Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Surf Wax America By: Weezer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

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Surf Wax America By: Weezer

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Most popular comments
for Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Ronald Aubrey
Ronald Aubrey - 7 years ago
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 7 years ago
Didier23 Didier23
Didier23 Didier23 - 7 years ago
only  390188 VUES !!!! my sociopathy will   get better
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
2:04 best part
Conor M.
Conor M. - 7 years ago
Smoke Dope!
KnowThyself7 - 7 years ago
Conor M. LOL, you too. Saw them live and I scream out with my friends Smoke Dope when they play this song!
Cowboycomando54 - 7 years ago
"Sea is foaming like a bottle of beer" that lyric always makes me want to have a been.
Marco Total
Marco Total - 7 years ago
Why does this song give me 8th grade vibes, when I didn't even know Weezer then?
Breena MSP
Breena MSP - 7 years ago
im here cos i took a "theme song quiz" and got this song....
xxSpaceQueenxx - 7 years ago
that's why I'm here too lol
Cowboycomando54 - 7 years ago
there need to be a snow wax america version of this song, for us snow boarders.

10. comment for Surf Wax America By: Weezer

GamingWithRaven - 7 years ago
I am here because a buzfeed quiz said this was my theme song....
AG Rodney
AG Rodney - 7 years ago
How tF u take a surfboard to work??
Barns Noble
Barns Noble - 7 years ago
AG Rodney he doesn't work
Eric Presser
Eric Presser - 8 years ago
Shlomo carlebach wrote the riff
Carlos Pico
Carlos Pico - 8 years ago
I cant understand why this song and many other Weezer songs are not more popular
Ryan Russell
Ryan Russell - 7 years ago
because it's not a single, dumbass
BenFTW - 7 years ago
Carlos Pico they're alternative. It's not supposed to be popular lol
Cole Wilson
Cole Wilson - 8 years ago
yeah it's after song but this was 1996 and keep in mind Weezer was huge by 1996
Strajee - 8 years ago
bc 1. its old now 2. its not pop
TheVarietyBros - 8 years ago
If any of you have read the book "Gone" by Michael Grant, it says that Quinn was singing to a Weezer song with the lyrics being a homage to surfing. I feel like it might have been this song.
Herdeshe - 7 years ago
gone is the nuts
Will Holbert
Will Holbert - 8 years ago
all along the undertoe, it's stengthening it;s hold, I never thought it would come to this, now I can never go home! .. sounds like something a dope fiend would say
pris - 8 years ago
I'll take my boarrrddddd
Miklo Goodfella
Miklo Goodfella - 8 years ago
this sing reminds me of Marie, a hot young Hollywood starlet I was banging in 2000. she was from Michigan trying to make it big in tinsletown. she was hot.
wv vw
wv vw - 7 years ago
Miklo Goodfella That happened.
Kish Jugo
Kish Jugo - 8 years ago
I am a nerd of the highest order sir.
Miklo Goodfella
Miklo Goodfella - 8 years ago
+Kish Jugo si, yo soy un nerd, y caballero. She is recently married and just celebrated her 1st childbirth. I can't give up her name. a nerd of your caliber may try and contact her.
Kish Jugo
Kish Jugo - 8 years ago
Ur still making the hollywood starlet thing up.  What's the starlet's name, nerd?
Miklo Goodfella
Miklo Goodfella - 8 years ago
+Kish Jugo ok, go into your moms room, go to the dresser, open the top drawer, weed through all the 14 inch dildos, vibrators and midget porn magazines and underneath her crackpipe, you will find the pictures of me and her together.....son
Kish Jugo
Kish Jugo - 8 years ago
Kish Jugo
Kish Jugo - 8 years ago
prove it nerd. Where are the pictures?
El Scorcho
El Scorcho - 8 years ago
benis blaster
benis blaster - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing with the class
brodie - 8 years ago
Good to know.
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 8 years ago
One of the coolest riffs I've ever heard.
Jacob Graves
Jacob Graves - 7 years ago
True. one of my fav songs ever
Rdogy 1000
Rdogy 1000 - 7 years ago
MrSixiesRock - 8 years ago
Reminds me of the Beach boys so much.
Sharpe - 8 years ago
That's the point...

