Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition

Australia's triple surf champion Mick Fanning walked away shaken but uninjured after having a close-encounter with a shark mid-competition in South Africa. Paddling out to ride his first wave, a menacing grey fin appeared in the water behind him before knocking the 34-year-old off his board. The whole episode being caught live on camera for Sunday's final of the World Surf League's J-Bay Open. "I was just sitting there and I felt something just get stuck in my leg rope, and I was kicking tryin… READ MORE : What are the top stories today? Click to watch: euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 13 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:

Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Surf 9 years ago 246,124 views

Australia's triple surf champion Mick Fanning walked away shaken but uninjured after having a close-encounter with a shark mid-competition in South Africa. Paddling out to ride his first wave, a menacing grey fin appeared in the water behind him before knocking the 34-year-old off his board. The whole episode being caught live on camera for Sunday's final of the World Surf League's J-Bay Open. "I was just sitting there and I felt something just get stuck in my leg rope, and I was kicking tryin… READ MORE : What are the top stories today? Click to watch: euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 13 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:

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Most popular comments
for Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition

The Molecule FX boulder
The Molecule FX boulder - 6 years ago
A reasonable plan for surf contests or popular surf beaches is to have a dedicated drone hovering over the area, with a lifeguard managing the drone and warning surfers if sharks are spotted.
daniel swain
daniel swain - 6 years ago
zooknut kr
zooknut kr - 6 years ago
Fights off my ass he escaped
Eric Sadler
Eric Sadler - 6 years ago
This is exactly why I stopped swimming in the ocean. That has to be one of the worst ways to die too. Knowing that you are about to be consumed. No thank you. I will keep my ass on land and just swim in the pool. LOL
Amber Fulenwider
Amber Fulenwider - 6 years ago
Still epic!
Professor Kaos
Professor Kaos - 6 years ago
I was swimming in Jamaica, Runaway Bay at a resort that had excellent snorkeling right off the hotel beach where coral reef and small fish all congregated around a 20-30 foot drop off. When I realized the lifeguard was calling all the swimmers in due to sharks being in the water my reaction was exactly the same as Mick's at the 55 second mark.
SWSimpson - 6 years ago
Holy crap.... So glad he is alright.
I put the hot in psychotic
I put the hot in psychotic - 6 years ago
It's a shame the shark didn't get him.
South Beach Miami Art
South Beach Miami Art - 6 years ago
At 1:23 the surfer is displaying a knife. This is just a robbery gone wrong.

10. comment for Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition

Jose Juanjo
Jose Juanjo - 6 years ago
Next time shark........
Nikki M.
Nikki M. - 6 years ago
Ahahah he'd awesome
J. Montrice
J. Montrice - 6 years ago
Yeah Mick!!
Sam Farnsworth
Sam Farnsworth - 6 years ago
In Canada, this would be like holding track and field events in Grizzly Bear habitat. However, you cannot stop a Grizzly by punching it in the back. The guy in this video must have horseshoes up his ass--to go out of his element and sit on a fibreglass board in a place frequented by man-eating top predators and get away with his life.... on the other hand, there are very few who survive a Grizzly attack. And by the way, this man was LUCKY, it had nothing to do with divine intervention. Praying and crying wouldn't have helped, nor is pushing his luck going to help in the future. "What is, is what must be. There is no bargain."
Amit J
Amit J - 6 years ago
Dude if it was me I would never ever enter a water body again!!!
Allan Urpina
Allan Urpina - 6 years ago
thats really nice, very dagerous
Rapmagic Deleon
Rapmagic Deleon - 6 years ago
He's a pro! Well done
Mata Pendejos
Mata Pendejos - 6 years ago
White privilege?
just me
just me - 6 years ago
"Did you see some teeth?", how about we throw that interviewer to the sharks
Davide Lobascio
Davide Lobascio - 6 years ago

