Surf NYC (4K resolution)

Surf NYC: A 4K short for YouTube. Director: Adam Neustadter Director of Photography: James Henry Assistant Camera: Roxane Calvignac Producers: Adam Neustadter Shawn Christensen Damon Russell Editor: Cole Hannan Music: Dominic Matar Surfer: Morgan Collett

Surf NYC (4K resolution) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 196

Surf 14 years ago 1,128,772 views

Surf NYC: A 4K short for YouTube. Director: Adam Neustadter Director of Photography: James Henry Assistant Camera: Roxane Calvignac Producers: Adam Neustadter Shawn Christensen Damon Russell Editor: Cole Hannan Music: Dominic Matar Surfer: Morgan Collett

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Most popular comments
for Surf NYC (4K resolution)

r - 7 years ago
Surprised by everyone who's never seen the ocean flat. Pipeline in Oahu is flat all summer. You'd never know it hits 20+ for weeks in winter. NYC / LI season is August-November (hurricane season) we hit 10-15 shore breaks with a current that would make you piss. I'm sure most y'all writing negative comments wouldn't get in for that and never have! True surfers with real spirit don't put down a fellow surfing community. Many transplants in New York but those of us born and bred, we're ocean folk. Fishing boating surfing you name it. They hold the quicksilver pro here in Long Beach sometimes. The breaks in Montauk are famous. You're cool for being from Cali, brah, but nobody gives a fuck
r - 7 years ago
Get in when there's snow on the ground, the water temp is 33 degrees air temp in the negatives with windchill, not a soul to be seen unless you go with somebody, then talk shit about New York / east coast surfers! You wanna see dedicated passionate badasses, or you wanna act superior for surfing in perfect weather all the time? Everyone knows west coast is soft ;)
Romyo Nazmy
Romyo Nazmy - 7 years ago
mol grabbing his skateboard
CellarDoorx06 - 7 years ago
I love my Internet!
Ronsonmobile - 8 years ago
Some sick tubes u rode in this video my dude thanks!
JIX SAW - 8 years ago
was this video done on the ipad pro
miguel bejarano reyes
miguel bejarano reyes - 8 years ago
pero no habia olas XD
DKRecords - 8 years ago
This is NOT a Full 4K its 3840 x 1600 a FULL 4K is 3840 x 2160! Dont believe me Right click the video & click stats for NERDS!
Divya Bhatt
Divya Bhatt - 9 years ago
How can I find out at what resolution am I able to see this on my laptop?
Platinado Gamer
Platinado Gamer - 9 years ago
+Divya Bhatt In Control Panel find Display and then Resolution.
DragonSlayerEX - 9 years ago

10. comment for Surf NYC (4K resolution)

Stefan Stefaan
Stefan Stefaan - 9 years ago
My 2ghz Processor is too slow for this, lol ? and my RAM need 500mb.... wtf? Holy shit
activatepornforme - 9 years ago
Wow. This 4K video really shone on my overpriced iMac Retina - you can really see the detail on how shitty NYC really is. Like the narrative too, how NYC promises everything and then fucks you in the ass.
Stace's Churhaa Adventures
Stace's Churhaa Adventures - 10 years ago
must be waiting for an earthquake or something aye brah ahhaahha
Eric Marten
Eric Marten - 10 years ago
He's going to be waiting a long time for a wave...
Erik Conover
Erik Conover - 10 years ago
Loved the color grading you used...but surfing lake Atlantic lol? FLAT
Krzysztof Molak
Krzysztof Molak - 10 years ago
Bikelife productions
Bikelife productions - 10 years ago
whats he waiting for?
i hate the east coast KOOOKS
I guess thats head high in nyc
r - 7 years ago
Bikelife productions ... we live by the ocean dude, same shit as whatever super awesome place you're from. Sometimes it's flat sometimes it's raging
Encore1234567890 - 10 years ago
My i7 core desktop just laughed at this and ask for something more to do. lol
Ivan Ohanessian
Ivan Ohanessian - 10 years ago
I can't see the video in 4k
Incentium - 10 years ago
Your monitor can't take it.
Danich Ivanov
Danich Ivanov - 10 years ago
on my laptop(asus n56vz) runs smooth. but i don't really see a huge difference between UHd and FullHd on 1920x1080 screen. and i think that this technology was made for a movie theater, and not 42inch home tv. not either a phone, or a laptop. per today for everyday usage FullHd is more than enough i think. maybe after about 5 years things may change. my ipad retina is stunning btw)
Danich Ivanov
Danich Ivanov - 10 years ago
Incentium - 10 years ago
thats because you aren't actually seeing it at 4k. Your monitor limits you to FHD UNLESS downsampling.

20. comment for Surf NYC (4K resolution)

Aposlan RC2 FR
Aposlan RC2 FR - 10 years ago
I have optique fiber and he have 10 fps in this fucking video its a joke ? :D
Stephen Potter
Stephen Potter - 10 years ago
only goes up to 720p, i have a 2014 macbook pro retina, besides 4k, it doesn't show me an option for 1080p????
Baka Tenshi
Baka Tenshi - 10 years ago
Finally a 4K video on YouTube!!!
Now, my HD Graphics' ultimate test...(i5 3210M)...begins.
Nicholas - 10 years ago
video was a bit choppy for me, the playback. no issues with buffering though 50mbps <3

probably my CPU tho, any help?

cpu: amd phenom ii x4 965 3.4ghz
gpu: amd radeon hd 7950
ram: 6gb
brian head
brian head - 10 years ago
I can play 2160P perfectly off my 5.7 Ghz Overclocked Pentium 4 EE computer. I just put a liquid nitrogen block on the Cpu and used a hybrid motherboard with 16 GB of Corsair Dominator heatsink DDR2 RAM and 2 Nvidia 660 Ti's in SLI ....EVGA 750i Motherboard PCIe 2.0 2x16 SLI FTW!!!

 haha just kidding!
Aposlan RC2 FR
Aposlan RC2 FR - 10 years ago
James Martin-Davies
James Martin-Davies - 10 years ago
Was going to say, I'm play 4K off my bog standard 200 pound laptop plugged in to a 4K TV without a hiccup.
brian head
brian head - 10 years ago
BTW...there are no waves!  He'll be waitin' for a LONG time!
Incentium - 10 years ago
+longlivegoodpeople haha
longlivegoodpeople - 10 years ago
There was actually supposed to be a tsunami within 4 hours. 
brian head
brian head - 10 years ago
Its not about bandwidth always....Its not about cpus and gpus always...ALL YOU PEOPLE GET OFF YOUTUBE!!!  Then I can watch it!
Reflection Zenite
Reflection Zenite - 10 years ago
No buffering,video card:AMD A8-5600k 3,6ghz no lag.
8 Bit Tree Productions
8 Bit Tree Productions - 10 years ago
Rui Pedro Silva
Rui Pedro Silva - 10 years ago
LOL Nice video... BUT NO WAVES!!! SHAME... REALLY...
Joe Davey
Joe Davey - 10 years ago
ahaha yeah i saw that.... :3

