Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones An epic short film that parallels the truths of religion to the beauty in surfing. With depictions of beautiful Asian landscapes and serene tropical waters, you will find yourself ready to devote your life to the Surf gods. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones sentiment_very_dissatisfied 159

Surf 16 years ago 1,613,413 views An epic short film that parallels the truths of religion to the beauty in surfing. With depictions of beautiful Asian landscapes and serene tropical waters, you will find yourself ready to devote your life to the Surf gods. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones

Peter Mullen
Peter Mullen - 6 years ago
Despite resistance to prevailing religious superstitions, cultish fantasy, I love harmonic convergence, an instinctive attraction to the edge of the unknown, the edge of danger. Only at the edge can you ride before the crest of the swell to see yourself. The dance of life, constructive interference. Best damned commercial I've ever seen. Freekin Red Bull. These dudes have to be dabbin.
Call of Kurdish
Call of Kurdish - 7 years ago
Plis Subsckribr mi
Peter Mullen
Peter Mullen - 7 years ago
Best advertisement in history "period". Red Bull Inc rocks!
Geison Macabro
Geison Macabro - 10 years ago
maa memo viu
maa memo viu
Giorgio Romano
Giorgio Romano - 11 years ago
tranceaddict324 - 11 years ago
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
Which means he made the oceans and the waves! He is more glorious than all created things!
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
Colossians1:15-20 ( The Bible Gods revelation of His Son Jesus Christ and his plans for the salvation of the world through him) 15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.In him is the Truth! Believe!
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
I worship a person who is both God and man in human form.He is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him.

10. comment for Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones

MrWhodidwhatnow - 12 years ago
lol when I saw Ross Clark in the title I thought it said Rick Ross and when I saw the picture of the wave I was like, I GOTTA see this.
Andy Mills
Andy Mills - 12 years ago
god < good
Benjamin Krammer
Benjamin Krammer - 12 years ago
jesus power!!!
leonel sepulveda
leonel sepulveda - 12 years ago
esunestilo de vida. muy especial
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
you to.
Ddashmatt - 12 years ago
Science > Religion
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
Matthew 17: 24-27 this is what Jesus could do. and what he said about himself.John 14:6 New International Version (NIV) 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Come back to the truth bro. Aristotle cannot get you to heaven! and may lead you to the other place.
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
Also he exists in a spiritual realm that is invisible to us but. Remember he made the physical universe so it is beyond our science to know That realm. It is totally up to God to reveal himself. He has done that in Jesus Christ! and put his words in The Holy bible. John chapter 1: 1-18 if your interested God is revealed here as Jesus Christ who came and dwelt among us.
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
Matthew chapter 28 verses 1-20 We are dealing with something beyond our science to understand work out or explain with the knowledge we have, as very small and young inhabitants of this universe.We simply cannot know how God can exist as an eternal Perfect being. But Jesus Christ has revealed God to us its up to you to look into it or dismiss it But if he is Risen He is God and we are accountable to him. Read the Book of Acts. The story of the believers after he rose from the Dead.
Lolsman95 - 12 years ago
Amazing clips, broke my heart it only was in 360p :(

20. comment for Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones

Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
And our rebellion against Gods rule over mankind, which began in the garden of Eden.Eve knowingly disobeyed God, and brought about the downfall of Mankind. God said to eve after she disobeyd his command. " What is this you have done" at the cross God the son's final words were "it is finished" meaning he had defeated the devil and now forgiveness is available to every man who asks for Jesus forgiveness. and we will receive eternal life as our reward. Peace.This is what the Bible teaches.Read it!
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 12 years ago
Isaiah 66:1-2, Isaiah 46:9-11 The God of the Bible is the true God! and the only God! and Jesus Christ His redeemer of sinful man. (Isaiah 59:1-3) to be saved and return to God,Isaiah 55:6-7 Read. The Gospel of John Chapters 1-3 ,God is NOT an energy He is a personal perfect being, in three persons. God The Father ,( God the son) Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. 3 personalities,1 Being ( God) 3 in one. Jesus is Gods revelation of God who came to earth as our redeemer from sin (wrongdoing)
Regina Lizard
Regina Lizard - 12 years ago
Ai sha
Ai sha - 12 years ago
islam <3
anonymousishhh - 13 years ago
If you'd been born in Ancient Rome you'd worship Neptune, in Ancient Greece it'd be Poseidon, Ancient Egypt - Yam, Ancient India - Neruda. Just so ya know :) I'd prefer to give respect to the awe-inspiring power of nature. Crediting an imaginary friend doesn't make the ocean any more special in my mind. But the ocean, in and of itself, is worthy of unbridled respect. I <3 U WATER!
