Surf dog Ricochet on ESPN's Sport's Center KLEENEX ALERT!
Surf 11 years ago 88,634 views Ricochet was featured on ESPN's Sports Center with several of the kids with special needs she surfs with... Patrick, Ian & West. http://www.surfdogricochet and
10. comment for Surf dog Ricochet on ESPN's Sport's Center KLEENEX ALERT!
get over it. seriously.
oh for the love of god its Youtube people. GET OVER IT!!! What i am dealing with is a bunch of uptight white chicks with absolutely no sense of humor. I am not removing it as it is completely not hurting anyone but you over sensitive midlife crisis chicks. The dog is a gift. We all know that. get over it.
anyone who isnt inspired from this video is a complete cold heart. As for my joke it is exactly that...a joke. Relax and chill. The dog is alive and i am assuming very happy.
Oh yes, lets judge me by a single comment on Youtube. Please, remind me again, who is the ignorant one here?
again...loosen up tight ass. no need to be old and uptight. it was a freaking joke. its youtube....bleh.
Loosen up tight ass. I was truly inspired by the story. Its youtube...get over it.