Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

Surfer gets caught on the inside by massive set and goes over the falls on giant wave. // Na tentativa de surfar ondas gigantes no Mexico surfista acaba sendo varrido por serie e arremessado pelo lip.

Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante sentiment_very_dissatisfied 215

Surf 9 years ago 691,542 views

Surfer gets caught on the inside by massive set and goes over the falls on giant wave. // Na tentativa de surfar ondas gigantes no Mexico surfista acaba sendo varrido por serie e arremessado pelo lip.

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Most popular comments
for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 6 years ago
No matter how long you have surfed paddling out on a huge day is still a big deal.
Giantsarebeast13 - 6 years ago
GoPro footage makes that wave look tiny. I'm no surfer but that wave was fucking massive
big city
big city - 6 years ago
Though go pro might make it look different but if you look at whats in the water (the brown foam) is a different shape and where it is to the other long shot video...
Dane Wiley
Dane Wiley - 6 years ago
Is he dead
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
To all you morons claiming it’s fake. Hundreds if not thousands of surfers paddle into these waves this size and bigger every year. There is no need to fake this. Grow up.
Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 6 years ago
WHY didnt you just punch through?... Sheesh man.....sheesh..
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
Kilgore Trout where do you surf and when have you been in 25+ Puerto Escondido? Fuckin keyboard warriors. This guy has more balls and know how than every jack ass commenting here.
Nilsakanils nils
Nilsakanils nils - 6 years ago
On a gopro everything looks so small
blur 111
blur 111 - 6 years ago
Cuando te das cuenta que surfear no es como en los rockets powers
Bryan Suarez
Bryan Suarez - 6 years ago
Its called getting sucked over not swallowed, learn your surf vocabulary

10. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

TomMcE-Fortnite - 6 years ago
The go pro makes everything look tiny wth
William Tomlinson
William Tomlinson - 6 years ago
Destination FUCKED !
E Wheeler
E Wheeler - 6 years ago
shit gives me anxiety lol been caught in that position more than I wouldve liked to be
The Great Gazoo
The Great Gazoo - 6 years ago
Wow Dean, you're lucky to be alive and what not!
funzone123 - 6 years ago
this is retarded
kcanded - 6 years ago
I love the up close and personal you can get with a gopro. I can almost feel the surf on my face and smell that amazing fresh salty air!
Joshua Vazquez
Joshua Vazquez - 6 years ago
he needs some milk
Nicole Golub
Nicole Golub - 6 years ago
If there wasn’t another POV besides the go pro, I would’ve thought the got trampled by a 5 foot wave
Aayden Surfing
Aayden Surfing - 6 years ago
Why is he paddling straight through the breaking zone, why isn't he going through the channel?
Game Changer
Game Changer - 6 years ago
So glad that's not me!

20. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

moro salas
moro salas - 6 years ago
Publicado el 5 abr 2019
mario condello
mario condello - 6 years ago
Sometimes you can try really hard and still end up dumped.
oregonxyz - 6 years ago
this is why I quit trying to surf larger waves - you flame out your arms all day - get pushed back - and by the time you make it outside - you are spent for the day
Matt Kon
Matt Kon - 6 years ago
this is kind of my nightmare ^.^; this is why you train hard before paddling out even in 3ft surf. get hit with a set in the wrong place and you're gonna get hit on the rocks and be stuck under, out of breath
Joao Vitor Fouchy
Joao Vitor Fouchy - 6 years ago
na terceira q não furou já nao deu sorte kkkk
Matt - 6 years ago
You can hear the stress in his breathing, I know that feeling.
davide spanu
davide spanu - 6 years ago
it s a fake!!!!
Jack Postlewaite
Jack Postlewaite - 6 years ago
Did he die?
EL Caballo Blanco
EL Caballo Blanco - 6 years ago
These are not the same waves
Diego Muniz
Diego Muniz - 6 years ago
Awesome perspective! I posted a video about a year ago and everyone thinks the waves were super small but they don’t have a clue on how small waves look from the inside on a wide angle perspective. Here’s the video

30. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

Julian Aguirre
Julian Aguirre - 6 years ago
RIP Pedro hahaha
awannagannaful - 6 years ago
Island life
Island life - 6 years ago
Destructo !
john moses
john moses - 6 years ago
Yes! The 3 is the janitor!
jackow1986 - 6 years ago
It was a valiant effort.
iCore ZX14R
iCore ZX14R - 6 years ago
Caught inside big waves, shit happens!
Zero Hearts
Zero Hearts - 6 years ago
Those look abt 10ft...
Should've dove through,
Idk if it was a kook or not but uhh...
This isn't fake lol.
Lilo - 6 years ago
Why didn’t he duck dive ?
Arthur Lekarski
Arthur Lekarski - 6 years ago
Lilo idk, he could escape the wave with duck dive but maybe he likes to be washed up xD
john Cast
john Cast - 6 years ago
Not the same wave! After you go thru waves that size, the back of them are at least half the size dropping you down a much longer way.
Bari Owens
Bari Owens - 6 years ago
Is he alive
Julia Milani
Julia Milani - 6 years ago
POV makes it look 3 feet
Kolin Mademe
Kolin Mademe - 6 years ago
Surfin in the sewage?
Rocky Losco
Rocky Losco - 6 years ago
Just glad it’s not me
Rocky Losco
Rocky Losco - 6 years ago
Duck n dive is all I can say
Interdiffusion - 6 years ago
Become the lip
Chillinee - 6 years ago
Im out of breath just watching this. Nothing worse than being held underwater on big surf
SHOOTR - 6 years ago
2 different sets of footage. Fuck u.
Kermit - 6 years ago
Really shocks me that every surfer doesn’t immediately incorporate one of those co2 vests into there gear.
Catholicus - 6 years ago
SILENT HACK - 6 years ago
Paladin R
Paladin R - 6 years ago
Learn the art of duck diving when approaching a wave, don't go over the crest, go under it.

50. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

MrJonvilla82 - 6 years ago
Jonathan Strauss
Jonathan Strauss - 6 years ago
The perspective of the board looks like it's 5 foot wave
MOH-Hansy - 6 years ago
People need to stop using "wide lenses" (fish eye), it ruins everything! It looked cool on skateboarding videos back in the 90's, but it sucks for everything else.
s d
s d - 6 years ago
So much fun when the first wave hits and you like fuck I better get out deeper real soon or im fucked
Josh Lewatowski
Josh Lewatowski - 6 years ago
Everyone bought it lol
Aryum - 6 years ago
Im a surfer man that shit is the scariest thing you will ever experience. seeing a huge wave about to break over you
aldebaran - 6 years ago
WTF! Is there a popo in the sea?
Jake J
Jake J - 6 years ago
That shit was like The perfect storm, surfer version
rydershortboard Mcleod
rydershortboard Mcleod - 6 years ago
Late takeoff
Dylans - 6 years ago
Que Dableyou
Que Dableyou - 6 years ago
this is giving me surf anxiety dude lol
I'm going to stay 20 ft from the sand tomorrow lol
Barry James
Barry James - 6 years ago
thats fake
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 6 years ago
milkmandan77 - 6 years ago
1:25 sounds like cows filming.
CANYON KILLER - 6 years ago
this video doesn't do it justice to how shitty it is to be caught in a set but nice video!!!
Jason S
Jason S - 6 years ago
I’ve been in some sets like this, swimming for my life. This guy must’ve been gassed already, out of shape, not paying attention to the sets and the breaks, or all three, because he looked like he was out of breath after the first wave came. Man, I’m sure he would’ve made it if he just swam harder and faster.
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
Jason S sure you have
Jacob Carpintero
Jacob Carpintero - 6 years ago
Go under
Canal Clash Power
Canal Clash Power - 6 years ago
Ainda inventarão um motor para prancha para voltarmos rápido ao pico...I hope...
Keegan Smith
Keegan Smith - 7 years ago
what kind of go pro mount is used for this footage?
manuel alonso-bartol
manuel alonso-bartol - 7 years ago
Why he didn’t duck dived more that last wave? He just passed over but the wave was already breaking so it was obv that it was going to suck him
henryssurfshowcase - 7 years ago
Excellent coverage!
Surf Rats
Surf Rats - 7 years ago
Alisharksurf Smith
Alisharksurf Smith - 7 years ago
The wave looked so small on the GoPro
JamesK - 7 years ago
A.T Plays
A.T Plays - 7 years ago
1:33 Is That A Freiza Laugh I Hear
romakayak - 7 years ago
Hope the wave wasn't harmed by this stupid man!
Benji Bird
Benji Bird - 7 years ago
The fact cat is back shit
dg m
dg m - 7 years ago
those can never be the same waves
Gabby Sokolowski
Gabby Sokolowski - 7 years ago
oof indeed
Junior Clash
Junior Clash - 7 years ago
Crazy you
Freddy Villafuerte
Freddy Villafuerte - 7 years ago
Yo me hubiera tirado de la tabla
Jack Britton
Jack Britton - 7 years ago
He got caught up in no man's land
Josh - 7 years ago
Heavy dude, and all you can hear is your mates laughing..hahaha
Erich Toll
Erich Toll - 7 years ago
These are not the same waves, not even close. The GoPro footage is on 3-foot baby waves, the beach footage is 25-foot waves. WTF?
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
Clay Butler you’re arguing with an absolute moron. What for.
Clay Butler
Clay Butler - 6 years ago
Erich Toll the proof that it's real is the big air drop when he makes it over the top. Only a really big wave drops you like that.
Extreme Ryan Delena
Extreme Ryan Delena - 6 years ago
Erich Toll GoPro always makes it look smaller
Nathan Griffith
Nathan Griffith - 7 years ago
This happened to me at coranado and I got pounded
Pintea Gutulai
Pintea Gutulai - 7 years ago
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
40ft massive wave swallows up surfer.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
This is a massive wave at the beach. It's It's a slab.
I am Dogge
I am Dogge - 7 years ago
I thought I was dying when It happens to me.
playboiardi - 7 years ago
this gives me fucking goos bumps
* reinbo *
* reinbo * - 7 years ago
Scary af
Tim Rostenbach
Tim Rostenbach - 7 years ago
Thiago Pereira
Thiago Pereira - 7 years ago
Kkkkkk fake
Mateo Zegarra
Mateo Zegarra - 7 years ago
PPGFlyr - 7 years ago
No one taught this guy the duck dive?
Weathermank - 7 years ago
he need to duck dive it
Staple Soap
Staple Soap - 7 years ago
What’s the brown stuff in the water?
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
Staple Soap pollution
Rodrigo Prates de Freitas
Rodrigo Prates de Freitas - 7 years ago
Staple Soap sand
Chris Nizer
Chris Nizer - 7 years ago
Oh man, pulled over the falls...backwards. Doesn't get much worse than that.
edwin rivera
edwin rivera - 7 years ago
Fuka went ova boi
American 33
American 33 - 7 years ago
scary! happened to me a few times. not this big but nonetheless scary af
TheUltimateLama - 7 years ago
My worst nightmare

