Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional)

Evan Geiselman Speaks For The First Time Since His Tragic Accident At Pipeline. Evan is still here after surviving a near death drowning with a closeout wave at Pipeline. This is an exclusive sit down with Evan following his near death experience where he takes us through his personal account of the accident. He owes his life to bodyboarder Andre Botha whose instinct in the ocean saved evans life

Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 77

Surf 8 years ago 286,652 views

Evan Geiselman Speaks For The First Time Since His Tragic Accident At Pipeline. Evan is still here after surviving a near death drowning with a closeout wave at Pipeline. This is an exclusive sit down with Evan following his near death experience where he takes us through his personal account of the accident. He owes his life to bodyboarder Andre Botha whose instinct in the ocean saved evans life

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Most popular comments
for Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional)

She likes my Dickens Cider
She likes my Dickens Cider - 8 years ago
damn bro that was heavy, it's really tough to see a grown man cry,I felt for him so badly and had me in tears too,he is so lucky to be alive I saw pictures of him where he is 100% purple,basically was dead and brought back to life,It's really cool to see him and Andre Botha are such close friends now. If a guy saves my life he'd have a lifelong friend in me as well..great video bro
Gabby Hayes
Gabby Hayes - 7 years ago
Hey man, men have emotions too.  Fuck that macho bullshit.
John Hall
John Hall - 6 years ago
Lucky guy! But doesn’t always work out that way.

I was staying at a beach house at sunset and a few weeks ago on Easter weekend I saw that the hard way . After surfing a few nice big days the week before Easter I decided to sit out the Saturday before Easter as the waves were too big for my abilities. Our house has a second floor porch so I was watching the two dozen or so guys who were out there. Most of the surfers looked like the were up to the task but a few guys seemed to be struggling. I watched one guy go over the falls twice on 15+ foot faces. He was easy to spot because he had a bright blue board with that classic sunset shape. A bit later that morning I noticed a board floating in, figured someone just broke a leash as often happens on big days. I thought I saw a turtle by the board but looking through the spyglass I saw it was actually a surfer facedown! I grabbed my wife’s cell phone, called 911, gave them the exact location, passed her the phone and ran for the beach. I saw out to him with my heart pounding through my chest as another guy on the beach went out to join me. We flipped him over to get his face out of the water and swam for shore while holding him up. As we hit the beach the first lifeguards arrived on 4wheeler. The started CPR right away and in no time the ambulance technicians joined in. After 20 minutes the took him to Kahuku ER. Sadly he didn’t make it. Same age as me (early 50’s), couple kids.

His family all came to say thanks later that day, heartbreaking! We all know surfing has risks but this hit it home. Sometimes it’s just bad luck but there are two things we can all do; Know our limits and don’t surf alone, especially on big days . Gotta say how impressed I was by all the rescue people; life guards, ambulance and fireman. To a man they were the best you could hope for if it happened to you... professional, obviously really well trained, well equipped and they gave it everything they had. Great bunch of guys!
Fernando Moreno
Fernando Moreno - 6 years ago
The surf community is awesome!!!
Emilia Brusseau
Emilia Brusseau - 6 years ago
you should be proud that u r able to talk about something. i got into a slight accident at jaws and i know how scary it is to think about the what ifs.
Goldielocks G
Goldielocks G - 7 years ago
Wow you got slammed by that second wave with no where to go. I used to surf without a floatation but now that I'm older think the kids should wear them. Not that they can't swim cuz we can but if they get injured or unconscious they might be found faster. It could save their lives. Please watch the patterns be more picky. My worst experiences was when I wasn't.
TheHopey8 - 7 years ago
Stay strong brother and keep enjoying the ocean. Really good outlook you have!! Much love xx
JM AF - 7 years ago
People can say what they like about spongers, but what isn’t in doubt is that they’re brave bastards.
Scott Graham
Scott Graham - 7 years ago
A surfer like Andy Irons grows up in Hawaii and gets used to big ass waves trying to kill him. How different it is when you grow up in Florida, like Evan Geiselman has, and you come out to Hawaii and have to learn quickly how to deal with that heavy shit out there. It must take tremendous balls.
SalsaRoja - 7 years ago
It was wonky and open up clampy.

