Surf skate Febrero 2018

Surf skate Febrero 2018 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 85

Surf 7 years ago 238,051 views

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Most popular comments
for Surf skate Febrero 2018

destroyer gamer
destroyer gamer - 6 years ago
Nome do skate
Codorna Skate
Codorna Skate - 6 years ago
Muito otimo
Diogo Pereira
Diogo Pereira - 6 years ago
FT vermelha do centro Ubatuba
WaterBucket - 6 years ago
Is that Suarez in thumbnail?
Rossano Bizinella Montagna
Rossano Bizinella Montagna - 6 years ago
Show....toledo cavando forte no surf e no skate....tamo no treino!
Junior DacAsa sKaTebOaRd!
Junior DacAsa sKaTebOaRd! - 6 years ago
Muito bom o video..
Tamati Tapara
Tamati Tapara - 6 years ago
It’s always kooks that criticise. Click bait wankers that can’t surf for shit. JOB has a whole video on Surf skating, Plilepe is to busy ripping up the planet to worry about dumb ass comments on wether what he’s doing is cool or not. It’s funny he’s 10X cooler than any of you losers.
If you can’t see what’s happening here your a frigen no brains coz it’s so dam obvious it’s a joke. Want to surf better skate any way you can. Nose slide a box, grind a copping, slide a driveway, manual down the foot path, Ollie up a gutter, carve a little lip of cement. It all helps and it’s so much fun no matter what age you are. These boards a purpose built for speed power and flow. You might not like it but the WSL judges eat that shit up!
DRXHARSH - 6 years ago
Usualy this is called a poser haaa
David Morales Casillas
David Morales Casillas - 6 years ago
FUCK IT. When, WHENN WHEN DA FUCK, skate pass from rock n roll and cool stuff, to this fucking music. Its music is EVERUWHERE, fucking EVERYWHERE, aah why why!!!! fuck it fuck it fuck it

10. comment for Surf skate Febrero 2018

Letícia Surfista
Letícia Surfista - 6 years ago
Que maneiro surf de um lado e skate do outro
BeXtremeSports - 6 years ago
Hola, estamos buscando rider para hacer video de nuestro nuevo surfskate BeXtreme. Nos preguntamos si alguno de los que sale en este vídeo les pudiera interesar.
Azul. - 6 years ago
SmoothStar <3
Hecter Yagual
Hecter Yagual - 6 years ago
Como se llama el.modelo.....?
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 6 years ago
nice chicks smooth rides. coutney is awesome. i wanna board!!
SmoothStarSurf - 6 years ago
You copied our video and music... credit link pleeeease!
James Orlando
James Orlando - 6 years ago
Rhidian D
Rhidian D - 6 years ago
A bunch of salty skater kids in the comments calling this "lame". Haha cool, but let's be frank here, whether it's a surfboard, skateboard, surf-skate-thing, etc. they're all toys at the end of the day. Whether you're a man-child hanging around a skate park, a surfer practising on a skateboard, or a surfer in the water, we're all fucking "lame"; so let's not judge. Also who the fuck says "lame" anymore? Is this 1999?
beingarealballa - 6 years ago
Wow, the amount of negative comments despite having 119k views is astonishing
Pedro OMR
Pedro OMR - 6 years ago
Could someone tell me the setup... meanly of the trucks...

