Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

Shot 100% on the HERO3® camera from Math captured this GoPro footage of a baby seal climbing on his board and playing with him and a friend in the water. We caught up with Matt to get the low down on what happened: “Me and my friend Andrew were out enjoying some summer waves when this little guy came along and scared the hell out of Andy because we didn’t know what it was! It nudged his foot from underneath,” he explained. After an hour or so of playing around with the pup, the guys decided to head back to the shore, but the little guy hadn’t finished and tried to follow them up the beach. “When we got home Andy rang the local marine wildlife authority to make them aware of what occurred just in case the seal was unwell… He didn’t seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro!”

Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval sentiment_very_dissatisfied 681

Surf 10 years ago 3,435,966 views

Shot 100% on the HERO3® camera from Math captured this GoPro footage of a baby seal climbing on his board and playing with him and a friend in the water. We caught up with Matt to get the low down on what happened: “Me and my friend Andrew were out enjoying some summer waves when this little guy came along and scared the hell out of Andy because we didn’t know what it was! It nudged his foot from underneath,” he explained. After an hour or so of playing around with the pup, the guys decided to head back to the shore, but the little guy hadn’t finished and tried to follow them up the beach. “When we got home Andy rang the local marine wildlife authority to make them aware of what occurred just in case the seal was unwell… He didn’t seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro!”

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Most popular comments
for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

RazorBeak - 7 years ago
I can just imagine these guys going off and having all kinds of adventures - solving mysteries, finding lost treasure, saving the world from dastardly villains - it'd be like a Saturday-morning cartoon!
Rob Chambers
Rob Chambers - 7 years ago
I'm immediately thinking: predator nearby.
별가사리 - 7 years ago
xsammyx101x - 7 years ago
i suggest you get out of the water, the little guy knows whats up
Seve Hynes30
Seve Hynes30 - 7 years ago
I would be terrified thinking that the seal was trying to get away from a shark
이민주 - 7 years ago
여기 아론이가 있나요?!ㅋㅋㅋ
유꽁 - 7 years ago
도른자 최민기가 아론형 근황이래서 들어왔는데 물개라니!!! ㅋㅋ
Jonny Hotrod
Jonny Hotrod - 8 years ago
iaberis - 8 years ago
it's like a dog

10. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

mary knox
mary knox - 8 years ago
I know him he's called matty and he's my dads friend
Petra Nyman
Petra Nyman - 8 years ago
What an amazing encounter ;-)) a memory for life, what did his fur feel like to pet? what a cutie, resting on your board.
happy day
happy day - 8 years ago
Fur seals are like dog living in the sea.
jody024 - 9 years ago
no sound...
Zach Zier
Zach Zier - 9 years ago
Amazing how fearless oh humans it is
Josephine Winter
Josephine Winter - 9 years ago
oh, wonderful! thanks!
Celia Ellsworth
Celia Ellsworth - 9 years ago
Grace Stewart
Grace Stewart - 9 years ago
well done cousin
shatner99 - 9 years ago
like my tuxedo cat and my macbook air,
mbloggo - 9 years ago
Hahaha, thats great. What a nice surprise. I think its probably had some human contact in the past and possibly been rescued and then released back into the wild. Would be nice to think it wasn't tho

20. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

HayHay163 - 9 years ago
This guy is a teacher at my school and he subbed for my French teacher yesterday and he's a little different but I'm still jealous that he came up close with a seal. You rock Mr. Stanley!
Jade S
Jade S - 9 years ago
+HayHay163 if you surf you'll come up close with a seal at one point or another so just do it and you will too... maybe not this close but you'll at least see them.
Samuel S. Særkjær
Samuel S. Særkjær - 9 years ago
Even though seals are curious and playful of nature, i cant help but think that there is another reason behind this unusual behaviour. I'm no expert, but I think that beneath the waves is a shark chasing that seal.
Koyavi - 9 years ago
Is it just me or does the seal's right eye seem swollen?
baz baza
baz baza - 9 years ago
I bet the poor sod is now dead because it trusted human's RIP.
Zou Yu
Zou Yu - 10 years ago
Looks like the seal is blind in the right eye
Erik Mahar
Erik Mahar - 10 years ago
About the seal on a surfboard :-)
Erik Mahar
Erik Mahar - 10 years ago
Mom just showed me on a Facebook video in 2 minutes ago, but I'm like so totally <3 this video alot
Slade Wind
Slade Wind - 10 years ago
Cute animal but the guy must have thought it smelled like hell cause they really do smell bad. Especially in packs.
April Perkins
April Perkins - 10 years ago
there is no sound 
Mogroo T
Mogroo T - 10 years ago
where is this place?

30. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

PATTYWAGON - 10 years ago
no audio?
ingeli UK
ingeli UK - 10 years ago
Bloody seal is a freakin' useless surfer. I reckon it needs a few basic lessons, like how to stay on the board to start with.
Tasoq - 10 years ago
That's adorable
LouLou Taylor
LouLou Taylor - 10 years ago
666 dislikes? Whats to dislike about this video? The seal came along for the ride!
cloudchaser07 - 10 years ago
Better put some extra wax on this board so seal can hang on better.
Maybe she/he is afraid of a shark in the water.
putianren - 10 years ago
Pity there is no sound.
Adam Ant
Adam Ant - 10 years ago
It's cute
It's funny.
If you see anything more than that..... get counseling.
[You're broken]
Jesse Onderdijk
Jesse Onderdijk - 10 years ago
Ik zou ze zo mee naar huis nemen
leewardstyle - 10 years ago
You see a surfing seal? I see one lazy buggah!
donsimonisjuice - 10 years ago
initially i thought it might have been trying to get away from something. e.g. shark. 
packout100 - 10 years ago
Seal probably went to mom and told her. guess what I did today
LuchoGFly - 10 years ago
Koko Mmc
Koko Mmc - 10 years ago
Super vidéo comme d'hab?
localize124 - 10 years ago
물개찡... 기여워양......
juan lee
juan lee - 10 years ago
dogs of the ocean. So darn cute
heyitschrislol - 10 years ago
It's got a boo boo eye at about 1:32
AirShark95 - 10 years ago
Surfer: "Awww... look at this guy!" 
Seal: "FUCKING GO!!!"
Greg Sowa
Greg Sowa - 10 years ago
Scarborough surfing...It's the way forward. Had a seal pop out in front of me and we just gave each other looks for like 10 seconds at cayton bay...not going to lie though, when it first popped out I lost all rational thought and believed it was a shark trying to eat me! Watching it circle underneath me was a little disconcerting it has to be said!
Xidification - 10 years ago
Surfer: But it's the north sea. There are no sharks here.
Seal: Oh, well let's play, then.
Surfer: Cool
Seal: Cool
Repo - 10 years ago
Did it ever cross your mind that it might be seeking safety from a predator? A predator that's watching you two. Great white or orca probably. 
tiggermatty - 10 years ago
I would only let a Navy SEAL swim with me ;D
Jose Anguiano
Jose Anguiano - 10 years ago
where you encounter that seal or is it yours

50. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

Николай Селин
Николай Селин - 10 years ago
А потом его съела касатка
holly lynn
holly lynn - 10 years ago
As with all things in life,  we need only look to the animal kingdom to see how we should live our lives.  Humans are carnivores and herbivores. That being said,  I believe humans should grow or hunt (no guns) their own meat. You don't see lions caging 100's of antelope and shooting them up w/steroids, right?  Its not natural.  
Jai Lee
Jai Lee - 10 years ago
Theres a good chance that there was a shark in the water because seals will act that way if there is a shark in the water XD
Koko Ya
Koko Ya - 10 years ago
Stylé j'adore l'idée?
hidden sky
hidden sky - 10 years ago
his left eye, he wanted help :(
Vanessa R.
Vanessa R. - 10 years ago
heavy breathing i want a baby seal. 
Abraham Jellybean
Abraham Jellybean - 10 years ago
Arlette Hutter
Arlette Hutter - 10 years ago
trop drôle ,un plaisir évident jouer avec les humains !
FUKCOFF YOUToob - 10 years ago
Animals eat Animals.....You can be the vegan sheep, ill be the meat eating wolf.
Yesenia Luna
Yesenia Luna - 10 years ago
Awww! How adorable!!! ^^
Lizzie Adam
Lizzie Adam - 10 years ago
How can anyone dislike this?
Adam Blaz3r
Adam Blaz3r - 10 years ago
"SEAL" of approval, get it?  Cause, y'know it's a baby....nevermind you get it..
esria - 10 years ago
I love his squinty-eyed happy face when the guy is petting him, at about 1:29. Probably orphaned or newly independent, and glad to have some contact with a fellow mammal.
T-Dawg - 10 years ago
Can anyone leave a comment without spewing propaganda, racial intolerance or hate speech?
P.S. Awww... adorable. :)
Ashley Bodlovick
Ashley Bodlovick - 10 years ago
eat dirt only. rocks dont feel pain.
Ashley Bodlovick
Ashley Bodlovick - 10 years ago
a real sport is housework.
Andrea Abdelnour
Andrea Abdelnour - 10 years ago
When a seal do that it's because of a shark!
Anthony Maw
Anthony Maw - 10 years ago
So why can't seals learn to surf too ?? LOL
qoxkf - 10 years ago
LoganCovers91 - 10 years ago
We just spent 2 minutes watching a seal trying to get into a surfing board, it's time to rethink our life
Maria - 10 years ago
That guy is really hot and I want to get on his surfboard too ;)
Yo - 10 years ago
J'adore :)
Sandra Cruz
Sandra Cruz - 10 years ago
Anywhere there are sea lions... There are SHARKS .. Scary!
Jake Welch
Jake Welch - 10 years ago
sorry for the language but this is fucking awesome. It's amazing to see how friendly that seal was
Ariana Rosato
Ariana Rosato - 10 years ago
Does anyone know where this is?
鄭思瀚 - 10 years ago
Hey...Are there anything wrong with his right eye...?
Silva Willie
Silva Willie - 10 years ago
Nicole Feiferis
Nicole Feiferis - 10 years ago
Swimming is an Olympic sport supported by the entire Globe.  Just swimming back and forth in a lap pool real, real fast.  But tackling unpredictable waves while balancing on a board... NOPE.  Not a sport.  Not at all.  In fact... it's easier than swimming like a ping pong ball in a lap pool.  T_T
Schaneequah - 10 years ago
aww this is so cute and awesome. i wonder where the baby seal is now, hopefully it's with its family.
jaystir - 10 years ago
That seal was like "Get me out of the water there is a shark right next to us!!!!!"
JãÖ - 10 years ago
You wanna get eaten by a shark, bro? Because that's how you get eaten by a shark.
Anton Heikari
Anton Heikari - 10 years ago
Hes right eye is blind :(
Oban - 10 years ago
Reincarnated surfer perhaps?
courtney p
courtney p - 10 years ago
Seals are the dogs of the sea world.
GameGangstarsNL - 10 years ago
Emanuel Kemp
Emanuel Kemp - 10 years ago
What if it was running from a shark and was using the surfers to distract it
sammydrumm - 10 years ago
Aww it wanted to surf with u guys, or swimming away from a shark or something like that
KeepItJedi - 10 years ago
Seals are just dog mermaids. Mind = Blown
SEAtown Rider
SEAtown Rider - 10 years ago
Probably was a shark under there that he was trying to get away from!
Maria R.
Maria R. - 10 years ago
Soo cuutttee!!!
molon labe
molon labe - 10 years ago
no footage of the shark?
Ann Le {Anneorshine}
Ann Le {Anneorshine} - 10 years ago
Such a cute video.  It's got my seal of approval.
Keiichi Wada
Keiichi Wada - 10 years ago
wish, i do like him... i'm jealous.
OopsJapan19 - 10 years ago!!!! angel
Midnight Snacks
Midnight Snacks - 10 years ago
Amazing.. what were the odds you would encounter a wild Seel? I usually just encounter wild tentacool's when I'm surfing to Cinnabar Island.
istoryaheeeee - 10 years ago
1st thing on my mind was shark around sneaking for opportunity. I guess that the shark wasn't that curious enough for those 2 guys with black suit or else a bigger meal could have happen lol. 
GamesUnhinged - 10 years ago
Someone make this a Pixar movie!
Kiet Nguyet Chieu
Kiet Nguyet Chieu - 10 years ago
Kiet Nguyet Chieu
Kiet Nguyet Chieu - 10 years ago
VineYard Views
VineYard Views - 10 years ago
If you guys would like to see the video response its on Our channel! enjoy Everyone and thank you so much

100. comment for Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval

DaHamburglarGT - 10 years ago
"Look out Buster, loose seal!"
gianko louz
gianko louz - 10 years ago
wherever are seals.....there are sharks....can you imagine a shark trying to get on your surfboard...??? that would be cool
EJ Talbot
EJ Talbot - 10 years ago
Love this vid
xDominoDoodx - 10 years ago
proof yet again we live on an alien planet. stop dropping bombs mother fuckerz. lets shred with some seals
estela duran
estela duran - 10 years ago
que lindo una foca haciendo ejercicio
nadia pauwels
nadia pauwels - 10 years ago
So incredible cute, really enjoyed watching it
ohmangamelayu - 10 years ago
Is this the next gangnam style?? It got more than 3 million viewers and going.. watch and share adf. ly/r0fuT
michael davis
michael davis - 10 years ago
XD this is so funny
Em VanO
Em VanO - 10 years ago
Brittany Carey
Brittany Carey - 10 years ago
Andre!! What are you doing messsing with sufferers??
sexy korean girl
sexy korean girl - 10 years ago
like a boss
FerretsRunning - 10 years ago
If I were ever put in this situation, I'd be the happiest person on earth. sighs
adam_in_tube - 10 years ago
this video is 10 times better when you listening to Surfin USA by Beach Boys, while you watch it.
DOTHEMATH - 10 years ago
That is awesome!
Angela Propis
Angela Propis - 10 years ago
Poor little baby is obviously hurt, and was looking for someplace to rest. Thank you guys for being so wonderful to him!!
Scott - 10 years ago
Hahahahahaha seal hahahahah I get it. Hahahhaha. ahhh so funny... ahhhh
Tango John
Tango John - 10 years ago
Hmm.... Maybe the seal is running from a killer whale? O shit!!!
The Purple Butterfly
The Purple Butterfly - 10 years ago
Trained seal?
GerritL Lammerts
GerritL Lammerts - 10 years ago
Cute :)
soysolopostres - 10 years ago
if there were seals, there were sharks...
j_yabar23 - 10 years ago
I would of slapped the whiskers off that seal if it ever tried to get on my surf board
8o8inSquares - 10 years ago
One day... He will be a surfer....
Anouk Schouten
Anouk Schouten - 10 years ago
11kreep - 10 years ago
And they brought him home for a delicious dinner afterwards....
Ibe Kerkhoven
Ibe Kerkhoven - 10 years ago
Martin Henriksen
Martin Henriksen - 10 years ago
is cool
droitlaw - 10 years ago
Hey mr. Seal get off the surf board, fucking asshole.
yubin peng
yubin peng - 10 years ago
a world that without sound is still enjoyable
kicubu - 10 years ago
These make me happy....a lot!! :....3 
Justin Skyliner
Justin Skyliner - 10 years ago
It's like a Waterdog
Anita Su
Anita Su - 10 years ago
Oh my god! too cute!
Tao G
Tao G - 10 years ago
I agree Anita.... extremely cute. :)

And it appears like the seal wanted to play? Versus running from a predator that was underneath.
KaE Productions
KaE Productions - 10 years ago
Awww... Poor seal..