kurniawan adi utomo
kurniawan adi utomo - 13 years ago
when we live in harmony.... peace
lammm077 - 13 years ago
Bali, the goddess Island, the paradise for surfing!
hox9577 - 13 years ago
@MysterySaxophoneMan1 You`re right :-)
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
@hox9577 that is some of the most mind numbing logic ever. how bout you think about this when you pose the bear as the atheist. have you ever heard of an atheist martyr??? and you never will. I simpy want religion out of our politics because it is incredibly divisive. peace. now go back and listen to the new linkin park on repeat and think what deep thought provoking music it is!!!
hox9577 - 13 years ago
@amremorse Why do dogs and cats fight? Why can`t we go to the woods and hug a bear? Does the dog hate the cat because the cat is jewish, and the dog is muslim? Will the bear kill me because I`m christian and the bear is an atheist? Think about those questions.

30. comment for Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones

T D - 13 years ago
God made the Waves so i will Worship God :)
ChalenMichealEthan Dewitt
ChalenMichealEthan Dewitt - 13 years ago
I don't know what this was lol but I'm Christian, so yeah.... not into Buddhism or anything
HotBombs99 - 13 years ago
@amremorse You are wrong my friend, their are many professors who believe and come to the LORD. The Lord warned us of today"In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron.(1Tim.4:1,2) The fool has said in his heart their is no God.They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that does good.Ps14:1 I don't vote I trust & wait only in the LORD
theyermany - 13 years ago
@amremorse jejejejeje... fuck yeah baby!!!!! xD
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
go to africa to preach. that's the only place where people are still buying into this bullshit. look at the numbers. the uneducated are the only that will still listen, and I've read the bible and that was when I decided this is cucoo, chauvinist man made drivel. what, i can't lift a finger on sunday or i'll be put to death? now why don't you just go vote for santorum and leave everyone else outta your delusions of grandeur.
HotBombs99 - 13 years ago
@amremorse Feel very sorry for u, i don't see what u are saying about secretly wanting the world to go to hell, it already is that hell, u don't see it because u love sin and are blinded by ur selfish lusts. What i hope for is what the LORD of the bible hopes for, that all will come to know him and what is the real way we should live. So before saying something find out what the bible says and not what u hear from TV or people who really don't live by its commandments.That peep u don't hear is u
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
just curious, if god created Adam and Eve and they had Cain and Abel, How did they reproduce? were they tagging mommy? you should be proving it to me and not the other way around. your god is vindictive, cruel, ruthless and tyranical because it is man made.
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
@konigjon wow you're dense bro.
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
@HotBombs99 funny how you all secretly want this world to go to hell just to justify your beliefs. fuck taking care of the earth, we're getting ressurected. SWEET!!! yeah i guess i'll have to look after your fucking brainwashed children. and BTW I've prayed to god while getting hammered surfing more than a dozen times and didn't hear a peep.
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
@hox9577 morality is not interwined with religion. two separate and distinct things. read the old testament and then get back to me on this. so sad you guys don't even read the book you profess to be the "truth". religion has killed more than any war, and if you want something more current. look no further than Nigeria islamic extremeists have claimed reponsiblity for bombing various churches. still happens all the time.
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 13 years ago
@theyermany dude that's shrooms not pot, unless we're talkin' 'bout the cush cush baby yeah!!!
cavlax27 - 13 years ago
who cares what u believe in. just surf.
Martin Kaufmann
Martin Kaufmann - 13 years ago
if you have not enough brain - then you have religion, believe in obscure concepts, practice limited thinking, be a victim of culture and the society!
Mr. Anti-Mosuquitos
Mr. Anti-Mosuquitos - 13 years ago
its BALI indonesia !!
rethoory - 13 years ago
fuck god, lets go surfing
davidFreiheit - 13 years ago
i believe in allah the one and only GOD with no partners, you can call him anything that applies to him like (the creator)(The All-Merciful)(The Victorious)(The Greatest)(The Reliever)(The Judge)(The Just)(The Preserver)(The Forgiver and Hider of Faults)(The Resurrector)(The Owner of All)(The Rich One)(The Guide)(The Patient One) Total of 99Names
SuttonSantiniPaulo - 13 years ago
Bill Hicks brought me here.
AVKtt - 13 years ago
as many other......................
oldschoolskaterful - 13 years ago
surf is not a religion .... is a way of life !!
wordreet - 13 years ago
All the true gods are in fact natural phenomena. Respect nature or humanity will suffer.

