Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

Surfer Mike Parson's tow-in surfing a 65 foot wave at Jaws (Peahi) on Maui, Hawaii in January 2002. Cinematography by Peter Fuszard. Surfer Magazine called Fuszard's work, "One of the most brilliantly executed pieces of surf cinematography ever." Peter is an Emmy Award winning cinematographer and director. Hire him and pay him lots of money.

Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii sentiment_very_dissatisfied 67

Surf 18 years ago 1,163,117 views

Surfer Mike Parson's tow-in surfing a 65 foot wave at Jaws (Peahi) on Maui, Hawaii in January 2002. Cinematography by Peter Fuszard. Surfer Magazine called Fuszard's work, "One of the most brilliantly executed pieces of surf cinematography ever." Peter is an Emmy Award winning cinematographer and director. Hire him and pay him lots of money.

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Most popular comments
for Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

Hunter Masi
Hunter Masi - 7 years ago
More like riding a Tsunami.
Edvardas Miskinis
Edvardas Miskinis - 7 years ago
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
It's a Naźare wave crashing on Hawaii.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
This wave is so huge and powerful. Massive rogue wave swallows surfer (Naźare).
AirIUnderwater - 7 years ago
Mah hart! dies
Micaela Rachelle
Micaela Rachelle - 7 years ago
So what happened to him at the end?
Koray Erol
Koray Erol - 7 years ago
Hi Peter Fuszard, its Koray here from UNILAD, hope you're okay! We would love to post this video on our Facebook page with 31+ million fans with credit! I'd really appreciate it if you could get back to me on - I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks :)
Rob Is Superior
Rob Is Superior - 7 years ago
Thats what i call fun
tankmaster1018 - 8 years ago
The cameraman who films this deserves a good amount of credit in my book too... I mean he shot this MASTERFULLY! First, he was in a helicopter so you already can't hear and are shaking around, then he managed to perfectly and smoothly frame the shot and track Mike for the entire wave. And his cinematography added so much more drama to this clip... If you had seen any other clip of this wave, it would have been a long shot that shows a huge wave but nothing you haven't seen before if you follow Garrett McNarama. But the way the guy filmed it, he started out close with the wave looking like a small swell, and then zoomed out slowly to reveal it was one of the biggest waves ever surfed at the time.
lucasryw - 8 years ago

10. comment for Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

AlteregoFool - 8 years ago
Hell no bro I get scared of waves that are like 6 feet
Zallytastic 101
Zallytastic 101 - 7 years ago
Same im scared if waves my 4 feet
Monte Town
Monte Town - 8 years ago
Didn't Hugh Mongous Already do this wave? [3:06:13 PM] jake benjamin: What is your name?" Mike.
[3:06:22 PM] jake benjamin: What is your surname? Hunt.
[3:06:28 PM] jake benjamin: Mike Hunt. My Cunt.
James - 8 years ago
That is so epic, can't be done any better.
Cynthia Williams
Cynthia Williams - 8 years ago
In my wildest fantasies that's Me! Loooove watching surfing makes me feel chills and thrills! :)
carpmad carpmad
carpmad carpmad - 8 years ago
John Rosa
John Rosa - 7 years ago
FAKERY is you,well I like to c you do it
Anushka Verma
Anushka Verma - 8 years ago
This is really scary as fuck!!!
Dan Roland
Dan Roland - 9 years ago
This was one of the first videos I ever saw on youtube.
Ryan - 9 years ago
I am glad you guys like the video. That was actually my first time getting up on a board ever in my life and surfing.
Alexandre Bailly
Alexandre Bailly - 9 years ago
No is in Nazaré
Nhe ry
Nhe ry - 9 years ago
Giant freaking wavve!!!!

20. comment for Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

Ivone Aziz
Ivone Aziz - 9 years ago
Qui onda, que pena que flu levou um caxote huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau
Nick Grace
Nick Grace - 9 years ago
Truly amazing
Jeff Douglas
Jeff Douglas - 9 years ago
OMG.  Must be an amazing experience!
ricardo valsumo
ricardo valsumo - 9 years ago
pesado. lipquando bate na agua ate arrepia. E Hawaii no despique com o pessoal dos reatos do spot playground por esse mundo fora.
ricardo valsumo
ricardo valsumo - 9 years ago
te falo uma coisa... pesado... :/
Shutter Authority
Shutter Authority - 9 years ago
Amazing! What would happen if he fell off his board somewhere at around 0:59?
anthonymike1 PS4 ESO
anthonymike1 PS4 ESO - 9 years ago
He'd get spun around and pounded to pieces
Terri Romero
Terri Romero - 10 years ago
Did they film that with a helicopter
Tracy Dowdle
Tracy Dowdle - 9 years ago
+David Hawley lmao!!!!! I laughed out loud! !!!!
David Hawley
David Hawley - 9 years ago
No a flying unicorn
Tai Brezeale
Tai Brezeale - 10 years ago
Only in Hawaii
Tristan Luke
Tristan Luke - 10 years ago
Great job!  Thank you for posting this, and thank you for not indulging in music; just including the original audio. 
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 10 years ago
That audio was added later when the shot was used in B8llabong's "Odyssey" thanks for the note.
HackersSun - 10 years ago
All I can say is...HOLY SHIT THIS IS REAL D8

