Surfing 101 : How to Surf on a Longboard

A longboard is a style of surfboard that is used in more laid back and relaxed settings. Surf on a longboard with help from a surfing expert in this free video clip. Expert: Gabriel Rodriguez Bio: Gabriel is a Surfer of 15 years experience, and a shaper of surfboards since 5 years. Filmmaker: Alfredo Rodriguez Series Description: Whether you're experienced or just starting out, there are always a few things you can do to help you excel at surfing. Learn about the basics of surfing with help from a surfing expert in this free video series.

Surfing 101 : How to Surf on a Longboard sentiment_very_dissatisfied 38

Surf 14 years ago 183,988 views

A longboard is a style of surfboard that is used in more laid back and relaxed settings. Surf on a longboard with help from a surfing expert in this free video clip. Expert: Gabriel Rodriguez Bio: Gabriel is a Surfer of 15 years experience, and a shaper of surfboards since 5 years. Filmmaker: Alfredo Rodriguez Series Description: Whether you're experienced or just starting out, there are always a few things you can do to help you excel at surfing. Learn about the basics of surfing with help from a surfing expert in this free video series.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing 101 : How to Surf on a Longboard

onespeed - 6 years ago
How short of a board can you go and still surf like a longboard? I'm looking to ditch my shortboard, longboarding looks more fun.
chris harris
chris harris - 6 years ago
Thanks Gabe!!
Sophie Brock
Sophie Brock - 8 years ago
I wax my soft top 8 ft board n am 4 ft 11 29 yr old learner.
Dylan Colby
Dylan Colby - 10 years ago
No wax needed if its a softop 8 FT longboard like mine
K3v 1n
K3v 1n - 9 years ago
Yeah but I might start using it. I'm going to attempt nose riding so I'm gonna use wax. I have a 7ft6 soft top board and I have a feeling I'm gonna pearl
Dylan Colby
Dylan Colby - 10 years ago
I surf on an 8 FT long board I'm 10 yrs old and my surf instructor told me 8 FT long boards are the best if u are learning to surf but u will have a challenge doing tricks
blaze 420
blaze 420 - 10 years ago
do you need wax?
Gonk Droid
Gonk Droid - 7 years ago
If u slip off then yes
Sophie Brock
Sophie Brock - 8 years ago
blaze 420 I always wax mine.
blaze 420
blaze 420 - 9 years ago
+KT Productions but i keep slipping off mine and my board is like 7ft
KT Productions Germany
KT Productions Germany - 9 years ago
+Ya Boy Rigby No
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 10 years ago
ah no wonder I'm gettin raocked out these .Waves are too steep for my board. Thanks Gabe ,this is good.
P - 10 years ago
this guy looks SUPER uncomfortable in front of a camera
Adam richardson
Adam richardson - 7 years ago
If you want to learn how to surf like a pro then go here now:
erelRa - 7 years ago
he just isnt show off type of a guy, but i see him being pretty cool facing the cam..
C. Welch
C. Welch - 10 years ago
Thanks Gabe, I'm a bigger guy. I weigh 230 lbs. Is it best for me to start on a longboard? Am I too heavy for a fun board and would that be too hard for me to learn to stand up on?
Ethan Ashe
Ethan Ashe - 6 years ago
C. Welch my comment is just slightly too late but I’d say that depends on your height but I’d definitely say you need to start on a 9 foot plus board. I’m 212 and would struggle learning on an 8 foot funboard. I have an 8 foot funboard and it was a lot harder than the 9 foot longboard.

10. comment for Surfing 101 : How to Surf on a Longboard

soymateofeo - 10 years ago
Uh .... this is good beginner on a foam board advice. If you are surfing beach breaks with more advanced waves, paddling efficiency and endurance are the only thing that will overcome no channels to paddle through. Learn to paddle.
Tyler Giesey
Tyler Giesey - 11 years ago
Thnx found this helpful going tommarow but u should have been here yesterday!
Zelus Brand
Zelus Brand - 11 years ago
Dump step
Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 11 years ago
Ah but that's not exactly what you said, and thus it wasn't what I was criticising. In bigger waves it is imperative to roll from further back particularly when rolling under a breaking lip when paddling out over a wall, and particularly when riding heavy longboards.
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 11 years ago
How is "On small waves, as long as the board is LEVEL and the nose is not raised, the center is OK, but when your in the big stuff, be careful." and "Beginners ... check with your local surf shop for advice on the difference" dangerous advice? Thing is, very few, if any, beginners will ride the old "Sixties" Mal's anyway. All I know is, from 1961 untill the advent of the short board, what did or didn't work for me. No coaches, no videos, no leashes, it was all trial and error and ... fun.
Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 11 years ago
No I'm not talking about soft tops as you will see if you check out the boards I ride.In fact very lightweight longboards are the only ones for which a case can be made for rolling from further forward.. it is still a very bad practice though, particularly when rolling under the breaking lip of a sizeable wave. You are offering dangerous advice.
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 11 years ago
If you're calling "soft tops" as shown in the vid "longboards" you have a point, and a completely different story. Beginners reading this, be aware that there is a huge difference between a "soft top" (beginners) polystyrene board and a Malibu style longboard made from polyurethane, heavily covered with polyester resin and fiberglass. Check with your local surf shop for advice on the difference.
Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 11 years ago
Sorry but that's very bad advice, in bigger waves it is especially important to roll under from the middle or even further aft. If the board is too light to roll well then one can be tempted to roll from further forward to prevent the nose from lifting but it is a dangerous solution especially when rolling under breaking lips.
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 11 years ago
With 50 years experience there is no way I'd Eskimo Roll from the middle under 10ft+ reef or point breaks. I should have been more specific though saying forward of center (approx 2/3 from tail) on bigger waves. On small waves, as long as the board is level and the nose is not raised, the center is OK, but when your in the big stuff, be careful.
Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 11 years ago
Lol squared at the advice to take out what others are riding.

20. comment for Surfing 101 : How to Surf on a Longboard

Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 11 years ago
No, longboards should be rolled from the middle, rolling from the nose can result in cartwheeling and other disasters,.
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 11 years ago
Correct. Pretty much the only way to "roll under" a wave on a longboard, a must in the pre-leash era! Remember to get as far forward on your board as possible before rolling under keeping the nose down as much as possible too.
Vince Vaughn
Vince Vaughn - 11 years ago
you can do a turtle roll! instead of a duck dive or paddle around the waves on a long board ride on
Stefano Corradi
Stefano Corradi - 12 years ago
where is located?
kareezer - 13 years ago
It's also super important to keep your weight in the right spot on the board. if your too far forward that can be a cause for pearl diving/faceplant
Andrew W
Andrew W - 13 years ago
@braxtonantill00 I had the same problem just switched it up to a longboard when I normally ride much shorter boards. Key thing to remember is you have to catch the wave before it breaks. If the waves get steep or you try to catch a wave where you normally would catch a wave on a short board, your gonna most likely pearl or as you call if faceplant.
Tanner Bowling
Tanner Bowling - 14 years ago
Surfing 101 : How to ride on a longcock.

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The "Surfing 101 : How to Surf on a Longboard" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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