Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

Breathtaking Aerial Footage of Oahu's North Shore shot in 4K Ultra HD. Shot and Edited by Eric Sterman. Choose 4k for the best quality experience.

Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Surf 10 years ago 2,705,135 views

Breathtaking Aerial Footage of Oahu's North Shore shot in 4K Ultra HD. Shot and Edited by Eric Sterman. Choose 4k for the best quality experience.

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Most popular comments
for Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

Lars Mittelstädt
Lars Mittelstädt - 7 years ago
Awesome video :)
unrealone1 - 7 years ago
Some beautiful shots, that's so much!
Astonishing video!
have a great evening :)
Fadila Kader
Fadila Kader - 7 years ago
Normally horse off enkrkfh maintenance accuse amid agricultural head shade labor chain security.
davefrenchfry - 7 years ago
Super clean!
t mac
t mac - 7 years ago
I can't sleep and was thinking about this time as a real young grom I was surfing vland at dark and I took off on the last wave of the day--almost complete dark--but I got pitched and landed on my butt on the reef and my leash snapped and my board was gone and I came up through the soup looking for my board but couldn't see shit and so started swimming for shore and stood on the sand in the dark looking out for my board but it was gone and I was bummed cause I was poor and now here I was with the north shore winter season cranking and me with no board so I walked home and in that winter I lived next to the great pipe master Jackie dunn and he was outside and I told him what happened and I didn't have a fucking board and he told me to be at the tidal pools at dawn inbetween backyards and boneyards and my board would be there so at the crack of first light I walked over there and remember walking up in the half dark and there in the tidal pool was my little barberra twin fin, the only board I had. ii used to push that motherfucker into all kinds of heavy waves and finally snapped it in half at the end of that spring on a super low tie day, shovelhead reefs showing through the water, at log cabins. but the north shore for me is Ronnie burns playing space invaders at the sunset beach in and the riding da bus into town with fast eddie and grinding at steamer bobs in haliewa and surfing 7th hole on th east side in kona winds and the sand moving onto pupeaka until one day in the spring you had a killer beach break, all crystal blue, right in the heart of the north shore. I believed in just about everything back in those days, that the universe moved on the energy of its own tide, and that love grew from pepper stalks in the startled wind, and that everyone, everyone, was going home. was I ever really that young? were you?
Thug Nasty
Thug Nasty - 7 years ago
i went to turtle bay and it was a great expeirience
Basketball4 Life
Basketball4 Life - 7 years ago
What a feeling dude beautiful place
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 7 years ago
amazing video... Girls nice too :))

10. comment for Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 8 years ago
Damn HI no shortage of waves and babes <3 ALOHA!!
Vereedoes Nos
Vereedoes Nos - 8 years ago
Christopher Thorne
Christopher Thorne - 8 years ago
what kind of drone did you use? what kind of drone do you recommend for a beginner?
Aggeliki Damaskou
Aggeliki Damaskou - 8 years ago
To whom it may concern:We are the RISE TV channel which broadcasts, free to air, in Athens – Greece and
we would like you to give us permission to use your videos in the RISE air.
Awaiting your response,
For RISE TVAggeliki Damaskou
umustbebornagain - 8 years ago
God's Awesome creation!
J Chevalier
J Chevalier - 8 years ago
yonathan garcia
yonathan garcia - 8 years ago
guapísimo el vídeo!!!!!
Pierson Burbach
Pierson Burbach - 8 years ago
Looked Soo cool
HopeBetweenTheDreams - 9 years ago
Omg this just took me back to the N Shore!!! ♡ #BEAUTIFUL
Sara Giussani
Sara Giussani - 9 years ago
Great video I love it
Pierson Burbach
Pierson Burbach - 8 years ago
Same here bra

20. comment for Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

David Macon
David Macon - 9 years ago
Small shark at 1:57
RoadKillzine - 9 years ago
this is insanely pleasing to watch. have another window open looking at flights and places to stay....
stillspeakin - 9 years ago
i was in a dream for the last 2 minutes and 24 seconds..then i was thrown back into this weird reality thing. Thanks for the breaks! I'm going to watch it again!
Paula Banáné
Paula Banáné - 9 years ago
Gyönyörű !!!
Kevin Fernandes
Kevin Fernandes - 9 years ago
And I jizzed
Starra Company
Starra Company - 9 years ago
Wow so lovely
Vân  Anh Nguyễn
Vân Anh Nguyễn - 9 years ago
Beautiful !!^&^
Romullus - 9 years ago
lol you know there is a ton of missing footage from @1:41
Alex Otoni Baecher
Alex Otoni Baecher - 9 years ago
Where is this place?
marchinosurfer - 9 years ago