50. comment for Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones

skatinboi - 13 years ago
1:25... Not even a big wave :) jk
Mobbingsocke - 13 years ago
I thought this is a surfing vid? 0o
Star Lit
Star Lit - 13 years ago
what is the background music in this video it's awesome
t - 13 years ago
1:29 thats me
fantazyball Gangy
fantazyball Gangy - 13 years ago
106 people don't worship any energi!
The Epic Movies
The Epic Movies - 13 years ago
Awesome!!!! I am going to remember that video forever but the red bull thing sorta wrecked it
Dan R
Dan R - 13 years ago
suddenly i want a red bull
raikonvegito - 13 years ago
103 people took them the wave: D
theyermany - 13 years ago
Worship a drink??? Were they smokin' weed when they were planning this ad??? WTF!!!
shorebreak69 - 13 years ago
what a fuckin' wank,,,, fuck off redbull!!!!!!!!
Surprise toy City
Surprise toy City - 13 years ago
so red bull is becoming a religion ? it will be soon banned in islamic countrys if they show this ad on TVs !
Alexander Aboutanos
Alexander Aboutanos - 13 years ago
@fullboxxskater religion benefits noone? the church donates more money than any other organization on earth to the poor people in this world that need food. When i am surfing the majestic nature of god is shown to me, i feel bad foryou because you weren't blessed with being able to see past the water and foam.
Fatballs Productions
Fatballs Productions - 13 years ago
Nice editing but the surfing scenes do not really have much consistency...
hox9577 - 13 years ago
@fullboxxskater if religion didn`t excist, people woud just kill eachother for an other stupid reason. By yhe way: I`m christian, I just took a work out session with a buddhist, and in the English class, I asked a muslim girl about she coud help me with something (I`m terrible in english), and I play guitar with an other frend who are one of the jehovah's witnesses, and I have a frend who aren`t religius. What I`m saying is that religion don`t always cause problems.
Monkyisland - 13 years ago
to bad religion just isn't a truth, n'either does it tell one
rizzlecicks - 13 years ago
surfing is not religion its a bunch a guys standing on some foam
Ray Waves
Ray Waves - 13 years ago
@HotBombs99 Wasnt Jesus God's creation too? Just saying...
Blaan - 13 years ago
not the religion is the problem, the human itself is!
bertonedes - 13 years ago
@WilderFilms1 No, bad Theism is the reason.
SirRunsAlot - 13 years ago
@fullboxxskater LOL! the jews killed Jesus over religion? the Roman state killed Jesus, not the jews..and the romans had their own religion with the roman gods. But anyway..agree with some of what you say..but the idea BEHIND religion is not bad..its mans way of making sense of the world and fear of death..but it has been misused and therefore lost its good values. When it come to wars I would say many come from religion but just as many are not or use religion to cover other reasons ;)
HotBombs99 - 13 years ago
I worship the true GOD the most high, i don't worship his creation (waves) u can still enjoy surfing, but don't worship his creation, worship the creator himself and his son Jesus Christ. Soon all will see that what was written, will come to pass and is already started. Prepare for living off the land, what if there was no super market could u survive? Food does not come from the store, not to mention GMO's in our food. If u don't believe in him challenge him to show himself to u and u will see
Shaun McGrath
Shaun McGrath - 13 years ago
i worship red bull
Park Jae-sang
Park Jae-sang - 13 years ago
@WilderFilms1 surfing is a religion
caribbeanchild - 13 years ago
You're either stupid or haven't seen a lot of surf!
hox9577 - 13 years ago
@TheAmadawn Thank you
TheAmadawn - 13 years ago
@hox9577 You are correct. Be all inclusive with your friends. However most wars have been fought for religious reasons in the history of mankind. Do the research and i think you might find that out for yourself. Your attitude however still gives hope that young people like you can change things for the better.
Maeve Bradley
Maeve Bradley - 13 years ago
Surfing has nothing to do with religion. Its just fun. Please stop equating it with Religion. There are plenty of other outlets for religious interests.
E Lap
E Lap - 13 years ago
That was truely AmAzIng !!!
Aldo Todo Música Aldo All Music
Aldo Todo Música Aldo All Music - 13 years ago
\m/ Así como la vida misma, sales todos los días con tu encerada tabla de experiencias a deslizarte entre las olas del destino cada día de tu vida.
BergetZCARLE - 13 years ago
Foxglove963 - 13 years ago
Some peculiar disgusting tenets can be found in Lucas 19:27, and Lev. 25, and Lev. 20.13, and Psalm 137:9, and Revelation 6:1-8, and Deuteronium 13:6-10, and Tim. 1:12, and Psalm 59.
antonioaparicio1997 - 13 years ago
@tomtomiz not buddism
Raevenswood - 13 years ago
try paddling out at Lowers on a 6 foot day and see how peaceful surfing is you D-Bag.
matti bl
matti bl - 13 years ago
@k12rising jesus is the son of god idiot ;D
tomtomiz - 13 years ago
@hox9577 grammar-nazi! ^^
Matt Ank
Matt Ank - 13 years ago
@k12rising really?