Can you watch our vids and subscribe?
Clint Flicker
Clint Flicker - 10 years ago
Dude, that seal fucking sucks at surfing.
Octobersvo 6
Octobersvo 6 - 10 years ago
Too bad it's Shark Week, bye bye seal
Sandy Campbell
Sandy Campbell - 10 years ago
I want one.
Partyfreakers - 10 years ago
Waranty void if seal is broken
Youtube 1
Youtube 1 - 10 years ago
You can tell he wanted to get to dry land, and you just kept on pushing him back to the water. You can see he closes his right eye, maybe he is injured. The point is, you should have taken him near the beach and you just pushed him over and over again. But I too probably wouldn't do what I just told.
Philip Markedson Gaming
Philip Markedson Gaming - 10 years ago
Nice video :)
Chaaantaaal♥ - 10 years ago
Chaaantaaal♥ - 10 years ago
Haha ist die robbe süß :D
Jay Bee
Jay Bee - 10 years ago
He's never going to survive, unless he gets a little crazy ....
Granny - 10 years ago
That was so cool!
Milly Max
Milly Max - 10 years ago
What a fun day! Thank you for making my day!
DaCamponTwee - 10 years ago
Someone gif this seal of approval.
Ines Van Bokhoven
Ines Van Bokhoven - 10 years ago
Absolutely beautiful!
Andy Dang
Andy Dang - 10 years ago
i think the baby seal left eye are hurt......
X3DN - 10 years ago
Such wow such pun
Very amazed
Dc Doan
Dc Doan - 10 years ago
I like how eight out of nine recommendations from this video have the exact same title as this one and most have the same thumbnail too
only one
only one - 10 years ago
Is this the original video
Niels-Jørgen Nordtorp Jørgensen
Niels-Jørgen Nordtorp Jørgensen - 10 years ago
+FEARNL83 Do you know the link to the original?
FEARNL83 - 10 years ago
No it's almost the same as the original but this one is done in state of the art CGI
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 10 years ago
Awesome interaction and one to remember for the times.
Grejegando - 10 years ago
Probably escaping a predator and looking for refuge.
W Rabbit
W Rabbit - 10 years ago
omg! this just made my day
exxeld - 10 years ago
I hope you took the seal home with you and raised it like a child.
Vue U
Vue U - 10 years ago
Actually, the more research I do on what a seal is most like, is an otter. Feature for feature. And an otter is a lot like a ground hog, or beaver, down to a ferret, or squirrel, chipmunk, then rat, then mouse. Oh crap! I a seal really just a big mouse that adapted to water? lol
WhoseTheOcelot - 10 years ago
On my channel there's a girl that runs like a wolf.
Ryan Holmes
Ryan Holmes - 10 years ago
I see what you did with the title there.
jirka sejkora
jirka sejkora - 10 years ago
Looks like hes trying to escape from danger... what likes to eat seals? Anybody?
JustJariHD - 10 years ago
360 no scope
seglong100 - 10 years ago
sweet man, InstaPhamous worked!
Nanavette - 10 years ago
That's awesome!
Riemer - 10 years ago
Love it
yingster1000 - 10 years ago
Awwwww so adorable!  They are like puppies in the ocean!
JeanLeeke - 10 years ago
no1uknow - 10 years ago
Your board needs more wax! Hahah
lapichi1000 - 10 years ago
Q hermoso mi niño...
Mac Proctor
Mac Proctor - 10 years ago
I would immediately think there was a predator after the seal and grab him and get the hell out.  Seals don't just decide to joyride with surfers.  It was scared of something bigger and you got lucky.
szezone - 10 years ago
If you see seals are trying so hard to get out form the water, you may want to check if there are sharks approaching first ;)
Ibe Kerkhoven
Ibe Kerkhoven - 10 years ago
Haha, hilarious
MANSIH THAKURI - 10 years ago
thanks. InstaPhamous worked amazingly well for me today
Ali MHD - 10 years ago
Pretty safe in the North Sea!
Jonathan Grice
Jonathan Grice - 10 years ago
Idk but if an injured seal was trying that hard to get out of the water, I'd think shark right away and I'd be trying to get the hell out of the water too! lol. Plus who wants shark bait swimming and splashing all around you? XD
Nancy Leonard
Nancy Leonard - 10 years ago
desaturated - 10 years ago
i thought i have a problem with my speakers..
Lucas Goettsche
Lucas Goettsche - 10 years ago
Joey, ur an idiot.
OmegaWolf747 - 10 years ago
So cute. Where's the sound?
bon vivant
bon vivant - 10 years ago
More surf wax
Lsolarflare - 10 years ago
Slippery little sucker. He should mount some shark teeth on the top of his board to give that seal something to stick to.
Lsolarflare - 10 years ago
Slippery little sucker. He should mount some shark teeth on the top of his board to give that seal something to stick to.
Bobbin' Williams
Bobbin' Williams - 10 years ago
Watch out for the white sharks m8! That's their main source of food ;)
chaig024 - 10 years ago
Omg it s soo cute!
SUP richie
SUP richie - 10 years ago
Kay Jones
Kay Jones - 10 years ago
good job this was not canada.sealed with a kiss xxx.
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 10 years ago
Whats makes you think he wanted to surf with your board and not try to rape it. Horny seals these days.
Belbras - 10 years ago
it looks more like he/she is hanging out with the guys for some protection too; l am wondering what happened with his/her mother (normally such small seal is never swimming alone); good they hand over him/her to wildlife authorities
Brad Huber
Brad Huber - 10 years ago
Hey guys I just made my first vlog ever. Please click on my channel, making videos is my passion and it would be awesome if you checked out my channel. Thumbs this up please. Thanks!
Cody Hays
Cody Hays - 10 years ago
probably saw a shark.  better find some beach
VanillaMilkShark - 10 years ago
Very....freaking...cute, tho.
VanillaMilkShark - 10 years ago
Majority say it was trying to "escape" a shark. Others say that it was resting. Some point out its right eye is injured looking.
imo, it does look kind of panicky, it is ignoring natural instinct after all.
I'm guessing that it had just fled a predator and needed to safely rest... makes more sense than a seal who decided to pick up surfing one day.
MicChav977 - 10 years ago
Yo I heard sum humans been talking shit bout the Seal community! You ugly flabby looking motherfuckers the ocean is our hood! Stay on land you pathetic sorry excuses of a race!
Steph Versteeg
Steph Versteeg - 10 years ago
Where is this? 
Bryt25 - 10 years ago
Thanks a bunch GOOGLE for yet again obscuring the content with a stoopid ad :-(
tJOOPjOO - 10 years ago I want a seal for my birthday. :o
I'm Always Right
I'm Always Right - 10 years ago
Alison B. Lowndes
Alison B. Lowndes - 10 years ago
Awesome video - whereabouts is this?
Vin Anderson
Vin Anderson - 10 years ago
Abbyes1 - 10 years ago
SEAL of approval
I see what you did there...
itsStawny - 10 years ago
Hmmmm I definetly wonder why a seal would be trying to get out of the water all of a sudden, oh wait.... Probably a fucking shark
Fendy1 - 10 years ago
Without first having lessons that effort gets my seal of approval.
I liked how the seal was enjoying it's own bodysurfing with the guys too.
Juan Mejia479
Juan Mejia479 - 10 years ago
He was probably trying to get away from a shark
Milroy Anthony
Milroy Anthony - 10 years ago
nice one..
whatever57010 - 10 years ago
That's some hard core seal, not afraid to fall in the water or anything
Gian Carlesso
Gian Carlesso - 10 years ago
What a brilliant video!!!! Awsome footage
Vulcan Hades
Vulcan Hades - 10 years ago
There's a place I know in Ontario
Where the sealions kiss, so the story goes
It's amazing shows and Friendship Cove
Everyone loves Marine Land

You'll be spinning, diving and soaring high
Our roller coaster ride will fly you to the sky
Now you know what you'll say when you leave here today
Everyone loves Marine Land
유민정 - 10 years ago
So cute
apak oliptic
apak oliptic - 10 years ago
TASMIN AUGUSTIN - 10 years ago
So many thumbs down.why?
Basic_Psychology - 10 years ago
Sea pups are so fun.
WinstonSmith714 - 10 years ago
He was a surfer in a previous life.
JsWebb69 - 10 years ago
You're bound to get attacked by a shark doing that lol
Citizen Cain
Citizen Cain - 10 years ago
Seals are like dogs!  There have been several instances, especially lately, of seals befriending humans and just kinda hanging out and wanting to be loved.  They are so cute!
EZCantonese - 10 years ago
i wanna try to surf
Ian Nova
Ian Nova - 10 years ago
i would have immediately assumed the seal was dodging a predator. 
diez tormenta
diez tormenta - 10 years ago
Wkbtx? This is just beatiful,
Papa Ho
Papa Ho - 10 years ago
Curt Randall
Curt Randall - 10 years ago

Haha.  I kid. 

