Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

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Most popular comments
for Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

Ido Shvarts
Ido Shvarts - 6 years ago
What a nice dolphin
odell daniel
odell daniel - 6 years ago
hardly seems worth it, then we're supposed to feel bad for this person when they bleed out from a bite wound.
Chris Casey
Chris Casey - 6 years ago
Oh...hell no
budfr - 6 years ago
white people can´t fight for shit but have nerves of steel.
Trent Heselden
Trent Heselden - 6 years ago
Nice generalisation there bro
Charlie Schmitt
Charlie Schmitt - 6 years ago
Can you say sitting duck?!
Ethan Tremblay
Ethan Tremblay - 6 years ago
A curious juvenile waiting to snack on your legs...
In my youth, I use to swim San Ono all the time... can only imagine what was lurking underneath. Damn technology
Nicholas Plesko
Nicholas Plesko - 6 years ago
Where are the orcas when you need them?
Bailey Schell
Bailey Schell - 6 years ago
Why does that look like a friendly shark...lmao
Mista CutThroatz
Mista CutThroatz - 6 years ago

10. comment for Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

Franci Porras
Franci Porras - 6 years ago
I agree with Shelby!
Hassan Talib
Hassan Talib - 6 years ago
Juan Colome
Juan Colome - 6 years ago
I need a change of swim trunks
DonnHate - 6 years ago
A surfer with no waves? you need to be shark food
Mike Mizzill
Mike Mizzill - 6 years ago
As a kid i spent thousands of hours at this beach. Trestles is the next beach over. Tons of seals in that area.
JSR - 6 years ago
It's surprising to see how fast sharks are when they want to be!
Jason M
Jason M - 7 years ago
Stewymanx378 1
Stewymanx378 1 - 7 years ago
If I was him I would jump in and try and make a shark pet. If I didn’t and he ate me, oh well I’d rather die then not have a shark pet
S Jo
S Jo - 7 years ago
Hou la la mon gars.
Leslie Smith
Leslie Smith - 7 years ago

20. comment for Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

pacificdragon1 - 7 years ago
That is San Onofre Beach. Woman was almost killed there a few months ago.
Kevin Weaver
Kevin Weaver - 7 years ago
old mans beach at san onofre state park
Jacob Garcia
Jacob Garcia - 7 years ago
we know this is fake because it's in the water and we all know sharks live on land ( wink wink )
C - 7 years ago
not surfer, just a man bun supper
m0rgoth xsK
m0rgoth xsK - 7 years ago
is this dude mentally ill? wtf..
flymasterA - 7 years ago
Lucky it was a young female. Young males are full of testosterone and are aggressive by nature. They'll bite just for the fun of it- think of male teenagers.

Now when mommy gets big and pregnant- different story. She needs calories, and will focus on bigger blubber-bearing sea mammals - seals and dead whales.
William Evans ж
William Evans ж - 7 years ago
not a great white
Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon
Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon - 7 years ago
As an experienced fisherman & involved with the ocean for35 years-I would say you were VERY close to being eaten that day.
Jdjs Dhd
Jdjs Dhd - 7 years ago
Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon

Okay, since you're so sure. Why don't you tell us all of the reasons. What in your "35 years" experience made you think that? I think you're just spouting shit mate.
jtarwood63 - 7 years ago
a few comments down ppl were arguing about whether a this person was on a surf board or a paddle board.  REALLY? DOES IT EVEN FREAKIN MATTER???  THAT BIG SON OF A BITCH IS RIGHT THERE AT HIS DUMB ASS.  1 BUMP AND HE'S IN THE WATER AND GREAT WHITE FOOD.   I say, go  out, go way out, have fun.  Darwins principle will take out all the friggin IDIOTS.  WE DONT BREATHE WATER!!!  THATS THERE HOME TURF,  and I've never been bitten by a shark on the beach... ON.. THE BEACH.  Swim in a pool.  Surfing, paddle boarding isn't worth all that to me.  Call me scared or whatever.  You can also call me still alive.   Have fun!!!
keith kapuy
keith kapuy - 7 years ago
Young one.

30. comment for Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

ambivalent ambiguity
ambivalent ambiguity - 7 years ago
One shark says, "I'm thinking of climbing outta this water and walking down that street."
The other one says, "What are you, insane?
Noah Emery
Noah Emery - 7 years ago
Brandon Latham
Brandon Latham - 7 years ago
i would honestly just start crying.............................................
Sunnchilde - 7 years ago
Not even a little bit funny.
Francis Hughes
Francis Hughes - 7 years ago
we're gonna need a bigger surfboard!
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 7 years ago
Shitting one's self: Natures shark repellent.
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 7 years ago
You must be the life of the party poindexter.
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 7 years ago
Incorrect. Evidence suggests human waste is more likely to encourage rather than discourage a predatory shark.
Driver McSlice
Driver McSlice - 7 years ago
Zachylolz - 7 years ago
anyone else incredibly annoyed with all the little sounds the camera makes as he fiddles with it and dips it in the water
test tube
test tube - 7 years ago
Brown wetsuit Moment.
Stewymanx378 1
Stewymanx378 1 - 7 years ago
Has anyone ever actually fear crapped/pissed?
SKshooter - 7 years ago
Just like the other shark experts in the comments have said. The best thing you can do is just stay calm, the next thing you should do is swim up to the shark and punch him right in the gills. Make sure you give him a good shot, you have to really make sure that mother fucker knows who the alpha male is in this ocean.
Jeffrey Ramsower
Jeffrey Ramsower - 7 years ago
nice board!
HYDRA BJJ - 7 years ago
Dont worry, its like a spider. The shark is more afraid of you than you are of it! Next time, just jump out of your kayak and show that damn shark who is boss!
HONKER nos3k
HONKER nos3k - 7 years ago
crazy man :D
Gary Lyons
Gary Lyons - 7 years ago
i heard it's better to swim under the fish. I'm not testing the theory.
Bic Boi
Bic Boi - 7 years ago
A hungry shark won't think twice.
LA2Alaska - 7 years ago
camdyn spilling
camdyn spilling - 7 years ago
camdyn spilling
camdyn spilling - 7 years ago
The did look graceful when it swam though.
Lenny Kovac
Lenny Kovac - 7 years ago
iam wondering what kind of waves this dude is trying to surf
Teapot S
Teapot S - 7 years ago

50. comment for Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

sumboredazn - 7 years ago
yyyeeh, thats why i dont go swimming in the ocean...
Daniel Alloway
Daniel Alloway - 7 years ago
I HATE the sound of sloshing water on gopro cams...
Patrick Haffey
Patrick Haffey - 7 years ago
anyone that gets in the ocean without a boat large enough it can't be eaten is suicidal or retarded. Dude got lucky this one wasn't curious. OCEANS=DEATH! okay maybe it's just me but there is way too much to be terrified of in regards to the oceans lol
TheHollowGaul - 7 years ago
ain't that when you jetty the fuck up outta there? we have better sense in the Gulf of Mexico. Californians don't have a lick of sense
TheHollowGaul - 7 years ago
+TotalMishap Looks like Baja to me dude. I spent 6 years working there. Coastlines say much. I suppose it could be anywhere on the West Coast all the way down to Chile, but it looks like Cali all the way
TotalMishap - 7 years ago
How do you know he's from Cali?
Jeremy Henny
Jeremy Henny - 7 years ago
clearly not surfing. reported for misleading title
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 7 years ago
e morreu
ray the person
ray the person - 7 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with this guy there a great white shark circling you while your on your tiny fucking inch raft just recording it like omfg get the fuck out of there
Jeff H
Jeff H - 7 years ago
"Gee Jeff, why don't you go in the ocean? It is so amazing."