20. comment for Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition

joe woodchuck
joe woodchuck - 6 years ago
I don't think it was a shark. Looked more like a car salesman.
Dom - 6 years ago
Did she say, he punched the shark?
0:11 looks like he got b** slap to me. (enter the ocean; enter the food chain)
Frank Morris
Frank Morris - 6 years ago
Imbecile surfer
joseph guidry
joseph guidry - 6 years ago
Shark: Hey bruh sup?? Surfer- YIKES!!!
Julien Guillaume
Julien Guillaume - 6 years ago
How can they even think of something else than sharks?
MDrydin 215
MDrydin 215 - 6 years ago
Correction I watched it again, def a white shark. The long fin wasn’t the dorsal fin
Beth mc
Beth mc - 7 years ago
Wow,at the end of the day its there home,sharks are amazing sea creatures
Esteban Orizaba
Esteban Orizaba - 7 years ago
the Lord was there with you that time
mitch kelly
mitch kelly - 6 years ago
jon doe Keh??
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
Not on your watch mitch. Hahaha
mitch kelly
mitch kelly - 6 years ago
your imaginary friend had nothing to do with it
Toxic Cherry
Toxic Cherry - 7 years ago
It's jars
Joshua Calosso
Joshua Calosso - 8 years ago
they to need to have devices that monitor shark activity or something that prevents sharks from entering the shallow water

30. comment for Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition

DeE RaY - 8 years ago
that was weird because the camera person was just videoing the shark attack omg lol
crisanto cortez
crisanto cortez - 8 years ago
I'd carry a knife while surfing, I know you shouldn't hurt an animal but yeah
Jules canidoit
Jules canidoit - 7 years ago
I wrestled one once. No one believes me. Thrn i woke up. A knife wouldnt help up much. Ud be chomped before u even knew whats going on. Buy this time u are losing lots of blood. U feel confused and scared and u weaken. Oh ur knife...... usually when u see a shark u will be fine. But if its got u as the target it happens all very fast.
ALegendAry Wolf
ALegendAry Wolf - 8 years ago
You are in every right to defend yourself from an animal attack.
a 1 and a 2
a 1 and a 2 - 9 years ago
"fights off?!" doesn;t look liek he "fought." Gahh, news is utter garbage these days.
Ynot Tony
Ynot Tony - 9 years ago
15 dislikes ? i wonder how many people out of those 15 can do what this dude just did ?
mpg869 - 9 years ago
The shark just didn't wanna deal w a wrongful death suit.
128pagenovella - 9 years ago
Another political attack from a racist white shark. Every year, copious hippy surfers are mauled and killed just because they support diversity for neighbourhoods they don't live in. #RacistWhiteSharkAttacks  #WhiteSharkSupremacy
Apollon Abaddon
Apollon Abaddon - 9 years ago
+128pagenovella OH NO DOUBT brutha. Exactly for what you described. Plus, just like the Gila monster and the Paloverde River toad, they've got VERY poisonous and highly-bacterial saliva and claws, so... even if you get scratched, never good. 
Apollon Abaddon
Apollon Abaddon - 9 years ago
Wrestling alligators and boxing with roos is cool.
Funny Parodies
Funny Parodies - 9 years ago
Hey, check out my PARODY in my channel...!!! 
VideoTributes - 9 years ago
+Funny Parodies Wow ahah!
Abaco90YT - 9 years ago
+Funny Parodies Awesomeee!!!
Dash Boy
Dash Boy - 9 years ago
SomeHardCandy - 9 years ago
poor captain quint he didn't deserve to go that way
Nana Tuomainen
Nana Tuomainen - 9 years ago
Klaus Brenner
Klaus Brenner - 9 years ago
Lucky for him that the shark realized quickly, that it wasnt a seal or similar animal he had found there.
Eros Hermes
Eros Hermes - 6 years ago
Klaus Brenner or maybe the shark wasn't hungry
jutipaboy - 9 years ago
Shark miraculously escaped pro surfer attack
dudyorz - 9 years ago
+jutipaboy that made my day
Luke Thomas
Luke Thomas - 9 years ago
hes big ears turn me on
Luke Thomas
Luke Thomas - 9 years ago
I support abott
disturbed3330 - 9 years ago
My wife said he will be back in the water tommrowo an lose his leg an be on next years shark week with his story lol
cortarelva - 9 years ago
Shark was just curious.
Jerry Atrix
Jerry Atrix - 9 years ago
Jaws would've finished the job.
spark7shiraz - 9 years ago
Uffff what strange situation ?!!!!
swampthing401 - 9 years ago
I think the shark just wanted an autograph
Misti BluEyes
Misti BluEyes - 9 years ago
+swampthing401 Funny! :)
Avocatul Poporului
Avocatul Poporului - 9 years ago
he will no longer enter into the sea