30. comment for Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

Stephen Bruce
Stephen Bruce - 10 years ago
thank you brother xo
Stephen Bruce
Stephen Bruce - 10 years ago
WOW> Jesus...I know what I'm going to be asked,,,,,IS That Real? ......YES......xo
Stephen Bruce
Stephen Bruce - 10 years ago
I wasn't that studley, But I want a few people to apreciate the Art of it........Thank you so much
Robert Kownacki
Robert Kownacki - 10 years ago
One time I rode a 400 footer off of Belmont Ave in Chicago on nothing but part of a cardboard refrigerator box.  I rode the curl, shot the pier, did all that.  
Shutter Authority
Shutter Authority - 9 years ago
+Robert Kownacki lol
Hi, Neighbor!
Hi, Neighbor! - 10 years ago
He was vaporized
anthony iseley
anthony iseley - 10 years ago
Pssss too small..... Ok that little big ....... WHAT THE F**k
Crystal Hear 2006
Crystal Hear 2006 - 8 years ago
i was actually nor scared of that wave, im used to big waves and in greece, i almost drowned multiple times. Was i scared? Nup o.o I have even been attacked by a giant wave, UNDERWATER. I was flying underwater, thats how i felt XDD teh sea is a fun place c;
usmaels1 - 10 years ago
Tow-in surfing...the surfer was picked up by Jet-Ski in the white wash within a second of two as soon as this video was over...but obviously still very dangerous..not only for the surfer...but for the Jet-Ski driver. 
Craig Tate
Craig Tate - 10 years ago
A wave that big, you're under water for 3 minutes at the least!!
exet - 10 years ago
that wave is death
Katie White
Katie White - 10 years ago
Charles Perim
Charles Perim - 10 years ago
Karl Crawford
Karl Crawford - 8 years ago
John Javier he is alive you know
Xavier_Jul/9/03 _Poulin
Xavier_Jul/9/03 _Poulin - 11 years ago

It looks like a tsunami
ecashdown - 11 years ago
SonicRainBoom12X - 11 years ago
Kike Croes
Kike Croes - 11 years ago
If he had a flush he would be dead. He's very lucky .
Chris Swanberg
Chris Swanberg - 11 years ago
The amount of time these guys can spend under water if they bail is superhuman
polkzoo - 11 years ago
Reee RE
Reee RE - 11 years ago
did he make it?
Cincerator hip hop
Cincerator hip hop - 11 years ago
paco ayala
paco ayala - 11 years ago
guauuu vaya pedazo de ola!!!!!!!!!

50. comment for Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

Susan Griffin
Susan Griffin - 11 years ago
Milo50642 - 11 years ago
Wow... just wow...
HAHAHLOL123 - 11 years ago
Who the fuck looks at this and thinks this is a good idea?
Bryan Rogers
Bryan Rogers - 7 years ago
Someone with balls and a thirst for adventure
Gman6755 - 11 years ago
Glad I'm a golfer. Seems like this sport could get you killed pretty easily.
pinki islam
pinki islam - 11 years ago
Hello, have you heard of RevealTravelDeal? Just head over to their web site: I have seen some amazingly inexpensive deluxe resorts and plane tickets. This can help you to save on your next getaway as well.
Mikel Bengoa
Mikel Bengoa - 11 years ago
isn't that a fucking tsunami?
Bishnupodo Dey
Bishnupodo Dey - 11 years ago
Hello there, have you tried "TRAVeLSEWHERE " (just do a Google search for it...)? I have seen quite a few incredibly affordable hotels and even flights. This could let you save money on your next trip too.
Orquidia Mayers
Orquidia Mayers - 11 years ago
I'de be scared as hell if i swimmed in one of those waves, look how much it must hurt when they burst in your face or back like at the beach. this is really scary.
chetrok1 - 11 years ago
thanks I hope someday to make it to the west coast or Hawaii and chew some reef haha
gorantrevise - 11 years ago
As a skater you would be a good surfer at ones.
mely - 11 years ago
so what happens when you fall off :0
J Beableish
J Beableish - 11 years ago
chetrok1 - 11 years ago
I cant believe that shit..fuck and I only skate
Mokihana Maldonado
Mokihana Maldonado - 11 years ago
Mad respect!! AMAZING!!!!!!!
Lawrence Agustin
Lawrence Agustin - 11 years ago
who could survive a big wave like that?
majinfreak7 - 11 years ago
should see this online video prior to going on a tour
cql - 11 years ago
Hi there, have you heard of "TravElsewhere" (just do a Google search for it...)? I have seen quite a few ridiculously cheap hotels and flight tickets. This can help you to save cash on your upcoming holiday as well.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Nathaniel Gonzalez - 11 years ago
Thats very big
javis jackson
javis jackson - 11 years ago
TEAMKONGGA671 - 11 years ago
Zen Liminal
Zen Liminal - 11 years ago
its beautiful!
ByRTD yO - 11 years ago
Damn love it! Cant wait to go back sufing in the summer:D!
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 12 years ago
it's not, check out the Billabong "Odyssey" This shot is from that movie.
Kat - 12 years ago
DAMN this doesn't look fake at all!
Sean - 12 years ago
I think I'll stick with the 4 footers
Riki Chen
Riki Chen - 12 years ago
thats intense.
Hitokiri Battousai
Hitokiri Battousai - 12 years ago
waterbending at its finest.
Sage Hightower
Sage Hightower - 12 years ago
Its not fake and he doesn't die. He's a badass.
tom toney
tom toney - 12 years ago
alexacutie - 12 years ago
Imagine that crashing on you :o
joao timoteo
joao timoteo - 12 years ago
babbygurlhbk12 - 12 years ago
oh hell no
xFujeinx - 12 years ago
bails Dee
bails Dee - 12 years ago
thought he died at 1:00
AliBeeization - 12 years ago
How can anyone dislike this video? What weirdos.
westsyde96792 - 12 years ago
Chaarge dat my boy cheee
lelel - 12 years ago
No thanks, I'd shit a bring being on one of those.
Noah Mason
Noah Mason - 12 years ago
Is he dead❔❔❔❔
vladi1Z - 12 years ago
HOW IS HE GETTING OUT?! ive been in 2-3 meters waves and even then ive been much time underwater and lost direction because of spinning, but in with wave like this to can be under it for some minutes while not breathing, spinning, and may sallow water, in 3 meters ive lost all my breath (and i have a good one as a swimmer) so here it should be 10 times more... how can a human survive? is there any technique or something??
tara sloan
tara sloan - 12 years ago
TimS04 - 12 years ago
Of course :)
davecoop100 - 12 years ago
wow now thats a wave
thugkilla55 - 12 years ago
What's the movie called?
Roy Chien
Roy Chien - 12 years ago
holy......scare the shiit outa me
imsha - 12 years ago
Hi, have you heard about "Reveal TravelDeal" (just search on Google for it ...)? I have discovered various ridiculously low-priced resorts and even plane tickets. This could let you save cash on your future trip as well.
shpresa0721 - 12 years ago
how did he not get swallowed by the wave?!
Sparkle Barbie
Sparkle Barbie - 12 years ago
fuckkkk thats crazyy asf!!!!
jeremymlg10 - 12 years ago
That's nuts!!
Rachel Hopkins
Rachel Hopkins - 12 years ago
Tucker Covalt
Tucker Covalt - 12 years ago
This makes me scared to buggie board.

