Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Here is what happens when a surf school lesson goes bad. Learning how to surf can be harder than it looks. Instructors push students into the shorebreak and watch them get pounded over and over. Pretty to watch all the chaos and carnage. At the end there is some students actually catching waves and going over the falls. This lesson was at Cowells beach in Santa Cruz, California. Leave your comments below. Please like and subscribe. Filmed by Paul Topp Thanks for watching.

Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves sentiment_very_dissatisfied 327

Surf 9 years ago 454,411 views

Here is what happens when a surf school lesson goes bad. Learning how to surf can be harder than it looks. Instructors push students into the shorebreak and watch them get pounded over and over. Pretty to watch all the chaos and carnage. At the end there is some students actually catching waves and going over the falls. This lesson was at Cowells beach in Santa Cruz, California. Leave your comments below. Please like and subscribe. Filmed by Paul Topp Thanks for watching.

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Most popular comments
for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Dirk T
Dirk T - 6 years ago
My favourite is when the surf instructors sun glasses on his head get knocked on to his face so he's wearing them at 3:33
Vitabrick Snailslime
Vitabrick Snailslime - 6 years ago
I'm 60 years old and have been bodysurfing and riding paipos for as long as I can remember. But it's only in the last 6 months that I decided to get a kneeboard. Now I'm carving it really nicely, but managing white water is still the worst part of my technique. Watching these guys get pounded and lose ground with every little wave is embarrassing, because it reminds me of myself (although I'm not that bad). I might watch lots of videos on duck diving, but still can't manage to get the depth I want. Same with turtle rolls, just can't reliably keep a hold of the board, and even when I do, tend to lose precious ground. I feel torn between sympathy for people with no experience at least having a go, and disquiet about the menace that such a mass of them represents. And to tell you the truth, who wants more people in the water?
SuperHannahH - 6 years ago
I was laughing the whole time
dreamfall2 - 7 years ago
I got the same issue. I use the Malibu board and their is no way to avoid it than turtle rolling. The instructors are stupid for getting angry and not teaching them the roll.
Luc-Alain De Haes
Luc-Alain De Haes - 7 years ago
irresponsible !
Jeremy Gziji
Jeremy Gziji - 7 years ago
0.40 what a jackass instructor
Mike McCourt
Mike McCourt - 7 years ago
"...and a free c-collar with every lesson."
Muhammad Tahir
Muhammad Tahir - 7 years ago
This is so funny. lolz,
Mark Sheehan
Mark Sheehan - 7 years ago
Most surf schools people are clueless why take no timers into body slammers

10. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

andy smith
andy smith - 7 years ago
Good stuff, surf schools drive me nuts.. Lol
roflmows - 7 years ago
why are these people just taking waves to the face? their instructor should be teaching them how to roll. there's nothing more exhausting and frustrating than paddling out, getting crushed in the face, and getting pushed back 20 yards from where you just started...and doing it over and over again. fuck. that ain't surfing. that's like pushing a bike up a hill, tossing the bike back down, then walking down and pushing it up again...over and over. that shit ain't's torture O.o they're getting all the hard parts of surfing without the enjoyment of riding waves!! bleh.
roflmows - 7 years ago
people seem to forget (or don't realize)...surfing is a SPORT. it requires athletic ability. you can't sit in an office or on your couch for 360 days of the year, then just head out to the beach and ride waves. just paddling out to most breaks is tough if you aren't in decent shape...and water is dangerous. pitching surfing as something like horseback riding or hiking is dangerous. it's a skilled sport and if you mess up badly enough, it can kill you o.o

you don't see "skateboard camps" where instructors put tourists on skateboards and send them zooming down hills. why not? surfing is just as dangerous...or even more so. at ski camps, you spend the whole week on the bunny hill...because skiing is dangerous. but it's like people think they can just hop off a plane and become surfers in a few hours, as if surfing is some easy thing you just need to "get the hang of", and then you can hang ten and do crazy cutbacks or whatever. it's crazy. pros make it look easy...but you don't see the endless hours, the pulled muscles, the sunburns, the dinged skulls, and the crazy frustration good surfers endured to get "good".

i'm sorry, but if you're from Ohio or something, odds are you'll NEVER become a "real" surfer or learn to surf "real" waves. you just can't get the water hours to get the skills. it's like learning to play guitar by practicing one week a year. to get good at anything, you gotta spend lots of time doing it, correcting your mistakes and gaining the muscle memory.

i'm from chicago, and i take 2 surfing trips a year. have been for about 4 years now. i'm just now starting to move into intermediate waves in places like costa rica and panama, and i still pretty much consider myself a kook. i know the rules and respect and how to not drown, but i'm still not catching 4-5" waves consistently. my wife and i still ride 1-3" trash waves most of the time because we aren't up to the skill level of "real" surfing. we just don't have the consistent water time like we would if we lived in southern or central CA.

point is though, you should have fun but stay on the "bunny hill" as a tourist...and plan to stay there for a long time, maybe the rest of your life. the spot in this vid doesn't even look like a decent place to learn on slow, fat, mellow waves. i may be wrong, but my fave learner spot is Trestles...that's where i did my earliest water time, and the slow, chill waves are perfect for gaining confidence, muscle memory, and no hotshot young wannabe pro local teenagers bother with the lower Trestles, so it's much more relaxed there.
Donavan Heidinger
Donavan Heidinger - 7 years ago
It's supposed to be hang ten, not drown ten.
Rodrigo Machado Natal
Rodrigo Machado Natal - 7 years ago
this guy is far way to be a surf instructor... put his students in danger... etc
Rama Hoetzlein
Rama Hoetzlein - 7 years ago
Good waves for lesson, bad for surfing. Breaks are too late and uniform, no curl. Instructors could be more helpful. Need to paddle like hell, long even strides, then press up over waves. Starters should be taught to shift back on board before break starts.
Jus Bamathy
Jus Bamathy - 7 years ago
Damn ... lol that sucks i hope they got their money back.
charlie ajar
charlie ajar - 7 years ago
ok we were all beginners at one point so i understand how most of these people were having trouble but these must have been some terrible instrctors 
they must have just taken them out without telling them anything which is one of the dummest things to do
the ocean is powerful and needs to be approached with the right mindset which was obviously absent
Tamati Tapara
Tamati Tapara - 7 years ago
It’s easy to see this isn’t a surf school it’s a money scam. There not instructors.
Perfectly good little white was waves to push these people into, they would get 50 waves each and get a lot out of it.

Instead Mr Instructor is getting right handers while his customers are getting smashed in the shorey.
Nice one duchey!
Ian - 7 years ago
what a bunch of kooks

20. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Damien Williams
Damien Williams - 7 years ago
I agree
TJAS gaming
TJAS gaming - 7 years ago
Not even taught to stand up correctly...this is a joke...really
Mandy Olsen
Mandy Olsen - 7 years ago
Never swim when waves are like this. Nope.
Mark Lurch
Mark Lurch - 7 years ago
FFS instructors, it's called a god damn TURTLE ROLL!!!! You don't send noobs into head high waves face first. WTF!!!!
Vinicius messas
Vinicius messas - 7 years ago
green Shasta bean
green Shasta bean - 7 years ago
it looks pretty fun out there. but for them just starting out i don't know what tf they were thinking to bring students out in those choppy conditions.
Romeo Cuerpo
Romeo Cuerpo - 7 years ago
this looks like Cowell's Cove on the big day.....
David K
David K - 7 years ago
Oh, it’s an army of kooks
Aitor Karrikar
Aitor Karrikar - 7 years ago
Hope they won't come back next year... Why do you need schools ? You didn't have enough?
nyyankees4296 - 7 years ago
not a great day for your first lesson. It will toughen you up though i remember my dad sending me into pounding waves on a longboard as a kid lol

30. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Lani Lau
Lani Lau - 7 years ago
I Caught my first wave today it was scary but awesome
thalassophile monkey
thalassophile monkey - 7 years ago
The music made it look funny. Instead it should be taken seriously.
Sammy Bear
Sammy Bear - 7 years ago
Can you say duck dive
SockSlap Vlogs
SockSlap Vlogs - 7 years ago
Can't really duck dive with a wavestorm
Aidan Aquino
Aidan Aquino - 7 years ago
Tyler Martin
Tyler Martin - 7 years ago
:43 this has to be a fucking prank hahahahaha
alfie rowe
alfie rowe - 7 years ago
Why would they be out in thid if they have never surfed before?
AlwaysLearning - 7 years ago
Fantastic amigo! LoL
Lukas Conrad
Lukas Conrad - 7 years ago
I think gnarly beach break is not good for beginners and talk about the instructors! They stupid af. A point break would be better
Hakan Ozan
Hakan Ozan - 7 years ago
Suicide surf school
shannonx4life2 - 7 years ago
be like a duck in the water my friend
doryman1000 - 7 years ago
I was a surf instructor on Kauai. I can tell you this. The conditions are terrible for learning. They need to learn to paddle in whitewater. Not some slamming shore break. There were obviously no on shore instructions given. This whole set up is AWFUL. The instructors are horrible at their job. They are putting these paying clients in physical jeopardy. Plain incompetent from the word go.
Brian Oflahertyy
Brian Oflahertyy - 7 years ago
Rumor has it they are still trying to get out
Dylan Sneddon
Dylan Sneddon - 7 years ago
1 to big of surf in the beginning
2 teach them how to roll
3 tell them once they get over a wave don’t stop and wait till the next wave start paddling
4 this ruins a surfing experience
SLR C.R.F - 7 years ago
Look at 05:47 - right side kakakakakaakaka
Raymond El pro
Raymond El pro - 7 years ago
Wakeboard Life
Wakeboard Life - 7 years ago
bit shore dumpey
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
Who’s watching this in 2017 like if you are
How2Everything - 7 years ago
0:44 is the funniest part lmao. Just pushing the dude straight into the break
Joshibo Zeph
Joshibo Zeph - 7 years ago
shadow TNT
shadow TNT - 7 years ago
The best school for how to not ketch waves lol

50. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Ted Finkenauer
Ted Finkenauer - 7 years ago
Back to Costco for some more foqmies
Gunnar Moeller
Gunnar Moeller - 7 years ago
If you want to surf get a surfboard.
Adam Beani
Adam Beani - 7 years ago
It's all learning if they come out smiling then what's it matter??
RED PILL RICH - 7 years ago
Now they're ready for 50 footers.
J J - 7 years ago
hahaha what the fck is going on there
Bradley Kay
Bradley Kay - 7 years ago
who taught them to be complete kooks
shay levy
shay levy - 7 years ago
Patrick N
Patrick N - 7 years ago
Henry Hagemann
Henry Hagemann - 7 years ago
Cool and an fun to watch!
SurfinSanDiego - 7 years ago
full yard sale
Colin Anderson
Colin Anderson - 7 years ago
Why didn't they teach them to go under waves
Андрей Сарнавский
Андрей Сарнавский - 7 years ago
it is impossible to go under wave with softboard. Only roll or jump over.
islandonlinenews - 7 years ago
Awww, like baby ducks.
John Vale
John Vale - 7 years ago
I remember my first ever paddle out, winter of 2013, in Rincon beach, and I wasn't able to actually paddle out, but was wiped out like these surf students! Hahaha!
satria ardana
satria ardana - 7 years ago
wtf they can`t even duck dive,what a shitty teacher
Shp3X - 7 years ago
First of all teach the to pop-up on the sand and then get them into the whitewater because they don't know how the fuck to catch waves even knee high waves
Davess Sss
Davess Sss - 7 years ago
0:43 is hilarious!
Fullycash - 7 years ago
Poor them... Hope my children never run into this kind of "teachers" in any kind of school. They could have been seriously damaged...
Shanti Shanti
Shanti Shanti - 7 years ago
Nothing wrong here. Totally normal thing
CANYON KILLER - 7 years ago
Sage Heaton
Sage Heaton - 7 years ago
Archie Rich
Archie Rich - 7 years ago
I learnt how to surf in a few days when on Holliday in France , the waves were similar size to these but more common , My mates dad taught me how to go over waves so I could get out quicker , catch more and learn quicker
Andy Chris
Andy Chris - 7 years ago
Surf instructors push your board so you think you are actually catching a wave...
Beastie Boy
Beastie Boy - 7 years ago
Why don't the just catch the white water wave
nola wilson
nola wilson - 7 years ago
Surfncoop1 - 7 years ago
Well it's nice to know that these 15 people will never go in the ocean again. Keep the lineups light. Lol
Lindsay Kay
Lindsay Kay - 7 years ago
Can't fault people for not being able to duck foam boards
gsurfdog69 - 7 years ago
The instructor needs to tell them to get out of the impact zone as quickly as possible!
Bruno Gomes
Bruno Gomes - 7 years ago
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
les cafards ;)  courage
THE PATRIOT - 7 years ago
lol he just throws her into a wave that he knows damn well is gonna break right on her lolololol
Ty Mac
Ty Mac - 7 years ago
This had the same feel as seals trying to out-swim Orcas...
Harry Debenham
Harry Debenham - 7 years ago
This hurts my brain
jamesdewer - 7 years ago
Pacifica, Linda Mar Beach, If you want to learn to surf in NorCal this is about as calm and tranquil as it gets. So yeah, valiant attempts. Any water sports in SF require fortitude.
nick - 7 years ago
dude duckdive bruh. maaan
Christopher McArdle
Christopher McArdle - 7 years ago
Anyone for tennis?
Caillou_OS - 7 years ago
Jake Smith
Jake Smith - 7 years ago
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 7 years ago
there should be a law against libtard gremmies who don't listen . who needs an instructor anyway. they have this weired approach in the Uk everybody an his cat are either instructors or health an safety inspectors. you got inspectors watching inspectors here pain in the arse libtard bullshit. Get a board and just ride and respect others and don't be a palooka
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
Lol. You should probably hold onto and push the board nose down. Should they be surfing if they can't figure out basic physics? "I dunno I'm just gonna keep paddling at it cause I'm stronger than a wave probably duh"
maui mikey
maui mikey - 7 years ago
perfect music!
Jenee Rogers
Jenee Rogers - 7 years ago
This is why you choose an EXPERIENCED Surf School (M&M) with EXPERIENCED instructors (M&M Surf school 714-UGO-SURF )
Olivia Smith
Olivia Smith - 7 years ago
Poor students the teachers didn't tell, them what to do
Kaahia Whatuira
Kaahia Whatuira - 7 years ago
how useless can you be haha
OldWhitebelly - 7 years ago
I see what's going on-some people get pissed off about crowded lineups, so they start a "surf school" whose ulterior purpose is to make people hate the sport and the ocean, thereby preventing lineups from becoming even more crowded. Clever, but shitty.
Eric Escalante
Eric Escalante - 7 years ago
Conveyor belt of closed out walls.
Rael Thomas
Rael Thomas - 7 years ago
Instructor: "Now paddle into this breaking wave on this board that you can't duckdive, I'll give you a push".... Pupil: "What the fuck?" Instructor: "You wanna duck dive".... Shitty instructors.
Bill R
Bill R - 7 years ago
my sides are in orbit lmao!
wales santingo
wales santingo - 7 years ago
this is so so sad
barney the dinosaur
barney the dinosaur - 7 years ago
Nice barrels tho
Will Jackson
Will Jackson - 7 years ago
These waves are tiny