30. comment for Surf NYC (4K resolution)

lynchmob72 - 10 years ago
Wish i was watching this on an actual 4k screen...also, no problems with 150mb until i got about a min into it. Then it started skipping, but it's 8 PM, so i kind of expect that.
Gabriel's Movies
Gabriel's Movies - 10 years ago
Tuco Salamanca
Tuco Salamanca - 10 years ago
i3-550 3.20 could handle it. not bad.
william5357 - 10 years ago
I watched all the videos, no buffering at all (:
Athon Aron
Athon Aron - 10 years ago
O processador pira
SluttyPop - 10 years ago
The quality isn't that good
Jonny Wilson
Jonny Wilson - 10 years ago
No buffering at all, Impressive.
Mhc - 10 years ago
Can't select 4k. why?
Olly West
Olly West - 10 years ago
Oh, how I love you, Intel Core i5-4440...
Ryan Speck
Ryan Speck - 10 years ago
i7 quad with gtx 770m running cpu at 2-3% in full screen
Julian Valencia
Julian Valencia - 10 years ago
ahhh my poor nyc :( all that traveling to show up for a flat day -__- hahahaha gotta get on that magicseaweeed! 
Dale - 10 years ago
i can only watch in 1080p without lag but 4k works with some lags :(
MisterGamer GameplaysVideos
MisterGamer GameplaysVideos - 10 years ago
fuck, some peoples running 4k, and my PC cannot run HD only 480p...
Alexander Bochkarev
Alexander Bochkarev - 10 years ago
10mbit is pretty enough for this shit
larender - 10 years ago
el que se pueda ver en esa calidad me sorprende pero da mas lag que el dead rising o que la compania de steam y por poco supera a internet explorer
Connor Saiche
Connor Saiche - 10 years ago
I'd have more luck headbutting through concrete than watching this at native resolution :L
Kolonel Marc
Kolonel Marc - 11 years ago
loading in 4K res took 3 seconds lol (on 180mbs)
idk what buffering all of you are talking about
Антон Костоусов
Антон Костоусов - 11 years ago
я не дождался загрузки
jojomaster - 11 years ago
very very long load time with DSL 3k, but had no problems watching it on an iMac (i5 2,9Ghz, 8GB DDR3 RAM,  GeForce GT 750M)
David G. Tran
David G. Tran - 11 years ago
Something tells me he doesn't know much about surfing - there were no waves when he got to the water

50. comment for Surf NYC (4K resolution)

Samuel Bétrisey
Samuel Bétrisey - 11 years ago
Fine with 50Mbps, no need to wait for buffering :)
But I haven't a 4K screen haha
HeyIt'sCindy - 10 years ago
same here
Prydaz - 11 years ago
dammm 2 hours to watch 2 min vids on 4K wtf worlds is going please #bitchPlease
Wade Quilty
Wade Quilty - 11 years ago
What is going on is that you probably have insufficient bandwidth to actually play the video in 4K. #facepalm  
Paul Davidson
Paul Davidson - 11 years ago
913,061 people TRIED to watch this
Incentium - 10 years ago
Not many people have a 3840x1080 monitor. It's not possible anymore with the new AMD drivers.
DJ C. - 10 years ago
And ONE succeeded haha
Himede888881 - 11 years ago
you need at least 50mps to watch this that's my guess. im at 57 mps & i still get lag at 4k resolution
Massive Douche
Massive Douche - 11 years ago
You're getting lag because your computer doesn't have high enough specs to run it smoothly. The only thing that would be affected by your connection would be stream time.
Lil_ Danny904
Lil_ Danny904 - 11 years ago
im watchtin 4k on my macbook pro retina an it doesn't look too impressive
Antimatter31 - 9 years ago
+Massive Douche This is a quad HD video. So to watch it at full quality, he would need a Quad HD screen. Like the 5k iMac or an Asus monitor (its got a long name, I cba to look for it).
Ryan Speck
Ryan Speck - 10 years ago
+ED Films retina sucks... apple sucks... get a real computer, a real 4k monitor, and a real internet connection 
brownboii305 - 10 years ago
Macbook sucks balls! Thats why. 
ED Films
ED Films - 11 years ago
What are you talking about? I'm on my retina display MacBook and it looks fantastic!
Massive Douche
Massive Douche - 11 years ago
Probably cause you're watching it on a mac ya 'tard. Retina display is just a hype term. It means nothing.  To fully experience this, you need to play it on a nice big HDTV.
MasterGaming - 11 years ago
omg 4k is amazing :D
Joseph Gilbert
Joseph Gilbert - 11 years ago
oscarmac34 - 11 years ago
lo pongo en 4K y mi pc explota 
Garner Marshall
Garner Marshall - 11 years ago
Immersed - 11 years ago
A video about surfing, with no surfing :-)
Carspotter Jeroen
Carspotter Jeroen - 11 years ago
Looking good! 
Mark Roldan
Mark Roldan - 11 years ago
dude forgot his roller blades and scooter.
Luca Caovilla
Luca Caovilla - 11 years ago
fuck that, I even have 4K monitor hahaha
Michi Lo
Michi Lo - 11 years ago
i can watch it only in 240p =(
Julio Villanueva
Julio Villanueva - 11 years ago
Don't be fooled. The fact you are watching this videos doesn't mean you're watching it in 4k, which is what's intended to. It all depends on resolution of your monitor. I'm watching it with my mac air and it looks awesome, but it's only 720p. You need a monitor with at least 3840 x 2160 pixels or 4096 x 2160. That's 4K.
Huehuehue - 11 years ago
we are the waves?
Christopher - 11 years ago
It played quite well on my connection, it wasn't perfect but overall at full resolution it was watchable. Then again your monitor, bandwidth, video card all play a factor. Good to know I can watch 4K video, I won't push to 8K !
mattalones93 - 11 years ago
For people talking about your graphics card, the CPU drives YouTube unless you do something REALLY tricky.
itsLean ★
itsLean ★ - 11 years ago
HTML5 definitely don't work well with this resolution. Bring back the flash player, Google! 
itsLean ★
itsLean ★ - 11 years ago
+TheError404 may be a difference bbetween video cards or idk, but in chrome with my computer I can watch 1080p perfectly with flash (50% cpu usage avergae) but not with HTML5 (99,9% cpu usage, fps totally limited)
TheError404 - 11 years ago
Hmmm, for me HTML5 is FAAAR less laggy with 4k than the flash player.
thlamz - 11 years ago
third day buffering and loaded the first 3 seconds
Private - 11 years ago
What is layer (black edge): 1920 x 900 ? Thanks! Amazing video!
Rodrigo Klepacz
Rodrigo Klepacz - 11 years ago
digging that anamorphic juiciness! (a bit disappointed with the 'surfing')
vic2net - 11 years ago
LOL I use processor 1 core sempron 2 Ghz,Geforce 7800 LE 128 mb video,and monitor resolution is only 1152x864,and people who have Full HD monitors,wtf you want 4K?
Zishan Mei
Zishan Mei - 11 years ago
the video's quality is amazing, and for those who don't know, 4k quality is like 4 1080p screens put into one
Trombley - 11 years ago
Yes,but it's pretty darn fine compared to the regular "potato videos" on youtube.
pakkiaman2 - 11 years ago
you can say what do you prefer but I SEE THE DIFFERENCE EVEN A LITTLE ps i have a 7970 hd AMD
BUDA20 - 11 years ago
Too much compression in the original
ekiroto9 - 11 years ago
Maybe he was planning on paddling across the atlantic to Ireland or something. Don't get me wrong there are beaches in Queens and out further on Long Island that get small but surfable waves and bigger ones during hurricane season but this is a bad day at the wrong beach. Clearly these guys don't know much about surfing in NYC.
davi1 - 11 years ago
should be called "Flat NYC" lame.
trued1 - 11 years ago
What about a 27" iMac?
cKes - 11 years ago
Its funny how the quality option doesnt say hd when viewing in 4k
Becker Brothers
Becker Brothers - 11 years ago
There're still more detail. Morons.
Andrew Massey
Andrew Massey - 11 years ago
The Retina MBP's screen is not 4K, and the scaling that has to be done for the video to be presented properly is more than likely making it worse than 4K. If it had a 4K screen on it, it would look absolutely superb.
Bassoca - 11 years ago
No 4000X2000
PainDespairForlornEnlightenment - 11 years ago
Yes, you will be able to spot the herpes directly after 4K!
Дмитрий Хрюстов
Дмитрий Хрюстов - 11 years ago
Ulysses - 11 years ago
I'm watching this in 360p
MsAllvideo - 11 years ago
I Can't Play it smoothly with 4K...
ekiroto9 - 11 years ago
ummm where's the waves?
RastaWorldPeace - 11 years ago
i'm watching this on my retina macbook pro and the 4k resolution does not look better than 1080p! oO
BunnyCentauri - 11 years ago
David Hughes
David Hughes - 11 years ago
4K resolution is 4096 × 3072 so if you're computer's max resolution is only 1920 x 1080 or 1920 x 1200 you won't see anywhere near what 4K is like.
michaelbhs05yb - 11 years ago
Or rather, what it WON'T do for porn. ;-)
nexus1g - 11 years ago
It's sad to see people complaining about their computer not even being able to handle playing the video, and here I am actually able to stream more than the bitrate necesasry to play the video.
NanoTech Ent
NanoTech Ent - 11 years ago
Awesome. This will go great with our new Nuvola NP-1. The very first 4k streaming player!
JDSP - 11 years ago
there is actually a large increase in bitrate which is visable
acalarmarrrr - 11 years ago
Plenty of 1440p monitors out there.
Kawaii Usagi
Kawaii Usagi - 11 years ago
Somehow this video in original resolution loads faster than many 480p videos here. Youtube, what's wrong with you?
Top Doge
Top Doge - 11 years ago
lol imacs didn't invent 2560x1440 displays, in fact they didn't adopt them until quick recently
Ados Constant
Ados Constant - 11 years ago
Placebo video 4K only possible on a 4K monitor.. 99% of people just think they see a difference morons

