Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Occy, Barton, Parko and more explain and surf the most ingenious take on artificial waves we've witnessed thus far.

Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Surf 6 years ago 197,617 views

Occy, Barton, Parko and more explain and surf the most ingenious take on artificial waves we've witnessed thus far.

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Most popular comments
for Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 6 years ago
this looks very ecological for 10 happy people
WLG WLG - 6 years ago
big ass thumbtack
palomares - 6 years ago
palomares - 6 years ago
Organic waves out of a machine! Cooooool! Thanks for bringing the tech in!
The High Scry
The High Scry - 6 years ago
Humans are awesome.
Paulino diaz lorenzo
Paulino diaz lorenzo - 6 years ago
Una maravilla!!
David Byrne
David Byrne - 6 years ago
What is the song called??
Curtis Newton
Curtis Newton - 6 years ago
machine for wankers
Sacred Cow Living
Sacred Cow Living - 6 years ago
Pretty awesome:)

10. comment for Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Andrew Otvos
Andrew Otvos - 6 years ago
Is it salt water?
Glenn Turner
Glenn Turner - 6 years ago
People are gonna laugh when I tell them my next surf trip will be at Yeppoon!!:)))
A Twogun
A Twogun - 6 years ago
It's cool to see different idea's coming out for wave machines but this one sure is ugly as fuck and small. Something my Mrs. keeps reminding me of.
Bully Dully
Bully Dully - 6 years ago
What about three movements? Too much?
dean cooper
dean cooper - 6 years ago
why are the wave pools always puching small waves …………….where is the 8-15ft …. c'mon
Leonardo Mirso
Leonardo Mirso - 6 years ago
Tem que reposicionar mais pra dentro a maquina, fazer uma profundidade maior na piscina e aumentar a capacidade de velocidade e pressao na descida da maquina para fazer ondas grandes.
Saint Christopher
Saint Christopher - 6 years ago
my dad is the inventor, entrepeuner, and OWNER of this place. sorry to bust the collective nutsack of wavepool surfers, but he is disappointed with this weak ass knee high wave, and is going to be demolishing it in a bout 6 months. get it while its hot kooks
VitoshkoLale - 6 years ago
If you combine it with a solar powered tower you will create a new religion
rory mcelhinney
rory mcelhinney - 6 years ago
this is pretty sick
F B - 6 years ago

20. comment for Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Wise Flys
Wise Flys - 6 years ago
They should have this in every lake around the world
Sub for Sub tube
Sub for Sub tube - 6 years ago
Sub for Sub tube
Sub for Sub tube - 6 years ago
SaulOhio - 6 years ago
So you are doing this in Queensland, where you can go to the ocean to surf. Why don't you do it in Cleveland, Ohio, were we don't get much surf?
we'll call you k
we'll call you k - 6 years ago
You get some lights and we'll be going all night
Sub for Sub tube
Sub for Sub tube - 6 years ago
we'll call you k
we'll call you k - 6 years ago
We love the concept. And the scale can actually probably get bigger. Hallelujah
saxonsteve - 6 years ago
This is AWESOME ! What is the cost dollar to put this together?
5thgearfreak - 6 years ago
Is that sand or concrete
MikeD Productions
MikeD Productions - 6 years ago
spicoli would be proud
James Mills
James Mills - 6 years ago
Way more interesting and better than the Slater machine.
Sub for Sub tube
Sub for Sub tube - 6 years ago
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 6 years ago
They already went as far as to make a wave pool. Why not make the waves way longer, and 10 feet bigger?!?!?

