Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves
Surf 9 years ago 454,411 views
Here is what happens when a surf school lesson goes bad. Learning how to surf can be harder than it looks. Instructors push students into the shorebreak and watch them get pounded over and over. Pretty to watch all the chaos and carnage. At the end there is some students actually catching waves and going over the falls. This lesson was at Cowells beach in Santa Cruz, California. Leave your comments below. Please like and subscribe. Filmed by Paul Topp Thanks for watching.
10. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves
you don't see "skateboard camps" where instructors put tourists on skateboards and send them zooming down hills. why not? surfing is just as dangerous...or even more so. at ski camps, you spend the whole week on the bunny hill...because skiing is dangerous. but it's like people think they can just hop off a plane and become surfers in a few hours, as if surfing is some easy thing you just need to "get the hang of", and then you can hang ten and do crazy cutbacks or whatever. it's crazy. pros make it look easy...but you don't see the endless hours, the pulled muscles, the sunburns, the dinged skulls, and the crazy frustration good surfers endured to get "good".
i'm sorry, but if you're from Ohio or something, odds are you'll NEVER become a "real" surfer or learn to surf "real" waves. you just can't get the water hours to get the skills. it's like learning to play guitar by practicing one week a year. to get good at anything, you gotta spend lots of time doing it, correcting your mistakes and gaining the muscle memory.
i'm from chicago, and i take 2 surfing trips a year. have been for about 4 years now. i'm just now starting to move into intermediate waves in places like costa rica and panama, and i still pretty much consider myself a kook. i know the rules and respect and how to not drown, but i'm still not catching 4-5" waves consistently. my wife and i still ride 1-3" trash waves most of the time because we aren't up to the skill level of "real" surfing. we just don't have the consistent water time like we would if we lived in southern or central CA.
point is though, you should have fun but stay on the "bunny hill" as a tourist...and plan to stay there for a long time, maybe the rest of your life. the spot in this vid doesn't even look like a decent place to learn on slow, fat, mellow waves. i may be wrong, but my fave learner spot is Trestles...that's where i did my earliest water time, and the slow, chill waves are perfect for gaining confidence, muscle memory, and no hotshot young wannabe pro local teenagers bother with the lower Trestles, so it's much more relaxed there.
they must have just taken them out without telling them anything which is one of the dummest things to do
the ocean is powerful and needs to be approached with the right mindset which was obviously absent
Perfectly good little white was waves to push these people into, they would get 50 waves each and get a lot out of it.
Instead Mr Instructor is getting right handers while his customers are getting smashed in the shorey.
Nice one duchey!
20. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves
30. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves
2 teach them how to roll
3 tell them once they get over a wave don’t stop and wait till the next wave start paddling
4 this ruins a surfing experience
50. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves
100. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves
I'll never take people out on that shit!! I prefer to go surfing instead. They was catching waves in reverse very advance. Lmo
La Jolla?
If the instructors had taught them properly in advance and started shallower, protecting them then at least they would have managed a few rides
You should keep more intervals.
Kooks teaching Kooks.
why go out back, so much for them to learn on the inside. no need to even go into rolling and duck diving.
good prone position
right position on board .
right position when popping over wave and popping up
good paddling technique
quick recovery when they fall off
basic board control.
this would have seen them all out the back in no time.
but again why if they dont know how to paddle for waves, stand up, ride a board etc.
Sometime i understand client just want to be out there doing it, however a good coach will motivate them to get basic right first.
dont mark all surf schools like this , there is a place for good coaching in the surf world , look at the last 30 secs, All the "experienced" surfers with their shorter boards are not laying in very good positions either, get hammered and lose control of their boards too.
1. Shouldn't even be out there in these conditions
2. If they were to attempt these conditions, surf the white water only.
3. If they're absolutely determined to get out past the whitewater, common sense dictates to TEACH THEM TO FUCKING ROLL UNDER or get off the board and dive under, retrieve the board via the leash.
If any of the learner surfers involved in this vid read this, come to Australia, be taught by professionals who know exactly what the fuck they're doing...and learn to surf!
Nice wipe outs on a knee high wave
Timing the set waves & being a confident/strong paddler is key. Especially at a beach break in a long board.
(3:40) @Surftaxipeniche
The instructor could have also taken them aside and tell them to take off in the whitewater and at least experience minor succes.....
But nobody was at danger here
this place shouldn't have starting surfers in it
Thank you