Surfing 10ft Swell - Outerbanks, North Carolina | Nub TV

Music by Frank Chase New Jersey boys, Ben Gravy, Rob Kelly, and Brett Barley, venture to the Outerbanks of North Carolina in hopes of scoring the 8-10ft swell forecasted for the area. Upon arrival, the swell delivers, but tricky conditions find them navigating close out barrels, but enjoying every minute. ___ The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

Surfing 10ft Swell - Outerbanks, North Carolina | Nub TV sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Surf 9 years ago 114,395 views

Music by Frank Chase New Jersey boys, Ben Gravy, Rob Kelly, and Brett Barley, venture to the Outerbanks of North Carolina in hopes of scoring the 8-10ft swell forecasted for the area. Upon arrival, the swell delivers, but tricky conditions find them navigating close out barrels, but enjoying every minute. ___ The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing 10ft Swell - Outerbanks, North Carolina | Nub TV

Island life
Island life - 6 years ago
This is so much like the east coast beach breaks here. Love those choobs boys!
Charlie X
Charlie X - 6 years ago
Glenn Wallace
Glenn Wallace - 6 years ago
I'm a old surf dog from VA. Many trips down to outer Banks early 70s always find good empty waves. Enjoy it!
Rico Adventura
Rico Adventura - 6 years ago
awesome vid
Nathan Farr
Nathan Farr - 6 years ago
What is in the water at around 2:36, it’s in front of him.
Ligma Balls
Ligma Balls - 6 years ago
Rob kelly RIPS !!
Scooter Bro
Scooter Bro - 6 years ago
Go to ramp 55 huge waves
Austinbrensurf - 6 years ago
I love surfing nc
Pablo Lutke-Stetzkamp
Pablo Lutke-Stetzkamp - 6 years ago
That's not 10 foot, I'd say 4-6

10. comment for Surfing 10ft Swell - Outerbanks, North Carolina | Nub TV

odurandina - 7 years ago
Ben goes to New England 14 times when it's 3 feet.... misses his best chance to catch Judith, Ruggs, Tuckerman's, the Ledge and that secret slab DOING IT'S THING.....
odurandina - 7 years ago
looks more like 6 ft.
23bushman23 - 7 years ago
i'm sure it was fine in jersey..
DwightDynamite - 7 years ago
MoustacheCloud - 7 years ago
4:14 lmao
Liam O'Leary
Liam O'Leary - 7 years ago
What kind of car were they in?
DwightDynamite - 7 years ago
Liam O'Leary dodge van
MoustacheCloud - 7 years ago
So many body drops but those barrel shots were insane.

swish007 - 7 years ago
the waves can get really aggressive and squirrely on the obx. i kayak out there a bit and it's often a great place for that because in most spots you won't see HUGE waves. (i'm no expert.. i'm sure lots of hc kayakers would love to get out there on 10ft waves). but there's lots of shifting sand and it's rare for me to get those nice decent waves that let you surf a good distance. i still love it though
John Ellsmar
John Ellsmar - 7 years ago
I've noticed no one ever rounds down when they're estimating wave size...they always round up.
Steve Covaleski
Steve Covaleski - 7 years ago
headed down there tomorrow in the a.m. from bucks county PA. these dudes are master shredders. not supposed to be that big next week, but it's all about the journey man!!! And spearfishing bull sharks doesn't hurt either...

20. comment for Surfing 10ft Swell - Outerbanks, North Carolina | Nub TV

Pabs - 7 years ago
Looks like 0.2 foot to me.
Fingermanant1234 - 7 years ago
Idk what freaks me out more.....macking pipe or nuking hatteras. My only experience is with the latter and the island lives up to its name; "the graveyard of the Atlantic".
Blake Grice
Blake Grice - 7 years ago
6.5 feet *
clarkewi - 7 years ago
Good job boys!
Gulfripper 44
Gulfripper 44 - 8 years ago
4:14 sounds like Mason Ho
bcask61 - 8 years ago
Way to rep the 609 boys.
Epic trip.
Tom Adams
Tom Adams - 8 years ago
Heading up there in 3 weeks .  Hoping to get some body boarding in .   Don't get much on the Gulf .
CAPOC38A - 8 years ago
Was that S Turns???
Evan Keiser
Evan Keiser - 8 years ago
Awesome channel. Reppin the east coast
David Hansen
David Hansen - 8 years ago
song 3:30?