10. comment for Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional)

TheMozzaok - 7 years ago
So many surfers grossly disrespect body boarders, but this video may make a few thickheads think about when and why they shoot their mouth off. Respect and kudos to all true watermen.
Lu-Lu-LuvU - 7 years ago
You have been blessed with a second round of life. Blessings to you.
surfinmuso - 7 years ago
That was a great hug from Mick.
Cooper McCoy
Cooper McCoy - 7 years ago
I just don't really understand what Mick did...
Patrick M Walsh Jr
Patrick M Walsh Jr - 7 years ago
What a great guy that was SAVED that day. That break ain't NO JOKE!! Surfed it on a small day and it's HAIRY HAIRY.
Alexandria Greenfield
Alexandria Greenfield - 7 years ago
You don't truly know pipe unless you've surfed it. All these people talking crap have no room to say ANYTHING! most beautiful place I've experienced but the water is deadly!
bob miller
bob miller - 7 years ago
did this guy slam his head on the reef? I cant understand 1/2 of what hes saying.
Alexandria Greenfield
Alexandria Greenfield - 7 years ago
Bird Plan I subscribed!!
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
Alexandria Greenfield I'm cracking up I thought you were speaking to me in your comment and I was getting ready to go in on ya . hahahaha I went and grabbed my coffee and sat down and was prepping for a battle and then I realized you were speaking to bob miller so I had to like and heart your comment. I just thought it was funny , you would have died laughing if you had seen my face when I read it. hahahahaha
Alexandria Greenfield
Alexandria Greenfield - 7 years ago
I can understand every word he fucking said. You're just RUDE.
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
he speaks perfectly good english I don't know how you can't understand what he's saying. He's a surfer so obviously he's gonna speak in some slang that's normal. If you hear a word you don't recognize just google it so you know what it means
Thomas Mckendry
Thomas Mckendry - 7 years ago
I guess you had to been there...
Jared Grass
Jared Grass - 7 years ago
my lifelong hometown more more people continue to live life amongst me and others putting one foot in front of one another as if though we are all in the way. And they are here because it doesn't snow.
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
Jared Grass It's human nature to want to help, Only a small percentage of people actually believe they are far superior or more important than others. I think the average everyday normal human just lives life the best that they can and when they come to your hometown they aren't meaning to cause harm or interfere they just want to experience what life has to offer and you just happen to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I am not naive though and in no way believe that they are all there with good intentions because there are those that have no care in the world and they are there to do whatever they want and whenever they want and I believe for them that they will pay for their behavior in due time. I believe that Evan survived because he is one of the good guys.
Jared Grass
Jared Grass - 7 years ago
Bird Plan I wonder why we would save the lives of one another when we each think we are so much more important than the other. isn't that selfish?
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
nandoss oss
nandoss oss - 7 years ago
cry baby
JM AF - 7 years ago
nandoss oss have you ever tried to find out if you are sociopathic?
rotsen995 - 7 years ago
Best movie ever. Real man cry
nandoss oss
nandoss oss - 7 years ago
pleaaaaase... have a nice christmas
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
I'll be sure and let him know that some internet kid called him cry baby. I'm sure it will just ruin his day. smdh

20. comment for Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional)