20. comment for Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Godefroy pascal
Godefroy pascal - 9 years ago
La mer mousse comme de la bière
La vague arrive mais je ne la crains pas
Je wax bien car sa va envoyer
Je wax bien car c'est vraiment l'éclate
Et puis je m'en vais surfer car ta tête ne me revient pas
Je lâche prise car je déteste courir infiniment dans une roue
comme un rat de laboratoire
Je m'en vais surfer, je m'en vais surfer

Tu prend ta voiture pour aller bossé
Moi je prend ma planche
Et quand tu es en panne d'essence
Je ne cesse de glisser sur la vague

Mes potes et leurs copines m' accompagnent
Ils ont l'air de disparaitre au fil des vagues
La mer s'enroule comme des énormes fûts
On s'en va surfer, on s'en va surfer.

Tu prend ta voiture pour aller bosser
Moi je prend ma planche
Et quand tu es en panne d'essence
Je ne cesse de glisser sur la vague

Emporté, la lame de fond
renforce son emprise
Je n'aurai jamais imaginé à ce point
A présent je ne peut revenir en arrière

PerfectFuckinSquare - 9 years ago
The Song dynamics sound pretty familiar next to dreamin´from the red album, anyone agree?
Priorities - 9 years ago
This sounded a lot better when Relient K played it.
Nicole Townsend
Nicole Townsend - 8 years ago
you now what I like Weezer's version better than relient ks version so I disagree with you on that and Weezer is the band that came up with surf wax American so that's why I like this version more.
El Scorcho
El Scorcho - 8 years ago
fuck u
James The Horn Guy
James The Horn Guy - 8 years ago
Priorities - 9 years ago
+FallingDesk Design
fallingdesk - 9 years ago
+Priorities You're a fucking idiot dude
KAMLU - 9 years ago
RIP Costa Verde
Julian Hall
Julian Hall - 9 years ago
brodie - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info.
tommi twelvetreez
tommi twelvetreez - 10 years ago
u tek yo car I tek mi board wen u outtah fuel I mon still afloat!! b00000m!
Matthew England
Matthew England - 10 years ago
i remember having this tape and working at a golf course, this was the first track on the b side of the tape......i used to fast forward the last song on the a side to hurry and get to this one..........90% of you have no clue what i am talking about hahaha
Paddy9476 - 7 years ago
Remember cassette singles? I got a few from bands that only put 2 songs on them. Then when CD's came along they would have CD singles which would have the song you wanted plus a B side or a live version of a song. Man I feel old now.
Sarah Paul
Sarah Paul - 7 years ago
I do XD I DO IT ALL THE TIME except not for dis song...
Christina Miller
Christina Miller - 7 years ago
ahh b sides, remember tape world?
Picard JS
Picard JS - 7 years ago
I love this
cyberpunkspike - 7 years ago
Compact Disc, yea audio quality is that good :P
GainedSalmon 3
GainedSalmon 3 - 8 years ago
Bunch of noobs. Everyone knows record players are the best.
Jonathan Conard
Jonathan Conard - 8 years ago
Nonsense, I go cassette hunting constantly at local flea markets, thrift shops, etc.
FAdamsXII - 8 years ago
+Matthew England I actually do remember that. Way to make me feel fucking old dude.
jackmatese11 - 9 years ago
my first car HAS a tape deck. I still buy cassettes.
notabroham - 9 years ago
+Matthew England My first two cars had tape decks included. The struggle was real.
andrew hall
andrew hall - 10 years ago
Back when Rivers still had something to prove, back when he was hungry to express himself, long before he had run out of things to say... 
Kish Jugo
Kish Jugo - 8 years ago
Well, when you become a rat in the maze, as he did, it hurries you along to artistic sterility.
Aaron Hecker
Aaron Hecker - 10 years ago
This song is about goin' surfin'. There, I said it. 
El Scorcho
El Scorcho - 8 years ago
Afonso Markmann
Afonso Markmann - 9 years ago
+Aaron Hecker I thought it was about getting drunk to tolerate people/make some girls look better.
Mr2awesome - 9 years ago
thanks i was having trouble getting the meaning.
Penn Stanton
Penn Stanton - 10 years ago
guys.... pinkerton.
George Oscar Bluth
George Oscar Bluth - 7 years ago
Conor M. Wtf who made that list
wv vw
wv vw - 7 years ago
Conor M. EWBAITE at 5? You need to get checked.
wv vw
wv vw - 7 years ago
Neal Zetek Pinkerton > Blue
Evan Phillips
Evan Phillips - 7 years ago
Penn Stanton don't like the list, Pinkerton and blue album are top two for me...
Conor M.
Conor M. - 7 years ago
Pinkerton is only #4 on top Weezer albums.