This. This is why, do you see how close it gets before you can even see the thing! No fckin thanks. I will keep my feet firmly on land thanks. We don't belong there.
Pete Schweaty
Pete Schweaty - 7 years ago
I'd be paddling the F out of there.
RiseAsOne MiddleClass
RiseAsOne MiddleClass - 7 years ago
move move move move
Alphaleadofficial - 7 years ago
mavericks +1
joshua c
joshua c - 7 years ago
if it bites rip its gills
goldsilverandiamonds - 7 years ago
That's a not so great white shark.
Bigpharmasux - 7 years ago
Big difference between being in a "SURF BOARD" then a kayak, good video just saying the Death factor decreases when u pr legs/ arms aren't u only means of maneuvering away
Ethan Tremblay
Ethan Tremblay - 7 years ago
What a magnificent creature. Is that off San Onofre?
Damian Silveira
Damian Silveira - 7 years ago
looks like trestles by the power plants
fred d
fred d - 7 years ago
When people ask me why i dont surf..
Steve Sherlock
Steve Sherlock - 7 years ago
LJ Man
LJ Man - 7 years ago
That's is freaking crazy! Props to surfer staying calm and cool
Tom Knott
Tom Knott - 8 years ago
In those initial moment when you see him casually swimming up to you, you would NEVER feel more inferior/desolate in your life, would you?!
Gives you chills in a way really.
Piranha Fish and Friends
Piranha Fish and Friends - 8 years ago
Jesus rather him than me :)
Kec - 8 years ago
how can you paddle and keep balance with those big balls you have
Froggypond Videos
Froggypond Videos - 6 years ago
Kec overused joke
Junaid B
Junaid B - 7 years ago
Because they're keeping him afloat
Owen Michtofen
Owen Michtofen - 7 years ago
Oggy Oggy Idiot
LonelyWolf - 8 years ago
UponLegions - 8 years ago
ummm get out of there?
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 8 years ago
whoa big fish what is it ?
Burr Anderson
Burr Anderson - 8 years ago
Prod it with your oar. They like that.
Amos Paslay
Amos Paslay - 8 years ago
i bet you can't wait too loose some limbs, keep swimming.
Allan Thomson
Allan Thomson - 8 years ago
it's "bone crunching time" - yummy !!!!!!!
Leandro Melo
Leandro Melo - 8 years ago
I would have died just for seeing it.
Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 6 years ago
Leandro Melo me too.
lucas t
lucas t - 8 years ago
ufff man
AyEsGee - 8 years ago
I was like what fucking waves is this cunt catching. Oh it's a paddle boarder lel
Yohan Koo
Yohan Koo - 8 years ago
Kayak confirmed
J Olender
J Olender - 8 years ago
Keep pushing your luck. Most people don't realize that when a shark starts circling you they have gone into predatory mode and are seriously considering attacking. It would not be beyond the imagination for a shark to consider a surfboard a free meal; just a dead animal floating on the surface as for kayaks they were never intended for the ocean they were made for rivers and lakes, not oceans. I pray for your sake that you are not placing your life in jeopardy for a few likes and subscriptions; if that is your goal perhaps you should check out deermeatfordinner
Cann Abis
Cann Abis - 8 years ago
did he dieded?
Jolly Leprechaun
Jolly Leprechaun - 8 years ago
Stewymanx378 1
Stewymanx378 1 - 7 years ago
The internet didn’t exist without game grumps
QwertyShirt - 8 years ago
Jolly Leprechaun aye
Eddie Garcia
Eddie Garcia - 8 years ago
Jolly Leprechaun maybe
TheBigGuy3380 - 8 years ago
Nothing better than the real thing! Shark was just curious. That Shark going away like that is interesting as well.
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 7 years ago
Hmmm, real shark was curious then left.
Tell us more Attenborough.
Tony Canale
Tony Canale - 8 years ago
punch the person you're with in the nose. that's how you get out of a shark attack
Dick Rathcock
Dick Rathcock - 8 years ago
Actually, to panic and start thrashing around and freaking out is the worst response. That will only encourage the shark that you are wounded prey and an easy target. It's the exact same reason that you do not turn and run from a grizzly bear. You will only automatically trigger the bear's instinct to chase and you will be caught and mauled, guaranteed. With the shark as with the bear, remain calm and stand your ground. Should the shark attempt to bite you, punch or kick it in the eye area or the gills and it will break off the attack and retreat. I live and surf on the Oregon Coast and have had two shark encounters (close proximity , but not attacks) in the last 20 years. If it is my fate to die by shark attack, then that is my fate. But I will not live in fear or stop surfing.
MD Diablos
MD Diablos - 6 years ago
You can't punch or kick a shark effectively under water. Another thing is when a shark like a great white attacks it's eyes roll over so that they aren't damaged. Reaching the gills would be near impossible since your facing the front of the shark during an attack and the pain from a shark bite is hell no matter how much pressure the animal puts into the bite.
Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores - 7 years ago
Welp just let me tell ya all about mah boy DiCaprio... That som of bitch didn't run and he even had a god damn piece of iron with him, shot that bastard bear more times that I could count and still got his ass handed to him... But he survived. That boy sureeee was one lucky fella I tell you.
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 7 years ago
Dick Rathcock good theory, but nobody would do it, after all how long you will be there? hours, days, whatever the shark feels like it
Kane Campbell
Kane Campbell - 7 years ago
When I got bumped by a shark while surfing I first thought WTF! Then, should I get out these waves are good. Then, WTF is wrong with me. Then, paddling like a lunatic to get the fuck out of there. Then, scrabbling in shallow water on loose rocks trying to get to land. Good to theorize, but unless it happens to you it's all theory. Only way you'll really know how to react is if it happens. But I see what you mean.
Eduardo Bonilla
Eduardo Bonilla - 7 years ago
thats a nice way to put it. But anyways you have balls if you've seen several sharks and still went back out. i respect the ocean and its residents so i stay away from the waters.
Damian Silveira
Damian Silveira - 7 years ago
Dick Rathcock great comment
Hyeonsik Li
Hyeonsik Li - 7 years ago
Dick Rathcock but what if you're in deeper water and it attacks you from below with idk 50km/h? Or if you are just a swimmer. And there are 2 sharks very interested in you.
not Jonathan
not Jonathan - 7 years ago
Dick Rathcock fuck me
moreofawave - 8 years ago
Holy shit that shark was fast.
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 7 years ago
It's like it grew up in the ocean.
Shelby - 8 years ago
Fffuuuuuucccckkkkk that
Sail Oria complete refit
Sail Oria complete refit - 7 years ago
Shelby fuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, is right...Fuck surfing!
Chris Tataryn
Chris Tataryn - 8 years ago
not a surfer. don't be a liar.
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 7 years ago
+Wild Boar it's a paddle board not a surf board I think that's what he's referring to.
vEx - 7 years ago
Pretty obvious he is paddle boarding buddy
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 7 years ago
Chris Tataryn 1:35 you can see the board, dont be autistic
shishirba - 8 years ago
no worries, if the shark attacks just punch yourself in the nose
M Mckissack
M Mckissack - 7 years ago
FUCK islam
Randothol H
Randothol H - 7 years ago
ha ha. That made me chuckle
Keto Jesus
Keto Jesus - 8 years ago
Keto Jesus
Keto Jesus - 8 years ago
Celesthea 0w0
Celesthea 0w0 - 8 years ago
Jimbo Fisher T.W.A.T
Tracy Brown
Tracy Brown - 8 years ago
I love pointing out fake videos as much as the next guy but I can't see why you would say that about this one, unless you're just trolling. For one thing, nothing really happens that is unrealistic, shark swims up, looks around and leaves. I would agree if the guy jumped in the water and tornado kicked the shark in the face.
Shane Barker
Shane Barker - 8 years ago
That's an epic experience
M Mckissack
M Mckissack - 8 years ago
sharks aint no prob maaaan all ya gotta do is punch em in the nose ok
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 7 years ago
M Mckissack yeah punch it in the nose with the one arm you have remaining.
Paul EJ
Paul EJ - 8 years ago
That was a juvenile great white of about 7-8ft.
The chance of it aggressively hitting a guy on a that paddle board were VERY small.
You can tell that by how quick it fucked off when he hit the water with his paddle.
They have very good eyesight and and that size they are fish eaters.
Jdjs Dhd
Jdjs Dhd - 7 years ago
Paul EJ
I'm not sure what your sources are, but sharks have very poor vision, hence why I am advised not to spear fish in the reef on days with low water visibility. Sharks mainly rely on smell
AnomieX - 7 years ago
Paul EJ is absolutely right, this was a baby that's no more than a year old. Juvenile GW's feed on fish for their first year or two, then they transition to eating primarily seals and sea lions. "Human" is not on a shark's menu, the people who get bitten off the coast of southern California are just unlucky to be on the wrong end of a curious baby shark that wants to figure out what you are, not eat you.
staik n chips
staik n chips - 7 years ago
L i heard most attacks on humans are from transitioning juveniles white sharks to adults. as they are just switching from fish to larger mammals they have not yet learnt what is edible yet and come in for a test bite.
Hyeonsik Li
Hyeonsik Li - 7 years ago
Paul EJ aren't juveniles more aggressive and interested.
EAKSTA81G - 8 years ago
he's on a paddle board big deal but did y'all see how close to shore he was......
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 7 years ago
Yeah both things are obvious.
Did you even watch the video?
He's in the water too.
And he has a camera.
There's a shark in the video.
Fuck off captain obvious.
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 9 years ago
Holy shit! What the hell is a shark doing in the friggin ocean?!?
Paul Hart
Paul Hart - 7 years ago
Piper Rodolf
Piper Rodolf - 8 years ago
Codyuga10 - 8 years ago
Lick MaNutz
Lick MaNutz - 9 years ago
Uhh I'm pretty sure that's a kayak