Very cool actually.
Surfnsound - 10 years ago
This is in the UK
27johnrick - 10 years ago
Dude.. u got tons of people ripping ur videos.
helpmycatsonfire - 10 years ago
I want to go clubbing with that baby seal
Nerves Concord
Nerves Concord - 10 years ago
Seals are awesome.
Richard Boutet
Richard Boutet - 10 years ago
The seal probably saw a shark and was looking for a place to hide.
michael pittman
michael pittman - 10 years ago
It's like a dog
elk832 - 10 years ago
I'd be scared shitless that the seal was trying to get away from a hungry shark. One of the few things that makes wild animals forgo their caution around unknown factors like humans is the known danger of their natural predators.
aquariusmusic1968 - 10 years ago
Hi. very cute and I guess you got the pup's seal of approval. LOL. :)
Ah - 10 years ago
So cute
Sirpry - 10 years ago
GoPro HERO3 with a video only in 480p? or is it just me?
G Yalcin
G Yalcin - 10 years ago
So cute
PhoneticIHype - 10 years ago
Ever think it was exhausted and needed to rest on something? Seals do this with boats a lot.
Nicole Feiferis
Nicole Feiferis - 10 years ago
+Ali MHD Seals don't rest on coastlines anymore often than birds sleep on the roof of my truck.  They look for rocky places to hide out and if that's not available a handy dandy surfboard in the middle of the water is great.  They're prey, not predators.  They stay as close to water as possible.  
Ali MHD - 10 years ago
It's right near the shore...
Chris5044 - 10 years ago
Theodoroz - 10 years ago
The seal's right eye is injured?
Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Looks like the seals eye is hurt
Eve Stephenson
Eve Stephenson - 10 years ago
thank God there are seals in this world ;) 
Clark Staker
Clark Staker - 10 years ago
Watch this get made into a Disney movie. 
Meme Ross
Meme Ross - 10 years ago
Liz Quilty
Liz Quilty - 10 years ago
Just me or is there no sound on this 
Mathew Foscarini
Mathew Foscarini - 10 years ago
Looks cute and funny, but was likely very dangerous. I'd guess the seal was trying to get out of the water to avoid a predator. Like a killer whale or shark. These guys could have been an alternate choice for that predator. I'm glad no one got hurt.
Victor Alejandro
Victor Alejandro - 10 years ago
Lee CambsUK
Lee CambsUK - 10 years ago
that's awesome, unlike quite a few retarded comments i've read from muppets! thanks for the great post dude!
Agga1904 - 10 years ago
awesome - wanna swim with the seal, too
007VitaminD - 10 years ago
What are those swim suits called? How do people get one? Thanks.
SHANETH3BRAIN - 10 years ago
Laurence Nadeli
Laurence Nadeli - 10 years ago
"wet suits"   Find them online or at a surf shop
SerenityGamesToo - 10 years ago
You mean their wetsuits?  You walk in to a surf shop and buy one.
mariana levy
mariana levy - 10 years ago
Manon - 10 years ago
KRISTA MARIE Prae - 10 years ago
Sweet companionship
Pedro Salcedo
Pedro Salcedo - 10 years ago
he was trying to hid from the Sharks LOL
cayerman1 - 10 years ago
These are some of the weirdest comments I've ever read. Oh, and screw you PETA! Surfer for life!!
Tạ Quốc Việt
Tạ Quốc Việt - 10 years ago
In Vietnamese, seal is called 'sea dog' :).
frigginjoe - 10 years ago
"Guys, let me just get on one of these surfboards to avoid the sharks that are coming to bite your legs off"
Blobby - 10 years ago
Aww sorry, my brain must've not bin working, sorry I didn't catch that.
Michael Tagg
Michael Tagg - 10 years ago
Thats the Pacific Ocean, not the North Sea off the UK and especially not off Northumberland (where this was filmed) seeing as I have dived here for many years (with a dry suit) and there have been no reports of any type of dangerous shark present other than possibly a Blue Shark which have only injured Anglers when trying to bring them aboard by gaffing
Blobby - 10 years ago
+Michael Tagg in Oregon's freezing waters there are great whites... just thought I'd point that out. Wouldn't they be considered dangerous? Not as dangerouse as other species but certainly still dangerouse.
Michael Tagg
Michael Tagg - 10 years ago
Yes and I am pretty sure no report of any one has been attacked in the North Sea ever it is far too cold for any of the dangerous species
Repo - 10 years ago
+Michael Tagg I'm pretty sure sharks populate the entire ocean. They travel less in certain places yes, but to say there are "no sharks there" is impossible. 
frigginjoe - 10 years ago
+Michael Tagg yeah but leave it to a seal to mess with people.
Michael Tagg
Michael Tagg - 10 years ago
The guys are in the North Sea, UK there are no sharks here, Dolphins and Pilot Whales maybe
Michele Steward
Michele Steward - 10 years ago
I love it life is great when you can see it with that's the way it's supposed to be we're supposed to interact with the animal they are truly the precious ones of this world they are pure joy great
bethhir - 10 years ago
thats so cuuuute!!!
Mr T
Mr T - 10 years ago
so sweet
Aminatha Ntumba
Aminatha Ntumba - 10 years ago
J peur
Tabka Mohamed
Tabka Mohamed - 10 years ago
this is getting creepy
Hannes Schleeh
Hannes Schleeh - 10 years ago
Cool der kleine Seehund möchte auch surfen!
Aslan Khedira Diego
Aslan Khedira Diego - 10 years ago
All he ever wanted, was to be loved.
Steven Chou
Steven Chou - 10 years ago
Amazing footage.  But, seal is injured I think.  There is a huge wound near its left foreflipper.  Best look is between 58-59 seconds into the video.  Hope it is alright.
thesuperfatboyking - 10 years ago
I think there was probably a predator the seal was trying to get away from. Maybe a shark, again I don't know.
XxAzmodeusxX - 10 years ago
Seal- nigga let me Tf on, the're sharks underneath y'all.
me nefcanto
me nefcanto - 10 years ago
It's truly amazing how animals get close to us. I just wish he has more suitable paws to grab the surfing pad. He can't even manage to stay there for like 10 seconds.
iNirest pitoe
iNirest pitoe - 10 years ago
he's did it out of panic 100% sure a shark was around
Chur Pin
Chur Pin - 10 years ago
Zozo Anassis
Zozo Anassis - 10 years ago
vincent dipazio
vincent dipazio - 10 years ago
i would have clubbed the motherfucker and eaten it. im not a beta male liberal democrat that sucks mend cocks and enjoy being a bitch.
Alana Rhiannon
Alana Rhiannon - 10 years ago
What are you saying about those men
DailyCute - 10 years ago
This seal can surf better than I can!!
Shawn Stenberg
Shawn Stenberg - 10 years ago
I'm just going to chill with you guys until that shark goes away. Cool?
Josh A
Josh A - 10 years ago
"jokes on you guys! There is an 18' great white under the board" - the seal
meow23 - 10 years ago
aaaw so cute
StarGirlTingTing - 10 years ago
Am I the only one not getting sounds?
Jackson The Boston
Jackson The Boston - 10 years ago
That is way to cute. And the seal knew he could trust you guys. That is why he or she played with ya. <3 it all comes down to trust.
Sal Jimenez
Sal Jimenez - 10 years ago
The seal was probably tired. The poor thing just wanted to rest on something. 
Natalia - 10 years ago
Too cute!!
Jacob Engels
Jacob Engels - 10 years ago
Sealyalf - 10 years ago
This video definitely gets my Seal of Approval :D Nice to see you brother!
Bianca Rodriguez
Bianca Rodriguez - 10 years ago
What's wrong with his right eye? :(
wingsuiter101 - 10 years ago
They told me I could become anything.. so I became human
Darkforce912 - 10 years ago
poor thing, its missing a right eye?
Velour - 10 years ago
Awww omg I want it
Maq uief
Maq uief - 10 years ago
thats amazing
Yacht Eng
Yacht Eng - 10 years ago
Jeremy Denief
Jeremy Denief - 10 years ago
"you guys think it's cute, but I'm just trying to get away from the shark"
BK RannDum
BK RannDum - 10 years ago
When a seal in open water is trying to get OUT of that ass is swimming away fast! Shark Bait HOOHAAHAA!
pjssjr - 10 years ago
Seal's the word!
KorayisknowAwesome - 10 years ago
Sooo cute
nuller87 - 10 years ago
Hehe, such a cute little fella ^_^
Smelliermouse13 - 10 years ago
I know you want it
HorribadHumor - 10 years ago
What you didn't notice was the great white shark chasing the seal!!
Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays!
Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays! - 10 years ago
Something's wrong with it's left eye.
กรรณิการ์ พรหมบุญ
กรรณิการ์ พรหมบุญ - 10 years ago
Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays!
Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays! - 10 years ago
Good point, yeah, right.
YauYin - 10 years ago
You mean the right o.-
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
Did you consider that the seal might be injured? It looks desperate
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Malack Stormfire Actually I may end of switching to physics so you could be right. Though I already have a minor in biology.
Malack Stormfire
Malack Stormfire - 10 years ago
 lol dont feed the trolls. This person will never become a biologist. Its just a dumb kid who gets off on making people mad.
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+possumsuprisetonite Yeah dood. "Shitty biologist" for sure brah
possumsurprisetonite - 10 years ago
+thebullybuffalo youre probably gonna be a shitty biologist.
possumsurprisetonite - 10 years ago
+thebullybuffalo youre probably gonna be a shitty biologist.
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Elizabeth Turley Oh wow thanks for telling me what I already know and what's been said many times over. Seals are social - that means they will come to you to investigate you or come for HELP. "Educate YOURself"
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Flyingspacepotato deadbambi Thanks man
Flyingspacepotato deadbambi
Flyingspacepotato deadbambi - 10 years ago
good for you
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Flyingspacepotato deadbambi Actually I'm about to be a biologist when I graduate
Flyingspacepotato deadbambi
Flyingspacepotato deadbambi - 10 years ago
+thebullybuffalo and youre a hippie.
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Mark Hanson haha we are not going to debate here. Of course there are Darwinian evolutionists. You are alone on that in the scientific community
Let's GO
Let's GO - 10 years ago
+thebullybuffalo "I'm not a darwinian evolutionist"

So... you're just going to ignore that they're mammals with spines that undulate in similar fashion to terrestrial mammals (notably dogs)  rather than swimming side-to-side like fish? Or the mitochondrial signatures that nest them nearby?

