Surf Tips - How to Pop Up

The second of our 3 multimedia installments, We talk you through the perfect pop up!

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The second of our 3 multimedia installments, We talk you through the perfect pop up!

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Most popular comments
for Surf Tips - How to Pop Up

Simon Hilgevoord
Simon Hilgevoord - 6 years ago
Hey maybe you like this! >>>
Rumsnore - 6 years ago
dankie man
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 7 years ago
Hey Chris great video.My issue is that i popup in one smooth motion but my back foot always lands in front of the tail pad,and hence in front of the fins.Any idea how i can sort this out?
Lyn Abraham
Lyn Abraham - 7 years ago
supitzgraham - 7 years ago
John john Florence in 20 years
Tomas Klimas
Tomas Klimas - 7 years ago
I know it's an old video but still have a question. My pop up is fast and centered but my problem is sometimes my back foot is to far forward and my front is to far forward. Any ideas to help with this?
TicketToRideGroup - 7 years ago
Hi Tomas, mastering the Pop-up is timeless! There are two ways to change that, and they sound easy but will take time and persistence! 1. Slow down your pop-up to make sure those feet land in the right place, be patient with it and practice it slowly over and over. 2. The next option is to move your feet once you're up, as long as you do it straight away it won't effect your ride too much! 

People often think that on a shortboard your feet should be planted in a specific place, but this isn't the case. Look at any pro surfer and you'll see them making foot adjustments all the time, the key is having the confidence to do this. Best of luck and let us know how you go! 

Noel Anenberg
Noel Anenberg - 7 years ago
Set back foot first was an excellent cue- now I'm back and stylin'Thank you, Chris
TicketToRideGroup - 7 years ago
Nice one Noel, great to hear it helped!
Noel Anenberg
Noel Anenberg - 7 years ago
Excellent! Mahalo!
Top-em tudo
Top-em tudo - 7 years ago
Good Job!!

10. comment for Surf Tips - How to Pop Up

Aline Fonseca
Aline Fonseca - 7 years ago
Great video!!Thanks a lot!
TicketToRideGroup - 7 years ago
That's a pleasure Aline, hope it helped out and you're getting some good waves!
Daniel King
Daniel King - 8 years ago
Awesome vid bro
Alastair Palm
Alastair Palm - 8 years ago
Awesome vid Bro. Local is Lekker! And trust me i've searched the net.
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
Cheers Alastair!
Lisa Marie
Lisa Marie - 8 years ago
So do i use my feet at all to push up with my arms, get my butt up to get my feet under my body?
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
Head first, then chest with arms fully extended. Then you need to get your front foot right up the board, and this is only possible if your back foot has been moved up and into position. It should feel natural, almost like how you start a running race
john sarsoza
john sarsoza - 8 years ago
My knee also comes up outside my arm and I'm regular footed. Been surfing for almost 4 years now and i tried doing the "correct technique" bringing my front knee in between my arms and i just end up wiping out because I'm thinking about it too much. How do i correct this?
john sarsoza
john sarsoza - 8 years ago
thank you
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
Just make sure you practise on dry land, and can nail it there! The only reason I can think your front knee is going outside your arm is because you're over pushing it, and not moving your back foot up first. Trying to get your front leg up first is pretty much impossible, you basically do the splits! I can't emphasise enough how important it is to get it fluid on dry land. Get into the habit of doing 20 pop ups every morning, it will build your muscle memory and make the whole process much more intuitive
Alex S
Alex S - 8 years ago
great video, really helpful tutorial, learned what i needed smooth and fast, thanks
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
Thanks, stoked it helped you out!
Kiwi Biking
Kiwi Biking - 8 years ago
I am always catching the wave but when I try and stand up I nose dive. What am I doing wrong?
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
+TicketToRideGroup it helped me not to nose dive, thank you
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
If you're nose diving if means you've got too much wait on the front of your board. So when you catch the wave you need to 1) make sure that you're knees are together (you quite often see peoples legs open up, and then there's literally no weight on the back of the board, just your chest and head on the front - #fishfood) 2) lift your chest and head up nice and high - this is the prone position. If you have this right you won't nose dive. Only when you're secure there should you pop up. Hope that helps - let us know how you get on!
Leo McCrea
Leo McCrea - 9 years ago
finally a decent and correct pop up video! Well done
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
Cheers Leo
Txmade 89
Txmade 89 - 9 years ago
I have a problem with stumping my toe on my lead foot when I pop up. is there something im doing wrong? on land its perfect and on board its perfect and quick . soon as I hit the water I stump my toe. very frustrating . and advice helps , thanks !
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
Hard to know without seeing it. But sounds like you're doing the right thing practising on land
lachlan dudley
lachlan dudley - 9 years ago
Awesomely done video. I've been looking at a few videos (and this one was excellent for it) and noticed that during the pop up your feet are both airborn at the same time for a fraction of a section as you swing them through your arms that are holding the board. I saw a guy doing a popup a different way in the water and was just wondering if it is viable. Instead of having both his feet airborn, only his front foot got any noticeable air, his backfoot sought of just went from the lying down paddling position to being slid along the board until it was in the right position and then he sought of used it as a balance as his front foot slid through.With this said, the whole process was as fast as a normal 'both feet airborne' approach. Hopefully that made sense!
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
You can slide your back foot up to inside your knee, and then use this to "step up" to your front foot. If you get this going really fluid you'll have a snappy pop.
Mihai Pruna
Mihai Pruna - 8 years ago
+lachlan dudley down the line will help you with an angled take-off
lachlan dudley
lachlan dudley - 9 years ago
+lachlan dudley Also, sorry to have such a long post, but with the whole looking up and not at your board, is there anywhere in particular that you find most useful to look. Should it be at the beach directly in front of you, should it be down the line (if it is down the line, then are you looking just to the left or right of you obviously depending on which way the wave is breaking at the bottom of the wave or is it at the top of the wave?