100. comment for Surfer films GREAT WHITE shark circling below him

Tasty Vape
Tasty Vape - 9 years ago
wyatt croft
wyatt croft - 9 years ago
Yall should really educate yall selves before you go out and argue you point. Thats the problem with 90% of americans now of days!
TryTo1v1me - 8 years ago
+Hooptie Hamburger lmaooooo
Hooptie Hamburger
Hooptie Hamburger - 8 years ago
* Y'all
* yourselves
* your
* That's
* Americans
* nowadays
wyatt croft
wyatt croft - 9 years ago
Yall are all incorrect. The man is not on a kayak or surf board, he is on a paddle board. I professionally kayak and I also surf and own a paddle board its pretty much a large surf board that you stand on. On that note i wouldnt want to be in my kayak near a shark, they can flip you over and still eat you.
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 7 years ago
wyatt croft
You're wrong, we're not all wrong.
Albad Einsteam
Albad Einsteam - 8 years ago
I thought when I was flipped over I could eat the shark hm....
shishirba - 8 years ago
+wyatt croft really? i always thought once flipped over you could not be eaten
Paloma De Jesus
Paloma De Jesus - 9 years ago
How is he not freaking out!!! Lmfaoooo would've had a heart attack
Mr MarkeZG
Mr MarkeZG - 7 years ago
freaks always get fucked..dont freak..ever ;)
TotalMishap - 7 years ago
What are you and idiot? Of course GWs have attacked people on boards. Ever see a board with a huge bite taken out of it? Watch some shark attack documentaries will ya.
re tards
re tards - 8 years ago
maybe do some research fuckwit then you can comment about something you know about
BradsonMan - 8 years ago
not when ur on a mothaficking paddle boat
Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis - 9 years ago
+re tards not when they're above water.
re tards
re tards - 9 years ago
+Tim Lewis yea, because sharks have never attacked anyone on a surfboard or on a surf ski before, have they?
Paloma De Jesus
Paloma De Jesus - 9 years ago
+Tim Lewis
haha I guess but even so XD I wouldve been soo scared
Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis - 9 years ago
+Misar Chopstick Not a kayak, it's a stand up paddle board; but as long as this person isn't jumping in the water to punch the shark in the face then they have little to worry about.
Remedial English
Remedial English - 9 years ago
+Paloma De Jesus maybe because he's in a fucking kayak!
barry dingle
barry dingle - 9 years ago
What a magnificent fish
GoMiGman - 9 years ago
Lucky it was only an 8ft baby great white and not a 20ft hungry mama who would've chomped that kayak in half like a rubber seal!
Pacific Coast
Pacific Coast - 6 years ago
from what ive heard bigger sharks are safer to be around as they are older and are smarter and know whats a human and whats a seal
William Ward
William Ward - 7 years ago
8 ft is considered a threat to humans by Lifeguards as that is when they start to show interest in larger prey like sea lions, etc. If an 8 ft shark is spotted, swimmers and surfers are pulled from the water and a mandatory beach closing happens. If that was a 20 foot shark, that kayaker probably would have had a much different encounter.
Aaron Barlow
Aaron Barlow - 7 years ago
It looked pretty big.
Aaron Ross
Aaron Ross - 9 years ago
he was on a kyak
shawn Cramer
shawn Cramer - 9 years ago
am I the only person who watch this video who has the brains to see that he's not a surfer? he is not on a surfboard at all. he is in a f%#@ing kayak.
Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis - 9 years ago
+shawn Cramer nope. Stand-up paddle board. It's a Hobie racing SUP. Looks like a CFX series; definitely carbon-epoxy. Do an image search for: Hobie CFX SUP.

Not sure what you mean about the point, if you've never seen one in a surfboard then you should do an image search for: surfboard. Pointier noses dig up less water giving you a chance to recover. Round noses are a retro/longboard thing.
You must be confusing it with the rocker(the bow in the board). Racing SUPs have virtually none so as to maximize speed. Even if it did you wouldn't see it from the top. And let me tell you from experience that if your riding a 10ft+ board then no amount of convex is going to save you from pearling a heavy drop.

You can tell he is standing because the paddle is being held vertically and out to the side and yet you can't see his arms; he's using it to help balance and the camera is below his waist. If he were sitting in a kayak you would see his knees, the paddle would be horizontal across his lap, and there would be a handle on the nose of the kayak.
shawn Cramer
shawn Cramer - 9 years ago
dude I want some of the shit you are smoking. the guy def never stands up. any jackass can see he stays sitting down and you can clearly see when he pans the camera in front of him that is the tip of a kayak. I have never seen a surf board with that kind of point on the front cuz as a wave lifts you at an angle when u go to side it that much of a point would dig in the water and flip u the fuck off. there is a reason surf boards are rounded in the front rather then tipped like that.
Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis - 9 years ago
+shawn Cramer Not a kayak. Don't know why anybody would be standing up in kayak.
It's a stand up paddle board which is pretty much just a wide surfboard.
Abby Young
Abby Young - 9 years ago
Sharks dont randomly attack humans for no reason lol its only if the shark feels threatened or mistakes humans/ movement in the water as its natural prey then it would possibly attack. Granted it would be an extremely scary thing to witness in person lol but the guy stayed cool and therefore the shark did ^.^
Albad Einsteam
Albad Einsteam - 8 years ago
There is a reason why divers don't stay long in shark infested waters. I say there is a 100% chance to be attacked by shark - depending on time. If you stay in a area with sharks.
hornymanonfire - 8 years ago
if they are hungry and you are around they will attack you. Only reason why there arent more attacks is cause humans generally dont swim that far off shore like where this man is, luckily he was in a kayak.
Abby Young
Abby Young - 8 years ago
+jet632 I am a shark!
jet632 - 8 years ago
+Abby Young how do you seem to know how a shark thinks
Abby Young
Abby Young - 9 years ago
I do believe they are unpredictable but I do not believe they purposely say to themselves "oh look a human! Who needs seals when we can select that human being right there for no reason whatsoever! ". They see splashing in the water or smell a bit of blood and instinct says thats food.
deadmeanglory - 9 years ago
You are such a dumb guy but the bravest man I ever seen!
R Barajas
R Barajas - 10 years ago
San Onofre, CA... They're always out there.
Dailytokes - 11 years ago
How Mamy balls do you have???

This guys got Balls!!!!!!!