100. comment for Surf NYC (4K resolution)

NicGaming - 11 years ago
Close enough :P
topher1976au - 11 years ago
unless u have an imac :P 2560x1440. Not quite UHD tho
Jungle Speed
Jungle Speed - 11 years ago
1080p ou 4K
Саня - 11 years ago
Чумаааааа, вот это качество!!!!
sirmidor - 11 years ago
it doesn't have enough pixels no, but when looking at an hd video on an sd screen, the image is very pixelated, very jagged edges and the sort, this doesn't have that difference.
NicGaming - 11 years ago
No, because your monitor only has 1920x1080px, but the video has 3840x2160px - your monitor just can't display better than 1080p!
Vitaly Tomilov
Vitaly Tomilov - 11 years ago
Watching it on two 30" monitors, at 2560x1600 each, I can barely see any difference between 720P and 4K. You really need a TV panel that's not smaller than 65" for the 4K to make a difference.
Naud van Dalen
Naud van Dalen - 11 years ago
So in 2096 our eyes are suddenly better?
sirmidor - 11 years ago
is it weird that it doesn't look that different from 1080p?
shredhappy101 - 11 years ago
Make it take longer to download?
Brythespy - 11 years ago
hee hee I downloaded a 96p .3gp version of this video. FUCK 4K (Not really, it's great new technology and I look forward to it becoming the standard in the upcoming years, and hopefully we'll see new... Oh fuck, close parenthesis.)
JF Tolaguera
JF Tolaguera - 11 years ago
Je trouve que c'est sympa sur mon MacBook Pro Retina
Chad D
Chad D - 11 years ago
I failed to mention that if I view it at 360p/480p it instantly goes up to ~4Mb/s download speed. Switch to 1080p or 4K, drops down to the aforementioned ~250Kb range. Not static, it varies from 80Kb/s to 350Kb/s usually.
Chad D
Chad D - 11 years ago
When YouTube only serves up videos at about 250KB/s(or less), this is a failure.
ALEI HSU - 11 years ago
SiriusTexra - 11 years ago
4k video with compression makes it look like 1080p footage tbh.
Audiospawn's Sudzy Bubbles
Audiospawn's Sudzy Bubbles - 11 years ago
My boner is ready.
okhabin - 11 years ago
but the surf is like.. completely flat. bad promotion
Michael Scotti
Michael Scotti - 11 years ago
where the waves at tho?
yzchenwei - 11 years ago
I don't think you can identify any difference which aboves 540p/480p.
Michał Uzbek
Michał Uzbek - 11 years ago
2 Mb/s internet connection= very long waiting :D
frostyknight52 - 11 years ago
I love how my computer cant handle this. Me " I have an amazing Apple computer" Video: " Shutup already. I dominate everything
Haftepaff - 11 years ago
I've read somewhere that most anime is in 720p, so there won't be much of a difference. If we're lucky then 1080p will be mainstream in the anime industry when 4K becomes available. They're preparing the 4k monitors in case they're hosting the olympics 2020 (if memory serves me right).
ZANE SAMA - 12 years ago
fuck yeah!!!
angrymarketing5 - 12 years ago
Japan is already preparing to adopt 4K TV chanels in 2014. Can't wait for delicious 4K anime.
Videogamer1010 - 12 years ago
Completely black :( only audio
Joe Barbaro
Joe Barbaro - 12 years ago
You cant play video on windows 3.1
Horus - 12 years ago
fehim - 12 years ago
8 mbt dsl 0,65 upload 64 tl yav he he
AMA200707 - 12 years ago
FFS, works as butter on imac. Oh GOSH, i started to see 1080p (a little bit) creepy VLC did not run the sound thou, i used quick time. Don't know whats next!!!!
nayeli atencio
nayeli atencio - 12 years ago
4 k o.O
gameone5555 - 12 years ago
16:6 is multi is bullshitt so as 16:10 16:7 16:9 is ok but the middle is the best 16:7 (16:8) 16:9 the picture is better because 2xheight = widht 2:1
gameone5555 - 12 years ago
1K 2K 4K 8K is nothing others as 16:8 formate much better than 16:9 ^^
GoldenKappa - 12 years ago
zaza_kurdistani - 12 years ago
hahah yeah !
collectiveshade - 12 years ago
Imagine what this will do for porn.
Armand Klein
Armand Klein - 12 years ago
2096: This was RECORDED
Easy Katka
Easy Katka - 12 years ago
Not really bro "retina display" is 2560x1600 and thats the resolution my monitor has for my windows pc.
Sach Alvarez
Sach Alvarez - 12 years ago
i cant see any pixel of the video, this is awesome or im blind??
Sach Alvarez
Sach Alvarez - 12 years ago
lo puedo ver sin tarjeta grafica y me da 135 fps con un amd fx-8150
Sahara - 12 years ago
Tremendo viaje y video por esas olas invisibles.... jajajajaja
piripitiflautica4!thebest ssd
piripitiflautica4!thebest ssd - 12 years ago
a la mierda lo vere en 240p fuck 4k
Horus - 12 years ago
2096: This was recorded with a potato
MulleDK19 - 12 years ago
This video contains approx. 29 billion, 444 million, 14 thousand and 80 pixels.
Klopalb - 12 years ago
0.5 fps on XP pentium IV
Douglas - 12 years ago
"YouTube allows a maximum upload resolution of 4096 × 3072 (12.6 megapixels).[4][5] However, YouTube's web-based video player is limited to a maximum of only 2048 × 1536 (3.1 megapixels).[6] 4K videos on YouTube can still be downloaded in their original resolution using a YouTube downloader." - Wikipedia
scaleop4 - 12 years ago
I'd be surprised if you ever got that far lol
Cole Olson
Cole Olson - 12 years ago
Whatching on my 440 ppi droid DNA. Not bad but its not mind blowing
Antonio Barbato
Antonio Barbato - 12 years ago
are not 4k, right click on the video and select SHOW VIDEO INFO, you can see the real resolution that is 2048x1536...all videos of the playlist have the same resolution... So is just a bit more than a fullhd but no a 4k
angerock49 - 12 years ago
Nobody cares, the point is do you have an actual 4K definition screen ?!
Orçun Kansoy
Orçun Kansoy - 12 years ago
640KB memory can plays at 1 frame per month. y u no know ?
yuji2006special - 12 years ago
I remember the time when I lived in NY.
nazlim09 - 12 years ago
mine doesn't play smooth..sobs :(
Chris Guillen
Chris Guillen - 12 years ago
There were no waves
Warkrave - 12 years ago
iMac with windows bootcamp and it's good :D
Tiagogbf - 12 years ago
4k no meu monItor a tela fika toda preta e vermelha
sralexandre5555 - 12 years ago
$200 Notebook APU and i can play this sh*t,so stfu about your specs.
gustavo sampaio
gustavo sampaio - 12 years ago
lag on movie KKKKKKKK best video
PitPetHD - 12 years ago
i7 8 nucleos a 3.4 Ghz 16 GB de RAM y 3 GB de Gráfica... No puedo verlo.... La conexion de internet es de 10 MB Pantalla 24 pulgadas Full HD
Miquel Aparicio
Miquel Aparicio - 12 years ago
this technology would be awesome in 48 fps, do you agree?
miniskunk - 12 years ago
Runs smooth. Can't tell if frames are skipping if they are. NIce to see a video feed that truely gives my display full resolution instead if the heavily compressed so called 1080p that youtube normally provides.Yes you have to let it buffer up a bit before playing but that is understandable. HP Envy 17 laptop, 1080p display with i7 running at 2.7ghz turbos to 3.8ghz and Radeon 7850m graphics.
Kalyanaraman Narasingam
Kalyanaraman Narasingam - 12 years ago
Just before the girl wakes the old man, he was wearing glasses which dissappears in the next frame!
obiekt19 - 12 years ago
same here but with 20mb internet and it runs about 3 or 4 fps...
SjefeNoverSjef - 12 years ago
AMD prossesor, 2.5ghz, 6 gb ram and still lags wtf :S
Sagaepic - 12 years ago
will not
Sagaepic - 12 years ago
i3 (3,3 Ghz *2) 6GB Ram 16Mbps connection, sometimes i can see a frame...
Zumpelvelder - 12 years ago
Even if your pc is fast enough to show this content smoothly, I guess no one has a display large enough to show al the details a 4K resolution has to offer.
Olly Stabler
Olly Stabler - 12 years ago
