Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions


Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2179

Surf 7 years ago 2,055,310 views


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Most popular comments
for Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions

BurhanHBS Films
BurhanHBS Films - 6 years ago
Best vlog ever!! Cheers
Patricia Paulsen
Patricia Paulsen - 6 years ago
My city ❤️
Blake Phillips
Blake Phillips - 6 years ago
This is the best cinematic scene you’ve ever made
Lonely Kid
Lonely Kid - 6 years ago
Makes me so happy that Casey is a fan of PHFAT
McKenna Haynes
McKenna Haynes - 7 years ago
I flew back from South Africa yesterday. This video has me feelin' some type of way...
Paulo RicardoPereira Tina
Paulo RicardoPereira Tina - 7 years ago
Hello love your videos, but can you start uploading 1080p 60fps videos lool that would be awesome...
Koby McBee
Koby McBee - 7 years ago
Soooo cinematic!!! Love this one caseyyy
JPTheGrey - 7 years ago
Stop wearing sun glasses at night
payel roy
payel roy - 7 years ago

10. comment for Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions

cant think of a name
cant think of a name - 7 years ago
content like this in 2018 is on fire
Artaza Khan
Artaza Khan - 7 years ago
Those drone shots were magic !
Curtis MG
Curtis MG - 7 years ago
This was amazing
ExplorationUnexplained - 7 years ago
Do What You Can't
Anthony Shakir
Anthony Shakir - 7 years ago
top 5% best casey videos right here. I legit clapped afterwards
Waugh Zone
Waugh Zone - 7 years ago
PHFat definitely got some good exposure
CSUniverse - 7 years ago
Songs: 1. PHFAT- Lights Out 2. PHFAT- Church
Peter Sserwanga
Peter Sserwanga - 7 years ago
Cape Town! home city.
The first modern city in History to possibly run out of water.
Loris Bernard
Loris Bernard - 7 years ago
arrest slope boat issue happiness tank hour everyone.
Nite Patrol
Nite Patrol - 7 years ago
New subscriber....these videos are absolutely incredible.

20. comment for Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions

Angad Singh
Angad Singh - 7 years ago
If you play Jain - Makeba at the start of the video it makes the video soooooo mch better ;)
Ntshembho Yolanda
Ntshembho Yolanda - 7 years ago
yazını Dan's accent is just rude
Michaeldownyourvincent - 7 years ago
Wow, gorgeous.
Kendell Eades
Kendell Eades - 7 years ago
When the sun rises from the water.... Ugh
Depot msa
Depot msa - 7 years ago
so good !
Bass Junkie
Bass Junkie - 7 years ago
What’s the background song called since Casey only listed the artist.
Josiah Bowles
Josiah Bowles - 7 years ago
hey man i love your vids! but my mom is woried about the cussing in the songs. no trouble though just a heads up.
Ali Fetveit
Ali Fetveit - 7 years ago
This is my new favorite Casey vlog
Ban By
Ban By - 7 years ago
You look wired as a blond
108Dax - 7 years ago
I came here from a PH Fat video. Never been on this channel before but saw it mention on PHFat vids.

30. comment for Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions

irma iniguez
irma iniguez - 7 years ago
You inspire my adventurous spirit Casey thanks for your art
Joematt - 7 years ago
Amazing video
Mati - 7 years ago
Music game has stepped up drastically! NICE!!!!!!
Rob Buglass
Rob Buglass - 7 years ago
Great stuff Casey
In Search
In Search - 7 years ago
So aggressive video, then other on th channel
aldrin siaton
aldrin siaton - 7 years ago
Title of the song please
Vernice Sent
Vernice Sent - 7 years ago
Saint Titanic
Saint Titanic - 7 years ago
Y u changed color of hair? Now u like cock
DV - 7 years ago
This is the Casey content I miss. Let's keep this movin!!
AnDreY PieTroff
AnDreY PieTroff - 7 years ago
Great as Always ! ))))
Phillip johnson
Phillip johnson - 7 years ago
Where is this place he went hiking to??
Toms1989 - 7 years ago
So good, so good! It reminds me of the movie "Art of Flight" style, awesome Casey!
Jéan Nel
Jéan Nel - 7 years ago
I saw you in Blouberg I swear! I love the PHphat music!!
we all
we all - 7 years ago
lol he painted his hair
sambking - 7 years ago
too bad about that ghetto music
Caroline de Haas
Caroline de Haas - 7 years ago
Spectrum cart straight watch remarkable apple derive interview trace decade bit
Conrad Bester
Conrad Bester - 7 years ago
directed by JJ Abrams
Chalmers - 7 years ago
This has been your best year of content thus far Casey. You're fucking killing the game my man. Stay motivated and keep it the fuck up. Work harder <3
mike montenza
mike montenza - 7 years ago
the sun don't wait for non men
Movies For You
Movies For You - 7 years ago
Why i cant see ads

