Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

Todays forecast made for 2-3 Insane party waves and hectic conditions in San Diego. Lots of fun waves went down today, also if you see a clip of you surfing shoot me an email! Also check out our Instagram:

Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 172

Surf 5 years ago 323,630 views

Todays forecast made for 2-3 Insane party waves and hectic conditions in San Diego. Lots of fun waves went down today, also if you see a clip of you surfing shoot me an email! Also check out our Instagram:

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Most popular comments
for Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

Cameron Crecelius
Cameron Crecelius - 5 years ago
at 3:01 some kid ran me over and I had to get my damn head wrapped and left in a ambulance. Fat smh
Sir Edgelord the II
Sir Edgelord the II - 5 years ago
@starsick7 hope ur whole family dies of cancer or in a car wreck
starsick7 - 5 years ago
@Sir Edgelord the II I just made you realize you're a kook and got you upset LMFAOOOOO
Sir Edgelord the II
Sir Edgelord the II - 5 years ago
@starsick7 ye buddy, i'd invade them again just for fun, you talk like you were apart of history but you're just some kooky faggot who was born in cali with some native indian blood. Now u think the world owes u something
starsick7 - 5 years ago
@Sir Edgelord the II you're an invader at the end of the day so you're a kook too. Hard pill to swallow but you ain't native
Sir Edgelord the II
Sir Edgelord the II - 5 years ago
@HARVEY GAISFORD kook talk mate, if u cant duck dive it then at least bail
HARVEY GAISFORD - 5 years ago
Sir Edgelord the II bro do you know how hard it is to duck dive a 6,6 fomie you have to be proper roiding if you can duck dive the whole thing cuz that shit hard fr
Sir Edgelord the II
Sir Edgelord the II - 5 years ago
@starsick7 u listen to lil wayne u fucking gronk
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 5 years ago
According to Dr Berne on Transactional Analysis you were wearing the biggest kick me sign but at least you didn't pretend to blame it on someone and get them to pay for the ding repair before they have a chance to blame you. Maybe you only had a $10 copay and no deductible and were on the optimistic side and was back out the next day for another dose.
starsick7 - 5 years ago
@Sir Edgelord the II are you aboriginal? Cause you're a kook too bud lol
Sir Edgelord the II
Sir Edgelord the II - 5 years ago
@starsick7 typical kook reply, im from australia buddy.
starsick7 - 5 years ago
@Sir Edgelord the II lol at all these people calling other people kooks. You think these are your spots because slavery and Jim crow laws hooked up your ancestors and grandparents. Unless you're brown native or Hawaiian you're a kook bud
WDC3 - 5 years ago
I would be ashamed to admit that. Lol!
Milk2Percent - 5 years ago
@Matz G Typical idiot that says "Americans"... No no an idiot is an idiot wherever they were born. Like you, just an idiot.
Milk2Percent - 5 years ago
No a fat smh would have been if someone knocked you out as you were breathing out so you had no air to keep you afloat so someone could see you knocked out, but instead you lie at the bottom dead.
Gary Indiana
Gary Indiana - 5 years ago
chill everyone, it's these absolute champions that keep rip curl, quiksilver our favourites get paid, and we can watch bells, france....and i guess tokyo
Cross Czech
Cross Czech - 5 years ago
Right? What did u expect guy? Beat waves....beat result.
Dara Khosrowshahi
Dara Khosrowshahi - 5 years ago
@Jacob Weijland yes
AJ McCabe
AJ McCabe - 5 years ago
Whatdoiknow Smith your mom told me you were dropped on ur head as a baby.
Jared Rosenfield
Jared Rosenfield - 5 years ago
Whatdoiknow Smith
You obviously don’t surf you asshole
This is called having fun and goofing off you small pos excuse of human life
Matz G
Matz G - 5 years ago
@mikerafone music so you admit it was your fault and you would still press Charges? Americans...
Caden Taylor
Caden Taylor - 5 years ago
They call it the “Hospital Wave”
Freeman - 5 years ago
@Whatdoiknow Smith Holy smokes buddy chill out, this is such a fun event to just mess around with, some of these dudes were even pretty good. Try not to take everything so seriously brotha and life will come happier
Whatdoiknow Smith
Whatdoiknow Smith - 5 years ago
You moron, you admit to being one of these kooks? I bet you tell everybody you "surf". That's not surfing, its called " being stupid enough to join the rest of the stupid people" . Play guitar as well do you?
Pepe The Sucker
Pepe The Sucker - 5 years ago
thats what you get for paddling out on a busy day
e mail
e mail - 5 years ago
suck shit moron. anyone participating in this deserves a darwin award
infoslinger - 5 years ago
yeah, dude should have ditched the stupid blue and black softie. smh
Sir Edgelord the II
Sir Edgelord the II - 5 years ago
im assuming ur the kook on the blue and black striped board in the middle, do u even know how to duck dive LMAO
Caden Taylor
Caden Taylor - 5 years ago
That’s a hospital trip waiting to happen.
Jacob Weijland
Jacob Weijland - 5 years ago
Cameron Crecelius marine street?
Ethan L Man
Ethan L Man - 5 years ago
Yeah aight
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
Word advice dont drop in on some 1 wave and this shit wont happn
kinda shredded
kinda shredded - 5 years ago
what did you expect dumbass?
OriginalJud - 5 years ago
One time I ran over a kid and they had to ambulance him off the beach. I felt horrible but unavoidable.
Diego_Castaneda - 5 years ago
We were wondering whhy the ambulance came
ItzCrusade - 5 years ago
I would’ve surfed somewhere else
Angel Amezcua
Angel Amezcua - 5 years ago
Are you the one that got sandwiched in the top left?
GreatFratsby - 5 years ago
play stupid games win stupid prizes.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Heavy situation
Frausty - 5 years ago
We saw you lmao
Kevin Kahn
Kevin Kahn - 5 years ago
bro what did you expect?
soft bord party❓(^ ^)
Dunnoahhha - 5 years ago
Was this organised? Or is the next break 500 miles away?
Zeno Del Pasado
Zeno Del Pasado - 5 years ago
que feo no me gusta prefiero costa rica buenas olas lasgas y menos personas
ecbc0040 - 5 years ago
REI REI - 5 years ago
Justin Keller
Justin Keller - 5 years ago
Its Wave Storm Heaven!!
Channel G-Rated
Channel G-Rated - 5 years ago
Last year a pod of dolphins showed up during the party wave session!
フルふる通報特定班 - 5 years ago