50. comment for Surfer fights off great white shark mid-competition

CaptainEO420 - 9 years ago
We're killing off fish. So they're going to eat people now.
John Booker
John Booker - 9 years ago
+CaptainEO420 I need some 420 time to think this "ant thing" over .  Maybe a field study is in the cards. Earlier tonight we had Roasted farm raised Chicken w/ Dumplings , green beans(w/pork fat ) fresh corn(sweet white), homemade rolls, green salad, & macaroni salad. All these food products came from the earth(farm) so maybe it's the processed food you eat that the ants know is toxic.  I've heard they won't eat some store bought cookies . When my Leena makes cookies they make a line to the pond for some , and their all polite. the epa come to the farm regularly to keep notes on our standards. so we're keeping up on those things. the hog mess is a problems for the factory farms , but not for the little people. ya I went through "Rumspringa" back in the day. 1985 was my time to decide . Smoked some of the 1st Hydroponic pot grown in Ashland County, Ohio.   Still keep some around for medicinal purposes now days. I used a bong ,listened to "Pink Floyd" ,etc. Even some George Harrison. Still listen to George sometimes at this home. My neighbor and his wife went to the Wood Stock concert in 1969. their a little order (bout 13-14 yrs older.) anyway,if your out this way Sullivan, Ohio. Stop at the Store and ask for the direction to the Booker farm . Someone will show you where we're at . If your lucky you'll be in time for a meal. Doe-Doei. 
CaptainEO420 - 9 years ago
+John Booker its not ok to cap in the woods because your poop is toxic to other things even ants make a closed off area for their poop because they know its bad.
John Booker
John Booker - 9 years ago
+CaptainEO420 I'm Amish. I'm visiting a neighbors home .  By the way,  I believe we agree that there's over fishing etc. However polluting is some how wrong if I crap in the woods but O.K. if a tribal person in the Brazilian rain forest does the same. China can dump everything into the land,water,etc and we just keep on buying there products. I just think we're funneled into our purchases . Also how big is your lifestyles carbon foot print ? All any of us can do is try to be more mindful of our buying decisions. I'm out Englishmen.(general term for all non Amish people in America.)peace.
CaptainEO420 - 9 years ago
+John Booker but you drive,eat vegetables and use other products that pollute the environment and oceans.
John Booker
John Booker - 9 years ago
+CaptainEO420 I don't eat meat .
CaptainEO420 - 9 years ago
+John Booker i mean people? ya know humans.
John Booker
John Booker - 9 years ago
+CaptainEO420 what do ya mean "we" white man.
Colzart - 9 years ago
+CaptainEO420 Brilliant
Napah Shadah
Napah Shadah - 9 years ago
They have the nerve to say the animal is INFESTING its natural habitat smh. Pride.
Julien Guillaume
Julien Guillaume - 6 years ago
Napah Shadah it s a metaphore i think
Gmsrebukethetempter - 9 years ago
The lord had mercy this time
Bern Heisenberg
Bern Heisenberg - 9 years ago
Or the shark was full

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