100. comment for Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

Buddha Gurung
Buddha Gurung - 12 years ago
Hey, have you tried "Reveal Travel Deal" (just google it)? I have found numerous incredibly inexpensive resorts as well as flights. This might allow you to save on your next journey too.
Patrick Hudson
Patrick Hudson - 12 years ago
who needs horror films.i was on the edge of my seat holding my breath.awsome wave,awsome ride. my heart is still raceing.
Gucci Gambino
Gucci Gambino - 12 years ago
That was computer generated...dude!
Thought the sad music at the end was going to go along with his dead body appearing from the waves
Kauai Boi
Kauai Boi - 12 years ago
My dad told me he get da balls
salman ali
salman ali - 12 years ago
Donna Schnaath
Donna Schnaath - 12 years ago
I have a stupid question. Is that a tital wave? I practically hold my breath every time I watch this, which is every once in a great while. YIKES!
jonathan aguilar
jonathan aguilar - 12 years ago
wow i would die if i surfed a wave that huge!!
Nvthvn - 12 years ago
purpleglitter7 - 13 years ago
Scariest thing ever!
Montgomery Mongoloid
Montgomery Mongoloid - 13 years ago
i pooped a little.
Dylan Bowers
Dylan Bowers - 13 years ago
Go to dylan154ful to see an awesome scene of waves while I was in Aruba. The ending is the best!!
Michael Bracken
Michael Bracken - 13 years ago
Wat happens if u fall? It seems like u would die do ppl survive that?
Nathan B.
Nathan B. - 13 years ago
how can someone possibly dislike this, this is incredible!
tankesttank - 13 years ago
If i were that jetski guy i would be getting the hell out of there
l1998 - 13 years ago
how come this looks bigger than the dude who did thr 90ft wave ??
ISetYourFaceOnFire - 13 years ago
When it started out I'm like meh...that's tiny then it got huge... 0.0
radfordvabeach - 13 years ago
Awesome video!!!
kilgour22 - 13 years ago
People are insane.
Beatriz Perdigão
Beatriz Perdigão - 13 years ago
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 13 years ago
@professorx97 The surfer riding the wave is Mike Parsons. Hi is one those guys you mentioned. He has one the XXL big wave award and has been a professional surfer for decades. This clip was pulled from the Billabong Odyssey, not Riding Giants.
sonnyblackmobb - 13 years ago
almost looks the fuck!?
bauer lustig
bauer lustig - 13 years ago
is he still alive????
drullumall96 - 13 years ago
thumps up! for amazing things on the earth!
stephen gapido
stephen gapido - 13 years ago
@xXsold13rZ9Xx fuck the pool the beach is better!
eydorian - 13 years ago
must be quite special to have a building roaring behind you...
M vdp
M vdp - 13 years ago
that looks... incredibbly dangerous
Paolo Valler
Paolo Valler - 13 years ago
you guys call that a wave?? Id call that an incoming disaster.... damn huge
BabyStealer - 13 years ago
1:03 ....... "Woosh"... he exits the wave...
USmanofmystery - 13 years ago
There are waves on the wave!
Redd Vizion
Redd Vizion - 13 years ago
thats amazing!!
xXsold13rZ9Xx - 13 years ago
Fuck the beach i go to the pool!
BoobLeeSwagger1 - 13 years ago
Wow I thought that wave was fake at first it's so big!!!!!!
Doomsday PKL
Doomsday PKL - 13 years ago
did he die?
Fr0z3nT3rr0r - 13 years ago
NBAPwns13 - 13 years ago
i've always wanted to go to Hawaii :( i feel like surfing but il learn :)
Manuel B
Manuel B - 13 years ago
I surf there everyday and boogieboard to
Francoispaquetube - 13 years ago
wiki wiki !
Dillon - 13 years ago
my jaw dropped :O
1bobo1 - 13 years ago
elvarfa - 13 years ago
wooow epic! :D
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 13 years ago
@MaxwellsDemon9 Helicopters don't have a smooth ride actually so we use gyro stabilized support systems. They take experience to opeate. I specialize in aerials for action sports. Thanks for the note. Let us know if you need a good production team for anything. Pete (310)463-5058
MaxwellsDemon9 - 13 years ago
Yes it's amazing cinematography. I have a stupid question: do they shoot this from a helicopter? The camera seems so steady, but I guess helicopters have a smooth ride...
Nini - 13 years ago
This makes me feel ill
00000debbie00000 - 13 years ago
i am never going to hawaii for sure....
Mark Mor Sivan
Mark Mor Sivan - 13 years ago
fake. the biggest fake studio wave ever.
xXxdaguitarfreakxXx - 13 years ago
@hackett152332 possibly from drowning, but since the water isnt as shallow as teahupoo or pipeline, you probably wouldnt die from impact
iHateDentists - 13 years ago
@tonythedemon ugh shut up
Queen Warlord
Queen Warlord - 13 years ago
@hackett152332 speak for urself :P its funny, and very fun to say out loud (: hahaha stop the hate <3 OM NOM NOM NOM :D
Richard Spriggs
Richard Spriggs - 13 years ago
@sasoriXxxXsmexy people saying ''nom nom nom'' is really getting old
Richard Spriggs
Richard Spriggs - 13 years ago
it's scary when it goes silent and it's just you and that HUGE WAVE....
Richard Spriggs
Richard Spriggs - 13 years ago
would u die if u fucked it up and came off?
Tony - 13 years ago
Is he dead?
Mike Antonio Jr
Mike Antonio Jr - 14 years ago
@123Shazzam123 yes
hyenaswine - 14 years ago
More like 35 feet.
Queen Warlord
Queen Warlord - 14 years ago
that wave just gobbled him up like om nom nom nom :3
123Shazzam123 - 14 years ago
That looks fake :/ Is it real?
usmaels1 - 14 years ago
@MrAkoto2010 Wow...I was just reviewing some of the posts and saw what you wrote...kinda spooky considering the Tsunami in Japan was 1 week ago....which means you posted this less than 2 months before it happened. This video is one of my favorite things and I go back and watch it often...but your post really caught my attention. Are you Jesus or what?