100. comment for Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Nolan Gross
Nolan Gross - 7 years ago
duck dive
SnipeZ - 7 years ago
I know they r learning but come on do something else don't surf because you suck I mean they pop up worse than grandpas they pop up with their knees 5:15 she doesn't paddle just stands so fcking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tristan Vlogs
Tristan Vlogs - 7 years ago
I stood perfectly in my first wave in 20min
Tristan Vlogs
Tristan Vlogs - 7 years ago
Tristan Vlogs
Tristan Vlogs - 7 years ago
I'm 10 I can surf a 20gt wave barrel easy
Oldemar Fernandez
Oldemar Fernandez - 7 years ago
I'm a surfing instructor
I'll never take people out on that shit!! I prefer to go surfing instead. They was catching waves in reverse very advance. Lmo
Greg Kandel
Greg Kandel - 7 years ago
so much fun to watch! reminds me of all the noobs at my spot that get destroy all the time in the shorbreak. But for the school only the money counts.
Armen V
Armen V - 7 years ago
Lessons are bullshit.. go rent a board and learn it yourself
Armen V
Armen V - 7 years ago
If you can't stand up you're out of shape
TheEternalTimeTravel - 7 years ago
So hard to watch this
MrDanielHawes - 7 years ago
Wow, while this is hypnotising to watch (fantastic music choice) they are probably the worst surf instructors ever. Shit effort surf school!
Eliot Robinson
Eliot Robinson - 7 years ago
This is actually hilarious
Alexia Lujan
Alexia Lujan - 7 years ago
That water looks cold as fuck and there's zero sun why the hell would anyone think this is a good day to have surf lessons?
Jared Green
Jared Green - 7 years ago
F De Mascio
F De Mascio - 7 years ago
Gotta love those "instructors" at Cowells.
Superwolfscience !
Superwolfscience ! - 7 years ago
The music fits so well
BlankButter - 7 years ago
did they not teach them what a duck dive is jesus christ
Андрей Сарнавский
Андрей Сарнавский - 7 years ago
duck dive with softboard 2 + meters high)))))))))))))))) goodluck))) you are pro surfer as i can see))
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild - 7 years ago
No one should ever take surfing lessons. What a joke. Surf schools are a joke folks. Don't ever do it. Teach yourself, if you really want to learn you will. Ask 99.999% of people who actually surf.
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild - 7 years ago
Why would you go to a school to learn how to surf? And they're not getting pounded. these are tiny waves at a very soft break.
Sean Dennis
Sean Dennis - 7 years ago
Would love to hear how u think i might be able to improve my vids!
No Ma'am
No Ma'am - 7 years ago
Let's learn to surf on total closeouts!!
James McEwen
James McEwen - 7 years ago
Reminds me of a bunch of baby turtles heading into ocean to be slaughtered by nature.
Jabroney - 7 years ago
nice 3-4 dumpy closeouts to learn?! Haha Destination FUCKED!!!
norax - 7 years ago
he s trying to kill her at 00:43....
Tristan Willis
Tristan Willis - 7 years ago
Wow, that is the shittiest break to learn on e've ever seen. Just straight dumping shore break xD Poor people.
andydre - 7 years ago
if youre scared of water why would you go in?
Manuel Leiter
Manuel Leiter - 7 years ago
Finlay the right musik for this wasted filmmatirial. Epic combination
Hugo - 7 years ago
Pan Pan ping ping cho cho cha cha.
Bryan Cobb
Bryan Cobb - 7 years ago
stand right in the break and don't progress, that'll teach em
Cory Miller
Cory Miller - 7 years ago
That was rough. the oboe told the tale
Chap Fights
Chap Fights - 7 years ago
They need to teach them how to turtle roll
the G
the G - 7 years ago
stupids students
Max F
Max F - 7 years ago
This is oddly entertaining
TheDudeAbides - 7 years ago
Caught inside, baby! Why not just send them out to Mavericks?
Bartek Kay
Bartek Kay - 7 years ago
the music is perfect. great vid.
Kyle Vin
Kyle Vin - 7 years ago
can be very frustrating ;-)
Tom M
Tom M - 7 years ago
The instructor's are Gremmies.
Tom M
Tom M - 7 years ago
The instructor has no idea what he is doing. Great first lesson.If they are learning just use the white water.But it is fun to watch.Gremmies, did not here that since the 60's lol
Jack Pearson
Jack Pearson - 7 years ago
little big for first timers
Christopher Santos
Christopher Santos - 7 years ago
horrible surf for beginners
LuNz IcE cOoL
LuNz IcE cOoL - 7 years ago
Kooooooook town!!! Hahaha
Kevin Fernandes
Kevin Fernandes - 7 years ago
2:05 counts
Andy Chris
Andy Chris - 7 years ago
Paddle. And then stand up after catching a wave.
milkmandan77 - 7 years ago
There is no such thing as a "bad surf lesson," a lot in surfing doesn't involve riding the wave.
Jerry Marquez
Jerry Marquez - 7 years ago
That was great
La Jolla?
Swift Adz
Swift Adz - 7 years ago
Cant duck dive soft tops design fail
gangsterboogie - 7 years ago
Groupon lessons no doubt
tide slider
tide slider - 7 years ago
i dont know surfing is hard can we just go build a sand castle
tide slider
tide slider - 7 years ago
now we all crowd together and get smashed
tide slider
tide slider - 7 years ago
now turn around
tide slider
tide slider - 7 years ago
the school of backward surfing
digi lifestyle
digi lifestyle - 7 years ago
why do the instructors have surfboards??? can they not swim???
Weston Thompson
Weston Thompson - 7 years ago
Hey guys, just hangout in the impact zone. That's the best way to learn. No reason to push forward
brollona - 7 years ago
Choice of music is for head shot.
FXCK LUPO - 7 years ago
out of all the music they could have used to this video
Mike McCourt
Mike McCourt - 7 years ago
"Duck And Cover Surf School" - this was actually hard to watch.
Chrystian Lendoiro
Chrystian Lendoiro - 7 years ago
What a waste of good waves for starters
Mark Mcgwires Backne
Mark Mcgwires Backne - 7 years ago
So many babies crying this is not how you start a beginner - You hurt feeling mother fuckers. The ocean is that way, when you learn to paddle out come find me & we will move on to lesson 2.
The Fugitive
The Fugitive - 7 years ago
Im laughing way too hard at some of these
Henry Chesnutt
Henry Chesnutt - 7 years ago
Came for the surfing, stayed for the Beethoven.
Жерарь Н-ГС
Жерарь Н-ГС - 7 years ago
Same here!)
Neerav Trivedi
Neerav Trivedi - 7 years ago
This is definitely my favorite by Beethoven.......Mozart and Beethoven all the way!
Sergio Fernández Sánchez
Sergio Fernández Sánchez - 7 years ago
5:58 Imagine that on Teahupoo
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 7 years ago
0:44 "off to your death with you"
Jef1226 - 7 years ago
They aren't even duck diving they are just leaving their board to get taken by the wave
Oleg Ostapchuk
Oleg Ostapchuk - 7 years ago
Beethoven's fifth symphony deserves to be credited.
Georgewella - 7 years ago
This is hard to watch
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
Heerrow Heerrow
Heerrow Heerrow - 7 years ago
Me when I surf
Jelle Meijer
Jelle Meijer - 7 years ago
I remember my first time trying to get out after 5 days of practising on white water. It seemed impossible until you were on the other side.
Angel - 7 years ago
What a good way to make students hating surf,
Ane Estevez
Ane Estevez - 7 years ago
I'm so proud of my surf school after this
Angie Hagler
Angie Hagler - 7 years ago
The instructors should've taught them to duck dive! Or at least told them to carry the board over the waves!
Dereck Kami
Dereck Kami - 7 years ago
I thought I saw some. well anyway, longboards in general arnt duck diveable... I turtle flip mines
Angie Hagler
Angie Hagler - 7 years ago
@Dereck Kami I'm pretty sure they aren't eleven feet long :/
Dereck Kami
Dereck Kami - 7 years ago
Angie Hagler how do you duck dive with a 11 foot long board?
Adam Noce
Adam Noce - 7 years ago
Tough way to spend $65. Tough break for first ever surf.
sitieneshambrecome - 7 years ago
Learned to surf in 1985 by watching other people and trying and not giving up, no surf school no friends that surfed, just an old 6'0" and a pair of shorts. now you need a surf school and a trainer? WTF
koro287 - 7 years ago
he got their money anyways right...
Connie Chong
Connie Chong - 7 years ago
fucking idiots surfing shorebreak. smfh
Bradley George
Bradley George - 7 years ago
Going for my first ever lesson at the weekend; can someone tell me what that guy at 5:58 does wrong? Looked promising for a split second.
Bradley George
Bradley George - 7 years ago
Thanks. What's 'bottom turn'?
Keepone974 - 7 years ago
Very hollow and fast wave. You have to take off very quickly with no bottom turn, right in the tube. Not accessible for beginners. The wave was closing out anyway so not much to do.
Baja Malibu Surf Report
Baja Malibu Surf Report - 7 years ago
They went home thinking they were cool now.
Craig Palmer
Craig Palmer - 7 years ago
And the teachers have the cheek to get annoyed with the students.
Paul Daniel
Paul Daniel - 7 years ago
where is that
Sam Gray
Sam Gray - 7 years ago
Where is this anyone
Gotthatgoin4me - 7 years ago
this is why surf "schools" are a joke. Too big on an in coming tide. then way too many students not enough Experienced coaches. Second paddling and duck diving should be the first lesson. then catching waves and last standing up. I live on Oahu. I see all the time first thing they teach is how to stand, most can barely swim
Enjoy Silence
Enjoy Silence - 7 years ago
O mar tá muito grande pra aprender. ..e a música de fundo. ..ninguém merece. ..
Eric Rosenfeld
Eric Rosenfeld - 7 years ago
It's not that the lesson went bad; the whole school is bad.
Jaime castañeda
Jaime castañeda - 7 years ago
i know its wrong right... but i couldnt stop laughting. That school is so bad
Cody Rauscher
Cody Rauscher - 7 years ago
I knew this video was gonna be rough At 0:43
Fabio Macedo
Fabio Macedo - 7 years ago
Never more surf
Yeti Drunk All The Time
Yeti Drunk All The Time - 7 years ago
hmmm yes. meat tethers.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
i cant stop laughing.
Michael Swisher
Michael Swisher - 7 years ago
2:04, rad backwards bodyboard action.
Lanky Daze
Lanky Daze - 7 years ago
Why arent the instructors just having them surf the white wash? The waves are super shitty and walled, they would just drop straight in anyways if they did catch the face of the wave... Its pointless having them try and paddle out then catch the face, there's no shoulder to surf on...
trey surf
trey surf - 7 years ago
this is hilarious lol... all about understanding the timing.
Zuma - 7 years ago
This was fucking funny
Michael Barron
Michael Barron - 7 years ago
Duck Diving with Spongers/Nerf Surf (Lesson 2)
Michael Barron
Michael Barron - 7 years ago
Flounders look like Hounders, Arf Arf!
Abiezer Rivas
Abiezer Rivas - 7 years ago
if you want to surf you need no know how to duckdive and the only way to learn is by doing it. practice. so they are doing it right. at the begining is frustrating but is what it is.
Андрей Сарнавский
Андрей Сарнавский - 7 years ago
One more specialist appeared. Duck diving with 2 meters softboard) Good luck mister. Noone can duck dive with 2 meters softboard..
Christine Smith
Christine Smith - 7 years ago
Haha. that's where I learned to surf!
Dave Schaeffer
Dave Schaeffer - 7 years ago
This is why I mountain bike. No crowds. No people where I ride. A few mountain lions and deer mostly.
JIMJAMSC - 7 years ago
More entertaining to me than pipe or Teahupoo watching pros mug for the cameras.
Vincent Del Valle
Vincent Del Valle - 7 years ago
Baaaad supervising. 4:46 probably an instructor catching one..
John Ellsmar
John Ellsmar - 7 years ago
It's weird how they were all instantly pros at using their boards as floating weapons. It's like no one had to teach them how, they just naturally wanted to level the guy behind them.
h2omanz - 7 years ago
The Sea was gray that day my friends
Mark Lurch
Mark Lurch - 7 years ago
Angry, the sea was angry that day my friends!
John Bishara
John Bishara - 7 years ago
if that's a lesson the instructor needs to find a new job. Surf lessons should be banned.
Paolo fromTOKYO
Paolo fromTOKYO - 7 years ago
So dangerous with so many people around.
Zacho - 7 years ago
Those are decent size waves.. whoever's idea it was to throw people who can barely paddle out there is an idiot
Daniel Ecoff
Daniel Ecoff - 7 years ago
more like a lesson in how NOT to surf
Mike Fitch
Mike Fitch - 7 years ago
This video is about 6 minutes too long
cuttygrass - 7 years ago
waaay to big for noobs..
Ryder Ellis-Williams
Ryder Ellis-Williams - 7 years ago
Seriously if they are getting knocked around constantly and are at the stage when they can't get out past the break they should just be surfing the break anyway.
bjfdog - 7 years ago
Why do I detect that they may be Christians of faith and not much else?
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
John Krawczyk
John Krawczyk - 7 years ago
Terrible instructors putting them in that situation
Weathermank - 7 years ago
that is big for them
DanteViscarra - 7 years ago
Why did it never occur to them to go under the wave? Sure you can't duck dive an 8 foot foamy but at least roll. Don't just do nothin and take a wave to the face
Андрей Сарнавский
Андрей Сарнавский - 7 years ago
please post video how you duck dive on a softboard 2 meters long. My weight is 86 killos and i can stay upright and balance for 20 + seconds without submerging under the water on this kind of board. And you say duck diving. Your weight must be 180 killos + to duck dive with it.
J B - 7 years ago
My kids managed to learn in conditions like this when they were 2 and 3 years old. One 'instructor' each, dragging them out then turn around, gentle push and ride the white water in, standing up for 'long' rides. That was Kuta beach which has much worse beach break than this