Austin Roberts
Austin Roberts - 13 years ago
@hox9577 Hitler started the war because he believed that the world should be united under 1 religion/race. So even if there was no religion, he still would have started the war because he wanted the world predominantly white. I agree with you on that. And the neighbor-lands are fighting over the land because they believe their "Jesus" descended from the heavens in that section of land. If there wasn't any religion, the would have no excuse to fight for the land, and in change probably wouldnt.
blahblaz - 13 years ago
/watch?v=PRX3lIvQTgA inland surfing in Munich, pretty cool
Weldon Mix
Weldon Mix - 13 years ago
what shit is this?
hox9577 - 13 years ago
@dominodash21 You have a point, there, but: f.eks. if jews didn`t eksist, Hitler in World war 2 woud just have found annother group of not guilty people, like muslims, but if religion didn`t eksist, Hitler woud just put the blame on someone else, like gingers. If neighbor-lands are fighting and SAY, that its because "we don`t like those muslims" its just for having something to blame on, because they think its embarrassing to say that the fight relly just are about a stupid peace off land
Austin Roberts
Austin Roberts - 13 years ago
@hox9577 Yeah, but you and your friends don't even account for .01% of the worlds population. There are people who DO care. Haven't you heard of the KKK? They hate all religions except Christianity. Without religions there wouldn't be the war in Jerusalem. The Christians vs. Muslims vs. Judaism all fighting because they believe that the city is theirs. That like a 4 year old fighting his brothers and sisters over who's toy car it is. Childish huh? People abuse religion...
Aesthetics Anna
Aesthetics Anna - 13 years ago
Aesthetics Anna
Aesthetics Anna - 13 years ago
Haha @ Love2surf same here surfing is my passion-3 buddha can suck it!xD
Flippin The Switch
Flippin The Switch - 13 years ago
@AphexxTwins oh come on dude now i have to search for his comment Dx
hox9577 - 13 years ago
@tomtomiz What the f**k, man? I am a 14 years old, Christian dude, and I have many, many Muslims frends, and other Christian frends, and Buddhists and frends who don`t reallly have a religion. We dont care about what other believes in, or where your frends come from, so don`t f**king tell me that "Religion = war"! If what you saying was right, I wodn`t have those frends. Peace out.
Saidi Alaoui Mohamed
Saidi Alaoui Mohamed - 13 years ago
Islam is the most peaceful religion
voicesinthewoods - 13 years ago
eryyy18 - 13 years ago
me re gusta el surf! además los surfistas son hermosos! jajaj .
yosupgurl - 13 years ago
@Xattheend and yet religion is what keeps human sane.

100. comment for Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones

Max Million
Max Million - 13 years ago
I wish we could have seen female surfers when contrasted with female dancers, but otherwise what a gorgeous short film (ad).
Jacob Quigley
Jacob Quigley - 13 years ago
im sure that bloke was reading the islamic TRACKS magazine.. FAIL!!
Sharshar Pipa
Sharshar Pipa - 13 years ago
no sense at all???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!1
nour4lina - 13 years ago
Mario Pantuso
Mario Pantuso - 13 years ago
ChibLeader - 13 years ago
Basically sums up my nightly prayer sesh to King Neptune
BalrogVolker - 13 years ago
crazyfighter89 - 13 years ago
( images+music ) PERFECT! makes your skin shiver
joão andré
joão andré - 13 years ago
dont like this video
Soloxoman - 13 years ago
Xatheend: Religion benefits nobody. Its a tool that utilizes fear to control man kind. It is used by wicked men to achieve there selfish goals. I do believe religion has been causes the majority of all war. Even Hitler was simply trying to impose his religious ideas on the world. The catholics have murdered millions in the past due to "holy" quests and beliefs. Even the jews apparently killed Jesus over religion. Now buy red bull or die. At least thats all I can think after watching this video.
ashergtk - 13 years ago
@carllomibao I 'admire' the range of vocabulary that you possess . "you kinda suck". best insult ever.
Korto Chamallow
Korto Chamallow - 13 years ago
@tomtomiz THAT'S TRUE !!!
trinityproj3ct - 13 years ago
Was perfect without the pesky words at the end.
bope85 - 13 years ago
@sKullZ55mzplayboy Aren't we all?
bope85 - 13 years ago
@sKullZ55mzplayboy Aren't we all?