10. comment for Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

Timmy Hedrick
Timmy Hedrick - 5 years ago
Check the wave at the 51 seconds....
Did that guy do a cannon ball onto the dry sand?
Oh just outta frame!
Damon Yoneda
Damon Yoneda - 5 years ago
Stupidest shit I've seen. Eh, no bring Dat shit to Hawaii or you get your own personal ass hat
Kai Curth
Kai Curth - 5 years ago
That looks so fun haha
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 5 years ago
Looks like a bomb went off at Ron Jon’s Surf Shop.
Jonathan Skimboard
Jonathan Skimboard - 5 years ago
Its dangerous
socal south bay
socal south bay - 5 years ago
looks a bit crowded!
oldschoolwaverider - 5 years ago
Why would you even bother going in! Unbelievably dangerous!
Waves of Ahi
Waves of Ahi - 5 years ago
what a time to be a live
Oof - 5 years ago
this looks irresponsible and dangerous as fuck. where do i sign up?
William Warner
William Warner - 5 years ago
That’s a fucking nightmare.

20. comment for Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

The Partae
The Partae - 5 years ago
This is your background music @socalsurfer
Ben Middleton
Ben Middleton - 5 years ago
This is the most stupid and dangerous thing I've seen today. Bunch of f@#ktards the lot of them, I have no sympathy at all. I hope they all get bad head injuries.
Mosconi Oni
Mosconi Oni - 5 years ago
Степан Бородич
Степан Бородич - 5 years ago
One question: what for? :/
EverettOgden - 5 years ago
*Good Vibes*
*Good Vibes* - 5 years ago
How many people do you think got concussions on this day
*Good Vibes*
*Good Vibes* - 5 years ago
RIP skulls - 5 years ago
Surfing is fun but not fun if you are going to get injured or dead.
Matthew Mills
Matthew Mills - 5 years ago
Keep posting videos like this and there won't be any good spots left.
Rodolfoskates - 5 years ago

