Surfers vs Rocks

Surf vs Rocks. Be careful out there, and always respect the power of mother nature. Check my other videos and suscribe.

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Surf 7 years ago 65,914 views

Surf vs Rocks. Be careful out there, and always respect the power of mother nature. Check my other videos and suscribe.

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Most popular comments
for Surfers vs Rocks

Shaun Dizzel
Shaun Dizzel - 6 years ago
0:32 funny as fuck!

This should be called " laymans vs rocks " lol
Homefront - 6 years ago
The music is retarded
Vitabrick Snailslime
Vitabrick Snailslime - 6 years ago
Had a couple of memorable moments entering the surf from rock platforms. The first was diving into the face of a wave that reared up while wearing a handfin, wrenching my shoulder pretty good. The second, sprinting at the right moment while going spearfishing. Took a really good core out of my heel on a barnacle. Exited a couple of minutes later by being cast up on a breakwall by a wave and clinging to it like a limpet. And I had an audience. At least I also had a pretty decent fish on the end of my spear.
Андрей Андреев
Андрей Андреев - 6 years ago
Why don't they help each other?!!!
Luke Davis
Luke Davis - 6 years ago
Is that first one boiling pot at noosa? I jumped off that spot today. Sketchy af
Diego Silberberg
Diego Silberberg - 6 years ago
No, this is in my hometown in Mar del Plata - Argentina
Jeffrey Moss
Jeffrey Moss - 6 years ago
Family of 5 walking on the beach with their dog,Ft.Bragg California.Dog goes in ocean and gets into trouble and the father jumps in to save the dog, followed by his wife and adult son. The 3 of them drown as the adult daughter and fiancee looked on.
Surfers have a yearning to surf which can put them in harm's way,they understand that.
Garunteed a surfer would not expect help in the majority of those situations.
The impact zone is a dangerous unpredictable place,no way you jump in and help!
The dog swam out on his own accord.
Incoming Hit da dirt
Incoming Hit da dirt - 6 years ago
in today's world people will film you instead of helping you.
dileo DJD
dileo DJD - 6 years ago
Meat grinding
Jetty1502 - 6 years ago
Lesson number one my mother taught me no s*** she told me never turn your back on the ocean that was before she even handed me a board and I've been surfing 36 years now

10. comment for Surfers vs Rocks

adventuresinbelieving - 7 years ago
they all have Eddie Would Go stickers on their cars
adventuresinbelieving - 7 years ago
man there are some kooks! have they not heard about sets?
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 7 years ago
p soteriou
p soteriou - 7 years ago
never underestimate the power of the ocean
Slash Pow
Slash Pow - 7 years ago
Stand there and watch while someone needs help and then when you really need help there will be no one around, its that simple.
clarkewi - 7 years ago
Charlie Hussey
Charlie Hussey - 7 years ago
some of these could easily have been fatal..! the first was awful timing !
Calixte Patissier
Calixte Patissier - 7 years ago
fckn rocks
Joe Mulligan
Joe Mulligan - 7 years ago
A lot of sick people commenting on here, and a lot of cowards filming. Any one of these people could have drowned.
Geoff Longford
Geoff Longford - 7 years ago
NEVER turn your back on the Ocean.

20. comment for Surfers vs Rocks

oldskoolpaul - 7 years ago
rock surfing oh yeah ,,,,,, IDIOTS
Al - 7 years ago
Fuck this is painful watching... I remember one of the first times I entered the water from rocks I jumped n jumped straight on a rock n it happened the week after aswell wit the exact same rock in the same spot lol
Nathan Charlesworth
Nathan Charlesworth - 7 years ago
1:42 this guy looks like an oiled up seal
Gregory Bryant
Gregory Bryant - 7 years ago
Can't even watch
mikedehoogh black flag race photos
mikedehoogh black flag race photos - 7 years ago
Thomas King Hopkins
Thomas King Hopkins - 7 years ago
This has to be a set up.. Who in there right mind would do these stupid things..
Chrisymon1 - 6 years ago
Surfing is an addictive drug , addicts will do stupid things to get their fix as this clip demonstrates
Thomas King Hopkins
Thomas King Hopkins - 7 years ago
Afonso Bandhold these guys are still idiots for not knowing their own limitations. I understand your statement regarding going to what ever means to be able to surf. I have been surfing all my life and would never have done these stupid things. Maybe why I'm still surfing...its brutally entertaining on a sick note.
Afonso Bandhold
Afonso Bandhold - 7 years ago
Its not set doesnt take much for inexperienced or even professional (clip at 1:00) surfers to make a mistake and as a consequence mother nature destroys you. I can surely say that it has happened to most surfers and I'm no exception... Unfortunatly thats how you learn quick and begin observing the ocean in a serious note before heading out, even when its pumping... I'd have to agree with you on some of these guys since they are clueless and miss time it by a mile only to put themselves in real danger. But at the end of the day the same beatdowns that make us fear for our lives are going to be the lessons we will never forget. If thats what it takes for us to chase our passion so be it!
Codgerism - 7 years ago
First bloke was hilarious. I couldn't contain myself when he finally got on his board to paddle, and the water drained out from under him leaving him stuck on dry rock about to cop a wave on the head.
Bangkok 112
Bangkok 112 - 7 years ago
Did someone pay the first guy to do that?

1:10 is epic, did he dive straight on a rock?
Geoff Longford
Geoff Longford - 7 years ago
Gotta be the worst timing ever.
SCHL - 7 years ago
SCHL - 7 years ago
JACK TATUM - 7 years ago
mau art.
mau art. - 7 years ago
So many retards!!!

30. comment for Surfers vs Rocks

Big Bonus
Big Bonus - 7 years ago
This is the most stressful video ever

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