Muraabit - 13 years ago
What energy do you worship? It suggest that in order to keep mankind moving we should worship Redbull by consuming their energy drink. Very misleading!
prisburke20 - 13 years ago
What's the name of this song...?
TheXD3D - 13 years ago
NiiCE ViiDEO ! :D
Sudevika Kealani Okeahi
Sudevika Kealani Okeahi - 13 years ago
Gosh take it easy, be nice to each other.. surfing is like a religion or faith in so many ways to those who really love it... people need to see the good in everything... besides its not a religion, its a relationship with God.
TheXD3D - 13 years ago
I like this video :D
CT2507 - 13 years ago
@ImCiambello do u mean to say there are several end goals?
Max Bortone
Max Bortone - 13 years ago
@CT2507 it's supposed to be like that, but actually it's not always like that
Michael Zanderigo
Michael Zanderigo - 13 years ago
@Xattheend Are you mentally challenged??
CT2507 - 13 years ago
@ImCiambello spirituality, religion... the end goal is the same.
malibumut - 13 years ago
Is Ross Clarke Jones switchfooting on that wave, or is there a right that looks like Teahupoo?
TheXD3D - 13 years ago
Nice :D
pablo gonzalez
pablo gonzalez - 13 years ago
poooooooota que buen videooo totally amazing!! likeeee
Nori Taka
Nori Taka - 13 years ago
Chuck norris swimming pool
wisterV - 13 years ago
Let's keep religion, delusions, and lies away from surfing.
cinderellaman24 - 13 years ago
Buy Red Bull or DIE!!!!!!
Saulo Salvadori
Saulo Salvadori - 13 years ago
Red Bull é foda.
WilderFilms1 - 13 years ago
Religion and Surfing.... what a joke!!!! Please keep religion out of it! Religion is the reason why this planet is so f---ked up!!! Get a clue!
imthe619er - 13 years ago
i loveed that 30 seconds of surfing.
adritomasi - 13 years ago
tomtomiz - 13 years ago
surfing = peace religion = war
mike oxbig
mike oxbig - 14 years ago
0:29 hes going to give that statue head
Marco Verrati
Marco Verrati - 14 years ago
@ImCiambello its the same thing
Roman Abdolus
Roman Abdolus - 14 years ago
Nope religion is fine :)
CountSlotula - 14 years ago
i miss surfing SO MUCH. Somehow i've got myself stuck in Wales,U.K, most of the surf is in winter-When it's freaking freezing cold & i'm skint too. i used to surf Sri Lanka regularly & loved it...................................
AphexxTwin - 14 years ago
@Xattheend Thats all you can think of after watching this vid???? Well maybe (you simple minded dunce) you should'nt watch advertisements anymore. Maybe you should stay away from anything different and thought evoking because your delicate psyche might be damaged or swayed into buying something you dont need or want. I've seen idiotic statements posted on youtube but yours takes the prize...along with the 31 people who" thumbed up" your shit post.
envsmajor - 14 years ago
love the energy that made you. love surfing. love tradition and growth together. love everything... except commercialization of the sacred by disingenuous marketers hocking unhealthy products. that shite's f lame.
Enrique Gonzalez
Enrique Gonzalez - 14 years ago
very good editions.and ros clark jones is a masters
Rafael Alcântara
Rafael Alcântara - 14 years ago
iradooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!! debuenas
Rafael Alcântara
Rafael Alcântara - 14 years ago
iradooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!
Peter Matthess
Peter Matthess - 14 years ago
what would you rather worship. the creator or the creation?
dougyfrench78 - 14 years ago
well i am packing my bags and going
PlanetJetProductions - 14 years ago
Oh my! Nice video! Amazing cinematography! Two thumbs up!
Stanislav Khaylov
Stanislav Khaylov - 14 years ago
nice video
max gone
max gone - 14 years ago
I myself am not religious, but religion is not bad. Institutionalized religion is the problem. I like god i just hate his fan club.
knightschemdry - 14 years ago
What energy do you worship! As if energy is the universal source of worship. lol!!! Think People think... We need critical thinking to be taught around the country. Here: Think about this, Ok. Energy!! Is not the center.. What is Zero Point Field energy then.. Cause that is beyond energy. So say the source of all energy... It like saying what women do you worship or what money do you wordship.
Tom Jerry
Tom Jerry - 14 years ago
@mkings20 lol you know i said pretty much the same thing to a friend of mine who had never surfed before, but before the end of a week he was already off the bic and on a equaly as plastic fish.
waxcomb - 14 years ago
@Xattheend Religion is more of a tool eg you can use a shovel to kill someone or dig them a vegetable garden. To say that it is intrinsically bad as a broad sweeping statement by just pointing out the negative points would be taking a pretty limited perspective.