100. comment for Surfer swallowed by massive wave // Surfista engolido por onda gigante

british teo M
british teo M - 7 years ago
Sibiu spettacolare
alfie newman
alfie newman - 7 years ago
When you noticed that the wave was 5 cm tall
Fisher Hanson
Fisher Hanson - 7 years ago
I hate this feeling so much
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 7 years ago
Poor pedro.
abcd - 7 years ago
Wow so noob !!! i take the wave with my bodyboard NO PROBLEM
Nick Bryant
Nick Bryant - 7 years ago
Fake as fuck
Wrassle Trooper
Wrassle Trooper - 7 years ago
Some people just don't care
Daniel Fernandes
Daniel Fernandes - 7 years ago
poderia remar e passar por fora. mas ele remou direto para area de impacto.
tudo isso é apenas ossos do oficio!!!
Reeve - 7 years ago
Did he go over the falls?
Only In Premium
Only In Premium - 7 years ago
The wave didn't look so big in the GoPro xD
Mark Mcgwires Backne
Mark Mcgwires Backne - 7 years ago
Just some niggered footage.
* R3U8EN *
* R3U8EN * - 7 years ago
Did he die?
Sasha Kulda
Sasha Kulda - 7 years ago
Double kill
cillian meehan
cillian meehan - 7 years ago
The waves didint look that big on the go pro
bobbydean2 - 7 years ago
im getting panic attacks and minor strokes watching this!
Miguel 30
Miguel 30 - 7 years ago
Wtf why they dont help dem
Chillin with Dylan
Chillin with Dylan - 6 years ago
kidd keo dem???
Luan - 7 years ago
aiiiii que burooooo da zero pra ellle
Adi HD
Adi HD - 7 years ago
is he dead?
Randy j.r. Huff
Randy j.r. Huff - 7 years ago
who else hates hitting there chin when you going over
Owda 63
Owda 63 - 7 years ago
Meant 300
Owda 63
Owda 63 - 7 years ago
Got u to 30 subs
WANT HK18 - 7 years ago
muito bem
BIG MONEY BOY - 7 years ago
periodo de 9 segundos
TheInvincibleNinjas - 7 years ago
Just Eskimo roll that bad boy
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 7 years ago
The sound of those guys in slo-motion is just way too funny!
MarkTheNBAGamer - 7 years ago
How I feel when A five footer with me.
Leighton Rubins
Leighton Rubins - 7 years ago
What ever happens to duck diving
Nicholas Evans
Nicholas Evans - 7 years ago
He's on a big board. To much volume
Rebel with a cause
Rebel with a cause - 7 years ago
Hey...that's part of surfing...getting caught about an adrenaline pump when you do. equals the pump when you make the wave on a big day.
okapPerrox - 7 years ago
Marcus Palau
Marcus Palau - 8 years ago
This dude doesn't know how to duck dive or ditch his board. Lol that sucks so much to be him.
GG games
GG games - 8 years ago
Barak Burt
Barak Burt - 8 years ago
never take the first wave. learned that the hard way in hawaii.
Tom Adams
Tom Adams - 8 years ago
I can do that ...Hold my beer
eL3ctric - 8 years ago
Hey Guilherme,
any chance i could use some of this footage in one of my future edits?
Jay Brown
Jay Brown - 6 years ago
Caleb Patrick yes bitch
Caleb Patrick
Caleb Patrick - 6 years ago
eL3ctric no
David C
David C - 8 years ago
dead? camera recovered from dead guy?
K!NG G3ORGE - 8 years ago
That was still a huge wave, but why didn't he just tip the nose of the board under? He definitely would've made it then
rahkin rah
rahkin rah - 8 years ago
This shit is NOT funny!
Cranky Neanderthal
Cranky Neanderthal - 8 years ago
Turbo charge paddling wasn't enough in the end - the dude got smashed by a Mack Truck!
Dum pum !
Dum pum ! - 8 years ago
ho ho ho shit!!!
Javi Martinez
Javi Martinez - 8 years ago
I'm glad this wasn't clickbait
Ernest Caravalho
Ernest Caravalho - 8 years ago
duck!!!!!!!!!!!! sheesh, even i know that
Charlie Cooke
Charlie Cooke - 8 years ago
Catch the damn perfect waves
Ryan Muller
Ryan Muller - 8 years ago
where is this? the first barrel looked sick
Dylan Thompson
Dylan Thompson - 8 years ago
I hate how the go pro makes the waves looks like there 6ft
Luke George
Luke George - 8 years ago
Cut the leg rope and dive, brutal!
Quinn01 - 8 years ago
ide dive but not cut the leash...
Alexandre Domingos
Alexandre Domingos - 8 years ago
você é o Manga das parafinas Manga?