30. comment for Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Fabian Schmitz
Fabian Schmitz - 6 years ago
Damn, Barton Lynch looks like Jamie O'brien, but old
Pool Noodle
Pool Noodle - 6 years ago
All the more proof of the flat Earth
Pool Noodle
Pool Noodle - 6 years ago
+natho dynommiter just a joke
natho dynommiter
natho dynommiter - 6 years ago
how do you figure that ?
PLANET INFO - 6 years ago
PLEASE TELL ME IT RUNS ON SOLAR POWER!!!!!!! Who's going to be the first surfer getting sponsored by a big oil company?
Medwolf - 6 years ago
I'm sure I could build one
Fernando Ferrell
Fernando Ferrell - 6 years ago
Funny how culture is expressed in distinct ways to achieve similar results.. brute mechanics meets harmony and flow for the Aussies, polished high tech meets forceful replicated precision for Americans (Kelly's pool)
Renato Michelazzo
Renato Michelazzo - 6 years ago
better than kellys
Barry Bamboozal
Barry Bamboozal - 6 years ago
Occy never ages
Donner PartySupplies
Donner PartySupplies - 6 years ago
You have a circular wave pool, and a circular generator. Come on mates, think. You need to corkscrew the waves, so you can continue on a wave indefinitely. Jim
Phil Mooney
Phil Mooney - 6 years ago
Jealous az just saying.
Makta972 - 6 years ago
Honestly that was Gay
jin isida
jin isida - 6 years ago
Occy ! He looks young just reverse age?
getl0st - 6 years ago
This design is cute but the energy of the waves seems to dissipate pretty quickly.

Kelly's wave pool design doesn't have this problem and the rides are much, much longer.......
BALLISTICJELLY - 6 years ago
Wonder if this wave pool will kill people from dirty water, should be called sewer surfing.
Thomas Rebotier
Thomas Rebotier - 6 years ago
I don't care who surfs it, when you DROP A STONE IN THE WATER IT'S CALLED A RIPPLE, MATE, not a wave!
Merlin Man
Merlin Man - 6 years ago
Simply amazing.
Surfsuckers - 6 years ago
Ya Any great whites out there brew
Anthony Lemkendorf
Anthony Lemkendorf - 6 years ago
Still don’t know how it works. But it looks cool and social unlike the single wave one in California.
Post Disclosure World
Post Disclosure World - 6 years ago
Great concept. Just need to double the size and we'll be talking.
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 6 years ago
Probably the best design for a wave pool yet I think, you can see the potential it has with the 360 degrees and 4 peaks so you can have 8 guys riding at one time. You may even be able to add more breaking waves around it too. Imagine those waves at 4-6 foot which looks very achievable with a bigger machine.
Hotwire - 6 years ago
Will need to build a brewery as well because it gets bloody hot in Yappoon.

50. comment for Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Dwayne Butler
Dwayne Butler - 6 years ago
Uh no thanks amateur ville pumping 6 inch waves how gay
Kane Christopher
Kane Christopher - 6 years ago
yet you can't afford the ticket
Mauricio Silva
Mauricio Silva - 6 years ago
Kaleo Delatori
Kaleo Delatori - 6 years ago
When that thing starts pushing 3-4ft Hawaiian...THEN we have perfection
Hiago Marinho
Hiago Marinho - 6 years ago
Que sonho
Dennis Patrick
Dennis Patrick - 6 years ago
Shan Nahs
Shan Nahs - 6 years ago
Rick Kane would love this.
Riverbreak Magazine
Riverbreak Magazine - 6 years ago
Sick idea, would be curious to see if this would also work in a wide, calm river. Keep (river) surfing everyone!
John A
John A - 6 years ago
OH dats S I C K ! ! ! ! !
comajoebuck999 - 6 years ago
Thought of this years ago. Glad to see a working model.
Simon Guthrie
Simon Guthrie - 6 years ago
If it was three foot bigger it would be three feet!
FranktheDachshund - 6 years ago
Coolest thing in recent memory, just for the study of waves alone it is cool.
Thomas Harris
Thomas Harris - 6 years ago
I feel like this one feels more oceany than the others
Dick Berry
Dick Berry - 6 years ago
Assies don’t need wave pools! They have real waves everywhere!
palomares - 6 years ago
Yup, along with the sharks, nasty jelly fish and other dangers
cyberanswer - 6 years ago
10% of the surfers at Snapper get 90% of the waves. It's unfair. Plus maybe there's let need to go to Indo to find perfection
jscf92 - 6 years ago
Loved it
Dylan Stark
Dylan Stark - 6 years ago
so rad
Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock - 6 years ago
I wonder how you can protect your skegs at the shore - maybe flatten out the slope so the wave fades just before you get there? Or can you somehow add a sandy bottom without the sand shifting too badly? Or add this machine to a genuine lake?
CARLVERSUS6 - 6 years ago
i am loving the concept! it must be awesome being close to that wave producing soup bowl! i wil surf that all day!! kind regards from saffa country. awesome wave pool guys!!
djconeuk - 6 years ago
Shape looks good, only thing missing is size! Great potential!
marsupio marsu
marsupio marsu - 6 years ago
How many KW of energy for 1 wave ?
Tal256 - 6 years ago
So much hype over a wave that looks worse than most amusement park wavepools.
BIG POPPA - 6 years ago
Please bring one to Ny!!!
humans inc
humans inc - 6 years ago
Kelly was laughing watching this video
Bodyboarding Chronicles
Bodyboarding Chronicles - 6 years ago
I like try!
Viktor Vaughn
Viktor Vaughn - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed this Young Henrys advertisement
Austin Irwin
Austin Irwin - 6 years ago
Pier from Wordeys
Pier from Wordeys - 6 years ago
Imagine if it looked like the Chicago bean and was silent like a Tesla