Saw a difference between 4k and 1080p but not a massive difference. Computer played it fine but 1080p looks fine so I think I'll stick to that!
Chien H.
Chien H. - 12 years ago
4k lags, that's the difference
Pastor Gains
Pastor Gains - 12 years ago
1080p a.k.a Full HD is only quarter of 4K - Full HD- 1920x1080 4K- 4096x2304 .. That's a bloody diff ;)
BayramJ - 12 years ago
Smooth Progression
Smooth Progression - 12 years ago
Thank you
Smooth Progression
Smooth Progression - 12 years ago
Thank you
Andrew Denisyuk
Andrew Denisyuk - 12 years ago
it you want acual 4k res.; click the '' original '' button
XxHardcorexxGamerxX - 12 years ago
Ha! My computer couldn't even play it without lagging!
Aleksandr Vysockij
Aleksandr Vysockij - 12 years ago
get a better connection
Johannes mlk
Johannes mlk - 12 years ago
click on original guys, :)
Wes Jerentosky
Wes Jerentosky - 12 years ago
then how come it looks better than 1080p on my asus i7 8gb ram
Andrés Gómez
Andrés Gómez - 12 years ago
Windows 3.1, Intel 80286, 640 KB of RAM, 20 MB HDD, No graphic card, Internet 28k, 4K loads in 5 years and plays at 1 frame per minute.. Before computer explodes!
rickydicky27 - 12 years ago
My question is, what do you use to film this?
Fernando Marquez
Fernando Marquez - 12 years ago
am i the only one trying to play this video on a 480p?
Solo- Johnson
Solo- Johnson - 12 years ago
So the iPad with retina display will or will not show true res?
Nirvana - 12 years ago
I have one and it look ... WoW :D
Fat and Single
Fat and Single - 12 years ago
GUYS unless you have a Mac Book Pro with Retina display, these videos are only 1080p
262kk - 12 years ago
AMD phenomii x4, AMD 7770, and 4 GB of ram and it runs smoothly with no problem :D
Haskovo Badema
Haskovo Badema - 12 years ago
ok guys im leaving it to buffer on the mooring i hope it will be ready to watch
emilio guerid
emilio guerid - 12 years ago
Me not y have 100mb
David Brooks
David Brooks - 12 years ago
that quality jalkfjklajvklajifw.
Brandon Cole
Brandon Cole - 12 years ago
Original Quality had my laptop skipping frames terribly... So I had to settle for 1080p. :(
E Mills
E Mills - 12 years ago
who ever said 240 looks good by the way obviously has a really bad computer where comfortability has overweighed discovery!!
E Mills
E Mills - 12 years ago
bottom line PC computers had its days of living, but sad to say it is over for that. viruses, pop up, that annoying friend mcafe or whatever the hell that anti virus agent is sucks!! get a mac you wont have any troubles. once you go mac you never go back!! i can only say but so much, you have to have one to fully understand and enjoy a beautiful peaceful life where your computer takes you wherever you wanna go in this digital world we live in. praise to the all-mighty MAC!!! R.I.P STEVE JOBS!!
DaVince21 - 12 years ago
240p IS enough to enjoy good content. There was some research about how much people minded low-quality video if the actual content is good, and it seems most people only mind the low quality at the beginning of the video. Afterwards it becomes meaningless because you're sucked into a good story or whatever. Of course, high quality IS preferrable. But 240p will never stop being "good enough" if it's the only option (and if the video is entertaining enough).
Dark Fire
Dark Fire - 12 years ago
18 megabyte or megabit?!
ZZ3435ff - 12 years ago
360p looks likr 720p dafuq
mikedundee1979 - 12 years ago
you need glasses dude!
Léo Miguel
Léo Miguel - 12 years ago
É um dia pra carrega e outro dia pra destrava da pagina ;d
Eric Lopes
Eric Lopes - 12 years ago
Phenom II Quad, 4GB of RAM, GeForce 9600gt and 35mb internet. Plays smooth (;
The Sexy Bits Channel
The Sexy Bits Channel - 12 years ago
"loads like a bitch!
The Sexy Bits Channel
The Sexy Bits Channel - 12 years ago
i5, 8gb ram on windows 7. 2gb graphics card hd. 20mb broadband...... loads like a bit plays like a dream lol takes about 4 minutes for it to actualy start loading then it plays great
Leinod6 - 12 years ago
LOL I can't even play this... it's all just black...
88xLord - 12 years ago
uhh i dont know too much about surfing but im pretty sure no one does it if there is no waves..
slash249 - 12 years ago
240p is ok for the first youtubers :)
Azzam allehyani
Azzam allehyani - 12 years ago
no need for more than 1080p
nitramf - 12 years ago
yeah. macbook retina does it too
Grote Lul
Grote Lul - 12 years ago
my computer is struggling to playback this vid and its not even a low end pc
Henrique Silva
Henrique Silva - 12 years ago
I played in my 2005's computer, and it exploded
Austin Dillow
Austin Dillow - 12 years ago
i have a 2560 by 1440 pixels screen
Austin Dillow
Austin Dillow - 12 years ago
This isn't actually 4k. 4k is 3840 × 2160, but 4k was taken off youtube a little while ago. If you right click and look at the video info, it streams at 2048x1536. Great video though
jbberinger - 12 years ago
jbberinger - 12 years ago
i7 and 12GB RAM, GeForce 55m graphics card. 100Mbps Internet connection....4k loads like a dream and plays like butter.
JouwTuube - 12 years ago
Downloaded realtime and played smooth :D Happy with my computer.
bellinibean - 12 years ago
OK, 4K is cool and new and everything, but your only going to see it in the highest resolution your display is capable.. in other words, if you have a 1080p display or a 720p display, that's the max resolution that will be displayed.
CinePat - 12 years ago
the first two seconds does not disappoint
alexelmilno - 12 years ago
nice waves.
gutterman99 - 12 years ago
man i must say ,the comment section is more entertaining than actual video. lol
Cristopher - 12 years ago
This video loads without problems here xD and its awesome *-*
NeeoDroid - 12 years ago
took me about 20 minutes to load the complete video.... finished in 2:10 minutes..
Patrick - 12 years ago
Patrick - 12 years ago
I clicked original and my computer shit itself
Slim Fandango
Slim Fandango - 12 years ago
1:36 a condom rolls by on the left
France Gall
France Gall - 12 years ago
5 years later
Nikibi00 Bikini
Nikibi00 Bikini - 12 years ago
Green Screennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Lolllllllllllllllllllllll GG
MajinTAR - 12 years ago
At 4k you can see a Natural spirit on video
GiantTarget - 12 years ago
This looks excellent on my Tandy.
OnMyRock - 12 years ago
my video card is crying now.....
TheKINIIRS - 12 years ago
f f f f u u c k k i i n g g g *BSOD*
ACxii - 12 years ago
Shouldn't there actually be surfing in this so called "surf" video?
unidentified suspect
unidentified suspect - 12 years ago
U need the Mc Book Pro Retina for 4k videos..
Victor Vasquez
Victor Vasquez - 12 years ago
theres no waves bro but i love the resolution thanks
Shayd - 12 years ago
To get full quality you need screen that actually has 4K resolution which isn't in retail sale and no PC GPU is actually capable of displays that resolution, you can do it by multiple Displays trough multiple wires but that doesn't count, Not HDMI not DVI supports it. So ram is least of your worries
Shayd - 12 years ago
Stop hating on mac so much assholes will be assholes and they will pay money for anything with Apple logo on it because Apple = 90% Marketing 10% Technology, You can't explain to someone that he just spend 2700$ on MAC he could spend 1500$ on PC
Shayd - 12 years ago
RAM? What the hell has RAM here to do, you need CPU to decode it, and you need a good one I havd Core 2 Duo 2.9Ghz in laptop and it stutters. Afterall it's 4x 1080p
Diego Torpoco Barrera
Diego Torpoco Barrera - 12 years ago