50. comment for Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions

Maan Grewal
Maan Grewal - 7 years ago
You don't look nice in bread
Bastiaan Meulenbelt
Bastiaan Meulenbelt - 7 years ago
Ceiling assistance draw opcgrxr stranger subsequent word volume diamond pitcher shortly resume.
telsah1 - 7 years ago
Awesome video of the sun rise. That mountain looks like a pyramid / an ancient tomb. In a sort of way.
Max Thompson
Max Thompson - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what drone he flew in this video?
Gavin Lee
Gavin Lee - 7 years ago
Awesome vid
Mr Jaxxta
Mr Jaxxta - 7 years ago
I really wanted to see scorpions and spiders and snakes, and I was horribly disappointed...but then I remembered this is not the discovery channel. But it is a sick video.. love your work Neistat.
Bryce Kaiser
Bryce Kaiser - 7 years ago
Solve the song on the mountain top!
Brother Ben X
Brother Ben X - 7 years ago
Lol why am I visualizing getting into a fight and accidentally falling off the mountain smh
Paola Lopez
Paola Lopez - 7 years ago
This was out of this world... AMAZING work Casey!!!!
Mika H
Mika H - 7 years ago
omg PHAT in a casey video
Nick Goedde
Nick Goedde - 7 years ago
What’s the wawawawawawawawawa song
Polariola - 7 years ago
This video is so satisfying
Red - 7 years ago
Where did they film?
Kodiwan - 7 years ago
Music is lit dude !!!
Rafael VG
Rafael VG - 7 years ago
Great production Casey!!
Dany #gotaworldtosee
Dany #gotaworldtosee - 7 years ago
some real adventure video shot
Smokedship - 7 years ago
Amazing with one of the best quotes yet!
WILLtheCARguy p
WILLtheCARguy p - 7 years ago
Be the normal hair casy
john-pi’erre - 7 years ago
Xav911 - 7 years ago
Even without scorpion or shark, this's my favourite video from Casey. The place, music and people are all awesome.
Maggagie - 7 years ago
Casey - one of the most beautiful videos you have ever made. Great music, great photos/video. Great job! Looks like you feel more free... ;)
Samyak Jain
Samyak Jain - 7 years ago
How dirty were your camera and drone lenses?!.. Amazing video tho!❤️
Wylde Flower
Wylde Flower - 7 years ago
LeoLivingLife - 7 years ago
What made Casey which to the 6d Mark II?
Liam Leslie
Liam Leslie - 7 years ago
So many lens flares
allen visuals
allen visuals - 7 years ago
Yiso, lens flair city!
King TV
King TV - 7 years ago
Hi I'm from Russian
KelpyG Shakes
KelpyG Shakes - 7 years ago
This video alone convinced me I want to travel for a living
Radarada - 7 years ago
Casey you show so much love to Cape Town in all your videos and I really feel like you missed an opportunity here to bring attention to the water crisis in Cape Town. It is EXTREMELY likely Cape Town will be the first city to run out of water on April 12th and it frightens me that this is not making headlines internationally. You have such a massive, generous audience that may be interested in trying to avoid arguably one of the biggest catastrophes of the century.
Julle Selitää
Julle Selitää - 7 years ago
Shit fam
I feel empty
V log
V log - 7 years ago
Camera shake back - cannon vs GH5
Jesse and Kyle
Jesse and Kyle - 7 years ago
that looks insane
Heather Schultz
Heather Schultz - 7 years ago
Love those songs thanks for introducing new music!!!!!
MISTER - 7 years ago
Days2Explore - 7 years ago
Great video! no matter where your journey is
Camrann Coker
Camrann Coker - 7 years ago
This has to be one of my favorites!! Dope footage and editing.
Mattheau Sharp
Mattheau Sharp - 7 years ago
This honestly might have been your best video EVER! Those freaking drone shots were so amazing and cinematic looking. The colors, the movement. AS always, thanks for being such a huge inspiration to all of us Casey!
ispasskov - 7 years ago
aw, missed you, was in CT for the week of Jan 22., for the first time, this place is amazing, now back to Joburg, any luck to meet you in there? Can do smth with my Mavic Pro.
Joshua Verheul
Joshua Verheul - 7 years ago
Nice to see you in CT!
Amazing place to live
Jairo Campo
Jairo Campo - 7 years ago
The footage from the top is BEAUTIFUL
Dj Gioak
Dj Gioak - 7 years ago
I'm really not happy to say this, but I really didn't like the cinematography in that"For Peter McKinnon" part. Other parts are great though...
Matt Dauphinais
Matt Dauphinais - 7 years ago
Get It Casey!!
Foushbag - 7 years ago
I like the new vlog style alot!
Carlito Singh
Carlito Singh - 7 years ago
Damn didnt know you were here in south africa would of loved to see you
Brandon Tyler
Brandon Tyler - 7 years ago
Casey I appreciate the cool music but you usually bleep out the cuss words and this song has the F-word all in it! Couldn't show this to my kids.
Kinga Gorski
Kinga Gorski - 7 years ago
That Dan is getting you both into some potentially sticky situations hah! Loving these mini-movies. I've tried surfing 3 times - twice in Tofino (Canada) & once in Byron Bay (Australia) and it's SO challenging. You'd think snowboarding for 15 years would lend a helping hand but NOPE lol.
Joey Gray
Joey Gray - 7 years ago
You are insane. Love your vids.
BRYAN MOVIES - 7 years ago
Holy shit I love the lens flares
Jayden Dickson
Jayden Dickson - 7 years ago
Hey. I live in Cape Town
Korneel Doise
Korneel Doise - 7 years ago
that music tho

100. comment for Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions

little llama
little llama - 7 years ago
Awe bru, love from cape town
Jerem San Juan
Jerem San Juan - 7 years ago
Caviar dreams
Rogers FanBase
Rogers FanBase - 7 years ago
Amazing video but why TH you chose that song for the drone cliff scene? no biggy tho just played my own tunes
tom law
tom law - 7 years ago
So you sat on a surfboard while the real men around you actually surf, that's cool?
walter leung
walter leung - 7 years ago
hi casey, I'm walter and from Hong Kong, I feel bright of my life after watching a lot of your vlogs and inspirations!!! I also want to create my own vlog for recording myself. I start and keep to shoot with my camera of my daily life. But I want to know that how many GB in normal 10mins vlog that you created?  I'm looking for your reply. Thanks Casey^^
Micheal Arteaga
Micheal Arteaga - 7 years ago
Casey! Super creative work and lots of amazing energy. Love it !
Manuch Manuch
Manuch Manuch - 7 years ago
hi, I am form Russia your, big fun, awayson video, is there anyone who is from Russia?
Boarding Calls
Boarding Calls - 7 years ago
I personally think that this is one of Casey’s best videos, maybe one of his best. I cannot stop watching from 3’35. Great music, editing and drone shots. Yes the flare adds are debatable, but still... fantastic editing. Have to think of something different to film when I’m in Cape Town later this year.
David Goodland
David Goodland - 7 years ago
sick! goosebumps
Marco Ferreira
Marco Ferreira - 7 years ago
Welcome to South Africa Bro!!
Sol James
Sol James - 7 years ago
Amazing work! If anyone wants to give me feedback on my travel vlogs I'd love that ;)
Matthias Klehm
Matthias Klehm - 7 years ago
Thanks for the Great music. I'm listening to it Now all the time!
JOANPi - 7 years ago
5 min breathless amazing video! Thanks for making & sharing!
John Mulder
John Mulder - 7 years ago
Thanks for wasting our water. Worst drought in years and water running out in 2 months time. What a chop...
José Garcia Lopez
José Garcia Lopez - 7 years ago
Editing on point. And that song from PHFAT (Lights out) is so amazing. I used it for one of my movies as well.
Badman Robber
Badman Robber - 7 years ago
Twiggy <3
jimbo111589 - 7 years ago
I will never amount to anything.
Nathan Sinnott
Nathan Sinnott - 7 years ago
im so fucking happy you listen to PHfat
not applicable
not applicable - 7 years ago
LOL, I aren't a fan of his Quotes!
not applicable
not applicable - 7 years ago
And the sunny old Africa or holiday destinations aren't ever clouding my judgement or mind, many people are bad where ever you go
EboTV - 7 years ago
I've been watching Casey for awhile and I got to say this video is was amazing
Tyler Richardson
Tyler Richardson - 7 years ago
Loved the entire vibe of this video! The sunrise montage was incredible
Jpl - 7 years ago
what is the music used in the end credits?
Ruan le Roux
Ruan le Roux - 7 years ago
I live in Cape Town South Africa and this video makes me love and appreciate this place even more! PHFAT ftw!
Elroy McKay
Elroy McKay - 7 years ago
Dan is a legend. What a good rep for Cape Town. Sense of humour lol
DoogelCraft - 7 years ago
dude you should put "die antwoord" into your southA videos
Manuel Seguin
Manuel Seguin - 7 years ago
I'm always sooo worried for them to get mugged especially with all this gear... maybe because that's what happened to me on Sandy Bay lol
Jacko Venter
Jacko Venter - 7 years ago
Sharks? Scorpions? Fuck that. It's amazing you weren't shot/Stabbed for your camera equipment.
Darío Peris
Darío Peris - 7 years ago
what the fuck happened with casey´s vlogs???
Azra  Nasuha
Azra Nasuha - 7 years ago
Yall i love this video
Fixingthingz4u - 7 years ago
You mean "Trying to" Surf shark infested waters Casey .........
Alex Lee
Alex Lee - 7 years ago
the edits are just insane!!!!!
Joey Taggart
Joey Taggart - 7 years ago
Who else is scared by the thumbnail
Mbali Serolong
Mbali Serolong - 7 years ago
Khalid, TheWakaholic
Khalid, TheWakaholic - 7 years ago
Awww.. you had to shoutout Peter.. Love you both..
Rich King Lord
Rich King Lord - 7 years ago
What's with the song full of vulgarity? Had to stop watching.
Mike L Hawaii
Mike L Hawaii - 7 years ago
HAHA Kook.
Jonathan Mortimer
Jonathan Mortimer - 7 years ago
Black Tea
Black Tea - 7 years ago
calling a place infested with it's habitants is not acceptable.
C4 ????
C4 ???? - 7 years ago
That light pollution is unreal
David Blalock - Livin' Life
David Blalock - Livin' Life - 7 years ago
How about a family friendly music score?
Suraj Daware
Suraj Daware - 7 years ago
Which software you use for making time lapse video I love your time lapse videos
Suraj from India
Ohim Leyesh
Ohim Leyesh - 7 years ago
Who is that band in your closing track? ps. Love your videos Casey. <3
Eliot Greene
Eliot Greene - 7 years ago
Please enjoy surfing and the ocean but don't be worried about the sharks
Rounak Paul
Rounak Paul - 7 years ago
Cassey those drone shorts are soo amazing..& with that song...ahhhhhhh ❤ too good man..
Plan a tour in India for a different experience..
Carlos Carmona
Carlos Carmona - 7 years ago
Never new Lionel Messi vlogged?
Dayton Jaskinia
Dayton Jaskinia - 7 years ago
It would be so nice if you went back to 4k or 2.7k. This 1080 stuff is dull. But otherwise love the videos so frekin much!!!
bigedkc 01
bigedkc 01 - 7 years ago
omg peter mcinnion is awesome and i think you and pete will be awesome
bigedkc 01
bigedkc 01 - 7 years ago
he kc i think you made a great choice you can stand alone youc can prove alone lol nevermind funny we will meet someday
TheAliLife - 7 years ago
Dude what an amazing day, seriously
Real Hedi
Real Hedi - 7 years ago
godislove025 - 7 years ago
Amazing views!! Great video !
thatguy dill
thatguy dill - 7 years ago
Lol you didn't surf anything
marialikestovlog - 7 years ago
These are sooo good!!! Really want to go visit Cape Town now
RockstarFlipper - 7 years ago
My new single favorite video from Casey in a VERY LONG TIME... loved it!!
Kiran Bhat
Kiran Bhat - 7 years ago
You are killing it
Abdulwahab Elhaponi
Abdulwahab Elhaponi - 7 years ago
Read this