There's no such thing as a darwinian evolutionist. There's just evolution as scientific exploration describes it, and there's ignoring that for your own reasons.
Hughe Mungus M
Hughe Mungus M - 10 years ago
Stop being such a bitch about it and enjoy it
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+lzn60 Did you read the comment? Do you understand basic animal behavior at all? I'm not even going to bother explaining
lzn60 - 10 years ago
So youre saying a seal will only approach "big creatures" if they're injured? Doesn't make much sense. If it was injured it would most likely have stayed away from them.
Flyingspacepotato deadbambi
Flyingspacepotato deadbambi - 10 years ago
Emily Tibbs
Emily Tibbs - 10 years ago
It's right eye looks closed the whole time it might be blind in one eye
Belbras - 10 years ago
it is a pup...maybe he/she was separated from his/her mother and hanged out with the guys for protection?
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Paramagician I'm saying the mere fact that he was trying to get on the board repeatedly and without regard for the surfers seemed strange
Paramagician - 10 years ago
Did you even read the desc?

"After an hour or so of playing around with the pup, the guys decided to head back to the shore, but the little guy hadn’t finished and tried to follow them up the beach. “When we got home Andy rang the local marine wildlife authority to make them aware of what occurred just in case the seal was unwell… He didn’t seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro!”
Madelyn Furukawa
Madelyn Furukawa - 10 years ago
The pair alerted the local marine wildlife authority in case such behavior was a sign of something wrong, but it seems more likely the seal was just enjoying being young and free.
Owen Novac
Owen Novac - 10 years ago
Anyone else notice its right eye doesn't seem to open or at least open as much as the left. Maybe a little bit bruised on the right eye, which may just be the colouring of its skin. It still looks darker than the left. Appears to be at least two lacerations on the left fin, the one under the joint looks serious... I'm just sayin'. Yes, seals exhibit curious behaviour which places them in an excited state. But it kinda seems like it's waiting to be serviced. Repeating the same action of hopping on the board and staying still seems like a low level energy state. An excited seal would be more kinetic. Could be a seal that was dumped from captivity which was used to jumping onto a platform for a vet to examine itself. Could have got caught in some fishing lines and/or hit by a fishing boat. Would explain why it's by itself. All this is just speculation though.
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Kyphe Reigh yes but not "pick me up" social. Sorry I'm not a Darwinian evolutionist but I recognize they have similar brain capacities. Now that I read description completely I think you're probably right. I've had a pup do something similar with me.
Kyphe Reigh
Kyphe Reigh - 10 years ago
+thebullybuffalo  You have it the wrong way around, seal pups are naturally social, inquisitive and playful unless they are injured in which case they become withdrawn and basically hide. This pup followed them to the beach and back out again many times. most likely it was lost and had become separated from it's group and was feeling stressed on its own. seals are related to dogs and display a lot of the same behaviors.
thebullybuffalo - 10 years ago
+Lee Bailey I don't think you can't discern that from the video. You'd need a closer look. Seals don't just relentlessly try to hop on a surfboard ignoring big creatures next to them. Also, it may have been something internal. Also the rangers or wildlife whoever aren't going to find the seal unless it's tagged.
Lee Bailey
Lee Bailey - 10 years ago
Doesn't look injured to me, it looks in quite good health. They did alert the local authority incase such behaviour was a sign of something wrong, but they didn't see any reason to be worried.
noah mallet
noah mallet - 10 years ago
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Nicolea9000 - 10 years ago
Looks like he....
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Sealed the deal
Sydney W
Sydney W - 10 years ago
awww. I would probably bring it home and keep it in my bath tub. :) just sayin.
Maru Noriega
Maru Noriega - 10 years ago
I love animals! .. So Cute so playful :)
Carolyn M
Carolyn M - 10 years ago
I wonder if these guys ever thought that the seal knew something they didn't:  There is a huge shark in the water nearby.  :)
tarou sasaki
tarou sasaki - 10 years ago
Plague Doc
Plague Doc - 10 years ago
Plot twist, he then killed it and wore it's skin as protection because he saw bear gryllz do it.
Luigi Battista
Luigi Battista - 10 years ago
thank god there were not white sharks around..
ALX Martinez
ALX Martinez - 10 years ago
FadedLegendHD - 10 years ago
I see what they did there. Clever.
thadrine - 10 years ago
I would be more concerned about what the little guy was trying to get away from. 
George Bautista
George Bautista - 10 years ago
Joey Marlin chill man Hahhahahahahahaha
Goombaking 155
Goombaking 155 - 10 years ago
Like if Landon productions. Brought you here
fregaropa - 10 years ago
i love the seals kind of curiosity towards it and how friendly it was ! :3 makes my heart all warm and fuzzy...hhhhh,...ow,ow,ow 

CALL 911 !!!!!!!!!!
Nick Tibbs
Nick Tibbs - 10 years ago
How do you define sport!!!
So is football not a sport as that is obviously skill!!
Surely every sport is a skill?!?!

Hugh Yonn
Hugh Yonn - 10 years ago
I wonder if Mr Seal was trying to escape a Great White...
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves - 10 years ago

