Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

James Rolfe discusses movies with pals Mike Matei, Justin Silverman and Tony. Today the topic - Surf Ninjas (1993) Check out more Rental Reviews here: Follow us on Twitter James - Justin - Mike - Tony - #surfninjas #rentalreviews #cinemassacre

Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews sentiment_very_dissatisfied 450

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James Rolfe discusses movies with pals Mike Matei, Justin Silverman and Tony. Today the topic - Surf Ninjas (1993) Check out more Rental Reviews here: Follow us on Twitter James - Justin - Mike - Tony - #surfninjas #rentalreviews #cinemassacre

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Most popular comments
for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

Joey JoJo
Joey JoJo - 6 years ago
I had that Surf Ninja's game for the Game Gear, It was an okay beat em up game, similar to Bad Dudes.
Print is Dead
Print is Dead - 6 years ago
Reyes is in the movie the run down as well
David Keith
David Keith - 6 years ago
DrumWild - 6 years ago
How do you do, fellow kids?"
Noah Dreifus
Noah Dreifus - 6 years ago
Noah Dreifus
Noah Dreifus - 6 years ago
formerly known as hijodechago
formerly known as hijodechago - 6 years ago
How did I miss this one? Rob Schneider, Leslie Neilsen and Tone Loc???
chickenteriokyblah - 6 years ago
Ha me and my wife knew we were going to be married because of this movie. We watch this once a year because we grew up watching it
Andrew Paul
Andrew Paul - 6 years ago
I recorded this movie on a vhs tape when I was 11 when it came out!

10. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

Outlaw GT
Outlaw GT - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas is a classic as well as the 3 Ninjas series
MUZA1875 - 6 years ago
Rob sneider probably isn't s good/nice person either? Wuut
adawg818 - 6 years ago
shit i always thought it was bobaram cause this movie too!
The Movie Dealers
The Movie Dealers - 6 years ago
Leslie Neilsen started doing comedies after everyone loved his turn in AIRPLANE! Before that he was stereotyped in deadly serious roles and did those for 20 years (check him as the captain of the ship in the original Poseidon Adventure). But apparently IRL he was a jokester and a goofball, and enjoyed doing comedies. After AIRPLANE! he did Police Squad (brief TV series and 3 movies) which were also successful. After that it was diminishing returns. Probably the best thing he in his later years was Spy Hard.
Residual Waste
Residual Waste - 6 years ago
That World war z movie pissed me off
VAC2 - 6 years ago
man I love your videos, all of them, just so good. Please never stop!
highflyer011 - 6 years ago
How dare you! 3 ninjas with my little brother's favorite movie when he was a little kid and we probably watch this 50 times together LOL it's an all-time classic!
MadHatterx - 6 years ago
1:16 how does that happen?
hi do you have Liam Neeson in Schindler's List?
yes we do
ok cool
leaves with surf ninjas
opens surf ninjas case, pops it in with surf ninjas on the cassette
one hour later
Wait a minute this isn't Schindler's List?! this is Surf Ninjas
James Rosenblum
James Rosenblum - 6 years ago
Wait. You DON'T think ninjas would throw dynamite to kill someone? They would TOTALLY do that. A ninja would kill any way he/she could, INCLUDING hiding out in someone's toilet and stabbing them in the ass. Look it up.
Mr. Monster
Mr. Monster - 6 years ago
"rumble in the Bronx" i think. had a game gear.

20. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

BlackBaron08 - 6 years ago
Saw the trailer of surf ninjas during the VHS preview of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III when I was 4 years old and immediately dismissed it because the title made no sense... Why would ninjas surf?
Edinaldo FIGUEREDO BLASIUS - 6 years ago
Tony is a fine damn bear
Nicken Chuggets
Nicken Chuggets - 6 years ago
Holy crap that intro is great
thatboy353 - 6 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid cuz the other kid had a game gear... which i wanted badly back when. As much nostalgia as I have for this flick yea its bad lol
Daniel Riportella
Daniel Riportella - 6 years ago
I had the surf ninjas game gear game. I had no idea it was a movie. Glad i missed it.
Budget Hitman
Budget Hitman - 6 years ago
Deuce Bigalow 2: This Time Its Venereal
MuneShadow1 - 6 years ago
I don't think I've seen Surf Ninjas back when I was a kid, but I'm pretty glad that I never had.
Diverse Diversions
Diverse Diversions - 6 years ago
fireteardrops - 6 years ago
"This is a kid's movie, right?"
"It's called Surf Ninjas."
I died at that line lol
IlokanoWarrior - 6 years ago
This is the Ultimate Filipino American kid movie.

30. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

Ian Daddybones
Ian Daddybones - 6 years ago
I blame Ninja Turtles II and Sega Visions Magazine for getting me excited about this piece of shit.
King of Midgard
King of Midgard - 6 years ago
Leslie Nielsen: You call throwing dynamite around a martial art?
Rob Schneider: Hey, as long as it works.
SpectreBot - 6 years ago
I used to watch this movie all the time as a kid! I even have the Game Gear game. Both trash, but gloriously nostalgic trash (for me, anyway).
Ivo Poblete
Ivo Poblete - 6 years ago
Power Rangers' movie with Ivan Ooze.

Will James review it??
Shad Wills
Shad Wills - 6 years ago
Seems like you guys didn't like this movie, but after watching this I want to see it again! I haven't seen this movie in more than twenty years but it sounds awesome!
PurifiedMadness - 6 years ago
There are 2 movies that I just refused to finish, that was Bio-Dome and Smiley Face.
Like usually, I'll sit movies out. I watched Freddie Got Fingered, Meet the Spartans, all kinds of awful movies all the way to the end. But fuck Bio-Dome and Smiley Face.
J R - 6 years ago
That Babaram song owns though!
BrangeBurger - 6 years ago
Please review Sidekicks with Chuck Norris.
RJay - 6 years ago
Can't disagree more. I love "Surf Ninjas". It's wonderful.
Shanethefilmmaker - 6 years ago
You oughta do a bit where you get into an argument with a customer. Everyone at a video store has had that happen to them and I'm sure you guys could make it funny.
Eric Hallam
Eric Hallam - 6 years ago
I fucking LOVE surf ninjas.
Cody Smith
Cody Smith - 6 years ago
Who is here after the CD32 review?
FoNgThOnG - 6 years ago
I loved Surf Ninjas!!!
Ray Hopkins
Ray Hopkins - 6 years ago
We liked Surf Ninjas in my 3rd grade class but not like we loved TMNT. We weren't clamouring to buy Rob Scheider and Leslie Neilsen action figures It was more like a cool TMNT spinoff to see in theaters. Sadly this was the last movie we got out of our Ninja Phase before the Power Rangers took over
Claurio Neves
Claurio Neves - 6 years ago
Did you consider doing this for those internet so-bad-it's-good classics? Like The Room or Samurai Cop?
JEWRIEL666 - 6 years ago
"That son of a bitch, bison."
ZeRoCooL71086 - 6 years ago
Absolutely love this show!
ssjf20 - 6 years ago
I rented this movie all summer long in 95. I still watch it. I know this movie is a peace of shit. But I can't help it. I
CobaltBomber - 6 years ago
I prolly watched this movie 3 times a week in the 90s.
DoktorDare - 6 years ago
i had Shinobi on Game Gear and I also loved this movie as a kid

50. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

sherman1ai - 6 years ago
hahahaha mike's porn section comment. perfect way to end it
sherman1ai - 6 years ago
dont forget ernie reyes jr in Red Sonja
sherman1ai - 6 years ago
There was a GameGear in Rumble in the Bronx, but it's hilarious because the kid jams out on it and there's no cart in it
Pandy - 6 years ago
You should totally review Tron, it'd be Radical!
SupDev - 6 years ago
Fuck that I thought the movie was awesome still watch it today. And European Gigalo is still a funny ass quoteable movie. “Hey yo mommas in here”
err0r0b0 - 6 years ago
I can't believe I saw this movie in theaters..
CineFun - 6 years ago
I always thought that Surf Ninjas Was a sequel to 3 Ninjas
thefulljack26 - 6 years ago
`Money can`t buy knives!`
fluffynoses - 6 years ago
totally useless fact here: Rob Schneider is older than Stone Cold Steve Austin
Sonicify - 6 years ago
AccursedSavior - 6 years ago
Never saw this movie but still have the Game Gear game from when I was a kid (which was generic but okay) and all I can say is
What the fuck
YouTube Channel
YouTube Channel - 6 years ago
How about Action Jackson :)
Giovanni Morales
Giovanni Morales - 6 years ago
Rob Schhnnnnneiider is a stapler.
TB 88
TB 88 - 6 years ago
I think I just hit peak nerd when I heard "Patusan" and instantly thought of Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim is a great novel btw.
Trace XL
Trace XL - 6 years ago
Rental Review is second in Cinemassacre series for me to AVGN. I love the background perspective and commentary. Keep this up. Good stuff, every time.
P J - 6 years ago
This is Clerks
CV T - 6 years ago
Makes me wish I had funny and smart friends.
Der Mann Mit Der Lanze
Der Mann Mit Der Lanze - 6 years ago
he is not 15 in the movie information failed big boy
GrimSqueaker627 - 6 years ago
I still love this movie
Hannah Joy
Hannah Joy - 6 years ago
"I listened to a podcast where they made fun of this movie" WAS THAT HOW DID THIS GET MADE PERHAPS
James Nesmith
James Nesmith - 6 years ago
I don't know why y'all think Surf Ninjas was a bad movie. It was actually great (at least in my opinion). Give it chance.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
this is one of those movies that a lot of people have nostalgia glasses for until they actually go back and you know watch it again and go oh wow this is terrible and not as they say fun terrible just insufferable horrible 90s level terrible. I mean all you have to know is Rob Schneider's in it enough said it's gonna be trash.
nintendonerdsvideos - 6 years ago
what about the part where the heart is ripped right out
DiggyDwarf 2002
DiggyDwarf 2002 - 6 years ago
Amiga CD 32?
william brumley
william brumley - 6 years ago
Rumble in the Bronx he plays game gear with no game
Darth Decius
Darth Decius - 6 years ago
0:08 I want there to actually be vintage adult VHS movies in there. Maybe some random LaserDisc titles. In 2005 I rented a VHS porno just to say that I have. Look, it's paying off.
Jesse Lang
Jesse Lang - 6 years ago
I really want to see you review six string samurai. I've never seen any one reference it.
ninjazhu - 6 years ago
Have you seen Surf Nazis Must Die?
Pizzapowerhour - 6 years ago
Kwan-tsu dudes!!
nazi frog
nazi frog - 6 years ago
3 ninjas they were playing super Mario bros 3.
chae fugate
chae fugate - 6 years ago
Surf ninjas was my favorite movie until nothing to lose came out
chae fugate
chae fugate - 6 years ago
Thought u really had a video store now I'm starting to think this is all a ruse
Sonsofculinary - 6 years ago
Trying to find ANYTHING on Canadian Netflix is the same result as James had looking for surf ninjas
ContinualKarma - 6 years ago
This is one of those movies you have to watch a thousand times. It genuinely gets better the more you watch it. It is terrible; but it seems like it's supposed to be in a tongue in cheek sort of way. It's a silly movie that is surprisingly quotable.
Autumn_Sun - 6 years ago
I think Doug reviewed it ages ago: that's how I found out about it.
metalgamer 817
metalgamer 817 - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas is like a worse TMNT2: Secret of the Ooze (actually everything is not as good as TMNT2).
Bob Baker
Bob Baker - 6 years ago
How do you not mention Tone Loc until the end!?! This movie was great, no matter what they say.
Anthony Hodgson
Anthony Hodgson - 6 years ago
The big guy talks way too much in every video
Artorias of the Abyss
Artorias of the Abyss - 6 years ago
Spy Hard was a great Leslie Nielsen film though. It even had an Weird Al intro
threegoatpurse - 6 years ago
Tone Loc is always in kids movies too. He is also in Blank Check if you remember that one.
Garland FX
Garland FX - 6 years ago
Totally Tubular!!
Nick Maatjes
Nick Maatjes - 6 years ago
I Fucking love the eighties : Skateboarding,Thrash Metal, Goth rock and Bitchin Movies about surfin Ninjas
Chester Furlock
Chester Furlock - 6 years ago
Tony was listening to the How Did This Get Made podcast! Great podcast if you like this sort of stuff.
Andrew JW
Andrew JW - 6 years ago
Since most of you guys didn't watch this as a kid, I can tell you it worked. I loved this movie as a kid. It was my favorite movie. It 0% holds up now though. Also, this movie is the reason I love Barbara Ann.
CZA etc.
CZA etc. - 6 years ago
I think there was a gamegear in rumble in the bronx but with no game in it, but I could be remembering wrong.... or it could be the mandela effect (I swear it was stein too)
Sciver Zero
Sciver Zero - 6 years ago
its very likely they did use the same camo outfits. Hollywood does that a lot even now.
Nate Garcia
Nate Garcia - 6 years ago
James ya gotta watch the movies!!!
gangrail - 6 years ago
The movie is aweful and thats what makes it what it is, this movie was marketed to kids
Dig intheCrates
Dig intheCrates - 6 years ago
This is not a bad movie; it's just an action/comedy for kids. You guys are too old to appreciate this. I love Surf Ninjas, mostly due to nostalgia. It's campy fun
godtoHrD - 6 years ago
Loved this movie
Have the novel still too
Love the shredderific guitar soundtrack
And the girl is hot

100. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

lbgtr87 - 6 years ago
How come you guys didn't mention that the rock music in the movie was clearly ripping off van halen? Specifically 'Right Now' when they had hagar in the group.
BFGDangerZone - 6 years ago
When are we going to get to see a rental review of The Master of Disguise
CelestialWoodway - 6 years ago
Leslie Nielsen played Father/ Principal in Prom Night. Jamie Lee Curtis' Dad.
DoctrineOfMayhem - 6 years ago
I LOVE these rental reviews. Keep 'em comin'!!!
Crazy - 6 years ago
Say what you want about Deuce Bigallow 2, but the male whores were HILARIOUS
Greg Deaner
Greg Deaner - 6 years ago
Ernie Reyes Junior was also in The Rundown (The Rock version)
Greg Deaner
Greg Deaner - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas is my Street Fighter: The Movie. I loved it.
wiiagent - 6 years ago
i used to have this on vhs lol
MisterFruitbowl - 6 years ago
tubekyle2 - 6 years ago
I use to rent this as a kid a lot. Don’t remember too much of it though. I also owned the GameGear game as well.
Adventureruler - 6 years ago
That ending, nice save Mike xD xD xD
IshikawaGoemon - 6 years ago
Hey James, you should play Surf Ninjas for Game Gear. I have seen the movie, for the record.
ED 209
ED 209 - 6 years ago
lmao @ intro
Rob Pros
Rob Pros - 6 years ago
This new series is the tits.
Second Sight
Second Sight - 6 years ago
Lol, I smoked weed with tone loc about 10 years ago.
Kyle W
Kyle W - 6 years ago
preston davis
preston davis - 6 years ago
Dude, love this movie
Landbergaren - 6 years ago
No trashcan is as golden to dig in as the 90s trashcan. A lot of gems in there
Jim Gutierrrez
Jim Gutierrrez - 6 years ago
The game gear was also in Rumble in the Bronx with Jackie chan
Alessandro Monopoli
Alessandro Monopoli - 6 years ago
Initially I wasn't too much into this, but now I'm hooked :)
boilingmanTV - 6 years ago
I have the gg game
skillzorz101 - 6 years ago
This movie was the coolest shit ever when I was a kid.
xandror - 6 years ago
The "hottest video games"? Those are 8-bit Nintendo games.
Nesty - 6 years ago
rob schneider have a mexican wife and shes a mamacita also ernie reyes jr was the martial artist kid in red sonja
Brandon Green
Brandon Green - 6 years ago
I start DYING how he says “Rob Schhhhhneider” lmaooooo
Dom Menace 226
Dom Menace 226 - 6 years ago
This movie made me want to move to San Jose. I'm in San Jacinto now, so....close enough.
Nick Armitt
Nick Armitt - 6 years ago
2:18 - Did James just book the VHS back into the system???
Wiz Gi
Wiz Gi - 6 years ago
You know this movies shit when Leslie Nielson isn't funny
LeRoy Lion
LeRoy Lion - 6 years ago
i used to work at a Caldor
SkwareBlox - 6 years ago
I'm loving this series i'm spending way to much time watching these when i should be doing other things.
Dominic Tringali
Dominic Tringali - 6 years ago
Rob Sneider had a jeep so he has to be atleast 16 in the film. I also get the impression he was held back a grade or two so I would guess he is meant to be 17 or 18
phillyphan420 - 6 years ago
What?! Surf Ninjas kicks ass!
The Ultimate Rage
The Ultimate Rage - 6 years ago
Maaaaaan IDGAF y'all hatin'! Surf Ninjas was awesome AF when it came out hahaha KWANZU!!!! (or whatever the fuck they were sayin' lol)
ElderFan 1425
ElderFan 1425 - 6 years ago
Kelly Hu is the reason to watch this movie
Nick Zotixx
Nick Zotixx - 6 years ago
I hope you guys do a 3 ninjas movie review
Matt Nelson
Matt Nelson - 6 years ago
make one about megaforce
u r
u r - 6 years ago
If i recall correctly, there's a Game Gear in Home ALone 3.
HPG Productions
HPG Productions - 6 years ago
at 18:54 the guy on the left looks confused and when the main character asks if everyone is ready he just looks up and shakes his head no, pretty great
Damian Mangos
Damian Mangos - 6 years ago
review cannibal holocaust
tommytatt - 6 years ago
Holy fuck thats rob Schneider
corder1991 - 6 years ago
This was one my favorite movies as a kid along with three ninjas!
Hajduk - 6 years ago
One dog goes one way and the other dog goes the other way.
wolf man
wolf man - 6 years ago
You guys should check out the 1987 film Wild Thing with Robert Knepper.
Iamafishproductions - 6 years ago
"Surf Ninjas is the Cannibal Holocaust of Leslie Nielsen movies." -Rich Evans, 2018
Bearded RC
Bearded RC - 6 years ago
Haha best line in this " they're gang murdering! These kids, these children & and Rob Schneider they kill so many people with dynamite in this movie "
MadChickenPictures - 6 years ago
It took me an hour to realize I was watching the wrong movie
Jorge Mas
Jorge Mas - 6 years ago
Now you have to do an AVGN episode about the Surf Ninjas game!!
Snake Pliskin
Snake Pliskin - 6 years ago
Do one on the original punisher,how dolph would ride his motorcycle in downtown LA sewers and how theirs hundreds of ninjas hanging out down there to. Lmfao random
Jose Moran
Jose Moran - 6 years ago
Kelly hu is the only good thing in this movie
fawkthescene666 - 6 years ago
I actually like surf ninjas as a kid. Years later it turned into a more nostalgic like. Not saying it's some great movie though lol.
Raven House Mystery
Raven House Mystery - 6 years ago
The film that made me lose it in a theater was Larry Crowne (2011). When the moped gang started their West Side Story shtick, I literally broke my own rule of not talking in the theater and said, "Oh, for f***'s sake!"
Brad Lansford
Brad Lansford - 6 years ago
Mike wins the best joke of the video with his final line.

I'm digging these videos. Keep them up!
JamesBoJones - 6 years ago
I had Surf Ninjas for GameGear! It sucked if I remember correctly. I wish I still had it so I could make sure. AVGN should definitely make a Surf Ninjas episode!
BurnRoddy - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas MUST Die
Raphael Tobar
Raphael Tobar - 6 years ago
Amazing find at the costume designer!
Danjimaru - 6 years ago
I only knew Surf Ninja from the Amiga CD32 video game with the same name, never saw the movie.
Odairu27 - 6 years ago
Now james gotta review the game Surf Ninjas as the nerd
Vercalos al'Corlin
Vercalos al'Corlin - 6 years ago
I know Surf Ninjas is on DVD.

This movie's a guilty pleasure for me.
MrWosull - 6 years ago
That one guy kinda looks like a super hefty linkara
TunaCakes - 6 years ago
Rob Schneider is not a good person, I don't if you dont know than why would you say he's a bad person? Dumbass
RettMikhal - 6 years ago
ThePatente - 6 years ago
What about 3 Ninjas serie. Sooooooo bad.....
Clifton Down
Clifton Down - 6 years ago
This was my favorite movie as a kid
Christian Stoleski
Christian Stoleski - 6 years ago
nice nice
Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison - 6 years ago
Wtf is calador?
Jesse Swarbrick
Jesse Swarbrick - 6 years ago
Do "Garbage Pail Kids" next. That movie was sooo awful
Elykus - 6 years ago
solid save by mike at the end lol
Chillionaire - 6 years ago
fuckin dope
Paul Blutaloff
Paul Blutaloff - 6 years ago
The only problem with these videos is that James is too nice to guests, he should be more critical about their opinions, because a lot of time their opinion is garbage and they are totally noncharismatic.
RMJ Movie Reviews
RMJ Movie Reviews - 6 years ago
I remember seeing a poster for this in theaters back in 1993, and NEVER saw it! A buddy and I were desperate to see a movie and we almost bought a ticket for it, but ultimately passed and went to the arcade instead.
Sh3p 83
Sh3p 83 - 6 years ago
Surf ninjas Vs surf Nazis..
Gerudo Kupo
Gerudo Kupo - 6 years ago
Although the gameplay is certainly simulated, a Sega Game Gear (with a VR Headset) also appears in the 90's Spike Lee joint "Clockers", starring Harvey Keitel. The game gear being "nice" and expensive is an important plot point
Billysan291 - 6 years ago
Time to do the Surf Ninja game, James. I didn't even know a game existed!
Dave Smulin
Dave Smulin - 6 years ago
You should do "back to the beach"
omuleanu - 6 years ago
I liked the movie very much
MrDwaters88 - 6 years ago
The other 90's movie with a Gamegear is Rumble in the Bronx.
Jack Burton
Jack Burton - 6 years ago
Rob Schneider actually has come across as surprisingly "with it", down to earth, if not potentially smart even, in much of what he has said outside the world of trash movies and tv roles.
repcatcher - 6 years ago
That liam neeson line gets funnier every time I watch or think about this episode
Top 10 Wizard
Top 10 Wizard - 6 years ago
I love this series. This could be endlessly entertaining.