Ps. Fun thought experiment: would you be able to create this with very big rubber bands that are tied to the top and make the weight shoot up (and then fall down and bounce to create waves) when released? Then you only have to span the rubber bands by pulling the weight down underwater with cables tied to the bottom. Might be more silent and energy efficient than having to lift it up in the air? Also, you can put the engine on land. Or does it not work that way? :)
leslielani1980 - 6 years ago
So much joy
Robert Tudor
Robert Tudor - 6 years ago
Early days, but looks far too mushy. Hopefully goes to full capacity as they say.
Ollie Whitham
Ollie Whitham - 6 years ago
Would be fun on a boog
Coach Zac
Coach Zac - 6 years ago
Fuckkkk that's insane... legit use to Imagine having something like this on the flat days 10 years when I'd surf 0 to 1ft as a bored teenager LOL amazing
C - 6 years ago
Very DaVinci like! COOL
thomas oconnor
thomas oconnor - 6 years ago
time to go nuclear powered 8 ft
Ryan Johnson
Ryan Johnson - 6 years ago
That's really beautiful
jfd889 - 6 years ago
now add some crocs and sharks to make it interesting...
wildebeast - 6 years ago
Tiny waves ? And that horrible sound
Kenji Thomas
Kenji Thomas - 6 years ago
Why do they have instead of cairns
Kurt Cumming
Kurt Cumming - 6 years ago
Been a bit down lately, surfed all my life until recent events. This video made me genuinely happy.
KS wave pool, Texas and the others all seem so epic. But this just seems, so fun. Mad little peak for late drops, longer rights, heaps of easier peaks..
This is awesome. Love to come up once It's done!
Large Jo
Large Jo - 6 years ago
Cool I live just north of there, and there is no waves at all. I’m very interested in this
Ian Montgomery
Ian Montgomery - 6 years ago
Its appears to have some potential but its going too need to be a lot bigger and longer to attract anyone who is over 10. Its also a bit early to be saying its the best wave pool ever made. Slater has that arse kicked currently.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Occy sporting the beer belly! Nice work man!
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
This wave is the future for us non semi pros...
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
The fact that Mich Crews and Connor O’Leary were in my home town still baffles me... I’m still devo I didn’t sit at the airport and fan boi them. Maybe STAB could swing me a message next time the lads are in town so I can at least be like “hey cheers for the inspiration ya madddawgs”
Boomer Mcgee
Boomer Mcgee - 6 years ago
will the public ever get access to this site
Lord Buts
Lord Buts - 6 years ago
SurfingKook - 6 years ago
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Occ and the crew have designed the BEST wave pool by far!!! It dishes out multiple sets. It has multiple breaks. Lefts and rights. If they can make the wave 2-4ft bigger then this will likely be the pool built all over the world. Can't wait to surf it!
Shred Daze
Shred Daze - 6 years ago
That there brain amoeba
lion heart
lion heart - 6 years ago
Fuck. Im impressed.
Lets buy one
Flight Sim Joe
Flight Sim Joe - 6 years ago
Pretty neat and a good idea but needs some work
Hayden Palmer
Hayden Palmer - 6 years ago
It would be great to have a little more "explained"
raindogred - 6 years ago
I don't reckon we will see this design near capitol cities due to high land prices..and looks like they need a massive block of dirt. Only way might be for local councils or state govt to step in and convert existing parklands. Other issue is most of the population base in Qld is in the South East..brisso, logan and goldy...have to drive past the sunny coast to get to yepoon...who could be assed (for now)???...then have to pay top dollar for typical waves we surf for free..they def need bigger wave faces and longer rides, before opening to the public....still as a ptototype it's pretty cool, and you can see it potential. If a farmer with a lot of land built a scaled up version..could be good tourist an inland mini-sea and have a bunch of powered...plenty room for it in oz:)
raúl rodriguez
raúl rodriguez - 6 years ago
100$ 12 waves, this is a shit!