GEO rastafaman
GEO rastafaman - 14 years ago
o.m.g is he alive after this? o_O
Victor Lucas
Victor Lucas - 14 years ago
eu ja assisti esse video
Kevin Gil
Kevin Gil - 14 years ago
isnt this laird hamilton? waaait..he got shacked up....whaaat?
Kevin Gil
Kevin Gil - 14 years ago
isnt this laird hamilton?
TheHempMessiah - 14 years ago
@trevormegill Whaat? no way San Diego gets waves like these? where at exactly
Trevor Megill
Trevor Megill - 14 years ago
its a rift like offf the coast of san diego out in the ocean like ver 4 years they get these humongeous wavees
Alexis Mendoza
Alexis Mendoza - 14 years ago
Jae Hood
Jae Hood - 14 years ago
This guy doesnt just have Big Balls.....He has Balls the size of Watermelons.
antiirony - 14 years ago
most bitch wave ive ever seen. anyone can do that.
Sean Cornejo
Sean Cornejo - 14 years ago
holy fuck id be trippen
Sean Cornejo
Sean Cornejo - 14 years ago
holy fuck
Lucas - 14 years ago
@69iambecomedeath89 Go and suck your mama's dick! :D
Jesus Jones
Jesus Jones - 14 years ago
@Zollbeamter you can't even do this :D HAHA Jewish Faggot
Anonymust - 14 years ago
@cwood360 you shit titanic or what?
Gerdovci - 14 years ago
@LondonKuzz No its not fake.
Lucas - 14 years ago
@69iambecomedeath89 Fat retard...D
Jesus Jones
Jesus Jones - 14 years ago
@LondonKuzz thats cause your fucking stupid dude, do one minute of research.
Jesus Jones
Jesus Jones - 14 years ago
@Zollbeamter can you spelld
Mirza Begic
Mirza Begic - 14 years ago
I'm thinking this is fake, but no one else seems to, but still, I have my doubts
spamstoper3 - 14 years ago
james boycunt
james boycunt - 14 years ago
Subaru Wrx
Subaru Wrx - 14 years ago
shut the fuck up with the did he died
Lucas - 14 years ago
Did he died?
clappic - 14 years ago
Cole Wooddall
Cole Wooddall - 14 years ago
Ive taken dumps that make bigger waves than that
cattly721 - 14 years ago
i went surfing in hawii once it was AWESOME it was like a jet on water too bad i fell like 3 times hehe my sister hit a turtle when she was surfing
Maggie Steele
Maggie Steele - 14 years ago
@smitty622 You have a better chance at being killed from a wave than a shark in my opinion.
Tenmonchi - 14 years ago
1:16 I will be on his place ;)
riversdirect - 14 years ago
was that Chuck Norris?
rovertales - 14 years ago
wow that would be intense... wonder where the jet ski went
Stinkmeaner - 14 years ago
thats not a wave...thats an aquatic mountain.
C G - 14 years ago
oh fuck! Chuck Norris found the water baloons RUN!
reachfan88277 - 14 years ago
MAN i want to move to the tropics!!!
TPSJONNY - 14 years ago
man, i could do that shit whilst eating a subway ! lol.......nice shorts though lol
Princess Star Butterfly
Princess Star Butterfly - 14 years ago
That is talent! I would have fallen for sure.
vircebu - 14 years ago
es de verdad???? impresionante
AudioFrenzy - 14 years ago
surely this must be the most dangerous extreme sport of them all?
jhvfcvhgu66ujv - 14 years ago
Gay. I would have paddled in on my boogie board and then done a 360 down the face.
HIVisaLIE - 14 years ago
@mushroomchrisn 45 miles per hour
denis hlyvka
denis hlyvka - 14 years ago
huh i do that all the time
Brian Trujillo
Brian Trujillo - 14 years ago
that's chuck norris's warm up every morning.
ofer budin
ofer budin - 14 years ago
no freaking way!!!
Yaan of Naan
Yaan of Naan - 14 years ago
how fast is the surfer going?
andrew stewart
andrew stewart - 14 years ago
OMG is that fake ?
Forest Kid
Forest Kid - 14 years ago
one word, WOW
Zac Miller
Zac Miller - 14 years ago
every time i see a vid like this one im absolutely awestruck. i think thats just so amazing.
kyzziistar - 14 years ago
acoustic... hahahahaha thought people read the titles when they click on a vid :D
nig nug
nig nug - 14 years ago
all these people are kooks vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
ActionReplayPerson - 14 years ago
That guy knows how to ride!
Alfred Guajardo
Alfred Guajardo - 14 years ago
At times you'll feel a positive Roll and Feeling, a Journey of the Unknown, Where its going, or how Long it takes is a Mystery It feels and looks like A Golden wave Sensation, Yet uncertain Why question it? Ride it till it Breaks Or dissipates, as you may Never ever experience, Such a Unique, Emotional, Spiritual, And Natural High in Life againAlfred Guajardo
Rushfall Hawaii
Rushfall Hawaii - 14 years ago
Carlos Santiago
Carlos Santiago - 14 years ago
Now imagine how much pussy he got right after this...Like what girl WOULNT want to fuck him after he surfed a motherfucking 65 foot wave...
Carlos Fernandez
Carlos Fernandez - 14 years ago
i would be scared shetless
Nunya Buziness
Nunya Buziness - 14 years ago
:O is all I can say right now
Rushfall Hawaii
Rushfall Hawaii - 14 years ago
lakecityransom - 14 years ago
@darknessofDEUCE I'm sorry to say the wave is deceased, it's water components swirling all over the ocean and also some evaporated into the air and taken inland :(
DERedhead65 - 14 years ago
this is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and Beautiful at the same time... I CANNOT imagine being a surfer but moreso being "at one" with nature like that and a wave that HUGE... that surfer is INCREDIBLE... speechless and awe inspiring... WOW!
Rob Powers
Rob Powers - 14 years ago
That takes cajones the size of basketballs.
DowntownTB13 - 14 years ago
holy shit, i would have shit my pants, lol