Have a blessed day. - 10 years ago
In need a new pair of seal boots! 
Dick Fageroni
Dick Fageroni - 10 years ago
looks like the seal has problems with its right eye. maybe it's looking for help.
Nobody Zapped
Nobody Zapped - 10 years ago
Haha, this Video is in the german Tv right now ^^
Baff0000 - 10 years ago
Deswegen bin ich hier gelandet :D
Mason Sale
Mason Sale - 10 years ago
where there are seals there are sharks 
Noris Noriss
Noris Noriss - 10 years ago
Maksim hs
Maksim hs - 10 years ago
Prob got scared from Sharks ...
OrionArmyAngel - 10 years ago
There is another incredible similar video about a group of seals having fun with a surfboard called "Seal Pup Slip n' Slide" with more than 2M views that has a cute black seal pup that truly seems to have declare ownership to a surfboard preventing a cute chubby seal pup to jump on it. Not a bad idea to have a seal pup as a new mascot!
8jbird - 10 years ago
Adorable! They really are playful.
nivramocin - 10 years ago
Ohh...wie süß
hotaryun - 10 years ago
Mitch R
Mitch R - 10 years ago
They are like dogs that live in the sea
Chip - 10 years ago
This happened off the Northumberland coast in England. The surfers are English and there are no sharks in this area.
মোস্তফা ছারোয়ার। চান্দলা।
মোস্তফা ছারোয়ার। চান্দলা। - 10 years ago
মায়া জালে বন্ধি হইয়াল কানধি রইয়া রইয়া
মোস্তফা ছারোয়ার। চান্দলা।
মোস্তফা ছারোয়ার। চান্দলা। - 10 years ago
মায়া জালে বন্ধি হইয়াল কানধি রইয়া রইয়া
jeeper88 - 10 years ago
The seal looks stoned
kahlil gibran
kahlil gibran - 10 years ago
DaSpedza - 10 years ago
Hahaha that is Awesome.
Billy Thompson
Billy Thompson - 10 years ago
Seals are a lot like dolphins and they interact very well with humans.  I think the little guy just wanted to have some fun.  What a great experience for both human and seal.
Prstyles4evry1 - 10 years ago
Lol surfing seal cool
Justus leshe
Justus leshe - 10 years ago
awwwwwwwe this was sooooooooo cute
Drago Musevini
Drago Musevini - 10 years ago
That's a sea trolololo
C4LIBEE - 10 years ago
It's Dewgong
MrTaser99 - 10 years ago
rip BABY SEAL just found out it got eaten by a tiger shark :(
SuperDuperSentinel - 10 years ago
Seals are like the dogs of the sea.
mickeysymbiose - 10 years ago
I thought you weren't supposed to touch them, because the mom will reject them if she can smell they've been in contact with humans.. Or is that a different animal i'm thinking about?
kidoe da sicko
kidoe da sicko - 10 years ago
kidoe da sicko aka kidoeloko the hardest essay to ever touch the microphone
Supreme 3D
Supreme 3D - 10 years ago
Love this. love this very much.
ゆーすけ - 10 years ago
Victoria Cox
Victoria Cox - 10 years ago
So sweet
Stop Asking Me For My Real Name Google!
Stop Asking Me For My Real Name Google! - 10 years ago
OMG! I want 5 of them!
Sunny Jim
Sunny Jim - 10 years ago
I was wondering what had that little guy so insistent on getting out of the water. Or just looking for some playmates? 
Connor Gaines
Connor Gaines - 10 years ago
Did anyone else think the seal was hiding from something like a shark so he used the humans as bait and protection? Smart seal
Miami Baban
Miami Baban - 10 years ago
Reece Treviño
Reece Treviño - 10 years ago
The seal is so cute
germanylicious - 10 years ago
My God is that cute!!!! Animals are so Precious! Great Video! And Joey Marlin, you're missing the Point! Besides, Surfers are actually in pretty good shape and just like Snowboarding you are burning Calories, even if it's a "Fun Sport".
Grant Walker
Grant Walker - 10 years ago
Name of song?
Agnar_BurnsAll - 10 years ago
if i was out there and all of a sudden a seal decided to try and get on my board i would be on the look out  for a shark it is strange for a wild animal even a pup to be so casual around humans.
Steed Andersen
Steed Andersen - 10 years ago
Boy I hope that shark doesn't mistake me for a surfer!
q7w7e7r7t7y7u7i7o7p - 10 years ago
Imagine if it was just getting away from a great white....
Mars IMP
Mars IMP - 10 years ago
Can I catch it?
silverblt69 - 10 years ago
Why NO sound?
Jim Callicoat
Jim Callicoat - 10 years ago
Probably trying to get away from a shark
isolator86 - 10 years ago
Why u surf where the food of the white shark lives?
Qi Huna
Qi Huna - 10 years ago
Way cool, but there's a downside to that also, especially if its predator is right behind you, lol!!
Louise Whale
Louise Whale - 10 years ago
thats the most awesome thing i have seen . I surf and have ben in the water with seals but to have one hang out how cool !!!!!! made me smile . they should never be taken advantage of by humans .....
Jordan Nelson
Jordan Nelson - 10 years ago
aryanne westfall
aryanne westfall - 10 years ago
Could anyone ask a question for my Q&A video? Thanks. And sorry for the spam
AISHAIKHU - 10 years ago
TheFunsportler - 10 years ago
A lot of animal experts in here. You can see that the water was not that high, so the predator (or shark) couldn't have been that big. In that case the humans were probably a protection for the seal. Most animals, even predators, are not attacking humans.
Matty Todd
Matty Todd - 10 years ago
That seal must have been so tired, they should have helped it stay on their boards so it could rest.
Nick B
Nick B - 10 years ago
Wow that is so cool. Amazing to see how humans and animals can interact.
Michelle Dweck
Michelle Dweck - 10 years ago
love it 
danielnyc20 - 10 years ago
Sophia Czarina Xyra  Manalo
Sophia Czarina Xyra Manalo - 10 years ago
Sophia Czarina Xyra  Manalo
Sophia Czarina Xyra Manalo - 10 years ago
prittykitty1985 - 10 years ago
So cute! And surfing is so a sport. It involves swimming (a sport all by itself) and paddling, and balance, and timing.. Knowing which wave to catch.. Etc. Anyone who posted that its not a sport needs to go bash their good for nothing brains in.
Ryan McCuistion
Ryan McCuistion - 10 years ago
Little did they know the seal was just trying to get away from the nearby shark...
EASPORTS2K9 - 10 years ago
albert costello
albert costello - 10 years ago
vegans make nail bombs to make their point
VineYard Views
VineYard Views - 10 years ago
Surfing seal Response video Is up now!
GTA Short Film Productions
GTA Short Film Productions - 10 years ago
hahaha I loved it! We shall all strap seals to our backs and ride into the sunset
albert costello
albert costello - 10 years ago
im married to a peta freek dont buy into it , they destroy animals , theres fifteen dogs living in my house , four or five in the basement which I haven't been able to get to in eight years, for fear of being mauled, those animals have not seen the sun in eight year
Angela Rosaria Cancilla
Angela Rosaria Cancilla - 10 years ago
Bravo you called the marine wildlife rescue
junior diabetes
junior diabetes - 10 years ago
soooo cute
imaris Lopez
imaris Lopez - 10 years ago
albert costello
albert costello - 10 years ago
screw peta
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones - 10 years ago
Would you let it onto your surfboard

Fred Double You
Fred Double You - 10 years ago
I bet a shark was nearby
Vue U
Vue U - 10 years ago
Ahh. A seal is basically just a water adapted dog (so to speak); If you noticed, even seals basically bark, just as dogs do. Facial features and whiskers basically the same. Does anyone even really notice that. 
DaveKraft400 - 10 years ago
With some short-haired dogs (labradors and crossed-Staffordshire Bull Terriers) all you have to do is brush their ears back and there you go, seal right there in front of you.
vangrails - 10 years ago
A lot of people have noticed the similarity. Dutch people call seals 'zeehonden' with means 'sea dogs'. 
Vue U
Vue U - 10 years ago
Also it's funny how you seal this seal with a drive to get on the surf board just like a bulldog trying to steal some kids skateboard and going for a spin. Hey, you never know.
Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy - 10 years ago
I'm allergic to seals :(
soloine - 10 years ago
Why is that seal so restless? Was the water too warm? Was there possible algae threat in the water? Why is he trying to get out of water? Are we really only witnessing just a playful mood of an animal, or perhaps it's a worrying sign that climate is not very friendly to some species any more... I'm concerned.
Sydney Willis
Sydney Willis - 10 years ago
why would anyone dislike this
Ransu 00
Ransu 00 - 10 years ago
hehehe awesome!
BlackOsprey - 10 years ago
Whoa... Is that seal from the wild or not? It sure seemed okay with getting petted like that. Weird. But cute. Seals are cute.
James Hunt
James Hunt - 10 years ago
I find it amazing that the seal would approach humans, especially coming up a couple feet away. Also, it let the guy touch it, and help it onto the surfboard. I love it!
Drew Tovar
Drew Tovar - 10 years ago
He just wanted to learn how to surf
chun tam
chun tam - 10 years ago
was it just my computer or was this video on mute?
Steve Cool
Steve Cool - 10 years ago
Love it
Darshil Shah
Darshil Shah - 10 years ago
Might be seal was protecting itself from killer whale or shark? And this guys dint knew it..:P:D
Andrew McFall
Andrew McFall - 10 years ago
usually seals this close are very skiddish towards humans... Often times they are aggressive and sick. seeing one like this is very unusual
Eric Bonitto
Eric Bonitto - 10 years ago
Can you guys please take the time to view my FouseyTUBE entry video? Thank you :)
MrCarter'sRods - 10 years ago
Soooo, surfing where seals come up to you.