30. comment for Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

Channel G-Rated
Channel G-Rated - 5 years ago
Same spot summer of 2014, and I thought that day was crowded!
Roamin' Emperor
Roamin' Emperor - 5 years ago
That's the funniest shit I've seen in ages!
Fabio Flãen Tadaieski
Fabio Flãen Tadaieski - 5 years ago
Aquele crowd de respeito kkk #raberao
роман иньянь
роман иньянь - 5 years ago
Гоод ))
Matthew Wetmore
Matthew Wetmore - 5 years ago
Straight up CARNAGE!
debbiemacd - 5 years ago
Why are they all in one spot? Can’t they spread out down the beach lol
Wendy Hodgson
Wendy Hodgson - 5 years ago
That would hurt. No rules there!
Priacoklat - 5 years ago
I can't stop laughing to look at this
OYAMADAY CHANNEL - 5 years ago
haubush100 - 5 years ago
Looks like surfboards were on sale at Costco's.
Kuanu Rivera
Kuanu Rivera - 5 years ago
I was there. EPIC !!
Lten Arrow
Lten Arrow - 5 years ago
Idiots! Lmao
roddas26 - 5 years ago
forgive my ignorance, but is this an organised event? like do people do this for fun/jokes or is this wave that busy on the daily?
Christopher Nieman
Christopher Nieman - 5 years ago
What break exactly?
Mid Coast Adventures
Mid Coast Adventures - 5 years ago
Ah, a quiet day at Snapper...
Michael Orosco
Michael Orosco - 5 years ago
So much for surfer etiquette!
Josh P
Josh P - 5 years ago
Did you see that guy snake that other guy on that one wave!?
Gonzalo Marsilli
Gonzalo Marsilli - 5 years ago
fins should have been banned this time lol
Dan Kopack
Dan Kopack - 5 years ago
Typical CA aholes
なみのりサーフィン - 5 years ago

50. comment for Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

ミーケイ - 5 years ago
赤いきつね - 5 years ago
Alexis Garcia
Alexis Garcia - 5 years ago
Menuda mierda y pérdida de tiempo,ir a coger olas ahí
Hawaiian Sea Turtle
Hawaiian Sea Turtle - 5 years ago
Ruining what good surf is about :/
Bucky Buckaroo
Bucky Buckaroo - 5 years ago
San Diego water at certain times of the year is like pure sewage water.  Not that it matters.
Gary Russell
Gary Russell - 5 years ago
Just glassed a 10 ft. with 24 oz. Woven fiberglass. Will be ready for next year.
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 5 years ago
You would steamroll everyone.
Gary Russell
Gary Russell - 5 years ago
This must be a special event or spoof. I just can't imagine that this is a normal day.

The waves aren't very good. They break flat, then you hit the backwash bump right in front of shorebreak.
Channel G-Rated
Channel G-Rated - 5 years ago
Last year a pod of dolphins joined in during the party wave event.
hazwaz - 5 years ago
Yes it is
Drums and bass live CHAKANOWANNA
Drums and bass live CHAKANOWANNA - 5 years ago
Did you see that guy snake the other guy..
Coach Fuzz
Coach Fuzz - 5 years ago
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild
foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild - 5 years ago
looks like pipe on a small day
能面少女 - 5 years ago
ProfabDesigns Inc.
ProfabDesigns Inc. - 5 years ago
Thank god they were all Soft Toppers, can you imagine the carnage if they were 1960’s Log’s??
sbecktacular - 5 years ago
Kent Cheung
Kent Cheung - 5 years ago
Was this tourmo? Didn’t see the cliff.
Lloyd Stuart
Lloyd Stuart - 5 years ago
This is not fkng dodgy as fuck
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 5 years ago
Oh Dear God! It’s KOOK CITY! Never seen anything like this. Looks like a bad joke. Incredibly chaotic and dangerous.
Eric WH
Eric WH - 5 years ago
You nailed it...
James Blackman
James Blackman - 5 years ago
Definitely a secret spot hahahhahah
Dara Khosrowshahi
Dara Khosrowshahi - 5 years ago
Look what Ben Gravy started. For the dream...
Nick Miller
Nick Miller - 5 years ago
More Costco than Ben..
Brobi V2
Brobi V2 - 5 years ago
Everyone sucks at surfing here haahaha
Vincent Leflaive
Vincent Leflaive - 5 years ago
These guys don't respect the priority!! LOL
Christopher Santos
Christopher Santos - 5 years ago
Was i like not notified for this day i should’ve been out there riding on bodies
Gary Russell
Gary Russell - 5 years ago
They all need helmets! !

What a mess! !