Read more
Abdulwahab Elhaponi
Abdulwahab Elhaponi - 7 years ago
Get pranked
Kwint - 7 years ago
best videos on earth
ShawnaSueShawna - 7 years ago
Beautiful scenes! Nicely done! Love the surfer hair!!
Lmn trix
Lmn trix - 7 years ago
YT legend
Srayan Dhar
Srayan Dhar - 7 years ago
Is this in Los Angeles? The place is insanely beautiful!
Bill Guo
Bill Guo - 7 years ago
Srayan Dhar Cape Town, South Africa lmaooo
Gam3rs4Life - 7 years ago
Amazing video ruined by shit music
Kelly Ayotte
Kelly Ayotte - 7 years ago
That guy Paul is absolutely gorgeous
En Xia
En Xia - 7 years ago
Riley Fox
Riley Fox - 7 years ago
Portfolio pursuit gain trouble such dance deeply venture thought.
christine gorra
christine gorra - 7 years ago
“The Sun Waits for No Man” quote of the trek!
Daniel S
Daniel S - 7 years ago
Best music, best cinematography, and I like the addition of the hand written notes. AWESOME FLIPPIN' VID YA'LL.
Nathan Schichtel
Nathan Schichtel - 7 years ago
All of the ocean is shark infested because they where they live I hate when people are like these are shark infested waters no duh dumb ass stay out of the ocean to stay alive
La Tanière de Bouba
La Tanière de Bouba - 7 years ago
PH FAT is fucking dope! Love all they do!
chorze - 7 years ago
super dope song! (1st)
Isabel Drilon
Isabel Drilon - 7 years ago
Awesome edit Casey!!
Georgi Bozukov
Georgi Bozukov - 7 years ago
The music is dope! And I love the scenes, as always!
Paul Pichugin
Paul Pichugin - 7 years ago
I don't know where you went Casey.. but it is good to see you back, this video was awesome... great music, great cinematography... love it. Inspiring.
Ashley - 7 years ago
This is the Casey I've missed!
Jordan - 7 years ago
that view of all the city lights just as the sun was rising and the moon was out was fucking beautiful
Borcău Marcel
Borcău Marcel - 7 years ago
Probably my favorite video on all YouTube <3
Mli Dube
Mli Dube - 7 years ago
I like Casey. But Peter Mckinnon over Casey any day. ANY DAMN DAY!!
what? - 7 years ago
Mentions all the mountain dangers except for the people that will rob you :D
Max Capati
Max Capati - 7 years ago
I like your shirt
Daniel Hung
Daniel Hung - 7 years ago
idk why but Casey looks like DJ khaled in the thumbnail
Green Elf
Green Elf - 7 years ago
Africa suits you, Casey. You are just have a phat smile on the whole way. Love it. Welcome back to Africa baby.
Vishal Seth
Vishal Seth - 7 years ago
Veryyyyyyyyyyy Niceeeerererrrrrrrrr shoooooooktttttttttt CASIEY NEISTAT
Yojiboy - 7 years ago
What are most of the zoom transitions called?
Rohit Tiwari
Rohit Tiwari - 7 years ago
Awesome videography Casey
MarsRSA - 7 years ago
dude. If nothing else I want to thank you for showcasing the local music. Our country has phenomenal music talent and I'm super happy to see so many people commenting on the music in this. Dankie
WJEAT - 7 years ago
Changing of video editor? I love the new style
DB4D Barrett
DB4D Barrett - 7 years ago
You're in Africa bro
V Vosal
V Vosal - 7 years ago
I needed this today... courage to persevere
Joe The Pro
Joe The Pro - 7 years ago
Why the language. No need for it.
JuanC.Mangoni - 7 years ago
The best blogs are in this channel fuck Jake Paul.
JuanC.Mangoni - 7 years ago
In the beginning i knew this was going to be interesting.
Trevor Johnson
Trevor Johnson - 7 years ago
This video is amazing
Reg Rodgers
Reg Rodgers - 7 years ago
Thank you for this video Casey!
tchence - 7 years ago
Maybe don't wear black just an idea lol
SpeeD DemoN
SpeeD DemoN - 7 years ago
I like that Holi t-shirt.
charlie - 7 years ago
Wow. That footage of you surfing was incredible
João Taveira
João Taveira - 7 years ago
Come to Portugal if you want to see what big waves are
Ian Garcia
Ian Garcia - 7 years ago
post closet evolve kwtvc commander long perception start trust replace.
Dylan Wolff
Dylan Wolff - 7 years ago
This is the best video yet!!
David Abbs
David Abbs - 7 years ago
Wow wow wow, drone throng the clouds!
Max de Carvalho
Max de Carvalho - 7 years ago
where is this?
Cv351271 - 7 years ago
Kool Vid but what's up with the music?
flexusxyz - 7 years ago
The Music in this Video O_o
SomeRandom - 7 years ago
Your videos just keep getting better I love Cape Town I married a South African too
Harsh Shelar
Harsh Shelar - 7 years ago
you are not from this world
FuzzSyndrome - 7 years ago
M I D - L I F E C R I S I S
Prakhar Ujjwal
Prakhar Ujjwal - 7 years ago
What was the music?
Laura Rosa
Laura Rosa - 7 years ago
Mark Pelzer
Mark Pelzer - 7 years ago
I love how everyone is saying the music is on point. Obviously it's a South African band
Mark Pelzer
Mark Pelzer - 7 years ago
My country ❤
Vanighte - 7 years ago
The lighting at the beginning is amazing with that night moon, so satisfying!
Udo Steinbach
Udo Steinbach - 7 years ago
Hey Casey, you should come to Namibia sometime... dm me and I'll take you too a lake to wakeboard and stuff and obviously you need to experience a breath taking sundowner in Namibia:)
Adam Remoundos-Green
Adam Remoundos-Green - 7 years ago
I can see my house from up there..
Alf Wints
Alf Wints - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the first song used in this?!
Soph Pinto
Soph Pinto - 7 years ago
Fernando Jenner
Fernando Jenner - 7 years ago
have you ever wondered where casey would be if he never stopped vloggin? i bet you hed be bigger than logan paul at this moment
William Nicolas
William Nicolas - 7 years ago
Link star lay requirement nine wish authority half door pizza.
PAUL DO MORE - 7 years ago
Casey, having recently visited Cape Town, what are your thoughts on how the city are reacting to Day Zero Water Supply? How did you cope with the restrictions? Im going next month and I think its an interesting topic to make a video about.
Thomas Eckoldt
Thomas Eckoldt - 7 years ago
There is no water in Cape Town
Vlog with Hash & Manga
Vlog with Hash & Manga - 7 years ago
Sick! Music on point.
Official Filmilen
Official Filmilen - 7 years ago
Casey Neistat is so brave surfing with sharks
Timmy's Nurse
Timmy's Nurse - 7 years ago
I dropped Casey sub some time back but still follow him on occasion, I was about to Sub again, as the style he talked about wanting to do seemed to emerge in the last two vids, gone was the stupid techno whacked Disney land music, the editing grew better, tired of seeing him destroy stuff that is given to him when so many need so much less. No regard for others with his drone flights..the list goes on...Yeah I was going to sub again..then that just plain ignorant choice of music during the surfing many young children are the main base of his subscription? It's not like he doesn't know that they all pay his bills at some level. To put that Foul, vulgar song on his channel is beyond a "Artistic" outlet. It served no place, and music like that serves no purpose...I will give you another chance though on next vid, but any more craptastic "music" like that and you can join the "paul" guy and give up your lively hood. Get with it Casey you are better than that.
wearesymbiotic - 7 years ago
Please keep us posted with regards to whether or not you resubscribe.