Ballss i tell ya!!!! :D

I would of had a panic attack and died on the scene easy target for sharks a great white at that…
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 11 years ago
Sharky got busted & swam away...good one!
Islapbeechs - 11 years ago
Tremendous pair of balls!
Apples - 11 years ago
1:32 "Get that camera out of my face, bitch"
Alabaster Gaunt
Alabaster Gaunt - 11 years ago
nice job stealing Chuck Patterson's "Me, my shark and I" video you fucking scumbag.
Crazyeyes McGraw
Crazyeyes McGraw - 11 years ago
total idiot.
dasistmeinewelle - 11 years ago
no waves, a black nose = no surfboard = no surfer. I guess he was sitting in a kind of kayak. Yours, S. Holmes
Tony Marine
Tony Marine - 11 years ago
I used to pass that reactor when I was stationed in Camp Pendleton! If I had seen that shark, I would have 'flown' to shore!!!
Jacob Becomes Israel
Jacob Becomes Israel - 11 years ago
He mistook you for a seal... not.
XxbeautysaraxX - 11 years ago
Lol not surfur diver
TheBeofox - 11 years ago
great white circling around you is not a good thing bro. Sharks can attack you by the side, most of the times they do this just to take a chunk of you and figure if you are a seal or not. But if it circles you, it has the intention of head-butting you then biting you from the side, until you are lifeless. When sharks circle something, it means they want you dead.
luizmakesvideos - 11 years ago
your nuts man man
Martin Meads
Martin Meads - 11 years ago
My arse has gone just watching that!
DWMonty17 - 11 years ago
ethan shea
ethan shea - 11 years ago
surfing with no waves ahah
Brad Fowler
Brad Fowler - 11 years ago
I would shit my self.
James Cole
James Cole - 11 years ago
that's San Onofre, little North of San Diego and you are Surfing at Old Man's. I would never guess a White would be there its very shallow. He's not huge but not small either. Scary Stuff
Sophia Sandoval
Sophia Sandoval - 11 years ago
when i was in port a i saw someone on a kayak catch a 5 ft shark. also not to brag i caught a 2 ft shark
Scott12345 - 11 years ago
This shit is scary lol
Shrimpchips - 11 years ago
damn im ready to poop my pants just watching it
jerome dangreaux
jerome dangreaux - 11 years ago
you mad
ALEX - 11 years ago
Watt an idiottttt
stevepwn1 - 11 years ago
shit man i was kayaking at my friends in open water and all i could think about was sharks lol we had to turn back i was freaking out. this is my nightmare
ptong226 - 11 years ago
my god I would have had a heart attack and died right there before the shark gets me
Donnie Thoburn
Donnie Thoburn - 11 years ago
Props to the guy who shot this, but he's in a kayak, not on a surfboard big difference.
Ashley Harry
Ashley Harry - 11 years ago
So his instinct is to whip out his camera....
WonderfulTurtle1 - 11 years ago
Oh shit!
uzair45 - 11 years ago
Kill the fuck8ng lions. Every1 of them
James Dean
James Dean - 11 years ago
This is not real, there is no way this man could fit on a surf board with balls that big
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 11 years ago
He's in a Kayak not on a surfboard , thats in Cape town South africa , and we surf not far from where that was shot , massive respect to this guy , google - great white shark and kayak - if you want to see the image from above , its worth it i promise .
Alicia Lestini
Alicia Lestini - 11 years ago
just like bruce the shark from finding nemo said SWIM AWAY SWIM AWAY lol
TERA LUKA - 11 years ago
that's A GREAT VID ......BIG UPS TO YOU !!!
Corbin Hardin
Corbin Hardin - 11 years ago
and what do you expect when paddling in the ocean with a BLACK KAYAK. YOU LOOK LIKE A SEAL. THATS SHARK FOOD
Corbin Hardin
Corbin Hardin - 11 years ago
thats a kayak dumb ass
Vince Haylem
Vince Haylem - 11 years ago
Because he's actually educated. Sharks are harmless, but you're part of the 95% who thinks sharks eat humans for fun.
Riko Simmo
Riko Simmo - 11 years ago
I would have turbo propelled myself to shore with a jet stream of diahorrea
001GenLee - 11 years ago
On a surfboard or kayak, sharks think you're a seal pup or otter, and instantly think...dinner. They're animals just like cats & dogs are. WE are above the animal kingdom. You don't know what's in an animal's can strike at any a snake striking at you.
walking glitch
walking glitch - 11 years ago
well he definitely wasn't surfing, but still, cool video
Julie Hendry
Julie Hendry - 11 years ago
I was swimming off New Brighton Beach in CA when I was 15, been taking life guard training since I was 11. Was out just doing a good 50m swim, stopped to float, and then I kicked something, from my knee to my toe, like sand paper. Next morning, front page of the Santa Cruz Sentinel, a picture of New Brighton beach, and a great white fin, said it was 12-15ft. I kicked that son of a bitch.
gindaburra - 11 years ago
0:05 Thumbs up if you held your breath like I did LOL
cory gowdy
cory gowdy - 11 years ago
yep , today is the day i die, might as well make a video
Joshua Griffiths
Joshua Griffiths - 11 years ago
i dont know why he didnt grab the tail at the end he could of had it
smack789123 - 11 years ago
it looks like the shark had been tagged at an earlier date (as there appears to be a tag just below the dorsal fin)
CCphotography - 11 years ago
how can you ride a surfboard with balls that big?
Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis - 11 years ago
Yeah, that would be the worst situation I would be in. If that were me.
Dave Colton
Dave Colton - 11 years ago
And that is advice from the marine scientists who study these amazing creatures every day...they are gorgeous.
Dave Colton
Dave Colton - 11 years ago
actually....he's giving good advice...splashing around would attract the shark. it would be like a seal or fish in distress. because he's keeping still, the shark is holding its distance trying to get more information. if he started splashing then chances are the shark would have made an attack. even more if your on a surfboard. the shape of the board from the sharks point of view is like the shadow of a seal.
onegolfxpert - 11 years ago
why does man think he knows what an animal is thinking or doing??? We have no idea. Come on now!
dryfirefive pointfivesix
dryfirefive pointfivesix - 11 years ago
keep it up, and people wonder why they get eaten alive, morons leave the sharks alone
Alex Hood
Alex Hood - 11 years ago
I've always heard the best thing you can do to stay safe around a white shark is make sure the shark knows that you know it's there. Crazy video. I would've been freaking out.
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 11 years ago
you're gonna need a bigger board ..!
wadej347 - 11 years ago
Misty River
Misty River - 11 years ago
your name sucks gigantic fatasses.
bongoboyj - 11 years ago
wow that fucker is HUGE!
archduke8199 - 11 years ago
Holy crap!
theworldisnotenough - 11 years ago
Whoa... and the fins were down that is an aggressive posture. The camera in the water probably spooked him... I used to like swimming in the ocean... f that son.
tessamersus - 11 years ago
Yes, yes, I know my reaction was stupid. If you stay calm, mostly they move off. My reaction was instant, primal, gut level, FEAR. We never know if we are a "flight" or "fight" kinda person. Wow. Now I know which one I am. I had no idea up to that point, no one does. I'm not proud of leaving my reaction and leaving my dive buddy. My experience was a stark reminder (shark reminder) of the chance we take when we go into a place where we are no longer at the top of the food chain.
tessamersus - 11 years ago
I had this experience myself snorkling on the Great Barrier Reef. I got lost in the beauty of the shallower waters of the reef and didn't realize until too late that I had reached the scary sudden end of the reef and into deep water. At that same moment a great big freakin' great white bitey shark speeding directly my way, had a broken a fin and was HUNGRY. Me=easy pickings. I shat myself & speed-flippered back to the boat.Then I remembered my dive buddy was still out there, unknowing. Oops...
Grindhouse - 11 years ago
the watersound kills it..
TheMrPhotog - 11 years ago
I would have pooed.
Sam Levin
Sam Levin - 11 years ago
Wow top comment, and i;m glad
MyfunwayMcilhenny - 11 years ago
You are the coolest dude ever. Not only did you not freak out (as I would have) but you filmed it for us. I didn't hear or see any sign that you were stressed, you didn't even shake. You have nerves of steel. YOU RULE!
Manny Espaillat
Manny Espaillat - 11 years ago
God dammit! This kid is brave! I would have pooped my self 1,000,000 times and swam like a bitch! lmao! good video man! thank god you are ok!
Manny Espaillat
Manny Espaillat - 11 years ago
LMAO LMAO! you made my day lmao
Kotapaka Kotapakov
Kotapaka Kotapakov - 11 years ago
I guess if you've posted this video you must still have your arms and fingers. Lucky.
motormouth1970 - 11 years ago
Yeah, that's one of my biggest fears, ever. I guess if I was as experienced with the water and the sharks as the paddler, it would be a different story...
str8cndian - 11 years ago
that is crazy
Robert Presley
Robert Presley - 11 years ago
And I'm not just saying that I've filmed shake when surfing on the easy coast but nothing this good!
Robert Presley
Robert Presley - 11 years ago
Dude that's awesome if is was him I would have filmed too
Georgeesaz - 11 years ago
My worst nightmare. This is it...
winter sky
winter sky - 11 years ago