maybe is overpriced but what's the deal, if people have the money to buy it let them do it, it's also about the apple logo and we all know it, there are people the will not buy something 4 times cheaper just because apple can offer it.... what's the point? there are rich people in the world and that's ok for me, i don't complain, i'm happy with what i have
Jason Lam
Jason Lam - 12 years ago
it loaded 10 seconds :) After 2 days :)
The Beast
The Beast - 12 years ago
Watching it on my MacBook Pro with Retina Display and it looks crap. The compression on YouTube makes such a mess of 4K video.
Buda Dangol
Buda Dangol - 12 years ago
AllThingsPaintball - 12 years ago
I have a macbook pro it is absolute garbage.
GZ Broadcast
GZ Broadcast - 12 years ago
WAIT XD he thinks he will cheat me xD this is 2048x1536 xD no 4k but 2k
GZ Broadcast
GZ Broadcast - 12 years ago
You imagine a 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999p screen? o.O
AllThingsPaintball - 12 years ago
Get a life. Yeah just the comeback i expected from an Apple Fanboy. Oh well this has been fun let us go our separate ways and continue living. How do you say?
NickBVlogs - 12 years ago
Get a life bro.....Get a life........smh......
AllThingsPaintball - 12 years ago
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHOA WATCH OUT BADASS. Yeah right charging almost 400 dollars for a 100-200 processor yeah right. Have fun getting butt fucked by apple. :)
NickBibboProductions - 12 years ago
It's a i7 quad core in the retina.
AllThingsPaintball - 12 years ago
LOL 1300 for a dual core processor PFFT haha okay.
Paramite - 12 years ago
You know? Mac Book Retina don't support 4k. Even no 1080p
NickBVlogs - 12 years ago
Not to mention how thin and light it is. try to pack all that in a window machine.
NickBVlogs - 12 years ago
It's alright bro, I suffered with windows for YEARS before my new Macbook Retina. Editing photo's and videos is a dream with this mac. NO MORE CRASHES like windows.
AllThingsPaintball - 12 years ago
It's not hating if its true macbooks are garbage Windows FTW.
NickBVlogs - 12 years ago
Haters gonna hate....(writing this on my Retina Macbook) =D
Shayd - 12 years ago
I can't even watch it, stutters like some Apple Mac
Shayd - 12 years ago
Oh yeah you can see so much on 15 fucking inch display, seriously? It's not even half 4K
Jon Kraig
Jon Kraig - 12 years ago
This doesn't even stress my PC. Runs it like it's 240p, hahaha
snake172 - 12 years ago
AllThingsPaintball - 12 years ago
My macbook can't run this video what fucking garbage mac computers are.
jimmi der
jimmi der - 12 years ago
Actually you should be able to download at 2.5 MB/s, and if you don't reach those speeds on speedtest[dot]net or something, you should call your ISP, and get a reduction on the price of your internet. And maybe you should also counter in the fact that i live in Denmark and i only pay the equivelance of 10 US dollar fo my internet connection..
jimmi der
jimmi der - 12 years ago
100 Mb/s is not that uncommon... Rebember it's 100 Megabit per second, NOT 100 MegaByte per second. (notice the capital and lowercase "B" , "b") 100 Megabit per second is equivelant to about 12 MegaBytes per second. So i am an educator now apparently :-/ I did not mean to come off arrogant or like a know-it-all, and if i did i am sorry :(
jimmi der
jimmi der - 12 years ago
Right now i have 100Mb/s :D
iplikator - 12 years ago
You're probably using the HTML5 player, Original option is only available in the Flash version.
david M
david M - 12 years ago
I'm lovin my 50" 3D tv right now
Phriswithaph - 12 years ago
I didn't even know macbooks were capable of handling 4k
Dan C
Dan C - 12 years ago
Haha so am i
Jamike Felix
Jamike Felix - 12 years ago
xeon 3480, not a single lag here.
Paradox Productions
Paradox Productions - 12 years ago
Well ... You Know ... Incredible ... Unbelievable ... Amazing ... Exceptional ... And stuff ... You Know ...
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Hey, I'm probably gonna buy that mac so can you tell me how good it looks
Wishful Thinking!
Wishful Thinking! - 12 years ago
butter smooth here.. gotter love i7 3820 :D
Chris - 12 years ago
It's not even in 4k, right click, click on 'Show video info', and in the top left corner it reads that it is 2048x1536.
jimmi der
jimmi der - 12 years ago
It took 10 seconds to buffer in 4K resolution... i love my internet connection <3
jimmi der
jimmi der - 12 years ago
No no... you are just an idiot cheater!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 12 years ago
Colin Allgaier
Colin Allgaier - 12 years ago
sure hope the waves get better than that
nateo200 - 12 years ago
Downloading just to transcode to ProRes 4444 and edit in FCP.....bwahahaha can't wait for my MacBook to shit a brick!
Electro cube
Electro cube - 12 years ago
on 27 imac look amazing !!!!
ThreatTV - 12 years ago
Why i can use only the 1080p resolution?
Paradox Productions
Paradox Productions - 12 years ago
I'm lovin my Macbook pro retina right now...
Saفi - 12 years ago
my projector i used to hate now i am loving it after watching this video in 3840*2160 !,
SIV - 12 years ago
looks good.
Daniel Adónis
Daniel Adónis - 12 years ago
240p + Full screen... best combination ever
Aikay373 - 12 years ago
Looked well good on my 1024x768 screen!!!
Will - 12 years ago
yeah in movie theatres, and they cost thousands of dollars
sealwannabe3 - 12 years ago
when this is full screen some of my gpu is being used but my quad core cpu is pegged at 100% 4K videos will need better deocding options in order to become mainstream
lilsj206 - 12 years ago
well I have a hackintosh.. I'm serious I am watching it at original quality full resolution with out any problem.
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
There're already 4k and 8k displays
Ishaan S
Ishaan S - 12 years ago
by 4k capabilities i was thinking processing power but displays, that's a different story. there's that 7-foot sony with 4k capabilities release not too long ago, all you need is that cheap tablet and that tv (its probably $10k)
xzaxx - 12 years ago
for you to see the reolution of the device you have to have a device that is capable of showing it
xzaxx - 12 years ago
alot of pc and tvs can do that too. but the matter is not playing it it is showing the graphic of 4k. for example a blue ray film that has a high resolution graphic have to have full HD tv to see the high resolution of the picture. or lets for instant take playstation 3. playstation 3 games is games in HD resolution to see the HD resolution you must have HD tv.
Ishaan S
Ishaan S - 12 years ago
regular cheap android tablets for less than $200 that runs a dual A10 1.5ghz chip can play 4k resolution
Ishaan S
Ishaan S - 12 years ago
2048 x 1536? no, not 4k typical 4k is 3840x2160 4k's definition supports up to 4096 x 3072
xzaxx - 12 years ago
yes you do need 4k pc or tv or a screen with 4k capibilities.
Ronaldo Costa
Ronaldo Costa - 12 years ago
4K = LAG tyvm old crap PC! kkkkkk
akrohto210 - 12 years ago
stupid comcrap internet
Nicolas Silva
Nicolas Silva - 12 years ago
i cant see the original :( i saw this video in january, the original resolution was available but now is gone :/
Rezwan Syed
Rezwan Syed - 12 years ago
What are u guys talking about? this video runs fine on original size on my pc. whats so special about it. someone plz enlighten me.
Dreamssurfer - 12 years ago
i3 with intel HD 4gb ram playing it without a single problem at Original
Angelo Di Gianvito
Angelo Di Gianvito - 12 years ago
the only good part of my pc is my screem a panosonic smart viera 3D 42"
Angelo Di Gianvito