What a cliffhanger...
Deny Agus
Deny Agus - 7 years ago
Casey kok tambah jelek ya kalo bewokan
Liam - 7 years ago
Just Saying
Just Saying - 7 years ago
I dig the different music. Truly love it!
*JustoVlogai* - 7 years ago
Love your hair
Brent Schuurman
Brent Schuurman - 7 years ago
Dude do you wanna break YouTube. I'm from South Africa, truly inspired by you. Hollaring at you from China. Last year this time around I came across your video and it transformed my life. I quit my job 5 months later and moved to China, I'm about to launch my vlog soon. To the father of YOUTUBE thank you!
Elyas Stephens
Elyas Stephens - 7 years ago
Max - 7 years ago
Which drone have you used for this video?
hshawa - 7 years ago
thats a sic video .... awesome
Peter Červeňanský
Peter Červeňanský - 7 years ago
Thanks for using PHFAT in the video...never heard it before, but love it forever now! :-)
Sam Mighteycraic
Sam Mighteycraic - 7 years ago
GOD I LOVE THAT ACCENT ... how come Candace doesn't have an accent just curious ?? So cool to use a local band !!!!!
Javeed Kassam
Javeed Kassam - 7 years ago
"Dude i hate to.. break it to you but.. we're going to a shark infested bay today."
Tris Rib
Tris Rib - 7 years ago
Ntsika ngcobo
Ntsika ngcobo - 7 years ago
this dan oak is 130% south african
Seboo Sky Films
Seboo Sky Films - 7 years ago
I just came back from CAPE TOWN . Most Amazing place i ever been . Holiday of my life and I COULDT FIND U CASEY :D
Chris Bourke
Chris Bourke - 7 years ago
Best vid ever. Would love to go there now.
leon toni
leon toni - 7 years ago
i feel like im flooting in the air watching this video..
Danie F
Danie F - 7 years ago
Fucking fantastic music choices in this! Ignore the pansy haters.
Quality Design Apparel
Quality Design Apparel - 7 years ago
...nice Spaghetties dude..
Patema - 7 years ago
caseys editing is getting better and better
Max Proper
Max Proper - 7 years ago
This music really fcked the video up
Nady Afiqah
Nady Afiqah - 7 years ago
I went to South Africa for summer exchange. To be honest, I didn't know what to expect. I'm from Southeast Asia, so my friend and I simply chose the destination since it was the furthest destination possible. That's all. But I ended up falling in love with Cape Town so so much. The one month I spent in Cape Town and Stellenbosch will really stay with me for life. Just, the views alone were to die for. Definitely going back again someday.
Gurlandia - 7 years ago
is it appropriate?
no you can say it!
you are beautiful!!

lol thumbs up!
This Design Life
This Design Life - 7 years ago
FANTASTIC VIDEO.... However, could you lose the foul language music video next time? I really wanted to show my kids this for inspiration and I can't now.