Mustard Tiger
Mustard Tiger - 6 years ago
Rob Shnnneeeiiiiiider
motakay - 6 years ago
Haha!! What a fantastic ending there Mike!!! :D
phoenixfire blood over intent
phoenixfire blood over intent - 6 years ago
I use to have the gear
BigAL68xyz - 6 years ago
If you wanna see some great early Ernie jr., check out Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon. One of my all-time favorite guilty pleasures. In fact, you guys need to do that movie on this series.
BigAL68xyz - 6 years ago
"Don't expect Citizen Kane." - Leslie Nielsen, when asked about Surf Ninjas, back when it was his most current project.
WarlordRising - 6 years ago
The best thing you can say about Surf Ninjas is that you'll never see a bad guy defeated by a Game Gear in any other film ever made (past and future). Well, you could also say that about Mario Bros and the Super Scope 6.
Robby Andrews
Robby Andrews - 6 years ago
Carlos Lopez
Carlos Lopez - 6 years ago
Love the video, but needs Teddy Rubskin in it. He'd have some shit to say!
Collymotion - 6 years ago
Missed the moral of the story which is that MONEY CAN'T BUY KNIVES.
Jennifer Quistgaard
Jennifer Quistgaard - 6 years ago
I miss old school video stores with all VHS tapes.
BRUCE ASKEW - 6 years ago
I always thought it was a Atari lynx,, thanks for the info
Zuja Ayy
Zuja Ayy - 6 years ago
and rop S c hn id er
Purple Galaxy js
Purple Galaxy js - 6 years ago
I hella liked this movie
MetalmaT - 6 years ago
I completely forgot about Leslie Nielsen even being in this movie. Overall it's a rather forgettable movie though. Both this and "3 Ninjas" kind of suck but for whatever reason I remember "3 Ninjas" quite a bit more.
Alharron Bersamina
Alharron Bersamina - 6 years ago
Do Enemy Mine please
MyLittleDiscolite - 6 years ago
Leslie Nielsen jerks off in this film
Stephan K
Stephan K - 6 years ago
There's actually a Surf Ninjas poster up on Ebay right now
Robert Lindert
Robert Lindert - 6 years ago
Highly enjoying these. Very casual, and I love how obscure the movies are.
Dillyn Crisp
Dillyn Crisp - 6 years ago
The discussion beginning at 2:00 Fucking lol
Big Fudge
Big Fudge - 6 years ago
Rob scheider DERP!
Eddie Bernerstål
Eddie Bernerstål - 6 years ago
my favorite move , i was 9 years old ,,Great movie still
NSixtyFour - 6 years ago
had the vhs and the gamegear back in the day.
we had more fun back then with what we were handed
Ian Parker
Ian Parker - 6 years ago
ha, I remember this shit came on like every other day on tv
Mr Amazing Toast
Mr Amazing Toast - 6 years ago
Long time fan here. Great stuff. I loved it.
R B - 6 years ago
Love it !
Ryan Powell
Ryan Powell - 6 years ago
Full points for Surf Nazis Must Die reference
Philippe H.
Philippe H. - 6 years ago
Classic movie of my teen years. Was 11 when we saw the french translation, haven't watched the original english version yet.
My Pants
My Pants - 6 years ago
I love this show!
Jeremy Is HeRe
Jeremy Is HeRe - 6 years ago
you guys should make one of these with the movie master in disguise
HEYZOOS-CGR - 6 years ago
The Game Gear is in Home Alone 3 too. (A yellow one)
D lopez
D lopez - 6 years ago
Wtf Surf Ninjas classic
Briscoe Greenwell
Briscoe Greenwell - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas taught me an important life lesson. Money can’t buy knives.
mike muniz
mike muniz - 6 years ago
Is this the same as 3 ninja
MrFig 358
MrFig 358 - 6 years ago
how can you forget to mention Ernie Reyes Jr as the little kid in Barry Gordy's the Last Dragon?
Neon Hagalaz
Neon Hagalaz - 6 years ago
To be honest I loved this movie as a kid :D
noakesy316 - 6 years ago
I can't believe I was 14 when this movie came out. Luckily I was old enough to realise it sucked
Mattias Adam
Mattias Adam - 6 years ago
do The Mask next!!!
thekenner - 6 years ago
15:33 it's Jeff Sessions.
Gorehounds Unite!
Gorehounds Unite! - 6 years ago
Thumbs Up for a Surf Nazis Must Die Reference in a review of Surf Ninjas.
CuriousCorduroy - 6 years ago
I remember seeing the trailer on the Tmnt 3 VHS as a kid and wanting to watch it because it looked awesome. Never did find a copy though.
Marcy’s Galaxy
Marcy’s Galaxy - 6 years ago
Legit wanna go to cinemassacre video
OA B - 6 years ago
Fredrik Hast
Fredrik Hast - 6 years ago
This is great, I hope you guys continue with this series!
Drake Harris
Drake Harris - 6 years ago
Ninja with camo sounds like a Godfrey Ho movie
The Smoking Dog
The Smoking Dog - 6 years ago
You should check out the film 'Surf Nazis Must Die.' Its a "bad but good" film from 1987.
Robert Silvers
Robert Silvers - 6 years ago
He's gonna take you back to the past,
To watch the shitty films that suck ass.
Coley Amos
Coley Amos - 6 years ago
Sakumi - 6 years ago
This has become a new favorite series
Bro McDude
Bro McDude - 6 years ago
I don't get it...Surf Ninjas was fun as fuck.
Savage Shot
Savage Shot - 6 years ago
Huge fan but, I prefer angry video game nerd.
MoarRushPl0x - 6 years ago
Rumble in the Bronx had a Game Gear in it? If I remember correctly.
THERealRibbitBartono - 6 years ago
Shiiiiiiiiiit pickle
rotaryfreak3 - 6 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid, precisely because of how stupid it was lol. This and Sidekicks with Chuck Norris. Another movie that doesn't seem to exist anywhere anymore.
Cawby - 6 years ago
Lol same, watched both a few years back on YouTube, still enjoyed them both. You can give that a shot, still might be on here.
trekadam30 - 6 years ago
Ernie Reyes Jr. was also in The Last Dragon; he was the badass little kid.
Raymond Colbert
Raymond Colbert - 6 years ago
Isn't the door that way? lol
Winds of Change
Winds of Change - 6 years ago
Also I love this series. Keep 'em coming!
Christopher Kaesemeyer
Christopher Kaesemeyer - 6 years ago
I saw game gears more in movies then in real life.
Drew Kane
Drew Kane - 6 years ago
Review Masters Of The Universe!
Michael Williams
Michael Williams - 6 years ago
Rob Schneider is... The Surfer

Rated PG-13
Winds of Change
Winds of Change - 6 years ago
When is Son of Godzilla?
SupremeDominator - 6 years ago
Review surf ninjas for game gear
Jose Berrios Jr
Jose Berrios Jr - 6 years ago
Fuck surf ninjas with a carrot
maximuscesar - 6 years ago
How could Game Gear batteries last that much? Fakest movie ever!
War Against Myself
War Against Myself - 6 years ago
I honestly would rent from there
Jason Wagner
Jason Wagner - 6 years ago
My new favorite cinemassacre series
Angry Gamer0503
Angry Gamer0503 - 6 years ago
Oh not this attention craving lard ass again ugh.... no one else can get a word in.
BboyZoinks - 6 years ago
which one
Somestranger83 - 6 years ago
Should have watched 'Surf Nazis Must Die'
Marty Dmf
Marty Dmf - 6 years ago
I could listen to that bigger dude talk trivia about shitty movies all day.
Matt Ring
Matt Ring - 6 years ago
I’m surprised this wasn’t an ad for Shinobi III: return of the Ninja Master on Sega Genesis (also released 1993) because there’s actually a surfing level in that game and you’re (obviously) playing as a ninja warrior in the game.
Nguyễn Long Huy
Nguyễn Long Huy - 6 years ago
I love the old video record tks James
Joseph Bentley
Joseph Bentley - 6 years ago
This is actually a pretty good martial artist movie
John ghoul
John ghoul - 6 years ago
"Ok I guess I'll take some sea snail's & be on my way. No no a little lower the one's on the bottom. Have a good nipple."
M Borges
M Borges - 6 years ago
Ba ba ba, Barbara Ann
Patrick Darling
Patrick Darling - 6 years ago
This and Mr. Nanny were my fav movies
Nathaniel Garro
Nathaniel Garro - 6 years ago
I confused the movie with "Surf Nazis Must Die" :D
Arctrooper Rob
Arctrooper Rob - 6 years ago
God, he's the angriest gamer I've ever heard, AND NOW HE HAS A STORE?
sadetwizelve - 6 years ago
Too Perwin
Too Perwin - 6 years ago
This is great! I really love it.
Chad Guiry
Chad Guiry - 6 years ago
love this series!
3goDoge - 6 years ago
Alexander Rewijk
Alexander Rewijk - 6 years ago
bio-dome is so bad too lol

