Surf Mix

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Most popular comments
for Surf Mix

Chris Kleckner
Chris Kleckner - 6 years ago
still my favorite song to video, Unbelievable ~~~
P Diddy
P Diddy - 7 years ago
What style of music is this?
Chris Kleckner
Chris Kleckner - 7 years ago
Pulls me out of some dark funk, thanx~~~
Leleo 2.0
Leleo 2.0 - 7 years ago
Mega Nice
Hannah Wan
Hannah Wan - 7 years ago
The camera guys though
Yuri Boyka
Yuri Boyka - 7 years ago
I'm also a DJ
Yuri Boyka
Yuri Boyka - 7 years ago
I'm a professional surfer. Check out my Instargram @dj_mountain_dew
Yuri Boyka
Yuri Boyka - 7 years ago
Surfing for life bruh
Chris Kleckner
Chris Kleckner - 7 years ago
Inspirational~~~ Love it~~~

10. comment for Surf Mix

Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 7 years ago
Awesome vid
Ada Demren
Ada Demren - 7 years ago
I love video thanks
Chris Kleckner
Chris Kleckner - 7 years ago
Amazing ~~~
Amina Shaikh
Amina Shaikh - 7 years ago
Chris Kleckner
Chris Kleckner - 7 years ago
Amazing, video and song bring me back after a bad day~~~~
Sarah Labhih
Sarah Labhih - 8 years ago
where ? in Australie, in américain,
MapleLeafs SuperFan84
MapleLeafs SuperFan84 - 8 years ago
Lots of Alana Blanchard in this vid too. Saw Kelly Slater and a couple other great surfers. Nice vid.
Enzo Rivas
Enzo Rivas - 8 years ago
Watch this while listening to The World as I See It by Jason Mraz, it's beautiful.
Emerson Andrade
Emerson Andrade - 8 years ago
porra surf
Marta Mazzetto
Marta Mazzetto - 8 years ago
I'm having an heart attack watching this! Love Mattafix's song and the mix of manevuers is stunning! Why too little views?! Unbelievable

20. comment for Surf Mix

Marcelo Gabrielli
Marcelo Gabrielli - 8 years ago
muitooo bom !!
Rhiannon Fuller-Sandys
Rhiannon Fuller-Sandys - 9 years ago
why are the girls just sitting trying to look hot? can they not do sport. how stupid
silversurfers7 - 9 years ago
.....Giving a real sense of freedom.... :)
Julien Gameur
Julien Gameur - 9 years ago
How is name the effect 1:28 please ?
AlikanSparkes - 9 years ago
This is incredible. I have one question though, I'm a rather passionate video enthusiast, but I can't figure out, how did you create the frozen time effect at 1:28 ? Did you use some processing software like After Effects? It doesn't look like slow motion. Any reply would be greatly appreciated! Great job!
Dave Vale
Dave Vale - 9 years ago
+AlikanSparkes I have seen that process before but always in studio's and with several cameras but I would think it would be very difficult in water and I wouldn't think it would be easy to swim around with a dozen or so cameras but if that's how it was done then I guess that's how they did it
AlikanSparkes - 9 years ago
+Dave “Quad Therapy” Vale Hey! it's been a while since I posted that comment, but I found the answer in the end. I've forgotten the name of the technique, but it involves an array of cameras that take a picture at the same time. All the photos can then be pieced together with special software to create a 3D construction of the image. Yeah... you need a lot of identical cameras. It's a cool effect, but requires a professional studio.
Dave Vale
Dave Vale - 9 years ago
I think whoever did this wants to keep it a secret as I have also asked this question every time I have seen this video posted and it has been reposted a lot in the last year
JakiFeldman - 9 years ago
Lorraine Ashby
Lorraine Ashby - 10 years ago
Not sure, but that looks like surfing champion KELLY SLATER right at the beginning and in the surf - am I right does anyone know?
305 surfer
305 surfer - 9 years ago
your welcome
Lorraine Ashby
Lorraine Ashby - 9 years ago
+305 surfer Thank you :))
305 surfer
305 surfer - 9 years ago
+Lorraine Ashby yes thats slater in the barrel at the beggining
Lorraine Ashby
Lorraine Ashby - 10 years ago
I posted this 5 months ago - feeling very nostalgic today - The Song is 'Living Darfur' by Mattafix.

The Soul Surfer expresses himself through his unity with the breaking wave, his body and board are extensions of his mind. No conscious thought is expended upon the surfing techiques he uses to express the spirit of the wave with casual virtuosity. 
Thomas Mitchell

PS  I am not 100% certain but I think that is KELLY SLATER right at the beginning running towards the sea and there are some shots of him surfing. 
Michael Kinder
Michael Kinder - 7 years ago
How did you do the video edit at 1:28? That was insane
Gustavo Arzich da Gama
Gustavo Arzich da Gama - 10 years ago
Song: Living Darfur (Official Music Video) - Mattafix 
Myles Harris
Myles Harris - 10 years ago
This video just made me feel like leaving the office, fetching my board and just head for the beach without any return! I cant wait for the day when I can pack my bags and board and just head off to a remote surf spot
Candy Derosier
Candy Derosier - 8 years ago
+Myles Harris Same brother! The job I have in a grocery store gives vacation time, depending on length of time working there. I'm tempted to take that vacation to where the spot may be & just live there for the remainder of my life.

