Surf dog Ricochet grants Make-A-Wish for Caleb

Caleb is a 15 year old boy with stage 4 brain and spine cancer. When Make-A-Wish asked what he wished for, he said to surf with Ricochet. Caleb is one of the most inspiring kids we know and his goal is to beat this cancer. Please say a prayer for him!, and Thanks to all Ricochet's water helpers, photographers, videographers & all around helpers for making this possible.

Surf dog Ricochet grants Make-A-Wish for Caleb sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Surf 11 years ago 114,502 views

Caleb is a 15 year old boy with stage 4 brain and spine cancer. When Make-A-Wish asked what he wished for, he said to surf with Ricochet. Caleb is one of the most inspiring kids we know and his goal is to beat this cancer. Please say a prayer for him!, and Thanks to all Ricochet's water helpers, photographers, videographers & all around helpers for making this possible.

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Most popular comments
for Surf dog Ricochet grants Make-A-Wish for Caleb

Heidi Hecht
Heidi Hecht - 9 years ago
I think I have something in my eye. 'Scuse me a sec.
Joanna 4Rev.21:4
Joanna 4Rev.21:4 - 10 years ago
1 Peter 2:24
New King James Version (NKJV)
24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. Praying, and believing for a miracle. Its God's promise for you Caleb. Just believe, and receive in Jesus Name! 
Baranduyn NoIdea
Baranduyn NoIdea - 10 years ago
Good dog,  good dog.  Hit me hard, but it was a great day for Caleb and Ricochet.
Janett Gonzalez
Janett Gonzalez - 10 years ago
I personally know Caleb...He is amazing boy....and a inspiration for us....God bless you
Captain Harkness
Captain Harkness - 10 years ago
Caleb, you are lucky to have such a supportive family and I hope and wish all the best for you. You will beat this cancer!!!!
Edina Somlai
Edina Somlai - 10 years ago
I am wishing YOU all the very best from the bottom of my heart!
Karen lyons kalmenson
Karen lyons kalmenson - 11 years ago
touched by your dreams,
your power, your strength.
and humbled
Mauricio Almeida
Mauricio Almeida - 11 years ago
Coollll Caleb, greetings from Brazil!!
Lucas Hayes
Lucas Hayes - 11 years ago
the 5 people who gave this a thumbs down are going to burn in the deepest pits of hell!

10. comment for Surf dog Ricochet grants Make-A-Wish for Caleb

Jimmy Capple
Jimmy Capple - 11 years ago
Well at least I got to read the words On the copyright screen so that was fun
Bob Bobson
Bob Bobson - 11 years ago
Very touching and truly inspiring.
Not sure about the use of prayer though...better send money for cancer research if you can.
Olijfje IRDH
Olijfje IRDH - 11 years ago
Cool Caleb, change the music it's banned in lots of countries because of musical rights?
trainjustleft - 10 years ago
Let it ride...
Carene Williams
Carene Williams - 11 years ago
Our Precious Nettie, Lynnette Anne Williams, died of Cancer (Hodgkins Disease) which was diagonised when she was 17. She loved the water, animals, her family, she received her Angel Wings on 5th October, 1978, after three Very Brave years of us all fighting with her. She would have so loved to have done something like this, instead all we had was Radio Therapy, Chemo,,and when she was seven months along with her little baby,( she wouldn`t have an abortion), she delivered a tiny little baby girl. Leeanne Williams, on 24th December 1977, she was 2 lb. pounds three ounces when she popped out into this world, with me watching. She was perfect, and because Nettie was getting very sick in March 1978, Leeanne was adopted out. I haven`t been able to find her, and I am so sad, because of this, because our precious and beloved Danny Boy, Daniel Jason Williams, who also loved the water, animals, his dearly-loved life-partner, who he found dead on Dec. 28th 2009, Danny took his own life, three days later, on 1/1/2010. My heart is shattered. <3 <3 <3 . I am going to light a Loving Gratefulness Candle for Dear Caleb ,hoping that he makes it, and can spend more wonderful time  and with his loving family, and Ricochet. Carene June Williams.
 precious Ricochet,
TN7755 - 11 years ago
Video is blocked in the US. Why...
TN7755 - 10 years ago
Nvm I can watch it now. That was weird.
trainjustleft - 10 years ago
Just played it in Las Vegas 2/27/14. No issues.
Diana Watson
Diana Watson - 11 years ago
Oh god!  The feels!
Pat Magilton
Pat Magilton - 11 years ago
oops ... St. Peregrine
Pat Magilton
Pat Magilton - 11 years ago
Caleb is now in my daily prayers to Peregrine to help him beat his brain cancer
Lisa M. Altemose
Lisa M. Altemose - 11 years ago
OMDoggies! That was beautiful! Caleb is such an inspiration!

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