If the instructors had taught them properly in advance and started shallower, protecting them then at least they would have managed a few rides
Hayden Steed
Hayden Steed - 7 years ago
oh sorry needed to read it... I thought you meant on their own.
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 7 years ago
What a bunch of losers!
clafong9 - 7 years ago
Many comments about how bad these instructors are. The worst in my opinion is they have maybe 10 boards and 20 people all packed into a small area, with these big boards flying all over the place. Surprised someone didn't get some teeth knocked out. The shore break can be hard to get through if you don't know what you're doing.
Gnosis7 - 7 years ago
That was hilarious! Surfing is not as easy as the pros make it look. When you're out there in the water you realize how much power those waves pack!
eye light
eye light - 7 years ago
Tough lesson hard task master.
FruitSnacMANIAC - 7 years ago
Wtf is this surf school. Teach them to turtle roll. Not just get smacked by the wave...
Rob Banks
Rob Banks - 7 years ago
you need to know how to judge the momentum of a wave before trying to pick up a surfboard, learn the waves FIRST.
Alika Pico
Alika Pico - 7 years ago
2:42 dude needs to learn to hold that f'n board or that girl is rekt
Aurelio Intermagio
Aurelio Intermagio - 7 years ago
this video sucks ass
blabber - 7 years ago
is it just me or is this hilarious
grilindi Rivera
grilindi Rivera - 7 years ago
But bravo for all that people that try that's the point of surfing. Have fun. It's was funny watching it but well done guys haha
grilindi Rivera
grilindi Rivera - 7 years ago
This is best comedy movie haha
Fingermanant1234 - 7 years ago
getting pounded is part of the joy of surfing!
Gripzs - 7 years ago
Lmao what they thought
vitinhofaria22bm - 7 years ago
these instructors are an insult to surfing
Dion Walsh
Dion Walsh - 7 years ago
should have just given them flippers and boogie boards
malibu surf coach
malibu surf coach - 7 years ago
The instructors are bigger kooks then the students for taking so many beginners out in that size beach break a the same time. I love how the instructors are surfing while the students are getting pounded. they shouldn't have there own boards to begin with. They should be swimming with each student. Ive been teaching for 15 years now and own my own surf school. I wouldn't hire any of them
Reedyy- - 7 years ago
Louis king
Louis king - 7 years ago
im 10 and i can surf much better than that not to brag
Regan Leigh Nishimura
Regan Leigh Nishimura - 7 years ago
Seth Tuma
Seth Tuma - 7 years ago
it doesn't even make sense to me that these people can't figure out how to paddle
jared robinson
jared robinson - 7 years ago
Youre better off teaching yourself lol
Shaun - 7 years ago
The instructors need to teach them to duck dive
Андрей Сарнавский
Андрей Сарнавский - 7 years ago
You are bragger and you know nothing about surfing. It is impossible to duck dive with 2 meters softboard. Unless you are 180kg gorilla. If you can, give a link how you duck diving on a 2 meters softboard.
Shaun - 7 years ago
Luke George pffff, with a enough practice you can easily. I'm a surfer and you always duck dive the white wash
Luke George
Luke George - 7 years ago
Shaun duck dive on a foamy? good luck.
amp3cx10000a7jp - 7 years ago
This wave is too big for beginners!Everyone is too close to it and it is very dangerous.
You should keep more intervals.
Guernsey Weather Fox
Guernsey Weather Fox - 7 years ago
This is just a standard surf lesson in excellent learner waves. The comments on here are a joke. When you book a surf lesson this is what you sign up for. It's far better than the shore dumps all over the world where surf schools operate, where learners haven't got a hope of achieving anything except perhaps a spinal.
corey fisher
corey fisher - 7 years ago
Everybody got spanked. Love it. If you want to go back after that, surfing is for you.
James Brown
James Brown - 7 years ago
The locals at this beach shred!
ocripcurrent - 7 years ago
I think it's great. It tells these people willing to pay but not put in the time to learn how to do something. Getting sucked over the falls and tossed around is all part of surfing, and it will humble you. I think it's a great first lesson for kooks to learn.
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
"Lets forget that log and just go swimming. Wow it's fun diving in the waves. We might have thought about diving into the wave while on the board, not put our chest out to get slammed. Perhaps we need a jet ski to get us out. Hey, why didn't our instructor tell us about how to get out through the surf ON THE BEACH. Enough of this crap, lets go to lunch now."
Pabs - 7 years ago
what a waste of water
Grant Padbury
Grant Padbury - 7 years ago
2:06 with the backwards takeoff legend
Rick Lloyd
Rick Lloyd - 7 years ago
Great video. You gotta start somewhere. Surfing efficiently does not come easy. We all had to work at it and pay our dues. My favorite part is 5:47 where the guy tries to stand up after the wave has already gone by. Do you think he shouted "I did it!"?
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Rick Lloyd if he just felt paddling he would of got it! I have got to give it to these guys they didn't stop!
Matt P
Matt P - 7 years ago
Chris Brunskill
Chris Brunskill - 7 years ago
Trey L
Trey L - 7 years ago
Physics can be a bitch.
Dean Schulz
Dean Schulz - 7 years ago
6:00 Worst case scenario
Dean Schulz
Dean Schulz - 7 years ago
5:48 hahahahaha
Dean Schulz
Dean Schulz - 7 years ago
5:05 Dangggggg
Federico Cossu
Federico Cossu - 7 years ago
Wanna talk about the guy with the sunglasses? Genius!
Bill Oxford
Bill Oxford - 7 years ago
has to be the worst surf school ever. take the money. send them out in a close-out beach break. idiots.
ruy franco
ruy franco - 7 years ago
Stupid teatcher...stupid people. They have no timing!
Peter Magdlener
Peter Magdlener - 7 years ago
Instructors are dumb as bricks!!!! Poor students, at that level they have no business in those waters! But admirable perseverance by them!
ron miyasato
ron miyasato - 7 years ago
the shitty thing is they probably paid stupid money for this. i teach for free and would not even take people out in this on there first lesson. these teachers are idiots. dont ever pay for surf lessons its a joke. its a scam for tourist. lame fuckers.
justrelax - 7 years ago
haha i could watch this all day
jhonyboy0la - 7 years ago
Maribel Sanchez
Maribel Sanchez - 7 years ago
suthobay - 7 years ago
The name of the school is 'Learn to Get Hammered Waste Money'
Marcus Vespasian
Marcus Vespasian - 7 years ago
I had week long course in Biarritz France with my brother in law,by the end of the first day 3 people dropped out from fear/exhaustion.I broke a rib getting mashed by what the instructor called little foamies,lol they seemed the size of a house.Now I know how fit you have to be to surf,I have a new respect for those that can.
Kid Perfect Vlogs
Kid Perfect Vlogs - 7 years ago
hope they are ok
Nathan Kuhn
Nathan Kuhn - 7 years ago
love your vids
Curtis Armstrong
Curtis Armstrong - 7 years ago
What is the need for them to go out that far. they're beginners and those things are close outs. just have do white water takeoffs.
Catarina d'Orion
Catarina d'Orion - 7 years ago
At first I thought this would be a dramatic episode but then I just got amazed by the amount of stupidity. Aloha!
I Am Not a Robot
I Am Not a Robot - 7 years ago
Possibly one of the easiest ways to make yourself look like a tool
Strand FPV Films
Strand FPV Films - 7 years ago
Good thing these guys had soft tops.  If not, they would all been done in the first 30 seconds.