"i'm a sherman tank!"
Amber J
Amber J - 6 years ago
I loved it as a kid I watched it most weeks .and in the uk I couldn't find it on dvd or anything.but its not a good film but a awesome fun film
Ace High
Ace High - 6 years ago
Voorhees?? As in voorhees nj?
Daniel Escobar
Daniel Escobar - 6 years ago
Micah Buzan
Micah Buzan - 6 years ago
I wouldn't mind spending a month in that basement.
adamisajoker - 6 years ago
Can you please do one of these for Arachniphobia?
Joshua Roy
Joshua Roy - 6 years ago
The podcast he was referencing was “how did this get made” and it’s fucking awesome. That episode was hilarious
lbmautos - 6 years ago
How in the world do you walk out with the wrong movie in the case! Lmbo
Glasses&Mouthplates - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas was a Geeeeeeeeeeeeniussss movie.
Jeff Olds
Jeff Olds - 6 years ago
Reyes jr. Was also in "The Last Dragon"
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 6 years ago
James please do an avgn review of the of Dark Stone for the PS1. One of the worst games I've ever played
PirateTube TV
PirateTube TV - 6 years ago
Hope he makes more of these with the guys in the video store.
Val Halla
Val Halla - 6 years ago
totallyyy tubular!!!!!!!!!
Kristoffer Suico
Kristoffer Suico - 6 years ago
They’re not saying Barbara Ann, they’re singing Baba Ram since the guy is the Baba Ram of Meekrob. So they use the Barbara Ann song by The Beach Boys to dedicate to them
Silentype Student Producer
Silentype Student Producer - 6 years ago
Stop looking at THE FUCKING CAMERA!
Joshua - 6 years ago
i found out on game gear they made a game of surf.ninjas. this. movie is full of 90s cheese lol
Jaysound sherapa
Jaysound sherapa - 6 years ago
Anybody see the goodfellas reference in this review haha its there the entire episode
cubeincubes - 6 years ago
goddamn league of whatever fuckin with the batman
Ronald Mcneill
Ronald Mcneill - 6 years ago
Please do little giants.
George Batton
George Batton - 6 years ago
Ernie Reyes Jr. was the stunt guy in the costume of Raphael in TMNT 1. I'm not sure who it was in TMNT 2 since he played Kino. Reyes is Filipino, and Rob Schnieder is half Filipino.
MC - 6 years ago
I loved this when i was a kid.. you guys shat all over it
Movies Over Matter Productions
Movies Over Matter Productions - 6 years ago
More like CineSavior James! The video store theme is a PERFECT idea! I'm really digging this! Video stores shouldn't be forgotten!
Gau Bu
Gau Bu - 6 years ago
As a kid. I lovedddd this movieee! I wanted a game gear soo badly lollll.
BubbaSteve Garcia
BubbaSteve Garcia - 6 years ago
Holy shit that intro brought back all the feels!
Krock - 6 years ago
It took me a while to figure out they were saying Master of Disguise and not Master of The Skies
NoBSFX - 6 years ago
Request: The Meteor Man 1994
Steven Simmons
Steven Simmons - 6 years ago
Good Lord I watched this movie way too much as a kid. I was/am a big Leslie Nielsen fan and was so excited her was in it. I haven’t seen it in like....15-20 years?
plhought - 6 years ago
Rooobbb Schneeiiiddeerrrrrr
Tronfan80 - 6 years ago
Loving these new videos, great idea for a new review series!
nick hall
nick hall - 6 years ago
The concept art looks like Jigsaw
ManDevil - 6 years ago
Concerning Rob Schneider playing a 15-year-old at age 30... It's Rob Schneider guys! He probably got held back a few years at school!
ADKearney2112 - 6 years ago
I can't wait for more of these! Rental Reviews is an amazing series!
House Music Catalog
House Music Catalog - 6 years ago
morgellons world wide
TheRackits - 6 years ago
You bitches is crazy. This movie was tits!
JuggErr Knot
JuggErr Knot - 6 years ago
I love surf ninjas corny as it is but the Son of Godzilla there is a masterpiece.
anava84 - 6 years ago
F-ing love this movie! They missed the best joke of the movie though. What if?? I still say those jokes to this day haha. What if I lose this power? Noooo! I had it, then I lost it. Hahahah
Dylan Starr
Dylan Starr - 6 years ago
Gotta love that Ed Wood playing in the back
Z00Ball - 6 years ago
You guys should do a review like this for the 1993 skater movie "Airborne"
Jaco Verster
Jaco Verster - 6 years ago
Great series
ファンセガ - 6 years ago
How did he make the commercial so 90’s
Armed Astronaut JM-83
Armed Astronaut JM-83 - 6 years ago
I had this game on Sega gamegear!!!! Pretty awesome!
TheComb3z - 6 years ago
Dang! Maybe it's just that I haven't seen this movie since the 90s and early 2000s, but I thought this was hilarious in its self awareness. "Everyone know's money can't buy knives!" Good stuff as always.
Tim Dahl
Tim Dahl - 6 years ago
How about Airborne (1993)? PS the gamegear though!
JB0071051982 - 6 years ago
I actually bought the novelization to this movie as a kid. Ironically I did not see Surf Ninjas until years later. I am very pleased that I did not bother to see this as a kid. It is a shame that this movie derailed Ernie Reyes Jr.'s acting career for a while. After this he took a hiatus to concentrate on his martial arts (he took up Muay Thai and fought professionally for a few years.) and stunt work. Since then he has acted in a few direct to video martial arts movies and performed stunt work in films such as Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, and Act Of Valor.
Glad that Kelly Hu has gone on to appear in better things since this movie came out. As much I don't like it, I would rather watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III than this movie.
itsCONTROVERSY - 6 years ago
rob schneider is, The Stapler
Beta Ray Tasty
Beta Ray Tasty - 6 years ago
I miss Leslie Nielson.
dinosoid2000 - 6 years ago
Erney Reyes Jr. was also the little dude that beat the crap out of The Rock in The Rundown.
brodie kercheval
brodie kercheval - 6 years ago
Float like butterfly sting like bee
scott762mm - 6 years ago
Goodfellas t-shirt.
TheCobradragon - 6 years ago
Lol you can tell he is laughing at 01:20
Gingervitus - 6 years ago
Checkout video, Scan to 4 random spots in the video, Hear Justin Silverman still desperatly talking over everyone else. Back to other avgn content
alex & emily
alex & emily - 6 years ago
Let Each-other Talk! Stop Talking Over Yourselves!
mekkanizer - 6 years ago
t o t a l l y t u b u l a r
monkeyCheezzz Jones
monkeyCheezzz Jones - 6 years ago
monkeyCheezzz Jones
monkeyCheezzz Jones - 6 years ago
i want a gumball !!! ... an orange gumball
i want a skittles machine :P
gumball classic
S Marcey
S Marcey - 6 years ago
This was great loved this flick as a kid.
SoCalChunkybutt - 6 years ago
can we not get some production value?
Simon Outlaw
Simon Outlaw - 6 years ago
cmon surf ninjas rocks
Tom S
Tom S - 6 years ago
God damn I love this series so much.
Andrew Gilliland
Andrew Gilliland - 6 years ago
Loved this.
trytip x.
trytip x. - 6 years ago
now eventually, you might have surfing on your, ummm on your surfing movie?
thewillingwell - 6 years ago
Can you guys talk about that Dan Akroyd/Chevy Chase movie 'Nothing But Trouble'. That movie gave me nightmares as a child. Keep up the good work. I really enjoy Rental Reviews. My family ran one at home but it's mostly Betamax.
HACK THE MOVIES - 6 years ago
I reviewed it on my channel years ago
Nick Andreason
Nick Andreason - 6 years ago
yall are such nerds... i love it
DEVIANT KNIGHT - 6 years ago
Movies for mom and dad ;)
Blake Melkey
Blake Melkey - 6 years ago
European gigolo is awesome. Assopopolus. Mike Matei is awful I'm sorry
Shinmsl - 6 years ago
Fun fact: The father of Ernie Reyes jr. , the Ernie Reyes senior played Akuma on the Street Fighter The Movie- the game, so there's an actual connection there.
BlueSoulJim - 6 years ago
axel - 6 years ago
Are they in Philadelphia
St.AshHole - 6 years ago
And here I thought I hallucinated this movie all these years ago.
Crispin Swickard
Crispin Swickard - 6 years ago
I am really liking these reviews. Probably much easier than the fully written, and produced reviews, and I like the more genuine talk. keep them up.
Mike Sharon
Mike Sharon - 6 years ago
James I see some games and vhs movies I can't get in my town do u ship rentals? Lol
William Rachuy
William Rachuy - 6 years ago
I really enjoy these! I recommend using another camera or two to split the single shot.
DeeJay Dos Muchoz
DeeJay Dos Muchoz - 6 years ago
The other movie James cant remember that the Game Gear was in it would be Rumble in the Bronx
greater chungus
greater chungus - 6 years ago
Good times
Mike Brough
Mike Brough - 6 years ago
I always thought Rob Schneider was the creepy older friend. Did no one else have one in their respective group of friends growing up?
Nexus of ice
Nexus of ice - 6 years ago
Am I the odd man out on this one? I loved this movie. Now and as a kid in the 90s.
Sawse Bawse
Sawse Bawse - 6 years ago
Three Ninjas or Surf Ninjas?
RedZeshinX - 6 years ago
You guys need to eat popcorn, hot dogs and soda while you do this.
Colin Scott
Colin Scott - 6 years ago
How did I read that as “Surf Nazis must Die”? Weird
Chris Kurz
Chris Kurz - 6 years ago
This is a great series! Seems like a lot of people agree. I hope this series does well for ya! I'll keep watching!
kong DaBomb
kong DaBomb - 6 years ago
I only liked this movie for the gamegear scene
Jason Rasmussen
Jason Rasmussen - 6 years ago
I loved that movie.
biggtexaz - 6 years ago
Ernie Reyes Jr. also has a good fight with The Rock in The Rundown.
biggtexaz - 6 years ago
Cinemassacre Video looks like it’s located in Jefferton.
Captain - 6 years ago
The plural of "Ninja" is "Ninja".
Arcexey - 6 years ago
is there some sort of secret art or filmmaking technique that is beyond me when it comes to having the camera behind the customer?
I can't see him! I can't see him talk! I can't see his expressions! I can't connect!
this is such an amazing thing. thank you.