100. comment for Surf Lakes Explained: The Plunge Pool In Review

Steven Wilson
Steven Wilson - 6 years ago
They're only getting 2 or 3 turns max... I'm wondering if the bigger ones will give them a little longer ride. Looks pretty awesome though.
mitchell nesbitt
mitchell nesbitt - 6 years ago
Pumping half foot waves woohoo
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Two inch Hawaiian
Buck Ashcraft
Buck Ashcraft - 6 years ago
Does anyone see the funny connection between Occy, the North Shore movie and Connor O'Leary riding a "Twinny" in the pool...I mean lake?
Sean Jahnig
Sean Jahnig - 6 years ago
So stoked to see more on this. Exciting times ahead!
mckimms - 6 years ago
Best waves in Yepoon
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
mckimms google Yeppoon cyclone swell... we get some nice waves on Nth east swells.
Филипп Спиридонов
Филипп Спиридонов - 6 years ago
Проект мечты !!!!
MicBergsma - 6 years ago
Invite my friend Ben Gravy!
palomares - 6 years ago
Yey! Thought about Ben Gravy immediately :-)
Calvinmalvin J
Calvinmalvin J - 6 years ago
Danny Lani what you meannnm
Rayn - 6 years ago
NitoriousGaming fuck you ben gravy cock sucker. Why does hé deserve to get all the good stuff always. Let skmeone else have A piece of the pie and get his Dick out of yr mouth
Kane Christopher
Kane Christopher - 6 years ago
+Danny Lani if you're implying that no one watches my videos then you should get your eyes checked dumbass!
how are you telling me to get a life when you're the one hating people here? literally those who dont have lives tend to spread hatred ! by you hating on a guy who inspires people and gives positive vibes through his content makes you look pathetic ! is your life that sad so you have to hate on others whose good lives ??
Kane Christopher
Kane Christopher - 6 years ago
+Danny Lani if you're implying that no one watches my videos then you should get your eyes checked dumbass
Kane Christopher
Kane Christopher - 6 years ago
+Danny Lani you are shit compared to Ben! go get a life!!
Danny Lani
Danny Lani - 6 years ago
NitoriousGaming Fuk You Too!
Kane Christopher
Kane Christopher - 6 years ago
+Danny Lani fuck you too shithead
Edmund Snyder
Edmund Snyder - 6 years ago
Just came here from watching him at Slater’s wave pool
Greg Lucero
Greg Lucero - 6 years ago
Ben gravy, thumbs down!
Iain Peterson
Iain Peterson - 6 years ago
shaneleew - 6 years ago
@Ben Gravy! For the dream!
NitoriousGaming - 6 years ago
Danny Lani fuk you
Danny Lani
Danny Lani - 6 years ago
Fuk Ben Gravy!
Technoloman - 6 years ago
@ben gravy
jason funderberker
jason funderberker - 6 years ago
@Ben Gravy
Bernd Stanciu
Bernd Stanciu - 6 years ago
@Ben Gravy!
Lurgs - 6 years ago
Mother Nature does a much better job but if you are 1,000 miles from the sea then why not. It's got potential.
Hunter Black
Hunter Black - 6 years ago
This is sick!!!
getl0st - 6 years ago
Looks like the perfect home for Crocodiles....
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
I can’t see them walking 20km from the river or ocean to the pool . I’ve lived here for 25 years and never seen a salty crock in that area.
Hotwire - 6 years ago
It is definitely in croc country and they have legs.
FranktheDachshund - 6 years ago
Add sslt and stock it with a Great White for excitement.
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
getl0st not close enough to any creeks with crocodiles in them my dude.
koro287 - 6 years ago
I smell the usual exclusivity...
Island life
Island life - 6 years ago
This is brilliant !
Unicorn GTR
Unicorn GTR - 6 years ago
Another knee slapper
Krumbzii - 6 years ago
Where are they going to open up the actual wavepool
iflynoosa - 6 years ago
+Harry Wood
we`re working on changing the name , gives us a break
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
The council is pushing for it.
Harry Wood
Harry Wood - 6 years ago
somewhere in queens land near this one
Humphrey Smiggens
Humphrey Smiggens - 6 years ago
Throw some uranium into the gas tank, y'know.... see what happens
bodhi tree
bodhi tree - 6 years ago
Willy Wonka surf lakes.
Steve Q
Steve Q - 6 years ago
Incredible! Very "Mad Max"
Crusaders hu Akbar
Crusaders hu Akbar - 6 years ago