Quodge - 14 years ago
@simetimelyme For me the big issue was getting to my feet. once I was up I could be at home and balance well, but getting up was a bit of a struggle. Im sure u can do it in like one day if u spent all day in the sea with good 3/4 foot learner waves. If you start to feel like the surf is too big and your struggeling, or your getting tired, as soon as the thought to come in crosses your mind you should do. Also you should never be so far out that you cousnt swim back on ur own if u lost ur board.
Quodge - 14 years ago
@simetimelyme Hello buddy. Like anything it takes time to learn a skill. never been snowboarding. But surfing to me is alot like skateboarding (turn on the back foot listing the nose) I went from total useless surfer to feeling totally at home on a bord in 6 weeks, but that was in uk, im sure you can do it much quicker with good surf to give u more ride time. The main thing here is going to be spending as much time as possible in the water.
Chris Ward
Chris Ward - 14 years ago
surf does religion one better.
wordreet - 14 years ago
I respect and love the sea, but I'd never worship it or anthing else for that matter. But Redbull could be like a religion. The world is addicted to caffiene after all.
Vinnygil - 14 years ago
@spraymaster Some religion does free you.................. We can be slaves to our bad habits or addictions without even realizing we are imprisoned. Yes some religion is seen as dumb rules. But they are for your own good and the good of everyone around you. It is gay that redbull has to get their greedy little hands into everything. Its like "wow the majestic power of the ocean" and then bam u realize its a advertizement for a caffeine loaded energy drink... totally gay!!!
Vinnygil - 14 years ago
@spraymaster Some religion does free you.................. We can be slaves to our bad habits or addictions without even realizing we are imprisoned. Yes some religion is seen as dumb rules. But they are for your own good and the good of everyone around you.
Max Bortone
Max Bortone - 14 years ago
they should have written Spirituality not Religion
hogiesanKenobi - 14 years ago
Nice Advertisement
filitalian - 14 years ago
Ya whatevsa
hana mano
hana mano - 14 years ago
catching one of those , is humbling...!!!
Michelle Cowart
Michelle Cowart - 14 years ago
Taynãn Leite
Taynãn Leite - 14 years ago
Parabéns Belo Video ! ^^
Duncan Parks
Duncan Parks - 14 years ago
@ashergtk for what it's worth, dogs don't actually eat other dogs very often in the natural world. Mostly, they work together, hunting in packs, following a well-recognized hierarchy. They tend to settle their social differences with displays and threatening behavior rather than outright killing. They defend their pups communally. All this, of course, without a hint of religion or dogma...
Oscar Nilzen
Oscar Nilzen - 14 years ago
@spraymaster agreed!!!
joel eastburn
joel eastburn - 14 years ago
There is only one true freedom that it sitting on a board out in the middle waves with no one around.
NOK 2014
NOK 2014 - 14 years ago
@spraymaster To define evil you must define good first, which you didn't....
Audrie Yeo
Audrie Yeo - 14 years ago
i wish i can surf !!! i want to surf ... the problem is, i can barely swim properly :(
Filip Makedonski
Filip Makedonski - 14 years ago
rly nice vid ;) gj
themadscientest - 14 years ago
redbull is barely energy its less caffine than coffee an contains nothing but niacin try yerba mate (yur-ba mah-tay) it isnt carbonated and dosent cause a nasty case of indegestion and actuaal is healthfull rather than damaging
Akimbo Assassin
Akimbo Assassin - 14 years ago
@TheDolphinspirit Because he was nobody when he was alive... his obscurity didn't merit some historian coming to visit. He was made famous posthumously. The _real_ basis of the teachings of any religion is to do good to others. Buddha and it's Karma, Christianity and it's charity, Islam and wishing well on your brother... It's everywhere, Man. Don't get bogged down by religion. Because it's only the bad apples in them that make them sketch. Look at their character.
Gabriel Clark
Gabriel Clark - 14 years ago
Surfing has (basically) always needed sponsors, relax.
Bill - 14 years ago
@TheDolphinspirit lol your sentence makes no sense plus the fact that history actually proves that Jesus did exist. Whether or not you believe He is the son of God is up to you. But He really was a real person who EXISTED...thats proven.
EmperorJuliusCaesar - 14 years ago
Lol @ truths of religion(in the description)...there are none, they're all lies....every one of them.....
Mel Couceiro
Mel Couceiro - 14 years ago
Muito boa!
clevername333 - 14 years ago
That was amazing up until the redbull part.............. damn........ and I was going to post this... no advertising for me please.
PirataDeAguaSalada - 14 years ago
A W E S O M E!!!!!!!!