specialtymachining - 7 years ago
You know it's going to be a long day when you have to instruct people how to get through the surf.
Norman Headlock
Norman Headlock - 7 years ago
kooks go home......horrible instructors
San Diego POV
San Diego POV - 7 years ago
Nice barrels.
Peter Bowman
Peter Bowman - 7 years ago
I love how they just get faceplant beatdowns and then just get up and go back out and do it again because they don't know any better and the instructors are motioning "go try again!". Some persist and finally get it. Tough cookies.
Jim Richard
Jim Richard - 7 years ago
look tazing!!!!! emmm no handers gee which way to go!!!! o well back to the beach go find a new instructor
pbaylis1 - 7 years ago
All part of the fun. At least you can look back and see a couple of people worse than yourself.
Clay Lepchenske
Clay Lepchenske - 7 years ago
crap waves...breaking on both sides or closing to fast for newbies. just call it a day...too exhausted by now to ride any waves
Thomas Holthe
Thomas Holthe - 7 years ago
Zach Echo
Zach Echo - 7 years ago
george guzman
george guzman - 7 years ago
How the hell can a surf school do this to there students??? LMFBO LOL!!!
William Tomlinson
William Tomlinson - 7 years ago
most people there won't ever try again -the only thing they learned was it's not for them !
Howard Acquistapace
Howard Acquistapace - 7 years ago
surf School sounds more like they forgot the few essential items to inform the basic beginners so that they won't get hurt like number 1 don't get the board in front of you when a wave is coming toward you like sitting there that's how you get hurt never put the board sideways to breaking waves Whitewater it cetera that's the two basic things when needs to know if they put a board in the water doesn't matter with foam boogie board as far as getting smashed on your body but you still could get it twisted your wrist twisted or something like that people who have never served don't know and they should never get that many people in one spot they should manage that that's cool she needs a license should have it revoked when you said almost hit they were having fun watching these guys are looking they sent them out there to have chaos maybe they are service to just because I just want to watch guys become two screws about searching something Lester crowds or something they don't know how to teach
eL3ctric - 7 years ago
this is the best thing i saw this week
tsarrite - 8 years ago
Why are the instructors letting them fumble around in the impact zone?
Kooks teaching Kooks.
FM - 8 years ago
4:48 meanwhile, the instructor is out in the back catching some barrels lol
Audiostoke - 8 years ago
Ok guys our first lesson is how to pull into a closeout shore-break, stay between the flags lets do this! no tube dodging!
Jamn Beveridge
Jamn Beveridge - 8 years ago
Who's the beginners here?
John McCune
John McCune - 8 years ago
Funniest crap I've ever the soundtrack; priceless. Like how the coaches put them all bundled up next to each other with soft-top flinging about....nice!
Jeff Dalton
Jeff Dalton - 8 years ago
I got a good laugh out of this.
Aiden Ritter
Aiden Ritter - 8 years ago
Idk how but ever since I was little I was a natural in the water and skateboarding
Zlat - 8 years ago
These waves are fucking tiny
nettwench - 8 years ago
Getting slammed IS the lesson! But seriously, what ever happened to timing the sets and then paddling your ass off in-between the sets? Seems like one of the first things you should learn. But that shorebreak is pretty rough. They also aren't being taught what to do with their board, like doing a turtle roll or duck dive.
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
I wanted this video to never end!
Sloth55Chunk - 8 years ago
Instructors should just be pushing them into the whitewater. What donkeys. Shit school.
Dustin Keiser
Dustin Keiser - 8 years ago
4:48 not bad for a 1st timer
mike chilton
mike chilton - 8 years ago
Dustin Keiser that has to be one of the instructors , how he bottom turns , i could be wrong though
Jimmy H
Jimmy H - 8 years ago
bad/irresponsible instructor
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
A couple of those rights looked pretty fun
perez munoz
perez munoz - 8 years ago
Music , how original...
Samuel Iam
Samuel Iam - 8 years ago
Giving credit where it's due, that is NOT a place to learn. Interval is super short, it's a dumpy little barrel, and another example of someone trying to capitalize on the 'surf craze' by offering 'lessons' where no one, teaching a friend, would ever take someone.
KitKatKate - 8 years ago
This is really bad. I can surf and was taught to surf, the instructors were very understanding and start you off slow. I have no idea what was going on with this lesson but this isn't the proper way to introduce beginners to surfing!
Vitopa13 - 8 years ago
Thank you for that music in the beginning...lmfao...
misaki kun
misaki kun - 8 years ago
There were many people who changed hobbies that day
F De Mascio
F De Mascio - 7 years ago
chris cummings
chris cummings - 8 years ago
That should just about do it for their dreams of being surfers. Time to head back inland
TheTimmayg - 8 years ago
kook slams
Val Hopkins
Val Hopkins - 8 years ago
I've taught in bigger, messier slop than this. On days when I had to teach, and conditions were this crappy, I focused on board control, and how to get safely past the impact zone. These instructors are total kooks. They're not instructing at all, just putting their students in harm's way, and not teaching the principles of safety. Days like this are only good for teaching fundamentals, and this video is a perfect example of "what NOT to do."
S c
S c - 8 years ago
today's lesson: holding your breath underwater
Ellie Thomas
Ellie Thomas - 8 years ago
The instructors didn't do a very good job honestly
TheSupremeDream - 8 years ago
You'd think that they'd get taught how to get past the waves before they got out there. But to be fair it's not their fault. They should get some instructors that can actually surf.
Madden Master
Madden Master - 8 years ago
Jamster 07
Jamster 07 - 7 years ago
Madden Master kookes
Locals Only
Locals Only - 8 years ago
Teach them to roll wtf?
LuxeXx - 8 years ago
I got worked in Maui my first time. I was sick of paddling in no time, but realized I gotta give it everything just to get out there. Totally paddled out in the wrong spot. Waves we big due to high winds. Got nailed by a larger wave that broke on top of me. Laid on the board gasping for a few minutes once I finally made it out there. Setup for the first attempt, and rode it until it wasn't a wave anymore. The locals were cool, and actually congratulated me. It was an unbelievable experience. Now I'm stuck watching surf videos because I don't live by an ocean.
clarkewi - 8 years ago
Santa Cruz is usually a very good place to learn at Cowells on a small-medium sized day. But its cold. Need a good wet suit. Give it a go. Its fun.
Mike McCourt
Mike McCourt - 8 years ago
Craigslist Surf School
Sayaboc Donovan
Sayaboc Donovan - 8 years ago
nice waves being wasted
benssurfclinic - 8 years ago
ok think we all agree shocking surf lessons and this is where surf scools get a bad name, coaching over 20 years and this stuff wrecks my head,
why go out back, so much for them to learn on the inside. no need to even go into rolling and duck diving.
good prone position
right position on board .
right position when popping over wave and popping up
good paddling technique
quick recovery when they fall off
basic board control.
this would have seen them all out the back in no time.
but again why if they dont know how to paddle for waves, stand up, ride a board etc.