will it have brain eating amoeba`s like the american`s have ?
Crusaders hu Akbar
Crusaders hu Akbar - 6 years ago
+LB Jon
as opposed to the spirit cooking hag witch who`s base are a bunch of lgbtqp, racists, liars, satanists, antifaggots, BLM, KKK and dimwitted commies who are driven by free stuff from the government. i will gladly take that orange man , any day of the week
LB Jon
LB Jon - 6 years ago
iflynoosa the orange baboon is a fraud and his base is a bunch of fearful cowards who are driven by hate. You can have that POS!
iflynoosa - 6 years ago
+Noah Lossing
when the orange man is finished dealing with your marxist scum he`s welcome to deal with ours too, our "leaders" are a bunch of limp wristed wankers
Noah Lossing
Noah Lossing - 6 years ago
don't forget without us you have no leader to ask for help
Red Line
Red Line - 6 years ago
0Epic0 - 6 years ago
Probably, they love stagnant water.
Shaun Dmyszewicz
Shaun Dmyszewicz - 6 years ago
Amazing times we r living in! I’m a land locked surfer and this gives me great hope for surfing anywhere!!!
jAke.420 - 6 years ago
They look like decent Florida waves
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
jAke.420 our beaches here in Yeppoon have a simulator shittiness to Florida waves.
Bryce Laffer
Bryce Laffer - 6 years ago
I want one
Brett Jackman
Brett Jackman - 6 years ago
Ummmm ahhh haha ,get it to 8 foot and the kooks on their learner peaks will be getting fucked up left right and center,that will be awesome......their insurance premiums are hahahaaaaa going to be backed by outside sources,upwards of 50 million a year youd think,wavers dont mean shit.......Appart from all my bullshit,this thing is fucking amazing,add some size and length of ride and this thing will dominate the market.....
isaac fishman
isaac fishman - 6 years ago
ted william
ted william - 6 years ago
Like he said....if they get it pumping in rythm with the swell frequency and deeper water around the plunger it will make sick waves.
John Jelks
John Jelks - 6 years ago
이주남 - 6 years ago
how much does it cost to build this amazing thing? I really want it to bring in South Korea.
getminesallday24 - 6 years ago
Kim jung un will send a rocket into it dont buy it instead use that money people escape nk
endwido - 6 years ago
20 million
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 6 years ago
Why is this one more cool than the others... To me. I mean.
Howard Acquistapace
Howard Acquistapace - 6 years ago
Travis Bickle2.0
U mean aka Taxi Driver from the movie?
"you talkin' to me?
must be I don't see anybody else here! So you must be talkin' to me.
In real life the actor Robert DiNiro?
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 6 years ago
That part is awesome, brilliant... Something also aesthetically, about the form, design, the function, the colors, textures. The concept is really next level, for a wave pool. For me, the ocean will always be the star of the show, the life sustaining source. +Dennis Patrick
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 6 years ago
Yes... @+Fred Smith
Dennis Patrick
Dennis Patrick - 6 years ago
As described, MULTIPLE SURF BREAKS as opposed to ONE ONLY.
Fred Smith
Fred Smith - 6 years ago
Yeah same Trav.
Has a cooler vibe. Kelly's reminds me of a corporate theme park for the elite.
TJ Soulsurfer
TJ Soulsurfer - 6 years ago
Travis Bickle2.0 Variety
Aaron leghissa
Aaron leghissa - 6 years ago
open to public??
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
Mitch crews is a Fagot
Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein - 6 years ago
What board model is occy using on the lake?
SassyAssasin - 6 years ago
I like how they call it Surf Lakes Explained yet explain nearly nothing of it, and we have almost no understanding on how it works.
Nick Carver
Nick Carver - 6 years ago
It's like a big rain drop dewd
Sacha Albarda
Sacha Albarda - 6 years ago
+SassyAssasin plus the costs involved, projected earnings, annual maintenance, ROI, overheads and CPP (cost per plunge)
Dozer1642 - 6 years ago
SassyAssasin, yeah. Your right. This is horrible. You should totally go to cheeky cat videos and forget you ever accidentally clicked on this terrible video on YouTube that does nothing to entertain you.