30. comment for Surf Mix

winter is coming
winter is coming - 10 years ago
Josef Duffner
Josef Duffner - 10 years ago
Ganz grosses Kino.
Hervorragende Bilder,
Gekonnte Bearbeitung.
Schöne Szenen, tolle Farben.
Passende Vertonung.
Es grüßt...josef
MsVideoaccount - 10 years ago
amazing video and song!
Yannik Versace
Yannik Versace - 10 years ago
Awesome video!! Whats the name of the song
Noodle Soup
Noodle Soup - 10 years ago
Amazing! it's a dream of me to learn to surf!
Johny Pulker
Johny Pulker - 10 years ago
Nothing sweeter than watching the water take these surfers fot the sweetest ride. Ride it sugar man -- Ride it!
Cris Aqua Boy
Cris Aqua Boy - 10 years ago
Muiito bom :D
Mickaël Brancaz
Mickaël Brancaz - 10 years ago
vivement cet été que je retrouve ma planche ;)
Mickaël Brancaz
Mickaël Brancaz - 10 years ago
ouais mais quand tu surf et tu fais du triathlon tu rencontre des gens de bonne famille( des putain de bombes !!)
Bienmonpseudonul - 10 years ago
Moi une fois j'ai creusé un trou dans la plage et y'avais de l'eau et tout :D
mhmed ahmed
mhmed ahmed - 10 years ago
song name thxx
IceWarrior101 - 10 years ago
awesome video.
SABRI EL HATIMI - 10 years ago
Wooow freedom also the song i love it ..
SABRI EL HATIMI - 10 years ago
Wooow freedom also the song i love it ..
Mark Labbadia
Mark Labbadia - 10 years ago
Epic video Kelly and Alana in there makes you wanna get out there and hit some pipes!!!
CZ Majk
CZ Majk - 11 years ago
AndreGouveiaAF: song is Living Darfur - Mattafix ;-) 
Milivoj Cruz Cerda
Milivoj Cruz Cerda - 11 years ago
Really nice video....a lot of talents
Anna Sochneva
Anna Sochneva - 11 years ago
Amazing video!!!
Matthew Heffron
Matthew Heffron - 11 years ago
Tripped across this searching for some surfing footage. Incredible, just incredible, music, timing, visuals wow
Arun Singh
Arun Singh - 11 years ago
Could anybody send me its mp3 link at my id?
k1ng5urfer - 11 years ago
been watching this for a year and a half, still epic!
Ajay Singh
Ajay Singh - 11 years ago
This is so cool. My life SUCK. i am just normal. So boring.

50. comment for Surf Mix

MrLelefloc - 11 years ago
i watch this once a day
Pablo Montilla
Pablo Montilla - 11 years ago
Perfect Lifee
Sean McCoy
Sean McCoy - 11 years ago
is there a way to make this my screen saver? i just want to watch this every day haha i'd choose different music but still a masterpiece vid nonetheless
Katona Máté
Katona Máté - 11 years ago
What is the blond girl's name at : 3:08 ??
salervideo - 11 years ago
Belleza, esto es lo que quiero hacer toda mi vida
Leonardo Augusto
Leonardo Augusto - 11 years ago
como e o nome.da music?
kory seen
kory seen - 11 years ago
Great! Asowe! Tnaks for the video :)
vazke133 - 11 years ago
Great Vid, Great Edit, ... Just Beautiful!
MrNapsterCa - 12 years ago
Mattafix - Living Darfur
SnovaZdorova - 12 years ago
acabraham32 - 12 years ago
Dude Ikr! :D
Denis Couto
Denis Couto - 12 years ago
just 8917 ???? where's the world??
Rafael Alves
Rafael Alves - 12 years ago
Denis Couto
Denis Couto - 12 years ago
Real good!! congrat.!
aidano1o - 12 years ago
it would be SOOOO sick to be a surf camera man well cooler to be a pro surfer but it would still be sick
Rein Cole
Rein Cole - 12 years ago
This makes me wanna surf so bad right now!!!!!!
Flávio Andrade
Flávio Andrade - 13 years ago
k1ng5urfer - 13 years ago
@julianna0263 it's actually called "Living Darfur" by Mattafix, common mistake
olivia alexa
olivia alexa - 13 years ago
wow those are some beautiful waves
Denis Couto
Denis Couto - 13 years ago
Surf is life <3
k1ng5urfer - 13 years ago
best 4:13 seconds ever
Bruno Busato
Bruno Busato - 13 years ago
Iradissimo ! belo trabalho ;p

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The "Surf Mix" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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