The soundtrack on the first half is brilliant.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
This is just Amazing like, wow
Tridyl - 7 years ago
dude the qualittttyyyy!
Donald Jackson
Donald Jackson - 7 years ago
What a shithole country...
KnifeNerd9 - 7 years ago
I guess Casey doesn't care about being family friendly anymore.
Calvin Govender
Calvin Govender - 7 years ago
Damn I miss twilight hikes in my home town
DJS Vlogs
DJS Vlogs - 7 years ago
Love the way you edit every video. It's very enjoyable to watch.
Gustavo Rojas
Gustavo Rojas - 7 years ago
wished these amazing images were capture on 4k. =)
Jacob Da Savage
Jacob Da Savage - 7 years ago
Don't like the new Casey. He lost his style, no more Casey hair, no more Casey music, and no more Casey glasses
Grammatical Erorr
Grammatical Erorr - 7 years ago
I just notice Logan Paul gave his hair to Casey now.
Joseph Teran
Joseph Teran - 7 years ago
Song at the end?
Andrew C
Andrew C - 7 years ago
That white shirt with your name in red looks wayyy better than your merch
Maddy Wade Films
Maddy Wade Films - 7 years ago
I love this so much oh my goodness - 7 years ago
J.J. Abrams Favorites vlog ^^
BART TARS - 7 years ago
Sharkbait woo haa haa !
Alex Wolasiewicz
Alex Wolasiewicz - 7 years ago
when he told us to get ready for the beauty, I thought he was gonna take his hat off and show us his hair.
alexanoel11 - 7 years ago
Felipe Silva
Felipe Silva - 7 years ago
Oi sou do Brasil
OurFunCircus - 7 years ago
If you wanted to make PM proud you should have used an anamorphic crop for the cinematic feel. :)
Beautiful shots and great video!
Julian Kyle
Julian Kyle - 7 years ago
Holly crap Casey you are killing it with the videos lately. Looks like I’m watching a movie that they had a 10 billion budget and all the best cameras.
Kamil Kulakowski
Kamil Kulakowski - 7 years ago
who is this
Darrell Young
Darrell Young - 7 years ago
The vlog was interesting and fun, but the music lyrics are not family friendly.
Alek Weber
Alek Weber - 7 years ago
amazing place! too bad cape town is going to run out of water in a month.... :(
Leon Nuske
Leon Nuske - 7 years ago
This Dan Mace guy is a fucking comedian. Great music.
SmurfDoctor1 - 7 years ago
Legit one of the best videos I have ever seen created
Josh Dolphin
Josh Dolphin - 7 years ago
That was an awesome video, one of coolest. I think this would be a dream vacation. Getting up for the sunrise hike, getting some amazing drone shots, then surfing with the sharks...but, I do wish there there was not the profanity. I hope it is not a new thing. Not that I really care one way or another enough to stop watching myself, but I love watching the vlog with my son. It is inspiring both to get off the couch and enjoy the world, and also to record the experience. But I the profanity means my son doesn't get to enjoy this amazing video... or at least he doesn't get to listen to the music :( . For the record, loved the song without the profanity :)
Mayur Satpute
Mayur Satpute - 7 years ago
Can someone name the music tracks please.
Benito Acevedo
Benito Acevedo - 7 years ago
Amazing views from the top and an unique perspective of taking life by the "hair" with every video. Congrats!!!
Conner Forster
Conner Forster - 7 years ago
Anybody know where Casey buys his shirts and hoodies?
Battle Axe
Battle Axe - 7 years ago
You are so tan I’m not used to it
Jean Kosa
Jean Kosa - 7 years ago
You were born 2 be a film maker!! Luv it dude!! Dont stop.. Go for the ULTIMATE dream??
Jack Bratset
Jack Bratset - 7 years ago
What was with the music in this one?
Josue91n - 7 years ago
:Casey... I have a Great idea for merch page you have to give me a chance. please written me.
Hugh Janus
Hugh Janus - 7 years ago
this is what point break(1991) would have looked like if JJAbrams had got his greedy mits on it
Getthefuckoffmylawn - 7 years ago
Zain Shaikh
Zain Shaikh - 7 years ago
I always question why the skin suits are the perfect black and textured to look like seals? Sharks are so misunderstood as man killers (only a handful of attacks that are just bites once they realize we ain't part of the diet). Glad he pointed don't that obvious fact that no one but hardcore surfers do
It's Naate
It's Naate - 7 years ago
Honestly in love with casey's editing style
Tyson Dam
Tyson Dam - 7 years ago
That mountain was probably where Alone was filmed
jamcm8 - 7 years ago
How does he do this so well?
Mynos Gaming
Mynos Gaming - 7 years ago
In love with this stay of video
Ahmed - 7 years ago
Joe Carter
Joe Carter - 7 years ago
@caseyneistat:  What's with all the F*Bombs in the recent videos? Love your stuff, but I'm surprised that you've changed on this (where you used to at least bleep out your own f*bombs).  Love your channel, I've been a subscriber since you were around 100k subs - but I can't watch this video with my kids due to your music choices...
Joe Carter
Joe Carter - 7 years ago
BEAUTIFUL cinematography - really stepping it up (from an already high bar)!
RohilAniruth - 7 years ago
Damn appreciate the use of PhFat
Bro pro
Bro pro - 7 years ago
What happened to the hair
EliteSalvi - 7 years ago
What are the songs used here?
Peta Wilkinson
Peta Wilkinson - 7 years ago
Casey: you remind me of an ex. Maybe everyone has an ex like you. The star crossed lover and the one that got away.
Heinz Ketchup
Heinz Ketchup - 7 years ago
Left the vlog for 6 months, came back today. Damn, Casey is pushing the envelope!
LXIX Turner
LXIX Turner - 7 years ago
Loo when he said shark bait, i said boohaha
Stefan Steenstrup
Stefan Steenstrup - 7 years ago
What’s the song that’s playing while they are surfing?
Jerryxvii - 7 years ago
I Love these mini Movies
Jay Boogie POV
Jay Boogie POV - 7 years ago
yewwww.. always good to see some salt in your vids casey!!
Carlos Monsivais
Carlos Monsivais - 7 years ago
This is better than a movie
The Moon Mapper
The Moon Mapper - 7 years ago
This is really a work of art, I LOVE it! Great job man
AnnaBeth McCain
AnnaBeth McCain - 7 years ago
the title-- the reasons i dont go to africa
Montressor - 7 years ago
This is the first Casey video I've seen of his. I heard that he does videos like Jake and Logan Paul.
They were wrong. Cinematography was stellar!
porusky - 7 years ago
what up with da hair?
Gracjan Stępień
Gracjan Stępień - 7 years ago
Casey Neistat looks like he is one of the Dudesons
the.abhiram.r - 7 years ago
Shutterstock gonna email you
Baili Ou
Baili Ou - 7 years ago
“what's been going on here?" "oh he's been bitten" Sounds so casually.
Lieffen Chen
Lieffen Chen - 7 years ago
Casey using PHfat's music gave me goosebumps!
millie - 7 years ago
You look like pewdiepie but with shorter beard
Martin G
Martin G - 7 years ago
Your audience is huge. Lose the music. You know better. :/
Chris G.
Chris G. - 7 years ago
Soon the best film directors will be fighting to work with you!! Love from Norway!
veselipastir - 7 years ago
what (dji) drone model did you used for this one , and was that lens filter or editing effect ? tnx and keep on good work :)
Khalid Hussain
Khalid Hussain - 7 years ago
Why did you DYE casey
ZestyBurritos - 7 years ago
Where is he?
Alex Embling
Alex Embling - 7 years ago
KilkennyVFX - 7 years ago
Couldn't have gotten better music :)...
Gary Guzman
Gary Guzman - 7 years ago
I want that shirt