FreeTheGhetto - 14 years ago
Man, I went to the Jersey shore a couple days ago, Hurricane Earl had just passed nearby and there were some nice 10-15 foot waves out there. I went boogie-boarding and I really had trouble keepin my head above water, and avoiding getting clobbered by em. It gave me a new respect for the power of waves. I just can't imagine what it'd be like to fall on one of these monsters. Much respect to the extreme surfers out there.
Connor Scesaa
Connor Scesaa - 14 years ago
0:31 to 0:36 it looks so fake
Michael L
Michael L - 14 years ago
@MonsterEngergy21 - Not at all... I used to live there mate... This is the real deal, Peahi rules the big waves...
Connor Scesaa
Connor Scesaa - 14 years ago
lovemyirocz - 14 years ago
That is amazing!!!
Erik Musbach
Erik Musbach - 14 years ago
@marquerodin Wait, so approximately how far from shore do these massive waves form and eventually break because it just seems like if a swimmer were to wander out there, they might be injured or killed...
Marque Rodin
Marque Rodin - 14 years ago
To any who say this is fake, don't think so. I've seen men and women in Hawaii when I used to live there take on waves like these daily. Just swimming out there is a commitment
Fourie Fam.
Fourie Fam. - 14 years ago
Mac Sebert
Mac Sebert - 14 years ago
holy shit. and i thought the waves i get knocked ove rby our big.
General Deivis
General Deivis - 14 years ago
Omg... Is this real?
quintus dias
quintus dias - 14 years ago
@smitty622 ikr
isiahdegu - 14 years ago
hey this was in a movie.. it was a surfing documentary.. does anyone know what it was?
Austin Smith
Austin Smith - 14 years ago
fuck sharks, LETS FEAR WAVES!
Ian Valqui
Ian Valqui - 14 years ago
I Acutally swimed in one feel, And go to the hopitel :/.
Gerard Pau
Gerard Pau - 14 years ago
Mitchell Roxors
Mitchell Roxors - 14 years ago
ho brada man, big ah da north shore waves hauula
Lupe Bracamonte
Lupe Bracamonte - 14 years ago
i might go to hawaii on a cruise now im scared of their waves O.O they not gonna go to the beach there lol
TheBladeChef - 14 years ago
Chad Purser
Chad Purser - 14 years ago
Chuck Norris approves.
Peter - 14 years ago
@DarkRenz 3 miles
Peter - 14 years ago
@Aerialboundary1978 There are channels, and these waves break miles off shore. I used to live in Maui. A boat will take you and the jetski out through the channel. you get in the watetr and battle into death
KFC PLEASE - 14 years ago
thats insane
DudewithdaShades - 14 years ago
That's so fucking awesome! And yet extremely terrifying...
Don Juan
Don Juan - 14 years ago
Tsunami :OOO
Leilani Bocaya
Leilani Bocaya - 14 years ago
what omg. he survived, right? ;P
J M - 14 years ago
Free Hawaii!
surfingUSA100 - 14 years ago
Beast x 100 = Him
Teddy Tibbers
Teddy Tibbers - 14 years ago
Okay I go snowboarding on big sloaps, fall, break bone or two, run into wolves down the hills, freeze... but that doesn't compare to how fun this can be! I want to surf now! XD
zyxwa1 - 14 years ago
wow, makes you relize how small we really are
R3 Studios
R3 Studios - 14 years ago
wow. ive seen this video at least 4-5 times on youtube now lol
amishbros - 14 years ago
am i the only one that wonders where the jetski goes?
giulene - 14 years ago
but isnt he Laird Hamilton?
Tom Morris
Tom Morris - 14 years ago
OMG. I prefer land but the power of the ocean is fastenating to watch. This is a great example.and the surfer well he has to be crazy but it was awesome to watch.
JeszeeLaw - 14 years ago
That my friends, is a real badass! What an inspiration.
Orangepeelification - 14 years ago
holy shit
willardthegrey - 14 years ago
@michaelohara52 Thats what makes this do great.. no such thing.
Aerialboundary1978 - 14 years ago
This may be a stupid question, but from the beach, how do you get a jet ski and surfer past those waves to begin with?
arrowkidd - 14 years ago
omg i would shit myself if i saw a 65ft wall of wave over my head! god dam that guy has balls!
m1l3slovesskateing - 14 years ago
mike parsons bittchhh
Berni W
Berni W - 14 years ago
isn't this a fake? looks so unbelievibel
treetox - 14 years ago
Flawless - the greatest surf ever recorded !
mauimom67 - 14 years ago
I live at Peahi and I can attest to the fact that these waves are truly incredible to see but the surfahs who ride them are even more amazing. We look forward to watching JAWS roll in every winter on Maui.
4rbd - 14 years ago
Welcome class, to Surfing Huge Waves 101. 1st rule: You fall, You die.
Paula Buggage
Paula Buggage - 14 years ago
chris23duke - 14 years ago
wow im glad im not him lol
hate420breed - 14 years ago
charlie don't surf
Briar - 14 years ago
this is fricken sick!
sirjebstar - 14 years ago
are you fucking nuts
Paul Kerkstra
Paul Kerkstra - 14 years ago
RoyalHigness - 14 years ago
@amerrabbi23 big enough...
cheekymonkey242424 - 14 years ago
WOW, that wave is just huge!!
Daniel Mai
Daniel Mai - 14 years ago
holy fuck
XXTHE12THMANXX - 14 years ago
Em S.
Em S. - 14 years ago
iif i was him i woudlve shit my pants
nyholmie1996 - 15 years ago
!! i just saw this vid two seconds ago on planet earth!! it shows it in the beginning of the fish episode
Lady - 15 years ago
I always ask myself, how did he practice to be in this level? I mean of course he didn't come all of the sudden and know how to do it.. MAN !!
Julia Kandler
Julia Kandler - 15 years ago
was he death??
Martin Vikse
Martin Vikse - 15 years ago
lol, think of having second tyhoughts while being on the top of this..."aw crap, this is HUGE! nvr mind!"
Argiris Papadopoulos