se for conheci vc em la Isla no Peru, que rola monstro brother! vlw pelas imagens
funtime foxy mangle
funtime foxy mangle - 8 years ago
that was so cool!
leonmac91 - 8 years ago
That was inevitable! Why didn't he duckdive or at least attempt to! That would have seriously hurt going over the falls of a wave that size! It's painful in 6ft swells haha Not quite as spectacular though!
caswellsurfer23 - 8 years ago
This is Peurto Escondido around 15ft. There is no duck diving these waves, they will suck you and the board over. Plus he is probably riding a +9ft board known as a big wave gun. They are much more buoyant than your standard board. Perhaps if he had known he wasn't going to make it over he could have ditched the board and pencil dived under, but in all honesty I imagine after that first wave, he was overcome with adrenaline and all he could think about was scratching to the horizon. Not fun at all going over the falls, but he was very close to making it!
Ras Kitchen
Ras Kitchen - 8 years ago
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
:51 is when you pray to Jesus you make it over
Coinraker - 6 years ago
No time to pray when you're paddling your ass off.
Tom Blokland
Tom Blokland - 6 years ago
Danny Huffman i would rather try to survive
manuel alonso-bartol
manuel alonso-bartol - 8 years ago
diego Vai Corinthians
diego Vai Corinthians - 8 years ago
fake do caralho
gspainhour - 8 years ago
Nah, that's real! Compare the two perspectives carefully! :)
Evil Hekamiah
Evil Hekamiah - 8 years ago
Carai tmb o maluco nao sabe furar uma vala e quer cair num mar desses kkkkkkkkkk
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
and thats why u jump off and go under. Kooks shouldnt be out in surf that big
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
First Last I’d bet everything that you’re from the east coast. Total poseur.
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
Everyone who says kook on the internet probably doesn’t even surf
Xtra.Film - 7 years ago
First Last far out, ur the kook
MrBacurizao - 7 years ago
i tought the same but his board might have a lot of foam and maybe he didnt ditch the board afraid of a broken leash
Quinn01 - 8 years ago
well it didnt break on his head tho, he could have just gone under and through it...
Aidan O
Aidan O - 8 years ago
hed get smoked either way mate, just a matter of going over the falls or catching em on the head... hard to tell which one is better but this dude was probs hell stressed and couldnt think with such little time. hes not a kook. you are if you think you can sum up the odds and make a rational decision within 2 seconds and a massive wave coming towards u
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
+Aidan Oke that was obviously breaking on his head. He should have tried made it under instead of getting smoked.
Aidan O
Aidan O - 8 years ago
are you joking
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
that board has the weirdest shape in the nose
Y2K - 8 years ago
i was spook by this
Azerty Reza
Azerty Reza - 8 years ago
that's some scary shit
Marvin Smith
Marvin Smith - 8 years ago
Rule is, if you're going to go for the first wave, you better catch it, because if you don't, you're in for a whole lot of hurt, trust me I've lived the nightmare
Gigi Lucci
Gigi Lucci - 8 years ago
gspainhour - 8 years ago
Nah, that's real. Review the two perspectives carefully. You can also tell by how hard he lands on the back of the wave. Those are monsters!
Daniel Buckner
Daniel Buckner - 8 years ago
GoPro made it look like an overhead day but the other video was crazy
Boxhawk - 8 years ago
Surfing always seemed to appear so care free and easy.... until head mounted go-pros came along.
Bayhale - 8 years ago
I think i have wave-phobia.
Leeroy Jenkins
Leeroy Jenkins - 8 years ago
crazy how small the waves look from the gopro perspective
B M - 6 years ago
Matin Ghalambor those are not the same waves lol
Bassing In Florida
Bassing In Florida - 6 years ago