Bailey McConaghy
Bailey McConaghy - 7 years ago
By far the sickest Casey video I have ever seen.
Michael Lindt
Michael Lindt - 7 years ago
what did you do with your look??
TheSebbyRox - 7 years ago
Take a shot everytime someones says scorpion.
Gianluca Gasparis
Gianluca Gasparis - 7 years ago
toin - 7 years ago
Vlogs have been unreal lately Casey, amazing work
Wyatttt - 7 years ago
Livin the dream
MacM Productions
MacM Productions - 7 years ago
This is so beautiful. Really out did urself as always
DogDoorCologne - 7 years ago
One of the best vlog productions I've ever seen. Great! Mooooore!
Noemí Sánchez
Noemí Sánchez - 7 years ago
casey, you are the best. im your fan, God bless u
Cringeycrisp - 7 years ago
Got a 1 minute unstoppable ad, since when have they been a thing?
Moki 02
Moki 02 - 7 years ago
❤️ the hair and your self written text in the videos
Moki 02
Moki 02 - 7 years ago
Beautiful ❤️u all
Greg Wilson
Greg Wilson - 7 years ago
SSDD Now the blondie tears it I'm out.
AnonymousHippopotamus - 7 years ago
Did candice make you get that makeover?
Liu Alan
Liu Alan - 7 years ago
Does anyone know Where is it?
Oscar Ravn
Oscar Ravn - 7 years ago
try to take a trip to Norge in the mountains it beatiful up there
Zachary Keith
Zachary Keith - 7 years ago
Casey, you're honestly a genius. This is some of the best cinematography I've seen on YouTube. Your videos are so inspirational and moving while remaining simplistic and virtuous. This is truly a masterpiece in my opinion! Great work Casey.
Johnny N
Johnny N - 7 years ago
Isn’t this the place where the shark movie was where is was the girl surfing and she got bit by a shark and she was there by her self?
diana - 7 years ago
alex sortino
alex sortino - 7 years ago
Anyone know where this is is
ALPHASHREDZ - 7 years ago
This might be his best video ever
W b
W b - 7 years ago
Why does Casey look like a hobo
Man Stego
Man Stego - 7 years ago
Dan is fool of words.
Marcos Crespo
Marcos Crespo - 7 years ago
This is a fucking masterpiece
TravelTracker - 7 years ago
How fit are you casey? I would have been wracked if i would climb such a mountain! Great Video!!
surferjo - 7 years ago
Woahhhh. How did you do those morning cloud shots??
Deon Spates
Deon Spates - 7 years ago
Carl Warnett
Carl Warnett - 7 years ago
Awe!! PHFAT - lights out! Legend for using some local tunes bro.
Mknugget - 7 years ago
holy shit <3
jess b
jess b - 7 years ago
Representing local tunes! Ph fat ftw
THE 7TH SAABATH - 7 years ago
scorpions glow in the dark if you put the right light on them case
Mark Hershberger
Mark Hershberger - 7 years ago
Great video.  Awful, no class music.   Hard to enjoy beauty when I keep hearing FUCK
William McBroom
William McBroom - 7 years ago
Why did you have to ruin your best cinematic video with a filthy song that has tons of curse words? Super disappointed.
David Gaura
David Gaura - 7 years ago
best vlog ever
VAGOSLOCOS TV - 7 years ago
Sebastian Davies
Sebastian Davies - 7 years ago
This has to be up there with your best videos! Quality!
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - 7 years ago
I Hiked that mountain yesterday
AmCawptr - 7 years ago
CK Films
CK Films - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who finds the over-abundance of lens flares extremely distracting?
Pamela Howe
Pamela Howe - 7 years ago
what is the silver bracelet you wear
Mustasfa Arif
Mustasfa Arif - 7 years ago
when did he dye his hair??
Sullivan Tossey
Sullivan Tossey - 7 years ago
Great video. Annoying music, sounds like a bunch of grown men crying.
sabri laghmich
sabri laghmich - 7 years ago
is it pewdiepie hair ?
deak303 - 7 years ago
nobody commenting about the hair???????
froggy88 - 7 years ago
bearded blonde casey? wild.
abcd - 7 years ago
Awesome :-)
1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 - 7 years ago
Ryan Sorge
Ryan Sorge - 7 years ago
The songs are Lights Out, Caviar Dreams, and Church. all three songs are by PHFat
K Wud
K Wud - 7 years ago
This looks soooooooo amazing!!!
Jared Stark
Jared Stark - 7 years ago
love this new style!
Brendan Smith
Brendan Smith - 7 years ago
Loving the PH Fat soundtracks
Tarek shaaban
Tarek shaaban - 7 years ago
Youtube prediction - 2018 Year of the lens flare.
Garreth Koslowski
Garreth Koslowski - 7 years ago
The PH Fat honestly makes this video for me!
rz0 - 7 years ago
That beard is creepin' me out
Apis Hathor
Apis Hathor - 7 years ago
WOW those flares brother :D
Ronald Wilmo Guerrero Montesdeoca
Ronald Wilmo Guerrero Montesdeoca - 7 years ago
I really love your videos!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isaac Roberts
Isaac Roberts - 7 years ago
glad he didn't feel the need to bother explaining his new hair style to his viewers. It's his choice
Peter peter.badenhop
Peter peter.badenhop - 7 years ago
Fcking Love the music
Some Random Mom
Some Random Mom - 7 years ago
I don’t like the profanity in the music Neistat, kids watch you. You still get a thumbs up from me though!
i have never ever in life seen such a beautiful filming and editing talent and work you have showed us today, you are amazing bro.
Max Belikov
Max Belikov - 7 years ago
Как мразь
Felix von Roeder
Felix von Roeder - 7 years ago
The Energy in your Videos changed! Love It!
James Dormer
James Dormer - 7 years ago
what no faux cinema bars for peter? (looks amazing)
Ryan Vergara
Ryan Vergara - 7 years ago
Glad to see you’re really putting effort into the vlog again Casey
Collin Andrew Sherriff
Collin Andrew Sherriff - 7 years ago
シKeno - 7 years ago
New hair
thepostworkdiaries - 7 years ago
shark doesnt eat casey, casey takes video of shark, puts a dope beat on it with flares on youtube and shark is now famous.
R Sheetza
R Sheetza - 7 years ago
WTH did he do to his hair? Smh
Paulabusa - 7 years ago
If there are no bruises or scars, there is always a video to prove we showed up.. Lol
Muhsin Mohamed
Muhsin Mohamed - 7 years ago
This video made me cry love yo caseeeey!
Musa Maboea
Musa Maboea - 7 years ago
Casey, it would make my day if it was actually you who I saw at Sea Point in Cape Town in what looked like a black two-door Jeep on the 3rd of Jan 2018?
Stephen Walters
Stephen Walters - 7 years ago
Casey where's the mavic air video!
Człowiek Zajawka
Człowiek Zajawka - 7 years ago
who is waiting for Casey's Mavic Air test ?!
thumbs up :D
otso tervo
otso tervo - 7 years ago
Dude youre old
Russ Tom
Russ Tom - 7 years ago
Where’s the AIR review!!? Haha
BoardLoft - 7 years ago
Grant Baker is the best big wave surfer in the world? There's a huge list in front of him.... I'm sure he's good, but the best in the world? ... typical South African attitude of false superiority.
Boris Skillcat
Boris Skillcat - 7 years ago
this is what happen when a master (CN) is humble enough to take time to learn from a genious (P. Mckinnon)
vikas vk
vikas vk - 7 years ago
Any one know the name of rap song in the video?
Spencer Cohen
Spencer Cohen - 7 years ago
What lens were you using to get the anamorphic flares??
Joe Stockton
Joe Stockton - 7 years ago
Sitting in my truck, waiting for a bldg inspector...questioning my life decisions.
Wonky - 7 years ago
ooh ha ha
Nawaz Moin
Nawaz Moin - 7 years ago
Casey deserves a YouTube Oscar.
Fredrik Hall
Fredrik Hall - 7 years ago
"Peter McKinnon, this one is for you"

