Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante
Surf 9 years ago 691,542 views
Surfer gets caught on the inside by massive set and goes over the falls on giant wave. // Na tentativa de surfar ondas gigantes no Mexico surfista acaba sendo varrido por serie e arremessado pelo lip.
10. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante
20. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante
30. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante
Should've dove through,
Idk if it was a kook or not but uhh...
This isn't fake lol.
50. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante
I'm going to stay 20 ft from the sand tomorrow lol
100. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante
tudo isso é apenas ossos do oficio!!!
any chance i could use some of this footage in one of my future edits?
se for conheci vc em la Isla no Peru, que rola monstro brother! vlw pelas imagens
i was spook by this