1. White Album.
2. Red Album.
3. Maladroit.
4. Pinkerton.
6. Blue Album.
7. Make Believe.
8. Green Album.
9. Hurley.
10. Death to False Metal.
11. Raditude.
Penn Stanton
Penn Stanton - 9 years ago
+Bee Honey
Bee Honey
Bee Honey - 9 years ago
After reviewing this I learned that I was wrong, lol pinkerton is better but once again that's what opinions are for haha.
Bee Honey
Bee Honey - 9 years ago
+Neal Zetek I think its better than pinkerton but hey thats what opinions are for man, both are amazing tho.
Neal Zetek
Neal Zetek - 9 years ago
+Penn Stanton getchoo uh huh
Neal Zetek
Neal Zetek - 9 years ago
+Penn Stanton not as good as the blue album but pretty close
johnanderson211 - 10 years ago
love that album

30. comment for Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Edwin Montesinos
Edwin Montesinos - 10 years ago
Hilarious chorus.
Beautifal Hibuscus
Beautifal Hibuscus - 10 years ago
I love this song!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to see them in Bethlehem PA and they sand this song! It was AMAZBALLA
Beautifal Hibuscus
Beautifal Hibuscus - 10 years ago
Oops i ment AMAZBALLZ
Jem S
Jem S - 10 years ago
If the Beach Boys tried punk
Shane Bales
Shane Bales - 7 years ago
Shane Bales
Shane Bales - 7 years ago
If the Beach Boys did punk they'd sound like a band called the Queers.
jim jim
jim jim - 7 years ago
kawaiidesu oy vey not pop punk here. Just alternative rock. And it would just be the beach boys with a 90s style alt rock
Jem S
Jem S - 8 years ago
+FAdamsXII I suppose that's fair way to put it but wasn't 90s alt rock directly descended from punk, i.e. Nirvana?
FAdamsXII - 8 years ago
+Jem S That's Agent Orange. Weezer did what the Beach Boys did and updated it for the 1990's.
MrSixiesRock - 8 years ago
+Jem S It feels like the Beach boys with a hint of punk and 90s rock. Perfect combo
Jem S
Jem S - 10 years ago
No kidding. But this would be pretty punk by the Beach Boys standards!
kawaiidesu oy vey
kawaiidesu oy vey - 10 years ago
weezer was hardly punk