God speed Einstein.
Murphy James
Murphy James - 6 years ago
That an old barge type pile driver converted to that awesomeness. It a big welded bowl attached to a steam piston. Easy. Got 100 acres? Ill build u one. Lemme know.
John  Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
The diagram was all you need. It shows the topography of the lake bottom. This determines how the water moving across the surface will react.
SassyAssasin - 6 years ago
oof you seem a bit angry is it because your soft top longboard hit you in the head kook
Ryan Johnson
Ryan Johnson - 6 years ago
Dude I'm not going to read this entire thread but the pipe lifts up under pressure. The guy explained it.. watch the video . I'm an asshole. I'll let u figure out why
Jason McDonald
Jason McDonald - 6 years ago
+jp007830 totally, dude
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
Ace Ventura
Ace Ventura - 6 years ago
SassyAssasin your brain isn’t working correctly.
socalisskateable - 6 years ago
That’s honestly how most surf videos are haha
SassyAssasin - 6 years ago
Well yeah I'm aware that they drop that thing but they should have explained how they contoured the bottom to make the waves different, and how the engine works.
Pierre-Louis Denaro
Pierre-Louis Denaro - 6 years ago
Also my reaction
stoke pusher
stoke pusher - 6 years ago
It's gotta be simple steam pressure. It'll give it that application of force... lets off some steam, thrusts again. I reckon one chamber will be the well insulted boiler tank and the other unit will be the pressure regulator/controls. With steam pressure you could make it react as abruptly as a shaken coke bottle and yet your still gonna get that smooth application of a sudden force. Main components are probably just the ballbearings allowing it to roll/bob up and down directly. I think they should make that steam rig look like an old steam train just for fun. Then they could call this tech 'Track Lines' or something, -'Puffer Pools' !!
jp007830 - 6 years ago
They lift and drop that big heavy thing.
Kyle Stanford
Kyle Stanford - 6 years ago
Where is it?
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
In ya moms ass
teesk - 6 years ago
Kyle Stanford if you watched the video buddy it’s near Yeppoon QLD
guyfromBR - 6 years ago
Maybe I'm a bit nostalgic, but I recall when Stab videos used to be more thorough and a tad deeper than this rushed thing here. It seems you've simply copied the shallowness of that pool. What a shame.
Adam Coyne
Adam Coyne - 6 years ago
HardFlip Mike
HardFlip Mike - 6 years ago
Interesting how artificial waves are evolving. Their all still subjective to the conditions created by the creator.
DavNerg - 6 years ago
Are we not extensions of the creator ? All is!
David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 6 years ago
Is this open to the public or only to the rich surfer club?
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Ole' Kelly is slapping his bald head saying duh!
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
The sea q board riders will... but their members went from 35 2 years ago to 150 this year...
ste bee
ste bee - 6 years ago
Aaron leghissa 4 + 4 = 2 people on each peak
Aaron leghissa
Aaron leghissa - 6 years ago
+teesk are you a genius? whats 4 + 4?
David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 6 years ago
teesk no shit cunt, sorry for asking...
teesk - 6 years ago
David Kavalcenti maybe it’s currently open to the people who invented and built it genius
Alex Boutilier
Alex Boutilier - 6 years ago
Obviously the rich, anything that is a new invention only goes to the rich first
HardFlip Mike
HardFlip Mike - 6 years ago
Big one.
David G
David G - 6 years ago
Mad max meets surf
ultravioletdreem - 6 years ago
Now dye the water red