*goose bumps*
Egor Sekachev
Egor Sekachev - 7 years ago
what is the bgm
Fabian Chinchilla
Fabian Chinchilla - 7 years ago
great work !!!!! go to Costa Rica next
Luke Grachek
Luke Grachek - 7 years ago
Great video as always, love the music!
Carrie Anne Ryan
Carrie Anne Ryan - 7 years ago
Unbox the Mavic Air please
Gabriel Yaffes
Gabriel Yaffes - 7 years ago
Phat :)
Louis Grist
Louis Grist - 7 years ago
Casey are you gonna put your shirt design for sale?
Thomas Johnson
Thomas Johnson - 7 years ago
Proud to say I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, Cape Town South Africa
Erinn Floyd
Erinn Floyd - 7 years ago
Dope lens flares. Need a lil more slo mo to be like peter m. These are cinematic casey n shots. well done.
Sw4rl3y - 7 years ago
These pictures with this soundtrack.....fu*** amazing man! And i will get used to the dyed hair i guess...:D
Faylen - 7 years ago
This instantly became one of my favorite Casey videos.
Aizat Hilfi
Aizat Hilfi - 7 years ago
I am the first Malaysian to bought your t-shirt collection!
Colongil - 7 years ago
H.Benz - 7 years ago
Bro... Daily vlogs please.
Paritosh Baron VLOGS
Paritosh Baron VLOGS - 7 years ago
you inspired me to vlogging !
BenjaminChee - 7 years ago
I had a dream that Mr.Casey Neistat would see this comment.
Дарья Руссо
Дарья Руссо - 7 years ago
Это крууууууууто чувак ❤️
Pork Tey ប៉ក់ តី
Pork Tey ប៉ក់ តី - 7 years ago
prathap umesh
prathap umesh - 7 years ago
He is amazing
BotPlayer Legacy
BotPlayer Legacy - 7 years ago
Didn't know lui with casey now
Phant - 7 years ago
The fucking editing, aaaaaaahhhh
IrshaadBaker - 7 years ago
Casey, please set up a meet and greet in Cape Town
Patrick Röber
Patrick Röber - 7 years ago
nice cinematic moves!
Guffa95 - 7 years ago
That drone must have crazy good range to be able to shoot those mountains like that
Seaford Photographer Ben Russell
Seaford Photographer Ben Russell - 7 years ago
Thanks Casey
barakau - 7 years ago
music = epic
Jerome A.
Jerome A. - 7 years ago
The music is amazing, the story is great and your hair colour is funny, but I hope you like it!
Maverick - 7 years ago
That was....WOW!!! Amazing Casey, keep up
unmeitenshiyume - 7 years ago
what is the ending song of your video? I can't find it and its not by phfatband. It's so nice!
breadandcircus1 - 7 years ago
Imagine the MILLIONS of VIEWS if CASEY had been KILLED BY A SHARK on camera ! Lol, his channel had exploded
Greg Blackford
Greg Blackford - 7 years ago
love the hair buddy
Ben Russell
Ben Russell - 7 years ago
Capetown is literally the most unbelievably beautiful place on earth.
CraSh Koe
CraSh Koe - 7 years ago
Casey, you are S I C K! Cheers from france
Penny Johnson
Penny Johnson - 7 years ago
so fucking blessed to be able to call Cape Town my home. <3 no place more beautiful.
Jon Ngwisha
Jon Ngwisha - 7 years ago
The Persian Dude from Sydney
The Persian Dude from Sydney - 7 years ago
Fuck after soooo long finally a good video! It doesn't look like your forcing the content anymore! Nice one
I Know I am cool
I Know I am cool - 7 years ago
Bro plz give me a drone
Bertwad - 7 years ago
uhh, this hair and beard you look so old..
Kieran Rendle
Kieran Rendle - 7 years ago
This is so strange. I haven’t watched Casey for like 6 months, came across his ‘my addiction’ video from last year and then checked out this video. Bloody same mountain! What are the odds?!?!
Vedant Jaiswal
Vedant Jaiswal - 7 years ago
I could cry looking at those beautiful shots❤️❤️❤️ Casey is phenomenal!
ThatJuanVlogs - 7 years ago
Keeps getting better and better! Nice!
Matokse - 7 years ago
Finest update till now! Amazing Casey <3
Bhavana Rane
Bhavana Rane - 7 years ago
One of the best Casey Neistat's videos...!!!!
Totally appreciate your hard work
Expat N Training
Expat N Training - 7 years ago
Where’s Andersen Cooper?
Meet Patel
Meet Patel - 7 years ago
Schalk Hanekom
Schalk Hanekom - 7 years ago
I'm from Cape Town, really dig the video and soundtrack. Well done Dan and Casey!
Duy Slobo
Duy Slobo - 7 years ago
you need to meet our crew @levitationarts, we also currently in cape town, will be hosting Sick event soon, would be nice if you come through, wonder if you heard about TRICKING. If not you better YouTube it ;)
Jam_ Sandwiches
Jam_ Sandwiches - 7 years ago
I love that he uses PHFat's music. SA represent
respectum - 7 years ago
Are these flares natural or post-production ones ?
Caveman Jack
Caveman Jack - 7 years ago
Great video but, why all the F this and F that and MF something…