And like having those videos in the foreground makes things so weird.Keeps making me feel like that is about to be in focus and that the people talking are the 2nd feature
Ziggy Hull
Ziggy Hull - 6 years ago
Raymond Frand
Raymond Frand - 6 years ago
Brian Greg
Brian Greg - 6 years ago
Yall hatin on surf ninjas....pshhhh totaly bogus man
Matthew Seader
Matthew Seader - 6 years ago
I think it went completely over your heads that Surf Ninjas is a farce
Jay P
Jay P - 6 years ago
Why do you guys hate rob shnieder ... I thought he was very funny.. his like the guy thaf its funny that all the bad stuff is happening to him.... waterboy he was funny than on The Animal Adam Sandler basicly plays the same roll rob shnieder played on Wboy.... lol I liked rob shniedee some...
7th AngelAD
7th AngelAD - 6 years ago
Saddle up, Keno!
Jeff Cockmann
Jeff Cockmann - 6 years ago
hahaha tone loc and a "young" rob schneider..
uberdown - 6 years ago
i hung out with rob schneider in '01, the thing that made him laugh most was when i randomly said "moto surf" in his delivery of the line
Wayfaring Stranger
Wayfaring Stranger - 6 years ago
That intro was brilliant.
GHOST UNOLY1 - 6 years ago
Keep this up its fantastic.
bigcat81 - 6 years ago
He thought he was watching Schindler's List for an hour. dead.
HACK THE MOVIES - 6 years ago
bigcat81 fun fact. We tried to order a surf ninjas VHS for the episode. It showed up a few hours after finished filming.
bigcat81 - 6 years ago
And returning it in the Surf Ninjas VHS case. Anyone would of made that mistake.
HACK THE MOVIES - 6 years ago
bigcat81 I thought it was weird the movie was in color...and a comedy, and not in Germany.
duhsmersh - 6 years ago
love the commercial style intro dude you nailed it
Robert Matthews
Robert Matthews - 6 years ago
Mike's just there to be there,he contributes nothing in these videos
Neosaurus - 6 years ago
Fantastic review
Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright - 6 years ago
This was my absolute favorite movie as a kid. Not exaggerating, I watched it nearly every night for at least a year.
Kenzo Nuñez
Kenzo Nuñez - 6 years ago
Awesome series James, maybe someday you can talk about Kamen Rider Amazons (2016) or other Tokusatsu. You've the knowledge to do it.
scorpio13 - 6 years ago
Growing up in a small town I had two rental places. The looked just like this. You guys nailed it. I can still hear the creaking floor boards and smell the old and dusty scent. Such good memories. $7 for a game for 7 days. I rented Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, Super Mario 2, Mega Man 1-3, Startropics, Little Nemo and many others. They're both gone now :(
neverthere - 6 years ago
RedRocket - 6 years ago
Half in the Bag is better dad said so.
Pacers143 - 6 years ago
MT Onitonit
MT Onitonit - 6 years ago
I think it was Wrong Turn 3 (could be 4) that has my friend almost knnocking over his TV and rage quitting two thirds into the movie.
ex0duzz - 6 years ago
Kelly Hu, Rob Schneider and Leslie Nielsen ? Lol. Also was here to perv on Kelly Hu, but instead we get a prepubescent Kelly Hu. What a waste if her many talents,..
Benjamin Berrios
Benjamin Berrios - 6 years ago
Literally for the longest time during my childhood. This was the only vhs tape I had to watch. So between my friends it has become a cult classic. It hurts me that I can quote this entire movie.
Tetra Max
Tetra Max - 6 years ago
This movie made me get a Game Gear.
JAG214 - 6 years ago
You can find this movie on YouTube
Gersub Denis
Gersub Denis - 6 years ago
Oh my god the very last line killed me!
Dioji Woolf
Dioji Woolf - 6 years ago
Fun Fact: Patusan is a fictional land used in a few different stories that are unrelated, created by Joseph Conrad in his novel Lord Jim.
Charles Davis
Charles Davis - 6 years ago
Did Commando. Predator please.!!!
Slayer Runefrost
Slayer Runefrost - 6 years ago
I remember that the only time ive ever heard of this movie besides the ONE time i watched it and now is that the trailer is on the VHS of Ninja Turtles 2. Also, why no mention that Ernie Rays jr co-stared with Gil Gerard on the tv show Sidekicks and he also played Prince Tarn of Hoblock in Red Sonja
Oldtimer Plays
Oldtimer Plays - 6 years ago
Jess P
Jess P - 6 years ago
Hooked on the "totally tubular" part.
King of Moose
King of Moose - 6 years ago
As someone who loved everything Ninja, have you ever seen "Nine Deaths of the Ninja?" Kinda rough to get through...
michael bush
michael bush - 6 years ago
Oh Jesus...Surf fucking Ninjas!
Daron L.
Daron L. - 6 years ago
Great Vid - My recommendation is that each person be lav’d up to improve the audio a bit
Hypernova0601 - 6 years ago
Awesome as always chaps keep em coming, you mentioned biodome and street fighter in this video, Kylie Minogue was in both :)
Alpha Gametauri
Alpha Gametauri - 6 years ago
Dear Angry Video Game Nerd.