Sometime i understand client just want to be out there doing it, however a good coach will motivate them to get basic right first.

dont mark all surf schools like this , there is a place for good coaching in the surf world , look at the last 30 secs, All the "experienced" surfers with their shorter boards are not laying in very good positions either, get hammered and lose control of their boards too.
captmack007 - 8 years ago
so this is what Beethoven was envisioning
ross hunt
ross hunt - 8 years ago
even the instructors are kooks!!
Ataman Atlas
Ataman Atlas - 8 years ago
Two words, "Duck Dive" LOL Some one should have taught them that first or possibly "eskimo roll" if they were not heavy enough to duck dive. Can I still say eskimo roll or is that considered racist nowadays? Inuit roll perhaps ??
Johnny Utah
Johnny Utah - 8 years ago
How much did they charge for this lesson?
Devin Tanner
Devin Tanner - 8 years ago
surfing sucks, dont try it
FlyinCameras Mike
FlyinCameras Mike - 8 years ago
A bunch of walruses?
Matthew Berry
Matthew Berry - 8 years ago
If the surf instructors don't know how to surf, you're gonna have a bad time
samisgr8 - 8 years ago
So much fail lol
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 8 years ago
those students are so bad . do they even know they need to paddle to cetch a wave?
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 8 years ago
it sounds like you dont even have a fucking dick
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
Sounds like you've never surfed in your life
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 8 years ago
this is hilariose especially knowing i tot my self
Stephen Forbes
Stephen Forbes - 8 years ago
William Seifert
William Seifert - 8 years ago
That girl sucks. how stupid do you have to be to just stand there and go nowhere.
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 8 years ago
Kuks teaching kuks......GREAT! Just what us REAL surfers need!!!
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Rod Templar we all have to start somewhere
Peter Botwinoff
Peter Botwinoff - 7 years ago
Rod Templar nice spelling
Jay C
Jay C - 8 years ago
I'd be asking for a refund! those folks don't even know how to paddle!
720069mf - 8 years ago
It looks as though the instructors are kooks too. Very unorganized , as if they handed the students a board and said go for it .
B.M.M - 8 years ago
That's basically what most of the surf schools do, they give you a foam board, a few tips and they let you try by yourself. Maybe they know (hope ?) that 95% of their students won't surf again anyway. I would recommend absolute beginners to learn by themself, and to start by learning bodysurfing with a handplane in small waves, then bodyboarding, and then maybe to surf a standup board. If you want to learn too fast you will be disapointed.
Enzo Miano
Enzo Miano - 8 years ago
hahaha thats how i taught myself tho lmao
Tyler J
Tyler J - 8 years ago
easiest way for a noob is to say fuck the board and dive under lol. the board aint going no where
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Did the instructor fucking teach them how to dolphin dive
starvin marvin
starvin marvin - 8 years ago
Lol this is how you get people to never want to try surfing again. All you need is the whitewater closer to shore to teach beginners.
mistral - 8 years ago
Looks a lot like my first try. Swell a bit big for first time..,would have been better to mess around in the white water to begin with.
Viking Tirado
Viking Tirado - 8 years ago
I don´t see where the ...gone wrong... part is. If you want to learn any water sport like this one, it should be under the real conditions, with good instructors (maybe that was a little problem here) and knowing what to expect. Anyone who´s learned and surfed knows that in the process you will get pounded a lot of times, yes you will. That´s nothing compared to the hits you´re gonna get surfing big waves when you are in deeper, and falling and getting really pounded holding your breath and not knowing for seconds where´s up and down. If it´s too much well then play golf.
Charlie Dillon
Charlie Dillon - 8 years ago
I'm sure the surf school here has seen this by now and caught hell for it. They should. Not a big day but it is big for learning. At the very least they need to teach them to watch the sets from the beach for a while and then haul ass and paddle as hard as you possibly can to the outside between sets. Otherwise if the students are not strong or coordinated then push them into some foamballs on the inside. But no, the school just took their credit cards and sent them out to get worked over.
BraidedLady - 8 years ago
To all you pretentious surfers in the comments, sit down. They didn't go out there to impress YOU. they are learning, so shut up, even if they weren't learning, shut up
Lewis Perkins
Lewis Perkins - 7 years ago
The instructors are shit. They weren't told that if u can stand up then just easily jump over the white wash and even if u had never surfed before u could still figure that out its simple
green Shasta bean
green Shasta bean - 7 years ago
the students are fine. the instructors are being idiots by not teaching them to at least roll over and avoid being demolished.
MJohnsonRockz - 7 years ago
The assumption here is the instructors did not say a word, handed the boards over and said paddle out. How many have tried snowboarding, someone telling you exactly what to do and you for the first day follow the definition of insanity to a tee, repeating the same thing over and over doing the exact opposite? They probably were told and even shown what to do but when out there its a different story... they hated it that day but probably went back out like we all did... did better the second time and so on. We are seeing just 5 minutes, no biggie, they lived... instructors did their best all is well. And no, I am not one of them lmfao.
Bonza 72
Bonza 72 - 7 years ago
Bonza 72
Bonza 72 - 7 years ago
BraidedLady agreed. The firs sessions are just getting to terms with paddling and standing up etc. The rest will come later. They are out having fun and that is all that matters
Neerav Trivedi
Neerav Trivedi - 7 years ago
That should have been taught BEFORE they even did this! What were the instructors thinking?
Armando Nava
Armando Nava - 7 years ago
And money. i dont think a surf class in Cali is cheap.
unrealuknow - 7 years ago
BraidedLady the students wasted their time because the instructors tried to make them paddle out with steady waves without teaching them anything about how to deal with thre waves or even diving underneath. they should have been riding the whitewash at the least.
madmaxmedia - 8 years ago
Most of the people here are bashing the instructors (rightfully), not the students. The students are like pigs being led to slaughter here...
-SpyGuy- - 8 years ago
madmaxmedia - 8 years ago
This is the worst surfing "instructing" I have ever seen. Is he deliberately trying to get them to give up, so they won't steal his waves later???
king wong
king wong - 8 years ago
Best way to NOT get repeat customers or bad reviews on yelp. No business out there folks!!!
Андрей Сарнавский
Андрей Сарнавский - 7 years ago
It depends. If wave broken 1m behind you beginner won't be able to catch it. If wave broken 3-4 meters behind you begiiner can catch it. But it also depends on waves. This waves pretty big for them. And i dont think students are ready for them. I think maybe 2 lessons on white water, then 5-8 lessons on smaller waves and then they can move on to this kind of waves. They dont even know how to choose wave. And how to paddle. And what to do.
Hayden Steed
Hayden Steed - 7 years ago
YesSirPhil - 7 years ago
Actually you learn to paddle even the wave is already broken so you can get the white water, no?!...
Weez Lee
Weez Lee - 8 years ago
ikr yalls were johnjohn first day right
Matin Ghalambor
Matin Ghalambor - 8 years ago
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
It's all closed out anyways. I don't where these kooks think they're going.
Allison Carter
Allison Carter - 8 years ago
Jenna- this is just the beach break...not really the true surfable wave. Once you get past these breakers you get to Cowells (great surf spot where many people learn or you can continue paddling on north past many different breaks all the way to Steamer Lane. These surfer are fighting just to get to the good stuff.
Caz Graphic Design
Caz Graphic Design - 8 years ago
Well, this is "Gone Wrong", this happens to everyone when they first go out, it did with me. And also, why are they spending so much time right there? Hurry up and get out past the breaks.
T Tank
T Tank - 8 years ago
right of passage to become a surfer is to get a good pounding early on.
danny macnus
danny macnus - 8 years ago
T Tank fuck iv had my fair share
trotshot - 8 years ago
Someone needs to teach these teachers ,how they are allowed to run a surf school is beyond me
ethan munzlinger
ethan munzlinger - 8 years ago
they were just sitting in the impact zone the whole time they needed to get on boards and paddle out
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
This is a fucking joke. The instructors are terrible, watching this makes me proud i self taught myself how to surf. Never have I ever been stuck on the inside with a softy. Ik theyre learning but how embarrassing
Techical Hate
Techical Hate - 7 years ago
Same here, paddled out on a 6'0 and figured it out. I was at least smart enough to go under when a wave came, not just keeping paddling
Hayden Steed
Hayden Steed - 7 years ago
the instructors suck and that is the reason they can't catch waves, imagine if you where forced out in this weather, and forced to try to pass all the waves on your first time.
The Attack
The Attack - 7 years ago
I self taught also but came from a massive background of skating so I had and idea of ballance etc, the only part that caught me for a while was cutting across the wave not straight down lmao, caught on with it by the end of my second session, I recommend self teaching, but take a buddy!
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 7 years ago
i agree the instructors are bad but i dont think they should wait for a better day. I learned with some friends and by myself and whats important is practice. If you have time just go whatever the conditions (unless its really dangerous). It took me a long time to figure out how to duckdive, paddle properly and catch a wave but i did eventually trying over and over. And If they're with their friends then YES they're havin the time of their lives. If you're with friends and are a beginner the conditions doesnt matter. You could wipeout but if your friends you'll have a good time. I know many pros that get many waves but if they're not perfect get mad. Im grateful just for knowing how to duckdive and catch a few waves. If I catch one good wave thats enough for me, im already super happy. Sorry for my english
sullivan0099 - 7 years ago
At least the school was so bad and the students probably are scared off for life, less kooks out there in the lineups for us haha. I hope the shit places like this stay around, keep people away
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
theres a surf school at my local beach over the summer and it does not look as out of control as this. This place needs to hire some new instructors
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
nothing embarrassing about this? Im sure NONE of them are having the time of their lives, they cant even get passed the inside. And the ones that do just run into the other kooks taking waves on the head. Laying down on the beach would do nothing. These waves are trash and closing out. They should wait for a day thats easier for them to make it outside and actually surfable. These instructors have no idea how to control their "students".
trimbandit - 8 years ago
lol there is nothing embarrassing about being a beginner. Everyone started out sucking. They are probably having the time of their lives. The instructors should have had them practice catching waves laying down a few times so they know how it feels and understand when to stand up.
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
that doesnt make amy sense
Stephen Forbes
Stephen Forbes - 8 years ago
are you sure you didn't self teach someone else?
Enzo Miano
Enzo Miano - 8 years ago
ikr i taught myself to and im still learning and im 4'9 but even i could make it out on my 6ft foamie.
MrMinibusa - 8 years ago
@2:23 Nice backflip haha
Mark Lurch
Mark Lurch - 7 years ago
Keen eye! I didn't see that until you mentioned it! LOL, thanks for the chuckle!
Jerome Lebanner
Jerome Lebanner - 7 years ago
10 point ride
ᙈД ♛ ᗩᎶᗴภᑌƵ
ᙈД ♛ ᗩᎶᗴภᑌƵ - 8 years ago
I laughed and cringed the whole time I watched this, its like they've never been in the water
C Reccardi
C Reccardi - 8 years ago back? Seriously, maybe whitewater at best, I'm surprised no one got hurt
Juufro - 8 years ago
Sounds like a good deal for the company. Charge them board rental charges and lessons while you get a free show of them eating shit lol.
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
Fuck this video has me feeling like a pro now.Thanks
Eddie M
Eddie M - 8 years ago
lol i feel kinda sorry for them. the instructors are absolute idiots
Xerxes Wallace
Xerxes Wallace - 7 years ago
If you want to learn how to surf like a pro then go here now:
Oliver GoPro Surf
Oliver GoPro Surf - 8 years ago
Eddie M your write
bingshen zhou
bingshen zhou - 8 years ago
Eddie M n
MF. asderamen
MF. asderamen - 8 years ago
Im bodyboard and surf coach, and trust me, this guys have not idea how to give a lessons ( srry for my english )
Richard Gleaves
Richard Gleaves - 8 years ago
Profound – it's like salmon swimming upstream. Or a high school science film demonstrating atomic particle collisions.
boutineau louis
boutineau louis - 8 years ago
This is a fucking MovieBoard to explain people what they do wrong thanks!!!
boutineau louis
boutineau louis - 8 years ago
AllenKV DSLR - 8 years ago
sounds of lurv
sounds of lurv - 8 years ago
Fucking joke of a surf school. 0:43 is inarguable proof.
1. Shouldn't even be out there in these conditions
2. If they were to attempt these conditions, surf the white water only.
3. If they're absolutely determined to get out past the whitewater, common sense dictates to TEACH THEM TO FUCKING ROLL UNDER or get off the board and dive under, retrieve the board via the leash.