pop punk maybe
ghostwhiskey - 12 years ago
that was the year i first got a guitar,first got high and the first time i got laid. so in a way i was born that year too
Rama Y
Rama Y - 12 years ago
I was born then I listen to this song LOL
eatpanda118 - 12 years ago
Born in 1994. Solid year
trdidion - 12 years ago
i totally say that about todays garbage
Josh Rice
Josh Rice - 12 years ago
i'm 18 and glad i was born in the 90's. those years were the best in music and tv. stupid 2,000's are all about "hip hop" which isn't even hip hop any more! its just about shuffling or can you dougie? man the music at prom was sooo stupid. smh
The American Imperialist
The American Imperialist - 7 years ago
take a look
21 21
21 21 - 7 years ago
Josh Rice hey look at this comment you posted 5 years ago
TheDoolie123 - 12 years ago
I have purchased this album six times 3 on tape, twice used cd, once new cd
TonyLeonTV - 12 years ago
Green Day sampled this in Holiday
Ozzi Torres
Ozzi Torres - 12 years ago
I know. It disgusts me though how I have to live aside with idiots all about "swag" and the music in this decade. I play some good shit from the 90's on my ipod or something and EVERY ONE OF THEM SAYS" Dude , what the fuck is this shit? It sucks!" . 0-0
Woluffy - 7 years ago
Weak? Well, looks like you're 18 now. To bad i'm weak ; - ;
kevinx237 - 12 years ago
so you're 14? WEAK!
Ozzi Torres
Ozzi Torres - 12 years ago
Maan, My parents should have fucked like 10 years earlier in 98' , I could've lived in a world with Real Music.
Edge0fPain - 12 years ago
Was born in '93, shame I wasn't old enough to appreciate this.
Chain Wallet
Chain Wallet - 13 years ago
I was born when this album was made lol. Wish I could have heard this when it came out
PeachyLeaf - 13 years ago
I loooooooooove this song.
zzmatt299 - 13 years ago
Check out Relient K's cover of this song, It's amazing!!!
Shaun Dinan
Shaun Dinan - 13 years ago
I love the drums in this song!
siesunombre - 13 years ago
i got this song in my alarm tone... and hear to this song is the best way to wake up!!!!
siesunombre - 13 years ago
i got this song in my alarm tone... and hear to this song is the best way to wake up!!!!