Ride to Hell: Retribution, review this piece of shit!
lxldeviouslxl - 6 years ago
This dunce at 4:56 referred to Ra's al Ghul as some ninja batman fought and the called the league of assassins the league of what ever... this man has no credibility in my book now. Then he said he didn't like the Ninja Turtles.... this guy never again.
lxldeviouslxl - 6 years ago
Ra's al Ghul was Batmans mentor and teacher. As for the other ninja it was Kyodai Ken.
HACK THE MOVIES - 6 years ago
lxldeviouslxl I wasn't reffering to Ras Al ghuls. I was talking about the Night of the Ninja episode. And I said league of whatever Because they had two different names and I thought I'd use the wrong one.

Ninja turtles is whatever. Shredder is cool though
Jimie - 6 years ago
I saw this movie as a kid.. I remembered seeing the preview for it on the Ninja Turtles 3 VHS. I was so excited to see it. I begged my dad to take me to it, I was a kid, and thought it was awesome. My dad to this day says it was the worst movie he's ever seen. I haven't rewatched it as an adult yet. Soon(TM).

Vigilance - 6 years ago
I like these videos. They are fun
big bad papa bear
big bad papa bear - 6 years ago
No wrestling tapes and dvds :(
Ariel fangirl Mendez
Ariel fangirl Mendez - 6 years ago
I seen surf ninjas and that guy from the 2nd ninja turtles movie was the best!
Sykotik1 - 6 years ago
Review 3 Ninjas!!! I loved Tum Tum lmao
Franck Schuchhardt
Franck Schuchhardt - 6 years ago
Great new Video Series! Hope there are coming more videos!!
jimmyju76 - 6 years ago
This is one of my favorite movies how dare you diss it
jimmyju76 - 6 years ago
Money can't buy knives
hammyX18 - 6 years ago
This movie made me want a Game Gear lol
Manuel  Colon
Manuel Colon - 6 years ago
Seen Surf Ninjas hit play and like button right away
Miles Trombley
Miles Trombley - 6 years ago
That movie was my childhood guilty pleasure.
GrantDeezNuts - 6 years ago
Reminds me of Red Letter Media's Best of the Worst series. And that's a good thing.
Chairman Meow
Chairman Meow - 6 years ago
Is this an actual series now? Cause that'd be fucking awesome.
Adam Bolinger
Adam Bolinger - 6 years ago
Thought it was Colonel Che?
future shock
future shock - 6 years ago
Three Ninjas was a much better cheese flick
Eammon Wright
Eammon Wright - 6 years ago
ya that is totally the guy who's roommate called Total Biscuit an asshole.
future shock
future shock - 6 years ago
I love this new series James
The3Brett3 - 6 years ago
If you wanna see a really fucked karate movie then watch Kickboxing Academy. The sensei at the end takes to the crowd with a machine gun.
The3Brett3 - 6 years ago
Douche Bigalow.
animus hack
animus hack - 6 years ago
he also play one of the ninja turtles in part one
Alvaro Flores
Alvaro Flores - 6 years ago
Nice episode guys, could you do something starring scream queens Linnea Quigley, Michelle Bauer or Brinke Stevens like Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers?
Noloc Drums
Noloc Drums - 6 years ago
I love these segments!! Hope to see more
MegaHello202 - 6 years ago
I love these rental store reviews
Campo Reviews
Campo Reviews - 6 years ago
do a review of the game
Joshua Bell
Joshua Bell - 6 years ago
This is better than the Nostalgia Critic
omuroth88 - 6 years ago
another movie i absolutely loved as a kid same with the 3 NINJA'S franchise :D <3 \m/ leslie nielsen as colonal chi is brillaint haha
Leonard Wei
Leonard Wei - 6 years ago
There are actually two movies I enjoyed Rob Schneider (for what it's worth): Down Periscope because he was an asshole the whole time, and The Chosen One, which he was perpetually depressed the whole time.
DarthMacchio - 6 years ago
I remember my friends and I all thinking this looked so stupid when we saw a trailer for it at the cinema. Once we all caught it on cable though we actually kind of enjoyed ourselves. It is terrible. And strange. And pointless. But somehow entertaining. It has a certain charm. And no, I can't believe I'm saying that.
MidsummerDream - 6 years ago
I thumbs upped as soon as the parody commercial was a minute in. So love.
future shock
future shock - 6 years ago
Yup, that pumped the nostalgia up to a level 99
DarkIce 1990
DarkIce 1990 - 6 years ago
What about warriors of virtue
CH 03
CH 03 - 6 years ago
This is just so good.
Gabriel Asaf
Gabriel Asaf - 6 years ago
lmao the classic adults only section, thats the peak of nostalgia in your ad
Justin Bliven
Justin Bliven - 6 years ago
You guys are great. We'd be friends.
Josh Sinclair
Josh Sinclair - 6 years ago
And I thought Mike Mattei's story about pissing on the screen during TMNTIII was hilarious.
Boris Mzhen
Boris Mzhen - 6 years ago
Love this new series! good stuff, keep em coming!
Michael - 6 years ago
Love the South Park reference with Rob Schneider.
bigideas3 - 6 years ago
May I suggest Teen Wolf Too for one of these?
joeriveracomedy - 6 years ago
I walked out of European Gigolo. It is the worst movie ever minus the mention of a Portuguese Breakfast.
Joe Hung
Joe Hung - 6 years ago
Ernie Reyes Jr. was in The Rundown with The Rock.
Firebert - 6 years ago
Rob Schneider is The Stapler!
Chuckaloso - 6 years ago
Anyone else getting a "RedLetterMedia" vibe from these videos?
bigjake360t - 6 years ago
Money can"t buy Knifes.
Nate Chumley
Nate Chumley - 6 years ago
I really liked the way this was setup and shot. From the old commercial to they way everyone was positioned. But I always seeing your rental store basement room.
ekku1979 - 6 years ago
Goodfellas, Tommy's mother's painting on a T-shirt. Next level shit...
Super Nintendo Chalmers
Super Nintendo Chalmers - 6 years ago
One dogs lookin one way the other dogs lookin the other way and this guys like “hey what do you want from me?”
mauricio chacon
mauricio chacon - 6 years ago
come on nerd, at least watch the whole movie before making a video, that was dumb
Fox Mulder
Fox Mulder - 6 years ago
"Surf Nazis Must Die" is the movie you gotta see, It's a Troma classic
Todd Gack
Todd Gack - 6 years ago
I think you guys are being way too hard on this movie. There's nothing more for me to say.
Tivendord - 6 years ago
So James when are you going over the Godzilla King of the Monsters trailer?
Jay Ceester Deester
Jay Ceester Deester - 6 years ago
Awesome, some more martial arts cinema!

Hey, I found out that here are book two sequels to Bram Stoker's Dracula. One is co-authored by his decendant, Dacre Stoker along with a Dracula expert, Ian Holt called Dracula The Un-Dead. Another was written with a near identical title by another author. Both should show up if you look on Amazon. Thanks again team Cinemassacre.
Curtis Riceman
Curtis Riceman - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas - a Rob Schneider story.
Check GS
Check GS - 6 years ago
Surf ninjas— top 5. I put it at #3 right ahead of Goodfellas at #4.
The Summary Guy
The Summary Guy - 6 years ago
One of my favorite 'bad' films. Money can't buy knives
Perry lee
Perry lee - 6 years ago
Man I came for James Rolf, there's only so long I can listen to random guys talk over each other.
Uzi Game GP
Uzi Game GP - 6 years ago
Bad Leslie Nielsen movies don't exist.
SmugOwl - 6 years ago
Your movies are amazing james
you deserve 10 million subs for making millions around the globe smile and laugh with your godly videos.
julie price
julie price - 6 years ago
Also I love the intro it's totally bringing me back to growing up and the video store or arcade was my version of going to Disney land. I also loved the laser disc reference
Jon H
Jon H - 6 years ago
Wait James. Was this a take on the 3-Ninjas success by Touchstone? "3 Ninjas - 1992" "3 Ninjas Kick Back - 1994" "3 Ninjas Knuckle Up - 1995" Seems as it tried to settle in 1993 and didn't quite make it. :p
julie price
julie price - 6 years ago
Do a AVGN for the surf ninjas game on Sega game gear. I used to have it. As Mike says there's fun to be had playing it but it's also a little difficult as the jumping is hard to deal with.
illuminatioracle - 6 years ago
lol CALDOR. That sign was basically a part of the flushing queens skyline since they didn't do anything with the property well after it went out of business
simpersly - 6 years ago
When I was a kid about third grade I rented Surf Nazis Must Die thinking it was Surf Ninjas. I was very confused.

