Surfing 101: Understanding Ocean Tides and the Waves.

Want to Learn More? Check Out Learning to surf is very challenging, so it is important to try and go out in the best possible conditions. Knowing the tides is a crucial part of this, so here, Surf Coach Brent explains about where tides come from, and how they can affect the surf conditions.

Surfing 101: Understanding Ocean Tides and the Waves. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Surf 11 years ago 49,404 views

Want to Learn More? Check Out Learning to surf is very challenging, so it is important to try and go out in the best possible conditions. Knowing the tides is a crucial part of this, so here, Surf Coach Brent explains about where tides come from, and how they can affect the surf conditions.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing 101: Understanding Ocean Tides and the Waves.

Jordan wang
Jordan wang - 6 years ago
centrifugal force is not a real force, and also the earth and the moon do not orbit each other, the earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the earth. If my physics teacher sees this he will be mad.
Dodged a Bullet
Dodged a Bullet - 7 years ago
I'll let this marinate into my psyche!  Wave knowledge!
Zach Haughey
Zach Haughey - 7 years ago
Thank you for helping me cram for my Earth Science exam tomorrow. Effective.
Rosane Phoenix
Rosane Phoenix - 7 years ago
Craig Parrott
Craig Parrott - 7 years ago
The Earth's spin causes diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal changes. You mentioned the Moon going around the Earth several times. Otherwise, this is a great video. Thanks for posting!
Brooke Menendez
Brooke Menendez - 7 years ago
Incredibly helpful. Thank you!
robakacanadianbob - 7 years ago
thanks that was solid!!
Gustavo Ferrari
Gustavo Ferrari - 7 years ago
Love all the lessons, but I'm not sure I got why low tides can be better for shorter period seells.
Soph Jane
Soph Jane - 8 years ago

10. comment for Surfing 101: Understanding Ocean Tides and the Waves.

cookiesandcream - 7 years ago
Haha no dumb girl. Have you ever heard of the Coriolis Effect and how ocean currents works? You can't just rely on sources with no level of authority. A person with high authority are individuals who are experts in certain fields. This is of course based on their qualification/s and level of study. If you believe all that shit you read online from an unreliable source, written by some horny uneducated dumbwit, it makes it hard for me to believe people like you exists.
The Arm of Yahuwah Lives
The Arm of Yahuwah Lives - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info! I'd love to see an explanation of the tides using a Flat Earth Model!
Joe Sef R.
Joe Sef R. - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips pal
Carlos Hernandez
Carlos Hernandez - 8 years ago
This is great, THANK YOU! MAHALO!! Bought a shirt too! :-)
Victor Romero
Victor Romero - 8 years ago
i wanna start surfing but im from the city and i have no friends who love the ocean like me but i dont wanna be loner surfing how can i make friends in the surf without looking like a weirdo?
artisticagi - 8 years ago
Victor Romero just start surfing, I am sure new friends will come to you!!!! They will see you surfing alone and start talking to you. And don't be afraid to do things alone. You don't have to be held back from doing what you really want because of others.
Curt Brooks
Curt Brooks - 8 years ago
Suzanne Dickson they named you right dick
Suzanne Dickson
Suzanne Dickson - 9 years ago
This guy has a "666" on his shirt....and is an obvious retard.   I hope the guy in this video is reading this.   You are a coward....and a retard.   Never trust anyone who cant even wear a ball cap properly.   Wake up people.
Orlando Conde
Orlando Conde - 9 years ago
Can you do a video of the best conditions for surfing barrels?
Rico Castro
Rico Castro - 9 years ago
Awesome guys! I wonder what makes a person to dislike this video. Finally made sense. Excellent explanation.
Martin Storrier
Martin Storrier - 10 years ago
Hell ya!  Well done sir!

20. comment for Surfing 101: Understanding Ocean Tides and the Waves.

Bill Addison
Bill Addison - 10 years ago
Really good explanation. Finally someone that can explain this stuff in a way that makes sense. It's surprisingly hard to find good info on this kind of stuff. Especially liked the video on how to choose the right wave to catch. That immediately helped me pick better waves. 
Zeb Hall
Zeb Hall - 9 years ago
+Bill Addison where's this vid, I just got myself a volar plate injury, displacement and fractured my fingers, so doing some research while I cant get out to try ebb the longing and frustration, is there a link to the vid "how to choose the right wave"?
Mallory Formoso
Mallory Formoso - 10 years ago
very informative!
MaxMercZ - 10 years ago
So what's safer low or high tide?
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+MaxMercZ depends on the break really...sometimes hi tide can be really soft and mushy, meaning more approachable, and sometimes hi tide means the waves will roll all the way in a dump close to the beach...and in other cases low tides can be more dangerous because it may expose rocks or make the waves steep and some research on your local and can give a little insight
Jimmy Naraine
Jimmy Naraine - 10 years ago
brilliant channel, congrats!
Andrew Porter
Andrew Porter - 10 years ago
Great info mate
Timothy Smith
Timothy Smith - 10 years ago
Loved this. Thanks man.
EpiclyCoolGuy - 10 years ago
Do a video about skimboarding. I know it's not actually surfing, but it'll be helpful to  give a video.
CARBr6 - 10 years ago
Great vid. Thanks so much. You explained that in a really clear way. Keep it up.
ross palesano
ross palesano - 10 years ago
Great tips, great videos.
Cole Jocson
Cole Jocson - 10 years ago
Great instruction thanks!

30. comment for Surfing 101: Understanding Ocean Tides and the Waves.

Charlie Ward
Charlie Ward - 10 years ago
very helpful man, very detailed but laid back and well spoken enough to be very understandable for us noobs :)
kai kt
kai kt - 11 years ago
Awesome stuff! It was like a cool geography lesson! 
martine sofie bergh
martine sofie bergh - 11 years ago
heey, remember the norwegian girl in the water surfing with you while you was in Jaco for the lifeguard thing? well thats me, and actually I saw one of your videos before i met you, just didn't connect it! awesome channel and tips! maby ill step by in Hermosa one day! pura vida
Mcleoud Photos: Uniquely shooting the Northwest!
Mcleoud Photos: Uniquely shooting the Northwest! - 11 years ago
Killer stuff. As a new coastal resident and surfer this is awesome info. Thanks for all the vids!
iSURFTRIBE - 11 years ago
Thanks Kurt, stay tuned we will be putting out new videos every week covering new topics & tutorials
Gabs577 - 11 years ago
This was so helpful I've been looking for a video like this for a long time!!!
Fitz Sturgill
Fitz Sturgill - 11 years ago
nice explanation
Vinay Lal
Vinay Lal - 11 years ago
Awesome content guys! Keep it coming:-)
King31395 - 11 years ago
Damn! You guys are leaving NO stone unturned! :) Every aspect of surfing and the water/ ocean that a surfer should know.
Great lesson on tides - really well done!
Drets - 9 years ago
+King31395 miscer detected

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