sV3Z1 - 6 years ago
Nah, golden shower yellow.
Nety Bar
Nety Bar - 6 years ago
Rat Furnis
Rat Furnis - 6 years ago
Steam punk wave pool
David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 6 years ago
Any idea when the bigger swell is arriving there?
theChartist - 6 years ago
Check the weather report
Danny First
Danny First - 6 years ago
Should have been here yesterdie
J Dineen
J Dineen - 6 years ago
Based on my combined experience of making waves in swimming pools with a boogie board and day dreaming, the taper on the plunger needs to be longer and they need to be able to modify the speed and depth of the plunge.
Alex Laux
Alex Laux - 6 years ago
Any idea on how much bigger they could get the waves?
J Dineen
J Dineen - 6 years ago
100 feet
0Epic0 - 6 years ago
Can it make 100ft waves like in Nazaré ?
Ace Ventura
Ace Ventura - 6 years ago
greenhouse Productions stop smoking weed.
Ace Ventura
Ace Ventura - 6 years ago
This thing has huge potential.
Eion Sculley
Eion Sculley - 6 years ago
2.4m in the face they believe.
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
+DavNerg this aint the ocean ....KOOOOOOK
DavNerg - 6 years ago
greenhouse Productions
Keep it shallow? You scared of thick waves, kook? I luckily live where the surfbreaks are off of deepwater, hardly any energy lost from travel of powerful storm energy. No resistance from ground. Thick, powerful waves. High salt density too. Australians should know, similar conditions. The energy that we surf works differently all across the varied conditions on earth. So many variables come into play during one surf sesh. So complex and novel. That's why it's a life long exploration experience. To indulge and observe and grow
Alex Laux
Alex Laux - 6 years ago
+Caden Fuchs yeah looked it up after posting
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
+Barney Allen aaaaaaaghhghgg!!
Barney Allen
Barney Allen - 6 years ago
+greenhouse Productions relax a bit man
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
+Archie Warneford energy consumption wise.......not logical.....Im glad ur not designing these lol
Archie Warneford
Archie Warneford - 6 years ago
+greenhouse Productions He means make it deeper in the centre as it would make more powerful waves when it comes onto that shallow bank
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
Ur missing the point dude.....its called a slab.....making deeper would not be cost effective
Caden Fuchs
Caden Fuchs - 6 years ago
+greenhouse Productions naw man I love em. But if you made the wave go from deep water to shallow water quickly, and upgraded the hydraulic swell pump thing, it would make the waves bigger and heavier.
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
+Caden Fuchs make it deeper??? You scared of hollow waves kook
Luca Rendle
Luca Rendle - 6 years ago
8 ft they said in another video
Caden Fuchs
Caden Fuchs - 6 years ago
You seem to know the answer then.
Alex Laux
Alex Laux - 6 years ago
From a beachgrit article: “We had our first waves yesterday but we’re not at 100 percent capacity yet. We at around forty percent,” says media director and former Tracks magazine editor Wayne Dart, who says the first waves were two, maybe three foot. “We’re analysing all the numbers, making sure we can get it to full size and not break it, essentially. But, this afternoon, there’ll be waves that are overhead. From an engineering perspective, all the numbers are matching. We’re confident it will handle full-tilt.”
Caden Fuchs
Caden Fuchs - 6 years ago
It'd have to be in a different pool though
Caden Fuchs
Caden Fuchs - 6 years ago
They could upgrade the hydraulics and make it deeper
Lachie Porter
Lachie Porter - 6 years ago
teq - 6 years ago
sick tech

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