20. comment for Surf Tips - How to Pop Up

Thomas Durtschi
Thomas Durtschi - 9 years ago
where is the beach that you were surfing in the Intro betting barreled
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Thomas Durtschi Hey Thomas, its at a spot called Crons in Cape Town!
Elizabeth Perrotte
Elizabeth Perrotte - 9 years ago
this is the tip that changed surfing for me. after a long time of messy scrambles this came straight away. Thanks
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Elizabeth Perrotte That's awesome to hear, so happy it helped out!
Bryan Smith
Bryan Smith - 9 years ago
Great tips and VERY well done video. Thank you!
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Bryan Smith Thanks so much for the kind words Bryan!
Joe Davey
Joe Davey - 9 years ago
Hi :)
I have watched a lot of videos on youtube about popping up and this one was probably one of the more informative ones, but I need to ask something. When ever I popup it feels as if my board it bouncing abound and is not properly on the wave, I'm 160cm and the board is 5'4 and quite narrow. If you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
TicketToRideGroup - 8 years ago
That's awesome to hear it helped and you nailed it! Stoked
Joe Davey
Joe Davey - 9 years ago
+TicketToRideGroup Hi again! :) from you replying i have gained alot of skill and also moved to a 5'9 board which feels really great on the wave, and i can now surf across the face of the wave.
Cheers for the help! 
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Joe Davey Hey Joe, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you here! I hope you've figured it out, but if you haven't I'll help out anyway. If you're just learning then a 5'4 is too small for you as it's the same size as you and will sink if you're not going along the unbroken wave (face of the wave). To keep a smaller board more balanced though you've gotta get your stance a bit wider and bend your legs nice and low! Let me know how it's going. Chris
Lava Flo Music & Film
Lava Flo Music & Film - 9 years ago
Love the production on this vid :-)
Twills54 - 9 years ago
I can only pop up if my feet are on the board... Idk how to pop up on a shorter board where my feet go off the back
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Twills54 You may have already figured this one out, but I'll answer it for others with the same question! Firstly take a look at this video, as in this you aren't 'pushing off your toes', and therefore your feet can hang off the end of the board! It will be easier to master this technique on a slightly bigger board, just don't let yourself push off your toes!!
Daniel Bustamante Fernández
Daniel Bustamante Fernández - 9 years ago
Amazing vid!!
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Daniel Bustamante Fernández Thanks!
hollandiadj - 9 years ago
He men, first of all great vid!!! But I have one question. There are presure thents on my board where my knees are. I filmed myself on the dry and i couldn't realy see something wrong, when doing my pop up. Do you maybe have some tips for those?
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+hollandiadj How about you upload your video and tag us and we'll help you out?
renato polo
renato polo - 9 years ago
song please
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
Originel version: m83-midnight city
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 9 years ago
On the pop up, is it better for the back foot to land on the toes, or to the side of the entire back foot like this ->
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+James Kolesnikovich you will naturally land somewhere between the toes and using the inside of the foot too, that isn't as important as that you get your foot flat once you're there, to ride the wave!

