Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

I was fortunate enough to visit the BSR wave pool in Waco Texas with Catch Surf pro riders Tyler Stanaland, Blair Conklin, Kalani Robb, Johnny Redmond and Ultra Kook and this is little look at the ripping and fun that went down. This wave pool is soooo sweet!! Also make sure to check out Catch Surf's edit here: Big thanks you to Cheyne Magnusson for dishing out perfect waves all day long and Skylar Wilson for my Womper bodysurfing clip!

Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool sentiment_very_dissatisfied 127

Surf 6 years ago 200,709 views

I was fortunate enough to visit the BSR wave pool in Waco Texas with Catch Surf pro riders Tyler Stanaland, Blair Conklin, Kalani Robb, Johnny Redmond and Ultra Kook and this is little look at the ripping and fun that went down. This wave pool is soooo sweet!! Also make sure to check out Catch Surf's edit here: Big thanks you to Cheyne Magnusson for dishing out perfect waves all day long and Skylar Wilson for my Womper bodysurfing clip!

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Most popular comments
for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

Cameron Reimer
Cameron Reimer - 6 years ago
The real question is, how much air can you get on a womper LOL. peep Kalani's Sexy face tho
JacuzziSurfer - 6 years ago
Cameron Reimer I would think a minimum of 8 feet
Cameron Reimer
Cameron Reimer - 6 years ago
wow im jealous, i guess i know where I'm going this summer
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Cameron Reimer the Womper jams out there!!!
rafaGamer Br
rafaGamer Br - 6 years ago
Mim ajuda a chegar 100 subs
Sean Christopher
Sean Christopher - 6 years ago
BobMac Jack
BobMac Jack - 6 years ago
Chernobyl Water....
Crypticlazr - 6 years ago
How might I send you a private message sir?
Travis McCallister
Travis McCallister - 6 years ago
Have you guys ever been to Bali ?
Travis McCallister
Travis McCallister - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. You should ! Been living in Bali for almost a year and I can guarantee that you would love to be here! The locals are super friendly!
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Travis McCallister all the guys in the vid have been to Bali but me. I hope one day to get there!
Michael Dose
Michael Dose - 6 years ago
Perfect waves except for that section right before it turns to mush. Perfect yeah.
Joseph Wiard
Joseph Wiard - 6 years ago
Why always the soft top boards?!
EpicSurfNews - 6 years ago
Nice capris

10. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

Shore Fire
Shore Fire - 6 years ago
it looks like they are surfing in Benjamin Moore #19 "Eastern Jade" in semi gloss.
sentbackfrom2084 - 6 years ago
All you need to do to hang out with these dudes is ride a soft foam surfboard and have gay orgy sex with them at night.
Diego S Mota
Diego S Mota - 6 years ago
Forro in music ? at 6min ? Só quem é do brasil curte ae
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
The song is Quincas Moreira by Josefina. I love the beat!
Crypticlazr - 6 years ago
This is the official training spot in America for Japan 2020 Olympics! Cannot waiiittt!
jakk gamer
jakk gamer - 6 years ago
Cool life
Jornalimos Multimídia
Jornalimos Multimídia - 6 years ago
Weird water.
trent jenkins
trent jenkins - 6 years ago
how much does it cost to surf there ?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
trent jenkins prices very but I think you can find the different pricing on their website
ProfabDesigns Inc.
ProfabDesigns Inc. - 6 years ago
Why is this water so green and thick like pee soup....
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
ProfabDesigns Inc. the water wasn’t thick but the color is definitely unique
Kelly J0nes
Kelly J0nes - 6 years ago
water looks butt nasty
sargso - 6 years ago
2:05 Song name?

20. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

Carson Shafer
Carson Shafer - 6 years ago
Still learning how to surf and was just wondering what kind of boards these are
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 6 years ago
the water is blue. Perfectly legit color for the water.
riceX - 6 years ago
That water looks pretty gross!
Samuel Iam
Samuel Iam - 6 years ago
Even the water LOOKS like Texas!
kiliankray - 6 years ago
I feel like I would get Cancer from swimming in that water....
Mark G
Mark G - 6 years ago
That water looks like it would dye your rashguard green when your done.
oliver reed
oliver reed - 6 years ago
Yea Yea Yea
Mark Kendrick
Mark Kendrick - 6 years ago
Nice Blue , creamy , porta potty water........
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Mark Kendrick haha
SWEETWILD - 6 years ago
these guys are funny and great lol
wanna be friends with them and hang with ^^
Streety63 - 6 years ago
Awesome, not as perfect as Kelly's pool but, multiple surfers, lefts and rights plus a bit of slop makes it more real I reckon. The crumbling lip reminds me of my local beach break- yeeeew!

30. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

Pat Reid c/o Colditz Castle
Pat Reid c/o Colditz Castle - 6 years ago
never knew cowboys from texas could surf so well
moodj ibra
moodj ibra - 6 years ago
More big dog calls please.. yeh big that Bill Brian.. this guys getn the best waves
Brian Park
Brian Park - 6 years ago
Though not as long, is this a better or more natural feeling wave than slater's?
Scott Ewers
Scott Ewers - 6 years ago
Porta potty blue wave water
Insolent Stickleback
Insolent Stickleback - 6 years ago
That water looks like a urinal cake.  WTH is in the water.
Luke - 6 years ago
Kyle Davis
Kyle Davis - 6 years ago
Kalani in FOCUS blew my mind back was i was a wannabe ripper in Mission Beach. Glad to see him still living the dream. Good on ya brudduh.
Zach Waddill
Zach Waddill - 6 years ago
Looks like SeaWorlds' painters have been washing their brushes out in that for a while.
Brett Wirges
Brett Wirges - 6 years ago
Way to small...but a good try! looks like the cannery at Tijuna Slues...
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 6 years ago
1:29 that airport personnel is Chunkyyyy <3
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 6 years ago
man Kalani never ages!
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 6 years ago
ya man! i love it. stay youthful and carefree!
Jerny Gutree
Jerny Gutree - 6 years ago
That water looks extremely toxic
David Nicklas
David Nicklas - 6 years ago
Kalani this aint the breakfast buffet bra no need to be so eggy
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
David Nicklas hahaha
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 6 years ago
The Guy has a "soft Board Surf Club" Tee shirt on. What kind of faggy crap is that? "Beginners board that is made in china" surf club?
CW Rodriguez
CW Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Should change their names from Catch Surf to Clown Surf. Bunch of fucking clowns
Brian Barton
Brian Barton - 6 years ago
Fake news, now fake surfing. What else?
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
A pussy video, wanna bee talking ,fucked it up
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
A pussy video,
Mdv Gau
Mdv Gau - 6 years ago
Nice looking wave but the water looks like the chemical cocktail from an airline toilet. Yuck!
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Mdv Gau haha
Owen Nicholls
Owen Nicholls - 6 years ago
Is it just me or dose the water look somthing like porta loo water ??

50. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

Frank Martinez
Frank Martinez - 6 years ago
If driving back to Dallas airport stop by waxahachie Texas and eat at. Two amigos and white rhino coffee.
Frank Martinez
Frank Martinez - 6 years ago
Working in waxahachie Texas, I surf bsr surfpark on Sunday’s, it’s hot and humid, miss Portos and rosecranse
CameronandTomfoolery23 - 6 years ago
Sponsored by Parsons Roofing
Michael James
Michael James - 6 years ago
09:05 . What in the litteral.fuck
Jayson Franswa
Jayson Franswa - 6 years ago
super-gluing a wound. thats some serious first aid technique haha
velvetturtles - 6 years ago
Just realized i need to get my roof worked on
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
velvetturtles haha. Call Parsons!!
Shaheen Arab
Shaheen Arab - 6 years ago
When you guys gonna come down to sd and surf blacks/swami’s?
Nelly Salazar
Nelly Salazar - 6 years ago
Wats this music!!!!!!!!
DoYouDamnIt 100
DoYouDamnIt 100 - 6 years ago
Dirty Jerz
Dirty Jerz - 6 years ago
So beefy FTW!!
DoYouDamnIt 100
DoYouDamnIt 100 - 6 years ago
Living in a Bubble
DoYouDamnIt 100
DoYouDamnIt 100 - 6 years ago
These guys have some serious egos ... so sad ... you would think by surfing perfect waves they would have soul ....
Ja M
Ja M - 6 years ago
why are you crazy glueing a cut
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Ja M the HB challenge!
Ja M
Ja M - 6 years ago
ahaha! hey the catch surf crew should bomb out southside HB (shorepounds) within the next couple weeks of swell. try the afternoon onshore wind shorebreak challenge lol
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Ja M so Tyler could surf he super glued cut back together. It worked pretty good til the end
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 6 years ago
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 6 years ago
+BEEFS T.V. sweet.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Ryan Miller you have to get to BSR! If Blair gets the wildcard into the Stab high air contest we’ll be back there real soon!
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 6 years ago
+BEEFS T.V. the new fuel tv. Lol
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 6 years ago
+BEEFS T.V. also I'm in red oak
Texas for work (from Fl) so glad I brought my board. I want sure how the waves would be. I'm down to join anytime Haha
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 6 years ago
+BEEFS T.V. but I need a sticker for my fridge lol
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Ryan Miller maybe some day!
Roscoe Do little
Roscoe Do little - 6 years ago
It's ok to not wear a wool beany or grow a beard to be a surfer kids. And u don't have to launch an air reverse every time. It's getting tiresome to look at. Just do a strong cutback.
Cpl. Clegg
Cpl. Clegg - 6 years ago
cool spot. obnoxious banter.
SUPER_TaJ - 6 years ago
Parkins roofing g
Chuck Castle
Chuck Castle - 6 years ago
Did I see KR rocking white shoes and no socks? Should be a fine for stinky sweaty feet, da fuck?!
James Aldaco
James Aldaco - 6 years ago
we need some of those trap beats with some footage
James Aldaco
James Aldaco - 6 years ago
+DoYouDamnIt 100 shut your snow-flake ass up
DoYouDamnIt 100
DoYouDamnIt 100 - 6 years ago
Fuck Trap ! That’s what’s wrong with the youth
mike stang
mike stang - 6 years ago
This is a fish farm for surfers, guaranteed to catch a wave, why not, unless your a purest soul surfer, which is somewhat pretentious. If you surf don't stop, if you don't surf, don't start.
Larvitar Dratini
Larvitar Dratini - 6 years ago
The water looks like it's dyed blue/green? Why is it so translucent?
D4vide39 - 6 years ago
Why is this video blowing up?
lestliness - 6 years ago
Why does the water look like the blue milk from star wars?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
lestliness that’s the mystery we are trying to get answers on. Haha
Mike Bond
Mike Bond - 6 years ago
Mike Bond
Mike Bond - 6 years ago
+BEEFS T.V. Love ya brahs, livin the life
Mike Bond
Mike Bond - 6 years ago
Double :-),, little boys in a basket with a little technology
Mike Bond
Mike Bond - 6 years ago
+BEEFS T.V. love watching dorks with an iPhone, pure entertainment with a question mark
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
mike smith it’s the ongoing mystery haha
AGATH0R - 6 years ago
This wavepool looks wayyyy more fun than kellys, man if i cud get that air section on repeat maybe i cud finally learn air reverse!!!!
AGATH0R - 6 years ago
san diego, but yeah
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 6 years ago
It looks fun to you because you live in iowa.
xwhite2020 - 6 years ago
No it doesnt. Lets face it the wave is half as big and lasts for about 5 seconds.
patrick jaroch
patrick jaroch - 6 years ago
that water looks disgusting. what are they hiding?????
thisismov - 6 years ago
this is a great one beefs. watched it with the volume off and was still cracking up
camo fan
camo fan - 6 years ago
That water doesn't look healthy
Marty Krom
Marty Krom - 6 years ago
Brett Maddox
Brett Maddox - 6 years ago
What model catch surf do the boys ride most to boost air?
TheShreking - 6 years ago
Can u also just swim there
TheShreking - 6 years ago
I just want to swim in there
Martin  Sutton
Martin Sutton - 6 years ago
You guys are great fun and even greater surfers!
Seaguld - 6 years ago
id love to give this a try
alexb618 - 6 years ago
Blair is like NBA jam with all the cheats turned on including big head mode
thisismov - 6 years ago
hahaha astute
Martin  Sutton
Martin Sutton - 6 years ago
That water must bleach your hair!
The Blue Wren
The Blue Wren - 6 years ago
What brand are those short boards
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
The Blue Wren they are all using Catch Surf softboards. Check them out at
Master Of Moffat
Master Of Moffat - 6 years ago
Bruce Almighty
Bruce Almighty - 6 years ago
WTF is that liquid made of????
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Bruce Almighty there is water in it but the rest is unsure at this time
Jono Edwards
Jono Edwards - 6 years ago
Airs are BIGGER in Texas!
Brilliant Show.
Another WorldView Is Possible
Another WorldView Is Possible - 6 years ago
It started out clear back when Gravy and JOB got it... but all those Gritty, Grimy, Surfers... getting filthy pitzs - I wonder how long til they drain the pool and start over?