Hanna - 14 years ago
heeeeeheeeee wierd guy with a beard
farid saahari
farid saahari - 14 years ago
great short film....
curlcurllocal - 14 years ago
@spraymaster you obviously haven't surfed snapper. :-)
Iñaki Zubiría Barrera
Iñaki Zubiría Barrera - 14 years ago
TheDevenus95 - 14 years ago
@starclad wrong religion is what you believe but there are terrible people out there who like to say that your goin to hell if you dont believe what they believe and they are bad but the religion is not a tool if the relion is one that honors God as the only god and creator of all and believes that Jesus died on the cross for us then it is good
Ginny Sanderson
Ginny Sanderson - 14 years ago
that wave is fucking gorgeous
TheDevenus95 - 14 years ago
religion itself isnt eveil just the people who use it to manipulate you
spidervaider - 14 years ago
god bless you all, I am going to ride some waves !!!
ElectronHexagon - 14 years ago
Look, I know all too well that surfing gives you an epic feeling and the experience can sometimes feel ethereal... But religious? My experience knowing Jesus for the last 30 years is alot deeper than anything I've seen or felt in the water riding waves. All seriousness aside, I'll take the concept behind this vid as more along the lines of respect for our sport and leave it at that. Peace.
Luis Larmonie
Luis Larmonie - 14 years ago
@skate000102 nicely said dude . ..
asd top
asd top - 14 years ago
@spraymaster haha you are so gay
Örjan Lennström
Örjan Lennström - 14 years ago
How pathetic. Just stay with the surfing.
livingforthenextrush - 15 years ago
religion is a shoulder to lean on, some are strong enough to stand alone
CoreyDillonNFL - 15 years ago
sounds like surfing a better thing then
luke braam
luke braam - 15 years ago
where is 1:20 thats a sick left
Kar Hou Foong
Kar Hou Foong - 15 years ago
i actually surf..........but those 3 or 4 foot waves im on a shortboard not longboard..... shortboard oh ya i cant surf along the waves yet i only surf white water at the moment
Paddy le Blanc
Paddy le Blanc - 15 years ago
Nature = god eh? To you perhaps.
Paddy le Blanc
Paddy le Blanc - 15 years ago
Dont see where the surfing/religious connection is. OK, surfing can be spiritual but I dont recall 'surf wars' that have claimed millions of lives over the millenia. Surfing is about believing in yourself not some conceptual entity
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 15 years ago
KEWL vid................I have prayed many times while cartwheeling underneath the ocean. Whoever made this, MAKE MORE!
watermanblue2 - 15 years ago
Surfing is about doing your own warrior-"soul surfer"'s about diversity-if everyone was just like me. I'd be a boring f#@k.-and so would you. .do your own thing..trip on everyone doing theirs..If you think you've got it all figured out-you're the fool...slide on ...
Storm Surfers
Storm Surfers - 15 years ago
Check out more Ross Clarke Jones/Red Bull big wave surfing with Storm Surfers on Discovery Channel. Have a look at my channel to see what I'm going on about.
imran khan
imran khan - 15 years ago
Kaula P
Kaula P - 15 years ago
same here surfing is amazing nothing in the world can sompare to the feeling i get when im on a wave or in a barrel
shortymcbig - 15 years ago
@malibum4 i completely agree, to me its my lifestyle, i might not be the best, or anywhere near it.. but its something i love, and i have fun doing it, experiencing the power of the ocean. and to me thats all that matters.
B dH
B dH - 15 years ago
Boycot redbull... Surfing isnt about beeing hyper active, but being super chilled and feeling happy.
Kasper Zuilekom
Kasper Zuilekom - 15 years ago
I love it!
Kaourentin Braouézec
Kaourentin Braouézec - 15 years ago
super video
gazboost - 15 years ago
which has many laws u fucking idiot
spraymaster - 15 years ago
looks like red bull wants you to worship their energy drink cans and sell it with a litle surf movie. Religion is one of the most evil instruments on earth. Surfing is pure and free. No laws to obey exept the power of the ocean
SoW LR - 15 years ago
i find my religion see the wave and die ... or not
Albert BlackPearl
Albert BlackPearl - 15 years ago
there is only 1 energy.. No, it's not rebull sh&$t .
Chris Salmon
Chris Salmon - 15 years ago
that was my point..."real surfer" this and that. Theres no such thing, everyone has their own style and approach.
Chris Salmon
Chris Salmon - 15 years ago
"A real surfer wouldnt say that" What? hahahhaa, let me guess another machado wannabe surfing a single fin..
John Bryant
John Bryant - 15 years ago
prove anything
Wayde Lee
Wayde Lee - 15 years ago
i use my foot to.... gets u deeper and more control on the pad.... either way is good i guess...!!