its actually 20 ft mexico dumbfuck
Bassing In Florida
Bassing In Florida - 6 years ago
brianbirc - 6 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins While Go Pro's may make waves look smaller these are not the same waves as the non Go Pro waves. That is obvious IMO
AnonymousSkillz - 6 years ago
Crazy how FAKE it is,
Renko Styranka
Renko Styranka - 6 years ago
Deceptive. The camera distorts. Waves actually look far bigger to the surfer than to ppl on shore watching.
Bundy Boys
Bundy Boys - 6 years ago
ye i legit thought it was clickbait at first
Dead Line
Dead Line - 6 years ago
There's no way these are the same.
Tony Espinosa
Tony Espinosa - 6 years ago
Erich Toll GoPro is junk
Pugnacious LB
Pugnacious LB - 6 years ago
Kronik HD you can still comment it
webstar productions W.S.P
webstar productions W.S.P - 6 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins I
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
Right...i thought the same. Lol
Truth Army
Truth Army - 6 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins go pros are fish eyes lens
Combo Swell
Combo Swell - 6 years ago
It’s actually smaller because he is closer to the waves. And from different angles
Maria Edwards
Maria Edwards - 6 years ago
yeah no way this was that same set. Those are 10 foot hawaii, 12 foot cali, and 15 foot east coast waves.
green clarkson like
green clarkson like - 6 years ago
lmao this was sliced together, it's fake :)
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins - 6 years ago
the go-pro angle sucks
Erich Toll
Erich Toll - 7 years ago
Not the same waves. The GoPro waves are tiny.
NormieGasser - 7 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins awpo
B. A. N.
B. A. N. - 7 years ago
So true... a few days ago I was watching another video here on youtube captured with gopro and visitors were mocking the author telling him that the waves were kind of small, he pointed out this fact in return but in vain...
Guilherme Quinta
Guilherme Quinta - 7 years ago
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 7 years ago
this was videoshopped! hahahaah
Kronik HD
Kronik HD - 7 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins I was just about to comment that
188ours - 7 years ago
a 10 m jump in motocross look like you jump put a little wheelie x)
Noel - 8 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins same with ski slopes. You come up to a slope which is 80 degrees angled, full of ice and bumps, nut the GoPro portrays it as a bunny hill
Groove Duude
Groove Duude - 8 years ago
Leeroy Jenkins so true. 2x when its small surf, 10x smaller when its big. Don't like that selfie angle either.
Matin Ghalambor
Matin Ghalambor - 8 years ago
i know right
benpowersification - 8 years ago
Well at least he won't have worn himself out by paddling like fewk prior to being sucked in.... oh no wait
Anthea Wikstrom
Anthea Wikstrom - 8 years ago
HIROKI KATO - 8 years ago
S c
S c - 8 years ago
did a whale take a massive shit in the water. ??
Scum Puppy
Scum Puppy - 6 years ago
Looks like a typical west coast polluted beach
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
Do whales have buttholes
VISSLA Gaming - 7 years ago
kineticsurf - 7 years ago
Nah, it's pulverized algae and other microorganisms in the surf when it gets big. It gets blown out and sits around the surf line when the wind is offshore (like this vid) and blows up on the beach when the wind is onshore and looks like dirty soap suds. There have been instances where beaches have been covered with many feet deep of brown suds making a surreal dirty bathtub of areas next to the sea on a hard onshore windy day. The ocean is full of swell energy when it is present.
Ryan Dennett
Ryan Dennett - 7 years ago
S c its coral spawn
getl0st - 8 years ago
This is whats commonly referred to as a "Die Scum" moment....
Nick Treiber
Nick Treiber - 8 years ago
GoPro doesn't do justice to how big the waves are sometimes, that thing was massive!!
Tony Espinosa
Tony Espinosa - 8 years ago