Edit: I honestly thought the thumbnail was photo shopped
Milk2Percent - 5 years ago
Yeah some kid got hospitalized when he could have saved 3k for an ambulance and had safe fun.
Marcus the Bloodaxe
Marcus the Bloodaxe - 5 years ago
Definitely a secret spot lol
James Spyder
James Spyder - 5 years ago
shit show to the max
parabola - 5 years ago
looks like Wakiki
the10thleper - 5 years ago
I never thought catching a wave with ONLY 20 other surfers would be a nice wave..... I hope someone has a ding repair shop at this break.
hazwaz - 5 years ago
Ding repairs for their wavestorms
Jason Moras
Jason Moras - 5 years ago
What a crazy
Tommy Wrenn
Tommy Wrenn - 5 years ago
alex n
alex n - 5 years ago
atque scientia europa universalis
atque scientia europa universalis - 5 years ago
Why? I don’t get it.
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 5 years ago
This is the future in Teahupoo
Tomaso - 5 years ago
SD?.?? LJ ??
| Ride.the.Flow |
| Ride.the.Flow | - 5 years ago
That's for scrap lol hows the kid with the noodle hitting everyone lolWATCH IN SLO MO
Sho Sho
Sho Sho - 5 years ago
y e
y e - 5 years ago
Jay Bee
Jay Bee - 5 years ago
BUT, why?!
mike nelson
mike nelson - 5 years ago
Best surf video in years.
John Dee
John Dee - 5 years ago
Typical wavestormers
braver soldier
braver soldier - 5 years ago
wow genial, puedo y pueden ir golpeando a todos... amazing! lol
みやとも みやきんの友達です
みやとも みやきんの友達です - 5 years ago
A friendly spazmoid
A friendly spazmoid - 5 years ago
Renato Oliveira
John Cats
John Cats - 5 years ago
Frm PlayStation @ HM to Playstaion Beach. You guys are killin me. lol
Swan Dive
Swan Dive - 5 years ago
Looks like a pride party
니허 - 5 years ago
송정의 8월,,,,,,
Jonathan poore
Jonathan poore - 5 years ago
Team Wavestorm assemble !!!!!!!!!!
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 5 years ago
that shit is so dangerous i cant even watch. Just go to other beaches guys, this way you dont improve and the ones that know to surf cant even surf properly
Whatdoiknow Smith
Whatdoiknow Smith - 5 years ago
Next time fake a shark alarm just to add a bit of chaos. I've never seen so many people have so little concern for other people's safety for their own pleasure. Wonder what their brain pattern looks like, utter psychotic?
Nicolas Ruvalcaba
Nicolas Ruvalcaba - 5 years ago
Looks like Malibu in the 50's
Goomer - 5 years ago
That's Nuts
Mark Palace
Mark Palace - 5 years ago
So lame

100. comment for Surfers Catch INSANE Party waves in San Diego!