50. comment for Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Zachary Hansen
Zachary Hansen - 13 years ago
Thumbs up if youre still listening to this 17 years later.
DaftMan117 - 7 years ago
Make that 26 years, it’s currently 2018
Brodie Marshall
Brodie Marshall - 13 years ago
@ikillurchildren did u go to doho days
MrAristes - 13 years ago
I play this in the bar. It's funny to see older people who grew up on Billy Squire and Foreigner jam out and younger people who grew up on Good Charlotte and Jay Z jam out too. Great song. It takes me back in time and gets me fired up.
ikillurchildren - 13 years ago
this song is sooooo awesome live!
Zach S
Zach S - 13 years ago
I'm waxin' down so I'll go real fast.
WickedLiquid - 13 years ago
@Stazmo2 Hehehe, I don't like Beverly Hills either. But Blue and Pinkerton are such great album I can forgive them.
Mike Petty
Mike Petty - 13 years ago
@mobilesuitZer0 Maybe folks your age didn't know who they were, I'm 35 and loved Weezer during the college years, as did many others! Agreed new stuff isn't up to snuff, and it's not even close.
Stazmo2 - 13 years ago
@100wookiepuss I realize the band can't sing about teenage angst anymore, but i thought these guys were more than that. I loved every song on this album and Pinkerton. They were so effortless and they rocked. Maladroit is okay but their new stuff just sounds like they're trying too hard.
Молодые Сердца
Молодые Сердца - 13 years ago
@100wookiepuss He means they suck now. This was at their best...but nobody knew who they were. I had this album way back then in 1994...shortly after it was released. I'm only 27, but this band has been a huge influence over my music direction...The newer stuff (even stuff off this album suck to me) Even the album with Hash Pipe sucked in my opinion.
семен д
семен д - 13 years ago
@100wookiepuss he means they changed alot
Wookiepuss - 13 years ago
@Stazmo2 it is the same band I saw them at a show once they played this and beverly hills
demondo87 - 13 years ago
me an 3 of my mates was coming back from a white stripes gig in blackpool doing about 80 on the motorway started snowing next minute we were going sideways next minute we were flippin over dont know how many times, we were alll o.k . this song was on during the whole thing. i was wishin i was on a suf board at the time ha ha
alteregoash - 13 years ago
@YouDaManCobrahh Yeah but you're forgetting that it's not. It's a cover of their own sound with increasing pop elements and Rivers' blubbering.
is Veronica Grey Gandhi Warhol?
is Veronica Grey Gandhi Warhol? - 13 years ago
i was at this weird party in a mattress store in like 2004. someone named Fysche was having a book signing in Beverly Hills and everyone was served champagne in bed. Matt from Weezer was there. i wonder if he surfs. Fysche surfs. i surf. the internet
Roomforalan - 13 years ago
this song is so known.. quite overrated id say
skrep - 13 years ago
This is such a fucking good album, I just wished I'd realised earlier :'(
larrybob141 - 13 years ago
OldDirtyRetard - 13 years ago
@pubirty22 with you
weezer619 - 13 years ago
Anyone know what the hell this songs about?
pixarian - 13 years ago
i LOVE Blue. it's fantastic from first song to last.
Nicolas Vanheuverzwijn
Nicolas Vanheuverzwijn - 13 years ago
omg, this song is so simple
jennifawasherr - 13 years ago
I wish I knew how to surf.
i_teddy_ramone - 13 years ago
@newbands1 thinks
newbands1 - 13 years ago
Just start with the blue album then pinkerton next and then the rest of their discography.Don't bother listening to a few songs,listen to the whole album.
newbands1 - 13 years ago
@iryon41 Just start with the blue album then pinkerton and follow the rest of their discography.Don't bother listening to a few songs.
i_teddy_ramone - 13 years ago
I kinda new to weezer, I want to hear more of there songs, the good ones. Can anyone be some help, and send me some of there good music, It'd be really cool if you did, thinks.
Vassild - 13 years ago
longboarding theme song :D
zombiemontage - 13 years ago
fucking pissant motherfuckers. what happened?
Kari - 13 years ago
@NerdyGlassesFTW Hahahahahahahahaaa dang, you stole my line. hahaha =)
Levi Gellatly
Levi Gellatly - 13 years ago
Relient K's covering this in the new ep!! gonna be raaad(:
Tisheriffic - 13 years ago
HAPPY 41st B-DAY RIVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April Barrett
April Barrett - 13 years ago
@itubeyoudont why thank you good sir/madam
itubeyoudont - 13 years ago
@Cuomosexual96 I just want to congratulate you for owning the best username on youtube. That is all.
Emma louise
Emma louise - 13 years ago
@Cuomosexual96 I am female.. But its ok.
April Barrett
April Barrett - 13 years ago
@RemzElleG thanks bro
Emma louise
Emma louise - 13 years ago
@Cuomosexual96 Your username is pure awesome.
Joe Bob
Joe Bob - 13 years ago
@Jackimole Pinkerton is so obviously superior to Blue. Only the intellectually inferior disagree
April Barrett
April Barrett - 13 years ago
@fat8622 ima girl actually
Mike Perez
Mike Perez - 13 years ago
2 people are out of fuel.
MAJIN ERIX - 13 years ago
@Jackimole pinkerton kicked ass i have to agreee!!! :D
Jackimole - 13 years ago
@erikride Pinkerton > Blue album Sorry bro, but you're going to have to live with it. Pinkerton has a perfect 100 on metacritic.
Kade Kowrach
Kade Kowrach - 13 years ago
@Cuomosexual96 Yes.
blastingcaps - 13 years ago
Chase Brady
Chase Brady - 13 years ago
One of Weezer's most underrated songs. Truly an excellent song, just not nearly so widely publicized as other tunes of theirs; regardless, everything about the piece is magnificent. Thanks for the upload!
mixter654321 - 13 years ago
taking the car to work is soooo mainstream i take the board.
Ryan Antkowiak
Ryan Antkowiak - 13 years ago
i miss weezer when they played good music like this and their whole blue album. I can't stomach their latest stuff :(
Joe Bob
Joe Bob - 13 years ago
@Brohoes1 he likes beverly hills, that's evil
giveDIRETIDEbot - 13 years ago
My favorite song by Weezer. Such a great group!
ddsr86 - 13 years ago
@Stazmo2 I hope you are kidding
bradschambach - 13 years ago
@Stazmo2 Memories too. They should probably revert to this sound again.