Mario piera BALBASTRE
Mario piera BALBASTRE - 7 years ago
beautiful! I was myself a lifeguard at at the beach and also a surfer, I got also emotional bro! Huge balls on that guys that saved you without vehicle! holy shit
Mario piera BALBASTRE
Mario piera BALBASTRE - 7 years ago
I understand your fears, we all have fears. Extreme sports wouldn't make sense if we couldn't feel fear, I think the most important in this type of sports is to control it, but not making it disappear, fear can keep you alive or make you fail (panic). Freedive is the ultimate mental sport, it is really useful to control fear and panic management!! I'm not a super expert but I have some experience; AIDA freediver level 2 and PADI freediver, I have freedived to 100 ft max. The learning curve is slow, but you will enjoy the learning a lot. Btw. now a lot of surfers are learning freediving techniques to mental control long wipeouts and keep the cool in those types of situations. Cave diving?? Wow that's really claustrophobic, i tried going into little caves while freediving, but little holes only, can be very dangerous if you get trapped. A weird thing is; I have never scubadived, I was inmediately seduced by freediving so I never tried scuba. Those videos you posted are really hard to watch, holy shit, poor girl. One thing I can tell you; I had a lot of panic attacks in my personal life (because of different things that happened to me) freediving helped me much more than diazepam or other types of drugs
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
Mario piera BALBASTRE My ultimate fear is cave diving, I am the worst claustrophobic in the world. I don't know how those guys do that. That's awesome that you free dive, that takes some serious skills and gonads the size of a watermelon . I have a video on my channel that shows a guy holding his breath under water for 22 minutes it's unbelievable here is the link incase you havent seen it yet and also I'm sending another link to one of my videos that shows a lady having a panic attack while scuba diving and it's scary. she panics so bad she's 50 feet down and rips off her mask and regulator, you have too see it. here is both links
Mario piera BALBASTRE
Mario piera BALBASTRE - 7 years ago
Of course! as I said, I was a lifeguard and it was in the mediterranean sea (which is quite safe compared to the ocean) and still saved people there. What I meant by saying that surfers often are quicker to the rescue is only because they are already in the water and have very good understanding of the behaviour of the sea/ocean, and care a lot about others. Sometimes we went to the rescue (running on dry sand, checking equipment and swimming against waves) only to discover that a surfer/bodyboarder was already helping the person, which is nice! I miss a lot those times, stories and peoples of the sea! Now I'm becoming an oldfuck and it's been a long time since I don't surf or work as a lifeguard, plus I moved from Spain to Germany because of work. I still do freediving (apnea) though! I will always love and respect lifeguards and surfers. Big hug to the water community! and greetings from Germany!
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
Mario piera BALBASTRE Andre was the one that started the rescue but there were several people helping including lifeguards. Everyone did an amazing job that day and I think lifeguards don't get the respect and recognition they deserve and I'm talking about lifeguards in general and not just the ones that helped Evan. I think people take them for granted and don't quite understand how tough of a job it is. I have so much respect for lifeguards
Mario piera BALBASTRE
Mario piera BALBASTRE - 7 years ago
Ah, ok, it was the bodyboarder! Props to him! Surfers and Bodyboarders are often quicker than lifeguards :)
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
It was such a gnarley rescue, He was basically dead but brought back to life. Andre Botha was a hero that day
Rickey Koga
Rickey Koga - 7 years ago
Respect. Such a close call but amazing that he's here to talk about it. Especially since he was unconscious at Pipe
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 7 years ago
those rescuers are the real deal! Just like the tow-in guys on the jet skis. They need to get more credit.
P Toumajian
P Toumajian - 7 years ago
I made my first rescue at 11 years old. It was 4-5 foot, which was heavy for me at the time. I got out there after seeing some 13 year old go head first over the falls and he did not come up, after about 10 seconds I grabbed my fins went out and he was unconscious when I grabbed him i started swimming and ended up getting caught inside the biggest set of the day. When I got in I ran to the lifeguard tower and got the lifeguard and he did CPR on the kid I got out of the closed out “heavy” surf. BTW I’m 13 years old now.
P Toumajian
P Toumajian - 7 years ago
Thanks dude
Jonathan Iraggi
Jonathan Iraggi - 7 years ago
Way to go kiddo. I can tell how proud you are and you should be.
P Toumajian
P Toumajian - 7 years ago
Bird Plan thanks brah
Bird Plan
Bird Plan - 7 years ago
good job man that's amazing.
Joe Cago
Joe Cago - 7 years ago
God speed bruh!
Hank Fuddle
Hank Fuddle - 7 years ago
Beautiful testimony and a great life lesson for everyone. Respect---a lot.
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 7 years ago
Keep up the good fight guys. Aside from a few Brazilians I don't know of another group of athletes/people that bond together when shit hits the fan. Cool to see how people from extremely different backgrounds can come together and always watch each other's backs. Awesome to also see how grateful Evan is. God bless him
Solo - 7 years ago
And a bpdyboarder saves the day!
Bryan Calhoun
Bryan Calhoun - 7 years ago
I don't understand the life and death
Struggle of a big wave rider. In the sense of each wave in big surf could kill you.
So i know the Love of the Ocean i get that.
But the awesome power of the big wave riding community is something i won't ever fully.comprehend. i don't understand the risk. But amen glad he lived to tell the tale....
I would imagine that after such a life and death experience that it would make someone grateful for each moment
And that it would be a chance to say o.k. i want to go help others and pray for thanks each morning
Huge honor to Andre Botha, giving rescue breaths submerged while getting knocked continually by whitewater!! Incredible. Love Evan's perspective and awakening to importance of enjoying now and importance of connection to this global family we are all part of. Your humility and gratitude are magnetic brother (Tuning into this story now I just met Evan and his girlfriend in a restaurant in San Clemente, during 2017 Hurley Pro week, with my friend Mitch Colapinto)