I guess some people have never seen shark week
onkelmadin - 10 years ago
Super!  :-D <3
Alejandro Parra
Alejandro Parra - 10 years ago
Usually where there are seals, there are white sharks as well.
BinkieMcFartnuggets - 10 years ago
Thank god it was a seal of approval and not a shark of terror like usual.
Jade S
Jade S - 9 years ago
+Dead Eye Jim haha hes like fuck get me outta here bruce is down there
Hailey Powell
Hailey Powell - 9 years ago
Screw the people who club seals they should die of hypothermia
Mogroo T
Mogroo T - 10 years ago
+Dead Eye Jim
yea agree!!
Fazli Amin
Fazli Amin - 10 years ago
+MRsteezy123 a as
MRsteezy123 - 10 years ago
+Ministrito Cervecita
 you are soft...
get out the water cause a dolphin....bro i surf in the water were there are dolphins ,sharks, king fish, jellyfish whatever as long as there is waves i am one with the ocean. dolphins should be the last of your concerns
CJ W - 10 years ago
Oh Binkie, you incorrigible cad.
Dead Eye Jim
Dead Eye Jim - 10 years ago
Im thinking that seal knows there is a shark nearby................
This is Potato
This is Potato - 10 years ago
I know right?
defektev - 10 years ago
His right eye is all screwed up and he's got scars everywhere. Looks like he's seen some shit.
IRoboCat - 10 years ago
Really funny!
bmega - 10 years ago
add me on psn D3viLD0gBP
BjavaBbotBme - 10 years ago
Go-Pro camera?  Great vid:) 
Loveee B
Loveee B - 10 years ago
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Brad Bob
Brad Bob - 10 years ago
That is pretty cool. To share another cool story, check out the worlds most expensive white t-shirt on youtube! It is crazy! how cool tho.
Liz Garcia
Liz Garcia - 10 years ago
I just realized how adorable seals can be. #WowKillYourselfNow
Luigi Bianco
Luigi Bianco - 10 years ago
Suppose you wanted to destroy a nation. How might you go about it?
Well, for starters, you could flood their lands with millions of people of another race.
Then you could encourage people to assimilate and mix together until there were no more people of the original race left.
Then you could call anyone "racist" who objected to any of this, and get them fired from their jobs.
Have you noticed something? This is exactly what is happening to White people in White countries right now.
Diversity is a codeword for White genocide.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Mitchem - 10 years ago
that water has to be cold
djtigerm - 10 years ago
Marine Seal =) The cute and nice kind. ^_^
Safe surfing Matt and Andrew! =D ...O.O Mat~...
-BAM! P.E.F. - WAM! DJ, TIGER M! ^_~*
Ивайло Асенов
Ивайло Асенов - 10 years ago
Maybe the seal seen a shark down there ^^, btw he is so cute looks like a dog. 
Prankcallineverywhere - 10 years ago
pleases subscribe to my channel then ill return the favor and subscribe to your channel
Dong Zhi Guo
Dong Zhi Guo - 10 years ago
Pun intended
cenafan1976 - 10 years ago
cm punk sucks cena is a god
Alex Martinez
Alex Martinez - 10 years ago
Pretty sure he's just trying to get away from the shark under them
Debora King
Debora King - 10 years ago
Surfin seal
Tony Carranza
Tony Carranza - 10 years ago
She just wanted to be on Youtube!
Michael Abbott
Michael Abbott - 10 years ago
I would love to club that seal.
Jumpoff A
Jumpoff A - 10 years ago
That is so cool. Hanging ten and four flippers. LOL
Dark-Vision-Art-Design - 10 years ago
It probably has a disease and do not know what it does...poor animal.
Raymond85301 - 10 years ago
very very cool experience, hopefully there was no shark close by ; )
Citizen 44
Citizen 44 - 10 years ago
probably sharks nearby 
Aakao - 10 years ago
If that seal was trying to escape a shark that was on the hunt, this would have ended up being a liveleak sorta video.
MileHighDaredevil - 10 years ago
The seal's right eye looks hurt.
MiHy - 10 years ago
VicIts TrollingLOLOLOL
VicIts TrollingLOLOLOL - 10 years ago
what are all the dislikes for this is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
InMaTeofDeath - 10 years ago
Generic self righteous argument inducing vegan youtube comment.
El Padre Arrepentido
El Padre Arrepentido - 10 years ago
Surely animals are becoming human beings rather than human.
slashrocksforever - 10 years ago

slashrocksforever - 10 years ago

JezzeBoy - 10 years ago
These guys are really bad at surfing.
Clara Myers
Clara Myers - 10 years ago
The rare moments when humans can interact with animals peacefully is a really great thing :)
Carmen M.
Carmen M. - 10 years ago
Poor baby, hope everything turned out fine.
Isabel Simon
Isabel Simon - 10 years ago
sweetest and cutest thing ever !!! so sweet and what a special moment!
OverkillAndStormer - 10 years ago
Great, now I want a seal
Mikal Lerzen
Mikal Lerzen - 10 years ago
subbing to the first 100 to like this
CamChzen - 10 years ago
Seals are such beautiful animals, I love them so much. They've given me some of my best coats.
Siamese Fish
Siamese Fish - 10 years ago
that seal is more athletic than me...
Adam Blister
Adam Blister - 10 years ago
They didn't show the rest of the video where a shark comes along and eats them all. 
Star hilliker
Star hilliker - 10 years ago
how dare those people touch that seal. Now the seal's mother will abandon him/her.
Stefanie Goodwin
Stefanie Goodwin - 10 years ago
did you ever think the seal was trying to get out of the water because of a lurking shark?
sharkfinz6 - 10 years ago
this is so wonderful!!
alan - 10 years ago
Oh cool,wasnt he also in that classic rock group Sealy Dan?
Monica Sorto
Monica Sorto - 10 years ago
The seal is so cute=)
Rubén - 10 years ago
Like :)    
Goddess Within
Goddess Within - 10 years ago
I must just be a big sook cos' that made me cry thinking of that little fellow who looks injured in the shots. In one he has a cut under his front fin that's why he can't stay on the  board, then in another one the side of his face looks injured and so on.  Being left after he had come to you guys for help just made me tear up. Even tho' you went and phoned someone to check him out afterwards they may well not have found him  again. One of you should have stayed whilst the other got help :-( I can't believe the number of people who didn't see that and thought he was just cute and wanted a ride. Sheesh..people are so shallow and full of themselves these days aren't they? 'Think' people 'Think'. And 'Observe'... Sheesh...what's wrong with you people?
Smokey - 10 years ago
Amiel Soriano
Amiel Soriano - 10 years ago
Aww it is so cute
Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith - 10 years ago
I wish there was audio
SM Daly
SM Daly - 10 years ago
It looks like there's something wrong with his right eye.
Reyna Lopez
Reyna Lopez - 10 years ago
Love it
Reyna Lopez
Reyna Lopez - 10 years ago
Love it
Karleetoh! - 10 years ago
is it me or is there no sound?
oh well, cute vid anyway
Queen Af
Queen Af - 10 years ago
Gaga send me here
Jack Poirier
Jack Poirier - 10 years ago
Look at its right eye.  Definitely an issue there.  Must have been really cool though surfing with it.
Erica Ngyuen
Erica Ngyuen - 10 years ago
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Erica Ngyuen
Erica Ngyuen - 10 years ago
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Anthony Basile
Anthony Basile - 10 years ago
the seal wants to get on the surfboard because a Shark going to eat it
FUN4NOON - 10 years ago
love this video awesome  
merk - 10 years ago
that is so awsome
Ryan W.
Ryan W. - 10 years ago
Surfing's got this seal's guy of approval.
Alex M
Alex M - 10 years ago
Well, i think i know what i'm having for dinner tonight...
PaulOrientedotcom - 10 years ago
Cool video. When surfing in San Diego, it was normal thing to see seals, sea lions, and dolphins swim through the line up (maybe even surf right in front of you on the same wave). Never seen one hop aboard for a ride. Great footage!
CrackKills1212 - 10 years ago
Probably a giant ass great white beneath them hunting that little guy. Thats why he's jumping on the board.
Rich Praytor
Rich Praytor - 10 years ago
The seal is like, "Let me on the board!  There's a shark!  Why are you laughing!"
Davlyn Nolan
Davlyn Nolan - 10 years ago
I would soooooo take that seal home with me! I'd build him a pool in my backyard we could swim in together... Too Cute!!!
Soenke - 10 years ago
Reminds me of myself that time I went surfing.
Anthony Ricci
Anthony Ricci - 10 years ago
My first thought would be, "okay, where is the shark?"
Todd Sanders
Todd Sanders - 10 years ago
Love this video 
Jwil Doe
Jwil Doe - 10 years ago
lol poor thing cant stay on the surfboards haha so CUTE!!
Kreme - 10 years ago
probably a damn shark chasing him lol
Wiavs9Luzomgo - 10 years ago
Why is this video mute? y u no have sound
TheMijify - 10 years ago
Hey guys, I know people won't listen but oh well. I make youtube videos with my friends and I would really love it if some of you guys could check them out. Our videos are inspired by people like Nigahiga and many other similar youtubers. Please give us a chance, hopefully you won't regret it. Thanks for reading, bye!
YouthEnergy - 10 years ago
+teunfun I understand your frustration, but why tell people to dislike? You're being an asshole. No one likes assholes.
RobertoLopez_ - 10 years ago
Hey teunfun. Why are you such a dick. It's just a fucking person trying to get out there and noticed. It's hard to do that just by posting videos. You need advertisement. So shut the fuck up you inconsiderate asshole.
teun lll
teun lll - 10 years ago
GUYS check out his channel, and dislike them all.
if u good enough, people would come to your channel without you advertising.
Mees Niessink
Mees Niessink - 10 years ago
Earl Green
Earl Green - 10 years ago
UNFAIR JUDGEMENT?   Mark 11:13-14
The fig tree Jesus cursed did not have any fruit because it was not fig season. It seems unfair to expect fruits out of season and be disappointed if there is none. We must be ready for Christ's return (or our death) at any moment. We must be faithfully serving Him in and out of season: Jesus ever asks anything of us that we are not equipped to deliver.
Justin Williams
Justin Williams - 10 years ago
Haha this made my day better just watching this video. That must've been an amazing experience!
deiby fernando espinosa varon
deiby fernando espinosa varon - 10 years ago
Alh Gdk
Alh Gdk - 10 years ago^)/a0/e/?i=23420&BE=RL
kiイイy kąイ
kiイイy kąイ - 10 years ago
In California it's really common to have Seals and Dolphins (especially young ones) hang around us while we're surfing.  They want to play!  Anyway, .. this video is awesome. Thanks for sharing it!! <3  AND as a reminder -  PLEASE SAVE OUR SEA CREATURES FROM POLLUTION, MILITARY OCEAN TESTING, OIL DRILLING AND FISHERMEN.  THEY ARE OUR FRIENDS!!
furogh ep
furogh ep - 10 years ago
She acts like  a dog,.
Doug Price
Doug Price - 10 years ago
Too bad the little guy's right eye is messed up.  Wonder how that happened.
apburner1 - 10 years ago
If a seal was trying to get out of the water onto my board my first thought would be "Oh shit, where's the shark!"
Lalay Dezigns
Lalay Dezigns - 10 years ago
Hey guys if you could please check out my gaming Channel Lalay Misfit Gamer it would be much appreciated thank you and bye
❌→coyl - 10 years ago
Beatriz Mattos
Beatriz Mattos - 10 years ago
Is it on my computer or this video has no sound?
happypbguy - 10 years ago
He is probably trying to find a  way for escaping sharks on shark week.
Radders - 10 years ago
lol it was trying to get away from jaws and your just pushing it back in :P
Patrick Park
Patrick Park - 10 years ago
You don't need any words for this kind of video.
Stephanie Catembung
Stephanie Catembung - 10 years ago
OMG, the little cutie just wants a snuggle break!
LowerTheBoom - 10 years ago
IS this vidoe real or fake.
Rexyp - 10 years ago
+Insolitevideo Awesome! Hopefully he'll be back for some nugs. In the meantime have a coffee via +ChangeTip 
Jinglz - 10 years ago
lol is this the famous social akward seal!
missy cat
missy cat - 10 years ago
Three's Company!  So Awesome!
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
Jesus Christ approves and seals us with the Holy Spirit when we repent and put our faith in him and his sacrifice for sin on the cross. All men have sinned and broken God's moral Law. The wages of sin is death and being cast into hell for your sins. This is the fate of those who reject Jesus Christ who gives forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Humble your heart and seek Jesus Christ for salvation instead of surfing in the lake of fire for eternity for your sins.
Ashley Beraun
Ashley Beraun - 10 years ago
I'm a Christian and I believe everything said here is hilarious, because everyone takes youtube comments far too seriously, and it's like watching a soap opera.  Who needs the videos when you can read everyone freaking out and getting offended by someone with a different world view.  I'm going to turn youtube into a drinking game where you drink every time someone says "kill yourself";  so basically I'll be aiming for liver failure. :D
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Kate Libby Are you a Christian or do you pretend to be one? 
Kate Libby
Kate Libby - 10 years ago
Are you from the Westboro Baptist Church?
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Kate Libby[
a little less focus on sin and more on love and forgiveness]