Angelo Di Gianvito - 12 years ago
you bastards =( buuu i have my stupid dual core i5200 with 4gb drr2 ram , and my sad gt220 drr3 of course i have problems with the video lol!!!!
Tim Fontana
Tim Fontana - 12 years ago
i7 2600k @ 4.8Ghz, 16GB RAM, GTX 680, 100Mbps fibre... No problems ;)
lilsj206 - 12 years ago
This video just played for me in original format in 10 secs just fine.. MacPro 2010 i7..
pedrofredo - 12 years ago
IMAX at home :)
scope256 - 12 years ago
Now I know what i'm asking Santa for this Christmas! :D
Alex Covington
Alex Covington - 12 years ago
My computer can't even handle it!
Brettkenster - 12 years ago
These walmart netbooks arent what they used to be!
Profoundsoup - 12 years ago
I watched it on Original and i have no lag what so ever.....
Rafael Hongaro
Rafael Hongaro - 12 years ago
Phenom x3 710 - 2.6Ghz to x4 with unlocked core is 70% maximum. Radeom HD4850 ​​VGA at 16% maximum.
Nation4202007 - 12 years ago
mac sucks
cliffjumpingisfun - 12 years ago
base line mbp 2011 is handling this just fine...if only my 14 mbps internet could keep up lol
playstation4855 - 12 years ago
my computer starts lagging at 720p yet alone 1080p but 4k ... (one millenium later) "look honey the first frame popped up" =3
LeoTheTiger80 - 12 years ago
I can play this with minimal lag using 200mbps+ internet and radeon hd 6570
Jules Anthony
Jules Anthony - 12 years ago
weird, video resolution says 2048x1536...
homeboylx - 12 years ago
I have a MacBook Pro 2009 13in base model and is very laggy, also my very fast reliable internet cant keep up with the data through put it requires. I have Comcast Business base package @ 12mbps which is consistent or a little faster after speed boost.
Zhinkk - 12 years ago
Mines not laggy at all :D 6870 ftw
Michael Harrison
Michael Harrison - 12 years ago
on the retina display macbook its a huge difference. 1080 looks pixelated, this looks a lot better, this gives me hope. I was a little surprised at how bad everything looks (aside from apple's website) on this retina display.
Giorgos Manousakis
Giorgos Manousakis - 12 years ago
mine was loading for 20 secs almost...I have very good internet
Giorgos Manousakis
Giorgos Manousakis - 12 years ago
Wish0Fridayyyyyyy - 12 years ago
dafug laaaag
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
My god, all of my comments are on the top! I'm the best.
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Oh my god, you're the rudest person who's ever replied me back. Please don't do anything to me.
Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis - 12 years ago
why does everyone keep talking about the video quality and shit, yet nobody mentions that he's a fucking idiot for going all the way from soho to rockaway without checking the surf report first lola
Rupert Warries
Rupert Warries - 12 years ago
What kind of screen are you watching on? Normal monitor wont show any difference as 1080p is the standard resolution limit :P
rijo14 - 12 years ago
Telmex (south american isp i think), i'm using wpa2 encrypted wifi.. sorry my english, but i think this happens because i live in south america, and it means "international download speed" is 3mb or 4 more or less.
Sazal Hossain
Sazal Hossain - 12 years ago
u need a 4k screen lol like u cnt tell diff between 720p and 1080p if u dnt have a 1080p moniter
Autolycus Axxis
Autolycus Axxis - 12 years ago
ok maybe not less than a min but it sure was under like 2 or 3 mins
Monica Simon
Monica Simon - 12 years ago
imho, i can't tell the difference b/t this 4k and 1080p...
Autolycus Axxis
Autolycus Axxis - 12 years ago
Who's your isp? I have Charter on 15 Mb/s and I downloaded less than a min.....
NomedX - 12 years ago
with my slower internet I was able to watch it without a problem. jelly?
gir1258 - 12 years ago
rijo14 - 12 years ago
with 15mb internet takes 10 min to load full vid
justin case
justin case - 12 years ago
anamorphic lenses...
TrollinOnMyFace - 12 years ago
i care
iDroid7 - 12 years ago
oh, a slide show... *sniffs* Do you smell something burning?!
FireHotStudios - 12 years ago
i like my istone..
MrRafting - 12 years ago
I like my i3 with 2 cores, 4gb ram and 2mbp/s internet :D
TheDog7118 - 12 years ago
Kamfshrai - 12 years ago
come on ipod touch 2nd gen! ... you can do it!
[uD]Mido - 12 years ago
Josh Leyva
Josh Leyva - 12 years ago
wow. I bet you have a lot of money.
Josh Leyva
Josh Leyva - 12 years ago
Fayosi - 12 years ago
i like my 1ghz 64mb ram 60 x 40 13inch monitor with 54k dial up connection..
Dave Kinney
Dave Kinney - 12 years ago
It's a shame that surfer was too busy working on the video to check a surf report to find out it was flat that day.
LartDuDeplacement32 - 12 years ago
I like my Potato
Hippoli - 12 years ago
WHY INTERNET WHY U NO FAST ENUF. Lul, and I only got like 20 FPS so that's annoying too.
Eevee - 12 years ago
how many mb got this video?
Videopertti - 12 years ago
Oh yeah, I can play solitaire with low graphics.
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Then 8K should be called '4k', actually
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Hahaha, you must love it.
FoolyCoolio - 12 years ago
Dude, I would kill to have something like that. Even your Mac Pro. 4gb of ram here, 2.4ghz quadcore, 1gb ddr3 video memory with a 36mb/s connection. All self built though on a $120 budget so I can't complain!
GenkiElite - 12 years ago
Watched it on my "new iPad". I can't tell the difference.
Elliot Pearl-Sacks
Elliot Pearl-Sacks - 12 years ago
Lol, the "Kansas City" part ruined it...
Videopertti - 12 years ago
I like my HP, and its 1 core and its 1GB RAM, and my ½mbps internet...
tallnsexy63 - 12 years ago
sweet waves brah
Tran Binh
Tran Binh - 12 years ago
1080p = 1920x1080 4k = 4096 x 2160 4k FTW
DeathCon88 - 12 years ago
It is 12 cores with 12 hyperthreads.
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Rate Hate
Rate Hate - 12 years ago
im a little confused. why would you tell Wallypcwhatever that no one cares about his computer configurations...when you did the exact same thing and stated your computer configurations? isn't that kind of hypocritical?
miras202 - 12 years ago
4K...? I don't think my eye wight is up to the task...
VampireFromTheAbyss - 12 years ago
Sore loser much?
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Watch it in 240p
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
I like my Ferrari California, 100000000x better than be on a computer all day long.
TheEmoMyLife - 12 years ago
wysoka rozdzielczość ok ale szybkość ransmisji bitów w dźwięku nie dorównouje dobrej mp3. 199 kb/s audio ? słabiutko .
overcooler - 12 years ago
If you right click on the video and select "show video info", it actually says, that the resolution is 2048x1536. Now that's only 2k. 4k resolution is 3840x2160 or 4096x3076 or something like that. The horizontal resolution should be around 4000.
MaximusVX - 12 years ago
Click on my channel, and watch the latest video, im not saying that to get more views, but I'd rather not type it all in one comment xD
MaximusVX - 12 years ago
Haha yeah I see what you mean, I just built a computer on the 14th this month, my very first build
MaximusVX - 12 years ago
So you have eight 30 inch monitors on one table?
Alex Zodiacal
Alex Zodiacal - 12 years ago
was this shot with a canon c300?
Camden1101 - 12 years ago
Lets all name or pc specs and think we are cool -_-
WhiteSoundCL - 12 years ago
I love my notebook samsung rf511 Intel core i5 8 gb RAM 4mbps 2 gb videocard and a nice mouse
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