30. comment for Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

L. Hanson
L. Hanson - 9 years ago
Can someone please direct me to where I can download that song?
Luke Brog
Luke Brog - 9 years ago
abirdkilledmeh - 9 years ago
This is like a GTA trailer.
Davide Andreazzini
Davide Andreazzini - 9 years ago
CryptoJoe - 9 years ago
OMG...lose the freaking song.  The crackling was too distracting to even enjoy the video.
FridayAssimov - 9 years ago
Fantastic cut, music and scenes. It is so ismply beautiful , a part of the planet and us humans in it. There is a reason my dreams take place in Oahu every two weeks...
dudestir127 - 9 years ago
So beautiful. Completely different world than over here on the town side of the island.
Viper Mountain Biking
Viper Mountain Biking - 9 years ago
That frontside air though. :D
MrTiger8980 - 9 years ago
Great Work Eric, your father couldn't have raised you in a better place, nice seeing you share it with the world.
rad1ne - 9 years ago
uh... it's clearer than my eyes wtf
Mini3005 - 9 years ago
Amazing !
Jay Haggin
Jay Haggin - 9 years ago
1:41 ;)
Max Loh
Max Loh - 9 years ago
haha silly scrubs -- at least 50% of what makes this piece so beautiful and surreal is the MUSIC -- without it, it's just a bunch of pretty videos.
Johan - 9 years ago
+Max Loh U said it urself. It's pretty, even without music. This is eyecandy..
Radu Baros
Radu Baros - 9 years ago
As the song in the video is called who knows?
Marcus Anonymous
Marcus Anonymous - 9 years ago
Show a 4K Ultra HD and people ask for the song?
Marcus Anonymous
Marcus Anonymous - 9 years ago
 My TV (use as monitor) and my computer graphic card are 3 840 × 2 160 pixels so guess I'm in the 00.01% then!
Andre O
Andre O - 9 years ago
+MARCO LAVOIE It want play as 4K on 99.99% of PCs or TVs. What is the resolution of your PC screen? (Not been funny)
maskedman46 - 9 years ago
+MARCO LAVOIE I thought the same thing but wasn't going to say it...I lived there in the 70's and was mesmerized at the great filming...this was a fabulous video and wanted it longer...
Julie J
Julie J - 9 years ago
This deserves an award
Johan - 9 years ago
I'd do ANYTHING to live there.. u HEAR ME!? ANYTHING.
omar news
omar news - 9 years ago
S'abonner moi plzzzz
Gabe Videos
Gabe Videos - 9 years ago
Cool Shot. I gotta go there.
SilentNZL - 9 years ago
Anyone else hear crackling in the song?
SilentNZL - 9 years ago
Ok, I didn't know. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't my headset playing up. Thanks
Siamand Omar
Siamand Omar - 9 years ago
It's part of the song...

50. comment for Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

ohhroach - 9 years ago
2:00 is absolutely epic
SunnySideDown - 9 years ago
What did you use to film this video?
SunnySideDown - 9 years ago
Brian Silverstein
Brian Silverstein - 9 years ago
+HalfCutVideos i lold
HalfCutVideos - 9 years ago
+Sunny L Motorola Razr
Wihn0 - 9 years ago
Now I want a drone so badly :D
as well as I want to live in a beautiful place like this
niccolo testa
niccolo testa - 9 years ago
Song pls !
niccolo testa
niccolo testa - 9 years ago
+yiryamful tnx a lot !
yiryamful - 9 years ago
Roulet / Night
melissa carrizales
melissa carrizales - 9 years ago
by chance would anyone know(&advise) what the name of the song being played is?
melissa carrizales
melissa carrizales - 9 years ago
+Dan Wood awesome, thank you so much, dan! *=)
Dan Wood
Dan Wood - 9 years ago
+melissa carrizales you actually can get it here from the artist and allowed to use in your videos, just need to give credit:
melissa carrizales
melissa carrizales - 9 years ago
+allysther thank you~!! *=)
allysther - 9 years ago
+melissa carrizales It is in the credits, at 2:14. Says Roulet Night.
aleksandar koncek
aleksandar koncek - 9 years ago
Song please ?
SBERTOL84 - 9 years ago
Watch the video til the end
Poodle Fart
Poodle Fart - 9 years ago
Does anyone know where I can find more videos like this one, with aerial footage of breathtaking views of tropical paradises or beaches?
David Wesson
David Wesson - 9 years ago
+Poodle Fart +GCImagery 
Rachel - 9 years ago
SUP richie
SUP richie - 10 years ago
shot and edited by Eric, hard work and the love shows.
Christopher Dunkley
Christopher Dunkley - 10 years ago
Can the publisher tell what this was shot on? Was it the new DJI Inspire or Gopro4 or something else?
Daniel Leigh
Daniel Leigh - 9 years ago
+Christopher Dunkley we shot it with the inspire and our own rig which is a hexacopter with a gh4 mounted to it.
HalfCutVideos - 9 years ago
+Christopher Dunkley I dunno I’m drunk though.
-RCWASP- - 9 years ago
+Christopher Dunkley It looks like Inspire.
Nordik - 10 years ago
I'm glad to say i went there once. Beautiful place.
Igna GC
Igna GC - 9 years ago
+bjalldalable hawaii, island of oahu north shore
the beach is called banzai pipeline
mze - 9 years ago
+Nordik lmao so im not the only editor that surfs?
Nordik - 9 years ago
+bjalldalable There are many spots shown in this video such as Pipeline and Turtle Bay. It's very nice out there.
Johan - 9 years ago
+Nordik WHERE IS IT!? I NEED to know. I'm already packing my bags xD
Lea Sophie
Lea Sophie - 10 years ago
Planet earth is beautiful !

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About Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K

The "Surf From Above | Oahu's North Shore in 4K" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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