Nice Bodysurf with the whomper. I'd like to test that out sometime. Stand-up AND Bodysurf - now... looks a little small for Kneeboarding... but hollow and perfect enough - for certain.

Loving the vid.
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 6 years ago
Love the Albertos music i want a carne asada burrito
troy davey
troy davey - 6 years ago
Kalani is a cool guy. You are so cool Kalani. Could you keep being cool Kalani. I'm hoping you will be even more cool next episode.
The rest of you guys suck. It's all about Kalani, isn't it Kalani.
Justin Tindel
Justin Tindel - 6 years ago
The real real question is when can I get a quote for a re roof from Parsons Roofing?
surfbouy - 6 years ago
I think they should change the water color on the reg. Blue waves, red waves pink waves, even black ones, too. Since there seems to be a variety of waves this pool can make, have mood colors for each style. Just a silly idea. Keep the stoke going, bros!
Danny Petersen
Danny Petersen - 6 years ago
Do they have deer hunting on that ranch? Can a person book a hunting/surfing trip? Of course, Blair got the biggest air.!!!!
Danny Petersen
Danny Petersen - 6 years ago
Lol, Thanks
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins - 6 years ago
Good idea, shoot a deer right off your surfboard with a rifle
Tristen Brown
Tristen Brown - 6 years ago
dope vid
David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 6 years ago
Chriso 666
Chriso 666 - 6 years ago
So good. Best crew.
Leyton Wightman
Leyton Wightman - 6 years ago
saw AUS on the board loading sticker and thought you were coming to Australia, then realised it was Austin TX :(
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Leyton Wightman haha. Hopefully get back to OZ soon!

100. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool

HK Slays Multimedia Fishing
HK Slays Multimedia Fishing - 6 years ago
fun waves fun times fun edit. Nice!
joel gaul
joel gaul - 6 years ago
Disappearing act 6:03
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
Showing the inside glass with it ripping down the line at 6 inches is surf porn for Ben Gravy. He might never leave his van...
Poor Kalani got laid up on the 1st day, that must've sucked so bad. Only the Hinneys can make that better.
Hungry Hiefer
Hungry Hiefer - 6 years ago
I' m so stoked!!  didn't even know BSR existed till I watched the first video. I'm from Dallas but lived in Cali for 3yrs. surfed Malibu, Newport, Huntington areas, The OP Pro is the Bomb! Loved watching the pro's! Does BSR web announce that the pro's are coming?
Hungry Hiefer
Hungry Hiefer - 6 years ago
Thanks for the info brah!
Tomaz Ferreira
Tomaz Ferreira - 6 years ago
I'm pretty confident that the water shouldn't be that blue
Tomaz Ferreira
Tomaz Ferreira - 6 years ago
haha nice one
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 6 years ago
It has Toilet Bowl freshner in it.
picster_nz - 6 years ago
Sick. How much does a private session like that run in at?
first triple W H AAA TTT?….ever…..3 waves three whaaaats…you are a legend…great vid
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Migatte no Gokui
Migatte no Gokui - 6 years ago
antoniolasaitis - 6 years ago
ta lançado SURFORRO
SwaggyEthan - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 6 years ago
Quick 2 questions, can u pls do a q&a with all the catch surf team on here and also who runs this channel? The filmer?
William Hanley
William Hanley - 6 years ago
People that have never been to the ocean will be throwing ariels ... Future ! Jesus that looks like fun.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
The wave is unreal and it has tons of different styles!
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 6 years ago
Such radness, from K-Rob and the Raw BEEFS Esquadron.
Luke the Duke
Luke the Duke - 6 years ago
Yea beefs
dav id
dav id - 6 years ago
this is my favorite channel
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 6 years ago
I look forward to every video u guys post!! I love it!!
Diogo Spiandorello
Diogo Spiandorello - 6 years ago
I wanna do something like that so bad
ultrakook official
ultrakook official - 6 years ago
So good!
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
You got the closer big dog!!
Moments in Time Films
Moments in Time Films - 6 years ago
Gumby water with Beefs to go loved it...
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Moments in Time Films the bottom is all white I believe the water is freshwater with some kind of agent in it
Moments in Time Films
Moments in Time Films - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. Is the bottom painted ? How’s it that color ? Fresh saltwater like a pool or just regular chlorine ?
SenneffRules - 6 years ago
Kalani Robb is an asshole in real life bad parenting
Ethan POV
Ethan POV - 6 years ago
Jaywar Films
Jaywar Films - 6 years ago
Samuel An
Samuel An - 6 years ago
Hey beefs, are you guys staying there tomorrow? I live in Dallas and I’m bringing my skim down to Waco to try and skimsurf. I also come a lot to laguna and I have always been a big fan of you. Thank you for creating this channel. Best one I’ve ever seen
Geoff Swan
Geoff Swan - 6 years ago
biiiiiiig DOOOOGGGGG
JacuzziSurfer - 6 years ago
Yeee haw fellar!!!!
Nucky Thompson
Nucky Thompson - 6 years ago
That music with the slo mo is a flippin crack up lmao
Cj Da GrOm
Cj Da GrOm - 6 years ago
Cj Da GrOm
Cj Da GrOm - 6 years ago
Kman 138
Kman 138 - 6 years ago
Mini boog barrel was sick! You guys have all the fun!
C - 6 years ago
the boys rollin in the airport like a crew of costa mesa hipsters at a starbucks /fp lol At least the Dolphkin didnt disappoint lol
Thebois - 6 years ago
Clancy Beights
Clancy Beights - 6 years ago
Ron Davis
Ron Davis - 6 years ago
I'd rather see the mud than that fake ads dye
BALLISTICJELLY - 6 years ago
Jettydog 1502 yes I watched them surf and saw the waves, I also noticed the colour of the water dumb ass, maybe don’t comment for the sake for looking like and ass hole.
Hungry Hiefer
Hungry Hiefer - 6 years ago
I surf in my cowboy boot's so I don't get bit:)-- I hope there ain't any ''toxic turd's'' swirling around in there. Don't blame it on the local's and ''Here's Your Sign'' Absolutely NO Urinating in Pool Please.
Jettydog 1502
Jettydog 1502 - 6 years ago
+TJ Lonsdale-Jones f*** the color have you been watching the wave have you been watching them surfing this wave kicks ass I don't care if it's orange
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
BALLISTICJELLY yeah not quite sure but definitely not to see through.. pretty sure I stepped on a snake while water shooting too haha.
John John Florence
John John Florence - 6 years ago
Al Ken
Al Ken - 6 years ago

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