Surfing:Big Wave Tube Riding in California

Hawaiian style juice bombards a secret Southern California surf spot. The local crew tears it up on one of the best days of 2006. Filmmaker Mark J Gordon is in the right place at the right time. More at

Surfing:Big Wave Tube Riding in California sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Surf 18 years ago 100,001 views

Hawaiian style juice bombards a secret Southern California surf spot. The local crew tears it up on one of the best days of 2006. Filmmaker Mark J Gordon is in the right place at the right time. More at

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Most popular comments
for Surfing:Big Wave Tube Riding in California

Sandra M. JC
Sandra M. JC - 11 years ago
ok, u r good, sexy ;-)
Vinchenzo Tuschka
Vinchenzo Tuschka - 11 years ago
so you live in a boat in the harbor?
John Paul Taylor
John Paul Taylor - 14 years ago
Its a little nook in Cali, and yes it gets like this more often then you think.
m1l3slovesskateing - 14 years ago
uhhh haha thats not big
Rogue Surfer Cam Films
Rogue Surfer Cam Films - 14 years ago
It is definitely SRM, and in twenty years I have only seen it that good during two winters. It doesn't need a combo like previously mentioned, it needs a year with tons of rain. Even this last years rains didn't create the sandbars for this place to break, so it needs about 14 days of solid rain. If it doesn't rain for two weeks straight, no sand bar.
goldbeachsurfer - 14 years ago
Hepatitis Heaven! when I surfed rivermouth in the 80's we called it goin on poo patrol. I can only imagine what kinda shit is in it now. Only place I have ever seen rattlesnakes in the lineup (more than once!) That place is nasty, but it did get really good.
Mikeghostye - 15 years ago
1FiNsUp1 - 15 years ago
It's Santa Clara Rivermouth, not a tough guess...and it does'nt matter beacuse it's harldy even good
ben peet
ben peet - 15 years ago
it is river mouth A for effert!

10. comment for Surfing:Big Wave Tube Riding in California

ben peet
ben peet - 15 years ago
lol dumb sandspits a right retard!
Uma Ken
Uma Ken - 15 years ago
it's an Ocean Artist!!
Sean Lynch
Sean Lynch - 15 years ago
has to be rivermouth or another beach facing that direction (could be strand). def not mugu- mugu doesnt face the islands like that.
Timothy P
Timothy P - 15 years ago
yeah heaps big pause not
BobGnarlyLurkss - 15 years ago
yea or fuckin ventura somewhere
poc243 - 15 years ago
that was pretty sick. 8 - 10 ft waves are perfect to surf the whole day if you have experience. me i'm still beginner, and sadly i live in singapore but i go on trips as much as i can. my most recent was hawaii, went to waikiki and northshore. waikiki was great, 6 ft mushy waves, stayed out there for hours everyday. northshore was AWESOME but i got fucking barreled, still a great experience.
Sean Donnelly
Sean Donnelly - 15 years ago
haha if u know what islands are in the background this spot is obvious
Eli Meyer
Eli Meyer - 16 years ago
some nice clips of ventura
Niko Bobluk
Niko Bobluk - 16 years ago less surfer in the water. mahalo
Chance Lieky
Chance Lieky - 16 years ago
you guys are awsome

20. comment for Surfing:Big Wave Tube Riding in California

tunndidy - 16 years ago
ok shithead. keep smoking your crack
Nick Holguin
Nick Holguin - 16 years ago
nut dragging is gay fag!
tunndidy - 16 years ago
1. fuck you 2. fuck you, cumguzzler.
Jack Weesner
Jack Weesner - 16 years ago
Wow you're good
tunndidy - 16 years ago
looks fun. too bad fucking surfers are taking the waves. the suck my fucking dick!!!
teckdecker3000 - 16 years ago
you can call it the socal pipe
teckdecker3000 - 16 years ago
itd be just like pipe if it was reefff and shallow
Lydell Gorski
Lydell Gorski - 17 years ago
you must be a huge kook yourself for thinking you have a right to judge other people. It's about the stoke, not about thinking you are better than anyone else, cuz you're not. It's not even about how good you can ride waves, or how much you know about some stupid lingo (like the term kook). Surfers like you make me sick.
sk8ncre8 - 17 years ago
looks like DMJ's in o-side
looks like fun

30. comment for Surfing:Big Wave Tube Riding in California

reid thomas
reid thomas - 17 years ago
It looks like the ranch.
Joshua Biggerstaff
Joshua Biggerstaff - 17 years ago
dudes that point mugu on base u fucken kooks!!!!
Whitenacho - 17 years ago
Great footage Mark! Good surfing!
tar1982 - 17 years ago
This is Mandalay Beach. Everyone go there now.
tar1982 - 17 years ago
Calm down sponger. Just because you know a little bit about waves doesn't mean you have to ruin my fun in leading this kook astray with false info.
tar1982 - 17 years ago
a kook is a longboard, you moron. >:( >:( >:(
STORM6490MT - 17 years ago
thats silverstrand!
tar1982 - 17 years ago
No. A tube is a left breaking wave and a barrel is a right.
treeman001 - 17 years ago
guys omg!!look real close at 00:29 in the face of the wave right in front of the surfer.what the hell is that??!?a shark?!another surfer?!anyways.. kool vid :D
getmax - 17 years ago
1. To yourself, say the name of the only guy or girl you wanna be with 3 times 2. Think of something you wanna accomplish within the next week and say it to your self 6 times 3. If you had 1 wish what would it be? say it to yourself 9 times!!! 4. Think of something that you want to happen send this to at least 15 videos and your dream will come truex x x x x x x x
Ricardo Fonseca
Ricardo Fonseca - 17 years ago
DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved
warmjet - 18 years ago
I'd say it starts with a capital D and a P.
Mike Barritt
Mike Barritt - 7 years ago
Go get wet, do not fret!
Mike Barritt
Mike Barritt - 7 years ago
shari plunkett
shari plunkett - 18 years ago
looks kinda like newport point but they have lifeguards on duty so who knows
SurferEddie - 18 years ago
I have seen your pp and is so miniscule it cannot harbor blood vessels and therefore can not expand in size. Good day.

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