Nick Treiber , I know , I'm disappointed in my gopro makes waves look tiny
ph0kused - 8 years ago
i would have loved to be out this day - where is this wave? Looks so sexy clean. Glass as glass can be, perfect barrels.
caswellsurfer23 - 8 years ago
Peurto Escondido. And don't let looks deceive you, this is one of the heaviest beach breaks in the world (behind Nazare). Not a friendly place, massive under currents, shallow water, heavy waves.
ph0kused - 8 years ago
sucked down the falls. And ya, like Anthony siracuse said... never go for the first wave of a set on a big day unless you're 100% you're gonna make that drop.
Nick Treiber
Nick Treiber - 8 years ago
Yeah cause not making the first one and sprint paddling out back is the worst
Nate dawg115
Nate dawg115 - 8 years ago
I love POV shots like this. Makes you feel like you're out there
kcanded - 6 years ago
a.m. remorse What does that have to do with possibly faking a video?
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
kcanded you’re talking to a ten year old who has incredibly shitty parents.
kcanded - 6 years ago can you fake a video like that? Just curious.
AnonymousSkillz - 6 years ago
It’s fake. Sorry dude.
Audiostoke - 8 years ago
Good to have the land footage too.. alot of the times the waves look alot smaller through a gopro.
Nick Treiber
Nick Treiber - 8 years ago
I'm uploading some to my channel if you wanna check em out
Blaze - 8 years ago
Yeah sure it's scary, but you didn't even go over the falls.
daytripper8808 - 8 years ago
Paddlepaddlepaddle nooooooooooo fml
Anthony siracuse
Anthony siracuse - 8 years ago
never go for the first wave.
Paul Gordon
Paul Gordon - 6 years ago
he lived unscathed no probably about it
Paul Gordon
Paul Gordon - 6 years ago
simply don,t paddle out if you cant handle any of the waves in a set on the head, a good beating is as good as any barrel in my mind if you can handle it, the dude in the video can and like any good surfer he probaly doesn't care about what wave in the set he takes as he knows that he can handle the beating hence why he paddled out in the first place
John Kenney
John Kenney - 6 years ago
Learned that the hard way. You either end up out of breath trying to paddle past the break or in a washing machine.
Jean Philippe Gard
Jean Philippe Gard - 7 years ago
nettwench Hugh kg gkerfjrrirjgjhxyhyhjyurufjxhdgsg ncfjf gay r
188ours - 7 years ago
specially when other surfer are your friend " paddle for your life brooo ! "
nettwench - 8 years ago
I would go for the third wave of a set because everyone else would take off on the first two and so I would probably get it to myself, not to mention barreling down the line with everyone else paddling back out is kinda fun!
Ronlowsea - 8 years ago
depends on the break a lot of times on the east coast us the first two waves of the set wont close out but after you catch it you got to paddle back out though the endless 12ft bombs.
Oecist Films
Oecist Films - 8 years ago
I'll ride the first wave in if a huge set is coming just to dodge having to paddle really hard and get under them. Also not many people go for the first wave unless at a beginner beach which is also nice too so no one will drop in on me. But yeah never go on the first wave unless certain you will catch it.
Zach Payne
Zach Payne - 8 years ago
+ph0kused its not a rule but a good thing to do in bigger surf to ensure you dont get caught inside
Anthony siracuse
Anthony siracuse - 8 years ago
+ph0kused nah it's definitely possible to catch the first wave, just a rule of thumb
ph0kused - 8 years ago
not a rule of course, I go on first set waves all the time, I just know if I wipe out, or miss the wave, I'm fucked - and I'm in for a heart thumping scraping paddle battle, or I'm gonna try and ditch my board and grab the bottom. (on big days) anything under 6-7 foot, pretty manageable to get "out" of the impact zone.. but for beginners, yea if you see a set, skip the first wave and go for the third or fourth.
Bruno Modigliani
Bruno Modigliani - 8 years ago