Luckily, he had his seal shaped paddle board to protect him.
Nellie Thompson
Nellie Thompson - 11 years ago
paddle boarding
Chris Jack
Chris Jack - 11 years ago
I probably would have panicked and tried to swim to shore, end up getting myself eaten. This surfer was calm, cool and collected. Handled himself well.
Mickey Stowell
Mickey Stowell - 11 years ago
I've forgotten the surfers name but he is indeed a true waterman and more than just a surfer. The whole story is that he saw the shark there the day before and returned about the same time the next day with the Go Pro camera which he attached to his paddle (he was on SUP). At the beginning of the actual video there was another shark there first but left when the GW showed up. This shark is about 8' long and has been around San Onofre, Ca for several years. Young GW's come there a lot for fish.
Caleb Brisco
Caleb Brisco - 11 years ago
holy ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 11 years ago
quite obviously not a surfer but great vid anyways, scary as hell but amazing
Jancarlos Delrosario
Jancarlos Delrosario - 11 years ago
Got big balls to do that
i_stole_ur_ bike
i_stole_ur_ bike - 12 years ago
I'd crap myself
Misty River
Misty River - 12 years ago
shit ur sick man
swyd7788 - 12 years ago
Full involuntary bowel evacuation in 5....4....3....2......1. Great video mate, can't believe how well you kept your cool in that situation!
pickle man
pickle man - 12 years ago
That surfer is probably thinking 'where's my wave right about now.'
sicwititdime - 12 years ago
Just a curious baby
DCO - 12 years ago
is the camera on you're head? it would suck if the shark ended up coming for a bite just as you went down
Eloise and Luke Chandler
Eloise and Luke Chandler - 12 years ago
Jesus. Close call. Watch ' The Reef' for a real tense great white shark attack movie based on true events in Oz . Shite your load on that
NYSexyRexy - 12 years ago
that's what I thought. Real close to my surf spot . EEK =)
John Riggs
John Riggs - 12 years ago
looks like San Onofre?!
MrDustysmoke - 12 years ago
farewell and adieu to you fair spanish ladies
Tyler Whitehouse
Tyler Whitehouse - 12 years ago
this person is out of their mind.
Honeysucklebommie - 12 years ago
"Oh Stimpy you Eeediot!"
52 Blocks South
52 Blocks South - 12 years ago
Or woman..
52 Blocks South
52 Blocks South - 12 years ago
Woooowwww, You're a brave man.
makadeni123 - 12 years ago
Did u die?
Mookinho - 12 years ago
where is this?
Koen Langen
Koen Langen - 12 years ago
forreal tho
John Truong
John Truong - 12 years ago
dang who would go that FAR out just to catch one perfect wave
Sam Levin
Sam Levin - 12 years ago
All the poop from my butt whole would've been shat
Langarm - 12 years ago
I would have made my peace with God, there and then.
Glen Akrigg
Glen Akrigg - 12 years ago
i think he would have gone away from me because i would have shit myself!
freewheeler2909 - 12 years ago
get out of the water we are not supposed to be in it
G Suarez
G Suarez - 12 years ago
the shark was checking you out, nice one... I never encounter a WS underwather, but I spent a lot of time free diving in some of their territories, judging by his movements you did the right thing by not paddleling away, he was interested on you and my guess is that if you were to paddle away abruptly he would taken an exploratory bite. That was an awesome video, great experience thanks for sharing
KONAGUYHAWAII - 12 years ago
I think your gonna need a bigger kayak.
smitty smithers
smitty smithers - 12 years ago
My legs started to hurt watching this? Ill never swim in the ocean
Mellbergstedt - 12 years ago
This shows how stupid people are for fearing sharks like crazy. It's very rare that a shark attacks humans. Most awesome animal in the world!
Kidrauh Nolla
Kidrauh Nolla - 12 years ago
are you fucking disabled
james lee
james lee - 12 years ago
Lauri - 12 years ago
look hes redneck videos XDD
Jessica Martin
Jessica Martin - 12 years ago
omg how were u not scared i was even more scared then you lol:D
GalacticJonny - 12 years ago
You sir have Titanium Balls! I got a serious Respection!! :)
kurojin97 - 12 years ago
Tagged GW....he's a little tame...still very good footage, boss
Naim Collins
Naim Collins - 12 years ago
That is some scary shit
manchesterunitedpro - 12 years ago
big wave sup board on flat day... ok
Jeremy McCullough
Jeremy McCullough - 12 years ago
I would be like oh shit
united13james - 12 years ago
my mistake, it is not an sup, it is a long distance regular paddle board, only the surfer is standing on it and filming with a camera attached to a pole, u know a regular paddle board used to paddle races in hawaiian channels or in california to race from manhattan beach to catalina island for example...not a kayak though
Don Juan
Don Juan - 12 years ago
Not going to lie, I'm a lifeguard and I would shit myself.
jake elrod
jake elrod - 12 years ago
fuck that yikes!!
Alex Guilbaud
Alex Guilbaud - 12 years ago
yes it is... no paddle board has a nose point like that pause at 0:17
united13james - 12 years ago
its not a kayak it is a stand up paddle board
Alex Guilbaud
Alex Guilbaud - 12 years ago
Ur in a kayak not surfboard but still scary af
Michael L
Michael L - 12 years ago
I've surfed in that exact spot before...and sucker was huge!
John Troy
John Troy - 12 years ago
yeah that's San Onofre. Looks like to me.
WHDii - 12 years ago
Oh fuck no!!! I'd be out in 2 seconds. :( I'm so shit scared of sharks.
232323C - 12 years ago
thats fucked up......I would been paddling like a mother f'r!!!!!!!!
BianchiRoadshow - 12 years ago
San Onofre?
ivanovsd - 12 years ago
Sweet Jesus that was scary....
SMEDELZ - 12 years ago
i bet all of us who get out there have been this close to a known man eater but yet we did not even know it was there!!! cool vid man
OsamaQrew - 12 years ago
if that was me, I WOULD OF SHAT BRICKS
Adrian Vogt
Adrian Vogt - 12 years ago
damn nature, u scary!
bjarnb9 - 12 years ago
I'm major scared just by watching this
Nonmaisbonhein - 12 years ago
Surfer? Ho really? Where are the waves?? Id say this guy is on a kayak.
niko to
niko to - 12 years ago
i would of shit my self lol
W4Rnerv - 12 years ago
Holy shit dude has major cojones!!!
dce040186 - 12 years ago
yep, NOPE!!!
julzhickman - 12 years ago
fark i would of lost my shit completely that scared me on a computer screen and what is more crazy is how absolutely calm this guy is wtf balls of steel!!!!!!!!!!!!
faffyflo - 12 years ago
nope, nope, nope
Stepchild06 - 12 years ago
FUCK THAT. that why i dont swim in the ocean.that there territory
SNJ - 12 years ago
I was terrified watching this in my arm chair.
chaosengineer84 - 12 years ago
this guy has some balls..
connor dirk
connor dirk - 12 years ago
was this by the san onofre power plant?
Hakkuify - 12 years ago
I hate that sound lol....
kyliewog1 - 12 years ago
anyone see the nuclear power plant in the background? THOSE ARE GUARD SHARKS...WITH LASERS
Algundsport - 12 years ago
This is not a surfer xD
Chickie Babe
Chickie Babe - 12 years ago
I am amazed at the sound of's crispness and the distance between shark and man...I watched this several times and each time....I was still holding my breath as the shark comes in closer...DAMN
vanessa lee
vanessa lee - 12 years ago
OK!! now that you filmed that.. SwiMmm AwAyyy!!! i hate sharkssss.... im so afraiiiiiiid lol
William McCarty
William McCarty - 12 years ago
omg that gave me the chills you have balls dude! I will never go in the ocean for that reason.
Jeremy R
Jeremy R - 12 years ago
Man even I could surf those monster waves.
dzeiahr06 - 12 years ago
why did the shark swim away?
coldrock11 - 12 years ago
ha easy to say that from the comfort of your chair
manitsmatt - 12 years ago
I encountered a 4 foot sand bar shark in nj on my bodyboard, I WAS SCARED SHITLESSS. I thought i would stay calm, but its a lot differant once your out there. You have to give repsect to this guy. Him staying in the position was a good idea because the movement back would provoke the shark to follow him and maybe try a taste
AnixGear - 12 years ago
fuckkkk sharks
Jason Bennett
Jason Bennett - 12 years ago
Is that at the power plant off of Camp Pendleton?
MAGA2K14 - 12 years ago
Lets not swim to shore let's GET THE Camera haha well done man Brave of you :D
flimzeh camz
flimzeh camz - 12 years ago
JGCameron - 12 years ago
That takes Balls of steel...
cakesofdeath - 12 years ago
That's why i only go ankle deep.
Cameron Myers
Cameron Myers - 12 years ago
How F**king Scary!
TeamRegnant - 12 years ago
How gay is that? You film a shark and post it then big boy.
Fuzzycop - 12 years ago
Shark: "Don't mind me, I'm just waiting to see if you slip and fall into the water."
morusiba - 12 years ago
they normally don't attack when you see them before they see you. when people get attacked they mostly get surprised by the shark
Delirious Jake
Delirious Jake - 12 years ago
*shitting bricks*
Delirious Jake
Delirious Jake - 12 years ago
domenic astolfi
domenic astolfi - 12 years ago
I really need to pee now
jackygiant - 12 years ago
i pissed myself from here. holy shit!
BarnesUK - 12 years ago
This surfer obviously enjoys a challenge.
luisluichi2 - 12 years ago
I bet you pissed your wetsuit!
Laura Jayne
Laura Jayne - 12 years ago
ke1sh4 - 12 years ago
i took 5 pisses while i watched this vid
TavilsonHeadBangers - 12 years ago
Ryan Saulus
Ryan Saulus - 12 years ago
Its totally stalking him.
BlitzkriegStaffords - 12 years ago