20. comment for Surf skate Febrero 2018

renato monteiro Monteiro
renato monteiro Monteiro - 6 years ago
De quem é essa música
renato monteiro Monteiro
renato monteiro Monteiro - 6 years ago
Obrigado irei colocar no me vídeo de Skate .
Marialex Peña
Marialex Peña - 6 years ago
renato monteiro Monteiro faded
Julian Choripeppe
Julian Choripeppe - 6 years ago
that song sucks
Markus Pfundstein
Markus Pfundstein - 6 years ago
big time
David Vaiz
David Vaiz - 6 years ago
this video is just awkward. no thank you
Tamati Tapara
Tamati Tapara - 6 years ago
Are so you took down your “ this is gay “ post I see David. Courtney would make you look stupid in the surf and as for Philepe well you will never be on his level in 1000 life times.
This is about learning carves and flow not about a dumb comment on a popular post for click bait to watch you kook out on your longboard.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 6 years ago
Courtney had the best carve she put her right hand down on the concrete and just gave it a gouge that was sick
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
The dude abides its called a Hack FAGOT
SmoothStarSurf - 6 years ago
Put your hand down and you fall through the water... :-0 But Courtney is cool but not as good as Johanne... she's our girl!!!
R osso
R osso - 6 years ago
Gay song
井戸啓介 - 6 years ago
What's the name of this song?
香川知哉 - 6 years ago
Raimar - 6 years ago
Faded de "Alan Walker"
Benjamin Verzosa
Benjamin Verzosa - 6 years ago
Found it!! Carver skate/surf!!
Benjamin Verzosa
Benjamin Verzosa - 6 years ago
What kind of skate setup do they have? I don't recognize any of it! Board, trucks, wheels...
Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski
Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski - 6 years ago
The spirit
Greg Lucero
Greg Lucero - 6 years ago
Its supposed to work the other way, the surfer has sk8 style not you sk8 like your surfing. That was already done a long time ago
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
Greg Lucero so people where skateboarding before the ancient Hawaiians?
Rob Soo
Rob Soo - 6 years ago
Dude really? This is roots skating...know your sk8 history.
Matthieu Becquart
Matthieu Becquart - 6 years ago
true ;-) I play string instrument (violin family) and bowing the string is like surfing with arm - And I try to improve my carving bowing style practicing... finger sk8

30. comment for Surf skate Febrero 2018

desepairnei - 6 years ago
I thumps down only for this common and fuckin boring song...
John Beebe
John Beebe - 6 years ago
Greg Lucero
Greg Lucero - 6 years ago
really lame vid
Rob Soo
Rob Soo - 6 years ago
Root skateboarding emulates surfing, about flow, style and the endless turn. Technical skating are just tricks and amazing in its own right.
Rob Soo
Rob Soo - 6 years ago
Really lame comment. Root skateboarding emulates surfing. Do you even skate?
Stefan Riedel
Stefan Riedel - 6 years ago
Surfskate is not about being cool, nor about heavy skill or competition. It's mainly about enjoying some turns, as long as you cannot get waves. And of course it's the most fun way to get to the park or uni whatsoever, at least for me.
I also started with normal skating over 10 years ago, so respect to the people who made it beyond kick- and heel flips and have the balls to jump stairs and all that stuff.
Godric Gryffindor
Godric Gryffindor - 6 years ago
Surfing is only cool or interesting when it's actually done in the water. I actually skate and have been doing so for 14 years. This requires no skill whatsoever.
tomix - 6 years ago
como se llama la canción?
Raimar - 6 years ago
Faded de "Alan Walker"
David Vaiz
David Vaiz - 6 years ago
"overrated" by mainstream
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 6 years ago
100000 kooks surf carvin your local skate park soon
consequence0708 - 6 years ago
Love Dee Why Australia
Pablo Martinez
Pablo Martinez - 6 years ago
Martín Latimer
Martín Latimer - 6 years ago
Impresionante video sentí el viaje wow
Sony Grasalanuca
Sony Grasalanuca - 6 years ago
radagat hace surf? recien me doy cuenta
pan! - 6 years ago
2:50: the sexiest invert carve, I have ever seen, in my whole, entire, life.
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
pan! She looks like a tranny
Matthieu Becquart
Matthieu Becquart - 6 years ago
except the bin ;-)
Raimar - 6 years ago
Smooth star Filipe Toledo
ClueJob - 6 years ago
Is this Filipe Toledo? What is the brand of the skateboard and model?
Whitezu Surfskate Waves
Whitezu Surfskate Waves - 6 years ago
Brands = Smoothstar
Model = Toledo

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