An Archy
An Archy - 5 years ago
Wheelchair after party ?
Jeremy Coleman
Jeremy Coleman - 5 years ago
Too many kooks
Jeremy Coleman
Jeremy Coleman - 5 years ago
Jeremy Coleman
Jeremy Coleman - 5 years ago
I thought Waikiki was bad
Brooke Morrow
Brooke Morrow - 5 years ago
I wonder how many injuries were incurred ?????????
Tranzor B Rad
Tranzor B Rad - 5 years ago
And that, is why I quit surfing
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 5 years ago
Coolest session ever..snakin is the name of the game!
Trevor Schauwecker
Trevor Schauwecker - 5 years ago
where do I find out stuff like this happens
Marissa O
Marissa O - 5 years ago
what beach is this?
Joe Joe Cap.
Joe Joe Cap. - 5 years ago
Absolutely terrifying!
ミラクルごんた - 5 years ago
Warren Garber
Warren Garber - 5 years ago
Emagine what the sharks were thinking?
Conghao Xu
Conghao Xu - 5 years ago
They are too frightened to come in 1 n mile of this craziness.
Inside Straight
Inside Straight - 5 years ago
Looks like my local on a Saturday morning
BartBruin - 5 years ago
Did the guy at 1:00 just break his ass on the sand?
e mail
e mail - 5 years ago
fucking dumbest shit i've ever seen. HURR DURRR moron surfers why not take your fins off / use foamies if you're going to be running into/over people. fucking darwin award winners right here
jdizzilicious - 5 years ago
Surfing is fucking over.....this is not what surfing is about...fucking kooks
DROP RECORDS - 5 years ago
Isso não é surf! Bando de neuróticos
jokubas vaitkevicius
jokubas vaitkevicius - 5 years ago
Holly shit, thats a horror film
Aldo Díaz
Aldo Díaz - 5 years ago
h y
h y - 5 years ago
Surfboards crash party or something?looks so fan
mutton mane
mutton mane - 5 years ago
embrace the gooogs!!
Jackson W
Jackson W - 5 years ago
Just one guy with a fiberglass board....
Prettywitty91 - 5 years ago
The dumbest one?
Equalized - 5 years ago
She's Crafty
She's Crafty - 5 years ago
Attention starved Kooks surprised no one got their teeth knocked out, knocked out or worse where the F is beach patrol?
Donnie Neal
Donnie Neal - 5 years ago
Was there in the mid 80s wk ends were this bad. Wk day maybe all to yourselff
ollieskins - 5 years ago
This is pretty much why I don't surf anymore- too crowded, too much hassle. I switched over to mountain biking.
Brian Cash
Brian Cash - 5 years ago
The title should say demolition surfing
John73T - 5 years ago
heard there was 6 casualties
K P - 5 years ago
Wherethe sharks when u need them
Benjamin Powell
Benjamin Powell - 5 years ago
I have never had interest in surfing till this video
Rafael Vianna
Rafael Vianna - 5 years ago
How many boards to fix?
chemtrails & freemasons problems or THE SOLUTION ?
chemtrails & freemasons problems or THE SOLUTION ? - 5 years ago
What a nightmare !
James Torrecampo
James Torrecampo - 5 years ago
Too dangerous
Trumpenstein - 5 years ago
This is a really bad idea. And yeah, its June and everyones wearing full suits cuz this year the weather has sucked big time.
ー海が好きーこっぺ【魚突き】 - 5 years ago
Christian Marsden
Christian Marsden - 5 years ago
Welcome to the future...
Josh Beurmann
Josh Beurmann - 5 years ago
Party or not it looks like these so calling Cali surfers can't surf at all!
Mike Murad
Mike Murad - 5 years ago
It was Rodney King that said that
w. scott Hamilton
w. scott Hamilton - 5 years ago
Take away the board cord and that crowd will thin out after they haft to swim in then paddle back out.Do that a few times and the weak and not knowing of the oceans ways;will give up!!!!!!!!!!!!.
lavapix - 5 years ago
Hawaii is getting close to being this bad for real.
Alex Kova
Alex Kova - 5 years ago
I've always thought about what hell would be like if I was sent there. This would be it for me.
dai - 5 years ago
DoStuff - 5 years ago
Why didn’t I get an invitation to kook fest 2019?!
Eric Larson
Eric Larson - 5 years ago
Is there some "rule or law" that says that only foam boards can be used when its this crowded?
Eric Larson
Eric Larson - 5 years ago
@WDC3 They look like they are having fun!
WDC3 - 5 years ago
Ashton Gardner
Ashton Gardner - 5 years ago
If you can't join em, beat em
surlykaratemonkey - 5 years ago
3:49 SAVAGE!
surlykaratemonkey - 5 years ago
MatsuoKun - 5 years ago
Insane! Love it!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
MatsuoKun thanks man!
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
I get it tho good surf but risking injory
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
Gettin dropped in on even a life guard at a local beach would warn u 3 strikes you cant surf there no more
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
Tryna let yall no before u go to hawwii and surf on ppls waves just true facts
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
Dumb asses who drop n on ppl n hawwii u do that some 1 would geta broken jaw
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
Trust me lucky I was on a wave storm 1 day some kook dropped in on me board hit him but he didnt get hurt but he was a dumbass
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Derek Scott crazy!
Derek Scott
Derek Scott - 5 years ago
Buncha kooks dropping n on ppl this can cause fights bruh
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Derek Scott this was all for fun!
Canal do Kaos
Canal do Kaos - 5 years ago
5:11 Oh Shit My FACE
Chris Mak
Chris Mak - 5 years ago
Swamis on a small day....
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Chris Mak lol
Isaiah Varga
Isaiah Varga - 5 years ago
Was that the ptc at tammarack i went last year it was bigger theres about 5x the people this year XD
Isaiah Varga
Isaiah Varga - 5 years ago
@SoCal Surfer do you know when the next one is?
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Isaiah Varga yes it was!
J A - 5 years ago
Tamarack (named for the street that leads to it) is an awesome surf spot in Carlsbad. On a good day of surf, this wave can be filled with people but somehow, it’s still possible to catch a good wave to yourself. Tamarack is a sandbar reef break that creates a lippy wave and allows rides into the shoreline.
ncsam 000000
ncsam 000000 - 5 years ago
What's cool about this shit? So glad I dont live in California couldnt put up with that shit.
Canopy Breezes Outdoors
Canopy Breezes Outdoors - 5 years ago
That reminds me of when they first opened Typhoon Lagoon’s wave pool up in Orlando. They aloud boards to be used for a few days. Between the deep, waist deep, ankle deep tourons and the concrete bottom, it became known as “Blood Beach.” The name has stuck even without the boards or the tubes which only lasted a couple of weeks while the surf wave cycle is going. It is carnage at its best. Although, this looks pretty much up there. If there is no ambulance waiting, it’s not a party.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Canopy Breezes Outdoors lol