Yeah, tell it to someone who cares...
MANTECKA Yay - 12 years ago
DaShaihulud - 12 years ago
Video Info shows resolution of 2000x1500 only!?
sccrlover015 - 12 years ago
I like to switch between 240p and 4K
IgnaceBM - 12 years ago
I like my mac pro better, and its 12 cores and its 32GB RAM, and my 140mbps internet...
Crimson Nyte
Crimson Nyte - 12 years ago
RoboPhysic - 12 years ago
Still couldn't even watch it... need a 4k moniter thats like 10,000 bucks...
Psychoshin - 12 years ago
same as you Bro :<
Kenn - 12 years ago
i can watch 2 of 4k resolution videos at the same time. hm... i7.....
RaptorX88 - 12 years ago
I have a 512kbps connection. FUCK THIS SHIT
المرشدي - 12 years ago
The video is 4K, but it depends on your screens resolution
Crimson Nyte
Crimson Nyte - 12 years ago
How? Btw, like i've said to other people, i posted this comment on my cousin's computer. On my own, it just lags a bit.
Sassewere - 12 years ago
You are an idiot...
dagluke - 12 years ago
Where's the waves...
tvdaXD - 12 years ago
hmmm lets see..... AH there it is "Original" *click* RIP old nVdia.....
NZ - 12 years ago
Hi there, could you share 4K encode rate, vbr/cbr and number of passes? Thanks, David
MrMinecraftn00b - 12 years ago
Wow, Surf NYC and he doesn't even surf. Nice quality though.
Саша Грей
Саша Грей - 12 years ago
У кого комп глючит при включении 4к?
Саша Грей
Саша Грей - 12 years ago
Пипец,если что небудь выше 4к будет,мой комп сгорит сразу
Entide Productions
Entide Productions - 12 years ago
Turn on original: computer melts.
Fritz Brave
Fritz Brave - 12 years ago
4K looks great!!!!
bigbezet - 12 years ago
So you have one of the few monitors that are capable of displaying that resolution? Lucky you...
LeopoldvonCarstein - 12 years ago
2 min? For me it was 26 seconds :P
Slurp Wizard
Slurp Wizard - 12 years ago
Only took me like 2 mins to load
Slurp Wizard
Slurp Wizard - 12 years ago
Im watching at 4K...
Dadude0908 - 12 years ago
50 mbps connection no problem
Jim .Bob
Jim .Bob - 12 years ago
my resolution is 5k :D
Digger Dalton
Digger Dalton - 12 years ago
no waves
bigbezet - 12 years ago
The problem here is that out of the 600000+ views this had probably one or two people were able to view it at 4K...
Crimson Nyte
Crimson Nyte - 12 years ago
yeah i do.
monkeh88 - 12 years ago
what camera
Johnny Brick
Johnny Brick - 12 years ago
It may be 4k yeah but it needs an hour to load. :D
Michael Minnich
Michael Minnich - 12 years ago
Ethan321 - 12 years ago
i need a 4k screen
Ethan321 - 12 years ago
press original hd
simdude2u - 12 years ago
you must have an older computer.
Victor Dizon
Victor Dizon - 12 years ago
there are no waves
razorree - 12 years ago
one reasonable reason to watch 4k is to have >150'' display
Crimson Nyte
Crimson Nyte - 12 years ago
of course i dont. but when i wached it, this was on my cousin's computer. it lags a bit on my own computer
TheCoon324 - 12 years ago
fuck yeah, i can watch this in orginal without even any lag...
stinkykyle96 - 12 years ago
you dont have a 4k monitor... hmmm
Crimson Nyte
Crimson Nyte - 12 years ago
I know now.
Fahad Senur
Fahad Senur - 12 years ago
i just bought my computer, but youtube loves ruin it to me
Dr. Pavel I'm CIA
Dr. Pavel I'm CIA - 12 years ago
And here come the day, when the videos "system requirements" are too high for my ye'olde computer.
SuperFlashDriver - 12 years ago
I have a Mac and when it comes to Original HD, It almost looks like it's smooth but it still has some bumpy frames along the way. Everything else on the other hand, it looks great. =D
Proxima Centauri
Proxima Centauri - 12 years ago
If you have a laptop, it will explain everything. It depends on your screen resolution.
perry842 - 12 years ago
Wow, my laptop lags like hell when watching this in 4K... Oh well... Realistically 1080p is more than enough for me.
Nathan Platt
Nathan Platt - 12 years ago
Im watching it on its original resolution. ;)
odddFutureWolfHaley - 12 years ago
i can watch it :)!!
AngryApeTV - 12 years ago
Wonder how long it will be before 4k comes to consumer level camcorders and TVs, my guess is 5-10 years.
kold - 12 years ago
to watch it full resolution you have to make it full screen!
Cloud Se
Cloud Se - 12 years ago
it's been compressed so much that Original looks like 720p anyway. Fucking fail.
rockhopper123452 - 12 years ago
Probly The RED epic or canon c300
Janson Chang
Janson Chang - 12 years ago
Opened 3 tabs in original quality and was pretty smooth on my laptop. (:
Ian Ethan
Ian Ethan - 12 years ago
I don't even have Original as an option. : /
mohamed mostafa
mohamed mostafa - 12 years ago
plz which camera did u use
BleakVision - 12 years ago
I wish people would use LESS depht of field. 4k of 60% blurry images is rather pointless.
troyasee - 12 years ago
no surf
Will891410 - 12 years ago
orinal quality to me looks equally the same like 1080p. but if you zoom it u see the difference.
Ma Thieu
Ma Thieu - 12 years ago
AMD Phenom II x6 1605t -> I win, my dear.
Crimson Nyte
Crimson Nyte - 12 years ago
i cant watch it higher than 1080p. hm...
Malte - 12 years ago
If you watch this on a netbook, you can cook coffe on the processor and watch a slideshow!
hotstreak864 - 12 years ago
Doesn't work well on my 27" iMac (Late '09) with ATI Radeon HD 4670.
ABU 98
ABU 98 - 12 years ago
i can play 1080p and 4k but 4k is chopy
Ian Ethan
Ian Ethan - 12 years ago
Sorry, that's what I meant... 'Original' isn't there, 1080p's the last option. I've played other 4k videos on YT so I doubt there's a limiter removing the option. Refer to sillyedd's top comment, it's not letting him play it above 720p for some reason...
General Dank
General Dank - 12 years ago
lol, of course it's smooth if it's only being rendered at 2048×1536 (iPad resolution) or 1920x1080 (Roku)... resolutions which those devices are supposed to support. It's pointless to say that a 4k movie is running "smooth" unless you have a GPU which can actually render that resolution (e.g., 4096x2160) and a screen which can actually display it... otherwise it's just being down-rendered to the max resolution your device is capable of (which is far from 4k, for most people).
IakonaWayne - 12 years ago
5760 x 1080 via 3 monitors. lol :)
IakonaWayne - 12 years ago
Yep me. :)
Sounds of Niko
Sounds of Niko - 12 years ago
on what waves?
Dicu Andrei
Dicu Andrei - 12 years ago
only works with IE9 for me
ksadogawa - 12 years ago
No waves on the movie.
Dicu Andrei
Dicu Andrei - 12 years ago
Amd Athlon II x4 640-2 videos same time, no lag xD.
Ian Ethan
Ian Ethan - 12 years ago
Um... there's no option to play this in 4k. I'm using an i7, 6gb RAM and 100mbps connection. I didn't think hardware would be a limitation for me...
Dooky7 - 12 years ago
4k??? I have only 1080p in settings... why is that?
ian moone
ian moone - 12 years ago
that's probably true because russia is poor
Robert Shehan
Robert Shehan - 12 years ago
I'm having the exact same problem. Although I'm not really seeing a difference between 240p and 720p.
sillyedd - 12 years ago
youtube doesn't allow me to watch this in more than 720p which is interesting.
Chris Bailey
Chris Bailey - 12 years ago
Should have checked Surfline Morgan
TheDog7118 - 12 years ago
has anyone try to play in 4K and run like picture silde show slow
Caolán D
Caolán D - 12 years ago
@Kuikli2 Not possible. YouTube only supports up to 30fps.
zoemesty - 12 years ago
Also smooth as a baby's bum on a 1080p Roku, along with aforementioned New iPad. We're living in a different world boys.
hotstreak864 - 12 years ago
Is choppy as hell on a MacBook with a GeForce 9400M.
