Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool
Surf 6 years ago 200,655 views
I was fortunate enough to visit the BSR wave pool in Waco Texas with Catch Surf pro riders Tyler Stanaland, Blair Conklin, Kalani Robb, Johnny Redmond and Ultra Kook and this is little look at the ripping and fun that went down. This wave pool is soooo sweet!! Also make sure to check out Catch Surf's edit here: Big thanks you to Cheyne Magnusson for dishing out perfect waves all day long and Skylar Wilson for my Womper bodysurfing clip!
10. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool
20. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool
wanna be friends with them and hang with ^^
30. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool
50. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool
Texas for work (from Fl) so glad I brought my board. I want sure how the waves would be. I'm down to join anytime Haha
Brilliant Show.
Nice Bodysurf with the whomper. I'd like to test that out sometime. Stand-up AND Bodysurf - now... looks a little small for Kneeboarding... but hollow and perfect enough - for certain.
Loving the vid.
The rest of you guys suck. It's all about Kalani, isn't it Kalani.
100. comment for Surfing PERFECT waves at TEXAS Wavepool
Poor Kalani got laid up on the 1st day, that must've sucked so bad. Only the Hinneys can make that better.