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
vanlife 123s yea I’m surprised more people didn’t get hurt!
พงค์พันธ์ โคกเขา
พงค์พันธ์ โคกเขา - 5 years ago
ฮ่า​ๆๆๆๆๆๆ ๆๆๆๆๆๆๆๆ
Birdlips - 5 years ago
Thanks Costco for wavestorms and $0.49 dark colas
Moments in Time Films
Moments in Time Films - 5 years ago
Jesse Pipia
Jesse Pipia - 5 years ago
Time for rehearsal...I’ll wait til the dust settles, then I’ll paddle out not there...
Jesse Pipia
Jesse Pipia - 5 years ago
SoCal Surfer
Cpt Snuffles
Cpt Snuffles - 5 years ago
this may be the only time id rather watch than surf
どんこにし - 5 years ago
Bryan Suarez
Bryan Suarez - 5 years ago
Bunch of fuckin kooks
Andre Luquin
Andre Luquin - 5 years ago
This is a secret spot
Ethan L Man
Ethan L Man - 5 years ago
@SoCal Surfer yes it is
tony Gunk
tony Gunk - 5 years ago
Looks dangerous
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
tony Gunk it was!
Beachnative42 - 5 years ago
Camila Gonzalez
Camila Gonzalez - 5 years ago
Manga de pelotudos
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 5 years ago
It's more crowded at Surfrider.
Kauan Nóbrega
Kauan Nóbrega - 5 years ago
Send a save guys from Brasil! Tamo junto meu brother.
Luke George
Luke George - 5 years ago
Sports361 - Minecraft
Sports361 - Minecraft - 5 years ago
Where was this? Marine Street?
Ethan L Man
Ethan L Man - 5 years ago
Lower trestles
Guilherme Augusto Greco
Guilherme Augusto Greco - 5 years ago
Ques caras idiotas
ÁLVARO VEGA - 5 years ago
Pipeline resemblance
Dane Hayes
Dane Hayes - 5 years ago
i was so bummed i couldnt go
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Dane Hayes we will be hosting another one stay tuned!
Isaiah Varga
Isaiah Varga - 5 years ago
i couldnt go either, i went last year was a lot bigger and less crowded
Alec Ferguson
Alec Ferguson - 5 years ago
What’s with all the wavestorms? Damn kooks
Alec Ferguson
Alec Ferguson - 5 years ago
I can’t imagine this period. What a waste of a good day surfing
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Alec Ferguson lol I can’t image this with real boards
M. Shane Cates
M. Shane Cates - 5 years ago
looks like a typical day at first point Malibu...
spazzy MacGee
spazzy MacGee - 5 years ago
America is fucked
spazzy MacGee
spazzy MacGee - 5 years ago
Was this an actual 'normal' session? What I mean is it not an attempt at some record? Glad I surf empty cold waves. This is my worst nightmare.
spazzy MacGee
spazzy MacGee - 5 years ago
@SoCal Surfer ahh makes sense now haha
Peace of Mind Enterprises 2017
Peace of Mind Enterprises 2017 - 5 years ago
Hey you’ve got some impressive stuff there I’ve been out of pocket for a while doing my civic duty in Beaufort County Jail for 10 days
Word to the wise even medical marijuana is illegal in South Carolina and being locked up abroad not so fun lol
Wish I was surfing
we are back on the road now and I was always looking for support any words of wisdom as to using this technology for sharing the movie series The silent American scream
Any advice is appreciated thank you for subscribing again he will be watching you’re amazing channel Peace Of Mind out
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Peace of Mind Enterprises 2017 thanks man means a lot
Phil Barone
Phil Barone - 5 years ago
This is like Waikiki beach everyday
Badcid - 5 years ago
This is what surfing will be everywhere in 20 years , the ocean will be some kind of greenish red toxic sludge & the kiddos should be hella stoked on the third arm they grow from paddling in it .
bob.Evans. - 5 years ago
ronduenyc 04
ronduenyc 04 - 5 years ago
naww, dont think so if there doing it here already,,dont think the chinese are that dumb...
El Astronaute
El Astronaute - 5 years ago
Fire Storm
Fire Storm - 5 years ago
Kook Shredder
Kook Shredder - 5 years ago
this video already gives me have those angry feelings...
catxcat9317 - 5 years ago
so crazy and funny
Mellow Mood
Mellow Mood - 5 years ago
Like a microscoped male ejaculation illustrated with surfing.
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 5 years ago
A result of exponential human population growth. Cloned surfers thinking this is normal. It's not like we weren't warned and here it is
grateful dead
grateful dead - 5 years ago
WTF! lol...
Layne Inouye
Layne Inouye - 5 years ago
Thank God kala wasn't like a great day of stoke!!!!!!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Layne Inouye Yeewww!
dequavis landsburg
dequavis landsburg - 5 years ago
Someone should have taken a foil out
Realistik Video
Realistik Video - 5 years ago
That is some funny shit!
Diego_Castaneda - 5 years ago
I absolutely died at 1:09
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Which one were you!
Harry Timmins
Harry Timmins - 5 years ago
Dora called it ! The death of surfing.
ItzCrusade - 5 years ago
Kook City
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
ItzCrusade lol
Raevenswood - 5 years ago
Insane Kooks
MicBergsma - 5 years ago
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
MicBergsma stoked your stoked !
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Love your videos man!
Jackson Meuse
Jackson Meuse - 5 years ago
This is like 3 years in the making to get this many groms out there
rvmcwhorter - 5 years ago
And not one speedo !! Uncle Jamie would be sporting one .
infoslinger - 5 years ago
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 5 years ago
SoCal Surfer old dog he’s in his 30s isn’t he. You’re talking Bout JOB correct? Ya he’s a great surfer but a immature little kid.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
The Last Rebel Show hey man can’t hate on the old dog
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
rvmcwhorter lol
rvmcwhorter - 5 years ago
This should be called The Kalani Robb Chaos kook slam invitational 2019 !!
K P - 5 years ago
Damns too loong
River Ross
River Ross - 5 years ago
This looks like so much fun but painful
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
River Ross it was!
Mike Deryder
Mike Deryder - 5 years ago
This looks so fun.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Mike Deryder it’s was fun to watch!
Micah Clothier
Micah Clothier - 5 years ago
This looks really fun and dangerous
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Micah Clothier correct !
Fullysick Como
Fullysick Como - 5 years ago
Trigg point Perth