30. comment for Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional)

tolga1cool - 7 years ago
As someone who as never surfed before I have to say I don't understand anything this guy is talking about. It's a whole different language
Eva Bergant
Eva Bergant - 7 years ago
such a sweet guy.
Latif - 6 years ago
Eva Bergant Am I a sweet guy too ?
DayDay Smith
DayDay Smith - 7 years ago
This Crazy Asf I'm Just now hearing about this But God Bless You Dude
Hugh Murphy
Hugh Murphy - 7 years ago
You have to be mental to surf that,that guy has a bit of everything in him
arpez3 - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing. I wish you a speedy and full recovery!
Catholicus - 7 years ago
At 2:58 you can see hesitated when cutting back into the wave. I think he lost just enough time to keep him from coming through the barrel at the end of the wave. Just my opinion.
kane2103 - 7 years ago
Deep. Real. good shit.
David Le Roux
David Le Roux - 7 years ago
AB is such a genuine oke. Legend!
pua edwards
pua edwards - 7 years ago
MarieSueMax - 7 years ago
if you make it a team sport it can be. It's be interested seeing a few surfers working together instead of fighting over waves#worldpeaceantichrist
Jared Aufrichtig
Jared Aufrichtig - 7 years ago
Blessings Evan! Andre pure Aloha!
yesfrat b knowin
yesfrat b knowin - 7 years ago
different scenario but same felling ,had a big 120 kg  steel gate fall on me at work and was a matter of centimeters ,I could have had a broken back or worse and all I was thinkin bout once the adrenenilin gav e me the strength to lift it off was family ,saw the mrs an hour later and just lost it  scary shit , gotta enjoy life  while u can that's for sure
4am youtube
4am youtube - 7 years ago
Andre,your the man.
Straw Man
Straw Man - 7 years ago
I'm surprised more people don't die at pipe. Takes balls to surf there. Even for pros. Be careful Evan.
Straw Man
Straw Man - 7 years ago
Awesome guy Andre is.
gordon quigg
gordon quigg - 7 years ago
Hallelujah Evan! You are one of the most talented surfers that i have ever seen. And, you are one of the lucky few that have faced death, and broken on through to the other side, back to life.
I've beem surfing good sized Pipe since the late 60's when there was no one around to save you, even on a weekend, and i always had these thoughts like, shit... I'm going to die out here someday. But now you have lifegaurds and hundreds of hard core surfers everywhere to rush to the rescue at all costs. I cried also, on this vid, when i saw all those guys so desperately trying to save you. If you have ever been in that situation, you know what a gnarly chaotic mega power zone it is, how difficult it is to try to save someone, and how every second matters. Way to go buddy... Now you get to enjoy more life and entertain us with your incredible off the hook surfing.
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
God bless you andre Botha!!!
Ashley Russom
Ashley Russom - 7 years ago
How long after your recovery did you start surfing again....the ocean is very predictable and unpredictable at the same time.....that happened to me I was only 7 but I got caught in a undertow at bolsa chica(1989) this random surfer walking back from drifting about 2 miles saw me go down he dropped his board so fast jumped in and grabbed me.....I was saved if it wasn't for him I would of drowned. just want to thank god and that man for coming to my rescue and saving me.
Surfers 2 The Rescue Ocean Rescue
Surfers 2 The Rescue Ocean Rescue - 7 years ago
crazy dude
Marvin Franklin
Marvin Franklin - 7 years ago
God bless brother.
Patrick McCracken
Patrick McCracken - 7 years ago
good for you. express you emotions. thank god your alive bro!!!!