I still have no idea why my mom would rent that movie for me.
infntnub - 6 years ago
James has a video store in his basement.

Meanwhile, his friends all live in their parents' basements.
Javier Molina
Javier Molina - 6 years ago
Remember "MONEY CAN'T BUY KNIVES!" this was definitely a good and enjoyable movie.
jose juan andrade
jose juan andrade - 6 years ago
WAIT ! Did this movie realy exist??? I always though James made it up for the AVGN series!
xn0 - 6 years ago
James, its time for SURF NAZIS MUST DIE.
Browncoats85 - 6 years ago
Dude I freaking love this movie! It was so bad but so much fun!
bEN-OFFICIAL MASSIVE - 6 years ago
Ahh u mention the Troma one.....I wrote my comment too early, where on the same page!
hammerbrotha - 6 years ago
Fond memories of this movie . Thanks for the video!
bEN-OFFICIAL MASSIVE - 6 years ago
I'm from Australia and totally remember this movie. We revisited a few years back because of all the bad is good nostalgia but like u said it should have slipped through the cracks. I don't think we even watched it as kids but I remember the cover. I actually thought it was a Tromaville movie for some reason. Think I'm thinking of the Surf Nazis or something I don't know. It was one of those movie covers like Shocking Asia or Spazmo that stood out but u never hire it cause it looks bad but the covers image is burnt in your brain like a reoccurring nightmare on steroids and smack, robbing your innocence like a broke junkie hooker.....was trying to go there but I'm not as legendary as yall. Anyway great discussion fellas! :D
stephen sharrer
stephen sharrer - 6 years ago
On the original VHS tape off Ninja turtles 3, the previews had a trailer for Surf Ninjas.
pepe Gamer153
pepe Gamer153 - 6 years ago
Make the Nerd play simpsons hit and run
King Rhuts
King Rhuts - 6 years ago
Hey! If u ever want an episode where someone tries to rob the “store”, I’m your man! Just gotta buy me plane ticket from San Diego! It would be guaranteed fun and entertainment! Guaranteed!!!
playakain - 6 years ago
Don’t forget about blank check ... tone L = awesome
samsquanch1996 - 6 years ago
Awesome video! I've been watching James' vids since 08, awesome to see that after all this time he's still making quality content!
Hard Workrr12
Hard Workrr12 - 6 years ago
I wanted to see this so bad in the theaters when I was a kid but I was like grounded at the time or something. Lol maybe my parents did me a favor
Lucas Warfel
Lucas Warfel - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas...
On GameGear...
Marius VanDamme
Marius VanDamme - 6 years ago
I remember as a kid seeing the cover at the rental, but decided to rent Army of Darkness instead.
Death - 6 years ago
Do double dragon some time.
consciousnick -
consciousnick - - 6 years ago
Airheads with adam sandler featured a gamegear
Guen Doff
Guen Doff - 6 years ago
James has a tat
Khale Wagner
Khale Wagner - 6 years ago
Loving the new videos fellas, keep it up! The old vhs rental shop room is looking amazing!
TheSuperBuff84 - 6 years ago
Guys, please do 'COP AND A HALF' starring Burt Reynolds.
Riz2336 - 6 years ago
That movie looks ridiculous dude, probably so bad haha!
Randy Jr
Randy Jr - 6 years ago
I watched this so much as a kid, it's my favorite movie lol
Matt Haggard
Matt Haggard - 6 years ago
I loved this movie as a kid!! Kwan-tsu dudes!!!!
GoldbondPowder - 6 years ago
Favourite movie of all time.
ALszaro - 6 years ago
Kwansoo Dudes!!
Ross Scarlet
Ross Scarlet - 6 years ago
say yes to vhs
SegaCDUniverse - 6 years ago
One two dude!
Prootzy Zoots
Prootzy Zoots - 6 years ago
That way they say Rob Schneider is like in south park
Amp - 6 years ago
Surf Ninjas > Schindler's list
Jean-Francois Gagnier
Jean-Francois Gagnier - 6 years ago
lol so funny you do this review now, I watched it like 3 days ago!
A D All Day
A D All Day - 6 years ago
I love this movie and it has a place in my heart forever... still own it... I think you just had to grow up with it to love it... it's so good
rock star2345
rock star2345 - 6 years ago
Loved this movie as a kid. Unwatchable now
Batman Blood
Batman Blood - 6 years ago
I loved this movie when i was a kid for the fighting. Now i love it because it's horrible. Its just close to my heart
Joshua Weeks
Joshua Weeks - 6 years ago
Really loving the Cinemassacre Rental Reviews. Keep em cumming!!!
Robert Topham
Robert Topham - 6 years ago
Kept my video since i rented it a long time ago its so terrible its great
killert41 - 6 years ago
Legacy of kain
Channel1Mind - 6 years ago
I love this movie back in the day. We rented this from West Coast video like almost every weekend. Watching this with my older sisters and little nephews & nieces was some of my fondest memories.
iokcs - 6 years ago
WTF is this garbage?
Computer Bladet
Computer Bladet - 6 years ago
So a writer goes into a studio and pitches this idea and they say "wow thats gonna be awesome" :-D
Tin Foil Hat
Tin Foil Hat - 6 years ago
Mike and Jay have really let themselves go.......and wheres Rich??
HankBlockOG - 6 years ago
Best of the 90s!
Raspotnik - 6 years ago
I hate this and that.
Ocean Man
Ocean Man - 6 years ago
Weeaboo's in Japan be like: Bro where are the subtitles.
MordenKult - 6 years ago
Holy shit guys, Cinemassacre Rental Reviews may already be my favorite thing that you guys have done. It's a really great set up with a fun atmosphere and it seems to give you guys a ton to work with creatively. Keep up the great work!
Mike M
Mike M - 6 years ago
"Brothas Don't Surf"
AvatarOfGames - 6 years ago
Rumble in the Bronx had a Game Gear in it.
Project Redfoot
Project Redfoot - 6 years ago
Stanislav Yeremitsa
Stanislav Yeremitsa - 6 years ago
can we hope to see some movie-based videos not featuring those guys ? Like in good old days ?.. :(
bigHtown36 - 6 years ago
You should do a episode on Monster Squad, it was one of my favorites growing up.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Hey Cinnemassacre. Please be yourselves. You are not RLM, you are something else, something different, something just as good. Ok bye
HardyBoy - 6 years ago
this movie is fucked lmfao
Long duk dong
Long duk dong - 6 years ago
Careful James that dude might eat you.
cyclonejokerjt - 6 years ago
xenosus - 6 years ago
I think Surf Ninja's needs a remake and it should be as serious as Schindler's List.
Puppana - 6 years ago
Movies even for mom and dad? Let's see some of that!
Serj Star
Serj Star - 6 years ago
i used to love that movie when i was a kid
Serj Star
Serj Star - 6 years ago
it has some charm
Arch Dawg
Arch Dawg - 6 years ago
Did you guys not know there was a surf ninjas 2?
AlienBoy13 - 6 years ago
One of the film's writer's, Dan Gordon. He co-wrote the hurricane (much better film) and co-wrote the Kevin Sorbo religious film let there be light.
Mark Hyde
Mark Hyde - 6 years ago
Loving this series....
Arch Dawg
Arch Dawg - 6 years ago
This is like a book club but video style
Arch Dawg
Arch Dawg - 6 years ago
I seen this in the theter when it came out..
CLIF F - 6 years ago
Oh this movie brings back good memories lmao

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About Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews

The "Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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