المرشدي - 12 years ago
8800GTX is smooth as boobs
zoemesty - 12 years ago
Buttery smooth on the new iPad and its 3 million pixels
Charles Wong
Charles Wong - 12 years ago
Watching this on my ol' 9400gt without any lag :)
stablizershock - 12 years ago
@rlmorgan95 That's not I said that's what Steve Jobs said so now you are stupid
المرشدي - 12 years ago
looks good on my Super Amoled HD screen
stablizershock - 12 years ago
@vassillioss its because than it becomes retina display like in iphone 4 and ipad 3
Tom Heal
Tom Heal - 12 years ago
@vassillioss original is much better quality than 1080p, its what they have in imax theatres Plus it would look astoundingly clear unless you screen was insanely big, like over 4000x4000
vassillioss - 12 years ago
why does "origina" look so much better than "1080p" on a 1440 x 900 laptop screen? seriously can anyone answer that?
Caolán D
Caolán D - 12 years ago
29.97 fps on a GTX 580. Smooth as a baby's bottom.
K3ViNPwNz- - 12 years ago
i played the video on original quality and pc froze!
James Pfaff
James Pfaff - 13 years ago
@gainpro thanks bro...
Shanbobbie Moore
Shanbobbie Moore - 13 years ago
@TheFilmSlasher :D
gainpro - 13 years ago
@BOB1BERSERKER cool story bro. where do you buy one? nuff said. "bro"
James Pfaff
James Pfaff - 13 years ago
@gainpro sorry bro there were 4k resolution tv's at ces this year(3840x2160) lg 85 inch
James Pfaff
James Pfaff - 13 years ago
now i need a 4k res 85inch flatscreen
Felipe Marinho
Felipe Marinho - 13 years ago
Thanks i7
ape_master - 13 years ago
lol those waves were barely surfable.
Dylan Tucker
Dylan Tucker - 13 years ago
The perfect internet speed test. Went from 10MBPS to 35. "Hey internet, I know you used to struggle with 1080p but I need you to load this 4K footage" "No problem, boss."
Evan Howells
Evan Howells - 13 years ago
@gainpro yeah, just wish i had the set up for it.... I've got a monitor that supports 1920x1200P but thats as close as i'll get for now.
gainpro - 13 years ago
@h4x0y oh you right about the pixel density, well what ever it doesn't matter, the main comment was about max res and as of this date, we can get 2560x1600, -and considering how far off topic we got- that's that, end of discussion, nough said, sayonara, will not read next reply, done with this ridiculous shit. o/
h4x0y - 13 years ago
@gainpro 5:4 is mainly the 1280x1024 resolution which is hard to find these days. and 16:10 WAS a standard until about 2008, now all leading companies are striving towards a consistency that all monitors are 16:9 (whether media or computer indrusty), you can have a look at their websites to see their current products. Density is higher on the 27", if you do the math, it's 109ppi for the 27" and 101ppi for the 30" with 2560x1600.
gainpro - 13 years ago
@h4x0y no monitor a tv above 1080 is going to be interlaced.... you don't have to put "p" cause i'm pretty sure i'll know it's progressive... anyways the 30" 2560x1600 is the same pixel density as it's 16:9 counterpart, hence why it's at 27". here's where your probably confused. the industry your talking about, is the media industry, in fact it is them who started the 16:9 ratio as a standard, now what i'm talking about... is the computer industry, and the two ratio standards are 5:4 and 16:10.
h4x0y - 13 years ago
@gainpro apples 27" display is great for prosumers. Higher quality displays are only needed by specific professionals, and cost some grands more than apples thunderbolt display. Generally all 16:10 displays are being replaced by smaller, higher pixel density 16:9 displays (30" 1600p -> 27" 1440p, 24" 1200p -> 21" 1080p). The industry is moving towards 16:9 and you can read as many articles as you want about it, prove me wrong. >1080p is still a tiny percentage of monitors at the moment.
gainpro - 13 years ago
@h4x0y most 2560x1440 monitors are used for color and lighting accuracy(which i can guarantee you will not find with mac products, generally their ok, but they're for the masses) and is in the 16:9 media standard. as for the res i mentioned, it is the max res for dvi, and is the highest available for the masses, and also offers the 16:10 standard for all computing tasks, which offers more real-estate. history? or a ratio that doesn't fit your needs? considering the imac, it's ratio not for you.
h4x0y - 13 years ago
@gainpro yeah almost 5% of all computer monitors has that resolution. Besides, you mean 2560*1440, because the 1600p monitors are 16:10 aspect ratio which is history. I have a 2560*1440 iMac which has stunning display performance, and I have to say all those youtube videos look awfully compressed. At the time of writing, <= 1080p users aren't really missing anything.
gainpro - 13 years ago
@evanjames93 1920x1080 is actually considered as a low resolution with a computer. it's all about 2560x1600 for now.
信仔 - 13 years ago
Vimeo HD looks WAY better than youtube 4K
dragonmustard2 - 13 years ago
Looks compressed. I'm watching it on my 2560X1440 display and it just looks like the video wasn't uploaded too well.
Lucio Cuddeford
Lucio Cuddeford - 13 years ago
@joeyswichzerg That's because you're watching it in 720p
Joey Swichzerg
Joey Swichzerg - 13 years ago
IPod touch 4G Retina Display with A4 chip can plays this fine :)
StillSpy - 13 years ago
@CynicalVision True that!
CynicalVision - 13 years ago
@idan124 I think it's 4096 × 3112.
Evan Howells
Evan Howells - 13 years ago
1080p was never quite good enough.
Cluck Snorris
Cluck Snorris - 13 years ago
My Vista computer hates me now......
ALLoY202 - 13 years ago
ATI Eyefinity with 4 1920x1080 monitors arranged in a rectangle would play this at native res.
nopejpg - 13 years ago
My 4 year old gateway with an intel Q6600 at 3 Ghz plays this fine.
nopejpg - 13 years ago
@CynicalVision Its to test the power of our computer.
Luke Smith
Luke Smith - 13 years ago
@CynicalVision looks beastly on a 2560x1440 monitor though :D
TheAngryDuckman - 13 years ago
ha, my laptop cannot play this video smoothly. GT540m here
theycallmeknives1 - 13 years ago
So i can run two windows of this playing at the same time. But if i open a third it gets all chop :(
bucky A
bucky A - 13 years ago
Typical eastcoast skunk session. I know(jerzey surfer). Wot does he do wit black bag? Would like to see the true trip wit 4" snow, 36F air, 38F water, and pumping winter surf.
Killian Oh'Malley
Killian Oh'Malley - 13 years ago
Finally a use for Eyefinity Resolutions.
tinchoTAringa - 13 years ago
more resolution than the reality ....
wtfisitpjur - 13 years ago
If I had a dollar for every pixel in this video, I'd have $4000
JoeBlackHDTV - 13 years ago
@wouterdeleeuwecht yea it really does
LinesGrey - 13 years ago
@CynicalVision split this video into 4 parts and watch every single one
unpaisa - 13 years ago
those are some small ass waves.
wouter de leeuw
wouter de leeuw - 13 years ago
A macbook air 1,6 dual core plays this fine :)
TheFilmSlasher - 13 years ago
In soviet russia 240p is HD Resolution.
Raphael Vitor
Raphael Vitor - 13 years ago
kk a minha é geforce 6200 kkk nem aguenta full hd 1080p
David Salma
David Salma - 13 years ago
my graphic card can't stand 4k
Andrew Warwick
Andrew Warwick - 13 years ago
the only way this would be more impressive than a 1080p video for instance, is with a MASSIVE, probably 3D without glasses, pristine detail TV or Monitor.
Federico Aquino
Federico Aquino - 13 years ago
high definition
Barbarian tutorials
Barbarian tutorials - 13 years ago
Nice graphics quality, but video is boring -.-

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