50. comment for Surfing Documentary-The Rescue of a Lifetime @ Pipeline (very emotional)

flourescent adolescent
flourescent adolescent - 7 years ago
You surfers have balls of steel, and as someone who has watched a lot of surfers doing their thang, i always thought they glow and a peace to them.
Glad this dudes still around, god bless you.
Anthony Mercurio
Anthony Mercurio - 6 years ago
You are a good person. You would not understand why us surfers put ourselves in those positions. Maybe because your only truly alive and living it until you get to the point of death. Stay cool bro. Ant.
spyderspic666 - 7 years ago
Is this common, for a surfer to drown and be revived??? or do most surfers that drown, always end up dieing??
Cam Gregg
Cam Gregg - 7 years ago
spyderspic666 To clarify, he didn't drown. He nearly drowned. To explain further, our body has a defense mechanism to prevent water entering the lungs. If you pass out or get knocked out underwater, your body prevents water from entering the lungs (although the stomach often takes a lot of water). It's the same mechanism that makes it hard to breathe for a few seconds after you accidentally inhale while drinking something.
spyderspic666 - 7 years ago
Casper Cameron

ohhhh i see. Thanks for the informative answer.
Casper Cameron
Casper Cameron - 7 years ago
It really depends on what beaches or surfers you are talking about, most of the time (Especially at pipe) the surfers are experienced and when they do wipeout they are able to get back up and be ok. However, when a surfer does drown at pipe then there is a very large chance they will die. it is extremely hard to get to the shore and commence CPR in such large surf with no skis. There has been in fact 13 deaths at pipe, with many close calls. Again, it matters about what beach. No one has died at Jaws, a fucking huge wave (the biggest wave in Hawaii) because the limits can be pushed nowdays because of jet skis, boats, helicopters, walkie talkies, inflatable vests, a hundred guys in the water and a thousand spectators and photographers standing around watching a big day. This doesn't mean it's not scary, just a lot safer than it used to be.
Joey Nice
Joey Nice - 7 years ago
that wave was so heavy and collapsed under itself so fast . Hard for me to watch. Glad he is alright today.
agbugger - 7 years ago
like, did he, like, get, like, brain-damage, like?
JM AF - 7 years ago
agbugger have you ever done a test to see if you’re sociopathic?
Alexandria Greenfield
Alexandria Greenfield - 7 years ago
Wtf go fuck yourself
C Moon
C Moon - 7 years ago
agbugger you're a ghost man,you're not even there
Paolo Domingo
Paolo Domingo - 7 years ago
Sammy Davis Jr.
Sammy Davis Jr. - 7 years ago
Obviously Mr. Bugger has never been in anything overhead.  Probably would change his tune if he had the scare of his life in the impact zone.
Luke Fortnite Gaming
Luke Fortnite Gaming - 7 years ago
agbugger wow ur a terrible person!!!
Matthew Hamilton
Matthew Hamilton - 7 years ago
Thanks my dude!
Matthew Hamilton
Matthew Hamilton - 7 years ago
Some people just talk like that. You can talk shit all you want, but that guy you're making fun of gets paid to surf...I'd think twice before chirping someone who has already accomplished infinitely more than you ever will.
MoustacheCloud - 7 years ago
lmao, dickwad.
wjb96707 - 7 years ago
agbugger stfu u donkey! the guy almost died u shitbird! charging waves youd never go near! and hes emotional u get it? its hard to talk about obviously... anyway no sense explain to u. im sure youll comeback with some smartass reply that ill never read.
MrPuertoescondido - 8 years ago
la neta eso se siente de la verga si no lo superas quedas arisco y descontrolado para volver a entrar ,,
Kent Willey
Kent Willey - 8 years ago
That was a nice save. So glad he made it. That would have been a huge loss.
Bobb Lawrence
Bobb Lawrence - 8 years ago
I'm an ex-lifeguard (f/t for awhile), and know that the ocean can be a friend and a terrible foe. It is good that our friend here survived, but the warning is still there for others to stay a step ahead of the fight. A beautiful woman was killed in Hawaii yesterday in a tragedy. Be safe and keep your guard on each other. It sure won't hurt anyone to learn CPR and beach safety if you are going to GO!
eddie mclaughlin
eddie mclaughlin - 8 years ago
nice humble guy
captmack007 - 8 years ago
im glad to see a happy ending to what was almost was tragedy.

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