If any of the learner surfers involved in this vid read this, come to Australia, be taught by professionals who know exactly what the fuck they're doing...and learn to surf!
green Shasta bean
green Shasta bean - 7 years ago
Amen. speaking my mind
Kiara le Gras
Kiara le Gras - 7 years ago
aussies would never fake an american accent mate, the aussie accent is a privilege
Mr Chris
Mr Chris - 7 years ago
Let me tell you you can avoid all that shit. But A great big fucking bear, or a cougar ? No thanks, I'll take our species of dangers over yours. At least we can go for a walk in the woods without worrying about fucking Bears or Cougars or Mountain Lions, hahaha
Nononopeee - 7 years ago
bigislander72 bruh come to Western Australia you don't get that shit here
Nononopeee - 7 years ago
GigglingDickhead I don't even surf I boogyboard but I still know how to he under the bloody water lmaoo
Nononopeee - 7 years ago
GigglingDickhead hell yeh Australia's home to surfing pros
Bonza 72
Bonza 72 - 7 years ago
GigglingDickhead it doesn't matter about e conditions. Their out and that's all that matters :)
HapaHarley - 7 years ago
Lol, yeah go to Australia as if that's just a hop and a skip away, cuz apparently this 1 surf school represents all surf schools in the Americas. Secret fact, no one from Cali knows how to surf, they're all just Aussies faking an American accent
sevenrats - 7 years ago
You don't have to go to Australia to learn to surf. You just need to find a good shop. These guys clearly weren't.
yesfrat b knowin
yesfrat b knowin - 7 years ago
easy nother 100 ways don't forget the dropbears
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
bigislander72 ha so funny
bigislander72 - 7 years ago
...or get stung by a box jellyfish...or step on a stonefish...or bit by a funnel web spider or one of the 80 types of venemous snakes...or get eaten by a shark or crocodile...or mauled by a kangaroo...even if you survive all that a dingo still might steal your baby...probably a hundred other ways to die too.
Ron I.
Ron I. - 7 years ago
Shut up dickhead.
Thomasuki267 - 7 years ago
I got lessons in S. Carolina, New Hampshire, and L.A. Ten years later I got a lesson in England and actually learned how to surf. The first three were okay for basic safety, but terrible at any technique. The Brits seem all uptight about everyone being licensed "Royal Society of This and That" to teach anything, but it pays off in the quality. I suspect Aus is like that.
Fenderr - 7 years ago
I would but I don't want skin cancer
Oxyrisen - 7 years ago
GigglingDickhead Yes!! Was literally going to write the exact same comment!' Well, except for the Australia part. I'm in Jersey.
Aaron McIntyre
Aaron McIntyre - 8 years ago
Those people are idiots
Makai Kalii
Makai Kalii - 8 years ago
Stay away from this pathetic surf school. These instructors are really stupid for taking beginners out on a day like this, even at Cowells, a beginners break. The only positive about this school is that they're using those cheap Wavestorm foam boards from Costco, so nobody gets really hurt.
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira - 8 years ago
Lesson #1: respect the ocean.
Nice wipe outs on a knee high wave
Shrek My Saviour
Shrek My Saviour - 7 years ago
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira knee high my ass id like to see u try go through that
Frankie Chess
Frankie Chess - 8 years ago
great soundtrack lol
danny macnus
danny macnus - 8 years ago
fuck its like half a foot little bitchs
danny macnus
danny macnus - 8 years ago
hahaha shame kooks.should teach yourself instead of a shitty school .
Michael Trejo
Michael Trejo - 8 years ago
Learn on softer/less consistent day.
Timing the set waves & being a confident/strong paddler is key. Especially at a beach break in a long board.
NorthOCkook - 8 years ago
My name is chuck but my Hawaiian name is Kunu. Oh cool does Kunu have a cool Hawaiian meaning? Yeah it means chuck
reed Ellis
reed Ellis - 8 years ago
hms adroit
hms adroit - 8 years ago
XyZ CwP - 8 years ago
too be fair that looks like it has a bit of power too it that wave, they should be on another beach! bad surf school,the dudes trying to take them out past the white water wtf! dangerous dickhead
Alex Fernandes
Alex Fernandes - 8 years ago
The waves aren't that big unless it is your first time surfing, which now I understand. Teach them to duck dive or turtle roll or something to get past the waves, don't just give them a board and say "See you in the lineup", especially if its their first time surfing.
YesSirPhil - 8 years ago
01:08 I'm sure she will never ever surf again (she can't even walk)
YesSirPhil - 8 years ago
02:06 look, he is surfing!
Zack Meers
Zack Meers - 8 years ago
Wow. Big deal. Beginners doing what beginners do.
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
it looked like waist high waves
Vinny Pro
Vinny Pro - 7 years ago
Zack Meers the thing is that this is cowells beach break with probably 8 foot swell and off shores. The surf school shouldn't be there in the first place. I surf that spot when it's that big and it's a big barrel great for learning. (Not really). Cowells is great for learning when they is 3-4 foot swell.
Wen - 8 years ago
I bet he is not even a teacher. just pretend to be one to earn some cash and laugh watching students got slammed waves after waves
Anderson Cheng
Anderson Cheng - 8 years ago
Why would the instructors tell the class to go out to the break? Should stay inside and just catch the whitewash, unless the class had some experience already, which I doubt. I feel bad for the students; not a good way to get exposed to a great sport and hobby.
green Shasta bean
green Shasta bean - 7 years ago
Doug Manatt
Doug Manatt - 8 years ago
plxp - 8 years ago
When your instructor is wearing shades in the water... RUN!
(3:40) @Surftaxipeniche
supitzgraham - 7 years ago
Jbirtwisle ITZ the glare
Jbirtwisle - 8 years ago
lol, and it's not even sunny. Doesn't look like he has a clue!
19MarkZ - 8 years ago
This is so inspiring. After 45 years of surfing I wish I could see it all again with such fresh eyes. Everyone from Kelly Slater on down the food chain started at this point. The best surfer in the water is the one having the most fun. Carpe diem!
Al Paca
Al Paca - 8 years ago
Thats some big break for a first ever lesson.
Andre Dirszus
Andre Dirszus - 7 years ago
yeah it really aint that big,.i was expecting hell by the title of the video...this is a fairly normal beginners day, but it being a little more difficult cause of the messines....though with that they learn the first important lesson...most of the times surf at beaches is messy amd unpredictable and you need to learn to negotiate through it...find a spot where it doesnt close out, learn to keep your spot in the current so on so forth...i really dont think this is beyond handling, plus like i said sooner or later they wanna learn to cope with a bit of a mess......only thing here that is beyond their skill is some of the waves are closing out quickly whilst throwing a bit of a lip. Takeoff with those boards in that is a bit of a skill admittingly, but again they werent in over their heads(pun intended), size wise !

The instructor could have also taken them aside and tell them to take off in the whitewater and at least experience minor succes.....

