Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews
Surf 6 years ago 310,362 views
James Rolfe discusses movies with pals Mike Matei, Justin Silverman and Tony. Today the topic - Surf Ninjas (1993) Check out more Rental Reviews here: Follow us on Twitter James - Justin - Mike - Tony - #surfninjas #rentalreviews #cinemassacre
10. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews
hi do you have Liam Neeson in Schindler's List?
yes we do
ok cool
leaves with surf ninjas
opens surf ninjas case, pops it in with surf ninjas on the cassette
one hour later
Wait a minute this isn't Schindler's List?! this is Surf Ninjas
20. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews
"It's called Surf Ninjas."
I died at that line lol
30. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews
Rob Schneider: Hey, as long as it works.
Will James review it??
Like usually, I'll sit movies out. I watched Freddie Got Fingered, Meet the Spartans, all kinds of awful movies all the way to the end. But fuck Bio-Dome and Smiley Face.
50. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews
What the fuck
Have the novel still too
Love the shredderific guitar soundtrack
And the girl is hot
100. comment for Surf Ninjas: Surfing Karate Kids and Rob Schneider - Rental Reviews
I'm digging these videos. Keep them up!
This movie's a guilty pleasure for me.
we had more fun back then with what we were handed
To watch the shitty films that suck ass.
Rated PG-13
"i'm a sherman tank!"
Glad that Kelly Hu has gone on to appear in better things since this movie came out. As much I don't like it, I would rather watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III than this movie.
i want a skittles machine :P
gumball classic
I can't see him! I can't see him talk! I can't see his expressions! I can't connect!
this is such an amazing thing. thank you.
And like having those videos in the foreground makes things so weird.Keeps making me feel like that is about to be in focus and that the people talking are the 2nd feature
Ride to Hell: Retribution, review this piece of shit!
Ninja turtles is whatever. Shredder is cool though
One dogs lookin one way the other dogs lookin the other way and this guys like “hey what do you want from me?”
Hey, I found out that here are book two sequels to Bram Stoker's Dracula. One is co-authored by his decendant, Dacre Stoker along with a Dracula expert, Ian Holt called Dracula The Un-Dead. Another was written with a near identical title by another author. Both should show up if you look on Amazon. Thanks again team Cinemassacre.
you deserve 10 million subs for making millions around the globe smile and laugh with your godly videos.
I still have no idea why my mom would rent that movie for me.
Meanwhile, his friends all live in their parents' basements.
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