I placed equal focus as everyone should. Its wrong to elevate or single out God's love and mercy while ignoring his wrath and sin.

[please otherwise you'll be the one going to hell.]

And why is that? God says:

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

[God really doesn't like it when you spread hate, fear and judgement in his name. Hate and fear are characteristic of the devil not God. When you emulate them you emulating satan. ]

You better read the Bible because you just called God the devil.

First off we are commanded to judge:

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." John 7:24

Second, God hates:

""The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"" - Psalm 5:5

Third, fear of God is necessary:

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Proverbs 9:10
Kate Libby
Kate Libby - 10 years ago
a little less focus on sin and more on love and forgiveness please otherwise you'll be the one going to hell. God really doesn't like it when you spread hate, fear and judgement in his name. Hate and fear are characteristic of the devil not God. When you emulate them you emulating satan. 
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Snarf Snarf Dont be a catholic. Catholicism is a false religion and evidence is its followers like you who claim the gospel message isn't right and the opposing satanic spirit towards it. Repent and leave catholicism for Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness of sins and eternal life. 
Snarf Snarf
Snarf Snarf - 10 years ago
+JesusforLife2 please be trolling im catholic and that is not what the christian faith teaches now do us all a favor and get off the internet 
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Drew Casanova Sorry troll, but you're wrong. You go to hell for your sins. Repent. 
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Frenchiixo For real and dead serious sinner. Repent. 
LyonFan4 - 10 years ago
You for real? Pfft..
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Brendan G God bless your filthy heart sinner. 
Brendan G
Brendan G - 10 years ago
Your such a piece of shit no one wants to hear about god in YouTube comments kill yourself
jfcwtfusernames - 10 years ago
Hail Sealtan!
Heather Schable
Heather Schable - 10 years ago
Hail Satan! }:)
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Hal Jordan Dont harden your heart sinner or delay for God may claim your life tonight. You're not ready to die and stand before God on judgment day, repent. 
SpamViking - 10 years ago
Right now I need ice cream. Brb.
JesusforLife2 - 10 years ago
+Hal Jordan Good now have eyes to see your need of a Saviour sinner.
SpamViking - 10 years ago
"Jesus Christ approves and seals us with the Holy Spirit"
What you did. It's there. I see it.
Daniel39363 - 10 years ago
Jesus fucked a prostitute. He has no right to judge me.
stormy001 - 10 years ago
what is this gotta do with a surfing seal?
JGuilherme - 10 years ago
Why an wild animal would look up for humans and climb their surf board??
The little guy looks scared, maybe he was lost, then hunted by a shark or something else, and are very scared to get back...

Anyway, not a normal behavior at all...
der Dennis
der Dennis - 10 years ago
where's the shark?
Waldo - 10 years ago
Tarawa1943 - 10 years ago
His right eye stayed closed most of the time.  He was either tired or sick. 
Kelly oxo
Kelly oxo - 10 years ago
He looks like he's squinting his right eye, his eye okay? This is so awesome
Weird Inside
Weird Inside - 10 years ago
Плавать не умеет :D.
Xsuprio - 10 years ago
That's cool. Not bashing the video in any way, but I would be scared there was a predator around it was getting away from.
mash7137 - 10 years ago
thats realy cool. the surfimg was cool also. lol
Martha von der Gathen
Martha von der Gathen - 10 years ago
How sweet is that!
04softail70 - 10 years ago
Visitant Jiang
Visitant Jiang - 10 years ago
will it hurt people? I have searched but find nothing
Logan Gonzales
Logan Gonzales - 10 years ago
I hate surfing when there are seals around, brings in all the sharks and shit
Chase Aring
Chase Aring - 10 years ago
lol  i found out that Jordan marie's actually a guy! Lol i feel bad for the ones who fell for it.
Edgar Zakaria
Edgar Zakaria - 10 years ago
Princessa Stardusty
Princessa Stardusty - 10 years ago
aww, ... cute !!!,  ;)
Adam Borseti
Adam Borseti - 10 years ago
0:18   "Errr ehhh.... aahhhhh there we go" :D
Chad W
Chad W - 10 years ago
Thats almost a "shit there is a shark, let me get the fuck out of the water" kind of attitude. 
Barry Pham
Barry Pham - 10 years ago
it would really suck if that seal was actually trying to get away from a shark...
adva3228 - 10 years ago
1:35-1:38 surfing seal.
Cee Cypher Punk
Cee Cypher Punk - 10 years ago
If you keep at it long enough maybe a shark will come join in as well.
Новости Украины
Новости Украины - 10 years ago
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Engage Tutorials
Engage Tutorials - 10 years ago
Hi Insolitevideo, check your messages here on YouTube. I sent you one about a potential partnership opportunity. Let me know what you think. 

You can view it by putting /messages at the end of the YouTube URL.
Treemike 1000
Treemike 1000 - 10 years ago
B. Constable
B. Constable - 10 years ago
My first thought would be why is this little guy trying so hard to get out of the water...........
DSketti - 10 years ago
Am I the only one hoping for jaws to jump out of the water to get him a snack? Never a sharknado around when you want one! :(

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The "Surfing’s Got This Little Guy’s Seal of Approval" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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