omg i would shit my pants!
TheAcdcnz - 12 years ago
wtf so say im surfing by myself and there is a great white shark with in 200 meters would it likely attack me???
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 12 years ago
HAHA! I always called it that too! LMAO
Dion Phillips
Dion Phillips - 12 years ago
that's what he told the shark at 1:34 XD
Dion Phillips
Dion Phillips - 12 years ago
at 1:33 he told the shark 'hi, my name's Chuck, Chuck Norris'
Albino Carrot
Albino Carrot - 12 years ago
ya, you can hear him talking to someone, but wanna place any bets that the shark can get to him faster then a boat thats 3 or 4 feet away...
Ty2121w - 12 years ago
I think that was "BRODY" from point break filming this shark
Maria Zacharias
Maria Zacharias - 12 years ago
AMAZING!! Cool or what? Thanx for posting
Chapalap - 12 years ago
lol just fucking checking you right out, One major splash and that shark was going to eat your ass.
Dizzy Duck
Dizzy Duck - 12 years ago
wow i pissed my pants watching it i think this dudes name is chuck norris
Shazalakazoobang - 12 years ago
Yeah, he got balls of steel!
cory luke
cory luke - 12 years ago
It wants to be friends;)
Wyatt Conn
Wyatt Conn - 12 years ago
he most likely has a boat with him.
Guardian898 - 12 years ago
Definately would have pissed in my speedos if that was me!
Taylor x
Taylor x - 12 years ago
Omg the 2nd Bear grills u know that guy who went down Zip wire in london (I think) holding torch he has guts :D just like him
Five Subby!
Five Subby! - 12 years ago
No hesitation?!?!
voluntaryrednecks - 12 years ago
Damn that guy has balls
Bettina Bader
Bettina Bader - 12 years ago
How the fuck did he stay so chill?
elboricua123 - 12 years ago
So as a surfer what would you do in a situation like that? Where you encounter a shark and its circling you like that?
MrDazp1 - 12 years ago
You could water ski behind me I'd be going that quick.
Dreama40 - 12 years ago
how ppl go surfing out there in quite frankly beyond me.
squidandchips - 12 years ago
I think I would have filled my suit in that situation....
inalavalamp - 12 years ago
i would've shat myself for sure
ricky l
ricky l - 12 years ago
Yo theres a shark there !!!
ricky l
ricky l - 12 years ago
dundun dundundudndudndudn... yeah that was supposed to the jaws theme
emanuel bekele
emanuel bekele - 12 years ago
where was this?
mickylad1980 - 12 years ago
Mike G.
Mike G. - 12 years ago
fuck no.
Gonzo Oliveira
Gonzo Oliveira - 12 years ago
Chuck Norris!
Messaaay jessaaay
Messaaay jessaaay - 12 years ago
dude... do you have to get custom boardies to fit your giant titanium nuts?
NIGHTROCKER - 12 years ago
I live in a place where paddle boarding is pretty popular,and have seen ppl doing some stupid shit, but this takes the cake man! It would have been even cooler if he had yanked you off and eaten your dumb ass.
Rashid Mammedli
Rashid Mammedli - 12 years ago
dude what he fuck is wrong with you???? one bite and you would be done, do you realize that???
john sean
john sean - 12 years ago
hey thats the giant nipples power plant
Michael - 12 years ago
Fuck that.... Great white swimming around him and he's filming?
cfrewacvr dvrabrd
cfrewacvr dvrabrd - 12 years ago
Thats right infront of the nuclear powerplant in san onofre .I know exactly where that is.But I dont know what you're doing that far out.I've never surfed there so I don't really know.
Bass Warrior
Bass Warrior - 12 years ago
God keep the camera still that fucking water noise is annoying
Kyle - 12 years ago
the sharks at san o very very rarely go after people. they know whats up
Markie Elsdon
Markie Elsdon - 12 years ago
shopping on black friday kills more people than sharks annually, fun facts
ерунда сэндвич
ерунда сэндвич - 12 years ago
Sharks are not harmless fool. Otherwise they wouldn't have eaten human
markushalfmad - 12 years ago
Markie Elsdon
Markie Elsdon - 12 years ago
sharks in general are pretty harmless, peanuts are more deadly, however i would be getting out of the water as quick as i could if i was you, even knowing the odds of them attacking i wouldn't risk it, i'd film a peanut floating in the water all day long tho, now that takes balls haha
Mazter0fRemix - 12 years ago
delimanxt91 - 12 years ago
Damn thats a crazy dogfish.
Euphoric Odyssey
Euphoric Odyssey - 12 years ago
holy shit that was crazy
Jake Chesson
Jake Chesson - 12 years ago
looks like out near trestles?
RPenta - 12 years ago
Max Davis
Max Davis - 12 years ago
the shark was scared of him seeing the massive pants that was holding his metal balls.
WaffleBrother - 12 years ago
true true
Anthony Mahoney
Anthony Mahoney - 12 years ago
DOOD you got brass balls!!!!!!
WaffleBrother - 12 years ago
anyone else scared just watching this ,i wouldnt bother filming , I would of just got the fugg out of there as fast as I could haha
Luke Nelson
Luke Nelson - 12 years ago
itd be scarier if he wasnt in a canoe or paddle board or whatever he was on.
Rob P
Rob P - 12 years ago
that must've been terrifying!
Michael Dorval
Michael Dorval - 12 years ago
If you think that thats a dog fish you need to go see a doctor
Lestat3721 - 12 years ago
I think all of you missed the sarcasm...
Redwingevan21 - 12 years ago
Where are the waves? That be a big shark.
sethticlees - 12 years ago
That ain't no dogfish you flipping retard!
Joseph Chafardon
Joseph Chafardon - 12 years ago
First of all, kid, if you were any type of Biologist with any experience in a marine setting, you'd know it's "dogfish," not "dog fish." Second of all, it isn't a dogfish. Both smooth and spiny dogfish have a much more narrow snout. The caudal fin is also way off as well...I could go on, but I think I've proven my point. Those of us who actually went to school need not be disgraced by your internet lies.
Rocket Roger and the Pocket Rockets
Rocket Roger and the Pocket Rockets - 12 years ago
If you're such an expert, perhaps you could enlighten us to the species? Because I thought dogfish we're not as large, so coloured, or a type of lamniform shark (such as a great white), as is clearly pictured in the footage!
Rocket Roger and the Pocket Rockets
Rocket Roger and the Pocket Rockets - 12 years ago
Fuck dude! You're lucky to have uploaded that one!
Koi Shooter
Koi Shooter - 12 years ago
Wow! What was this guys heart rate at the time?
Jez - 12 years ago
holy shit, fuck that!
xXLEGENDXx164 - 12 years ago
i wouldve shit myself
Matthew Tumen
Matthew Tumen - 12 years ago
called paddleboarding
THEOZ2106 - 12 years ago
Ok I see now you are attracted to me,that's it,your GAY.....I most certainly could use a trip up north...However you try going up to a Vet and tell them they are a piece of shit and see how many teeth you loose!Your just a bitch,living in Alaska,furthest away from the rest of the nation,you don't even pay taxes,you are section 8,pathetic...In simple terms your a waste of flesh...
blackelk7373 - 12 years ago
your daddy is a piece of shit disguised in a uniform. Your are following in his footsteps. We work hard, millions of us, and pay taxes. What a shame we have parasites like your family. The ultimate form of welfare. Never put in a hard days work but always have your hands out. As for finding picture is to the left, my name is Ethan and I live in the small town of Fairbanks Alaska. Im in the phone book hahahahah That should help you sweety : )
THEOZ2106 - 12 years ago
You mention my family again I will come find you,that is a promise,and trust me ya liberal douche,I have ways of finding people...
blackelk7373 - 12 years ago
lolol Your so tough, an army ranger, an Iraq veteran, you can fuck me up with one finger, your gonna fuck me up period, you have issues man lol. Dont be an internet thug. Your life must be miserable to have to get on youtube and threaten people. This conversation is over so you can respond but I wont read it, poor little fella, dont worry its not your fault your parents just failed when they raised you...big time : )
blackelk7373 - 12 years ago
so now you add internet thug to your other attributes including liar and chicken shit , grats
THEOZ2106 - 12 years ago
10th Mountain US ARMY Rangers,I will FUCK your world up,with one finger mister SHEEP!
blackelk7373 - 12 years ago
to call yourself a war veteran because you were in Iraq is like me saying I am an nfl veteran because I played high school ball for 4 years. Your a fucking liar and you should be ashamed of yourself. Hundreds of thousands of real war veterans rolling in their fucking graves when you try and feed people that bullshit.
THEOZ2106 - 12 years ago
there was no pretending in Iraq buddy...
blackelk7373 - 12 years ago
what? rather drive around in a humvee and pretend your in a war than swim with sharks? /agree
THEOZ2106 - 12 years ago
Would rather go back to Iraq then to do what your doing in this vid,major BALLS...
van3169 - 12 years ago
maybe but i don't think, and i may be wrong, that it would take such a great effort for the shark to push him off the board and into the water; it's still a board, not even a canoe.
ferngalv - 12 years ago
eh...I just shit on my pants bro...
deborah smith meehan
deborah smith meehan - 12 years ago
Lori Artea
Lori Artea - 12 years ago
jeeeezus. what a nightmare. out at sea, all alone, far from just one knows exactly what happened to you
Dalton Hall
Dalton Hall - 12 years ago
And he was that far out because he spotted the sharks from the shore and hopped on his paddle board to film them.
Dalton Hall
Dalton Hall - 12 years ago