Thinking Monkey
Thinking Monkey - 15 years ago
you duck dive like a kook
Chris Salmon
Chris Salmon - 15 years ago
Surfing has got fuckall to do with religion, as much as I love it. Its a lifestyle, and may occasionally feel spiritual, but not half as much as hypocritical pros trying to be deep in their movies like to think. Faith is the absence of proof, surfing is a sport. Bit misplaced, but cool clip.
lewbelew - 15 years ago
No its not the hawaiian way, i don't know who taught you to duck dive but this is the proper way!
Lucas Huang
Lucas Huang - 15 years ago
so good!
Afik Mazon
Afik Mazon - 15 years ago
im pretty sure ur dad touches u at night
squarecracker - 15 years ago
So, you are correct, but still very stupid. However, you're name calling has dented my self-esteem in such a way that I don't think I will be able to go on being a male model. Thanks for ruining my life and forcing me to respond to you.
TravisCash - 15 years ago
can someone tell me from where i can get this music from ?
squarecracker - 15 years ago
Cool. Thx for understanding. Listen, my brother just bought a house on Bali, he says you can walk to Padang Padang. If you can get a ticket, you can stay with us any time you want. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, I hope the surf is good. Just hit me up man.
squarecracker - 15 years ago
A random guy coming to your door unsolicited and making you surf would be the same is the Christians you've described. I object to companies using surfing as a medium to promote their brands, which is more like putting a sticker on the cross (or equivalent). I feel this way because waves are limited resources, and the more companies promote their products through surf, the more crowded and unenjoyable surfing becomes. I didn't mean to butthurt anyone, I just found the juxtaposition hypocritical.
squarecracker - 15 years ago
You are correct. My life is incredibly miserable. However, this does refute my point that: If surfing is a religion, why is it acceptable to use it as a medium for advertising? While one can make the argument that it is just part of the environment, I think the surfing experience would be greatly improved if it were treated as if it were sacred. As you know, surfing is ruined by the hordes of kooks decked out in retro boardshorts trying to convince others that they embody the 'surfer lifestyle'
squarecracker - 15 years ago
Perhaps I can explain my opinion in more simple terms. As I see it, this video compares surfing to religion. However, in the scenes detailing more traditional religions, there are no overt corporate ad campaigns, while every single surf shot features some form of advertising, mostly in the form of stickers which push overpriced, sweatshop-made goods. Why not slap a redbull or rusty sticker on the cross, if the two are indeed parallel? It would be offensive, like this vid is to my intelligence.
squarecracker - 15 years ago
I can assure you that my comment was no joke. Yes, I am trying to manipulate viewers of this video. I do not feel I am making a fool of myself, for I believe my points to be legitimate. I should hope that my opinions 'make' the best of me, for they are well thought out and reinforced by irrefutable facts. 1. I have reconsidered my opinion; I still stand by it. 2. Obviously, surfing is for fags. 3. I will send you my resume which outlines my numerous accomplishments in sordid detail.
tranceaddict324 - 15 years ago
hoooolllllyyyyy shhhiiiiiitt tht was a good vid i must say....
squarecracker - 15 years ago
If surfing is so spiritual, why are there corporate logos in every single surf scene, yet none in the temple scenes? Don't poop in a cone and tell me its ice cream; surfing is about pushing crappy slave-made products to worthless, extreme lifestyle junkies who, for lack of any noteworthy accomplishments, seek to define themselves as a 'surfer', much to the chagrin of those who view surfing as a discipline of spiritual advancement. QUIT HAWKING YOUR WARES IN THE FATHER'S HOUSE!
agwar143 - 15 years ago
Joseph Collins
Joseph Collins - 15 years ago
This is about Red bull not religious ideas.. but carry on :P
nafuller - 15 years ago
Great short! imasuper - Shut up! keep your personal views to yourself
LukZen - 15 years ago
Daniel - 15 years ago
great short film, five stars all the way
Alonso Almeida
Alonso Almeida - 15 years ago
AWSOME WAVES this vid is so amazing, i worship the waves dude
SeXYweStY01 - 15 years ago
take the advertisement out at the end and that is fair amazing
Joey Murillo
Joey Murillo - 15 years ago
i worship myself.. late night ; )
Alex Bray
Alex Bray - 15 years ago
that's what advertising is dude - no bullshit
Zyxoon - 15 years ago
That is what life is about. ! No bullshit, just the true power of nature.
thewildwizard - 15 years ago
Matt Randalls
Matt Randalls - 16 years ago
cool vid

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The "Surf Short: Religion feat. Ross Clark Jones" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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