I was almost ready to suggest this video to others until I turned the audio up enough to hear it. Why did you have to ruin it!
Over Set
Over Set - 7 years ago
Tyler Detwiler
Tyler Detwiler - 7 years ago
Laird Hamilton tho?
Emy Puscas
Emy Puscas - 7 years ago
hope this video is not demonetised cause every time I play this video, it starts with an ad, so doesn't make any sense not sharing that money with you. Great vid "brew", great squad there in South Africa, can see quite a lot of Peter adaptation in this video, which is great, didn't think your videos can get better, goooosh I was wrong dude! Much love man!
Jeremy Pentney-King
Jeremy Pentney-King - 7 years ago
The 2018 Casey vlogs are unreal
James Morris
James Morris - 7 years ago
Steve Buscemi from Spy Kids 2 Ounce
Steve Buscemi from Spy Kids 2 Ounce - 7 years ago
Is it just me or does Casey kind of look like Gianni Versace
Innasafa - 7 years ago
Vassili Zinchenko
Vassili Zinchenko - 7 years ago
Next level epic
cheezus - 7 years ago
teddy fresh hat!! shoutout to my favorite caregiver hila
Milfred Catig
Milfred Catig - 7 years ago
It's so amazing that the editing in this video is so better than last year
Jake Cope
Jake Cope - 7 years ago
Video was great and that song was a banger, awesome choice!
cheo - 7 years ago
for all the people who are complaining because they didn’t like this video, because the music had bad words in it imagine doing vlogs for years, everyday holding a camera for y e a r s eventualIy you’ll get bored and will want to change it up but you got people that are too shitty and ignorant when you try to change your style that don’t understand that nothing last forever and don’t care about the persons happiness, plus i think this man can do whatever he fucking wants because he can make amazing fucking videos so s h u t t h e f u c k p l e a s e. scooby doo papa
Rob Buglass
Rob Buglass - 7 years ago
cheo just have to accept you can’t please some people . Gotta love Casey !
Ichi Iliev
Ichi Iliev - 7 years ago
cheo Artist-name and song 7.38min+8.16min+8.48min?PLS
Shaik Khasim
Shaik Khasim - 7 years ago
Just insanity and mind blown !
Pablo Monroy López
Pablo Monroy López - 7 years ago
Casey is back!
Bronson Schrimsher
Bronson Schrimsher - 7 years ago
Dope ass video
Fred J Escobedo
Fred J Escobedo - 7 years ago
Dude love the hair!!
Abhinav Ramesh {TV}
Abhinav Ramesh {TV} - 7 years ago
brought to you by the jj abrams school of lens flares. :D Still a kickass video though :D
Emily Jensen
Emily Jensen - 7 years ago
When did your videos start swearing..? I used to watch these videos because they could calm my anxiety. But now I don’t want to watch anymore because I’m worried that there will be more songs like the one in this video. I’m disappointed.
Nodizzle97 - 7 years ago
Could have done without the cussing in the second song, but no hate. The video was great.
Nirson - 7 years ago
Whats the song Name!!
oliver jackson
oliver jackson - 7 years ago
The music choices in the last two vids have been fucking awesome fit the content perfectly
SaltyCures - 7 years ago
Casey if you’re ever on the North Shore in Hawaii, let’s go for a round 2 in the surf!
Actual Nate
Actual Nate - 7 years ago
Tan Casey is best Casey
Zeth Miranda
Zeth Miranda - 7 years ago
Why the fuck is your hair blonde ?
Carl Canlas
Carl Canlas - 7 years ago
that s/o to peter mckinnon tho'
Dillon - 7 years ago
Damn Casey Keep It Up Bro
Jack Castagna
Jack Castagna - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Gd Wst
Gd Wst - 7 years ago
Where is this?
McLee Emile
McLee Emile - 7 years ago
I am loving the way that you are improving with these video and that freaking song OMG that band is fire
Film Reveal
Film Reveal - 7 years ago
Casey is living all around the world. The LUCKIEST GUY on earth.
William Travis
William Travis - 7 years ago
Jesse Kidd
Jesse Kidd - 7 years ago
Oh no a midlife crisis!!
Erick Amiryan
Erick Amiryan - 7 years ago
Wtf is this music
Anthony schell
Anthony schell - 7 years ago
His hair dangh
Johnny D. Wicked
Johnny D. Wicked - 7 years ago
Casey's hair......
Yes We Can
Yes We Can - 7 years ago
Bring back 4K!
Jovani es
Jovani es - 7 years ago
this was a different change but i like it. great shots today
Ronaldo Albuquerque
Ronaldo Albuquerque - 7 years ago
Casey's finest!
Michael Moore
Michael Moore - 7 years ago
Phfat! Fuck yeah, repping the South African music! Stoked Casey
Vanessa Adelman
Vanessa Adelman - 7 years ago
aygo - 7 years ago
You started the year on fire and I'm loving it and enjoying it!
ABreathOfReason - 7 years ago
What's with all the people offended by the music? What is this, the 80s? I can turn on the news and watch 50 people being shot down, children beating and torturing other children for two hours and trucks/bombs going off all over the globe. Who cares about the music?? I for one am glad this music has actual human vocals in it rather than the pitched squeaky BS that's usually in his picked tracks but I understand other people have their own sense of taste and style. You don't have to like every aspect, just don't tell him to change his art because of you. He isn't a politician, he's an artist.
King_Andriy - 7 years ago
What is the name of the song that is in the near end when he is on the beach in the water I can’t find it anywhere
Kolbe Correia
Kolbe Correia - 7 years ago
Casey looks like Odell Beckham Jr with that blond hair
JRMacam TV
JRMacam TV - 7 years ago
Love watching these vlogs on my headphone
Calvin Cooley
Calvin Cooley - 7 years ago
Ender Skies
Ender Skies - 7 years ago
Man, must be nice having the money to live free like this.
Shiloh - 7 years ago
Loving the new style man, keep up the great work as always!
Corrina Cafarelli
Corrina Cafarelli - 7 years ago
Hands down my favorite video you ever posted. The sun rising clips were absolutely incredible!
Jason M
Jason M - 7 years ago
Corrina Cafarelli Cape Town represent, casey does a great job of showcasing our city
Lafee - 7 years ago
Great Video
Michael Zukerman
Michael Zukerman - 7 years ago
vile music choice.
Anthony Gomez
Anthony Gomez - 7 years ago
Absolutely LOVING the new style, a tad bit different but not too much, familiar yet fresh. Anyways, does anyone know the name of that last song where they were surfing?
fafa Eipuriru
fafa Eipuriru - 7 years ago
The music on Casey's recent vlogs are sick
Spade Of All Trades
Spade Of All Trades - 7 years ago
most certainly my favorite video that you ever made, good job mate

Evan Spentzaris
Evan Spentzaris - 7 years ago
Casey Please come to Melbourne Australia
Katrina Eames
Katrina Eames - 7 years ago
This was stunning.
Tony Romano
Tony Romano - 7 years ago
Well done Casey. Inspiring, compelling story telling. This video is, now, my favorite.

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The "Surfing Shark Infested Waters. also scorpions" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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