the shark didn't attack cause the guy is on a paddle board...
chubbz187 - 12 years ago
Haha... Pussy great white ? a great white can kill a man with one hit. Bull sharks are fierce i agree.. but have nothing on the one bite kill great white.
The Five Liter Eater
The Five Liter Eater - 12 years ago
Balls of steel!
MountainJammn - 12 years ago
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that
jason gillett
jason gillett - 12 years ago
i would crap my self
Condy Loid
Condy Loid - 12 years ago
This is sick video but um dude why were u surfin when there was no waves?
Kaizer Akino
Kaizer Akino - 12 years ago
If Jesus could on water , i see that and id be running on water
Matt Crandall
Matt Crandall - 12 years ago
@read1986 Idiot.
read1986 - 12 years ago
@moldraxian Who gives a fuck douche bag!!!
Schmoopsie - 12 years ago
This guy must be Chuck Norris.
Edward Storms
Edward Storms - 12 years ago
God damn that shark is lucky you didn't decide to jump in and beat the hell outta it with what I can only assume is a penis the size of a whale.
Matt Crandall
Matt Crandall - 12 years ago
Great White Shark = Great Brown Crap
Matt Crandall
Matt Crandall - 12 years ago
This shark is actually a female. You can tell at 1:06-1:09. The end of her body (Start of the tail) has fins.
rmizeelectric - 12 years ago
its a good thing he hadn't just had a snickers or those sharks would have thought he was delicious!
rmizeelectric - 12 years ago
@centralofmental yes
rmizeelectric - 12 years ago
@ein99999 hahahahaha
rmizeelectric - 12 years ago
oh man im glad ive got enough san o' sessions under my belt for a lifetime... after seeing this i have no interest in going back. (not like they arent everywhere else up and down the cali coast though :( this guy was lucky to be in a kayak and not really on a surfboard, or he would have surely been mistaken for a seal and we wouldnt have got to see this awesome video!
rmizeelectric - 12 years ago
@tavlova thank god he was in a kayak and not really on a surfboard... he'd be dead if he was on a board... still, id be shitting my pants!!!!!!!! im gonna agree with the balls of steel weighing down the kayak.
b - 12 years ago
SO you die a little.
b - 12 years ago
I think his nuts are hard but not as hard as the brick that came out his ass.
Matthew Cook
Matthew Cook - 12 years ago
this is at san onfre, a place where me and my dad went spearfishing there last week
Kai Josephson
Kai Josephson - 12 years ago
don't fall
MissAnthromancer - 12 years ago
I was circled multiple times by a shark at Tallows Beach (don't know if anyone knows where it is) But yah, holy shieettt, was that a creepy experience. That beach is shark-infested.
Jan Paul Schnabel
Jan Paul Schnabel - 12 years ago
ahh shit thank god its not that big. either way you've got balls
centralofmental - 12 years ago
No way was this at san onofre?
Mickey - 12 years ago
It would've swallowed me because i drink pineapple juice
scott smith
scott smith - 12 years ago
I got to pee
RedElephantStampede - 12 years ago
It got spooked real quick.
elspic latino
elspic latino - 12 years ago
at that point you just gotta wish the shark away and hope it just ate
Percy Castanho
Percy Castanho - 12 years ago
Wooooow! The surfer is fu**ing CRAZY, and lucky too!
ninja2kernow - 13 years ago
lost for words,GET OUT
JacquesBeard - 13 years ago
Great Whites get a bad press, I swear most of them are stoners.
Logan Herman
Logan Herman - 13 years ago
Eat thew shark before it eats you
AmericanelST205 - 13 years ago
shit, i can run the same of jesus on water LOL
Mike V
Mike V - 13 years ago
I wonder if sharks like the smell of feces, because if that was me, that's the next thing that would have been in the water...
Aaron Huisenfeldt
Aaron Huisenfeldt - 13 years ago
A friend of mine is a professional triathlete in SoCal. She told me how she and this guy here were paddleboarding and saw a shark. This guy wants to go back in and get his camera. She, in her brilliance said 'screw that' and bolted. This guy's lucky, and has a set of brass balls that I can only envy!!! The footage made it on the news out here.
Sloth55Chunk - 13 years ago
Wavejet you ass outta there!!!!!
tryhardparrot - 13 years ago
Great vid. Why are there is 8 dislikes ???
chubbz187 - 13 years ago
Dude you have balls like a Rhino .. With balls that bog that shark is lucky he got away without being sodomized lol
Chase Lee
Chase Lee - 13 years ago
I would freak the fuck out
11Creature11 - 13 years ago
wasn't it a kayak? and did you use a shark shield? it seemed pretty spooked at the end
VA - 13 years ago
you didnt even budge, holy shit....fuck that........that takes some serious balls
gazbom0 - 13 years ago
@romio231 But they have seen you !
romio231 - 13 years ago
i like how i surf at san o twice a week and still havent seen a shark =)
Molly-May Webb
Molly-May Webb - 13 years ago
holy fuck
Shad Ebinger
Shad Ebinger - 13 years ago
@tavlova hahaha, no shit! lol,,,that is funnny!
tavlova - 13 years ago
How does he float on the surfboard with such massive balls weighing him down??
Nathan Johnson
Nathan Johnson - 13 years ago
Ummm yeah, no thanks LOL. We tease sharks, we deserve to get bitten and eaten.
Mitchell Parks
Mitchell Parks - 13 years ago
@gin5sey troll? im confused... I'm just saying its a paddle yeah he isn't surfing in the video
Mitchell Parks
Mitchell Parks - 13 years ago
@gin5sey paddle board not surf board...
Mitchell Parks
Mitchell Parks - 13 years ago
He's on a paddle board not a surf board.
Bradley Reimer
Bradley Reimer - 13 years ago
gtfo of the dude wtf
Hoghish - 13 years ago
I know what helps to not get attacked by sharks!!!!! You have to lick my butthole...
Johny Brasko
Johny Brasko - 13 years ago
I would scare the shit out of me wtf!!!!!
harryluvessport - 13 years ago
balls of steel
conzaay - 13 years ago
@tommymonsternz not a paddle board either.. i think is a surf ski.
Filbert Street
Filbert Street - 13 years ago
I'm still waiting for the video that doesn't have a happy ending.
Cody Cavanaugh
Cody Cavanaugh - 13 years ago
Balls or Stupidity?
Rj Basaldua
Rj Basaldua - 13 years ago
dude ill give you the props you deserve and agree with fishmaster408 you really earned your man card
Aku The Master
Aku The Master - 13 years ago
Be glad he didn't attack dude. if he did then u'd be dead right now and no one will hear u.
Jim Magnus
Jim Magnus - 13 years ago
because theres no legs or arms in the water which looks like a seal lucky for this guy it wasnt a big one
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan - 13 years ago
is it a bad thing if u got a boner watching this!!!!1
schaub13ryan - 13 years ago
...Like a BOSS.
hello hello
hello hello - 13 years ago
balls of steel
CravenD15 - 13 years ago
Yeah doubt he was surfing, cause nothing to surf, plus murky water. You surf in murky water you're asking to get attacked, pure and simple.
mike reina
mike reina - 13 years ago
that dude is just asking to get his legs popped off. but I give you credit, I'll never ever do that shit while surfing.
David Haggiag
David Haggiag - 13 years ago
@MattJamesFishing666 id love to put a hook in you man!!
TheNaturalust - 13 years ago
that's no surfer, where is the surf? it's only about 2 inches high!
angryman1007 - 13 years ago
Anthony Piazza
Anthony Piazza - 13 years ago
Sydney King
Sydney King - 13 years ago
Fuck. That.
jimbojims - 13 years ago
hes not surfing, hes on a paddleboard and no part of his body is in the water besides to film a bit underwater. he may as well be in a kayak or canoe, either way the sharks not gonna bother you. now actually being a surfer in that situation would be effin scary because half your body is always in the water all the time. totally different experience and exposure between the two
Alex Wendt
Alex Wendt - 13 years ago
I would have shit a little.
TheEdwardacevedo1 - 13 years ago
@multibelle22 panicking is the worst thing to do in that situation, sharks have tiny pores on top of their mouths that allow them to sense fear, panic and other things. If he were to the panic the shark might have attacked him. as crazy as it sounds the best thing to do is to remain calm, keep on eye on it and slowly make your way to shore. crazy what us surfers go through sometimes lol. not that ive encountered a great white, just threshers
nicky wynne
nicky wynne - 13 years ago
u got to be fucking mental that shit would have made me poo my self
matt nicol
matt nicol - 13 years ago
i wanna put a hook in the bastard
matt nicol
matt nicol - 13 years ago
hahahhahaa fuck that!
Sa Za
Sa Za - 13 years ago
this is video is amazing, perfect example of how elegant sharks are.
Jedi3 - 13 years ago
its safe to say your fucked in the head have fun see you on the news
Jitters - 13 years ago
1 a.m. in the backwoods of Kentucky. Happy to be landlocked? You bet I am. This guy's got some nads.
Jitters - 13 years ago
Buddy, I hope you have an outboard motor on that thing.
bravo zkillz
bravo zkillz - 13 years ago
eletronic equipmente make sharks curious.... i wouldn't have put the camera in there.... by the way,did you have a shark repelent?
GrogTheRed - 13 years ago
@MultiBelle22 because movement and violent panic is what labels your ass prey to those sharks the calmer you are the better you stay off the menu for the day
Waxfoot - 13 years ago
I would have shit my own island
Thanatia Norith
Thanatia Norith - 13 years ago
My lips hurt from pressing my knuckles into them. Jaysus.
cal semela
cal semela - 13 years ago