30. comment for Surf Tips - How to Pop Up

Jefferson Medina
Jefferson Medina - 9 years ago
Filmed beautifully
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Jefferson Medina Thanks!
Benji Brookes
Benji Brookes - 9 years ago
Hi I really need help every time I pop up I always loose my balance soo quickly and I end up falling off and I only in the end get like a 3 second ride on the board and then for some reason I then grab onto the rail which makes it worse could you please help? Would really appriciate it thanks!
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+SSMB Brookes Adventure Hey! Losing your balance quickly is most likely due to one of two things. 1: you are getting up with your feet too close together, you want a nice wide stance wider than shoulder width. 2: you are standing too upright as soon as you get up, you want your knees bent nice and low. Other tips are to keep your head centred over your board, look up in front of you you not down at your feet or the water rushing past, the board you are on is too small for your ability level? Try those first, if they aren't working get back to me and I'l give you a few other ideas!
DADDY? Jokes
DADDY? Jokes - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for this!really helped, i can now just practice and master
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Nick N Great stuff, stoked to hear it helped!
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 9 years ago
This deserves A LOT more views and likes. Fantastic video! Thanks!
animalization - 9 years ago
+TicketToRideGroup I also have a 6fter soft board iv been up on that a few times.
animalization - 9 years ago
+TicketToRideGroup no its a fishtail with a thruster set up.
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+animalization A bigger board always helps at the start or if you're not surfing very much! Is the 7footer a minimal?
animalization - 9 years ago
+TicketToRideGroup cheers. Iv court some waves with my 7 footer but yeah some of my mates have said that a bigger board is easier. I surf in lowestoft UK. We ger robbed by the sand banks so surf isnt that oftern so I dont get much time to practice with surf. Iv been up a few times on my feet but not as oftern as I like. We also have groins to which doesn't give you much scope to ride the whole wave up the beach unless you pull off some sick aerials.
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Dave1 ization Hi Dave, how much surfing have you done and where do you surf? My first though off the bat is that your board is too small if you are not already consistently riding the face of the wave? If you are still mastering the popup, given you are 16 stone, you should be on a 9 footer which will help you catch the wave earlier as well as be much more stable which will help you get to your feet quicker and therefore give you more time to get your stance right! Give me some more info and we'll give some suggestions!
Dave1 ization
Dave1 ization - 9 years ago
+TicketToRideGroup i seem to have an issue if running out of wave before i manage to get my feet right. we don't get very good swells where we are on average they are about 2-3 ft. im 16 stone and my boards 7ft fishtale with a thruster setup. any suggestions?
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+James Kolesnikovich So glad you liked it and hope it helped you out! Thanks for the compliments!
Arthur Rezende
Arthur Rezende - 9 years ago
Help me
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Arthur Rezende Hey Arthur, can you explain further where you are struggling?
Arthur Rezende
Arthur Rezende - 9 years ago
I didnt understand how i do the jump without my feet
curlybro7 - 7 years ago
You are very idiot.
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
+Arthur Rezende Here is some more information
Arthur Rezende
Arthur Rezende - 9 years ago
I didnt understand very well.. Please help me
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
Hey Arthur, which part would you like help with? 
surfprotechniques - 9 years ago
Thank you Chris! You do a great job of explaining all the basics of the pop up.
Pamela Márquez
Pamela Márquez - 10 years ago
Thank you for the video... Like you said we just need to practise... I will keep in mind your tips...
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
How is it going Pamela? Did you get it right with the practice?
suthobay - 10 years ago
Straight forward, good advice. Thanks for this
TicketToRideGroup - 9 years ago
Did it help with your popup in the end?
Eric Dumouchel
Eric Dumouchel - 10 years ago
Thank you so much for this dude! Took my first lesson yesterday and my teacher didn't even show me this stuff!! Much appreciated!
TicketToRideGroup - 10 years ago
That's a pleasure, glad to have helped! Hope you've been getting some good rides.

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