30. comment for Surfing 10ft Swell - Outerbanks, North Carolina | Nub TV

Chris Nizer
Chris Nizer - 8 years ago
The waves in North Carolina can disapper in an instant. I remember a few times watching sets roll though while prepping on the beach. Ducking nice ones on the paddle outside and then not having a single ridable wave come through once we got to the line-up. They quite literally vanished. Happened a few times while I was in Onslow County going to Top Sail, Emerald Isle, Surf City pier, Onslow Beach. But when it's on....great waves!
ncsam 000000
ncsam 000000 - 7 years ago
samuel ferrell lol what?
samuel ferrell
samuel ferrell - 8 years ago
That's because you were surfing Onslow bay , the outer banks are a different story there on the edge of the ocean with waves coming out of deep water onto shore , where as the bay is a 50 60 mile slop upward causing the swell to slow down
Sand Rails
Sand Rails - 8 years ago
10 Ft??? Looks like 3-5 foot to me....
Anthony Brown
Anthony Brown - 6 years ago
you smoke crack
Austinbrensurf - 6 years ago
Sand Rails yea in the outer banks, if its 4 to 6 ft its really 6 to 8 just double the height.
odurandina - 7 years ago
it's 4-6'..........
ncsam 000000
ncsam 000000 - 7 years ago
Steve Covaleski that's the absolute dumbest shit I've ever heard
Steve Covaleski
Steve Covaleski - 7 years ago
haters gonna hate, but 609 shreds, esp these boys!!! we chum the water for bull sharks with Aussie fuck boys and kooks
xFaTe - 8 years ago
Youre fucking retarded
andrew karr
andrew karr - 8 years ago
Well first of all, they are measuring from the face, and I would say that the waves they are surfing are in the 5-7 foot face range. But according to the raw swell numbers this day, there was certainly potential for 10 foot+ waves to be breaking on the outer banks! The outer banks have a network of outer bars that start showing once the swell gets above 4-6 feet, and only break stronger and further out as swell size increases. This day was certainly a "10 foot swell", and there were 10 foot waves breaking on the outer shoals no doubt. And on really big days, they will sometimes take the ski out and surf big, ocean beach style peaks out there! But on days in this, the grinding lefts on the beach break are the call!
Wake-n-bake Yourmaboy
Wake-n-bake Yourmaboy - 8 years ago
it depends if you measure the wave from the back or the front. either way its not fuckn 3 foot. thats 5-6ft back of the wave or sure
kinklecankles - 8 years ago
+Anthony Windle a ten foot barrell is not a ten foot wave, in order to produce a ten foot barrell the breaking face of the wave must be significantly larger than 10 feet, if you look at the guy at 4:05 who is crouched, the ridable surface of the wave is about twice his height, which means it would have to be close to 10ft.
Anthony Windle
Anthony Windle - 8 years ago
+kinklecankles they are crouching. In a 10 foot barrell you would be standing straight up with your hands above your head.
kinklecankles - 8 years ago
+Anthony Windle question: if the average man is 5ft 10 to 6ft tall and he is inside the barrel of a wave and the wave is well overhead, how can it only be 5ft?
Anthony Windle
Anthony Windle - 8 years ago
+kinklecankles just watched the whole video again. so maybe one of those waves were big, the majority of those waves were less than 5 ft.
kinklecankles - 8 years ago
+Sand Rails son are you saying those guys are 2 and a half feet tall or are you saying you are too fucking dumb too understand basic math...
TheBetterAar0n - 8 years ago
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 9 years ago
Solid 4ft, but nothing close to 10 feet
Austinbrensurf - 6 years ago
It looks like 8 to 9
kinklecankles - 8 years ago
+And I'll see you guys tomorro w-your not frpm Hawaii, your white
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 8 years ago
+TheBetterAar0n I'm from Hawaii so 10ft face=5ft but yeah I guess there was a couple big ones that day
TheBetterAar0n - 8 years ago
+Devon Sweeney Not all the waves surfed here are consistently 10ft but the main point was that they were big
Dave Hendricks
Dave Hendricks - 9 years ago
Makes me glad I lived on the west coast.
Austinbrensurf - 6 years ago
Dave Hendricks it really gets scary with a noreaster on the east coast sometimes
samuel ferrell
samuel ferrell - 8 years ago
Were glad you live there to, make no mistake about it
Connor Duke
Connor Duke - 9 years ago
Brett Barley is not a NJ boy...
Jake Luz
Jake Luz - 9 years ago
these guys are fucking goons
Caesar Guzman
Caesar Guzman - 9 years ago
are you guys stoned?
Max Rivera
Max Rivera - 9 years ago
Adam Mullins
Adam Mullins - 9 years ago
Awesome video
Deborah Bair
Deborah Bair - 9 years ago
Rob Pants
Rob Pants - 9 years ago
when was this?
shiftingpeaks - 9 years ago
not a single paddle in / pop up shown, as ever
cole reed
cole reed - 9 years ago
surfgurujeff - 9 years ago
The struggle is real!
shamos999 - 9 years ago
I have lived on the OBX my whole life. In the winter it is a very consistent, but tricky place to surf. Especially down south from Rodanthe to Frisco. We get these prevailing N/NE trends in the fall/winter, that end up with an least 1-2 days of offshore (W/SW or N/NE for Frisco area) winds at the end of the interval. Will usually end up over 8 feet, dirty water, mostly lefts, and no real apparent line up. I think this is what makes it the so hard to surf. Just waves breaking within a certain range all over the entire beach. Usually accompanied by a bit of south pulling drift... You guys got some good rides for the conditions, and I see you know Brett. Easily in the top 5 best surfers in NC, hands down.
Nub TV
Nub TV - 9 years ago
yew thanks!!
moailine - 9 years ago
EliteClutch - 9 years ago
So sick
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 8 years ago
+coley22 ... Your an animal!  lol!! I could never handle that. My thickest is a 3/2 lol
coley22 - 8 years ago
+sub scorcher My winter suit is a 6.54 mm w booties and gloves and of course a hood to help w brain freeze from duck diving in 30 degree water lol!!  
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 8 years ago
+coley22 .. Dam,, you must be wearin a dry suit lol.. im originally from NYC. Like everyone from PBC lol!
coley22 - 8 years ago
+sub scorcher nice!!  I live in nyc now and we get some alright surf in the winter but i still have to travel to get the waves i want!!  
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 8 years ago
+coley22 ... Right on man,, your talking to  an original Palm Beach County boy,.
coley22 - 8 years ago
+sub scorcher Caught my first wave ever at Sebastian Inlet and Would drive to palm beach regularly to surf from South Beach!!  I'll always love that place!!
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 8 years ago
+coley22  U telling me? Im a Florida surfer for life!
coley22 - 8 years ago
+sub scorcher on the east coast, you have to take what you can get bro!! Or book a flight and get your passport out!!
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow? - 9 years ago
+EliteClutch ... Dosent really look worth the drive.

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