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Fullysick Como subscribe for more!
AllAroundKeenSagittariusAthleteWorker - 5 years ago
Pretty sure they all do the same thing with driving on the road.
HI_grade - 5 years ago
Weird stuff
Tyler Robles Bodyboarding
Tyler Robles Bodyboarding - 5 years ago
So glad you we there to capture this! Love the content
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Tyler Robles Bodyboarding thanks man!
Brandon LeBaron
Brandon LeBaron - 5 years ago
This is the greatest event in the history of surfing
jameson - 5 years ago
Dumbest shit I've ever seen.
alex f
alex f - 5 years ago
Jeffrey Hartwig
Jeffrey Hartwig - 5 years ago
Next time I'm leaving my foamy home and bringing my 12 foot Koa board. No worries lol
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Jeffrey Hartwig lol
Hunter Davis
Hunter Davis - 5 years ago
Looks like a wavestorm
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Hunter Davis hundreds of wave storms
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 5 years ago
Toby - 5 years ago
Looks like snapper rocks
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Toby lol
Connor Pearson
Connor Pearson - 5 years ago
They should try this at ob jetty.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Connor Pearson that would be a nightmare
Ethan Purcell
Ethan Purcell - 5 years ago
This was so lit
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Ethan Purcell Yeewww!
Eastern Long Island surf/body board Surfing
Eastern Long Island surf/body board Surfing - 5 years ago
The sharks would love this
Ed Wasterlain
Ed Wasterlain - 5 years ago
What the fuck are people paddling out for. That is insane
jucimar Sena
jucimar Sena - 5 years ago
This video totally represents Southern California's surfing mentality !!!!!!!!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
jucimar Sena lol
jucimar Sena
jucimar Sena - 5 years ago
This video totally represents Southern California's surfing mentally !!!!!!!
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 5 years ago
So much pain!
What beach?
Richard Gleaves
Richard Gleaves - 5 years ago
David Finean I’m old enough to remember when Lowers didn’t look like this. I’m really old.
Max Rosen
Max Rosen - 5 years ago
@SoCal Surfer Why didn't anybody tell me about this? I want to join in on the fun lmao!
Ocean Madness
Ocean Madness - 5 years ago
David Finean this spot is actually kinda of a reef on low tide.
David Finean
David Finean - 5 years ago
Glad they keep those kind of activities at beach breaks and not at the reefs... As I’m making sure this isn’t taking place at any of my local spots.. lmao!!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Ho Stevie! Tamarack!
John A
John A - 5 years ago
E P I C ! ! !
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
John A Yeewww!
phu cue
phu cue - 5 years ago
Most kooks ever on a wave !
berniedmj1 - 5 years ago
How crazy would that be if the guy who promoted this thing goes to jail. Since there’s so many kids, imagine if a kid gets knocked out & drown. Everything looks so chaotic & nobody is really is paying attention despite having so many people were observing this mayhem. It’s possible! Read Cameron’s post. He had his head wrapped & left in an ambulance.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
berniedmj1 yea Glad Cameron was okay!
EASTA KING - 5 years ago
Definition of kooks
Kevin Rustles
Kevin Rustles - 5 years ago
Thats a lot of concussions and broken teeth.
Pork Eating Crusader
Pork Eating Crusader - 5 years ago
Maybe a few fin lacerations as well.
jimmy roubira
jimmy roubira - 5 years ago
Beaucoup trop dangereux avec tout ce monde..
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
jimmy roubira very dangerous
BLACK05GO1 - 5 years ago
The ding repair guys in town are going to have a lot of work.
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 5 years ago
the hospital too hahah
Ethan Purcell
Ethan Purcell - 5 years ago
except you don't ding repair soft tops
Lydia Fisher
Lydia Fisher - 5 years ago
I'll never complain about crowds again . Oh wait , YES I will ! Seth , husband.
Matt Harbison
Matt Harbison - 5 years ago
Kook Carnage!!!...Lol
BC Bob
BC Bob - 5 years ago
Kookfest 2019.
P&Wengineering - 5 years ago
Johnny told Victor, Victor told Joe, Joe told Kevin....and now we have this!!!! But it was a secret spot yesterday
Jackson Meuse
Jackson Meuse - 5 years ago
Tammy take over has been a thing of 3 or 4 years now
P&Wengineering - 5 years ago
Middle of summer......Malibu! But less violent.
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner - 5 years ago
This was a planned event?
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Bruce Banner yes
Jordon C
Jordon C - 5 years ago
Now I know never to come to this beach
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Jordon C lol there’s more room for you!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Tom M that would be a murder scene
Channel G-Rated
Channel G-Rated - 5 years ago
Great Nemo hat, BTY, I checked out your videos. Like the photography and the songs. Keep it up!
Indy Minnich
Indy Minnich - 5 years ago
Ayyyy bro
rvmcwhorter - 5 years ago
That was you ? Awesome brother !!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Frausty you were killing it
johnnhoj15 - 5 years ago
Yeah but on days when it's anything over 4ft there is NOBODY in the water. Buncha pu$$ys.
tundahking - 5 years ago
I would Stand on the sand with a 10' poly and stare out in the water to see everyone's reaction.yelling out "does anyone have wax?!"
the alleys
the alleys - 5 years ago
I like your style man.
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
tundahking lol
eboi lol
eboi lol - 5 years ago
kook fest XD
Bionic Paul
Bionic Paul - 5 years ago
But why? Lol
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 5 years ago
idk they probably dont value life lol
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Bionic Paul just because
Shaheen Arab
Shaheen Arab - 5 years ago
Average day at swami’s
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Salvatore Agnello
Salvatore Agnello - 5 years ago
still less crowded than la jolla shores in july.
The Gaming Donkey
The Gaming Donkey - 5 years ago
Definitely true lol
Aaron Dick
Aaron Dick - 5 years ago
And less wavestorms
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald - 5 years ago
Lol this is so sick. I love th e people with the boardhorts over the suits
Another WorldView Is Possible
Another WorldView Is Possible - 5 years ago
Dude...Good thing that you didn't 'blow up the spot' in the title... It would suck if that 'secret spot' got crowded.

