Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval
Surf 10 years ago 3,435,966 views
Shot 100% on the HERO3® camera from Math captured this GoPro footage of a baby seal climbing on his board and playing with him and a friend in the water. We caught up with Matt to get the low down on what happened: “Me and my friend Andrew were out enjoying some summer waves when this little guy came along and scared the hell out of Andy because we didn’t know what it was! It nudged his foot from underneath,” he explained. After an hour or so of playing around with the pup, the guys decided to head back to the shore, but the little guy hadn’t finished and tried to follow them up the beach. “When we got home Andy rang the local marine wildlife authority to make them aware of what occurred just in case the seal was unwell… He didn’t seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro!”
10. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval
20. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval
30. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval
Maybe she/he is afraid of a shark in the water.
It's funny.
If you see anything more than that..... get counseling.
[You're broken]
Surfer: "Awww... look at this guy!"
Seal: "FUCKING GO!!!"
Seal: Oh, well let's play, then.
Surfer: Cool
Seal: Cool
50. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval
P.S. Awww... adorable. :)
100. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval
And it appears like the seal wanted to play? Versus running from a predator that was underneath.
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Very amazed
imo, it does look kind of panicky, it is ignoring natural instinct after all.
I'm guessing that it had just fled a predator and needed to safely rest... makes more sense than a seal who decided to pick up surfing one day.
I see what you did there...
I liked how the seal was enjoying it's own bodysurfing with the guys too.
Where the sealions kiss, so the story goes
It's amazing shows and Friendship Cove
Everyone loves Marine Land
You'll be spinning, diving and soaring high
Our roller coaster ride will fly you to the sky
Now you know what you'll say when you leave here today
Everyone loves Marine Land
Haha. I kid.
Very cool actually.
lol dont feed the trolls. This person will never become a biologist. Its just a dumb kid who gets off on making people mad.
So... you're just going to ignore that they're mammals with spines that undulate in similar fashion to terrestrial mammals (notably dogs) rather than swimming side-to-side like fish? Or the mitochondrial signatures that nest them nearby?
There's no such thing as a darwinian evolutionist. There's just evolution as scientific exploration describes it, and there's ignoring that for your own reasons.
So youre saying a seal will only approach "big creatures" if they're injured? Doesn't make much sense. If it was injured it would most likely have stayed away from them.
"After an hour or so of playing around with the pup, the guys decided to head back to the shore, but the little guy hadn’t finished and tried to follow them up the beach. “When we got home Andy rang the local marine wildlife authority to make them aware of what occurred just in case the seal was unwell… He didn’t seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro!”
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( •_•)>⌐■-■
Sealed the deal
CALL 911 !!!!!!!!!!
So is football not a sport as that is obviously skill!!
Surely every sport is a skill?!?!
Have a blessed day.
soooo cute
Can you guys please take the time to view my FouseyTUBE entry video? Thank you :)
I guess some people have never seen shark week
yea agree!!
you are soft...
get out the water cause a dolphin....bro i surf in the water were there are dolphins ,sharks, king fish, jellyfish whatever as long as there is waves i am one with the ocean. dolphins should be the last of your concerns
Well, for starters, you could flood their lands with millions of people of another race.
Then you could encourage people to assimilate and mix together until there were no more people of the original race left.
Then you could call anyone "racist" who objected to any of this, and get them fired from their jobs.
Have you noticed something? This is exactly what is happening to White people in White countries right now.
Diversity is a codeword for White genocide.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Safe surfing Matt and Andrew! =D ...O.O Mat~...
-BAM! P.E.F. - WAM! DJ, TIGER M! ^_~*
oh well, cute vid anyway
if u good enough, people would come to your channel without you advertising.
The fig tree Jesus cursed did not have any fruit because it was not fig season. It seems unfair to expect fruits out of season and be disappointed if there is none. We must be ready for Christ's return (or our death) at any moment. We must be faithfully serving Him in and out of season: Jesus ever asks anything of us that we are not equipped to deliver.
a little less focus on sin and more on love and forgiveness]
I placed equal focus as everyone should. Its wrong to elevate or single out God's love and mercy while ignoring his wrath and sin.
[please otherwise you'll be the one going to hell.]
And why is that? God says:
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
[God really doesn't like it when you spread hate, fear and judgement in his name. Hate and fear are characteristic of the devil not God. When you emulate them you emulating satan. ]
You better read the Bible because you just called God the devil.
First off we are commanded to judge:
"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." John 7:24
Second, God hates:
""The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"" - Psalm 5:5
Third, fear of God is necessary:
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Proverbs 9:10
What you did. It's there. I see it.
The little guy looks scared, maybe he was lost, then hunted by a shark or something else, and are very scared to get back...
Anyway, not a normal behavior at all...
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