10 years ago
very informative video thank you
David Dragos
David Dragos - 11 years ago
Karlos Munoz
Karlos Munoz - 11 years ago
Btw i surf fish in the coast of l.a. (playa del rey)
Karlos Munoz
Karlos Munoz - 11 years ago
Awaome informative video thank you!!! What bait u suggest though?
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
Karlos Munoz clam
SurfCastingGalicia cartrò
SurfCastingGalicia cartrò - 11 years ago
nice men
Carlos Platero
Carlos Platero - 11 years ago
hello good you can look at my channel and subscribe, I'll Lots fishing equipment, I'll upload the videos are surfcasting, casting, and rockfishing spinnig.
Harrison Gage
Harrison Gage - 11 years ago
tell ya a cool little trick to getting you pvc into the sand. Cap the flat end with your hand go to the water and will it with water, hold it up side down carry it to where you want to put it, then quickly stick it into the ground. The water will dig a hole and you can push it is the sand up to a foot pretty fast and easy!!
Eco Habitat
Eco Habitat - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Great vid for beginers.
Jabari Phillips
Jabari Phillips - 7 years ago
Eco Habitat m

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The "Surf Fishing: Getting Set Up" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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