Argiris Papadopoulos - 15 years ago
HOOOOOooooooLLLLllllllllyyyyyyyyyy SSSSSHhhhhhhIIIIIIiiiiiiiiTTTTT
Olivia Loorz
Olivia Loorz - 15 years ago
ah... the beauty of a graceful,strong wave. i love the wonders the ocean has to give!!!
MsArgentana - 15 years ago
ES UN DIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZanarkandRose - 15 years ago
wow...i woulda died lol
Atari - 15 years ago
i would be like "Oh nevermind- GET ME OUTTA HERE!"
ronaldo Marcelo
ronaldo Marcelo - 15 years ago
¿Qué hacer cuando todo y reveló el origen y la razón de ser del mismo origen??
deltaalpha21074 - 15 years ago
Only one wave bigger that one in The perfect Wave!!!
verul123 - 15 years ago
thank you. but i live in minnesota. is to far from the near ocean.
deltaalpha21074 - 15 years ago
@verul123 The Ultimatte Surfer WAVE is coming get your asses out there and Hang it all out!!! BIg one is coming Tsunami go go go!
verul123 - 15 years ago
holly heaven. what kind of waves can hawaii expect with the tsunami alert?
John Hosemann - Rocket -
John Hosemann - Rocket - - 15 years ago
Siiiiiick!!!!! Check out my Santa Cruz Video. Just got back from San Jose, CA. Add as friend, Subscribe, comment or just enjoy some travel video. Looking to go HD soon.
RICARDO RIEGEL - 15 years ago
se existe um lugar para surfar e no hawaii
jmorrowbel - 15 years ago
I would drown. period.
aggressivegeek - 15 years ago
:O! Jaw dropping!
Truly Enlightened3301
Truly Enlightened3301 - 15 years ago
whoa! nice! huge wave!!!!!! ur my surfing hero lol
Vinny Fonseca
Vinny Fonseca - 15 years ago
Alex Bourne
Alex Bourne - 15 years ago
This is truly the funniest comment on youtube. You are my hero x
dawnzahra - 15 years ago
did this guy live?
berserker - 15 years ago
anyone know where i can get the full movie? I think it will make an excellent test video for hometheaters. Big screen TV, great sound system and this. Wow
fbicool1 - 15 years ago
luckiezz802 - 15 years ago
well im gessing yea. i live in hawaii...but not maui haha. but the waves get HUGE in wintertime. trust me i surf but not big waves haha. well yea but they dont get tht huge ne more..
shinysuicune - 15 years ago
What? Do the waves in Hawaii really get to 65 ft tall?
Rachel Fullwood
Rachel Fullwood - 15 years ago
Patty Capaldo
Patty Capaldo - 15 years ago
his feet are connected to da board
andrew hales
andrew hales - 15 years ago
Hell. Ya.
InMyMindSoundsLikeX - 15 years ago
shock!wow wow wow...respect
JakeB090489 - 15 years ago
its Fahrenheit...
Penelope Kimball
Penelope Kimball - 15 years ago
Ok, ok, I believe. It was a stupid comment. Sorry.
tombassman - 15 years ago
Celsius is measured in degrees
shash davias
shash davias - 15 years ago
ptlentz, who cares you believe or not? lol
InMyMindSoundsLikeX - 15 years ago
Penelope Kimball
Penelope Kimball - 15 years ago
Please tell me that's not real. What happened to him? Show me the helicopter that shot this and I'll believe it.
noronpaul - 15 years ago
pussy fell
SchwarzundWeis - 15 years ago
why the fuck are you on youtube then? hit the beach!
WavesDVDcom: Relax Music & Nature Sounds Videos
WavesDVDcom: Relax Music & Nature Sounds Videos - 15 years ago
Cool video. If you like beautiful beaches and relaxing ocean waves - Subscribe to me and help relax the world - one wave at a time.
firedreams1 - 15 years ago
chris5812341234 - 15 years ago
i no there are waves like this but this one is not real
Summer Smith
Summer Smith - 15 years ago
at 1:00 i would have been like hoooooly shiiiiiiit lol
marvelous s
marvelous s - 15 years ago
maybe just turned round ?
chris5812341234 - 15 years ago
if thts real where te hell did the jetski go?
Aitor Pardo
Aitor Pardo - 15 years ago
is this real?? i don't believe it!
Daniel Adams
Daniel Adams - 15 years ago
thts bad a surfing where i am on the gulf of mexico they get up to only 7 feet to 16 ft in a hurricane.
BigLebowski2000 - 15 years ago
Biggest waves coming to land in the world! 60-70 feet! Or 20-24 metres.
Richard Camacho
Richard Camacho - 15 years ago
Junior Oliveira
Junior Oliveira - 15 years ago
Watch here! o man is crazy !
emilymorrris - 15 years ago
i would have shat meself lol
nicolesaed - 15 years ago
thats so scary
mrflipshyde - 15 years ago
people in maui that time probably thinks its a tsunami dawm!!!!!!
Lynne B
Lynne B - 15 years ago
Awesome! Great camera work too!!
DsLiNhU - 15 years ago
thats f** nice
Sarita Barita
Sarita Barita - 15 years ago
Haha. Tourists are always stopping in my neighborhood and asking if Jaws is nearby. It is ... a few miles to da east xD
Agust Ingolfsson
Agust Ingolfsson - 15 years ago
that looks so fucking fun!
Joe Sorkin
Joe Sorkin - 15 years ago
no--it is... its in a moive... and you can see the cgi...
untold44 - 15 years ago
No its not. This is at North Shore. Ive been there there are signs saying Cautions waves go over the bridges and everthing.
Tenebrae - 15 years ago
holy shit
Satanic Warmaster
Satanic Warmaster - 15 years ago
I wonder how his balls of steel didn't sink him
DumDums2 - 15 years ago
it seems so fake
la parka
la parka - 15 years ago
a little late on it huh? that drop was steep as hell! fuckin awesome.
Jean Whitehouse
Jean Whitehouse - 15 years ago
my kayak once got capsised by a 25 foot wave and i thought that was big ...
TheGuyfromhawaii - 15 years ago
magentawave - 15 years ago
Hey people! This is NOT fake! There is nothing fake about this. This is one huge big-ass wave at Peahi on Maui (aka Jaws).
zanes94 - 15 years ago
mad core
mad core - 15 years ago
he still alive?
Alex Brannigan