That's a good advice. Of course it musn't be an absolute rule. Sometimes if you catch the first wave you not only avoid getting caught inside by he next ones of the set but mainly you have a clean face for surfing (without the foam of previous waves of the set). Although, when in waves of size and responsability, we always need to consider the fact of not being able to catch the first wave, as you well explained...
Moo Kroo
Moo Kroo - 8 years ago
+Anthony siracuse +Zach Payne Thank you guys. Helped a lot!
Zach Payne
Zach Payne - 8 years ago
+Moo Kroo never take the first wave in a set because there will always be a bigger one behind it thatll take you out
Anthony siracuse
Anthony siracuse - 8 years ago
A lot of times when you go for the first wave of the set you wont catch it. Then that wave takes you just far enough to catch the next ones on your head. Often the next waves in the set are larger too.
Moo Kroo
Moo Kroo - 8 years ago
I dont understand that saying. I dont get it. Plz explain
leiriaroyal - 8 years ago
you madafakas learn to show the entire aftermath!!!!!
jack strada
jack strada - 6 years ago
leiriaroyal Ownage Pranks you madafaka
Chase Hanson
Chase Hanson - 8 years ago
One of the worst wipeouts I've seen
Sam Rooney
Sam Rooney - 8 years ago
this just isn't the same footage
Truth Army
Truth Army - 6 years ago
Sam Rooney for the last fucking time the gopro is fish eye lens making things look curved and smaller
Daniel De Bellis
Daniel De Bellis - 7 years ago
New MusicTV
New MusicTV - 7 years ago
no its not u can deifintely tell its not the way he gets crashed on the go pro footage he doesnt even tumble over the wave
Kirk Dunn
Kirk Dunn - 7 years ago
Watch skyline when he paddles over the waves, even though ot looks flat he is already paddling up face......after a few times watching i can see how massive they are from gopro.....he starts climbing up face way b4 you think he is
gspainhour - 8 years ago
Definitely the same footage. He was stroking hard to get over those monsters. Review the footage from the brown patches of foam, to his nose penetrating the peak, and finally to the feathering taking place on that last wave that got him.
Sam Rooney
Sam Rooney - 8 years ago
I know what a fish eye go pro camera perspective is and I've filmed with one there is no way a wave of that size only takes the surfer a few paddles to get over
gandalf - 8 years ago
definitely is, just look at the foam patterns and when he is just hitting the brownish patch in the first wave.
Montana Weatherby
Montana Weatherby - 8 years ago
Yeah WHy would u say that?
Ton va
Ton va - 8 years ago
it is... it's that the gopro fisheye make things look smaller and wide
Roast Recon
Roast Recon - 9 years ago
what was he thinking
PAULOZOIIO - 9 years ago
Aconteceu exatamente mesma coisa cmg
pablo vicente
pablo vicente - 9 years ago
holy fucking shit
JesajaQ - 9 years ago
Gman - 7 years ago
Andrew Chang he would get fucked the best thing to do it ditch his board and swim underneath
Andrew Chang
Andrew Chang - 8 years ago
if you can duck dive a longboard, you can duck dive that board.
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 8 years ago
you cant duck a wave with a board like that, its like trying to duckdive a canoe
Azerty Reza
Azerty Reza - 8 years ago
He should have duckdive when he was about to reach the top if he wanted not to take the lips in the face.
Tom Appelboam
Tom Appelboam - 8 years ago
+Ian Szeliga not on a big gun like that
Ian Szeliga
Ian Szeliga - 9 years ago
+JesajaQ Yeah I think he could have made it past that lip with a duckdive. Idk though never had to duckdive a wave like that
JesajaQ - 9 years ago
+Vincent van Dinter that was a joke
Vincent van Dinter
Vincent van Dinter - 9 years ago
There is no duckdiving in that monster but i think he didn't have enough wax thats why he sliped out of his board on the last wave
Bruno Vinicius Medeiros
Bruno Vinicius Medeiros - 9 years ago
Holy shit!!!!

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