But seriously - was this a planned catastrophe, or just an organic, naturally occurring disaster?
Jackson Meuse
Jackson Meuse - 5 years ago
Ptc Tammy take over, it's not a secret anymore
rvmcwhorter - 5 years ago
Another WorldView Is Possible it is the Kalani Robb Chaos Kook slam invitational .
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Another WorldView Is Possible yea it was planned !
The Mystic Ruler
The Mystic Ruler - 5 years ago
Are those foam boards? Soft boards? Yeah, I dont surf.
The Mystic Ruler
The Mystic Ruler - 5 years ago
SoCal Surfer Thanks!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
The Mystic Ruler yes Costco soft tops
sunn power
sunn power - 5 years ago
Looks like lowers any time its chest high.
Gerald N
Gerald N - 5 years ago
Couldn't stop laughing!
Stefanzo - 5 years ago
Why didn’t I hear about this and where is this
Craig Encinitas
Craig Encinitas - 5 years ago
SoCal Surfer
I was checking the Surfline cam
And saw the tents.
But didn’t see any of this carnage.
Thanks for the post!
SoCal Surfer
SoCal Surfer - 5 years ago
Stefanzo this was at tamarack in Carlsbad!
LucaPro - 5 years ago
Kevin Kahn
Kevin Kahn - 5 years ago
@LucaPro ? ok buddy
LucaPro - 5 years ago
@SoCal Surfer Glad I live on East Coast lol
Noah Kelley
Noah Kelley - 5 years ago
Swarmies v2

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