this surfer is like the honey badger
RDK Sup - 13 years ago
how come we can hear the water on the camera, but not him saying "oh shit oh shit oh shit" cause i bet he was
ruggero pirrotta
ruggero pirrotta - 13 years ago
I think it's great that you kept your cool. If you would have paniced it could have been worst
Bear GryIlz
Bear GryIlz - 13 years ago
kayaker not surfer
Icriedtoday - 13 years ago
No waves nor wind. What kinda surfing was it? Btw, you need to get to shore when this happens.
everythingevil76 - 13 years ago
Dude that is insane....I would be unable to speak. You couldn't pay me to surf
ody79 - 13 years ago
I like this. It prooves that great white sharks aren't as aggressive as we think.
clyddoudou - 13 years ago
and u think ur head is straight?
Braepharm - 13 years ago
scaryist fuckn thing ever i stay the fuck outta the sea
numnutz78 - 13 years ago
@MajesticAndRestless your idea of a "shark whiste" has been tried in south africa only with ultrasonic sounds. it works close up to the shark to deter them but not on a larger scale. i say just let them be. we treat the ocean as a playground when in fact it is the sea creatures domain, IT IS THERE HOME, we know they are there so we accept the risk when we go in there simple as chief. to be honest i have no interest in your race or religion, there are idiots in every culture!!!!
numnutz78 - 13 years ago
im sorry about your mate but when all is said an done he was in the ocean, im presuming he knew that great whites lived there. the shark didnt come on land an kill him your mate was in the sharks domain. you cant blame the shark for doing what comes naturally. oh yeah and theres far more evolution in a shark by the way, if you know anything about history you will know that homosapien's are about 10,000 years old whereas sharks are about 300 million years old theres far more evolution in them.
MajesticAndRestless - 13 years ago
The only problem with having shark whistle stations off the coastlines of major surfing cities would be the effects on OTHER fish and this possibly changing their migratory patterns. Sigh, "Nature always finds a way," is a quote from the book Jurrasic Park that lingers in my mind when. Nearly every culture believes we as a human population have the DOMINION over all other species on this planet.... why dont you? I surf year round and am sick of the shark threat and we can find a solution.
MajesticAndRestless - 13 years ago
My PEACEFUL solution to this shark problem is this... a SHARK WHISTLE. Like a dog whistle, this would detour the sharks away from land masses where the major population sites converge on a regular basis, You could have Shark Whistle stations offshore one mile of major cities. WITHOUT killing the sharks. But considering I'm poor - middle class and not a mad scientist... I can't create and market this shark whistle.
MajesticAndRestless - 13 years ago
Look Crisp PEE. The ideology I'm trying to spur is this.... what would happen if the oceans were done away with sharks that have been known to attack humans throughout the years such as Great whites, tigers, and bull sharks. So the killer whale population increases? Dolphins increase? Tunas increase in population size? Some fecal matter from these evil predators doesnt enter into our ocean on a biological level. The answer is.. WE ALL DONT KNOW! BUT PEOPLE ARE DYING AND BEING INJURED.
MajesticAndRestless - 13 years ago
@crispee1978 Also, you are telling me, "you don't know how much evolution has gone into these perfect survival machine"? It should be said as machines.... but none the less... how much evolution went into creating humans? The ABSOLUTE killing machines? how much evolution went into creating Hitler, Saddam Hussein, or Mao of China? These people were killing machines and WE AS A WORLD ERADICATED THEM RIGHTFULLY! I say this because I new the guy who was killed be a GREAT WHITE at Solana Beach'08
MajesticAndRestless - 13 years ago
I'm the uneducated one? You spelled been as "bee".... Ok, so "enlightened one"... tell me... what would happen if somehow, a Great White Shark plague was created and they all died off? Now, as for me being a "Philistine"? I study not only Christianity, but Islam, and the works of Buddha. Sounds like you discriminate against these people considering you called me out as one and I'm not. You call great whites "the most amazing creatures"? What about mankind? What about dogs?
numnutz78 - 13 years ago
@MajesticAndRestless because they are by far and away the most amazing creatures in the planet. you my friend are an uneducated philistine. personally i think its people like you who should be wiped,(note correct spelling of wiped) off the map. your talking about a creature which has bee around for millions of years before the dinosaurs. you cant even begin toimagine how much evolution has gone into this perfect survival machine.
JRBarlo - 13 years ago
That is crazy!!! :D
Arthritible - 13 years ago
I think i just shit myself :(
ChingaAmor - 13 years ago
@Lgymnastics12 Why are you watching a video about sharks then? O.o
Black Magic
Black Magic - 13 years ago
@MultiBelle22 At first it would be a good idea to get the fuck out from the water but sharks are attracted to splashes so i think this was a wise decicion
dreakheart - 13 years ago
you stare at him and he stares at you and thats when the attack comes , not from the front but from the side , and the other 2 raptors eeeh sharks you didnt even know where there xD
bradley glaister
bradley glaister - 13 years ago
sounds like me on the toilet
MajesticAndRestless - 13 years ago
ummm and why are these things on the endangered species list? so lets say they are whiped off the map... so a few more Orcas or Killer Whales get more food? Whats wrong with that? I'll never understand why we cant take big sharkies outta der!!!
Laura Eberlein
Laura Eberlein - 13 years ago
sorry i disliked because sharks just.... scare meee!!!!!!!! i hate sharks.... im not trying to effend anyone who likes sharks but... i dislike sharks
computerguru999 - 13 years ago
awesome, gave me chills, I saw my first shark last year in Turks, yes, wt my pants but I was already wet, hahaha they are beautiful.
M Dean
M Dean - 13 years ago
Balls... He has them.
james g
james g - 13 years ago
thats fucking lose bro
Jared Flores
Jared Flores - 13 years ago
this guy earned his man card
David Miller
David Miller - 13 years ago
San O., California...filmed by Chuck Patterson. He's nuts but is a great waterman.
Laurennxoox - 13 years ago
if that thing was anywhere near me i'd be freaking the freak out!! lol
1004w12 - 13 years ago
I recognize that place. You are just north of San Diego.
BomberBen - 13 years ago
that is awesome. balls of steel.
Medieaval Beabe
Medieaval Beabe - 13 years ago
Why is he sitting around filming the effing thing? Why isn't he getting out of there?!
antonposa - 13 years ago
Rather you than me on a paddle board with that thing cruising around, bro...
PantherMistress88 - 13 years ago
OH my God.....the quality of that camera! Amazing! Nice video though,incredible close up
Spindle78 - 13 years ago
That water sounds well scary init!
Andrew Humes
Andrew Humes - 13 years ago
The gutsiest videos on Youtube ever!!! Well done for your keeping cool.
DarthTwilight - 13 years ago
i'd be getting the foxtrot uniform charlie kilo out of there.
cannibalcorpster - 13 years ago
holy fuuuuck
Gaias_Marionette - 13 years ago
Fuck you. You're nuts. Awesome video.
Cody Worthington
Cody Worthington - 13 years ago
.........Fuck that
LasBrisas1979 - 13 years ago
OMG! I don't know if your brave or stupid staying out there. Either way I'm glad he didn't eat you, and I'm glad you got this footage because is super cool!
Dreyalee sings
Dreyalee sings - 13 years ago
ummmm..... and you were "smart" enough to actually STAY there!!!!?? please i would have paddled back sa fast adn no offense to any shark lovers out there but if that thing would have came near me and tried to attack i would have tried to puch him in the eyes....... and then swim away xD
F o L e Y
F o L e Y - 13 years ago
Heritagius - 13 years ago
I would have developed messianic capabilities the first sight of that baby, and outright RUN to dry land.
Empirehog - 13 years ago
Did he just scare that Great White off at the end? Damn thats too close for comfort
Penelope - 13 years ago
@Funmichi you can tell he is on a kayak
8azile8 - 13 years ago
How did you not die of a heart attack?
Penelope - 13 years ago
he is not surfing, he is in a kyak
Penelope - 13 years ago
Penelope - 13 years ago
stop filming and start swimming back to land!
Jason G
Jason G - 13 years ago
Lucky dude was kinda unlucky win or fail? U did good don't panic no noise n it'll go away n if u died doing this it'll only hurt for a few seconds
Heather Hunnings-benge
Heather Hunnings-benge - 13 years ago
@EddieFivespeed dude sharks are not scarey
Greg Greg
Greg Greg - 13 years ago
Plus he had the jaws soundtrack playing on his mp3 player the whole time. Just to add a little bit of tension to the situation.
Christian Dimalanta
Christian Dimalanta - 13 years ago
For it is actually the man circling the shark.
dylan takalangi
dylan takalangi - 13 years ago
but great footage
RatterSlim - 13 years ago
Oh. My. GOD! Very, very impressive. I'm gobsmacked
Taryn S
Taryn S - 13 years ago
that water sound, sounds awwwesome! But far out that is pretty friggen scary. He knows your there!

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