Alex Brannigan - 15 years ago
woooow thats big, i'd shit myself if that was me
hendrikalo - 15 years ago
its no fake jaws has 30-40 foot waves unbelievable but true.
magentawave - 15 years ago
Fake?! Its Peahi (aka: Jaws) on the north shore of Maui.
Joe Sorkin
Joe Sorkin - 15 years ago
its in the movie jaws 3. YOU look it up. and tell me how that motorboat could get completely out of the frame when the camera was zooming out so fast.
Joe Sorkin
Joe Sorkin - 15 years ago
lol so fake.
tzrmike - 15 years ago
wernt this adverising 'SKY' TV??
matt gerbes
matt gerbes - 15 years ago
fuck yehh man
TiffanyRevamped - 15 years ago
he is soo good
wakeupfist - 15 years ago
He had such a good thing going. NICE!
fullthrottledetails - 15 years ago
A. FernandezMaza
A. FernandezMaza - 15 years ago
que caballo.. se le murieron los padres de chico sino no te mandas esta!
chaddy rack
chaddy rack - 15 years ago
that might be the sickest thing ive ever seen as far as surfing
zunk eleven
zunk eleven - 15 years ago
I remember seeing this vid years ago. It's at least 12 -14 years old
Dank951 - 15 years ago
:O Amazing! And to everyone saying hawaii does have huge waves, YOUR ABSOLUTELY 8 million percent correct. This guy probaly didn't have anything to fear because if you think about it if the wae is going to tumble on you you can just duck under water but with that size of a wave i doubt he would have survived, but who knows.
Mark Daviau
Mark Daviau - 15 years ago
that is fuckin crazy
LadyK8E - 15 years ago
That is, perhaps, one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my entire life.
Krystle Wampler
Krystle Wampler - 15 years ago
Holy Shit!!! That wave was fuckin HUGE!!! crazinessssss!!
nate dogg
nate dogg - 15 years ago
nnutter absalute nuttter
ThaiGoalie - 15 years ago
he was probably shit his pants when he looked behind him. lol
KLongva - 15 years ago
lol its fake... wtf
Brett - 15 years ago
Maxi Arrascoyta
Maxi Arrascoyta - 15 years ago
OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really are the best !
Nobunaga Oda
Nobunaga Oda - 15 years ago
that wave was so huge that it looked like he was snowboarding down a mountain in the beginning
roygbiv330 - 15 years ago
realmasterchief - 15 years ago
0_0 He has coconut balls.
C.I. Pedrin
C.I. Pedrin - 15 years ago
wave's 70ft, tho the cant measure it with total accuracy, it is at least over 65ft
Chino y Pepino
Chino y Pepino - 15 years ago
This guy has HUge NUts
Aussie Arican
Aussie Arican - 15 years ago
jezz! thats one bigg wave! i would have died cause i got smashed so hard! ahh
syclone9 - 16 years ago
wow that was a huge wave jesus god i bet he got hurt
SniperWolf69oc - 16 years ago
fair enough mate. you should try and find a few of the big wave surfing movies/doco's. they're fantastic. if you can find out about 'Banzai Pipeline' some of the best waves on the planet.
SniperWolf69oc - 16 years ago
its not fake you fucking moron. jesus. do your research you fucking nub. this is one of the most famous surfing video clips ever. fucking idiot...
SniperWolf69oc - 16 years ago
fuck off it does, you're mind just can't comprehend that a person would be insane enough to ride a wave that big. The guy riding it is one of the Mavericks Crew. A bunch of bonkers surfers that ride the biggest waves in the world. They originally got their name from surfing the "Mavericks" a bunch of huge fkn waves off the coast of California.
vtgamehendge - 16 years ago
I'm so sick of people posting comments that videos are "fake." And most of them are vids that I know for a fact are not fake because they come from documentaries and DVDs. Do these people have any sort of background in digital editing or are they just trying to act like they know what they're talking about?
XxMauiboixX - 16 years ago
Morgenstern - 16 years ago
Only one thing is missing from this video.....the Hawaii Five-0 theme song. Cool video though.
xMATTSTERx - 16 years ago
the ultimate rush, i wanna surf that
Gwenlj - 16 years ago
epic :)
BatistaFan40 - 16 years ago
Antonia Ladejobi
Antonia Ladejobi - 16 years ago
hes dead...
dclaver2 - 16 years ago
I'd shit my pants
Chloe Black
Chloe Black - 16 years ago
that is some scary shit, but thats just me i ate long peirods of water spreaded out
fileerausveitsi - 16 years ago
this is sick!
joe long
joe long - 16 years ago
at 1;oo i would crap my self
metalfreak1892 - 16 years ago
the fuck?
Hailey S
Hailey S - 16 years ago
Hahaha! <3
Hailey S
Hailey S - 16 years ago
This is INSANE!!!!!!
Louize Helen
Louize Helen - 16 years ago
i'm the same..i get recurring nightmares about them..yet they simultaneously intrigue me, hence why i clicked on this..
Louize Helen
Louize Helen - 16 years ago
lol..i'm actually terrified of huge waves and get nightmares about them..but they equally intrigue me, hence why i clicked on this vid
Meaghan - 16 years ago
anyone who thinks its fake obviously has never been to Hawaii
J J - 16 years ago
This isn't fake, but I don't think it's shot near Hawaii. It's in the open ocean, near the Cortes Bank, 100 miles west of San Diego.
dragon2129 - 16 years ago
To all the people sayign its fake: How do you know? As far as I can tell its real, even the background in the description checks out. Don't say its fake without doing the research. Ohh.. I almost forgot to mention, I'm in college studying marine science. It is rare but possible for waves to reach that height.
kycruisecrazy - 16 years ago
north shore in hawaii. happend every winter. only the insane ride the 25+ foot monsters
honorbeforeglory - 16 years ago