100. comment for Surf Wax America By: Weezer

Joe Bob
Joe Bob - 13 years ago
Kat Blues
Kat Blues - 14 years ago
weezer played a free show this past summer at hunington beach when the surfing competition was going on, and they played this was just perfect!
Kat Blues
Kat Blues - 14 years ago
@steev0jackson meaning what?
April Barrett
April Barrett - 14 years ago
@forust98 hahaha fuck you
Mitch Jackson
Mitch Jackson - 14 years ago
@Cuomosexual96 ...yes
Stu Mackenzie
Stu Mackenzie - 14 years ago
@Cuomosexual96 same! lets just be bad people together! nice username btw ;)
Craigs List
Craigs List - 14 years ago
@Stazmo2 hard to believe huh?
April Barrett
April Barrett - 14 years ago
I kinda like beverly hills :S does that make me a bad person?
PhlyersPhan34 - 14 years ago
@PunksWithGuns you are right sublime is one of my favs too.
PhlyersPhan34 - 14 years ago
@pubirty22 Weezer one of the best bands in the lastt 25 yrs,
PhlyersPhan34 - 14 years ago
@Stazmo2 believe it!
HoundSyrup - 14 years ago
@Stazmo2 Beverly Hills is a great song!!
MAJIN ERIX - 14 years ago
after Blue Album i didnt like them as much :/
Amelia Pasqualone
Amelia Pasqualone - 14 years ago
just saw them in chicago they did the whole blue album. <333
gelyn64 - 14 years ago
@SuperiFox true! but to me, a good album is a good album, regardless of order.
gelyn64 - 14 years ago
@SuperiFox true! but to me, a good album is a good album.
ThisIsAChannel - 14 years ago
@acubassman well, no. look at radiohead lol
Palmer Taylor
Palmer Taylor - 14 years ago
i havent listened to this in while but it only gets better with age.
skeletontea - 14 years ago
@metallicamaiden01234 Right, because metaphors have never been used in song lyrics,....ever. He can't work because he's "surfing", the sea's foaming like a bottle of beer/ 1,000 lb keg, he mentions that the undertow is "strengthening it's hold" and that he can never go home.
Kathryn N
Kathryn N - 14 years ago
You take your car to work, I'll take my board, and when your out of fuel i'm still a-float!
Stazmo2 - 14 years ago
This can't be the same band that did Beverly Hills.
Cari Pal
Cari Pal - 14 years ago
@minifocusizer insane :) not many people knew the lyrics to it, but i did :D hahaha :) it was greattt though =D
MoopsCooly - 14 years ago
=W= FTW!
DieByTheDrop - 14 years ago
@haukebremen I want that lyric as a tattoo... i dont know why but ive loved it, fucking awesome.
DWELLER - 14 years ago
WEEZER FOREVER!! :D (who's wit me)
Cole McGee
Cole McGee - 14 years ago
@belfadel You're so stupid....
Belfadel - 14 years ago
@Monkeyboy92037 Got no problems with it, its your opinions. Good that atleast somthing got into that thick skull of yours.
Belfadel - 14 years ago
@Monkeyboy92037 Freedom of speach deal with it. An opinion may be the result of a person's perspective, understanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires. In casual use, the term opinion may refer to unsubstantiated information. An opinion is not to be mixed with knowledge and fact-based beliefs.
Belfadel - 14 years ago
@Monkeyboy92037 So you really got dropped on your head as a child? "in my opinion" = his opinion, opinions arent facts. Therefor your statment is flawed and it means that you're wrong. I bid thy farwell moron.
Belfadel - 14 years ago
@Monkeyboy92037 Changing subject to stand a chanse? The point is that its his opinion no matter if it seems right in your eyes or not, deal with it.
Belfadel - 14 years ago
@Monkeyboy92037 "The red album IN MY OPINION was the last weezer album" ok lets check it out again, "IN MY OPINION". It's his opinion and even tho that I dont agree with it it's still his opinion.
Belfadel - 14 years ago