But nobody was at danger here
Harry Debenham
Harry Debenham - 7 years ago
It's tiny haha
unkeltiz - 7 years ago
there is no 5 years old kid paddling 8 ft waves on this planet. but as a kid, a 1 ft wave feels solid. same as a beginner. a wave is something you have to get used to...
FABRIZIO caballero
FABRIZIO caballero - 7 years ago
Al Paca i
Alec Bennett
Alec Bennett - 7 years ago
Yeah not particularly beginner friendly. Which is weird because usually Cowell's is super beginner friendly. Anyway, epic video, thanks for posting. And man, those people need to learn to spread out! I was sure someone was going to get hurt in a collision.
sectionmaker - 7 years ago
6 to 8ft is really only 6 inches...island measurement....and then half that when you are 5 years old....
kinklecankles - 7 years ago
you are a liar, you probably live in Nebraska and fuck cows all day, never even seen a beach...great lakes don't count limpdick
kinklecankles - 7 years ago
i assume this is sarcasm Rebel Show, because you know how cool it is to brag about how awesome you are, only really cool people do that.
Ron I.
Ron I. - 7 years ago
What a bunch of BS.
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 7 years ago
Aloha Beau No it isn't! Only if you're a pussy like the fags in the video. I went out in 6 to 8 feet when I was 5. Grew up in Hawaii. Kids today are pussies for sure!
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 7 years ago
Al Paca I never took a lesson for anything in my life. I started surfing and fully swimming when I was about 5, same with riding a bike and a motorcycle. I don't get it. If it's that hard you shouldn't be doing it.
Santiago Romero
Santiago Romero - 7 years ago
You don't deserve to live on this planet. Chicken poopy head.
Harry cloake
Harry cloake - 7 years ago
Jenna Twatson bitch fuck off
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 7 years ago
I agree darling, however, the correct spelling is KUKS.....ask any real Hawaiian :)
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 7 years ago
You're old and saggy with cankles and you're calling me a skin bag? That's ironic.
kinklecankles - 7 years ago
you should call yourself Jenna "the soulless sack of shit sewn into a skinbag"
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
+Eric Lucifer idk about that. I've always kept my stoke. If you're not having much fun you should rethink how you surf.
Al Paca
Al Paca - 8 years ago
Jenna Twatson kook
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
What's it to you?
BraidedLady - 8 years ago
I give a fuck about my trailer, and whats your problem? Why are you being so rude
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
+angry grandma +Al Paca  is a kook. All kooks are dumb.
angry grandma
angry grandma - 8 years ago
ur dumb af
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
+BraidedLady No one gives af about your trailer braids lady.
BraidedLady - 8 years ago
sit down Jenna TWATson
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
If your a pussy it is.
Tory Langley
Tory Langley - 8 years ago
Michael Pugh
Michael Pugh - 8 years ago
Terrible instructors. The students obviously we're not taught how to get out or how to catch a wave
Matt Freeman
Matt Freeman - 8 years ago
Sometimes you have to teach them how to take a beating. It doesn't normally get that much swell there, most of the time it is the perfect spot for a surf school.
jasason10 - 8 years ago
You start them riding white water, stupidity at its best
icedbannanas - 8 years ago
Awesome surfing.
Zach Clarke
Zach Clarke - 8 years ago
ashleyroachclip1 - 8 years ago
i tell people you want to learn to surf master the skateboard first then go jump off the point at the lane without your boar dswim out let the current suck you to indicators or cowells if you can hack that then you can learn to surf
daan hendriks
daan hendriks - 8 years ago
this teacher is student himself? Well they spent a lot of money on backward ' surfing'
Antonio Michael
Antonio Michael - 8 years ago
Attack of the kooks
Nick Treiber
Nick Treiber - 8 years ago
I love surfing cowells it's just you have to dodge a million people in the surf school... All worth it tho for a nice ride at cowells!
AP foto
AP foto - 8 years ago
they are just standing there doing nothing, they got to work hard and paddle, paddle!
Eric Emerson
Eric Emerson - 8 years ago
Wish I could have been there, so many wasted waves :/
Tristan Vlogs
Tristan Vlogs - 7 years ago
Eric Emerson same
Martin M
Martin M - 7 years ago
vos ya estarias ahogada seguramente
Liliana Gomez
Liliana Gomez - 8 years ago
A 9 year old can go through these conditions it looks easy
Aidan Oke
Aidan Oke - 8 years ago
Solsist Roblox
Solsist Roblox - 8 years ago
My instructor also had me watch the ocean for 20 minuets before going out. These people dumb.
Solsist Roblox
Solsist Roblox - 8 years ago
I learned in Kaui, the first thing my instructor told my small class (4 other people) is if you can't swim, get out now.
Taylor Diehl
Taylor Diehl - 8 years ago
Totally wrong tide for this lol, that's kind of a gnarly shore break
Pratik Mk
Pratik Mk - 8 years ago
why dont you just teach the roll dumbass lol wtf
Chad Kerchensky
Chad Kerchensky - 8 years ago
these people sit there body up and catch the wave. they need to dip down or launch them selves up over the peak
sinny694 - 8 years ago
hahaha this better not have been a real surf school. 5:48 is priceless
John Cena
John Cena - 8 years ago
this is so beautiful. i hate schools
Andresurf 01
Andresurf 01 - 7 years ago
me too man ahahahah, they drop like no tomorrow and neither say sorry
Yeti Drunk All The Time
Yeti Drunk All The Time - 7 years ago
loud noises
Lucas Almeida
Lucas Almeida - 7 years ago
John Cena que
goncalo teixeira
goncalo teixeira - 9 years ago
worst teachers ever
Kurt1600www - 9 years ago
After those slams we have 20 less people in the water next time
יאיר גוזלן
יאיר גוזלן - 9 years ago
there are a couple of ways to go thru a wave one of them is turtle role
this place shouldn't have starting surfers in it
surflukify - 9 years ago
2:07 the beginner at the bottom lol
MRsteezy123 - 9 years ago
I love how all these morons make it kind of past the first wave, then just stand around looking at eachother.that's the time you need to keep paddling you morons.
Travis Krumenacker
Travis Krumenacker - 8 years ago
you gotta do a little more than just show
andy f
andy f - 9 years ago
thanks for the 6 minute giggle! excellent!
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
omg this is priceless !
Toastie ™
Toastie ™ - 8 years ago
mike!!!! i am big fan
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 8 years ago
Thoroughly enjoy your work brother! - san clemente
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
Haha this is a great idea, I need to film the surf school out front of my house on a bigger day.
Nirvana Sup
Nirvana Sup - 7 years ago
Ho Stevie! hi steve
Mo P.
Mo P. - 9 years ago
sad. higher teacher:student ration needed; maybe a different tide-time where there wasn't a shorebreak... and a LOT more dryland exercises. don't give up - once you get it - it's addictive :)
Nick Burgos
Nick Burgos - 7 years ago
Mo P. ration? you mean ratio? lmao
trimbandit - 8 years ago
That would depend entirely on the break, Milk Tea
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird - 8 years ago
Depends on the wind and type of swell too, every break is different. A combo of those three could make good waves at one spot and a different combo at another spot.
Milk Tea
Milk Tea - 8 years ago
Brand new to surfing... what tide times usually have a strong shore break? Does it make it alot harder to paddle out?
anders krong
anders krong - 9 years ago
Great stuff hahaha
beiko - 9 years ago
why are these people trying to stand without even paddling? holy crap what a shitty surf school
Hayden Steed
Hayden Steed - 7 years ago
Talia Cruz
Talia Cruz - 7 years ago
maybe just buy one in case you can get it for like $60 from kmart
magentawave - 7 years ago
Allison Carter Are you kidding?! They aren't ready at all for bigger waves. They should stay inside until they learn the basics before going outside. This is what you call crappy teaching.
Chris Isom
Chris Isom - 7 years ago
I think the instructor was the person pushing the other person straight on into a freshly broken wave. Otherwise, I couldn't tell either.
Johnny Rad
Johnny Rad - 7 years ago
I could not tell who the instructor was. Useless surf coach!!!
James The surfer
James The surfer - 7 years ago
Fingermanant1234 - 7 years ago
cute.....except he had about six trust funds to fall back on.....and it wasn't his money at stake
Santiago Romero
Santiago Romero - 7 years ago
In Austrialia do they give you foamboards?
Rebel with a cause
Rebel with a cause - 7 years ago
I failed many times while learning...The most successful businessmen fail too many times ..but they don't quit.
Fingermanant1234 - 7 years ago
+rebel with a cause are you as good as a surfer as trump is at going bankrupt?
Tommy Flynn
Tommy Flynn - 7 years ago
Rebel with a cause but there's no such thing as Hilary university...
Rebel with a cause
Rebel with a cause - 8 years ago
No you mean Hillary U.  I'm a Trump fan and a great surfer...Winning..!
trimbandit - 8 years ago
Probably the easiest, most gentle break for 50 miles either direction. It was made for beginners.
Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 8 years ago
Must be a branch of Trump University.
ConQuestJourneys - 8 years ago
Allison Carter this looks like 2-3ft Cowells has been 7+ on a big day
Allison Carter
Allison Carter - 8 years ago
This looks to be Cowells beach in Santa Cruz on a really big day. These surfers are not even close to the true Cowells wave. They need to get through the beach break and then paddle 100 - 400 yard up the breaking sand bar and pick up the wave. It would then be much more suited for these surfers although still "big". On a day like this it was probably breaking pretty much from Steam Lane all the way to this spot with some close out and reform sections along the way.
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 8 years ago
This is such a hot mess. Not a good break for a surf school.
Jason Rentaponga
Jason Rentaponga - 8 years ago
Well they should also not be out in shorebreak. What a cluster fuck
Kirk - 9 years ago
If you don't surf....don't start.
Thank you
supitzgraham - 7 years ago
But u started dummass
Patrick - 7 years ago
Hilbert Franca: "surfers in brazil are chill" obviously don't surf. the most loathed surfers on the planet are brasilian They are universally hated, and it's not because they're "chill."
Marcos Gonzalez
Marcos Gonzalez - 7 years ago
wow the ignorance you have is amazing. your life must not be very fulfilling
Hayden Steed
Hayden Steed - 7 years ago
Ok so, where you a beginner, if you where shut up, in other words shut up. Unless your are a god, and already new how to surf your first time, shut up.
urungutang - 7 years ago
Kirk comment section on youtube is the only real conversation you get huh?:)Is that why you are so pissed at life?Poor baby,you need to find a friend and finally get out there and actually try surfing,you just might like it.
Larry Enticer
Larry Enticer - 7 years ago
Oh I'm the guy filming. cheers :)
Kirk - 7 years ago
Thanks for the laughs Jonathan. What guy are you in the video?
Larry Enticer
Larry Enticer - 7 years ago
+Kirk You're the kook. Jokes on you
Kirk - 7 years ago
60,000 murders in Brazil in 2016. Sounds like there's lots of chill people in your country. Please continue to take surfing lessons in your toxic water.
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 7 years ago
hahahah you surfers from other countries are such assholes. Thank god surfers here in Brazil are chill
adyn windsor
adyn windsor - 7 years ago
"If you don't surf don't start"
Kirk - 7 years ago
Ouch. You got me, that really hurts my feelings. So you must be in the video. Do us all a favor, quit surfing and go play on the freeway.
Dead Account
Dead Account - 7 years ago
Kirk you're actually retarded just think about what you just said lmao
danny macnus
danny macnus - 8 years ago
+JIMMY RYAN fuck off you dont even surf you gay cunt.
beiko - 9 years ago
+JIMMY RYAN lol kbud
JIMMY RYAN - 9 years ago
You're a Kook. Fuck off
beiko - 9 years ago
+hbkirty oh I'm sorry, are us beginners going to crowd your personal private beach?

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