hashfromjc - 16 years ago
youre fucking dumb, youd be able to tell if this was fake but it doesnt look fake at all.
Alan Scott
Alan Scott - 16 years ago
OMG thats fucking crazy
thanh nguyen
thanh nguyen - 16 years ago
man that neggea gots balls
WhytyProd - 16 years ago
when that wave starts too break i start too feel sick
jay kyd
jay kyd - 16 years ago
in what dream was this the one were you had a girlfriend to?
cheesguy3333 - 16 years ago
if i saw that huge wave behind me i would pee in my pants
Mustapha Ilam
Mustapha Ilam - 16 years ago
they risk their lives to enjoy a little moments
goeleet - 16 years ago
One of youtube's best videos
AZskaterkid101 - 16 years ago
fake??? uhh no
ghostarnel - 16 years ago
man sooofake
dergutemann68 - 16 years ago
Wallistism - 16 years ago
just thought it was something cool to think about, but i guess your arrogant idea of a question decided you don't like me thinking.
dergutemann68 - 16 years ago
and why do u care?
Jerry Vance Bridges III
Jerry Vance Bridges III - 16 years ago
imagine swimming under dat shit lmao./
maidenman33 - 16 years ago
why yes i do
tube sauz
tube sauz - 16 years ago
It is not real
Wallistism - 16 years ago
do u all realize that we are all just people sitting in chairs looking at screens typing on keyboards?
WhrsTheMoneyLabowski - 16 years ago
and then he drowns. crazy crazy shit there
UnderseaCaveman - 16 years ago
It's amazing how many people think this is fake, all they have to do is rent "Riding Giants" or "Billabong's Odyessey".... what a bunch of morons, guess that speaks volumes for the INSANITY of that WAVE! Guy got swallowed whole by the white water at the end!
tom nicholson
tom nicholson - 16 years ago
And that's head first into the toilet from you!
Franklin Delano Bluth
Franklin Delano Bluth - 16 years ago
off the DVE step into liquid, very real man.
Balibuyers - 16 years ago
Wrong RealYes
Alejandro roman
Alejandro roman - 16 years ago
LottiDotti76 - 16 years ago
I lived in Hawaii for 4 years (I am in the Air Force) and can say this is not fake. I remember when a hurricane passed by the islands and the waves were 70 feet. My ass was on the beach watching those waves.
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 16 years ago
Yes, I was in a helicopter Einstein. It's real, go rent Billabong's "Odyssey" or see their trailer here or on their website. You are dumb.
sebastian122 - 16 years ago
MAGNIFICENT! The wave, the ride, just magnificent.
Martin Chavarin
Martin Chavarin - 16 years ago
its not fake dude. the photographer or whatever makes it look like that dumbass
Snigley Mgcee
Snigley Mgcee - 16 years ago
fucking crazy...if he went down he would have been dunski
flesh cork
flesh cork - 17 years ago
thats suicidal
ian otto
ian otto - 17 years ago
thats sick
Yacithane - 17 years ago
who is this? how big is that wave? where and when was this? who filmed this? didnt surfer mag say something about this? did he win anything for this? what should i do to him?
matthew31g - 17 years ago
thats how you do work
ranant34 - 17 years ago
hell yeh man
Mayaadh Mahir
Mayaadh Mahir - 17 years ago
Holy Cow Thats huge ma frnd i give a 10
Raina - 17 years ago
man where do these waves exist...all im used to are teh dinky waves that last like 5 seconds at most :(
bookabiz3 - 17 years ago
nature is ..every feeling, scary, happy, sad.. everyhting.. and this right here my book ..SCARY! HAHA
hulumon - 17 years ago
Maui No Ka Oi!!!
Harrison Talarico
Harrison Talarico - 17 years ago
that's beautifull
Carlos Pardo
Carlos Pardo - 17 years ago
shit, thats everyday stuff in peru
euan sadler
euan sadler - 17 years ago
that is huge
Ryan Beal
Ryan Beal - 17 years ago
it looks fake
Heat Store
Heat Store - 17 years ago
Hawai ??? this is Cortez bank... 100 miles off san Diago..rider is mike Parsons, part of Billabong oddysey ...
xjustjuddx - 17 years ago
Ian Reason
Ian Reason - 17 years ago
Zoo - 17 years ago
"Jaws" Is the name of the hudge wave i think
Rosita Khan
Rosita Khan - 17 years ago
What happen to the surfer? Is he okay? Saw this video being posted as 'tsunami' video! What a scam, no one has ever ridden on a 'tsunami wave' before..
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 17 years ago
It's Jaws, I shot it so I would know.
shortyz21 - 17 years ago
this is on the cortes bank off san diego. not hawaii.. get your shit straight.
mbuckowski - 17 years ago
Can't stop watching this video. Absolutely amazing!
bandagedbandits - 17 years ago
OMG so amazing, wish i could surf like this. awesome!
Mitchell L.
Mitchell L. - 18 years ago
This is NOT fake. Its filmed in Maui at a break called Jaws. Waves like this are a dime a dozen when the surf is up and tow-in surfing is common there. It looks sort of fake from the camera, but its VERY real.
minitstop - 18 years ago
it's not fake. I live on maui. I see them doing this shit every winter and if you think it's fake just search on google for "surfing jaws maui" : )
Peter Fuszard
Peter Fuszard - 18 years ago
Imax did not film this, Peter Fuszard did. Imax did film some other surfers several years ago for their Extreme film. This was filmed during the Tow-In World Cup contest and included in Billabong's big wave surf film, "The Odyssey"
Isaias Classen
Isaias Classen - 18 years ago
hm i think its fake, CGI

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About Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii

The "Surfing Huge Waves in Hawaii" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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