@Monkeyboy92037 He said in his opinion so who are you to decide what he is allowed to think?
nitroboyn2o - 14 years ago
The red album in my opinion was the last weezer album, the rest are not weezer.
TheArjan1982 - 14 years ago
best song of the album, next to In the garage
DieByTheDrop - 14 years ago
I want "You take your car to work, I'll take my board" tattooed on me :D
Cari Pal
Cari Pal - 14 years ago
they performed this song yesterday!!! it was awesome :)
notoriousspb - 14 years ago
Almost sounds like blink-182
SoupSoupMahGoo - 14 years ago
@DaftPunkRocks107 Good thing its only one.
DaftPunkRocks107 - 14 years ago
There is always that 1 idiot who gives a amazing song a thumbs down.
Duke Silver
Duke Silver - 14 years ago
@acubassman i dont know who you are, but right on.. im in total agreement
Hahoi Hutt
Hahoi Hutt - 14 years ago
i love how blue is really about fun songs, while pinkerton is a story
ainomoadakine - 14 years ago
The lyrics sound strange because they are teasing surfers. Its suppose to be stupid.
HM MUSIC SCHOOL - 14 years ago
great tune. great band.
D - 14 years ago
I'm going surfin' cause I don't like your face. XD
Ten-Seng Guh
Ten-Seng Guh - 14 years ago
i can't believe this song only has 29K hits!!!
AsMhMoOt - 14 years ago
@StaleMilk5 I thought you were just a hater and a troll but its cool. If you don't like something that other people like that's fine but your obviously just trying to get people to react and get angry... Have fun trollin'!
AsMhMoOt - 14 years ago
@StaleMilk5 Ok well why don't you go and write some better lyrics then... I mean your obviously an amazing writer right? All i know is i'm not embarrassed to listen to this because the lyrics are fine. BTW how would make these lyrics better?
danybr1 - 14 years ago
love the ending... the guitar riff when scream "let's go"!
Lady Masko
Lady Masko - 14 years ago
well im a fan :)
tomajoc - 14 years ago
pamela te amo (todabia)
AxDdWn9491 - 14 years ago
sounds like blink 182 likes this band. the opening sounds just like whats my age again.
gloriouspeanut - 14 years ago
I'm going surfing 'cause I DON'T LIKE YOUR FACE!!!
allotheabove123 - 14 years ago
goodfreshie - 14 years ago
1994...........Cerritos Town Center........Weezer show in front of Burger King....Rivers got socked in the face during this song......awesome show!!!!
chris kennedy
chris kennedy - 14 years ago
this song took on a new meaning after i spent some time skating to work in traffic jams
RockWillLiveOn - 14 years ago
I agree with you, and have been sitting silently on the sidelines waiting for somebody else to speak up and make this observation. lol. One other exception: Van Halen. Their first album was pretty damn good, but the REAL van halen was "1984"
Luis Betancourt
Luis Betancourt - 14 years ago
You take your car to work, I'll take my board And when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat ! Hehe Lol!
Doctorunk - 14 years ago
Yeah, 1st albums rule cos it's the accumulation of all your ideas up to the point of recording that album. Everything else after that are leftovers. One exception: Nirvana's 'Bleach' - A fine album for sure, but 'Nevermind' was better in every aspect. Some purists might disagree but I don't care.
trogdor526 - 14 years ago
sea is foaming...
Jackimole - 14 years ago
She is foamin like a bottle of beer
Steven Reynolds
Steven Reynolds - 15 years ago
Man this song always puts me in a better mood. =W=
oisinholz - 15 years ago
amazing song
Will - 15 years ago
Jaimie Adams
Jaimie Adams - 15 years ago
love it! :D
Tommy M
Tommy M - 15 years ago
Snufelefagis88 - 15 years ago
awesome song

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